/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. All rights reserved. */ #include "stdh.h" #include <Engine/Build.h> #include <Engine/Network/Network.h> #include <Engine/Network/Server.h> #include <Engine/Network/SessionState.h> #include <Engine/Network/PlayerSource.h> #include <Engine/Network/PlayerBuffer.h> #include <Engine/Network/PlayerTarget.h> #include <Engine/Network/NetworkProfile.h> #include <Engine/Network/ClientInterface.h> #include <Engine/Network/CommunicationInterface.h> #include <Engine/Network/Compression.h> #include <Engine/Network/Diff.h> #include <Engine/Network/CPacket.h> #include <Engine/World/WorldSettings.h> #include <Engine/Base/Console.h> #include <Engine/Base/Shell.h> #include <Engine/Math/Functions.h> #include <Engine/Entities/InternalClasses.h> #include <Engine/Base/CRC.h> #include <Engine/Base/ErrorTable.h> #include <Engine/GameAgent/GameAgent.h> #include <Engine/Templates/StaticArray.cpp> extern INDEX ser_iSyncCheckBuffer; extern FLOAT net_tmDisconnectTimeout; extern BOOL con_bCapture; extern CTString con_strCapture; extern CTString ser_strIPMask; extern CTString ser_strNameMask; extern INDEX ser_bInverseBanning; extern BOOL MatchesBanMask(const CTString &strString, const CTString &strMask); extern CClientInterface cm_aciClients[SERVER_CLIENTS]; CSessionSocket::CSessionSocket(void) { sso_bActive = FALSE; sso_bVIP = FALSE; sso_bSendStream = FALSE; sso_iDisconnectedState = 0; sso_iLastSentSequence = -1; sso_ctBadSyncs = 0; sso_tvLastMessageSent.Clear(); sso_tvLastPingSent.Clear(); } CSessionSocket::~CSessionSocket(void) { sso_bActive = FALSE; sso_bVIP = FALSE; sso_bSendStream = FALSE; sso_iLastSentSequence = -1; sso_ctBadSyncs = 0; sso_tvLastMessageSent.Clear(); sso_tvLastPingSent.Clear(); } void CSessionSocket::Clear(void) { sso_bActive = FALSE; sso_bVIP = FALSE; sso_bSendStream = FALSE; sso_tvMessageReceived.Clear(); sso_tmLastSyncReceived = -1.0f; sso_iLastSentSequence = -1; sso_tvLastMessageSent.Clear(); sso_tvLastPingSent.Clear(); sso_nsBuffer.Clear(); sso_iDisconnectedState = 0; sso_ctBadSyncs = 0; sso_sspParams.Clear(); } void CSessionSocket::Activate(void) { #if DEBUG_SYNCSTREAMDUMPING ClearDumpStream(); #endif ASSERT(!sso_bActive); sso_bActive = TRUE; sso_bVIP = FALSE; sso_bSendStream = FALSE; sso_tvMessageReceived.Clear(); sso_tmLastSyncReceived = -1.0f; sso_iLastSentSequence = -1; sso_tvLastMessageSent.Clear(); sso_tvLastPingSent.Clear(); sso_iDisconnectedState = 0; sso_ctBadSyncs = 0; sso_sspParams.Clear(); // sso_nsBuffer.Clear(); } void CSessionSocket::Deactivate(void) { sso_iDisconnectedState = 0; sso_iLastSentSequence = -1; sso_tvLastMessageSent.Clear(); sso_tvLastPingSent.Clear(); sso_ctBadSyncs = 0; sso_bActive = FALSE; sso_nsBuffer.Clear(); sso_sspParams.Clear(); } BOOL CSessionSocket::IsActive(void) { return sso_bActive; } extern INDEX cli_iBufferActions; extern INDEX cli_iMaxBPS; extern INDEX cli_iMinBPS; CSessionSocketParams::CSessionSocketParams(void) { Clear(); } void CSessionSocketParams::Clear(void) { ssp_iBufferActions = 2; ssp_iMaxBPS = 4000; ssp_iMinBPS = 1000; } static void ClampParams(void) { cli_iBufferActions = Clamp(cli_iBufferActions, INDEX(1), INDEX(20)); cli_iMaxBPS = Clamp(cli_iMaxBPS, INDEX(100), INDEX(1000000)); cli_iMinBPS = Clamp(cli_iMinBPS, INDEX(100), INDEX(1000000)); } // check if up to date with current params BOOL CSessionSocketParams::IsUpToDate(void) { ClampParams(); return ssp_iBufferActions == cli_iBufferActions && ssp_iMaxBPS == cli_iMaxBPS && ssp_iMinBPS == cli_iMinBPS; } // update void CSessionSocketParams::Update(void) { ClampParams(); ssp_iBufferActions = cli_iBufferActions; ssp_iMaxBPS = cli_iMaxBPS; ssp_iMinBPS = cli_iMinBPS; } // message operations CNetworkMessage &operator<<(CNetworkMessage &nm, CSessionSocketParams &ssp) { nm<<ssp.ssp_iBufferActions<<ssp.ssp_iMaxBPS<<ssp.ssp_iMinBPS; return nm; } CNetworkMessage &operator>>(CNetworkMessage &nm, CSessionSocketParams &ssp) { nm>>ssp.ssp_iBufferActions>>ssp.ssp_iMaxBPS>>ssp.ssp_iMinBPS; return nm; } /* * Constructor. */ CServer::CServer(void) { srv_bActive = FALSE; srv_assoSessions.New(NET_MAXGAMECOMPUTERS); srv_aplbPlayers.New(NET_MAXGAMEPLAYERS); // initialize player indices INDEX iPlayer = 0; FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(srv_aplbPlayers, CPlayerBuffer, itplb) { itplb->plb_Index = iPlayer; iPlayer++; } } /* * Destructor. */ CServer::~CServer() { srv_bActive = FALSE; } /* * Clear the object. */ void CServer::Stop(void) { // stop gameagent GameAgent_ServerEnd(); // tell all clients to disconnect INDEX ctClients = srv_assoSessions.sa_Count; INDEX iClient; for (iClient=0;iClient<ctClients;iClient++) { if (srv_assoSessions[iClient].sso_bActive == TRUE) { SendDisconnectMessage(iClient,"Server stopped."); } } // run a few updates, so the message gets sent for (int ctUpdates=0;ctUpdates<10;ctUpdates++) { BOOL bFound = FALSE; for (iClient=0;iClient<ctClients;iClient++) { if (srv_assoSessions[iClient].sso_bActive == TRUE) { bFound = TRUE; break; } } if (bFound == FALSE) { break; } else { _cmiComm.Server_Update(); Sleep(100); } } // stop network driver server _cmiComm.Server_Close(); // clear all session srv_assoSessions.Clear(); srv_assoSessions.New(NET_MAXGAMECOMPUTERS); // clear list of players srv_aplbPlayers.Clear(); srv_aplbPlayers.New(NET_MAXGAMEPLAYERS); // initialize player indices INDEX iPlayer = 0; {FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(srv_aplbPlayers, CPlayerBuffer, itplb) { itplb->plb_Index = iPlayer; iPlayer++; }} // init buffer for sync checks srv_ascChecks.Clear(); srv_bActive = FALSE; }; /* * Initialize server and