/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. All rights reserved. */

#include "stdh.h"

#include <Engine/Graphics/DrawPort.h>

#include <Engine/Base/Statistics_internal.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Console.h>
#include <Engine/Math/Projection.h>
#include <Engine/Graphics/RenderScene.h>
#include <Engine/Graphics/Texture.h>
#include <Engine/Graphics/GfxLibrary.h>
#include <Engine/Graphics/GfxProfile.h>
#include <Engine/Graphics/ShadowMap.h>
#include <Engine/Graphics/Fog_internal.h>
#include <Engine/Brushes/Brush.h>
#include <Engine/Brushes/BrushTransformed.h>

#include <Engine/Templates/StaticStackArray.cpp>

// asm shortcuts
#define O offset
#define Q qword ptr
#define D dword ptr
#define W  word ptr
#define B  byte ptr

#define ASMOPT 1

#define MAXTEXUNITS   4

extern INDEX wld_bShowTriangles;
extern INDEX wld_bShowDetailTextures;
extern INDEX wld_bRenderShadowMaps;
extern INDEX wld_bRenderTextures;
extern INDEX wld_bRenderDetailPolygons;
extern INDEX wld_iDetailRemovingBias;
extern INDEX wld_bAccurateColors;

extern INDEX gfx_bRenderWorld;
extern INDEX shd_iForceFlats;
extern INDEX shd_bShowFlats;

extern BOOL _bMultiPlayer;
extern BOOL CVA_bWorld;
static GfxAPIType eAPI;

// vertex coordinates and elements used by one pass of polygons
static CStaticStackArray<GFXVertex>   _avtxPass;   
static CStaticStackArray<GFXTexCoord> _atexPass[MAXTEXUNITS];
static CStaticStackArray<GFXColor>    _acolPass;   
static CStaticStackArray<INDEX>       _aiElements;
// general coordinate stack referenced by the scene polygons
CStaticStackArray<GFXVertex3> _avtxScene;

// group flags (single-texturing)
#define GF_TX0  (1L<<0) 
#define GF_TX1  (1L<<1)
#define GF_TX2  (1L<<2)
#define GF_SHD  (1L<<3)
#define GF_FLAT (1L<<4)  // flat fill instead of texture 1
#define GF_TA1  (1L<<5)  // texture 2 after shade
#define GF_TA2  (1L<<6)  // texture 3 after shade
#define GF_FOG  (1L<<7)
#define GF_HAZE (1L<<8)
#define GF_SEL  (1L<<9)
#define GF_KEY  (1L<<10) // first layer requires alpha-keying

// texture combinations for max 4 texture units (fog, haze and selection not included)
#define GF_TX0_TX1         (1L<<11)
#define GF_TX0_TX2         (1L<<12)
#define GF_TX0_SHD         (1L<<13)
#define GF_TX2_SHD         (1L<<14)  // second pass
#define GF_TX0_TX1_TX2     (1L<<15)
#define GF_TX0_TX1_SHD     (1L<<16)
#define GF_TX0_TX2_SHD     (1L<<17)
#define GF_TX0_TX1_TX2_SHD (1L<<18)

// total number of groups
#define GROUPS_MAXCOUNT (1L<<11)   // max group +1 !
#define GROUPS_MINCOUNT (1L<<4)-1  // min group !
static ScenePolygon *_apspoGroups[GROUPS_MAXCOUNT];
static INDEX _ctGroupsCount=0;

// some static vars

static FLOAT _fHazeMul, _fHazeAdd;
static FLOAT _fFogMul;

static COLOR _colSelection;
static INDEX _ctUsableTexUnits;
static BOOL  _bTranslucentPass;      // rendering translucent polygons

static ULONG _ulLastFlags[MAXTEXUNITS];
static ULONG _ulLastBlends[MAXTEXUNITS];
static INDEX _iLastFrameNo[MAXTEXUNITS];
static CTextureData *_ptdLastTex[MAXTEXUNITS];

static CDrawPort *_pDP;
static CPerspectiveProjection3D *_ppr = NULL;

// draw batched elements
static void FlushElements(void) 
  // skip if empty
  const INDEX ctElements = _aiElements.Count();
  if( ctElements<3) return;
  // draw
  const INDEX ctTris = ctElements/3;
  _pfGfxProfile.StartTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_DRAWELEMENTS);
  _pfGfxProfile.IncrementCounter( CGfxProfile::PCI_RS_TRIANGLEPASSESOPT, ctTris);
  _sfStats.IncrementCounter( CStatForm::SCI_SCENE_TRIANGLEPASSES, ctTris);
  _pGfx->gl_ctWorldTriangles += ctTris; 
  gfxDrawElements( ctElements, &_aiElements[0]);
  _pfGfxProfile.StopTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_DRAWELEMENTS);
  // reset

// batch elements of one polygon
static __forceinline void AddElements( ScenePolygon *pspo) 
  const INDEX ctElems = pspo->spo_ctElements;
  INDEX *piDst = _aiElements.Push(ctElems);
#if ASMOPT == 1
  __asm {
    mov     eax,D [pspo]
    mov     ecx,D [ctElems]
    mov     edi,D [piDst]
    mov     esi,D [eax]ScenePolygon.spo_piElements
    mov     ebx,D [eax]ScenePolygon.spo_iVtx0Pass
    movd    mm1,ebx
    movq    mm0,mm1
    psllq   mm1,32
    por     mm1,mm0
    shr     ecx,1
    jz      elemRest
    movq    mm0,Q [esi]
    paddd   mm0,mm1
    movq    Q [edi],mm0
    add     esi,8
    add     edi,8
    dec     ecx
    jnz     elemLoop
    test    [ctElems],1
    jz      elemDone
    mov     eax,D [esi]
    add     eax,ebx
    mov     D [edi],eax
  const INDEX iVtx0Pass = pspo->spo_iVtx0Pass;
  const INDEX *piSrc = pspo->spo_piElements;
  for( INDEX iElem=0; iElem<ctElems; iElem++) {
    // make an element in per-pass arrays
    piDst[iElem] = piSrc[iElem]+iVtx0Pass;

// draw all elements of one pass
static __forceinline void DrawAllElements( ScenePolygon *pspoFirst) 
  ASSERT( _aiElements.Count()==0);
  _pfGfxProfile.StartTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_DRAWELEMENTS);
  for( ScenePolygon *pspo=pspoFirst; pspo!=NULL; pspo=pspo->spo_pspoSucc) { 
    const INDEX ctTris = pspo->spo_ctElements/3;
    _pfGfxProfile.IncrementCounter( CGfxProfile::PCI_RS_TRIANGLEPASSESOPT, ctTris);
    _sfStats.IncrementCounter( CStatForm::SCI_SCENE_TRIANGLEPASSES, ctTris);
    _pGfx->gl_ctWorldTriangles += ctTris; 
  _pfGfxProfile.StopTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_DRAWELEMENTS);

// calculate mip factor for a texture and adjust its mapping vectors
static BOOL RSMakeMipFactorAndAdjustMapping( ScenePolygon *pspo, INDEX iLayer)
  _pfGfxProfile.StartTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_MAKEMIPFACTOR);
  BOOL bRemoved = FALSE;
  MEX mexTexSizeU, mexTexSizeV;
  CMappingVectors &mv = pspo->spo_amvMapping[iLayer];

  // texture map ?
    const ULONG ulBlend = pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[iLayer] & STXF_BLEND_MASK;
    CTextureData *ptd = (CTextureData*)pspo->spo_aptoTextures[iLayer]->GetData();
    mexTexSizeU = ptd->GetWidth();
    mexTexSizeV = ptd->GetHeight();

    // check whether detail can be rejected (but don't reject colorized textures)
    if( ulBlend==STXF_BLEND_SHADE && (ptd->td_ulFlags&TEX_EQUALIZED)
    && (pspo->spo_acolColors[iLayer]&0xFFFFFF00)==0xFFFFFF00)
    { // get nearest vertex Z distance from viewer and u and v steps
      const FLOAT fZ = pspo->spo_fNearestZ;
      const FLOAT f1oPZ1 = fZ / _ppr->ppr_PerspectiveRatios(1);
      const FLOAT f1oPZ2 = fZ / _ppr->ppr_PerspectiveRatios(2);
      const FLOAT fDUoDI = Abs( mv.mv_vU(1) *f1oPZ1);
      const FLOAT fDUoDJ = Abs( mv.mv_vU(2) *f1oPZ2);
      const FLOAT fDVoDI = Abs( mv.mv_vV(1) *f1oPZ1);
      const FLOAT fDVoDJ = Abs( mv.mv_vV(2) *f1oPZ2);
      // find mip factor and adjust removing of texture layer
      const FLOAT fMaxDoD    = Max( Max(fDUoDI,fDUoDJ), Max(fDVoDI,fDVoDJ));
      const INDEX iMipFactor = wld_iDetailRemovingBias + (((SLONG&)fMaxDoD)>>23) -127 +10;
      const INDEX iLastMip   = ptd->td_iFirstMipLevel + ptd->GetNoOfMips() -1; // determine last mipmap in texture
      bRemoved = (iMipFactor>=iLastMip);
      // check for detail texture showing
      extern INDEX wld_bShowDetailTextures;
      if( wld_bShowDetailTextures) {
        if( iLayer==2) pspo->spo_acolColors[iLayer] = C_MAGENTA|255;
        else           pspo->spo_acolColors[iLayer] = C_CYAN   |255;
    // check if texture has been blended with low alpha 
    else bRemoved = (ulBlend==STXF_BLEND_ALPHA) && ((pspo->spo_acolColors[iLayer]&CT_AMASK)>>CT_ASHIFT)<3;

