/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ //{{NO_DEPENDENCIES}} // Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file. // Used by Modeler.rc // #define ID_EXPORT 3 #define ID_CLEAR_SELECTION 3 #define ID_SELECT_ALL 4 #define IDD_ABOUTBOX 100 #define ID_MAGNIFY_MORE 106 #define ID_MAGNIFY_LESS 107 #define ID_TEST_MODE_WND 109 #define IDR_MAINFRAME 128 #define IDR_MDLDOCTYPE 129 #define IDR_ANIMCONTROL 130 #define IDR_SCRIPTDOCTYPE 130 #define IDR_TEXTURECONTROL 131 #define IDR_SCRIPTCONTROL 132 #define IDD_CHOOSEANIMATION 134 #define IDD_INFO_GLOBAL 140 #define IDB_COLORS_PALETTE 140 #define IDD_COLORS_PALETTE 143 #define IDI_PICK 144 #define IDD_NEW_PROGRESS 145 #define IDD_INFO_NONE 146 #define IDR_POPUP_MENU 147 #define IDD_REMOVE_TEXTURE 147 #define IDD_CREATE_TEXTURE 148 #define IDR_VIEW_POPUP 151 #define IDR_MODEL_VIEW_POPUP 151 #define IDR_MAPPING_VIEW_POPUP 152 #define IDD_PLEASE_WAIT 154 #define IDR_MIPANDLIGHT 155 #define IDD_INFO_ANIMATION 156 #define IDR_RENDERCONTROL 157 #define IDD_INFO_POSITION 157 #define IDR_STAINSCONTROL 158 #define IDD_INFO_SURF 159 #define IDR_SHADINGANDSHADOWCONTROL 159 #define IDD_PREFERENCES 160 #define IDD_TEST_MODE_DIALOG 163 #define IDC_NULLCURSOR 164 #define IDD_REMOVE_WORKING_TEXTURE 164 #define IDD_CHOOSE_WORKING_TEXTURE 165 #define IDI_PATCH_ACTIVE 165 #define IDD_CHOOSE_FLOOR_TEXTURE 166 #define IDI_PATCH_INACTIVE 166 #define IDD_PATCH_PALETTE 167 #define IDI_PATCH_EXIST 167 #define IDD_HELP_MOUSE 170 #define IDD_SETAMBIENT 171 #define IDR_ROTATE 172 #define IDD_INFO_COLLISION 172 #define IDD_INFO_RENDERING 173 #define IDR_MAPPING 173 #define IDD_CHOOSE_CURRENT_SURFACE 174 #define IDR_FX_CONTROL 174 #define IDD_MULTIPLY_MAPPING 176 #define IDD_LINKED_SURFACES 177 #define IDD_INFO_COLORIZING_SURFACE 178 #define IDD_AUTO_MIP_MODELING 179 #define IDD_INFO_ATTACHING_PLACEMENT 180 #define IDD_INFO_ATTACHING_SOUND 181 #define IDD_NEW_TEXTURE_SIZE 182 #define IDD_CREATE_SPECULAR_TEXTURE 183 #define IDD_EXPORT_FOR_SKINNIG 189 #define IDR_COLOR_BUTTON 204 #define IDD_NUMERIC_ALPHA 205 #define IDD_INFO_MIP 206 #define IDD_CREATE_REFLECTION_TEXTURE 207 #define IDC_TEX_SIZE 444 #define IDC_LIST1 1000 #define IDC_EDIT_H 1010 #define IDC_EDIT_P 1011 #define IDC_EDIT_B 1012 #define IDC_NO_OF_VERTICES_T 1012 #define IDC_NO_OF_POLYGONS_T 1013 #define IDC_NO_OF_ANIMATIONS_T 1014 #define IDC_NO_OF_FRAMES_T 1015 #define IDC_TRANSPARENT_T 1016 #define IDC_NO_OF_TRIANGLES_T 1016 #define IDC_FLAT_T 1017 #define IDC_ALPHA_GOURAUD_T 1018 #define IDC_CURRENT_MIP_T 1018 #define IDC_HIGH_QUALITY_T 1018 #define IDC_CURRENT_FACTOR_T 1018 #define IDC_TEX_SIZE_T 1019 #define IDC_CURRENT_MIP_FACTOR_T 1020 #define IDC_MODEL_DISTANCE_T 1020 #define IDC_MAX_SHADOW_T 1020 #define IDC_DOUBBLE_SIDED_T 1021 #define IDC_NO_OF_MIP_MODELS_T 