%{ #include "StdAfx.h" #include "ParsingSymbols.h" #include <Engine/Templates/DynamicStackArray.cpp> #include <Engine/Ska/StringTable.h> #include <Engine/Ska/Render.h> extern CTFileName strCurentFileName; MeshLOD *pMeshLOD; SkeletonLOD *pSkeletonLOD; static INDEX _ctVertices = 0; static INDEX _ctNormals = 0; static INDEX _ctUVMaps = 0; static INDEX _ctTexCoords = 0; static INDEX _ctSurfaces = 0; static INDEX _ctTriangles = 0; static INDEX _ctWeights = 0; static INDEX _ctVertexWeights = 0; static INDEX _ctMorphs = 0; static INDEX _ctVertexMorphs = 0; static INDEX _ctBones = 0; static INDEX _ctBoneEnvelopes = 0; static INDEX _ctMorphEnvelopes = 0; static INDEX _ctFrames = 0; static INDEX _iBone = 0; static INDEX _iVertex = 0; static INDEX _iNormal = 0; static INDEX _iUVMap = 0; static INDEX _iTexCoord = 0; static INDEX _iSurface = 0; static INDEX _iTriangle = 0; static INDEX _iWeight = 0; static INDEX _iVertexWeight = 0; static INDEX _iMorph = 0; static INDEX _iVertexMorph = 0; static INDEX _iBoneEnvelope = 0; static INDEX _iMorphEnvelope = 0; static INDEX _iFrame = 0; /* ** Shader */ struct SurfaceShader { CTString fnShaderName; INDEX ss_iSurfaceID; ShaderParams ss_spShaderParams; }; INDEX _ishParamIndex; // current index of shader param INDEX _ctshParamsMax; // size of array allocated for shader params CStaticArray<struct SurfaceShader> _assSurfaceShaders; INDEX _iShaderSurfIndex = 0; INDEX _ctShaderSurfaces = 0; /* ** */ float _fCurentMaxDistance;// max distance for next lod float _fTreshold = 0;// treshold for next animation float _fAnimSpeed = -1; BOOL bCompresion = FALSE;// is animation is using compresions %} %{ #define YYERROR_VERBOSE 1 // if error occurs in parsing void yyerror(const char *strFormat, ...) { va_list arg; va_start(arg, strFormat); CTString strError; strError.VPrintF(strFormat, arg); // throw the string ThrowF_t("File '%s' (line %d)\n%s",(const char*)strCurentFileName, _yy_iLine, (const char*)strError); }; %} /* BISON Declarations */ %union { INDEX i; float f; const char *str; float v2[2]; float v3[3]; int i3[3]; float f12[12]; } %token <f> c_float %token <i> c_int %token <str> c_string %token k_SE_MESH %token k_SE_SKELETON %token k_PARENT %token k_BONES %token k_VERTICES %token k_NORMALS %token k_UVMAPS %token k_NAME %token k_TEXCOORDS %token k_SURFACES %token k_TRIANGLE_SET %token k_WEIGHTS %token k_WEIGHT_SET %token k_MORPHS %token k_RELATIVE %token k_TRUE %token k_FALSE %token k_MORPH_SET %token k_SE_MESH_END %token k_SE_SKELETON_END %token k_SE_ANIM %token k_SEC_PER_FRAME %token k_FRAMES %token k_BONEENVELOPES %token k_MORPHENVELOPES %token k_DEFAULT_POSE %token k_SE_ANIM_END %token k_ANIM_SET_LIST %token k_ANIM_ID %token k_MAX_DISTANCE %token k_MESHLODLIST %token k_SKELETONLODLIST %token k_TRESHOLD %token k_COMPRESION %token k_LENGTH %token k_ANIMSPEED %token k_SHADER_PARAMS %token k_SHADER_PARAMS_END %token k_SHADER_SURFACES %token k_SHADER_SURFACE %token k_SHADER_NAME %token k_SHADER_TEXTURES %token k_SHADER_UVMAPS %token k_SHADER_COLORS %token k_SHADER_FLOATS %token k_SHADER_FLAGS %token k_FULL_FACE_FORWARD %token k_HALF_FACE_FORWARD %type <v2> uv2 %type <v3> vert3 %type <v3> norm3 %type <f> float_const %type <i> int_const %type <i3> triangle %type <f12> matrix %type <i> boolean %start program %% /* * Global structure of the source file. */ program : meshlod | skeletonlod_list | animset_array | animset_list | meshlod_list ; /* * Mesh lod list */ meshlod_list : k_MESHLODLIST '{' meshlod_array_opt '}' ; // optional array of mesh lods meshlod_array_opt : /*null*/ | meshlod_array ; // array