/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "Engine/StdH.h" #include <Engine/Models/ModelObject.h> #include <Engine/Models/ModelData.h> #include <Engine/Models/RenderModel.h> #include <Engine/Models/Model_internal.h> #include <Engine/Models/Normals.h> #include <Engine/Base/Stream.h> #include <Engine/Base/CTString.inl> #include <Engine/Math/Clipping.inl> #include <Engine/Graphics/Color.h> #include <Engine/Graphics/DrawPort.h> #include <Engine/Templates/StaticArray.cpp> #include <Engine/Templates/DynamicArray.cpp> #include <Engine/Templates/DynamicContainer.cpp> #include <Engine/Templates/Stock_CModelData.h> template class CStaticArray<MappingSurface>; template class CStaticArray<ModelPolygon>; template class CStaticArray<ModelPolygonVertex>; template class CStaticArray<ModelTextureVertex>; template class CStaticArray<PolygonsPerPatch>; template class CDynamicArray<CAttachedModelPosition>; extern UBYTE aubGouraudConv[16384]; // model LOD biasing control extern FLOAT mdl_fLODMul; extern FLOAT mdl_fLODAdd; extern INDEX mdl_iLODDisappear; // 0=never, 1=ignore bias, 2=with bias extern INDEX mdl_bFineQuality; // 0=force to 8-bit, 1=optimal CModelData::CModelData(const CModelData &c) { ASSERT(FALSE); }; CModelData &CModelData::operator=(const CModelData &c){ ASSERT(FALSE); return *this; }; // if any surface in model that we are currently reading has any transparency BOOL _bHasAlpha; // colors used to represent on and off bits COLOR PaletteColorValues[] = { C_RED, C_GREEN, C_BLUE, C_CYAN, C_MAGENTA, C_YELLOW, C_ORANGE, C_BROWN, C_PINK, C_dGRAY, C_GRAY, C_lGRAY, C_dRED, C_lRED, C_dGREEN, C_lGREEN, C_dBLUE, C_lBLUE, C_dCYAN, C_lCYAN, C_dMAGENTA, C_lMAGENTA, C_dYELLOW, C_lYELLOW, C_dORANGE, C_lORANGE, C_dBROWN, C_lBROWN, C_dPINK, C_lPINK, C_WHITE, C_BLACK, }; /* * Instanciated global rendering preferences object containing * info about rendering of models */ CModelRenderPrefs _mrpModelRenderPrefs; /* * Functions dealing with 16-bit normal compression */ void CompressNormal_HQ(const FLOAT3D &vNormal, UBYTE &ubH, UBYTE &ubP) { ANGLE h, p; const FLOAT &x = vNormal(1); const FLOAT &y = vNormal(2); const FLOAT &z = vNormal(3); // calculate pitch p = ASin(y); // if y is near +1 or -1 if (y>0.99 || y<-0.99) { // heading is irrelevant h = 0; // otherwise } else { // calculate heading h = ATan2(-x, -z); } h = (h/360.0f)+0.5f; p = (p/360.0f)+0.5f; ASSERT(h>=0 && h<=1); ASSERT(p>=0 && p<=1); ubH = UBYTE(h*255); ubP = UBYTE(p*255); } void DecompressNormal_HQ(FLOAT3D &vNormal, UBYTE ubH, UBYTE ubP) { ANGLE h = (ubH/255.0f)*360.0f-180.0f; ANGLE p = (ubP/255.0f)*180.0f-90.0f; FLOAT &x = vNormal(1); FLOAT &y = vNormal(2); FLOAT &z = vNormal(3); x = -Sin(h)*Cos(p); y = Sin(p); z = -Cos(h)*Cos(p); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Function returns number of first setted bit in ULONG */ INDEX GetBit( ULONG ulSource) { for( INDEX i=0; i<32; i++) { if( (ulSource & (1<<i)) != 0) return i; } return 0; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Default constructor sets default rendering preferences */ CModelRenderPrefs::CModelRenderPrefs() { rp_BBoxFrameVisible = FALSE; rp_BBoxAllVisible = FALSE; rp_InkColor = C_BLACK; rp_PaperColor = C_lGRAY; rp_RenderType = RT_TEXTURE | RT_SHADING_PHONG; rp_ShadowQuality = 0; } /* * Routines managing (get/set) rendering preferences */ void CModelRenderPrefs::SetRenderType(ULONG rtNew) { rp_RenderType = rtNew; } void CModelRenderPrefs::SetTextureType(ULONG rtNew) { rp_RenderType = (rp_RenderType & (~RT_TEXTURE_MASK)) | rtNew; } void CModelRenderPrefs::SetShadingType(ULONG rtNew) { rp_RenderType = (rp_RenderType & (~RT_SHADING_MASK)) | rtNew; } void CModelRenderPrefs::SetWire(BOOL bWireOn) { if( bWireOn) { rp_RenderType = rp_RenderType | RT_WIRE_ON; } else { rp_RenderType = rp_RenderType & (~RT_WIRE_ON); } } void CModelRenderPrefs::SetHiddenLines(BOOL bHiddenLinesOn) { if( bHiddenLinesOn) { rp_RenderType = rp_RenderType | RT_HIDDEN_LINES; } else { rp_RenderType = rp_RenderType & (~RT_HIDDEN_LINES); } } ULONG CModelRenderPrefs::GetRenderType() { return( rp_RenderType); } void CModelRenderPrefs::SetShadowQuality(INDEX iNewQuality) { ASSERT( iNewQuality >= 0); rp_ShadowQuality = iNewQuality; } void CModelRenderPrefs::DesreaseShadowQuality(void) { rp_ShadowQuality += 1; } void CModelRenderPrefs::IncreaseShadowQuality(void) { if( rp_ShadowQuality > 0) rp_ShadowQuality -= 1; } INDEX CModelRenderPrefs::GetShadowQuality() { return( rp_ShadowQuality); } BOOL CModelRenderPrefs::BBoxFrameVisible() { return( rp_BBoxFrameVisible); } void CModelRenderPrefs::BBoxFrameShow( BOOL bShow) { rp_BBoxFrameVisible = bShow; } BOOL CModelRenderPrefs::BBoxAllVisible() { return( rp_BBoxAllVisible); } void CModelRenderPrefs::BBoxAllShow( BOOL bShow) { rp_BBoxAllVisible = bShow; } BOOL CModelRenderPrefs::WireOn() { return( (rp_RenderType & RT_WIRE_ON) != 0); } BOOL CModelRenderPrefs::HiddenLines() { return( (rp_RenderType & RT_HIDDEN_LINES) != 0); } void CModelRenderPrefs::SetInkColor(COLOR clrNew) { rp_InkColor = clrNew; } COLOR CModelRenderPrefs::GetInkColor() { return rp_InkColor; } void CModelRenderPrefs::SetPaperColor(COLOR clrNew) { rp_PaperColor = clrNew; } COLOR CModelRenderPrefs::GetPaperColor() { return rp_PaperColor; } // read and write functions void CModelRenderPrefs::Read_t( CTStream *istrFile) // throw char * { } void CModelRenderPrefs::Write_t( CTStream *ostrFile) // throw char * { } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CModelPatch::CModelPatch(void) { mp_strName = ""; mp_mexPosition = MEX2D( 1024, 1024); mp_fStretch = 1.0f; } void CModelPatch::Read_t(CTStream *strFile) { *strFile >> mp_strName; CTFileName fnPatchTexture; *strFile >> fnPatchTexture; try { mp_toTexture.SetData_t( fnPatchTexture); } catch( char *strError) { (void) strError; } *strFile >> mp_mexPosition; *strFile >> mp_fStretch; } void CModelPatch::Write_t(CTStream *strFile) { *strFile << mp_strName; *strFile << mp_toTexture.GetName(); *strFile << mp_mexPosition; *strFile << mp_fStretch; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Default constructor sets invalid data */ CModelData::CModelData() { INDEX i; md_bPreparedForRendering = FALSE; md_VerticesCt = 0; // number of vertices in model md_FramesCt = 0; // number of all frames used by this model md_MipCt = 0; // number of mip-models md_bIsEdited = FALSE; // not edited by default // invalidate mip-model info data for( i=0; i<MAX_MODELMIPS; i++) { md_MipInfos[i].mmpi_PolygonsCt = 0; } md_Flags = 0; // model flags (flat, reflection mapping) md_ShadowQuality = 0; md_Stretch = FLOAT3D(1,1,1); // stretch vector (static one, dynamic one is in model object) md_bCollideAsCube = FALSE; // collide as sphere md_colDiffuse = C_WHITE|CT_OPAQUE; md_colReflections = C_WHITE|CT_OPAQUE; md_colSpecular = C_WHITE|CT_OPAQUE; md_colBump = C_WHITE|CT_OPAQUE; } /* * Clear all model data arrays */ void CModelData::Clear(void) { INDEX i; md_bPreparedForRendering = FALSE; CAnimData::Clear(); md_FrameVertices16.Clear(); md_FrameVertices8.Clear(); md_FrameInfos.Clear(); md_MainMipVertices.Clear(); md_TransformedVertices.Clear(); md_VertexMipMask.Clear(); md_aampAttachedPosition.Clear(); md_acbCollisionBox.Clear(); for( i=0; i<md_MipCt; i++) md_MipInfos[i].Clear(); for( i=0; i<MAX_COLOR_NAMES; i++) md_ColorNames[i].Clear(); for( i=0; i<MAX_TEXTUREPATCHES; i++) md_mpPatches[i].mp_toTexture.SetData_t( CTString("")); md_VerticesCt = 0; md_FramesCt = 0; md_MipCt = 0; } // get amount of memory used by this object SLONG CModelData::GetUsedMemory(void) { SLONG slUsed = sizeof(*this)+CAnimData::GetUsedMemory()-sizeof(CAnimData); slUsed += md_FrameVertices16.Count()*sizeof(struct ModelFrameVertex16); slUsed += md_FrameVertices8.Count()*sizeof(struct ModelFrameVertex8); slUsed += md_FrameInfos.Count()*sizeof(struct ModelFrameInfo); slUsed += md_MainMipVertices.Count()*sizeof(FLOAT3D); slUsed += md_TransformedVertices.Count()*sizeof(struct TransformedVertexData); slUsed += md_VertexMipMask.Count()*sizeof(ULONG); slUsed += md_acbCollisionBox.Count()*sizeof(CModelCollisionBox); slUsed += md_aampAttachedPosition.Count()*sizeof(CAttachedModelPosition); for(INDEX i=0; i<md_MipCt; i++) { slUsed += md_MipInfos[i].mmpi_aPolygonsPerPatch.Count()*sizeof(struct PolygonsPerPatch); slUsed += md_MipInfos[i].mmpi_Polygons.Count()*sizeof(struct ModelPolygon); slUsed += md_MipInfos[i].mmpi_TextureVertices.Count()*sizeof(struct ModelTextureVertex); slUsed += md_MipInfos[i].mmpi_MappingSurfaces.Count()*sizeof(struct MappingSurface); } return slUsed; } // check if this kind of objects is auto-freed BOOL CModelData::IsAutoFreed(void) { return FALSE; } void CModelData::ClearAnimations(void) { CAnimData::Clear(); md_FrameVertices16.Clear(); md_FrameVertices8.Clear(); md_FrameInfos.Clear(); md_FramesCt = 0; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // riches texture dimensions void CModelData::GetTextureDimensions( MEX &mexWidth, MEX &mexHeight) { mexWidth = md_Width; mexHeight = md_Height; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // calculates bounding box of all frames void CModelData::GetAllFramesBBox( FLOATaabbox3D &MaxBB) { for( INDEX i=0; i<md_FramesCt; i++) { MaxBB |= md_FrameInfos[ i].mfi_Box; } } FLOAT3D CModelData::GetCollisionBoxMin(INDEX iCollisionBox) { md_acbCollisionBox.Lock(); INDEX iCollisionBoxClamped = Clamp(iCollisionBox, 0, md_acbCollisionBox.Count()-1); FLOAT3D vMin = md_acbCollisionBox[ iCollisionBoxClamped].mcb_vCollisionBoxMin; md_acbCollisionBox.Unlock(); return vMin; }; FLOAT3D CModelData::GetCollisionBoxMax(INDEX iCollisionBox=0) { md_acbCollisionBox.Lock(); INDEX iCollisionBoxClamped = Clamp(iCollisionBox, 0, md_acbCollisionBox.Count()-1); FLOAT3D vMax = md_acbCollisionBox[ iCollisionBoxClamped].mcb_vCollisionBoxMax; md_acbCollisionBox.Unlock(); return vMax; }; // returns HEIGHT_EQ_WIDTH, LENGTH_EQ_WIDTH or LENGTH_EQ_HEIGHT INDEX CModelData::GetCollisionBoxDimensionEquality(INDEX iCollisionBox=0) { md_acbCollisionBox.Lock(); iCollisionBox = Clamp(iCollisionBox, 0, md_acbCollisionBox.Count()-1); INDEX iDimEq = md_acbCollisionBox[ iCollisionBox].mcb_iCollisionBoxDimensionEquality; md_acbCollisionBox.Unlock(); return iDimEq; }; ULONG CModelData::GetFlags(void) { return md_Flags; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CModelData::SpreadMipSwitchFactors( INDEX iFirst, float fStartingFactor) { // set switch steep to cover all mips until max default range reached FLOAT fSteep; // if