1021 #define IDC_WND_SIZE_T 1022 #define IDC_MODEL_FACTOR_T 1022 #define IDC_NO_OF_VERTICES 1023 #define IDC_NO_OF_POLYGONS 1024 #define IDC_NO_OF_ANIMATIONS 1025 #define IDC_NO_OF_FRAMES 1026 #define IDC_TRANSPARENT 1027 #define IDC_REFLECTIONS_T 1027 #define IDC_FLAT 1028 #define IDC_ALPHA_GOURAUD 1029 #define IDC_CURRENT_MIP 1029 #define IDC_HIGH_QUALITY 1029 #define IDC_CURRENT_FACTOR 1029 #define IDC_CURRENT_MIP_FACTOR 1030 #define IDC_COLOR_FILL 1030 #define IDC_MODEL_DISTANCE 1030 #define IDC_ALPHA_ADD 1030 #define IDC_SPECULAR_T 1030 #define IDC_DOUBBLE_SIDED 1031 #define IDC_DOUBLE_SIDED 1031 #define IDC_NO_OF_MIP_MODELS 1031 #define IDC_DIFUSE_T 1031 #define IDC_CURRENT_MIP_MODEL 1031 #define IDC_EDIT1 1032 #define IDC_EDIT_HEADING 1032 #define IDC_EDIT_COLOR_NAME 1032 #define IDC_WINDOW_SIZE 1032 #define IDC_NO_SHADING 1032 #define IDC_ALPHA_MULTIPLY 1032 #define IDC_MODEL_SWITCH_FACTOR 1032 #define IDC_EDIT_PITCH 1033 #define IDC_DOUBLE_CLIP_POLYGONS 1033 #define IDC_CLIP_POLYGONS 1033 #define IDC_REFLECTIONS 1033 #define IDC_EDIT_BANKING 1034 #define IDC_USE_REFLECTIONS 1034 #define IDC_NO_OF_TRIANGLES 1034 #define IDC_USE_DIFUSE 1034 #define IDC_SPECULAR 1034 #define IDC_STATIC_HEADING 1035 #define IDC_INVISIBLE 1035 #define IDC_SPECULAR_COLOR_T 1035 #define IDC_STATIC_PITCH 1036 #define IDC_COLOR_PALETTE_BUTTON1 1036 #define IDC_COLOR_PALETTE_BUTTON_BASE 1036 #define IDC_USE_REFLECTIONS2 1036 #define IDC_REFLECTION_COLOR_T 1036 #define IDC_USE_REFLECTIVITY 1036 #define IDC_STATIC_BANKING 1037 #define IDC_COLOR_PALETTE_BUTTON2 1037 #define IDC_USE_SPECULAR 1037 #define IDC_DIFUSE 1037 #define IDC_EDIT_X 1038 #define IDC_COLOR_PALETTE_BUTTON3 1038 #define IDC_MAX_SHADOW 1038 #define IDC_USE_BUMP 1038 #define IDC_EDIT_Y 1039 #define IDC_COLOR_PALETTE_BUTTON4 1039 #define IDC_BUMP_T 1039 #define IDC_DETAIL 1039 #define IDC_EDIT_Z 1040 #define IDC_COLOR_PALETTE_BUTTON5 1040 #define IDC_BUMP 1040 #define IDC_STATIC_X 1041 #define IDC_COLOR_PALETTE_BUTTON6 1041 #define IDC_BUMP_COLOR_T 1041 #define IDC_API 1041 #define IDC_STATIC_Y 1042 #define IDC_COLOR_PALETTE_BUTTON7 1042 #define IDC_DIFUSE_COLOR_T 1042 #define IDC_STATIC_Z 1043 #define IDC_COLOR_PALETTE_BUTTON8 1043 #define IDC_COLOR_PALETTE_BUTTON9 1044 #define IDC_EDIT_Z2 1044 #define IDC_COLOR_PALETTE_BUTTON10 1045 #define IDC_STATIC_Z2 1045 #define IDC_SPECULAR_COLOR_T2 1045 #define IDC_COLOR_PALETTE_BUTTON11 1046 #define IDC_EDIT_LIGHT_DISTANCE 1046 #define IDC_REFLECTION_COLOR_T2 1046 #define IDC_COLOR_PALETTE_BUTTON12 1047 #define IDC_STATIC_Z3 1047 #define IDC_COLOR_PALETTE_BUTTON13 1048 #define IDC_EDIT_FOW 1048 #define IDC_COLOR_PALETTE_BUTTON14 1049 #define IDC_STATIC_FOW 1049 #define IDC_COLOR_PALETTE_BUTTON15 1050 #define IDC_COLOR_PALETTE_BUTTON16 1051 #define IDC_COLOR_PALETTE_BUTTON17 