of mesh lods meshlod_array : meshlod | meshlod_array meshlod ; // lod max distance max_distance : /*null*/ { // fill with default values } | k_MAX_DISTANCE float_const ';' { _fCurentMaxDistance = $2; } ; meshlod : max_distance shader_params_opt mesh_begin is_full_faceforward_opt is_half_faceforward_opt vertices normals uvmaps surfaces weights morphs mesh_end ; /* * AnimSet importer */ animset_list : k_ANIM_SET_LIST '{' animset_array_opt '}' ; animset_array_opt : /*null*/ | animset_array ; animset_array : animset | animset_array animset ; animset : treshold_opt compresion_opt animspeed_opt animset_begin animation_header bone_envelopes morph_envelopes animset_end ; compresion_opt :/*null*/ { bCompresion = FALSE; } | k_COMPRESION boolean { bCompresion = $2; } treshold_opt : /*null*/ { _fTreshold = 0.0f; } | k_TRESHOLD float_const ';' { _fTreshold = $2; } ; animspeed_opt : /*null*/ { _fAnimSpeed = -1; } | k_ANIMSPEED float_const ';' { _fAnimSpeed = $2; } ; animset_begin : k_SE_ANIM c_float ';' { // get curent animation count INDEX ctan = _yy_pAnimSet->as_Anims.Count(); // increase curent animation count _yy_pAnimSet->as_Anims.Expand(ctan+1); // get ref to new created animation Animation &an = _yy_pAnimSet->as_Anims[ctan]; // set animation allready read treshold an.an_fTreshold = _fTreshold; // set animation allready read compresion flag an.an_bCompresed = bCompresion; } ; animation_header : k_SEC_PER_FRAME c_float ';' k_FRAMES c_int ';' k_ANIM_ID c_string ';' { _ctFrames = $5; if(_ctFrames<0) { yyerror("Negative frame count found %d",_ctFrames); } // get current animset count INDEX ctan = _yy_pAnimSet->as_Anims.Count(); // get ref to last animation Animation &an = _yy_pAnimSet->as_Anims[ctan-1]; // set animations seconds per frame an.an_fSecPerFrame = $2; // set animation frame count an.an_iFrames = _ctFrames; // set animation ID an.an_iID = ska_GetIDFromStringTable($8); // set animation source file (current file) an.an_fnSourceFile = strCurentFileName; // set animation custom speed (if any) an.an_bCustomSpeed = FALSE; if(_fAnimSpeed>=0) { an.an_bCustomSpeed = TRUE; an.an_fSecPerFrame = _fAnimSpeed; } } ; bone_envelopes : k_BONEENVELOPES c_int { // set bone envelopes count _ctBoneEnvelopes = $2; if(_ctBoneEnvelopes<0) { yyerror("Negative bone envelope count found %d",_ctBoneEnvelopes); } // count animations INDEX ctan = _yy_pAnimSet->as_Anims.Count(); Animation &an = _yy_pAnimSet->as_Anims[ctan-1]; // add new bone envelope array an.an_abeBones.New(_ctBoneEnvelopes); // set current bone envelope index _iBoneEnvelope = 0; } '{' bone_env_header_opt '}' { if(_iBoneEnvelope!=_ctBoneEnvelopes) { yyerror("Incorect number of bone envelopes.\nExpecting %d but found only %d",_ctBoneEnvelopes,_iBoneEnvelope); } } ; bone_env_header_opt : /*null*/ | bone_env_header ; bone_env_header : bone_envelope | bone_env_header_opt bone_envelope ; bone_envelope : k_NAME c_string k_DEFAULT_POSE '{' matrix ';' { if(_iBoneEnvelope>=_ctBoneEnvelopes) { yyerror("Incorect number of bone envelopes - %d",_ctBoneEnvelopes); } // get last animation INDEX ctan = _yy_pAnimSet->as_Anims.Count(); Animation &an = _yy_pAnimSet->as_Anims[ctan-1]; BoneEnvelope &be = an.an_abeBones[_iBoneEnvelope]; // create array of bone posiotions and rotations be.be_apPos.New(_ctFrames); be.be_arRot.New(_ctFrames); // for each frame for(INDEX ifn=0;ifn<_ctFrames;ifn++) { // set bone position and rotation frame number be.be_apPos[ifn].ap_iFrameNum = ifn; be.be_arRot[ifn].ar_iFrameNum = ifn; } // get id of this bone envelope be.be_iBoneID = ska_GetIDFromStringTable($2); // fill default pos matrix memcpy(&be.be_mDefaultPos,$5,sizeof(float)*12); _iFrame = 0; } '}' '{' bone_env_array '}' { _iBoneEnvelope++; if(_iFrame!