start message handlers. */ void CServer::Start_t(void) { // init buffer for sync checks srv_ascChecks.Clear(); // set up structures srv_tmLastProcessedTick = 0.0f; srv_iLastProcessedSequence = -1; // -1 so that next one will be 0 srv_bActive = TRUE; srv_bPause = FALSE; srv_bGameFinished = FALSE; srv_fServerStep = 0.0f; // init network driver server _cmiComm.Server_Init_t(); // init gameagent if (_cmiComm.IsNetworkEnabled()) { GameAgent_ServerInit(); } } /* * Send disconnect message to some node. */ void CServer::SendDisconnectMessage(INDEX iClient, const char *strExplanation, BOOL bStream) { CSessionSocket &sso = srv_assoSessions[iClient]; if (!bStream) { CNetworkMessage nmDisconnect(MSG_INF_DISCONNECTED); // compose message nmDisconnect<<CTString(strExplanation); // send it _pNetwork->SendToClientReliable(iClient, nmDisconnect); } else { CTMemoryStream strmDisconnect; strmDisconnect<<INDEX(MSG_INF_DISCONNECTED); strmDisconnect<<CTString(strExplanation); // send the stream to the remote session state _pNetwork->SendToClientReliable(iClient, strmDisconnect); } // report that it has gone away CPrintF(TRANS("Client '%s' ordered to disconnect: %s\n"), _cmiComm.Server_GetClientName(iClient), strExplanation); // if not disconnected before if (sso.sso_iDisconnectedState==0) { // mark the disconnection sso.sso_iDisconnectedState = 1; // if the client was already kicked before, but is still hanging here } else { // force the disconnection CPrintF(TRANS("Forcing client '%s' to disconnect\n"), _cmiComm.Server_GetClientName(iClient)); sso.sso_iDisconnectedState = 2; } } // add a new sync check to buffer void CServer::AddSyncCheck(const CSyncCheck &sc) { ser_iSyncCheckBuffer = ClampDn(ser_iSyncCheckBuffer, INDEX(1)); if (srv_ascChecks.Count()!=ser_iSyncCheckBuffer) { srv_ascChecks.Clear(); srv_ascChecks.New(ser_iSyncCheckBuffer); } // find the oldest one INDEX iOldest = 0; for (INDEX i=1; i<srv_ascChecks.Count(); i++) { if (srv_ascChecks[i].sc_tmTick<srv_ascChecks[iOldest].sc_tmTick) { iOldest=i; } } // overwrite it srv_ascChecks[iOldest] = sc; } // try to find a sync check for given time in the buffer (-1==too old, 0==found, 1==toonew) INDEX CServer::FindSyncCheck(TIME tmTick, CSyncCheck &sc) { BOOL bHasEarlier = FALSE; BOOL bHasLater = FALSE; for (INDEX i=0; i<srv_ascChecks.Count(); i++) { TIME tmInTable = srv_ascChecks[i].sc_tmTick; if (tmInTable==tmTick) { sc = srv_ascChecks[i]; return 0; } else if (tmInTable<tmTick) { bHasEarlier = TRUE; } else if (tmInTable>tmTick) { bHasLater = TRUE; } } if (!bHasEarlier) { ASSERT(bHasLater); return -1; } else if (!bHasLater) { ASSERT(bHasEarlier); return +1; } else { ASSERT(FALSE); // cannot have both earlier and later and not be found return +1; } } /* Send one regular batch of sequences to a client. */ void CServer::SendGameStreamBlocks(INDEX iClient) { // get corresponding session socket CSessionSocket &sso = srv_assoSessions[iClient]; // gather needed data to decide what to send INDEX iLastSent = sso.sso_iLastSentSequence; INDEX ctMinBytes = sso.sso_sspParams.ssp_iMinBPS/20; INDEX ctMaxBytes = sso.sso_sspParams.ssp_iMaxBPS/20; // make sure outgoing message doesn't overflow UDP size ctMinBytes = Clamp(ctMinBytes, 0L, 1000L); ctMaxBytes = Clamp(ctMaxBytes, 0L, 1000L); // limit the clients BPS by server's local settings extern INDEX ser_iMaxAllowedBPS; ctMinBytes = ClampUp(ctMinBytes, (INDEX) ( ser_iMaxAllowedBPS/20L - MAX_HEADER_SIZE)); ctMaxBytes = ClampUp(ctMaxBytes, (INDEX) (ser_iMaxAllowedBPS/20L - MAX_HEADER_SIZE)); // prevent server/singleplayer from flooding itself extern INDEX cli_bPredictIfServer; if (iClient==0 && !cli_bPredictIfServer) { ctMinBytes = 0; ctMaxBytes = 1E6; } // CPrintF("Send%d(%d, %d, %d): ", iClient, iLastSent, ctMinBytes, ctMaxBytes); // start after last sequence that was sent and go upwards INDEX iSequence = iLastSent+1; INDEX iStep = +1; // CPrintF("last=%d -- ", iLastSent); // initialize the message that is to be sent CNetworkMessage nmGameStreamBlocks(MSG_GAMESTREAMBLOCKS); // get one message for last compressed message of valid size CNetworkMessage nmPackedBlocks(MSG_GAMESTREAMBLOCKS); CNetworkMessage nmPackedBlocksNew(MSG_GAMESTREAMBLOCKS); // repeat for max 100 sequences INDEX iBlocksOk = 0; INDEX iMaxSent = -1; for(INDEX i=0; i<100; i++) { if (iStep<0 && iBlocksOk>=3) { // break; } // get the stream block with current sequence // CPrintF("%d: ", iSequence); CNetworkStreamBlock *pnsbBlock; CNetworkStream::Result res = sso.sso_nsBuffer.GetBlockBySequence(iSequence, pnsbBlock); // if it is not found if (res!=CNetworkStream::R_OK) { // if going upward if (iStep>0 ) { // // if this block is missing // && res==CNetworkStream::R_BLOCKMISSING // if none sent so far if (iBlocksOk<=0) { // give up // CPrintF("giving up\n"); break; } // CPrintF("rewind ", iSequence); // rewind and continue downward if (iSequence == iLastSent+1) { iSequence = iLastSent-1; } else { iSequence = iLastSent; } iStep = -1; // retry continue; // otherwise } else { // stop adding more blocks break; } } // if uncompressed message would overflow if (nmGameStreamBlocks.nm_slSize+pnsbBlock->nm_slSize+32>MAX_NETWORKMESSAGE_SIZE) { // CPrintF("overflow "); break; } // add this block to the message and pack it pnsbBlock->WriteToMessage(nmGameStreamBlocks); nmPackedBlocksNew.Reinit(); nmGameStreamBlocks.PackDefault(nmPackedBlocksNew); // if some blocks written already and the batch is too large if (iBlocksOk>0) { if (iStep>0 && nmPackedBlocksNew.nm_slSize>=ctMaxBytes || iStep<0 && nmPackedBlocksNew.nm_slSize>=ctMinBytes ) { // stop // CPrintF("toomuch "); break; } } // use new pack // CPrintF("added "); nmPackedBlocks = nmPackedBlocksNew; iMaxSent = Max(iMaxSent, iSequence); iSequence+= iStep; iBlocksOk++; } // if no blocks to write if (iBlocksOk<=0) { // if not sent anything for some time CTimerValue tvNow = _pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer(); extern FLOAT ser_tmKeepAlive; if ((tvNow-sso.sso_tvLastMessageSent).GetSeconds()>ser_tmKeepAlive) { // send keepalive CNetworkMessage nmKeepalive(MSG_KEEPALIVE); _pNetwork->SendToClient(iClient, nmKeepalive); sso.sso_tvLastMessageSent = tvNow; } // CPrintF("nothing\n"); return; } // send the message to the client // CPrintF("sent: %d=%dB\n", iBlocksOk, nmPackedBlocks.nm_slSize); _pNetwork->SendToClient(iClient, nmPackedBlocks); sso.sso_iLastSentSequence = Max(sso.sso_iLastSentSequence, iMaxSent); sso.sso_tvLastMessageSent = _pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer(); // remove the block(s) that fall out of the buffer extern INDEX ser_iRememberBehind; sso.sso_nsBuffer.RemoveOlderBlocksBySequence(srv_iLastProcessedSequence-ser_iRememberBehind); // if haven't sent pings for some time CTimerValue tvNow = _pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer(); extern FLOAT ser_tmPingUpdate; if ((tvNow-sso.sso_tvLastPingSent).GetSeconds()>ser_tmPingUpdate) { // send ping info CNetworkMessage nmPings(MSG_INF_PINGS); for(INDEX i=0; i<NET_MAXGAMEPLAYERS; i++) { CPlayerBuffer &plb = srv_aplbPlayers[i]; if (plb.IsActive()) { BOOL b = 1; nmPings.WriteBits(&b, 1); nmPings.WriteBits(&plb.plb_iPing, 10); } else { BOOL b = 0; nmPings.WriteBits(&b, 1); } } _pNetwork->SendToClient(iClient, nmPings); sso.sso_tvLastPingSent = tvNow; } } /* Resend a batch of game stream blocks to a client. */ void CServer::ResendGameStreamBlocks(INDEX iClient, INDEX iSequence0, INDEX ctSequences) { extern INDEX net_bReportMiscErrors; if (net_bReportMiscErrors) { CPrintF(TRANS("Server: Resending sequences %d-%d(%d) to '%s'..."), iSequence0, iSequence0+ctSequences-1, ctSequences, _cmiComm.Server_GetClientName(iClient)); } // get corresponding session socket CSessionSocket &sso = srv_assoSessions[iClient]; // create a package message CNetworkMessage nmGameStreamBlocks(MSG_GAMESTREAMBLOCKS); CNetworkMessage nmPackedBlocks(MSG_GAMESTREAMBLOCKS); // for each sequence INDEX iSequence = iSequence0; for(; iSequence<iSequence0+ctSequences; iSequence++) { // get the stream block with that sequence CNetworkStreamBlock *pnsbBlock; CNetworkStream::Result res = sso.sso_nsBuffer.GetBlockBySequence(iSequence, pnsbBlock); // if it is not found if (res!=CNetworkStream::R_OK) { // tell the requesting session state to disconnect SendDisconnectMessage(iClient, TRANS("Gamestream synchronization lost")); return; } CNetworkMessage nmPackedBlocksNew(MSG_GAMESTREAMBLOCKS); // pack it in the batch pnsbBlock->WriteToMessage(nmGameStreamBlocks); nmGameStreamBlocks.PackDefault(nmPackedBlocksNew); // if the batch is too large if (nmPackedBlocksNew.nm_slSize>512) { // stop break; } // use new pack nmPackedBlocks = nmPackedBlocksNew; } // send the last batch of valid size _pfNetworkProfile.IncrementCounter(CNetworkProfile::PCI_GAMESTREAMRESENDS); _pNetwork->SendToClient(iClient, nmPackedBlocks); extern INDEX net_bReportMiscErrors; if (net_bReportMiscErrors) { CPrintF(TRANS(" sent %d-%d(%d - %db)\n"), iSequence0, iSequence, iSequence-iSequence0-1, nmPackedBlocks.nm_slSize); } } /* Get number of active players. */ INDEX CServer::GetPlayersCount(void) { INDEX ctPlayers = 0; FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(srv_aplbPlayers, CPlayerBuffer, itplb) { if (itplb->IsActive()) { ctPlayers++; } } return ctPlayers; } /* Get number of active vip players. */ INDEX CServer::GetVIPPlayersCount(void) { INDEX ctPlayers = 0; FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(srv_aplbPlayers, CPlayerBuffer, itplb) { if (itplb->IsActive() && srv_assoSessions[itplb->plb_iClient].sso_bVIP) { ctPlayers++; } } return ctPlayers; } /* Get total number of active clients. */ INDEX CServer::GetClientsCount(void) { INDEX ctClients = 0; // for each active session for(INDEX iSession=0; iSession<srv_assoSessions.Count(); iSession++) { CSessionSocket &sso = srv_assoSessions[iSession]; if (iSession>0 && !sso.IsActive()) { continue; } ctClients++; } return ctClients; } /* Get number of active vip clients. */ INDEX CServer::GetVIPClientsCount(void) { INDEX ctClients = 0; // for each active session for(INDEX iSession=0; iSession<srv_assoSessions.Count(); iSession++) { CSessionSocket &sso = srv_assoSessions[iSession]; if (iSession>0 && !sso.IsActive()) { continue; } if (sso.sso_bVIP) { ctClients++; } } return ctClients; } /* Get number of active observers. */ INDEX CServer::GetObserversCount(void) { INDEX ctClients = 0; // for each active session for(INDEX iSession=0; iSession<srv_assoSessions.Count(); iSession++) { CSessionSocket &sso = srv_assoSessions[iSession]; if (iSession>0 && !sso.IsActive()) { continue; } if (sso.sso_ctLocalPlayers == 0) { ctClients++; } } return ctClients; } /* Get number of active players on one client. */ INDEX CServer::GetPlayersCountForClient(INDEX iClient) { INDEX ctPlayers = 0; FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(srv_aplbPlayers, CPlayerBuffer, itplb) { if (itplb->IsActive() && itplb->plb_iClient==iClient) { ctPlayers++; } } return ctPlayers; } /* * Find first inactive client. */ CPlayerBuffer *CServer::FirstInactivePlayer(void) { // for all players in game FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(srv_aplbPlayers, CPlayerBuffer, itplb) { // if player is not active if (!itplb->IsActive()) { // return it return &itplb.Current(); } } // if no inactive players found, return error return NULL; } /* * Check if some character already exists in this session. */ BOOL CServer::CharacterNameIsUsed(CPlayerCharacter &pcCharacter) { // for all players in game FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(srv_aplbPlayers, CPlayerBuffer, itplb) { // if it is active and has same character as this one if (itplb->IsActive() && itplb->plb_pcCharacter == pcCharacter) { // it exists return TRUE; } } // otherwise, it doesn't exist return FALSE; } // find a mask of all players on a certain client ULONG CServer::MaskOfPlayersOnClient(INDEX iClient) { ULONG ulClientPlayers = 0; for(INDEX ipl=0; ipl<srv_aplbPlayers.Count(); ipl++) { CPlayerBuffer &plb = srv_aplbPlayers[ipl]; if (plb.IsActive() && plb.plb_iClient==iClient) { ulClientPlayers |= 1UL<<ipl; } } return ulClientPlayers; } /* * Handle network messages. */ void CServer::ServerLoop(void) { // if not started if (!srv_bActive) { ASSERTALWAYS("Running server loop for before starting server!"); // do not gather/send actions return; } _pfNetworkProfile.StartTimer(CNetworkProfile::PTI_SERVER_LOOP); // try { // _cmiComm.Server_Accept_t(); // } catch (char *strError) { // CPrintF(TRANS("Accepting failed, no more clients can connect: %s\n"), strError); // } // handle all incoming messages HandleAll(); INDEX iSpeed = 1; extern INDEX ser_bWaitFirstPlayer; // if the local session is keeping up with time and not paused BOOL bPaused = srv_bPause || _pNetwork->ga_bLocalPause || _pNetwork->IsWaitingForPlayers() || srv_bGameFinished || ser_bWaitFirstPlayer; if (_pNetwork->ga_sesSessionState.ses_bKeepingUpWithTime &&(_pTimer->GetRealTimeTick()-_pNetwork->ga_sesSessionState.ses_tmLastUpdated<=_pTimer->TickQuantum*2.01f) && !bPaused ) { // advance time srv_fServerStep += _pNetwork->ga_fGameRealTimeFactor*_pNetwork->ga_sesSessionState.ses_fRealTimeFactor; // if stepped to next tick if (srv_fServerStep>=1.0f) { // find how many ticks were stepped INDEX iSpeed = ClampDn(INDEX(srv_fServerStep), 1L); srv_fServerStep -= iSpeed; // for each tick for( INDEX i=0; i<iSpeed; i++) { // make allaction messages for one tick MakeAllActions(); } } } // for each active session for(INDEX iSession=0; iSession<srv_assoSessions.Count(); iSession++) { CSessionSocket &sso = srv_assoSessions[iSession]; if (iSession>0 && (!sso.IsActive() || !sso.sso_bSendStream)) { continue; } // send one regular batch of sequences to the client SendGameStreamBlocks(iSession); } _pfNetworkProfile.StopTimer(CNetworkProfile::PTI_SERVER_LOOP); } // make allaction messages for one tick void CServer::MakeAllActions(void) { // increment tick counter and processed sequence srv_tmLastProcessedTick += _pTimer->TickQuantum; srv_iLastProcessedSequence++; // for each active session for(INDEX iSession=0; iSession<srv_assoSessions.Count(); iSession++) { CSessionSocket &sso = srv_assoSessions[iSession]; if (iSession>0 && !sso.IsActive()) { continue; } // create all-actions message CNetworkStreamBlock nsbAllActions(MSG_SEQ_ALLACTIONS, srv_iLastProcessedSequence); // write time there nsbAllActions<<srv_tmLastProcessedTick; // for all players in game INDEX iPlayer = 0; FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(srv_aplbPlayers, CPlayerBuffer, itplb) { // if player is active if (itplb->IsActive()) { // player indices transmission is unneccessary unless if debugging // // write its index // nsbAllActions<<iPlayer; // write its action itplb->CreateActionPacket(&nsbAllActions, iSession); } iPlayer++; } // add the all-actions block to the buffer sso.sso_nsBuffer.AddBlock(nsbAllActions); } // for all players in game {FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(srv_aplbPlayers, CPlayerBuffer, itplb) { // if player is active if (itplb->IsActive()) { // flush oldest action itplb->AdvanceActionBuffer(); } }} } // add a block to streams for all sessions void CServer::AddBlockToAllSessions(CNetworkStreamBlock &nsb) { // for each active session for(INDEX iSession=0; iSession<srv_assoSessions.Count(); iSession++) { CSessionSocket &sso = srv_assoSessions[iSession]; if (iSession>0 && !sso.IsActive()) { continue; } // add the block to the buffer sso.sso_nsBuffer.AddBlock(nsb); } } /* Send initialization info to local client. */ void CServer::ConnectLocalSessionState(INDEX iClient, CNetworkMessage &nm) { // find session of this client CSessionSocket &sso = srv_assoSessions[iClient]; // activate it sso.Activate(); // prepare his initialization message CNetworkMessage nmInitMainServer(MSG_REP_CONNECTLOCALSESSIONSTATE); nmInitMainServer<<srv_tmLastProcessedTick; nmInitMainServer<<srv_iLastProcessedSequence; sso.sso_ctLocalPlayers = -1; nm>>sso.sso_sspParams; // send him server session state initialization message _pNetwork->SendToClientReliable(iClient, nmInitMainServer); } /* Send initialization info to remote client. */ void CServer::ConnectRemoteSessionState(INDEX iClient, CNetworkMessage &nm) { ASSERT(iClient>0); // find session of this client CSessionSocket &sso = srv_assoSessions[iClient]; // if the IP is banned if (!MatchesBanMask(_cmiComm.Server_GetClientName(iClient), ser_strIPMask) != !ser_bInverseBanning) { // disconnect the client SendDisconnectMessage(iClient, TRANS("You are banned from this server"), /*bStream=*/TRUE); return; } // read version info INDEX iTag, iMajor, iMinor; nm>>iTag; if (iTag=='VTAG') { nm>>iMajor>>iMinor; } else { iMajor = 109; iMinor = 1; } // if wrong if (iMajor!=_SE_BUILD_MAJOR || iMinor!=_SE_BUILD_MINOR) { // disconnect the client CTString strExplanation; strExplanation.PrintF(TRANS( "This server runs version %d.