1052 #define IDC_COLOR_PALETTE_BUTTON18 1053 #define IDC_COLOR_PALETTE_BUTTON19 1054 #define IDC_COLOR_PALETTE_BUTTON20 1055 #define IDC_COLOR_PALETTE_BUTTON21 1056 #define IDC_COLOR_PALETTE_BUTTON22 1057 #define IDC_COLOR_PALETTE_BUTTON23 1058 #define IDC_COLOR_PALETTE_BUTTON24 1059 #define IDC_COLOR_PALETTE_BUTTON25 1060 #define IDC_COLOR_PALETTE_BUTTON26 1061 #define IDC_COLOR_PALETTE_BUTTON27 1062 #define IDC_COLOR_PALETTE_BUTTON28 1063 #define IDC_COLOR_PALETTE_BUTTON29 1064 #define IDC_COLOR_PALETTE_BUTTON30 1065 #define IDC_COLOR_PALETTE_BUTTON31 1066 #define IDC_COLOR_PALETTE_BUTTON32 1067 #define IDC_CURRENT_COLOR 1068 #define IDC_COLOR_PALETTE_BUTTON_END 1068 #define IDC_PICK_COLOR 1069 #define IDC_PROGRESS1 1070 #define IDC_PROGRESS_MESSAGE 1071 #define ID_REMOVE 1073 #define IDC_ADD_TO_MODELER_CHECK 1077 #define IDC_SOURCE_SIZE 1078 #define IDC_CREATED_SIZE 1079 #define IDC_ALLOWED_SIZE 1080 #define IDC_EDIT_TRANSPARENCY 1082 #define IDC_IS_FILTER_CHECK_BOX 1083 #define IDC_CHOOSE_FILTER_COLOR 1085 #define IDC_FILTER_COLOR_T 1086 #define IDC_SET_TRANSPARENCY_T 1087 #define IDC_CREATED_TEXTURE_NAME_T 1088 #define IDC_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_T 1089 #define IDC_MESSAGE_T 1090 #define IDC_MODE 1091 #define IDC_ANIM_NAME_T 1093 #define IDC_ANIM_SPEED_T 1094 #define IDC_ANIM_FRAMES_T 1095 #define IDC_ANIM_FRAMES 1096 #define IDC_ANIM_SPEED 1097 #define IDC_ANIM_TIME_PASSED_T 1098 #define IDC_ANIM_TIME_PASSED 1099 #define IDC_ANIM_CURRENT_FRAME_T 1100 #define IDC_ANIM_CURRENT_FRAME 1101 #define IDC_ANIMATION_LENGHT_T 1102 #define IDC_ANIM_NAME 1103 #define IDC_ANIM_STATE_T2 1104 #define IDC_ANIM_STATE 1105 #define IDC_SURFACE_NAME 1105 #define IDC_SURFACE_HEADING_T 1106 #define IDC_ANIMATION_LENGHT 1106 #define IDC_SURFACE_PITCH_T 1107 #define IDC_SURFACE_BANKING_T 1108 #define IDC_SURFACE_OFFSET_X_T 1109 #define IDC_SURFACE_OFFSET_Y_T 1110 #define IDC_SURFACE_ZOOM_T 1111 #define IDC_SURFACE_HEADING 1112 #define IDC_SURFACE_PITCH 1113 #define IDC_SURFACE_BANKING 1114 #define IDC_SURFACE_OFFSET_X 1115 #define IDC_SURFACE_OFFSET_Y 1116 #define IDC_SURFACE_ZOOM 1117 #define IDC_PREFS_COPY 1118 #define IDC_MIP_MODEL 1118 #define IDC_PREFS_MAXIMIZE 1119 #define IDC_PREFS_WINDOW_FIT 1120 #define IDC_PREFS_ALLWAYS_LAMP 1121 #define IDC_PREFS_SET_DEFAULT_COLORS 1122 #define IDC_MODEL_PAPER 1123 #define IDC_MODEL_INK 1124 #define IDC_MAPPING_ACTIVE_INK 1125 #define IDC_MAPPING_INACTIVE_INK 1126 #define IDC_WIN_BCG_COLOR 1127 #define IDC_COMBO_FLOOR_TEXTURE 1128 #define IDC_FLOOR_IS_VISIBLE_BY_DEFAULT 1128 #define IDC_COMBO_WIN_BCG_TEXTURE 1129 #define IDC_ADD_WORKING_TEXTURE 1130 #define IDC_REMOVE_WORKING_TEXTURE 1131 #define IDC_MODELER_STARTUP_MODE 1132 #define IDC_PREFS_ALLOW_SOUND_LOCK 1132 #define IDC_TEST_STARTUP_MODE 1134 #define