=_ctFrames) { INDEX ctan = _yy_pAnimSet->as_Anims.Count(); Animation &an = _yy_pAnimSet->as_Anims[ctan-1]; BoneEnvelope &be = an.an_abeBones[_iBoneEnvelope-1]; CTString strBoneEnvelope = ska_GetStringFromTable(be.be_iBoneID); yyerror("Incorect number of bone envelope frames count for bone envelope '%s'.\nExpecting %d but found only %d", (const char*)strBoneEnvelope,_ctFrames,_iFrame); } } ; bone_env_array : bone_env_m | bone_env_array bone_env_m ; bone_env_m : matrix ';' { if(_iFrame>=_ctFrames) { yyerror("Incorect number of bone envelope frames - %d",_ctFrames); } INDEX ctan = _yy_pAnimSet->as_Anims.Count(); QVect qvPlacement; Matrix12ToQVect(qvPlacement,$1); Animation &an = _yy_pAnimSet->as_Anims[ctan-1]; BoneEnvelope &be = an.an_abeBones[_iBoneEnvelope]; be.be_apPos[_iFrame].ap_vPos = qvPlacement.vPos; be.be_arRot[_iFrame].ar_qRot = qvPlacement.qRot; _iFrame++; } ; morph_envelopes : k_MORPHENVELOPES c_int { // set morph envelopes count _ctMorphEnvelopes = $2; if(_ctMorphEnvelopes<0) { yyerror("Negative morph envelope count found %d",_ctMorphEnvelopes); } INDEX ctan = _yy_pAnimSet->as_Anims.Count(); _yy_pAnimSet->as_Anims[ctan-1].an_ameMorphs.New(_ctMorphEnvelopes); _iMorphEnvelope = 0; } '{' morph_env_header '}' { if(_iMorphEnvelope!=_ctMorphEnvelopes) { yyerror("Incorect number of morph envelopes.\nExpecting %d but found only %d",_ctMorphEnvelopes,_iMorphEnvelope); } } ; morph_env_header : /*null*/ | morph_env_header_notnull ; morph_env_header_notnull : morph_env | morph_env_header morph_env ; morph_env : k_NAME c_string { if(_iMorphEnvelope>=_ctMorphEnvelopes) { yyerror("Incorect number of morph envelopes - %d",_ctMorphEnvelopes); } INDEX ctan = _yy_pAnimSet->as_Anims.Count(); // get ref to animation and morph envelope Animation &an = _yy_pAnimSet->as_Anims[ctan-1]; MorphEnvelope &me = an.an_ameMorphs[_iMorphEnvelope]; // create array for morphs factors me.me_aFactors.New(_ctFrames); me.me_iMorphMapID = ska_GetIDFromStringTable($2); _iFrame = 0; } '{' morph_env_array '}' { _iMorphEnvelope++; if(_iFrame!=_ctFrames) { INDEX ctan = _yy_pAnimSet->as_Anims.Count(); Animation &an = _yy_pAnimSet->as_Anims[ctan-1]; MorphEnvelope &me = an.an_ameMorphs[_iMorphEnvelope-1]; CTString strMorphEnvelope = ska_GetStringFromTable(me.me_iMorphMapID); yyerror("Incorect number of morph envelope frames count for morph envelope '%s'.\nExpecting %d but found only %d", (const char*)strMorphEnvelope,_ctFrames,_iFrame); } } ; morph_env_array : morph_env_i | morph_env_array morph_env_i ; morph_env_i : c_float ';' { if(_iFrame>=_ctFrames) { yyerror("Incorect number of morph envelope frames - %d",_ctFrames); } INDEX ctan = _yy_pAnimSet->as_Anims.Count(); Animation &an = _yy_pAnimSet->as_Anims[ctan-1]; MorphEnvelope &me = an.an_ameMorphs[_iMorphEnvelope]; me.me_aFactors[_iFrame] = $1; _iFrame++; } | c_int ';' { if(_iFrame>=_ctFrames) { yyerror("Incorect number of morph envelope frames - %d",_ctFrames); } INDEX ctan = _yy_pAnimSet->as_Anims.Count(); Animation &an = _yy_pAnimSet->as_Anims[ctan-1]; MorphEnvelope &me = an.an_ameMorphs[_iMorphEnvelope]; me.me_aFactors[_iFrame] = $1; _iFrame++; } ; animset_end : k_SE_ANIM_END ';' ; /* * Skeleton importer */ skeletonlod_list : k_SKELETONLODLIST '{' opt_skeletonlod_array '}' ; opt_skeletonlod_array : /*null*/ | skeletonlod_array ; skeletonlod_array : skeletonlod | skeletonlod_array skeletonlod ; skeletonlod : max_distance skeleton_begin bones skeleton_end ; skeleton_begin : k_SE_SKELETON c_float ';' { // check for version of skeleton ascii file } ; bones : k_BONES c_int '{' { _ctBones = $2; if(_ctBones<0) { yyerror("Negative bone count found %d",_ctBones); } // set bone index to 0 _iBone = 0; // get skeleton lods count INDEX ctskllod = _yy_pSkeleton->skl_aSkeletonLODs.Count(); // increase skeleton lods count _yy_pSkeleton->skl_aSkeletonLODs.Expand(ctskllod+1); // get ref to new skeleton created pSkeletonLOD = &_yy_pSkeleton->skl_aSkeletonLODs[ctskllod]; // read source file name of skeleton ascii file pSkeletonLOD->slod_fnSourceFile = strCurentFileName; // get allready remembered max distance pSkeletonLOD->slod_fMaxDistance = _fCurentMaxDistance; // create new array for bones pSkeletonLOD->slod_aBones.New(_ctBones); } bone_headers '}' { if(_iBone!=_ctBones) { yyerror("Incorect number of bones.\nExpecting %d but found only %d",_ctBones,_iBone); } } ; bone_headers : /*null*/ | bone_headers_notnull ; bone_headers_notnull : bone_header | bone_headers bone_header ; bone_header : k_NAME c_string ';' k_PARENT c_string ';' k_LENGTH float_const { if(_iBone>=_ctBones) { yyerror("Incorect number of bones - %d",_ctBones); } SkeletonBone &sb = pSkeletonLOD->slod_aBones[_iBone]; // get bone ID sb.sb_iID = ska_GetIDFromStringTable($2); // get parent bone ID sb.sb_iParentID = ska_GetIDFromStringTable($5); // get bone length sb.sb_fBoneLength = $8; } ';' bone ; bone : '{' matrix ';' '}' { SkeletonBone &sb = pSkeletonLOD->slod_aBones[_iBone]; // convert matrix to qvect struct Matrix12ToQVect(sb.sb_qvRelPlacement,$2); // copy matrix to bone as its absolute placement memcpy(&sb.sb_mAbsPlacement,$2,sizeof(float)*12); // calculate bone offset length FLOAT3D vOffset = FLOAT3D($2[3],$2[7],$2[11]); sb.sb_fOffSetLen = vOffset.Length(); // increase bone count _iBone++; } ; skeleton_end : k_SE_SKELETON_END ';' { // end of skeleton parsing } /* ** Shader params */ shader_params_opt :/*null*/ { // no shader for next surface _assSurfaceShaders.Clear(); _ctShaderSurfaces=0; _iShaderSurfIndex=0; } |shader_params ; shader_params : k_SHADER_PARAMS float_const ';' k_SHADER_SURFACES c_int '{' { _assSurfaceShaders.Clear(); _ctShaderSurfaces = $5; // create array of shader params for each surface in mesh file _assSurfaceShaders.New(_ctShaderSurfaces); // reset surface index _iShaderSurfIndex=0; } surface_shader_params_array_opt '}' ';' { // check if surfaces count match count of read surfaces if(_iShaderSurfIndex!=_ctShaderSurfaces) yyerror("Incorect number of surfaces"); } k_SHADER_PARAMS_END ; surface_shader_params_array_opt : /*null*/ | surface_shader_params_array ; surface_shader_params_array : surface_shader_params | surface_shader_params_array surface_shader_params; surface_shader_params : shader_name shader_textures shader_uvmaps shader_colors shader_floats shader_flag_opt'}' ';' { _iShaderSurfIndex++; } ; shader_name : k_SHADER_SURFACE c_string ';' '{' k_SHADER_NAME c_string ';' { if(_iShaderSurfIndex>=_ctShaderSurfaces) yyerror("Incorect number of surfaces"); SurfaceShader &SurfShader = _assSurfaceShaders[_iShaderSurfIndex]; SurfShader.ss_iSurfaceID = ska_GetIDFromStringTable($2); // set shader fn SurfShader.fnShaderName = (CTString)$6 }; shader_textures : k_SHADER_TEXTURES c_int { _ctshParamsMax = $2; SurfaceShader &SurfShader = _assSurfaceShaders[_iShaderSurfIndex]; SurfShader.ss_spShaderParams.sp_aiTextureIDs.New(_ctshParamsMax); _ishParamIndex = 0; } '{' shader_texture_array_opt '}' ';' { // incorect params count if(_ishParamIndex!