  // shadow map
    mexTexSizeU = pspo->spo_psmShadowMap->sm_mexWidth;
    mexTexSizeV = pspo->spo_psmShadowMap->sm_mexHeight;

  // adjust texture gradients
  if( mexTexSizeU!=1024) {
    const FLOAT fMul = 1024.0f /mexTexSizeU;  // (no need to do shift-opt, because it won't speed up much!)
    mv.mv_vU(1) *=fMul;  mv.mv_vU(2) *=fMul;  mv.mv_vU(3) *=fMul;
  if( mexTexSizeV!=1024) {
    const FLOAT fMul = 1024.0f /mexTexSizeV;
    mv.mv_vV(1) *=fMul;  mv.mv_vV(2) *=fMul;  mv.mv_vV(3) *=fMul;

  // all done
  _pfGfxProfile.StopTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_MAKEMIPFACTOR);
  return bRemoved;

// Remove all polygons with no triangles from a list
static void RSRemoveDummyPolygons( ScenePolygon *pspoAll, ScenePolygon **ppspoNonDummy)
  _pfGfxProfile.StartTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_REMOVEDUMMY);
  *ppspoNonDummy = NULL;
  // for all span polygons in list (remember one ahead to be able to reconnect them)
  ScenePolygon *pspoNext;
  for( ScenePolygon *pspoThis=pspoAll; pspoThis!=NULL; pspoThis=pspoNext) {
    pspoNext = pspoThis->spo_pspoSucc;
    // if the polygon has some triangles
    if( pspoThis->spo_ctElements >0) {
      // move it to the other list
      pspoThis->spo_pspoSucc = *ppspoNonDummy;
      *ppspoNonDummy = pspoThis;
  _pfGfxProfile.StopTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_REMOVEDUMMY);

// bin polygons into groups
static void RSBinToGroups( ScenePolygon *pspoFirst)
  _pfGfxProfile.StartTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_BINTOGROUPS);
  // clamp texture layers
  extern INDEX wld_bTextureLayers;
  BOOL bTextureLayer1 =(wld_bTextureLayers /100) || _bMultiPlayer; // must be enabled in multiplayer mode!
  BOOL bTextureLayer2 = wld_bTextureLayers /10 %10;
  BOOL bTextureLayer3 = wld_bTextureLayers %10;
  wld_bTextureLayers  = 0;
  if( bTextureLayer1) wld_bTextureLayers += 100;
  if( bTextureLayer2) wld_bTextureLayers += 10;
  if( bTextureLayer3) wld_bTextureLayers += 1;

  // cache rendering states
  bTextureLayer1 = bTextureLayer1 && wld_bRenderTextures;
  bTextureLayer2 = bTextureLayer2 && wld_bRenderTextures;
  bTextureLayer3 = bTextureLayer3 && wld_bRenderTextures;

  // clear all groups initially
  memset( _apspoGroups, 0, sizeof(_apspoGroups));
  _ctGroupsCount = GROUPS_MINCOUNT;

  // for all span polygons in list (remember one ahead to be able to reconnect them)
  for( ScenePolygon *pspoNext, *pspo=pspoFirst; pspo!=NULL; pspo=pspoNext)
    pspoNext = pspo->spo_pspoSucc;
    const INDEX ctTris = pspo->spo_ctElements/3;
    ULONG ulBits = NONE;

    // if it has texture 1 active
    if( pspo->spo_aptoTextures[0]!=NULL && bTextureLayer1) {
      _pfGfxProfile.IncrementCounter( CGfxProfile::PCI_RS_TRIANGLEPASSESORG, ctTris);
      // prepare mapping for texture 0 and generate its mip factor
      const BOOL bRemoved = RSMakeMipFactorAndAdjustMapping( pspo, 0);
      if( !bRemoved) ulBits |= GF_TX0; // add if not removed
    } else {
      // flat fill is mutually exclusive with texture layer0
      _ctGroupsCount |= GF_FLAT;
      ulBits |= GF_FLAT; 

    // if it has texture 2 active
    if( pspo->spo_aptoTextures[1]!=NULL && bTextureLayer2) {
      _pfGfxProfile.IncrementCounter( CGfxProfile::PCI_RS_TRIANGLEPASSESORG, ctTris);
      // prepare mapping for texture 1 and generate its mip factor
      const BOOL bRemoved = RSMakeMipFactorAndAdjustMapping( pspo, 1);
      if( !bRemoved) { // add if not removed
        if( pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[1] & STXF_AFTERSHADOW) {
          _ctGroupsCount |= GF_TA1;
          ulBits |= GF_TA1;
        } else {
          ulBits |= GF_TX1;
    // if it has texture 3 active
    if( pspo->spo_aptoTextures[2]!=NULL && bTextureLayer3) {
      _pfGfxProfile.IncrementCounter( CGfxProfile::PCI_RS_TRIANGLEPASSESORG, ctTris);
      // prepare mapping for texture 2 and generate its mip factor
      const BOOL bRemoved = RSMakeMipFactorAndAdjustMapping( pspo, 2);
      if( !bRemoved) { // add if not removed
        if( pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[2] & STXF_AFTERSHADOW) {
          _ctGroupsCount |= GF_TA2;
          ulBits |= GF_TA2;
        } else {
          ulBits |= GF_TX2;

    // if it has shadowmap active
    if( pspo->spo_psmShadowMap!=NULL && wld_bRenderShadowMaps) {
      _pfGfxProfile.IncrementCounter( CGfxProfile::PCI_RS_TRIANGLEPASSESORG, ctTris);
      // prepare shadow map
      CShadowMap *psmShadow = pspo->spo_psmShadowMap;
      const BOOL bFlat = psmShadow->IsFlat();
      COLOR colFlat = psmShadow->sm_colFlat & 0xFFFFFF00; 
      const BOOL bOverbright = (colFlat & 0x80808000);
      // only need to update poly color if shadowmap is flat
      if( bFlat) {
        if( !bOverbright || shd_iForceFlats==1) {
          if( shd_bShowFlats) colFlat = C_mdMAGENTA; // show flat shadows?
          else { // enhance light color to emulate overbrighting
            if( !bOverbright) colFlat<<=1;
            else {
              UBYTE ubR,ubG,ubB;
              ColorToRGB( colFlat, ubR,ubG,ubB);
              ULONG ulR = ClampUp( ((ULONG)ubR)<<1, 255UL);
              ULONG ulG = ClampUp( ((ULONG)ubG)<<1, 255UL);
              ULONG ulB = ClampUp( ((ULONG)ubB)<<1, 255UL);
              colFlat = RGBToColor(ulR,ulG,ulB);
          } // mix color in the first texture layer
          COLOR &colTotal = pspo->spo_acolColors[0];
          COLOR  colLayer = pspo->spo_acolColors[3];
          if( colTotal==0xFFFFFFFF) colTotal = colLayer;
          else if( colLayer!=0xFFFFFFFF) colTotal = MulColors( colTotal, colLayer);
          if(  colTotal==0xFFFFFFFF) colTotal = colFlat;
          else colTotal = MulColors( colTotal,  colFlat);
        else {
          // need to update poly color if shadowmap is flat and overbrightened
          COLOR &colTotal = pspo->spo_acolColors[3];
          if( shd_bShowFlats) colFlat = C_mdBLUE; // overbrightened!
          if(  colTotal==0xFFFFFFFF) colTotal = colFlat;
          else colTotal = MulColors( colTotal,  colFlat);
          ulBits |= GF_SHD; // mark the need for shadow layer
      } else {
        // prepare mapping for shadowmap and generate its mip factor
        RSMakeMipFactorAndAdjustMapping( pspo, SHADOWTEXTURE);
        ulBits |= GF_SHD;

    // if it has fog active
    if( pspo->spo_ulFlags&SPOF_RENDERFOG) {
      _pfGfxProfile.IncrementCounter( CGfxProfile::PCI_RS_TRIANGLEPASSESORG, ctTris);
      _ctGroupsCount |= GF_FOG;
      ulBits |= GF_FOG;
    // if it has haze active
    if( pspo->spo_ulFlags&SPOF_RENDERHAZE) {
      _pfGfxProfile.IncrementCounter( CGfxProfile::PCI_RS_TRIANGLEPASSESORG, ctTris);
      _ctGroupsCount |= GF_HAZE;
      ulBits |= GF_HAZE;

    // if it is selected
    if( pspo->spo_ulFlags&SPOF_SELECTED) {
      _pfGfxProfile.IncrementCounter( CGfxProfile::PCI_RS_TRIANGLEPASSESORG, ctTris);
      _ctGroupsCount |= GF_SEL;
      ulBits |= GF_SEL;

    // if it is transparent
    if( pspo->spo_ulFlags&SPOF_TRANSPARENT) {
      _pfGfxProfile.IncrementCounter( CGfxProfile::PCI_RS_TRIANGLEPASSESORG, ctTris);
      _ctGroupsCount |= GF_KEY;
      ulBits |= GF_KEY;

    // in case of at least one layer, add it to proper group
    if( ulBits) {
      _pfGfxProfile.IncrementCounter( CGfxProfile::PCI_RS_TRIANGLES, ctTris);
      pspo->spo_pspoSucc   = _apspoGroups[ulBits];
      _apspoGroups[ulBits] = pspo;

  // determine maximum used groups
  ASSERT( _ctGroupsCount);
  __asm {
    mov     eax,2
    bsr     ecx,D [_ctGroupsCount]
    shl     eax,cl
    mov     D [_ctGroupsCount],eax

  // done with bining
  _pfGfxProfile.StopTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_BINTOGROUPS);