%d, your version is %d.%d.\n" "Please visit http://www.croteam.com for information on version updating."), _SE_BUILD_MAJOR, _SE_BUILD_MINOR, iMajor, iMinor); SendDisconnectMessage(iClient, strExplanation, /*bStream=*/TRUE); return; } extern CTString net_strConnectPassword; extern CTString net_strVIPPassword; extern CTString net_strObserverPassword; extern INDEX net_iVIPReserve; extern INDEX net_iMaxObservers; extern INDEX net_iMaxClients; CTString strGivenMod; CTString strGivenPassword; nm>>strGivenMod>>strGivenPassword; INDEX ctWantedLocalPlayers; nm>>ctWantedLocalPlayers; // if wrong mod if (_strModName!=strGivenMod) { // disconnect the client // NOTE: DO NOT TRANSLATE THIS STRING! CTString strMod(0, "MOD:%s\\%s", _strModName, _strModURL); SendDisconnectMessage(iClient, strMod, /*bStream=*/TRUE); return; } // get counts of allowed players, clients, vips and check for connection allowance INDEX ctMaxAllowedPlayers = _pNetwork->ga_sesSessionState.ses_ctMaxPlayers; INDEX ctMaxAllowedClients = ctMaxAllowedPlayers; if (net_iMaxClients>0) { ctMaxAllowedClients = ClampUp(net_iMaxClients, (INDEX)NET_MAXGAMECOMPUTERS); } INDEX ctMaxAllowedVIPPlayers = 0; INDEX ctMaxAllowedVIPClients = 0; if (net_iVIPReserve>0 && net_strVIPPassword!="") { ctMaxAllowedVIPPlayers = ClampDn(net_iVIPReserve-GetVIPPlayersCount(), 0L); ctMaxAllowedVIPClients = ClampDn(net_iVIPReserve-GetVIPClientsCount(), 0L); } INDEX ctMaxAllowedObservers = net_iMaxObservers; // get current counts INDEX ctCurrentPlayers = GetPlayersCount(); INDEX ctCurrentClients = GetClientsCount(); INDEX ctCurrentObservers = GetObserversCount(); // check which passwords this client can satisfy BOOL bAutorizedAsVIP = FALSE; BOOL bAutorizedAsObserver = FALSE; BOOL bAutorizedAsPlayer = FALSE; if (net_strVIPPassword!="" && net_strVIPPassword==strGivenPassword) { bAutorizedAsVIP = TRUE; bAutorizedAsPlayer = TRUE; bAutorizedAsObserver = TRUE; } if (net_strConnectPassword=="" || net_strConnectPassword==strGivenPassword) { bAutorizedAsPlayer = TRUE; } if ((net_strObserverPassword==""&&bAutorizedAsPlayer) || net_strObserverPassword==strGivenPassword) { bAutorizedAsObserver = TRUE; } // if the user is not authorised as a VIP if (!bAutorizedAsVIP) { // artificially decrease allowed number of players and clients ctMaxAllowedPlayers = ClampDn(ctMaxAllowedPlayers-ctMaxAllowedVIPPlayers, 0L); ctMaxAllowedClients = ClampDn(ctMaxAllowedClients-ctMaxAllowedVIPClients, 0L); } // if too many clients or players if (ctCurrentPlayers+ctWantedLocalPlayers>ctMaxAllowedPlayers ||ctCurrentClients+1>ctMaxAllowedClients) { // disconnect the client SendDisconnectMessage(iClient, TRANS("Server full!"), /*bStream=*/TRUE); return; } // if the user is trying to connect as observer if (ctWantedLocalPlayers==0) { // if too many observers already if (ctCurrentObservers>=ctMaxAllowedObservers && !bAutorizedAsVIP) { // disconnect the client SendDisconnectMessage(iClient, TRANS("Too many observers!"), /*bStream=*/TRUE); return; } // if observer password is wrong if (!bAutorizedAsObserver) { // disconnect the client if (strGivenPassword=="") { SendDisconnectMessage(iClient, TRANS("This server requires password for observers!"), /*bStream=*/TRUE); } else { SendDisconnectMessage(iClient, TRANS("Wrong observer password!"), /*bStream=*/TRUE); } } // if the user is trying to connect as player } else { // if player password is wrong if (!bAutorizedAsPlayer) { // disconnect the client if (strGivenPassword=="") { SendDisconnectMessage(iClient, TRANS("This server requires password to connect!"), /*bStream=*/TRUE); } else { SendDisconnectMessage(iClient, TRANS("Wrong password!"), /*bStream=*/TRUE); } } } // activate it sso.Activate(); // load parameters for it sso.sso_ctLocalPlayers = ctWantedLocalPlayers; sso.sso_bVIP = bAutorizedAsVIP; nm>>sso.sso_sspParams; // try to try { // create base info to be sent extern CTString ser_strMOTD; CTMemoryStream strmInfo; strmInfo<<INDEX(MSG_REP_CONNECTREMOTESESSIONSTATE); strmInfo<<ser_strMOTD; strmInfo<<_pNetwork->ga_World.wo_fnmFileName; strmInfo<<_pNetwork->ga_sesSessionState.ses_ulSpawnFlags; strmInfo.Write_t(_pNetwork->ga_aubDefaultProperties, NET_MAXSESSIONPROPERTIES); SLONG slSize = strmInfo.GetStreamSize(); // send the stream to the remote session state _pNetwork->SendToClientReliable(iClient, strmInfo); CPrintF(TRANS("Server: Sent initialization info to '%s' (%dk)\n"), (const char*)_cmiComm.Server_GetClientName(iClient), slSize/1024); // if failed } catch (char *strError) { // deactivate it sso.Deactivate(); // report error CPrintF(TRANS("Server: Cannot prepare connection data: %s\n"), strError); } } /* Send session state data to remote client. */ void CServer::SendSessionStateData(INDEX iClient) { ASSERT(iClient>0); // find session of this client CSessionSocket &sso = srv_assoSessions[iClient]; // copy its buffer from local session state sso.sso_nsBuffer.Copy(srv_assoSessions[0].sso_nsBuffer); // try to try { // prepare files or memory streams for connection info CTFileStream strmStateFile; CTMemoryStream strmStateMem; CTFileStream strmDeltaFile; CTMemoryStream strmDeltaMem; CTStream *pstrmState; CTMemoryStream *pstrmDelta; extern INDEX net_bDumpConnectionInfo; UBYTE* pubSrc = NULL; /*if (net_bDumpConnectionInfo) { strmStateFile.Create_t(CTString("Temp\\State.bin")); strmDeltaFile.Create_t(CTString("Temp\\Delta.bin")); pstrmState = &strmStateFile; pstrmDelta = &strmDeltaFile; } else {*/ pstrmState = &strmStateMem; pstrmDelta = &strmDeltaMem; pubSrc = strmDeltaMem.mstrm_pubBuffer + strmDeltaMem.mstrm_slLocation; //} ASSERT(pubSrc != NULL); // write main session state _pNetwork->ga_sesSessionState.Write_t(pstrmState); pstrmState->SetPos_t(0); SLONG slFullSize = pstrmState->GetStreamSize(); CTMemoryStream strmInfo; strmInfo<<INDEX(MSG_REP_STATEDELTA); // compress it to another one, using delta from original CTMemoryStream strmDefaultState; strmDefaultState.Write_t (_pNetwork->ga_pubDefaultState, _pNetwork->ga_slDefaultStateSize); strmDefaultState.SetPos_t(0); DIFF_Diff_t(&strmDefaultState, pstrmState, pstrmDelta); pstrmDelta->SetPos_t(0); SLONG slDeltaSize = pstrmDelta->GetStreamSize(); CzlibCompressor comp; comp.PackStream_t(*pstrmDelta, strmInfo); SLONG slSize = strmInfo.GetStreamSize(); // send the stream to the remote session state _pNetwork->SendToClientReliable(iClient, strmInfo); CPrintF(TRANS("Server: Sent connection data to '%s' (%dk->%dk->%dk)\n"), (const char*)_cmiComm.Server_GetClientName(iClient), slFullSize/1024, slDeltaSize/1024, slSize/1024); if (net_bDumpConnectionInfo) { CPrintF(TRANS("Server: Connection data dumped.\n")); } // if failed } catch (char *strError) { // deactivate it sso.Deactivate(); // report error CPrintF(TRANS("Server: Cannot prepare connection data: %s\n"), strError); } } /* Handle incoming network messages. */ void CServer::HandleAll() { // clear last accepted client info INDEX iClient = -1; /* if (_cmiComm.GetLastAccepted(iClient)) { CPrintF(TRANS("Server: Accepted session connection by '%s'\n"), _cmiComm.Server_GetClientName(iClient)); } */ // for each active client {for( INDEX iClient=0; iClient<NET_MAXGAMECOMPUTERS; iClient++) { // handle all of its messages HandleAllForAClient(iClient); }} } void CServer::HandleAllForAClient(INDEX iClient) { // if the client is not connected if (!_cmiComm.Server_IsClientUsed(iClient)) { // skip it return; } // update the client's max BPS limit from the session socket parameters cm_aciClients[iClient].ci_pbOutputBuffer.pb_pbsLimits.pbs_fBandwidthLimit = srv_assoSessions[iClient].sso_sspParams.ssp_iMaxBPS*8; // find session of this client CSessionSocket &sso = srv_assoSessions[iClient]; // if hasn't received sync check for too long extern INDEX ser_bKickOnSyncLate; if (ser_bKickOnSyncLate &&sso.sso_bActive && sso.sso_tmLastSyncReceived>0 && sso.sso_tmLastSyncReceived<_pNetwork->ga_sesSessionState.ses_tmLastSyncCheck - (2*ser_iSyncCheckBuffer*_pNetwork->ga_sesSessionState.ses_tmSyncCheckFrequency)) { SendDisconnectMessage(iClient, TRANS("No valid SYNCCHECK received for too long!")); } if (iClient>0 && sso.sso_bActive && sso.sso_bSendStream && sso.sso_tvMessageReceived.tv_llValue>0 && (_pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer()-sso.sso_tvMessageReceived).GetSeconds()>net_tmDisconnectTimeout) { SendDisconnectMessage(iClient, TRANS("Connection timeout")); } // if the client is disconnected if (!_cmiComm.Server_IsClientUsed(iClient) || sso.sso_iDisconnectedState>1) { CPrintF(TRANS("Server: Client '%s' disconnected.\n"), _cmiComm.Server_GetClientName(iClient)); // clear it _cmiComm.Server_ClearClient(iClient); // free all that data that was allocated for the client HandleClientDisconected(iClient); } CNetworkMessage nmReceived; // repeat FOREVER { // if there is some reliable message if (_pNetwork->ReceiveFromClientReliable(iClient, nmReceived)) { // process it Handle(iClient, nmReceived); // if there are no more messages } else { // skip to receiving unreliable break; } } // if the client has confirmed disconnect in this loop if (!_cmiComm.Server_IsClientUsed(iClient) || sso.sso_iDisconnectedState>1) { CPrintF(TRANS("Server: Client '%s' disconnected.\n"), _cmiComm.Server_GetClientName(iClient)); // clear it _cmiComm.Server_ClearClient(iClient); // free all that data that was allocated for the client HandleClientDisconected(iClient); } // repeat FOREVER { // if there is some unreliable message if (_pNetwork->ReceiveFromClient(iClient, nmReceived)) { // process it Handle(iClient, nmReceived); // if there are no more messages } else { // finish with this client break; } } } void CServer::HandleClientDisconected(INDEX iClient) { // find session of this client CSessionSocket &sso = srv_assoSessions[iClient]; // deactivate it sso.Deactivate(); INDEX iPlayer = 0; FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(srv_aplbPlayers, CPlayerBuffer, itplb) { // if player is on that client if (itplb->plb_iClient==iClient) { // create message for removing player from all session CNetworkStreamBlock nsbRemPlayerData(MSG_SEQ_REMPLAYER, ++srv_iLastProcessedSequence); nsbRemPlayerData<<iPlayer; // player index // put the message in buffer to be sent to all sessions AddBlockToAllSessions(nsbRemPlayerData); // deactivate it itplb->Deactivate(); } iPlayer++; } } // split the rcon response string into lines and send one by one to the client static void SendAdminResponse(INDEX iClient, const CTString &strResponse) { CTString str = strResponse; while (str!