=_ctshParamsMax) { CTString strErr = CTString(0,"Incorect texture params count\nExpecting %d but found %d",_ctshParamsMax,_ishParamIndex); yyerror((char*)(const char*)strErr); } }; shader_texture_array_opt : /*null*/ | shader_texture_array; shader_texture_array : shader_texture | shader_texture_array shader_texture ; shader_texture : c_string ';' { if(_ishParamIndex>=_ctshParamsMax) { CTString strErr = CTString(0,"Incorect texture params count %d",_ctshParamsMax); yyerror((char*)(const char*)strErr); } SurfaceShader &SurfShader = _assSurfaceShaders[_iShaderSurfIndex]; // set ID of current texture name SurfShader.ss_spShaderParams.sp_aiTextureIDs[_ishParamIndex] = ska_GetIDFromStringTable($1); // increase shading parametar index _ishParamIndex++; }; shader_uvmaps :k_SHADER_UVMAPS c_int { _ctshParamsMax = $2; SurfaceShader &SurfShader = _assSurfaceShaders[_iShaderSurfIndex]; SurfShader.ss_spShaderParams.sp_aiTexCoordsIndex.New(_ctshParamsMax); _ishParamIndex = 0; } '{' shader_uvmaps_array_opt '}' ';' { // incorect params count if(_ishParamIndex!=_ctshParamsMax) { CTString strErr = CTString(0,"Incorect uvmap params count\nExpecting %d but found %d",_ctshParamsMax,_ishParamIndex); yyerror((char*)(const char*)strErr); } }; shader_uvmaps_array_opt : /*null*/ | shader_uvmaps_array; shader_uvmaps_array : shader_uvmap | shader_uvmaps_array shader_uvmap; shader_uvmap : c_int ';' { if(_ishParamIndex>=_ctshParamsMax) { CTString strErr = CTString(0,"Incorect uvmap params count %d",_ctshParamsMax); yyerror((char*)(const char*)strErr); } SurfaceShader &SurfShader = _assSurfaceShaders[_iShaderSurfIndex]; // set index of current uvmap name SurfShader.ss_spShaderParams.sp_aiTexCoordsIndex[_ishParamIndex] = $1; // increase shading parametar index _ishParamIndex++; }; shader_colors : k_SHADER_COLORS c_int { _ctshParamsMax = $2; SurfaceShader &SurfShader = _assSurfaceShaders[_iShaderSurfIndex]; SurfShader.ss_spShaderParams.sp_acolColors.New(_ctshParamsMax); _ishParamIndex = 0; } '{' shader_colors_array_opt '}' ';' { // incorect params count if(_ishParamIndex!=_ctshParamsMax) { CTString strErr = CTString(0,"Incorect color params count\nExpecting %d but found %d",_ctshParamsMax,_ishParamIndex); yyerror((char*)(const char*)strErr); } }; shader_colors_array_opt : /*null*/ | shader_colors_array; shader_colors_array : shader_color | shader_colors_array shader_color; shader_color : c_int ';' { if(_ishParamIndex>=_ctshParamsMax) { CTString strErr = CTString(0,"Incorect colors params count %d",_ctshParamsMax); yyerror((char*)(const char*)strErr); } SurfaceShader &SurfShader = _assSurfaceShaders[_iShaderSurfIndex]; // set color SurfShader.ss_spShaderParams.sp_acolColors[_ishParamIndex] = $1; // increase color parametar index _ishParamIndex++; }; shader_floats : k_SHADER_FLOATS c_int { _ctshParamsMax = $2; SurfaceShader &SurfShader = _assSurfaceShaders[_iShaderSurfIndex]; SurfShader.ss_spShaderParams.sp_afFloats.New(_ctshParamsMax); _ishParamIndex = 0; } '{' shader_floats_array_opt '}' ';' { // incorect params count if(_ishParamIndex!=_ctshParamsMax) { CTString strErr = CTString(0,"Incorect floats params count\nExpecting %d but found %d",_ctshParamsMax,_ishParamIndex); yyerror((char*)(const char*)strErr); } }; shader_floats_array_opt : /*null*/ | shader_floats_array; shader_floats_array : shader_float | shader_floats_array shader_float; shader_float : float_const ';' { if(_ishParamIndex>=_ctshParamsMax) { CTString strErr = CTString(0,"Incorect floats params count %d",_ctshParamsMax); yyerror((char*)(const char*)strErr); } // set color SurfaceShader &SurfShader = _assSurfaceShaders[_iShaderSurfIndex]; SurfShader.ss_spShaderParams.sp_afFloats[_ishParamIndex] = $1; // increase floats parametar index _ishParamIndex++; }; shader_flag_opt : /*null*/ | shader_flags; shader_flags : k_SHADER_FLAGS c_int ';' { SurfaceShader &SurfShader = _assSurfaceShaders[_iShaderSurfIndex]; SurfShader.ss_spShaderParams.sp_ulFlags = $2; } // Mesh importer mesh_begin : k_SE_MESH c_float ';' { if ($2!