// bin polygons that can use dual-texturing
static void RSBinByDualTexturing( ScenePolygon *pspoGroup, INDEX iLayer1, INDEX iLayer2,
                                  ScenePolygon **ppspoST, ScenePolygon **ppspoMT)
  _pfGfxProfile.StartTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_BINBYMULTITEXTURING);
  *ppspoST = NULL;
  *ppspoMT = NULL;
  // for all span polygons in list (remember one ahead to be able to reconnect them)
  for( ScenePolygon *pspoNext, *pspo=pspoGroup; pspo!=NULL; pspo=pspoNext)
    pspoNext = pspo->spo_pspoSucc;
    // if first texture is opaque or shade and second layer is shade
    if( ((pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[iLayer1]&STXF_BLEND_MASK)==STXF_BLEND_OPAQUE
     ||  (pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[iLayer1]&STXF_BLEND_MASK)==STXF_BLEND_SHADE) 
     &&  (pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[iLayer2]&STXF_BLEND_MASK)==STXF_BLEND_SHADE) {
      // can be merged,  so put to multi-texture
      pspo->spo_pspoSucc = *ppspoMT;
      *ppspoMT = pspo;
    } else {
      // cannot be merged, so put to single-texture
      pspo->spo_pspoSucc = *ppspoST;
      *ppspoST = pspo;
  _pfGfxProfile.StopTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_BINBYMULTITEXTURING);

// bin polygons that can use triple-texturing
static void RSBinByTripleTexturing( ScenePolygon *pspoGroup, INDEX iLayer2, INDEX iLayer3,
                                    ScenePolygon **ppspoST, ScenePolygon **ppspoMT)
  _pfGfxProfile.StartTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_BINBYMULTITEXTURING);
  *ppspoST = NULL;
  *ppspoMT = NULL;
  // for all span polygons in list (remember one ahead to be able to reconnect them)
  for( ScenePolygon *pspoNext, *pspo=pspoGroup; pspo!=NULL; pspo=pspoNext)
    pspoNext = pspo->spo_pspoSucc;
    // if texture is shade and colors allow merging
    if( (pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[iLayer3]&STXF_BLEND_MASK)==STXF_BLEND_SHADE) {
      // can be merged, so put to multi-texture
      pspo->spo_pspoSucc = *ppspoMT;
      *ppspoMT = pspo;
    } else {
      // cannot be merged, so put to single-texture
      pspo->spo_pspoSucc = *ppspoST;
      *ppspoST = pspo;
  _pfGfxProfile.StopTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_BINBYMULTITEXTURING);

// bin polygons that can use quad-texturing
static void RSBinByQuadTexturing( ScenePolygon *pspoGroup, ScenePolygon **ppspoST, ScenePolygon **ppspoMT)
  _pfGfxProfile.StartTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_BINBYMULTITEXTURING);
  *ppspoST = NULL;
  *ppspoMT = pspoGroup;
  _pfGfxProfile.StopTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_BINBYMULTITEXTURING);

// check if all layers in all shadow maps are up to date
static void RSCheckLayersUpToDate( ScenePolygon *pspoFirst)
  _pfGfxProfile.StartTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_CHECKLAYERSUPTODATE);
  // for all span polygons in list
  for( ScenePolygon *pspo=pspoFirst; pspo!=NULL; pspo=pspo->spo_pspoSucc) {
    if( pspo->spo_psmShadowMap!=NULL) pspo->spo_psmShadowMap->CheckLayersUpToDate();
  _pfGfxProfile.StopTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_CHECKLAYERSUPTODATE);

// prepare parameters individual to a polygon texture
inline void RSSetTextureWrapping( ULONG ulFlags)
  gfxSetTextureWrapping( (ulFlags&STXF_CLAMPU) ? GFX_CLAMP : GFX_REPEAT,
                         (ulFlags&STXF_CLAMPV) ? GFX_CLAMP : GFX_REPEAT);

// prepare parameters individual to a polygon texture
static void RSSetInitialTextureParameters(void)
  _ulLastFlags[0]  = STXF_BLEND_OPAQUE;
  _ulLastBlends[0] = STXF_BLEND_OPAQUE;
  _iLastFrameNo[0] = 0;
  _ptdLastTex[0]   = NULL;

static void RSSetTextureParameters( ULONG ulFlags)
  // if blend flags have changed
  ULONG ulBlendFlags = ulFlags&STXF_BLEND_MASK;
  if( _ulLastBlends[0] != ulBlendFlags)
  { // determine new texturing mode
    switch( ulBlendFlags) {
    case STXF_BLEND_OPAQUE: // opaque texturing
    case STXF_BLEND_ALPHA:  // blend using texture alpha
      gfxBlendFunc( GFX_SRC_ALPHA, GFX_INV_SRC_ALPHA); 
    case STXF_BLEND_ADD:  // add to screen
      gfxBlendFunc( GFX_ONE, GFX_ONE); 
    default: // screen*texture*2
      ASSERT( ulBlendFlags==STXF_BLEND_SHADE); 
      gfxBlendFunc( GFX_DST_COLOR, GFX_SRC_COLOR); 
    // remember new flags
    _ulLastBlends[0] = ulFlags;

// prepare initial parameters for polygon texture
static void RSSetInitialTextureParametersMT(void)
  INDEX i;
  // reset bleding modes
  for( i=0; i<MAXTEXUNITS; i++) {
    _ulLastFlags[i]  = STXF_BLEND_OPAQUE;
    _ulLastBlends[i] = STXF_BLEND_OPAQUE;
    _iLastFrameNo[i] = 0;
    _ptdLastTex[i]   = NULL;
  // reset for texture
  for( i=1; i<_ctUsableTexUnits; i++) {

// prepare parameters individual to a polygon texture
static void RSSetTextureParametersMT( ULONG ulFlags)
  // skip if the same as last time
  const ULONG ulBlendFlags = ulFlags&STXF_BLEND_MASK;
  if( _ulLastBlends[0]==ulBlendFlags) return; 
  // update
  if( ulBlendFlags==STXF_BLEND_OPAQUE) {
    // opaque texturing
  } else {
    // shade texturing
    ASSERT( ulBlendFlags==STXF_BLEND_SHADE);
    gfxBlendFunc( GFX_DST_COLOR, GFX_SRC_COLOR); 
  } // keep
  _ulLastBlends[0] = ulBlendFlags;

// make vertex coordinates for all polygons in the group
static void RSMakeVertexCoordinates( ScenePolygon *pspoGroup)
  _pfGfxProfile.StartTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_MAKEVERTEXCOORDS);
  INDEX ctGroupVtx = 0;

  // for all scene polygons in list
  for( ScenePolygon *pspo=pspoGroup; pspo!=NULL; pspo=pspo->spo_pspoSucc)
    // create new vertices for that polygon in per-pass array
    const INDEX ctVtx   = pspo->spo_ctVtx;
    pspo->spo_iVtx0Pass = _avtxPass.Count();
    GFXVertex3 *pvtxScene = &_avtxScene[pspo->spo_iVtx0];
    GFXVertex4 *pvtxPass  =  _avtxPass.Push(ctVtx);

    // copy the vertex coordinates
    for( INDEX iVtx=0; iVtx<ctVtx; iVtx++) {
      pvtxPass[iVtx].x = pvtxScene[iVtx].x;
      pvtxPass[iVtx].y = pvtxScene[iVtx].y;
      pvtxPass[iVtx].z = pvtxScene[iVtx].z;
    // add polygon vertices to total
    ctGroupVtx += ctVtx; 

  // prepare texture and color arrays
  for( INDEX i=0; i<_ctUsableTexUnits; i++) _atexPass[i].Push(ctGroupVtx);

  // done
  _pfGfxProfile.StopTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_MAKEVERTEXCOORDS);

static void RSSetPolygonColors( ScenePolygon *pspoGroup, UBYTE ubAlpha)
  _pfGfxProfile.StartTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_SETCOLORS);
  // for all scene polygons in list
  COLOR col;
  GFXColor *pcol;
  for( ScenePolygon *pspo = pspoGroup; pspo != NULL; pspo = pspo->spo_pspoSucc) {
    col  = ByteSwap( AdjustColor( pspo->spo_cColor|ubAlpha, _slTexHueShift, _slTexSaturation));
    pcol = &_acolPass[pspo->spo_iVtx0Pass];
    for( INDEX i=0; i<pspo->spo_ctVtx; i++) pcol[i].abgr = col;
  gfxSetColorArray( &_acolPass[0]);
  _pfGfxProfile.StopTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_SETCOLORS);

static void RSSetConstantColors( COLOR col)
  _pfGfxProfile.StartTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_SETCOLORS);
  col = ByteSwap( AdjustColor( col, _slTexHueShift, _slTexSaturation));
  GFXColor *pcol = &_acolPass[0];
  for( INDEX i=0; i<_acolPass.Count(); i++) pcol[i].abgr = col;
  gfxSetColorArray( &_acolPass[0]);
  _pfGfxProfile.StopTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_SETCOLORS);

static void RSSetTextureColors( ScenePolygon *pspoGroup, ULONG ulLayerMask)
  _pfGfxProfile.StartTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_SETCOLORS);
  ASSERT( !(ulLayerMask & (GF_TA1|GF_TA2|GF_FOG|GF_HAZE|GF_SEL)));
  // for all scene polygons in list
  COLOR colLayer, colTotal;
  for( ScenePolygon *pspo = pspoGroup; pspo != NULL; pspo = pspo->spo_pspoSucc)
  { // adjust hue/saturation and set colors
    colTotal = C_WHITE|CT_OPAQUE;
    if( ulLayerMask&GF_TX0) {
      colLayer = AdjustColor( pspo->spo_acolColors[0], _slTexHueShift, _slTexSaturation);
      if( colLayer!=0xFFFFFFFF) colTotal = MulColors( colTotal, colLayer);
    if( ulLayerMask&GF_TX1) {
      colLayer = AdjustColor( pspo->spo_acolColors[1], _slTexHueShift, _slTexSaturation);
      if( colLayer!=0xFFFFFFFF) colTotal = MulColors( colTotal, colLayer);
    if( ulLayerMask&GF_TX2) {
      colLayer = AdjustColor( pspo->spo_acolColors[2], _slTexHueShift, _slTexSaturation);
      if( colLayer!=0xFFFFFFFF) colTotal = MulColors( colTotal, colLayer);
    if( ulLayerMask&GF_SHD) {
      colLayer = AdjustColor( pspo->spo_acolColors[3], _slShdHueShift, _slShdSaturation);
      if( colLayer!=0xFFFFFFFF) colTotal = MulColors( colTotal, colLayer);
    // store
    colTotal = ByteSwap(colTotal);
    GFXColor *pcol= &_acolPass[pspo->spo_iVtx0Pass];
    for( INDEX i=0; i<pspo->spo_ctVtx; i++) pcol[i].abgr = colTotal;
  // set color array
  gfxSetColorArray( &_acolPass[0]);
  _pfGfxProfile.StopTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_SETCOLORS);