IDC_DEFAULT_AMBIENT_COLOR 1134 #define IDC_TEST_FULL_SCREEN_MODE 1135 #define ID_OK_BUTTON 1135 #define IDC_PREFS_ALLWAYS_BCG 1135 #define IDC_EXPORT_WIRE_COLOR 1135 #define IDC_MAPPING_PAPER 1136 #define IDC_EDIT_PATCH_NAME 1137 #define IDC_PATCH_BUTTON1 1138 #define IDC_PATCH_BUTTON_BASE 1138 #define IDC_PATCH_BUTTON2 1139 #define IDC_PATCH_BUTTON3 1140 #define IDC_PATCH_BUTTON4 1141 #define IDC_PATCH_BUTTON5 1142 #define IDC_PATCH_BUTTON6 1143 #define IDC_PATCH_BUTTON7 1144 #define IDC_PATCH_BUTTON8 1145 #define IDC_PATCH_BUTTON9 1146 #define IDC_PATCH_BUTTON10 1147 #define IDC_PATCH_BUTTON11 1148 #define IDC_PATCH_BUTTON12 1149 #define IDC_PATCH_BUTTON13 1150 #define IDC_PATCH_BUTTON14 1151 #define IDC_PATCH_BUTTON15 1152 #define IDC_PATCH_BUTTON16 1153 #define IDC_PATCH_BUTTON17 1154 #define IDC_PATCH_BUTTON18 1155 #define IDC_ALPHA 1155 #define IDC_PATCH_BUTTON19 1156 #define IDC_PATCH_BUTTON20 1157 #define IDC_PATCH_BUTTON21 1158 #define IDC_PATCH_BUTTON22 1159 #define IDC_PATCH_BUTTON23 1160 #define IDC_PATCH_BUTTON24 1161 #define IDC_PATCH_BUTTON25 1162 #define IDC_PATCH_BUTTON26 1163 #define IDC_PATCH_BUTTON27 1164 #define IDC_PATCH_BUTTON28 1165 #define IDC_PATCH_BUTTON29 1166 #define IDC_PATCH_BUTTON30 1167 #define IDC_PATCH_BUTTON31 1168 #define IDC_PATCH_BUTTON32 1169 #define IDC_EDIT_PATCH_STRETCH 1170 #define IDC_LIST2 1176 #define IDW_THUMBNAIL_WND 1177 #define IDC_COMBO1 1178 #define IDC_COMBO2 1179 #define IDC_EDIT_WIDTH 1179 #define IDC_EDIT_XMIN 1179 #define IDC_EDIT_HEIGHT 1180 #define IDC_EDIT_YMIN 1180 #define IDC_EDIT_LENGHT 1181 #define IDC_EDIT_ZMIN 1181 #define IDC_STATIC_WIDTH 1182 #define IDC_STATIC_XMIN 1182 #define IDC_STATIC_HEIGHT 1183 #define IDC_STATIC_YMIN 1183 #define IDC_STATIC_LENGHT 1184 #define IDC_STATIC_ZMIN 1184 #define IDC_STATIC_XCENTER 1185 #define IDC_STATIC_XMAX 1185 #define IDC_EDIT_XCENTER 1186 #define IDC_EDIT_XMAX 1186 #define IDC_EDIT_YDOWN 1187 #define IDC_EDIT_YMAX 1187 #define IDC_EDIT_ZCENTER 1188 #define IDC_EDIT_ZMAX 1188 #define IDC_STATIC_YDOWN 1189 #define IDC_STATIC_YMAX 1189 #define IDC_STATIC_ZCENTER 1190 #define IDC_STATIC_ZMAX 1190 #define IDC_PHONG 1192 #define IDC_FLAT_SHADING 1193 #define IDC_MATTE 1194 #define IDC_SHINY 1195 #define IDC_METAL 1196 #define IDC_USE_ALPHA 1197 #define IDC_OPAQUE 1197 #define IDC_SKIP_ALPHA 1198 #define IDC_TRANSLUCENT 1198 #define IDC_ZERO_TRANSPARENCY 1199 #define IDC_FULL_BRIGHT 1200 #define IDC_SURFACE_COLOR 1201 #define IDC_COPY 1202 #define IDC_PASTE 1203 #define IDC_FILTER 1205 #define IDC_ALL_SURFACES 1206 #define IDC_FILTER_T 1208 #define IDC_SURFACE_COLOR_T 1209 #define IDC_SHADING_T 1209 #define IDC_TRANSLUCENCY_T 1210 #define IDC_FLAT_PROJECTION 1212 #define IDC_SURFACE_LIST 1213 #define IDC_SURFACE_X_OFFSET 1215 #define IDC_SURFACE_Y_OFFSET 1216 #define IDC_APPLICATION_PATH 1216 #define IDC_H_EQ_W 1219 #define IDC_L_EQ_W 1220 #define IDC_L_EQ_H 1221 #define IDC_PREVIOUS_COLLISION_BOX 1223 #define IDC_NEXT_COLLISION_BOX 1224 #define IDC_ADD_COLLISION_BOX 1225 #define IDC_REMOVE_COLLISION_BOX 1226 #define IDC_COLLISION_BOX_INDEX 1227 #define IDC_COLLISION_BOX_NAME 1228 #define IDC_DEFAULT_AMBIENT 1229 #define IDC_ALLIGN_TO_SIZE 1229 #define IDC_DEFAULT_HEADING 1230 #define IDC_ADD_SURFACE 1230 #define IDC_DEFAULT_PITCH 1231 #define IDC_DEFAULT_BANKING 1232 #define IDC_SURFACE_COMBO 1233 #define IDC_DEFAULT_FOW 1233 #define IDC_POLYGONS_IN_SURFACE 1234 #define IDC_EDIT_SURFACE_NAME 1235 #define IDC_VERTICES_TO_REMOVE 1236 #define IDC_SURFACE_PRESERVING_FACTOR 1237 #define IDC_ATTACHING_PLACEMENT_INDEX_T 1237 #define IDC_PREVIOUS_ATTACHING_PLACEMENT 1238 #define IDC_ATTACHING_PLACEMENT_NAME 1239 #define IDC_NEXT_ATTACHING_PLACEMENT 1240 #define IDC_ADD_ATTACHING_PLACEMENT 1241 #define IDC_REMOVE_ATTACHING_PLACEMENT 1242 #define IDC_ATTACHING_PLACEMENT_X_OFFSET 1243 #define IDC_ATTACHING_PLACEMENT_Y_OFFSET 1244 #define IDC_ATTACHING_PLACEMENT_Z_OFFSET 1245 #define IDC_ATTACHING_PLACEMENT_X_OFFSET_T 1246 #define IDC_ATTACHING_PLACEMENT_Y_OFFSET_T 1247 #define IDC_ATTACHING_PLACEMENT_Z_OFFSET_T 1248 #define IDC_ATTACHING_PLACEMENT_HEADING_T 1249 #define IDC_ATTACHING_PLACEMENT_PITCH_T 1250 #define IDC_ATTACHING_PLACEMENT_BANKING_T 1251 #define IDC_ATTACHING_PLACEMENT_HEADING 1252 #define IDC_ATTACHING_PLACEMENT_PITCH 1253 #define IDC_ATTACHING_PLACEMENT_BANKING 1254 #define IDC_ATTACHING_MODEL_T 1255 #define IDC_BROWSE_MODEL 1256 #define IDC_ATTACHING_VERTICES 1257 #define IDC_IS_VISIBLE 1258 #define IDC_MODEL_T 1259 #define IDC_VERTICES_T 1260 #define IDC_HAS_PATCHES 1261 #define IDC_MODEL_ANIMATION_T 1261 #define IDC_HAS_ATTACHED_MODELS 1262 #define IDC_ATTACHMENT_MODEL_ANIMATION_COMBO 1262 #define IDC_ATTACHING_SOUND_NONE 1263 #define IDC_IS_LOOPING 1264 #define IDC_IS_PLAYING 1265 #define IDC_SOUND_T 1266 #define IDC_ATTACHING_SOUND_T 1267 #define IDC_BROWSE_SOUND 1269 #define IDC_SOUND_START_DELAY_T 1270 #define IDC_SOUND_START_DELAY 1271 #define IDC_COLLIDE_AS_BOX 1272 #define IDC_NEW_WIDTH 1275 #define IDC_NEW_HEIGHT 1276 #define IDC_SPECULAR_COLOR 1277 #define IDC_REFLECTION_COLOR 1278 #define IDC_SPECULAR_EXPONENT 1278 #define IDC_BUMP_COLOR 1279 #define IDC_AMBIENT_COLOR 1280 #define IDC_DIFUSE_COLOR 1280 #define IDC_LIGHT_COLOR 1281 #define IDC_SIZE_IN_PIXELS 1282 #define IDC_PREVIEW_FRAME 1283 #define IDC_GRAPH_FRAME 1284 #define IDC_NUMERIC_EXPONENT_T 1285 #define IDC_FRAME_RIGHT 1285 #define IDW_SPECULAR_GRAPH 1286 #define IDC_FRAME_BACK 1286 #define IDW_SPECULAR_PREVIEW 1287 #define IDC_FRAME_LEFT 1287 #define IDC_FRAME_BOTTOM 1288 #define IDC_FRAME_DOWN 1288 #define IDC_AUTO_ROTATE 1289 #define