="") { CTString strLine = str; strLine.OnlyFirstLine(); str.RemovePrefix(strLine); str.DeleteChar(0); if (strLine.Length()>0) { CNetworkMessage nm(MSG_ADMIN_RESPONSE); nm<<strLine; _pNetwork->SendToClientReliable(iClient, nm); } } } void CServer::Handle(INDEX iClient, CNetworkMessage &nmMessage) { CSessionSocket &sso = srv_assoSessions[iClient]; sso.sso_tvMessageReceived = _pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer(); switch (nmMessage.GetType()) { // if if it is just keepalive, ignore it case MSG_KEEPALIVE: break; case MSG_REP_DISCONNECTED: { CSessionSocket &sso = srv_assoSessions[iClient]; sso.sso_iDisconnectedState=2; } break; // if local session state asks for registration case MSG_REQ_CONNECTLOCALSESSIONSTATE: { ConnectLocalSessionState(iClient, nmMessage); } break; // if remote server asks for registration case MSG_REQ_CONNECTREMOTESESSIONSTATE: { ConnectRemoteSessionState(iClient, nmMessage); } break; // if remote server asks for data case MSG_REQ_STATEDELTA: { CPrintF(TRANS("Sending statedelta response\n")); SendSessionStateData(iClient); } break; // if player asks for registration case MSG_REQ_CONNECTPLAYER: { // check that someone doesn't add too many players if (iClient>0 && GetPlayersCountForClient(iClient)>=sso.sso_ctLocalPlayers) { CTString strMessage; strMessage.PrintF(TRANS("Protocol violation")); SendDisconnectMessage(iClient, strMessage); } // read character data from the message CPlayerCharacter pcCharacter; nmMessage>>pcCharacter; // if the name is banned if (!MatchesBanMask(pcCharacter.GetName(), ser_strNameMask) != !ser_bInverseBanning) { // disconnect the client SendDisconnectMessage(iClient, TRANS("You are banned from this server"), /*bStream=*/TRUE); return; } CPlayerBuffer *pplbNewClient; // find some inactive player pplbNewClient = FirstInactivePlayer(); // if there is some active player with same character name if (CharacterNameIsUsed(pcCharacter)) { // send refusal message CTString strMessage; strMessage.PrintF(TRANS("Player character '%s' already exists in this session."), pcCharacter.GetName()); SendDisconnectMessage(iClient, strMessage); // if the max. number of clients is not reached } else if (pplbNewClient!=NULL) { // activate it pplbNewClient->Activate(iClient); INDEX iNewPlayer = pplbNewClient->plb_Index; // remember its character pplbNewClient->plb_pcCharacter = pcCharacter; // create message for adding player data to sessions CNetworkStreamBlock nsbAddClientData(MSG_SEQ_ADDPLAYER, ++srv_iLastProcessedSequence); nsbAddClientData<<iNewPlayer; // client index nsbAddClientData<<pcCharacter; // client character data extern INDEX ser_bWaitFirstPlayer; ser_bWaitFirstPlayer = 0; // player is here don't wait any more // put the message in buffer to be sent to all servers AddBlockToAllSessions(nsbAddClientData); // send him client initialization message CNetworkMessage nmPlayerRegistered(MSG_REP_CONNECTPLAYER); nmPlayerRegistered<<iNewPlayer; // player index _pNetwork->SendToClientReliable(iClient, nmPlayerRegistered); // notify gameagent GameAgent_ServerStateChanged(); // if refused } else { // send him refusal message SendDisconnectMessage(iClient, TRANS("Too many players in session.")); } } break; // if client source wants to change character case MSG_REQ_CHARACTERCHANGE: { // read character data from the message INDEX iPlayer; CPlayerCharacter pcCharacter; nmMessage>>iPlayer>>pcCharacter; // first check if the request is valid if (iPlayer<0 || iPlayer>srv_aplbPlayers.Count() ) { break; } CPlayerBuffer &plb = srv_aplbPlayers[iPlayer]; if (plb.plb_iClient!=iClient || !(plb.plb_pcCharacter==pcCharacter) ) { break; } // if all was right, add that as change a sequence CNetworkStreamBlock nsbChangeChar(MSG_SEQ_CHARACTERCHANGE, ++srv_iLastProcessedSequence); nsbChangeChar<<iPlayer; nsbChangeChar<<pcCharacter; plb.plb_pcCharacter = pcCharacter; // put the message in buffer to be sent to all clients AddBlockToAllSessions(nsbChangeChar); } break; // if client source sends action packet case MSG_ACTION: { CSessionSocket &sso = srv_assoSessions[iClient]; // for each possible player on that client for(INDEX ipls=0; ipls<NET_MAXLOCALPLAYERS; ipls++) { // see if saved in the message BOOL bSaved = 0; nmMessage.ReadBits(&bSaved, 1); // if saved if (bSaved) { // read client index INDEX iPlayer = 0; nmMessage.ReadBits(&iPlayer, 4); CPlayerBuffer &plb = srv_aplbPlayers[iPlayer]; // if the player is not on that client if (plb.plb_iClient!=iClient) { // consider the entire message invalid CPrintF("Wrong Client!\n"); break; } // read ping plb.plb_iPing = 0; nmMessage.ReadBits(&plb.plb_iPing, 10); // let the corresponding client buffer receive the message INDEX iMaxBuffer = sso.sso_sspParams.ssp_iBufferActions; extern INDEX cli_bPredictIfServer; if (iClient==0 && !cli_bPredictIfServer) { iMaxBuffer = 1; } plb.ReceiveActionPacket(&nmMessage, iMaxBuffer); } } } break; // if client sent a synchronization check case MSG_SYNCCHECK: { extern INDEX ser_bReportSyncOK; extern INDEX ser_bReportSyncBad; extern INDEX ser_bReportSyncLate; extern INDEX ser_bReportSyncEarly; extern INDEX ser_bPauseOnSyncBad; extern INDEX ser_iKickOnSyncBad; // read sync check from the packet CSyncCheck scRemote; nmMessage.Read(&scRemote, sizeof(scRemote)); // try to find it in buffer CSyncCheck scLocal; INDEX iFound = FindSyncCheck(scRemote.sc_tmTick, scLocal); // if found if (iFound==0) { // flush the clients stream buffer up to that sequence // (the sync is used as piggy-backed acknowledge of packet receival) CSessionSocket &sso = srv_assoSessions[iClient]; sso.sso_nsBuffer.RemoveOlderBlocksBySequence(scRemote.sc_iSequence); // if level was changed if (scLocal.sc_iLevel!=scRemote.sc_iLevel) { // disconnect the client SendDisconnectMessage(iClient, TRANS("Level change in progress. Please retry.")); // if it is wrong crc } else if (scLocal.sc_ulCRC!