// make texture coordinates for one texture in all polygons in group
static INDEX _iLastUnit = -1;
static void RSSetTextureCoords( ScenePolygon *pspoGroup, INDEX iLayer, INDEX iUnit)
  _pfGfxProfile.StartTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_SETTEXCOORDS);
  // eventualy switch texture unit
  if( _iLastUnit != iUnit) {
    _iLastUnit = iUnit;

  // generate tex coord for all scene polygons in list
  const FLOATmatrix3D &mViewer = _ppr->pr_ViewerRotationMatrix;
  const INDEX iMappingOffset = iLayer * sizeof(CMappingVectors);

  for( ScenePolygon *pspo=pspoGroup; pspo!=NULL; pspo=pspo->spo_pspoSucc)
    ASSERT( pspo->spo_ctVtx>0);
    const FLOAT3D &vN = ((CBrushPolygon*)pspo->spo_pvPolygon)->bpo_pbplPlane->bpl_pwplWorking->wpl_plView;
    const GFXVertex   *pvtx = &_avtxPass[pspo->spo_iVtx0Pass];
          GFXTexCoord *ptex = &_atexPass[iUnit][pspo->spo_iVtx0Pass];
    // reflective mapping?
    if( pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[iLayer] & STXF_REFLECTION) {
      for( INDEX i=0; i<pspo->spo_ctVtx; i++) { 
        const FLOAT fNorm = 1.0f / sqrt(pvtx[i].x*pvtx[i].x + pvtx[i].y*pvtx[i].y + pvtx[i].z*pvtx[i].z);
        const FLOAT fVx = pvtx[i].x *fNorm;
        const FLOAT fVy = pvtx[i].y *fNorm;
        const FLOAT fVz = pvtx[i].z *fNorm;
        const FLOAT fNV = fVx*vN(1) + fVy*vN(2) + fVz*vN(3);
        const FLOAT fRVx = fVx - 2*vN(1)*fNV;
        const FLOAT fRVy = fVy - 2*vN(2)*fNV;
        const FLOAT fRVz = fVz - 2*vN(3)*fNV;
        const FLOAT fRVxT = fRVx*mViewer(1,1) + fRVy*mViewer(2,1) + fRVz*mViewer(3,1);
        const FLOAT fRVzT = fRVx*mViewer(1,3) + fRVy*mViewer(2,3) + fRVz*mViewer(3,3);
        ptex[i].s = fRVxT*0.5f +0.5f;
        ptex[i].t = fRVzT*0.5f +0.5f;
      // advance to next polygon

    // diffuse mapping
    const FLOAT3D &vO = pspo->spo_amvMapping[iLayer].mv_vO;

#if ASMOPT == 1
    __asm {
      mov     esi,D [pspo]
      mov     edi,D [iMappingOffset]
      lea     eax,[esi].spo_amvMapping[edi].mv_vO
      lea     ebx,[esi].spo_amvMapping[edi].mv_vU
      lea     ecx,[esi].spo_amvMapping[edi].mv_vV
      mov     edx,D [esi].spo_ctVtx
      mov     esi,D [pvtx]
      mov     edi,D [ptex]
      fld     D [ebx+0]
      fld     D [esi]GFXVertex.x
      fsub    D [eax+0]
      fmul    st(1),st(0)
      fmul    D [ecx+0]   // vV(1)*fDX, vU(1)*fDX
      fld     D [ebx+4]
      fld     D [esi]GFXVertex.y
      fsub    D [eax+4]
      fmul    st(1),st(0)
      fmul    D [ecx+4]   // vV(2)*fDY, vU(2)*fDY, vV(1)*fDX, vU(1)*fDX
      fld     D [ebx+8]
      fld     D [esi]GFXVertex.z
      fsub    D [eax+8]
      fmul    st(1),st(0)
      fmul    D [ecx+8]   // vV(3)*fDZ, vU(3)*fDZ, vV(2)*fDY, vU(2)*fDY, vV(1)*fDX, vU(1)*fDX
      fxch    st(5)
      faddp   st(3),st(0) // vU(3)*fDZ, vV(2)*fDY, vU(1)*fDX+vU(2)*fDY, vV(1)*fDX, vV(3)*fDZ
      fxch    st(1)
      faddp   st(3),st(0) // vU(3)*fDZ, vU(1)*fDX+vU(2)*fDY, vV(1)*fDX+vV(2)*fDY, vV(3)*fDZ
      faddp   st(1),st(0) // vU(1)*fDX+vU(2)*fDY+vU(3)*fDZ,  vV(1)*fDX+vV(2)*fDY, vV(3)*fDZ
      fxch    st(1)
      faddp   st(2),st(0) // vU(1)*fDX+vU(2)*fDY+vU(3)*fDZ,  vV(1)*fDX+vV(2)*fDY+vV(3)*fDZ
      fstp    D [edi]GFXTexCoord.s
      fstp    D [edi]GFXTexCoord.t
      add     esi,4*4
      add     edi,2*4
      dec     edx
      jnz     vtxLoop
    const FLOAT3D &vO = pspo->spo_amvMapping[iLayer].mv_vO;
    const FLOAT3D &vU = pspo->spo_amvMapping[iLayer].mv_vU;
    const FLOAT3D &vV = pspo->spo_amvMapping[iLayer].mv_vV;
    for( INDEX i=0; i<pspo->spo_ctVtx; i++) {
      const FLOAT fDX = pvtx[i].x -vO(1);
      const FLOAT fDY = pvtx[i].y -vO(2);
      const FLOAT fDZ = pvtx[i].z -vO(3);
      ptex[i].s = vU(1)*fDX + vU(2)*fDY + vU(3)*fDZ;
      ptex[i].t = vV(1)*fDX + vV(2)*fDY + vV(3)*fDZ;

  // init array
  gfxSetTexCoordArray( &_atexPass[iUnit][0], FALSE);
  _pfGfxProfile.StopTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_SETTEXCOORDS);

// make fog texture coordinates for all polygons in group
static void RSSetFogCoordinates( ScenePolygon *pspoGroup)
  _pfGfxProfile.StartTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_SETTEXCOORDS);
  // for all scene polygons in list
  for( ScenePolygon *pspo=pspoGroup; pspo!=NULL; pspo=pspo->spo_pspoSucc) {
    const GFXVertex   *pvtx = &_avtxPass[pspo->spo_iVtx0Pass];
          GFXTexCoord *ptex = &_atexPass[0][pspo->spo_iVtx0Pass];
    for( INDEX i=0; i<pspo->spo_ctVtx; i++) {
      ptex[i].s = pvtx[i].z *_fFogMul;
      ptex[i].t = (_fog_vHDirView(1)*pvtx[i].x + _fog_vHDirView(2)*pvtx[i].y
                +  _fog_vHDirView(3)*pvtx[i].z + _fog_fAddH) * _fog_fMulH;
  gfxSetTexCoordArray( &_atexPass[0][0], FALSE);
  _pfGfxProfile.StopTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_SETTEXCOORDS);

// make haze texture coordinates for all polygons in group
static void RSSetHazeCoordinates( ScenePolygon *pspoGroup)
  _pfGfxProfile.StartTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_SETTEXCOORDS);
  // for all scene polygons in list
  for( ScenePolygon *pspo=pspoGroup; pspo!=NULL; pspo=pspo->spo_pspoSucc) {
    const GFXVertex   *pvtx = &_avtxPass[pspo->spo_iVtx0Pass];
          GFXTexCoord *ptex = &_atexPass[0][pspo->spo_iVtx0Pass];
    for( INDEX i=0; i<pspo->spo_ctVtx; i++) {
      ptex[i].s = (pvtx[i].z + _fHazeAdd) *_fHazeMul;
      ptex[i].t = 0;
  gfxSetTexCoordArray( &_atexPass[0][0], FALSE);
  _pfGfxProfile.StopTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_SETTEXCOORDS);

// render textures for all triangles in polygon list
static void RSRenderTEX( ScenePolygon *pspoFirst, INDEX iLayer)
  _pfGfxProfile.StartTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_RENDERTEXTURES);