IDC_FRAME_TOP 1290 #define IDC_FRAME_UP 1290 #define IDC_FRAME_FRONT 1291 #define IDW_REFLECTION_PREVIEW 1292 #define IDW_UP 1293 #define IDW_FRONT 1293 #define IDW_DOWN 1294 #define IDW_RIGHT 1295 #define IDW_BACK 1296 #define IDW_LEFT 1297 #define IDC_PLANAR_MAPPING 1300 #define IDC_SPHERICAL_MAPPING 1301 #define IDC_SHADING 1301 #define IDC_CYLINDRICAL_MAPPING 1302 #define IDC_TRANSLUCENCY 1302 #define IDC_DIFFUSE_COLOR_T 1303 #define IDC_SELECT_ALL_SURFACES 1304 #define IDC_WIRE_FRAME 1306 #define IDC_COLORED_SURFACES 1307 #define IDC_COLORED_SURFACES_WITH_NUMBERS 1308 #define IDC_EXPORT_PICTURE_SIZE 1310 #define IDC_SURFACE_LIST_T 1311 #define IDC_EXPORT_PAPER_COLOR 1312 #define IDC_EXPORT_FILE_NAME_T 1313 #define ID_RENDER_BBOX 32700 #define ID_RENDER_WIRE_NAKED 32701 #define ID_RENDER_WIRE_SOLID 32702 #define ID_RENDER_FLAT_NAKED 32703 #define ID_RENDER_FLAT_COLOR 32704 #define ID_RENDER_FLAT_TEXTURE 32705 #define ID_RENDER_GOURAUD_NAKED 32706 #define ID_RENDER_GOURAUD_TEXTURE 32707 #define ID_RENDER_PHONG_NAKED 32708 #define ID_RENDER_PHONG_TEXTURE 32709 #define ID_PREFS_CHOOSE_PICTURE 32710 #define ID_BACKGROUND_COLOR 32713 #define ID_BACKGROUND_PICTURE 32714 #define ID_PREFS_CHOOSE_INK 32718 #define ID_PREFS_CHOOSE_PAPER 32719 #define ID_ANIM_PLAY 32788 #define ID_VIEW_ANIMCONTROL 32789 #define ID_ANIM_PREVANIM 32790 #define ID_ANIM_NEXTANIM 32791 #define ID_ANIM_PREVFRAME 32792 #define ID_ANIM_NEXTFRAME 32793 #define ID_ANIM_CHOOSE 32795 #define ID_SHOW_INFO 32796 #define ID_TEXTURE_CHOOSE 32797 #define ID_MIP_PRECIZE 32798 #define ID_ANIM_MIP_ROUGH 32800 #define ID_ANIM_MIP_PRECIZE 32801 #define ID_OPT_AUTO_MIP_MODELING 32802 #define ID_ANIM_ROTATION 32804 #define ID_WINDOW_CLOSE 32806 #define ID_WINDOW_TOGGLEMAX 32808 #define ID_VIEW_COLOR_PALETTE 32875 #define ID_VIEW_INFO 32876 #define ID_REND_WIRE_NAKED 32925 #define ID_REND_WIRE_ONOFF 32925 #define ID_REND_WIRE_SOLID 32926 #define ID_REND_HIDDEN_LINES 32926 #define ID_REND_FLAT_NAKED 32927 #define ID_REND_NO_TEXTURE 32927 #define ID_REND_FLAT_COLOR 32928 #define ID_REND_SURFACE_COLORS 32928 #define ID_REND_FLAT_TEXTURE 32929 #define ID_REND_ON_COLORS 32929 #define ID_REND_GOURAUD_NAKED 32930 #define ID_REND_GOURAUD_TEXTURE 32931 #define ID_REND_PHONG_NAKED 32932 #define ID_REND_SHADING_NONE 32932 #define ID_REND_PHONG_TEXTURE 32933 #define ID_REND_BBOX 32934 #define ID_REND_BBOX_FRAME 32934 #define ID_SHADOW_NONE 32935 #define ID_SHADOW_APPROXIMATE 32936 #define ID_SHADOW_EXACT 32937 #define ID_BACKG_COLOR 32938 #define ID_BACKG_PICTURE 32939 #define ID_PREFS_CHANGE_INK 32943 #define ID_PREFS_CHANGE_PAPER 32944 #define ID_PREFS_CHANGE_PICTURE 32945 #define ID_FILE_ADD_TEXTURE 32946 #define ID_COMBO_CHOOSE_TEXTURE 32947 #define ID_FILE_REMOVE_TEXTURE 32948 #define ID_FILE_CREATE_TEXTURE 32952 #define ID_VIEW_TEXTURECONTROL 32955 #define ID_SCRIPT_OPEN 32956 #define ID_SCRIPT_MAKE_MODEL 32957 #define ID_UPDATE_FRAMES 32958 #define ID_UPDATE_ANIMATIONS 32959 #define ID_UPDATE_MIPMODELS 32960 #define ID_SCRIPT_UPDATE_ANIMATIONS 32961 #define ID_SCRIPT_UPDATE_MIPMODELS 32962 #define ID_LIGHT_ON 32966 #define ID_LIGHT_COLOR 32967 #define ID_REND_OFF_COLORS 32968 #define ID_REND_USE_TEXTURE 32969 #define ID_REND_SHADING_LAMBERT 32970 #define ID_REND_SHADING_GOURAUD 32971 #define ID_REND_SHADING_PHONG 32972 #define ID_REND_BBOX_ALL 32973 #define ID_REND_WHITE_TEXTURE 32974 #define ID_REND_WIRE 32975 #define ID_BUTTON32977 32977 #define ID_REND_TEXTURE_ON 32982 #define ID_MAPPING_ON 32983 #define ID_NEXT_SURFACE 32987 #define ID_WINDOW_FIT 32988 #define ID_VIEW_ALL_SURFACES 32989 #define ID_FILE_PREFERENCES 32991 #define ID_WINDOW_CENTER 32992 #define ID_VIEW_MIPLIGHTCONTROL 32993 #define ID_VIEW_SCRIPTCONTROL 32994 #define ID_BACKGROUND_TEXTURE 32995 #define ID_TAKE_SCREEN_SHOOT 32996 #define ID_ANIMATE_BACKGROUND 32997 #define ID_REND_LAMBERT_SHADING 33002 #define ID_REND_WIRE_FRAME 33008 #define ID_VIEW_RENDERCONTROL 33015 #define ID_PICK_COLOR_MODE -32519 #define ID_RENDER_FLOOR 33018 #define ID_CHANGE_FLOOR_PICTURE 33020 #define ID_REND_FLOOR 33021 #define ID_STAINS_REMOVE 33025 #define ID_STAINS_CHOOSE 33026 #define ID_STAINS_ADD 33027 #define ID_STAINS_DELETE 33028 #define ID_STAINS_INSERT 33029 #define ID_STAINS_PREVIOUS_STAIN 33030 #define ID_STAINS_NEXT_STAIN 33031 #define ID_VIEW_STAINSCONTROL 33032 #define ID_VIEW_SHADINGANDSHADOWCONTROL 33033 #define ID_VIEW_STAINS_PALETTE 33034 #define ID_VIEW_PATCHES_PALETTE 33035 #define ID_SHADOW_WORSE 33036 #define ID_SHADOW_BETTER 33037 #define ID_FALL_DOWN 33038 #define ID_ROUND_ANGLES 33039 #define ID_VIEW_HELP_MOUSE 33040 #define ID_CHANGE_AMBIENT 33041 #define ID_REND_SHINY 33042 #define ID_REND_METAL 33043 #define ID_REND_MATTE 33044 #define ID_SAVE_THUMBNAIL 33045 #define ID_FRAME_RATE 33046 #define ID_RESTART_ANIMATIONS 33048 #define ID_HEADING 33050 #define ID_PITCH 33051 #define ID_BANKING 33052 #define ID_VIEW_ROTATE_SURFACE 33054 #define ID_VIEW_ROTATE 33055 #define ID_COLLISION_BOX 33057 #define ID_CENTER_VIEWER 33060 #define ID_RESET_VIEWER 33061 #define ID_DOLLY_VIEWER 33062 #define ID_REND_PHONG 33063 #define ID_PREV_SURFACE -32472 #define ID_DOLLY_LIGHT 33065 #define ID_DOLLY_LIGHT_COLOR 33066 #define ID_SHOW_ALL_BARS 33067 #define ID_TOGGLE_ALL_BARS 33068 #define ID_LOAD_MAPPING 33069 #define ID_SAVE_MAPPING 33070 #define ID_EDIT_COPY_ALL 33071 #define ID_EDIT_PASTE_ALL 33072 #define ID_VIEW_MAPPING 33077 #define ID_CHOOSE_ACTVE_SURFACE 33078 #define ID_LIST_SURFACES 33079 #define ID_LIST_ANIMATIONS 33079 #define ID_SURFACE_NUMBERS 33082 #define ID_LINK_SURFACES 33083 #define ID_PREVIOUS_TEXTURE 