=scRemote.sc_ulCRC) { sso.sso_ctBadSyncs++; if( ser_bReportSyncBad) { CPrintF( TRANS("SYNCBAD: Client '%s', Sequence %d Tick %.2f - bad %d\n"), _cmiComm.Server_GetClientName(iClient), scRemote.sc_iSequence , scRemote.sc_tmTick, sso.sso_ctBadSyncs); } if (ser_iKickOnSyncBad>0) { if (sso.sso_ctBadSyncs>=ser_iKickOnSyncBad) { SendDisconnectMessage(iClient, TRANS("Too many bad syncs")); } } else if( ser_bPauseOnSyncBad) { _pNetwork->ga_sesSessionState.ses_bWantPause = TRUE; } } else { sso.sso_ctBadSyncs = 0; if (ser_bReportSyncOK) { CPrintF( TRANS("SYNCOK: Client '%s', Tick %.2f\n"), _cmiComm.Server_GetClientName(iClient), scRemote.sc_tmTick); } } // remember that this client has sent sync for that tick if (srv_assoSessions[iClient].sso_tmLastSyncReceived<scRemote.sc_tmTick) { srv_assoSessions[iClient].sso_tmLastSyncReceived = scRemote.sc_tmTick; } // if too old } else if (iFound<0) { // report only if syncs are ok now (so that we don't report a bunch of late syncs on level change if( ser_bReportSyncLate && srv_assoSessions[iClient].sso_tmLastSyncReceived>0) { CPrintF( TRANS("SYNCLATE: Client '%s', Tick %.2f\n"), _cmiComm.Server_GetClientName(iClient), scRemote.sc_tmTick); } // if too new } else { if( ser_bReportSyncEarly) { CPrintF( TRANS("SYNCEARLY: Client '%s', Tick %.2f\n"), _cmiComm.Server_GetClientName(iClient), scRemote.sc_tmTick); } // remember that this client has sent sync for that tick // (even though we cannot really check that it is valid) if (srv_assoSessions[iClient].sso_tmLastSyncReceived<scRemote.sc_tmTick) { srv_assoSessions[iClient].sso_tmLastSyncReceived = scRemote.sc_tmTick; } } } break; // if a server requests resend of some game stream packets case MSG_REQUESTGAMESTREAMRESEND: { // get the sequences from the block INDEX iSequence0, ctSequences; nmMessage>>iSequence0; nmMessage>>ctSequences; // resend the game stream blocks to the server ResendGameStreamBlocks(iClient, iSequence0, ctSequences); } break; // if a client wants to toggle pause case MSG_REQ_PAUSE: { // read the pause state from the message BOOL bWantPause; nmMessage>>(INDEX&)bWantPause; // if state is new if (!srv_bPause != !bWantPause) { // if the client may pause extern INDEX ser_bClientsMayPause; if (_cmiComm.Server_IsClientLocal(iClient) || ser_bClientsMayPause) { // change it srv_bPause = bWantPause; // add the pause state block to the buffer to be sent to all clients CNetworkStreamBlock nsbPause(MSG_SEQ_PAUSE, ++srv_iLastProcessedSequence); nsbPause<<(INDEX&)srv_bPause; nsbPause<<_cmiComm.Server_GetClientName(iClient); AddBlockToAllSessions(nsbPause); } } } break; // if a player wants to change its buffer settings case MSG_SET_CLIENTSETTINGS: { // read data CSessionSocket &sso = srv_assoSessions[iClient]; nmMessage>>sso.sso_sspParams; } break; // if a chat message was sent case MSG_CHAT_IN: { // get it ULONG ulFrom, ulTo; CTString strMessage; nmMessage>>ulFrom>>ulTo>>strMessage; // filter the from address by the client's players ulFrom &= MaskOfPlayersOnClient(iClient); // if the source has no players if (ulFrom==0) { // make it public message ulTo = -1; } // make the outgoing message CNetworkMessage nmOut(MSG_CHAT_OUT); nmOut<<ulFrom; if (ulFrom==0) { CTString strFrom; if (iClient==0) { strFrom = TRANS("Server"); } else { strFrom.PrintF(TRANS("Client %d"), iClient); } nmOut<<strFrom; } nmOut<<strMessage; // for each active client for(INDEX iSession=0; iSession<srv_assoSessions.Count(); iSession++) { CSessionSocket &sso = srv_assoSessions[iSession]; if (iSession>0 && !sso.IsActive()) { continue; } // if message is public or the client has some of destination players if (ulTo==-1 || ulTo&MaskOfPlayersOnClient(iSession)) { // send the message to that computer _pNetwork->SendToClient(iSession, nmOut); } } } break; // if a crc response is received case MSG_REQ_CRCLIST: { CPrintF(TRANS("Sending CRC response\n")); // create CRC challenge CTMemoryStream strmCRC; strmCRC<<INDEX(MSG_REQ_CRCCHECK); strmCRC.Write_t(_pNetwork->ga_pubCRCList, _pNetwork->ga_slCRCList); SLONG slSize = strmCRC.GetStreamSize(); // send the stream to the remote session state _pNetwork->SendToClientReliable(iClient, strmCRC); CPrintF(TRANS("Server: Sent CRC challenge to '%s' (%dk)\n"), (const char*)_cmiComm.Server_GetClientName(iClient), slSize/1024); } break; // if a crc response is received case MSG_REP_CRCCHECK: { // get it ULONG ulCRC; INDEX iLastSequence; nmMessage>>ulCRC>>iLastSequence; // if not same if (_pNetwork->ga_ulCRC!=ulCRC) { // disconnect the client SendDisconnectMessage(iClient, TRANS("Wrong CRC check.")); // if same } else { CPrintF(TRANS("Server: Client '%s', CRC check OK\n"), (const char*)_cmiComm.Server_GetClientName(iClient)); // use the piggybacked sequence number to initiate sending stream to it CSessionSocket &sso = srv_assoSessions[iClient]; sso.sso_bSendStream = TRUE; sso.sso_nsBuffer.RemoveOlderBlocksBySequence(iLastSequence); sso.sso_iLastSentSequence = iLastSequence; } } break; // if a rcon request is received case MSG_ADMIN_COMMAND: { extern CTString net_strAdminPassword; // get it CTString strPassword, strCommand; nmMessage>>strPassword>>strCommand; if (net_strAdminPassword=="") { CNetworkMessage nmRes(MSG_ADMIN_RESPONSE); nmRes<<CTString(TRANS("Remote administration not allowed on this server.\n")); CPrintF(TRANS("Server: Client '%s', Tried to use remote administration.\n"), (const char*)_cmiComm.Server_GetClientName(iClient)); _pNetwork->SendToClientReliable(iClient, nmRes); } else if (net_strAdminPassword!=strPassword) { CPrintF(TRANS("Server: Client '%s', Wrong password for remote administration.\n"), (const char*)_cmiComm.Server_GetClientName(iClient)); SendDisconnectMessage(iClient, TRANS("Wrong admin password. The attempt was logged.")); break; } else { CPrintF(TRANS("Server: Client '%s', Admin cmd: %s\n"), (const char*)_cmiComm.Server_GetClientName(iClient), strCommand); con_bCapture = TRUE; con_strCapture = ""; _pShell->Execute(strCommand+";"); CTString strResponse = CTString(">")+strCommand+"\n"+con_strCapture; SendAdminResponse(iClient, strResponse); con_bCapture = FALSE; con_strCapture = ""; } } break; // otherwise default: ASSERT(FALSE); } }