  // for all span polygons in list
  for( ScenePolygon *pspo=pspoFirst; pspo!=NULL; pspo=pspo->spo_pspoSucc)
    CTextureData *ptdTextureData = (CTextureData*)pspo->spo_aptoTextures[iLayer]->GetData();
    const INDEX iFrameNo = pspo->spo_aptoTextures[iLayer]->GetFrame();

    if( _ptdLastTex[0]   != ptdTextureData
     || _ulLastFlags[0]  != pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[iLayer]
     || _iLastFrameNo[0] != iFrameNo) {
      // flush
      _ptdLastTex[0]   = ptdTextureData;
      _ulLastFlags[0]  = pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[iLayer];
      _iLastFrameNo[0] = iFrameNo;
      // set texture parameters if needed
      RSSetTextureWrapping(   pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[iLayer]);
      RSSetTextureParameters( pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[iLayer]);
      // prepare texture to be used by accelerator
    // render all triangles
  // flush leftovers
  _pfGfxProfile.StopTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_RENDERTEXTURES);

// render shadows for all triangles in polygon list
static void RSRenderSHD( ScenePolygon *pspoFirst)
  _pfGfxProfile.StartTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_RENDERSHADOWS);

  // for all span polygons in list
  for( ScenePolygon *pspo = pspoFirst; pspo != NULL; pspo = pspo->spo_pspoSucc)
    // get shadow map for the polygon
    CShadowMap *psmShadow = pspo->spo_psmShadowMap;
    ASSERT( psmShadow!=NULL);  // shadows have been already sorted out

    // set texture parameters if needed
    RSSetTextureWrapping(   pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[SHADOWTEXTURE]);
    RSSetTextureParameters( pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[SHADOWTEXTURE]);

    // upload the shadow to accelerator memory

    // batch and render triangles
  // done
  _pfGfxProfile.StopTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_RENDERSHADOWS);

// render texture and shadow for all triangles in polygon list
static void RSRenderTEX_SHD( ScenePolygon *pspoFirst, INDEX iLayer)
  _pfGfxProfile.StartTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_RENDERMT);

  // for all span polygons in list
  for( ScenePolygon *pspo=pspoFirst; pspo!=NULL; pspo=pspo->spo_pspoSucc)
    // render batched triangles
    ASSERT( pspo->spo_aptoTextures[iLayer]!=NULL && pspo->spo_psmShadowMap!=NULL);

    // upload the shadow to accelerator memory
    RSSetTextureWrapping( pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[SHADOWTEXTURE]);

    // prepare texture to be used by accelerator
    CTextureData *ptd = (CTextureData*)pspo->spo_aptoTextures[iLayer]->GetData();
    const INDEX iFrameNo = pspo->spo_aptoTextures[iLayer]->GetFrame();
    if( _ptdLastTex[0]!=ptd || _iLastFrameNo[0]!=iFrameNo || _ulLastFlags[0]!=pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[iLayer]) {
      _ptdLastTex[0]=ptd;  _iLastFrameNo[0]=iFrameNo;  _ulLastFlags[0]=pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[iLayer];
      RSSetTextureWrapping( pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[iLayer]);
      // set rendering parameters if needed
      RSSetTextureParametersMT( pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[iLayer]);
    // batch triangles

  // flush leftovers
  _pfGfxProfile.StopTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_RENDERMT);

// render two textures for all triangles in polygon list
static void RSRender2TEX( ScenePolygon *pspoFirst, INDEX iLayer2)
  _pfGfxProfile.StartTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_RENDERMT);

  // for all span polygons in list
  for( ScenePolygon *pspo=pspoFirst; pspo!=NULL; pspo=pspo->spo_pspoSucc)
    ASSERT( pspo->spo_aptoTextures[0]!=NULL && pspo->spo_aptoTextures[iLayer2]!=NULL);
    CTextureData *ptd0 = (CTextureData*)pspo->spo_aptoTextures[0]->GetData();
    CTextureData *ptd1 = (CTextureData*)pspo->spo_aptoTextures[iLayer2]->GetData();
    const INDEX iFrameNo0 = pspo->spo_aptoTextures[0]->GetFrame();
    const INDEX iFrameNo1 = pspo->spo_aptoTextures[iLayer2]->GetFrame();

    if( _ptdLastTex[0]!=ptd0 || _iLastFrameNo[0]!=iFrameNo0 || _ulLastFlags[0]!=pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[0]
     || _ptdLastTex[1]!=ptd1 || _iLastFrameNo[1]!=iFrameNo1 || _ulLastFlags[1]!=pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[iLayer2]) {
      _ptdLastTex[0]=ptd0;  _iLastFrameNo[0]=iFrameNo0;  _ulLastFlags[0]=pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[0];
      _ptdLastTex[1]=ptd1;  _iLastFrameNo[1]=iFrameNo1;  _ulLastFlags[1]=pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[iLayer2];
      // upload the second texture to unit 1
      RSSetTextureWrapping( pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[iLayer2]);
      // upload the first texture to unit 0
      RSSetTextureWrapping( pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[0]);
      // set rendering parameters if needed
      RSSetTextureParametersMT( pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[0]);
    // render all triangles

  // flush leftovers
  _pfGfxProfile.StopTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_RENDERMT);

// render two textures and shadowmap for all triangles in polygon list
static void RSRender2TEX_SHD( ScenePolygon *pspoFirst, INDEX iLayer2)
  _pfGfxProfile.StartTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_RENDERMT);

  // for all span polygons in list
  for( ScenePolygon *pspo=pspoFirst; pspo!=NULL; pspo=pspo->spo_pspoSucc)
    ASSERT( pspo->spo_aptoTextures[0]!=NULL
         && pspo->spo_aptoTextures[iLayer2]!=NULL
         && pspo->spo_psmShadowMap!=NULL);

    // render batched triangles

    // upload the shadow to accelerator memory
    RSSetTextureWrapping( pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[SHADOWTEXTURE]);

    // prepare textures to be used by accelerator
    CTextureData *ptd0 = (CTextureData*)pspo->spo_aptoTextures[0]->GetData();
    CTextureData *ptd1 = (CTextureData*)pspo->spo_aptoTextures[iLayer2]->GetData();
    const INDEX iFrameNo0 = pspo->spo_aptoTextures[0]->GetFrame();
    const INDEX iFrameNo1 = pspo->spo_aptoTextures[iLayer2]->GetFrame();

    if( _ptdLastTex[0]!=ptd0 || _iLastFrameNo[0]!=iFrameNo0 || _ulLastFlags[0]!=pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[0]
     || _ptdLastTex[1]!=ptd1 || _iLastFrameNo[1]!=iFrameNo1 || _ulLastFlags[1]!=pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[iLayer2]) {
      _ptdLastTex[0]=ptd0;  _iLastFrameNo[0]=iFrameNo0;  _ulLastFlags[0]=pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[0];      
      _ptdLastTex[1]=ptd1;  _iLastFrameNo[1]=iFrameNo1;  _ulLastFlags[1]=pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[iLayer2];
      // upload the second texture to unit 1
      RSSetTextureWrapping( pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[iLayer2]);
      // upload the first texture to unit 0
      RSSetTextureWrapping( pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[0]);
      // set rendering parameters if needed
      RSSetTextureParametersMT( pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[0]);
    // render all triangles

  // flush leftovers
  _pfGfxProfile.StopTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_RENDERMT);

// render three textures for all triangles in polygon list
static void RSRender3TEX( ScenePolygon *pspoFirst)
  _pfGfxProfile.StartTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_RENDERMT);

  // for all span polygons in list
  for( ScenePolygon *pspo=pspoFirst; pspo!=NULL; pspo=pspo->spo_pspoSucc)
    ASSERT( pspo->spo_aptoTextures[0]!=NULL
         && pspo->spo_aptoTextures[1]!=NULL
         && pspo->spo_aptoTextures[2]!=NULL);
    CTextureData *ptd0 = (CTextureData*)pspo->spo_aptoTextures[0]->GetData();
    CTextureData *ptd1 = (CTextureData*)pspo->spo_aptoTextures[1]->GetData();
    CTextureData *ptd2 = (CTextureData*)pspo->spo_aptoTextures[2]->GetData();
    const INDEX iFrameNo0 = pspo->spo_aptoTextures[0]->GetFrame();
    const INDEX iFrameNo1 = pspo->spo_aptoTextures[1]->GetFrame();
    const INDEX iFrameNo2 = pspo->spo_aptoTextures[2]->GetFrame();

    if( _ptdLastTex[0]!=ptd0 || _iLastFrameNo[0]!=iFrameNo0 || _ulLastFlags[0]!=pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[0]
     || _ptdLastTex[1]!=ptd1 || _iLastFrameNo[1]!=iFrameNo1 || _ulLastFlags[1]!=pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[1]
     || _ptdLastTex[2]!=ptd2 || _iLastFrameNo[2]!=iFrameNo2 || _ulLastFlags[2]!=pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[2]) {
      _ptdLastTex[0]=ptd0;  _iLastFrameNo[0]=iFrameNo0;  _ulLastFlags[0]=pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[0];      
      _ptdLastTex[1]=ptd1;  _iLastFrameNo[1]=iFrameNo1;  _ulLastFlags[1]=pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[1];
      _ptdLastTex[2]=ptd2;  _iLastFrameNo[2]=iFrameNo2;  _ulLastFlags[2]=pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[2];
      // upload the third texture to unit 2
      RSSetTextureWrapping( pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[2]);
      // upload the second texture to unit 1
      RSSetTextureWrapping( pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[1]);
      // upload the first texture to unit 0
      RSSetTextureWrapping( pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[0]);
      // set rendering parameters if needed
      RSSetTextureParametersMT( pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[0]);
    // render all triangles

  // flush leftovers
  _pfGfxProfile.StopTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_RENDERMT);