33084 #define ID_NEXT_TEXTURE 33085 #define ID_RECREATE_TEXTURE 33087 #define ID_COLORIZING_MODE 33088 #define ID_CREATE_MIP_MODELS 33090 #define ID_PICK_VERTEX -32444 #define ID_SET_CENTER_VERTEX 33094 #define ID_SET_FRONT_VERTEX 33095 #define ID_SET_UP_VERTEX 33096 #define ID_DOLLY_MIP_MODELING 33098 #define ID_ANIM_PLAY_ONCE -32437 #define ID_PLAY_ANIM_ONCE 33100 #define ID_NEW_TEXTURE_SIZE 33101 #define ID_TILE_TEXTURE 33102 #define ID_RESET_VIEWER_TO_0 -32433 #define IDC_PATCH_FILE_T 33103 #define IDC_PATCH_STRETCH_T 33104 #define IDC_PATCH_NAME_T 33105 #define ID_ADD_REFLECTION_TEXTURE 33106 #define ID_REMOVE_REFLECTION 33107 #define ID_ADD_SPECULAR 33110 #define ID_COPY_COLOR 33111 #define ID_PASTE_COLOR 33112 #define ID_REMOVE_SPECULAR 33112 #define ID_NUMERIC_ALPHA 33113 #define ID_EDIT_SPECULAR 33113 #define ID_BUMP_TEXTURE 33119 #define ID_REMOVE_BUMP_TEXTURE 33120 #define ID_ADD_BUMP_TEXTURE 33121 #define ID_REMOVE_BUMP_MAP 33122 #define ID_SMOOTH_MAPPING 33123 #define ID_CYLINDRICAL_MAPPING 33124 #define ID_SPHERICAL_MAPPING 33125 #define ID_CREATE_REFLECTION_TEXTURE 33127 #define ID_VIEW_FXCONTROL 33128 #define ID_SKIN_TEXTURE -32406 #define ID_EXPORT_SURFACES 33134 #define ID_NEXT_BCG_TEXTURE -32400 #define ID_PREVIOUS_BCG_TEXTURE -32399 #define ID_EXPORT_FOR_SKINING 33138 #define ID_RENDER_SURFACES_IN_COLORS 33140 #define ID_Z_TRANSLATION 33141 #define ID_Z_SPEED 33142 #define ID_Z_LOOP_TIMES 33143 #define ID_VIEW_AXIS 33144 #define ID_BUTTON33145 33145 #define ID_BUTTON33146 33146 #define ID_TOGGLE_ALL_SURFACES 33149 #define ID_KEY_A 33151 #define ID_KEY_T 33152 #define ID_ANIM_FIRST 33153 #define ID_ANIM_LAST 33154 #define ID_TOGGLE_MEASURE_VTX 33155 #define ID_RESET_MEASURE_VTX 33156 #define ID_FIRST_FRAME -32379 #define ID_LAST_FRAME -32378 #define ID_TESSELLATE_MORE 33159 #define ID_TESSELLATE_LESS 33160 #define IDW_TOOLBAR_MAIN 0xE800 #define IDW_STATUS_BAR 0xE801 #define IDW_TOOLBAR_ANIMATION 0xE802 #define IDW_TOOLBAR_TEXTURE 0xE803 #define IDW_TOOLBAR_STAINS 0xE804 #define IDW_TOOLBAR_SCRIPT 0xE805 #define IDW_TOOLBAR_MIP_AND_LIGHT 0xE806 #define IDW_TOOLBAR_RENDER 0xE807 #define IDW_TOOLBAR_SHADING_AND_SHADOW 0xE808 #define IDW_TOOLBAR_ROTATION 0xE809 #define IDW_TOOLBAR_MAPPING 0xE80A #define IDW_TOOLBAR_FX 0xE80B #define IDS_INFO_TITLE 61446 #define IDS_DEFAULT_FONT 61447 #define IDS_DEFAULT_ARIAL 61448 // Next default values for new objects // #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED #ifndef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS #define _APS_3D_CONTROLS 1 #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 190 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 33161 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 1314 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 110 #endif #endif