=0.1) NOTHING; //parseMesh->error INDEX ctmshlod = _yy_pMesh->msh_aMeshLODs.Count(); _yy_pMesh->msh_aMeshLODs.Expand(ctmshlod+1); pMeshLOD = &_yy_pMesh->msh_aMeshLODs[ctmshlod]; pMeshLOD->mlod_fnSourceFile = strCurentFileName; pMeshLOD->mlod_fMaxDistance = _fCurentMaxDistance; _yy_iWIndex=0; _yy_iMIndex=0; } ; is_full_faceforward_opt : /*null*/ { pMeshLOD->mlod_ulFlags &= ~ML_FULL_FACE_FORWARD; } | k_FULL_FACE_FORWARD boolean { if($2 == TRUE) { pMeshLOD->mlod_ulFlags|=ML_FULL_FACE_FORWARD; } else { pMeshLOD->mlod_ulFlags &=~ML_FULL_FACE_FORWARD; } } is_half_faceforward_opt : /*null*/ { pMeshLOD->mlod_ulFlags &= ~ML_HALF_FACE_FORWARD; } | k_HALF_FACE_FORWARD boolean { if($2 == TRUE) { pMeshLOD->mlod_ulFlags|=ML_HALF_FACE_FORWARD; } else { pMeshLOD->mlod_ulFlags &=~ML_HALF_FACE_FORWARD; } } vertices : k_VERTICES c_int '{' { _ctVertices = $2; if(_ctVertices<0) { yyerror("Negative vertex count found %d",_ctVertices); } pMeshLOD->mlod_aVertices.New(_ctVertices); _iVertex = 0; } vert3_array '}' { if(_iVertex!=_ctVertices) { yyerror("Incorect number of vertices.\nExpecting %d but found only %d",_ctVertices,_iVertex); } } ; vert3_array : vert3_array_value | vert3_array vert3_array_value ; vert3_array_value : vert3 ';' { if(_iVertex>=_ctVertices) { yyerror("Incorect number of vertices - %d",_ctVertices); } pMeshLOD->mlod_aVertices[_iVertex].x = $1[0]; pMeshLOD->mlod_aVertices[_iVertex].y = $1[1]; pMeshLOD->mlod_aVertices[_iVertex].z = $1[2]; _iVertex++; } ; normals : k_NORMALS c_int '{' { _ctNormals = $2; if(_ctNormals != _ctVertices) { yyerror("Number of normals differs from the number of vertices!"); } if(_ctNormals <0) { yyerror("Negative normal count found %d",_ctNormals); } _iNormal = 0; pMeshLOD->mlod_aNormals.New(_ctNormals); } norm3_array '}' { if(_iNormal!=_ctNormals) { yyerror("Incorect number of normals.\nExpecting %d but found only %d",_ctNormals,_iNormal); } } ; norm3_array : norm3_array_value | norm3_array norm3_array_value ; norm3_array_value : norm3 ';' { if(_iNormal>=_ctNormals) { yyerror("Incorect number of normals - %d",_ctNormals); } pMeshLOD->mlod_aNormals[_iNormal].nx = $1[0]; pMeshLOD->mlod_aNormals[_iNormal].ny = $1[1]; pMeshLOD->mlod_aNormals[_iNormal].nz = $1[2]; _iNormal++; } ; uvmaps : k_UVMAPS c_int '{' { _ctUVMaps = $2; if(_ctUVMaps <0) { yyerror("Negative UVMaps count found %d",_ctUVMaps); } _iUVMap = 0; pMeshLOD->mlod_aUVMaps.New(_ctUVMaps); } uvmaps_opt_array '}' { if(_iUVMap!=_ctUVMaps) { yyerror("Incorect number of UVMaps.\nExpecting %d but found only %d",_ctUVMaps,_iUVMap); } } ; uvmaps_opt_array : /*null*/ | uvmaps_array ; uvmaps_array : uvmap | uvmaps_array uvmap ; uvmap : '{' k_NAME c_string ';' k_TEXCOORDS c_int '{' { if(_iUVMap>=_ctUVMaps) { yyerror("Incorect number of UVMaps - %d",_ctUVMaps); } _ctTexCoords = $6; if(_ctTexCoords != _ctVertices) { yyerror("Number of texcords differs from the number of vertices!"); } if(_ctTexCoords <0) { yyerror("Negative texcoords count found %d",_ctTexCoords); } _iTexCoord = 0; MeshUVMap &uvmap = pMeshLOD->mlod_aUVMaps[_iUVMap]; uvmap.muv_aTexCoords.New(_ctTexCoords); uvmap.muv_iID = ska_GetIDFromStringTable($3); } uv2_array '}' '}' { _iUVMap++; if(_iTexCoord!