// render three textures and shadowmap for all triangles in polygon list
static void RSRender3TEX_SHD( ScenePolygon *pspoFirst)
  _pfGfxProfile.StartTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_RENDERMT);

  // for all span polygons in list
  for( ScenePolygon *pspo=pspoFirst; pspo!=NULL; pspo=pspo->spo_pspoSucc)
    ASSERT( pspo->spo_aptoTextures[0]!=NULL
         && pspo->spo_aptoTextures[1]!=NULL
         && pspo->spo_aptoTextures[2]!=NULL
         && pspo->spo_psmShadowMap!=NULL);

    // render batched triangles

    // upload the shadow to accelerator memory
    RSSetTextureWrapping( pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[SHADOWTEXTURE]);

    // prepare textures to be used by accelerator
    CTextureData *ptd0 = (CTextureData*)pspo->spo_aptoTextures[0]->GetData();
    CTextureData *ptd1 = (CTextureData*)pspo->spo_aptoTextures[1]->GetData();
    CTextureData *ptd2 = (CTextureData*)pspo->spo_aptoTextures[2]->GetData();
    const INDEX iFrameNo0 = pspo->spo_aptoTextures[0]->GetFrame();
    const INDEX iFrameNo1 = pspo->spo_aptoTextures[1]->GetFrame();
    const INDEX iFrameNo2 = pspo->spo_aptoTextures[2]->GetFrame();

    if( _ptdLastTex[0]!=ptd0 || _iLastFrameNo[0]!=iFrameNo0 || _ulLastFlags[0]!=pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[0]
     || _ptdLastTex[1]!=ptd1 || _iLastFrameNo[1]!=iFrameNo1 || _ulLastFlags[1]!=pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[1]
     || _ptdLastTex[2]!=ptd2 || _iLastFrameNo[2]!=iFrameNo2 || _ulLastFlags[2]!=pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[2]) {
      _ptdLastTex[0]=ptd0;  _iLastFrameNo[0]=iFrameNo0;  _ulLastFlags[0]=pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[0];      
      _ptdLastTex[1]=ptd1;  _iLastFrameNo[1]=iFrameNo1;  _ulLastFlags[1]=pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[1];
      _ptdLastTex[2]=ptd2;  _iLastFrameNo[2]=iFrameNo2;  _ulLastFlags[2]=pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[2];
      // upload the third texture to unit 2
      RSSetTextureWrapping( pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[2]);
      // upload the second texture to unit 1
      RSSetTextureWrapping( pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[1]);
      // upload the first texture to unit 0
      RSSetTextureWrapping( pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[0]);
      // set rendering parameters if needed
      RSSetTextureParametersMT( pspo->spo_aubTextureFlags[0]);
    // render all triangles

  // flush leftovers
  _pfGfxProfile.StopTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_RENDERMT);

// render fog for all affected triangles in polygon list
__forceinline void RSRenderFog( ScenePolygon *pspoFirst)
  _pfGfxProfile.StartTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_RENDERFOG);
  // for all scene polygons in list
  for( ScenePolygon *pspo=pspoFirst; pspo!=NULL; pspo=pspo->spo_pspoSucc)
  { // for all vertices in the polygon
    const GFXTexCoord *ptex = &_atexPass[0][pspo->spo_iVtx0Pass];
    for( INDEX i=0; i<pspo->spo_ctVtx; i++) {
      // polygon is in fog, stop searching
      if( InFog(ptex[i].t)) goto hasFog;
    // hasn't got any fog, so skip it
    // render all triangles
  // all done
  _pfGfxProfile.StopTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_RENDERFOG);

// render haze for all affected triangles in polygon list
__forceinline void RSRenderHaze( ScenePolygon *pspoFirst)
  _pfGfxProfile.StartTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_RENDERFOG);
  // for all scene polygons in list
  for( ScenePolygon *pspo=pspoFirst; pspo!=NULL; pspo=pspo->spo_pspoSucc)
  { // for all vertices in the polygon
    const GFXTexCoord *ptex = &_atexPass[0][pspo->spo_iVtx0Pass];
    for( INDEX i=0; i<pspo->spo_ctVtx; i++) {
      // polygon is in haze, stop searching
      if( InHaze(ptex[i].s)) goto hasHaze;
    // hasn't got any haze, so skip it
    // render all triangles
  // all done
  _pfGfxProfile.StopTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_RENDERFOG);

static void RSStartupFog(void)
  // upload fog texture
  gfxSetTextureWrapping( GFX_CLAMP, GFX_CLAMP);
  gfxSetTexture( _fog_ulTexture, _fog_tpLocal);
  // prepare fog rendering parameters
  // calculate fog mapping
  _fFogMul = -1.0f / _fog_fp.fp_fFar;

static void RSStartupHaze(void)
  // upload haze texture
  gfxSetTextureWrapping( GFX_CLAMP, GFX_CLAMP);
  gfxSetTexture( _haze_ulTexture, _haze_tpLocal);
  // prepare haze rendering parameters
  // calculate haze mapping
  _fHazeMul = -1.0f / (_haze_hp.hp_fFar - _haze_hp.hp_fNear);
  _fHazeAdd = _haze_hp.hp_fNear;

// process one group of polygons
void RSRenderGroupInternal( ScenePolygon *pspoGroup, ULONG ulGroupFlags);
void RSRenderGroup( ScenePolygon *pspoGroup, ULONG ulGroupFlags, ULONG ulTestedFlags)
  // skip if the group is empty
  if( pspoGroup==NULL) return;
  ASSERT( !(ulTestedFlags&(GF_FOG|GF_HAZE))); // paranoia

  // if multitexturing is enabled (start with 2-layer MT)
  if( _ctUsableTexUnits>=2)
    // if texture 1 could be merged with shadow
    if( !(ulTestedFlags&GF_TX0_SHD)
     &&  (ulGroupFlags &GF_TX0)
     && !(ulGroupFlags &GF_TX1)
     && !(ulGroupFlags &GF_TX2)
     &&  (ulGroupFlags &GF_SHD))
    { // bin polygons that can use the merge and those that cannot
      ScenePolygon *pspoST, *pspoMT;
      RSBinByDualTexturing( pspoGroup, 0, SHADOWTEXTURE, &pspoST, &pspoMT);
      // process the two groups separately
      ulTestedFlags |= GF_TX0_SHD;
      RSRenderGroup( pspoST, ulGroupFlags, ulTestedFlags);
      ulGroupFlags &= ~(GF_TX0|GF_SHD);
      ulGroupFlags |=   GF_TX0_SHD;
      RSRenderGroup( pspoMT, ulGroupFlags, ulTestedFlags);

    // if texture 1 could be merged with texture 2
    if( !(ulTestedFlags&GF_TX0_TX1)
     &&  (ulGroupFlags &GF_TX0)
     &&  (ulGroupFlags &GF_TX1))
    { // bin polygons that can use the merge and those that cannot
      ScenePolygon *pspoST, *pspoMT;
      RSBinByDualTexturing( pspoGroup, 0, 1, &pspoST, &pspoMT);
      // process the two groups separately
      ulTestedFlags |= GF_TX0_TX1;
      RSRenderGroup( pspoST, ulGroupFlags, ulTestedFlags);
      ulGroupFlags &= ~(GF_TX0|GF_TX1);
      ulGroupFlags |=   GF_TX0_TX1;
      RSRenderGroup( pspoMT, ulGroupFlags, ulTestedFlags);

    // if texture 1 could be merged with texture 3
    if( !(ulTestedFlags&GF_TX0_TX2)
     &&  (ulGroupFlags &GF_TX0)
     && !(ulGroupFlags &GF_TX1)
     &&  (ulGroupFlags &GF_TX2))
    { // bin polygons that can use the merge and those that cannot
      ScenePolygon *pspoST, *pspoMT;
      RSBinByDualTexturing( pspoGroup, 0, 2, &pspoST, &pspoMT);
      // process the two groups separately
      ulTestedFlags |= GF_TX0_TX2;
      RSRenderGroup( pspoST, ulGroupFlags, ulTestedFlags);
      ulGroupFlags &= ~(GF_TX0|GF_TX2);
      ulGroupFlags |=   GF_TX0_TX2;
      RSRenderGroup( pspoMT, ulGroupFlags, ulTestedFlags);

    // if texture 3 could be merged with shadow
    if( !(ulTestedFlags&GF_TX2_SHD)
     &&  (ulGroupFlags &GF_TX0_TX1)
     &&  (ulGroupFlags &GF_TX2)
     &&  (ulGroupFlags &GF_SHD))
    { // bin polygons that can use the merge and those that cannot
      ScenePolygon *pspoST, *pspoMT;
      RSBinByDualTexturing( pspoGroup, 2, SHADOWTEXTURE, &pspoST, &pspoMT);
      // process the two groups separately
      ulTestedFlags |= GF_TX2_SHD;
      RSRenderGroup( pspoST, ulGroupFlags, ulTestedFlags);
      ulGroupFlags &= ~(GF_TX2|GF_SHD);
      ulGroupFlags |=   GF_TX2_SHD;
      RSRenderGroup( pspoMT, ulGroupFlags, ulTestedFlags);

  // 4-layer multitexturing?
  if( _ctUsableTexUnits>=4)
    // if texture 1 and 2 could be merged with 3 and shadow
    if( !(ulTestedFlags&GF_TX0_TX1_TX2_SHD)
      && (ulGroupFlags &GF_TX0_TX1)
      && (ulGroupFlags &GF_TX2_SHD)) 
    { // bin polygons that can use the merge and those that cannot
      ScenePolygon *pspoST, *pspoMT;
      RSBinByQuadTexturing( pspoGroup, &pspoST, &pspoMT);
      // process the two groups separately
      ulTestedFlags |= GF_TX0_TX1_TX2_SHD;
      RSRenderGroup( pspoST, ulGroupFlags, ulTestedFlags);
      ulGroupFlags &= ~(GF_TX0_TX1|GF_TX2_SHD);
      ulGroupFlags |=   GF_TX0_TX1_TX2_SHD;
      RSRenderGroup( pspoMT, ulGroupFlags, ulTestedFlags);

  // 3-layer multitexturing?
  if( _ctUsableTexUnits>=3)
    // if texture 1 and 2 could be merged with 3
    if( !(ulTestedFlags&GF_TX0_TX1_TX2)
     &&  (ulGroupFlags &GF_TX0_TX1)
     &&  (ulGroupFlags &GF_TX2))
    { // bin polygons that can use the merge and those that cannot
      ScenePolygon *pspoST, *pspoMT;
      RSBinByTripleTexturing( pspoGroup, 1, 2, &pspoST, &pspoMT);
      // process the two groups separately
      ulTestedFlags |= GF_TX0_TX1_TX2;
      RSRenderGroup( pspoST, ulGroupFlags, ulTestedFlags);
      ulGroupFlags &= ~(GF_TX0_TX1|GF_TX2);
      ulGroupFlags |=   GF_TX0_TX1_TX2;
      RSRenderGroup( pspoMT, ulGroupFlags, ulTestedFlags);

    // if texture 1 and 2 could be merged with shadow
    if( !(ulTestedFlags&GF_TX0_TX1_SHD)
     &&  (ulGroupFlags &GF_TX0_TX1)
     && !(ulGroupFlags &GF_TX2)
     &&  (ulGroupFlags &GF_SHD))
    { // bin polygons that can use the merge and those that cannot
      ScenePolygon *pspoST, *pspoMT;
      RSBinByTripleTexturing( pspoGroup, 1, SHADOWTEXTURE, &pspoST, &pspoMT);
      // process the two groups separately
      ulTestedFlags |= GF_TX0_TX1_SHD;
      RSRenderGroup( pspoST, ulGroupFlags, ulTestedFlags);
      ulGroupFlags &= ~(GF_TX0_TX1|GF_SHD);
      ulGroupFlags |=   GF_TX0_TX1_SHD;
      RSRenderGroup( pspoMT, ulGroupFlags, ulTestedFlags);

    // if texture 1 and 3 could be merged with shadow
    if( !(ulTestedFlags&GF_TX0_TX2_SHD)
     &&  (ulGroupFlags &GF_TX0_TX2)
     && !(ulGroupFlags &GF_TX1)
     &&  (ulGroupFlags &GF_SHD))
    { // bin polygons that can use the merge and those that cannot
      ScenePolygon *pspoST, *pspoMT;
      RSBinByTripleTexturing( pspoGroup, 2, SHADOWTEXTURE, &pspoST, &pspoMT);
      // process the two groups separately
      ulTestedFlags |= GF_TX0_TX2_SHD;
      RSRenderGroup( pspoST, ulGroupFlags, ulTestedFlags);
      ulGroupFlags &= ~(GF_TX0_TX2|GF_SHD);
      ulGroupFlags |=   GF_TX0_TX2_SHD;
      RSRenderGroup( pspoMT, ulGroupFlags, ulTestedFlags);

  // render one group
  extern INDEX ogl_iMaxBurstSize;
  extern INDEX d3d_iMaxBurstSize;
  ogl_iMaxBurstSize = Clamp( ogl_iMaxBurstSize, 0L, 9999L);
  d3d_iMaxBurstSize = Clamp( d3d_iMaxBurstSize, 0L, 9999L);
  const INDEX iMaxBurstSize = (eAPI==GAT_OGL) ? ogl_iMaxBurstSize : d3d_iMaxBurstSize;

  // if unlimited lock count
  if( iMaxBurstSize==0)
  { // render whole group
    RSRenderGroupInternal( pspoGroup, ulGroupFlags);
  // if lock count is specified
  { // render group in segments
    while( pspoGroup!=NULL)
    { // find segment size
      INDEX ctVtx = 0;
      ScenePolygon *pspoThis = pspoGroup;
      ScenePolygon *pspoLast = pspoGroup;
      while( ctVtx<iMaxBurstSize && pspoGroup!=NULL) {
        ctVtx    += pspoGroup->spo_ctVtx;
        pspoLast  = pspoGroup;
        pspoGroup = pspoGroup->spo_pspoSucc;
      } // render one group segment
      pspoLast->spo_pspoSucc = NULL;
      RSRenderGroupInternal( pspoThis, ulGroupFlags);

// internal group rendering routine
void RSRenderGroupInternal( ScenePolygon *pspoGroup, ULONG ulGroupFlags)
  _pfGfxProfile.StartTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_RENDERGROUPINTERNAL);
  _pfGfxProfile.IncrementCounter( CGfxProfile::PCI_RS_POLYGONGROUPS);

  // make vertex coordinates for all polygons in the group
  // prepare vertex, texture and color arrays
  _pfGfxProfile.StartTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_LOCKARRAYS);
  gfxSetVertexArray( &_avtxPass[0], _avtxPass.Count());
  if(CVA_bWorld) gfxLockArrays();
  _pfGfxProfile.StopTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_LOCKARRAYS);

  // set alpha keying if required
  if( ulGroupFlags & GF_KEY) gfxEnableAlphaTest();
  else gfxDisableAlphaTest();
  _iLastUnit = 0; // reset mulitex unit change
  BOOL bUsesMT = ulGroupFlags & (GF_TX0_TX1 | GF_TX0_TX2 | GF_TX0_SHD | GF_TX2_SHD 
                              |  GF_TX0_TX1_TX2 | GF_TX0_TX1_SHD | GF_TX0_TX2_SHD
                              |  GF_TX0_TX1_TX2_SHD);
  // dual texturing
  if( ulGroupFlags & GF_TX0_SHD) {
    RSSetTextureCoords( pspoGroup, SHADOWTEXTURE, 1);
    RSSetTextureCoords( pspoGroup, 0, 0);
    RSSetTextureColors( pspoGroup, GF_TX0|GF_SHD);
    RSRenderTEX_SHD( pspoGroup, 0);
    bUsedMT = TRUE;
  else if( ulGroupFlags & GF_TX0_TX1) {
    RSSetTextureCoords( pspoGroup, 1, 1);
    RSSetTextureCoords( pspoGroup, 0, 0);
    RSSetTextureColors( pspoGroup, GF_TX0|GF_TX1);
    RSRender2TEX( pspoGroup, 1);
    bUsedMT = TRUE;
  else if( ulGroupFlags & GF_TX0_TX2) {
    RSSetTextureCoords( pspoGroup, 2, 1);
    RSSetTextureCoords( pspoGroup, 0, 0);
    RSSetTextureColors( pspoGroup, GF_TX0|GF_TX2);
    RSRender2TEX( pspoGroup, 2);
    bUsedMT = TRUE;

  // triple texturing
  else if( ulGroupFlags & GF_TX0_TX1_TX2) {
    RSSetTextureCoords( pspoGroup, 2, 2);
    RSSetTextureCoords( pspoGroup, 1, 1);
    RSSetTextureCoords( pspoGroup, 0, 0);
    RSSetTextureColors( pspoGroup, GF_TX0|GF_TX1|GF_TX2);
    RSRender3TEX( pspoGroup);
    bUsedMT = TRUE;
  else if( ulGroupFlags & GF_TX0_TX1_SHD) {
    RSSetTextureCoords( pspoGroup, SHADOWTEXTURE, 2);
    RSSetTextureCoords( pspoGroup, 1, 1);
    RSSetTextureCoords( pspoGroup, 0, 0);
    RSSetTextureColors( pspoGroup, GF_TX0|GF_TX1|GF_SHD);
    RSRender2TEX_SHD( pspoGroup, 1);
    bUsedMT = TRUE;
  else if( ulGroupFlags & GF_TX0_TX2_SHD) {
    RSSetTextureCoords( pspoGroup, SHADOWTEXTURE, 2);
    RSSetTextureCoords( pspoGroup, 2, 1);
    RSSetTextureCoords( pspoGroup, 0, 0);
    RSSetTextureColors( pspoGroup, GF_TX0|GF_TX2|GF_SHD);
    RSRender2TEX_SHD( pspoGroup, 2);
    bUsedMT = TRUE;

  // quad texturing
  else if( ulGroupFlags & GF_TX0_TX1_TX2_SHD) {
    RSSetTextureCoords( pspoGroup, SHADOWTEXTURE, 3);
    RSSetTextureCoords( pspoGroup, 2, 2);
    RSSetTextureCoords( pspoGroup, 1, 1);
    RSSetTextureCoords( pspoGroup, 0, 0);
    RSSetTextureColors( pspoGroup, GF_TX0|GF_TX1|GF_TX2|GF_SHD);
    RSRender3TEX_SHD( pspoGroup);
    bUsedMT = TRUE;

  // if something was drawn and alpha keying was used
  if( bUsedMT && (ulGroupFlags&GF_KEY)) {
    // force z-buffer test to equal and disable subsequent alpha tests
    gfxDepthFunc( GFX_EQUAL);

  // dual texturing leftover
  if( ulGroupFlags & GF_TX2_SHD) {
    RSSetTextureCoords( pspoGroup, SHADOWTEXTURE, 1);
    RSSetTextureCoords( pspoGroup, 2, 0);
    RSSetTextureColors( pspoGroup, GF_TX2|GF_SHD);
    RSRenderTEX_SHD( pspoGroup, 2);
    bUsedMT = TRUE;