=_ctTexCoords) { yyerror("Incorect number of TexCoords for UVMap %d.\nExpecting %d but found only %d",_iUVMap,_ctTexCoords,_iTexCoord); } } ; uv2_array : uv2_array_value | uv2_array uv2_array_value ; uv2_array_value : uv2 ';' { if(_iTexCoord>=_ctTexCoords) { yyerror("Incorect number of TexCoords - %d",_ctTexCoords); } MeshUVMap &uvmap = pMeshLOD->mlod_aUVMaps[_iUVMap]; MeshTexCoord &mtc = uvmap.muv_aTexCoords[_iTexCoord]; mtc.u = $1[0]; mtc.v = $1[1]; _iTexCoord++; } ; surfaces : k_SURFACES c_int '{' { _ctSurfaces = $2; if(_ctSurfaces <0) { yyerror("Negative surface count found %d",_ctSurfaces); } _iSurface = 0; pMeshLOD->mlod_aSurfaces.New(_ctSurfaces); // reset shader for each surface for(INDEX isrf=0;isrf<_ctSurfaces;isrf++) { MeshSurface &msrf = pMeshLOD->mlod_aSurfaces[isrf]; msrf.msrf_pShader = NULL; } } surfaces_array '}' { if(_iSurface!=_ctSurfaces) { yyerror("Incorect number of surfaces.\nExpecting %d but found only %d",_ctSurfaces,_iSurface); } } ; surfaces_array : triangleset | surfaces_array triangleset ; triangleset : '{' k_NAME c_string ';' k_TRIANGLE_SET c_int '{' { _ctTriangles = $6; if(_ctTriangles <0) { yyerror("Negative triangle count found %d",_ctTriangles); } if(_iSurface>=_ctSurfaces) { yyerror("Incorect number of surfaces - %d",_ctSurfaces); } MeshSurface &msrf = pMeshLOD->mlod_aSurfaces[_iSurface]; msrf.msrf_aTriangles.New(_ctTriangles); msrf.msrf_iSurfaceID = ska_GetIDFromStringTable($3); msrf.msrf_pShader = NULL; _iTriangle = 0; INDEX ctSrfSha = _assSurfaceShaders.Count(); // find this surface in array of shader surfaces that was parsed before mesh for(INDEX iSrfSha=0;iSrfSha<ctSrfSha;iSrfSha++) { // reset shader SurfaceShader &ssSurfShader = _assSurfaceShaders[iSrfSha]; if(ssSurfShader.ss_iSurfaceID == msrf.msrf_iSurfaceID) { // copy shader texture ID's to mesh msrf.msrf_ShadingParams.sp_aiTextureIDs = ssSurfShader.ss_spShaderParams.sp_aiTextureIDs; msrf.msrf_ShadingParams.sp_aiTexCoordsIndex = ssSurfShader.ss_spShaderParams.sp_aiTexCoordsIndex; msrf.msrf_ShadingParams.sp_acolColors = ssSurfShader.ss_spShaderParams.sp_acolColors; msrf.msrf_ShadingParams.sp_afFloats = ssSurfShader.ss_spShaderParams.sp_afFloats; msrf.msrf_ShadingParams.sp_ulFlags = ssSurfShader.ss_spShaderParams.sp_ulFlags; // set shader for this surface if(ssSurfShader.fnShaderName.Length()>0) { ChangeSurfaceShader_t(msrf,ssSurfShader.fnShaderName); } else { msrf.msrf_pShader=NULL; } break; } } } triangle_array '}' '}' { _iSurface++; if(_iTriangle!=_ctTriangles) { yyerror("Incorect number of triangles for surface %d.\nExpecting %d but found only %d",_iSurface,_ctTriangles,_iTriangle); } } ; triangle_array : triangle_array_value | triangle_array triangle_array_value ; triangle_array_value : triangle ';' { if(_iTriangle>=_ctTriangles) { yyerror("Incorect number of triangles - %d",_ctTriangles); } MeshSurface &msrf = pMeshLOD->mlod_aSurfaces[_iSurface]; MeshTriangle &mt = msrf.msrf_aTriangles[_iTriangle]; mt.iVertex[0]=$1[0]; mt.iVertex[1]=$1[1]; mt.iVertex[2]=$1[2]; _iTriangle++; } ; weights : k_WEIGHTS c_int '{' { _ctWeights = $2; if(_ctWeights <0) { yyerror("Negative weights count found %d",_ctWeights); } _iWeight = 0; pMeshLOD->mlod_aWeightMaps.New(_ctWeights); } weights_array '}' { if(_iWeight!=_ctWeights) { yyerror("Incorect number of weights.