  ASSERT( !bUsedMT==!bUsesMT);

  // if some multi-tex units were used
  if( bUsesMT) {
    // disable them now
    for( INDEX i=1; i<_ctUsableTexUnits; i++) {
    _iLastUnit = 0;
  // if group has color for first layer
  if( ulGroupFlags&GF_FLAT)
  { // render colors
    if( _bTranslucentPass) {
      // set opacity to 50%
      if( !wld_bRenderTextures) RSSetConstantColors( 0x3F3F3F7F);
      else RSSetPolygonColors( pspoGroup, 0x7F);
      gfxBlendFunc( GFX_SRC_ALPHA, GFX_INV_SRC_ALPHA);
    } else {
      // set opacity to 100%
      if( !wld_bRenderTextures) RSSetConstantColors( 0x7F7F7FFF);
      else RSSetPolygonColors( pspoGroup, CT_OPAQUE);
    DrawAllElements( pspoGroup);

  // if group has texture for first layer
  if( ulGroupFlags&GF_TX0) {
    // render texture 0
    RSSetTextureCoords( pspoGroup, 0, 0);
    RSSetTextureColors( pspoGroup, GF_TX0);
    RSRenderTEX( pspoGroup, 0);
    // eventually prepare subsequent layers for transparency
    if( ulGroupFlags & GF_KEY) {
      gfxDepthFunc( GFX_EQUAL);
  // if group has texture for second layer
  if( ulGroupFlags & GF_TX1) {
    // render texture 1
    RSSetTextureCoords( pspoGroup, 1, 0);
    RSSetTextureColors( pspoGroup, GF_TX1);
    RSRenderTEX( pspoGroup, 1);
  // if group has texture for third layer
  if( ulGroupFlags & GF_TX2) {
    // render texture 2
    RSSetTextureCoords( pspoGroup, 2, 0);
    RSSetTextureColors( pspoGroup, GF_TX2);
    RSRenderTEX( pspoGroup, 2);

  // if group has shadow
  if( ulGroupFlags & GF_SHD) {
    // render shadow
    RSSetTextureCoords( pspoGroup, SHADOWTEXTURE, 0);
    RSSetTextureColors( pspoGroup, GF_SHD);
    RSRenderSHD( pspoGroup);

  // if group has aftershadow texture for second layer
  if( ulGroupFlags & GF_TA1) {
    // render texture 1
    RSSetTextureCoords( pspoGroup, 1, 0);
    RSSetTextureColors( pspoGroup, GF_TX1);
    RSRenderTEX( pspoGroup, 1);
  // if group has aftershadow texture for third layer
  if( ulGroupFlags & GF_TA2) {
    // render texture 2
    RSSetTextureCoords( pspoGroup, 2, 0);
    RSSetTextureColors( pspoGroup, GF_TX2);
    RSRenderTEX( pspoGroup, 2);

  // if group has fog
  if( ulGroupFlags & GF_FOG) {
    // render fog
    RSSetConstantColors( _fog_fp.fp_colColor);
    RSSetFogCoordinates( pspoGroup);
    RSRenderFog( pspoGroup);
  // if group has haze
  if( ulGroupFlags & GF_HAZE) {
    // render haze
    RSSetConstantColors( _haze_hp.hp_colColor);
    RSSetHazeCoordinates( pspoGroup);
    RSRenderHaze( pspoGroup);

  // reset depth function and alpha keying back
  // (maybe it was altered for transparent polygon rendering)
  gfxDepthFunc( GFX_LESS_EQUAL);
  // if group has selection
  if( ulGroupFlags & GF_SEL) {
    // render selection
    RSSetConstantColors( _colSelection|128);
    DrawAllElements( pspoGroup);
  // render triangle wireframe if needed
  extern INDEX wld_bShowTriangles;
  if( wld_bShowTriangles) {
    RSSetConstantColors( C_mdYELLOW|222);
    // must write to front in z-buffer
    gfxDepthRange( 0,0);
    gfxDepthRange( _ppr->pr_fDepthBufferNear, _ppr->pr_fDepthBufferFar);
    if( _bTranslucentPass) gfxDisableDepthWrite();

  // all done
  _pfGfxProfile.StopTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_RENDERGROUPINTERNAL);

static void RSPrepare(void)
  // set general params

static void RSEnd(void)
  // reset unusual gfx API parameters

void RenderScene( CDrawPort *pDP, ScenePolygon *pspoFirst, CAnyProjection3D &prProjection,
                  COLOR colSelection, BOOL bTranslucent)
  // check API
  eAPI = _pGfx->gl_eCurrentAPI;
#ifdef SE1_D3D
#else // SE1_D3D
#endif // SE1_D3D
  if( eAPI!=GAT_OGL 
#ifdef SE1_D3D
    && eAPI!=GAT_D3D
#endif // SE1_D3D
    ) return;

  // some cvars cannot be altered in multiplayer mode!
  if( _bMultiPlayer) {
    shd_bShowFlats = FALSE;
    gfx_bRenderWorld = TRUE;
    wld_bRenderShadowMaps = TRUE;
    wld_bRenderTextures = TRUE; 
    wld_bRenderDetailPolygons = TRUE;
    wld_bShowDetailTextures = FALSE;
    wld_bShowTriangles = FALSE;

  // skip if not rendering world
  if( !gfx_bRenderWorld) return;

  _pfGfxProfile.StartTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RENDERSCENE);

  // remember input parameters
  _ppr = (CPerspectiveProjection3D*)&*prProjection;
  _pDP = pDP;
  _colSelection = colSelection;
  _bTranslucentPass = bTranslucent;

  // clamp detail textures LOD biasing
  wld_iDetailRemovingBias = Clamp( wld_iDetailRemovingBias, -9L, +9L);

  // set perspective projection

  // adjust multi-texturing support (for clip-plane emulation thru texture units)
  extern BOOL  GFX_bClipPlane; // WATCHOUT: set by 'SetProjection()' !
  extern INDEX gap_iUseTextureUnits;
  extern INDEX ogl_bAlternateClipPlane;
  INDEX ctMaxUsableTexUnits = _pGfx->gl_ctTextureUnits;
  if( eAPI==GAT_OGL && ogl_bAlternateClipPlane && GFX_bClipPlane && ctMaxUsableTexUnits>1) ctMaxUsableTexUnits--;
  _ctUsableTexUnits = Clamp( gap_iUseTextureUnits, 1L, ctMaxUsableTexUnits);

  // prepare

  // turn depth buffer writing on or off
  if( bTranslucent) gfxDisableDepthWrite();
  else gfxEnableDepthWrite();

  // remove all polygons with no triangles from the polygon list
  ScenePolygon *pspoNonDummy;
  RSRemoveDummyPolygons( pspoFirst, &pspoNonDummy);

  // check that layers of all shadows are up to date

  // bin polygons to groups by texture passes

  // for each group                           
  _pfGfxProfile.StartTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_RENDERGROUP);
  ASSERT( _apspoGroups[0]==NULL); // zero group must always be empty
  for( INDEX iGroup=1; iGroup<_ctGroupsCount; iGroup++) {
    // get the group polygon list and render it if not empty
    ScenePolygon *pspoGroup = _apspoGroups[iGroup];
    if( pspoGroup!=NULL) RSRenderGroup( pspoGroup, iGroup, 0);
  _pfGfxProfile.StopTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RS_RENDERGROUP);

  // all done
  _pfGfxProfile.StopTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RENDERSCENE);

// renders only scene z-buffer
void RenderSceneZOnly( CDrawPort *pDP, ScenePolygon *pspoFirst, CAnyProjection3D &prProjection)
  if( _bMultiPlayer) gfx_bRenderWorld = 1;
  if( !gfx_bRenderWorld) return;
  _pfGfxProfile.StartTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RENDERSCENE_ZONLY);

  // set perspective projection

  // prepare

  // set for depth-only rendering
  const ULONG ulCurrentColorMask = gfxGetColorMask();

  // make vertex coordinates for all polygons in the group and render the polygons
  gfxSetVertexArray( &_avtxPass[0], _avtxPass.Count());

  // restore color masking
  gfxSetColorMask( ulCurrentColorMask);

  _pfGfxProfile.StopTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RENDERSCENE_ZONLY);

// renders flat background of the scene
void RenderSceneBackground(CDrawPort *pDP, COLOR col)
  if( _bMultiPlayer) gfx_bRenderWorld = 1;
  if( !gfx_bRenderWorld) return;

  // set orthographic projection

  _pfGfxProfile.StartTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RENDERSCENE_BCG);
  // prepare

  col = AdjustColor( col, _slTexHueShift, _slTexSaturation);
  GFXColor glcol(col|CT_OPAQUE);
  const INDEX iW = pDP->GetWidth();
  const INDEX iH = pDP->GetHeight();

  // set arrays
  GFXVertex   *pvtx = _avtxCommon.Push(4);
  GFXTexCoord *ptex = _atexCommon.Push(4);
  GFXColor    *pcol = _acolCommon.Push(4);
  pvtx[0].x =  0;  pvtx[0].y =  0;  pvtx[0].z = 1;
  pvtx[1].x =  0;  pvtx[1].y = iH;  pvtx[1].z = 1;
  pvtx[2].x = iW;  pvtx[2].y = iH;  pvtx[2].z = 1;
  pvtx[3].x = iW;  pvtx[3].y =  0;  pvtx[3].z = 1;
  pcol[0] = glcol;
  pcol[1] = glcol;
  pcol[2] = glcol;
  pcol[3] = glcol;

  // render
  _pGfx->gl_ctWorldTriangles += 2; 
  _pfGfxProfile.StopTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_RENDERSCENE_BCG);