\nExpecting %d but found only %d",_ctWeights,_iWeight); } } ; weights_array :/*null*/ |weights_array_notnull ; weights_array_notnull : weightset | weights_array weightset ; weightset : '{' k_NAME c_string ';' k_WEIGHT_SET c_int '{' { _ctVertexWeights = $6; if(_ctVertexWeights <0) { yyerror("Negative vertex weights count found %d",_ctVertexWeights); } if(_iWeight>=_ctWeights) { yyerror("Incorect number of weights - %d",_ctWeights); } MeshWeightMap &mwm = pMeshLOD->mlod_aWeightMaps[_iWeight]; mwm.mwm_iID = ska_GetIDFromStringTable($3); mwm.mwm_aVertexWeight.New(_ctVertexWeights); _iVertexWeight = 0; } weight_map_array '}' '}' { _iWeight++; if(_iVertexWeight!=_ctVertexWeights) { yyerror("Incorect number of vertex weights.\nExpecting %d but found only %d",_ctVertexWeights,_iVertexWeight); } } ; weight_map_array : weight_map_array_value | weight_map_array weight_map_array_value ; weight_map_array_value : '{' c_int ';' float_const ';' '}' { if(_iVertexWeight>=_ctVertexWeights) { yyerror("Incorect number of vertex weights - %d",_ctVertexWeights); } MeshWeightMap &mwm = pMeshLOD->mlod_aWeightMaps[_iWeight]; MeshVertexWeight &mvw = mwm.mwm_aVertexWeight[_iVertexWeight]; FLOAT fWeight = $4; if(fWeight<0) { yyerror("Weight value is negative"); } mvw.mww_iVertex = $2; mvw.mww_fWeight = fWeight; _iVertexWeight++; } ; morphs : k_MORPHS c_int '{' { _ctMorphs = $2; if(_ctMorphs<0) { yyerror("Negative morph count found %d",_ctMorphs); } pMeshLOD->mlod_aMorphMaps.New($2); _iMorph = 0; } morphs_array '}' { if(_iMorph!=_ctMorphs) { yyerror("Incorect number of morphs.\nExpecting %d but found only %d",_ctMorphs,_iMorph); } } ; morphs_array : /*null*/ | morphs_array_notnull ; morphs_array_notnull : morphset | morphs_array morphset ; morphset : '{' k_NAME c_string ';' k_RELATIVE boolean k_MORPH_SET c_int { _ctVertexMorphs = $8; if(_ctVertexMorphs <0) { yyerror("Negative vertex morphs count found %d",_ctVertexMorphs); } if(_iMorph>=_ctMorphs) { yyerror("Incorect number of morphs - %d",_ctMorphs); } MeshMorphMap &mmm = pMeshLOD->mlod_aMorphMaps[_iMorph]; mmm.mmp_aMorphMap.New($8); mmm.mmp_iID = ska_GetIDFromStringTable($3); mmm.mmp_bRelative = $6; _iVertexMorph = 0; } '{' morph_set_array '}' '}' { _iMorph++; if(_iVertexMorph!=_ctVertexMorphs) { yyerror("Incorect number of vertex morphs.\nExpecting %d but found only %d",_ctVertexMorphs,_iVertexMorph); } } ; morph_set_array : morph_set_array_value | morph_set_array morph_set_array_value ; morph_set_array_value : '{' c_int ';' float_const ',' float_const ',' float_const ';' float_const ',' float_const ',' float_const ';' '}' { if(_iVertexMorph>=_ctVertexMorphs) { yyerror("Incorect number of vertex morphs - %d",_ctVertexMorphs); } // add mesh vertex morph to morph array MeshMorphMap &mmm = pMeshLOD->mlod_aMorphMaps[_iMorph]; MeshVertexMorph &mwm = mmm.mmp_aMorphMap[_iVertexMorph]; mwm.mwm_iVxIndex = $2; mwm.mwm_x = $4; mwm.mwm_y = $6; mwm.mwm_z = $8; mwm.mwm_nx = $10; mwm.mwm_ny = $12; mwm.mwm_nz = $14; _iVertexMorph++; } ; mesh_end : k_SE_MESH_END ';' ; float_const : c_float { $$ = $1; } | c_int { $$ = (float)$1; } ; int_const : c_int { $$ = $1; } ; uv2 : float_const ',' float_const { $$[0] = $1; $$[1] = $3; } ; vert3 : float_const ',' float_const ',' float_const { $$[0] = $1; $$[1] = $3; $$[2] = $5; } ; norm3 : float_const ',' float_const ',' float_const { $$[0] = $1; $$[1] = $3; $$[2] = $5; } ; triangle : int_const ',' int_const ',' int_const { $$[0] = $1; $$[1] = $3; $$[2] = $5; } ; matrix : float_const ',' float_const ',' float_const ',' float_const ',' float_const ',' float_const ',' float_const ',' float_const ',' float_const ',' float_const ',' float_const ',' float_const { $$[0] = $1; $$[1] = $3; $$[2] = $5; $$[3] = $7; $$[4] = $9; $$[5] = $11; $$[6] = $13; $$[7] = $15; $$[8] = $17; $$[9] = $19; $$[10] = $21; $$[11] = $23; } ; boolean : k_TRUE ';' { $$ = TRUE; } | k_FALSE ';' { $$ = FALSE; } ; %%