we allready skipped max range or we don't have any more mips if( (fStartingFactor > MAX_SWITCH_FACTOR) || ((md_MipCt-iFirst) <= 0) ) { // define next switch factor offset fSteep = 1.2f; } // else divide factor from starting factor to max switch factor with number of mip // models left else { fSteep = (MAX_SWITCH_FACTOR - fStartingFactor) / (md_MipCt-iFirst); } // spread mip switch factors for rougher mip models for( INDEX i=iFirst; i<md_MipCt; i++) { md_MipSwitchFactors[ i] = fStartingFactor + (i-iFirst+1)*fSteep; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Default destructor asserts invalid data and clears valid ones */ CModelData::~CModelData() { Clear(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ModelTextureVertex::ModelTextureVertex(void) { mtv_iTransformedVertex = 0; mtv_Done = FALSE; } //------------------------------------------ WRITE void ModelPolygonVertex::Write_t( CTStream *pFile) // throw char * { // DG: this looks like a 64-bit issue, but most probably isn't as PtrToIndices() should have been called before this (*pFile) << (INDEX) (size_t) mpv_ptvTransformedVertex; (*pFile) << (INDEX) (size_t) mpv_ptvTextureVertex; } //------------------------------------------ READ void ModelPolygonVertex::Read_t( CTStream *pFile) // throw char * { INDEX itmp; // DG: this looks like a 64-bit issue, but most probably isn't as IndicesToPtrs() should be // called afterwards to restore actually valid pointers. (*pFile) >> itmp; mpv_ptvTransformedVertex = (struct TransformedVertexData *) (size_t) itmp; (*pFile) >> itmp; mpv_ptvTextureVertex = (ModelTextureVertex *) (size_t) itmp; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------ WRITE void ModelPolygon::Write_t( CTStream *pFile) // throw char * { pFile->WriteID_t( CChunkID("MDP2")); INDEX ctVertices = mp_PolygonVertices.Count(); (*pFile) << ctVertices; {FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(mp_PolygonVertices, ModelPolygonVertex, it) { it.Current().Write_t( pFile);}} (*pFile) << mp_RenderFlags; (*pFile) << mp_ColorAndAlpha; (*pFile) << mp_Surface; }; //------------------------------------------ READ void ModelPolygon::Read_t( CTStream *pFile) // throw char * { INDEX ctVertices; ULONG ulDummy; if( pFile->PeekID_t() == CChunkID("MDPL")) { pFile->ExpectID_t( CChunkID("MDPL")); pFile->ReadFullChunk_t( CChunkID("IMPV"), &ctVertices, sizeof(INDEX)); BYTESWAP(ctVertices); mp_PolygonVertices.New( ctVertices); {FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(mp_PolygonVertices, ModelPolygonVertex, it) { it.Current().Read_t( pFile);}} (*pFile) >> mp_RenderFlags; (*pFile) >> mp_ColorAndAlpha; (*pFile) >> mp_Surface; (*pFile) >> ulDummy; // ex on color (*pFile) >> ulDummy; // ex off color } else { pFile->ExpectID_t( CChunkID("MDP2")); (*pFile) >> ctVertices; mp_PolygonVertices.New( ctVertices); {FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(mp_PolygonVertices, ModelPolygonVertex, it) { it.Current().Read_t( pFile);}} (*pFile) >> mp_RenderFlags; (*pFile) >> mp_ColorAndAlpha; (*pFile) >> mp_Surface; } }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TEMPORARY - REMOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! // POLYGON RENDER CONSTANTS // new_render_types = rendertype (0-7)<<0 + phongstrength(0-7)<<3 + alphatype(0-3)<<6 // poly render types #define PR_PHONGSHADING (0x00<<0) // textures phong shading #define PR_LAMBERTSHADING (0x01<<0) // textures lambert shading (no phong/gouraud) #define PR_ALPHAGOURAUD (0x02<<0) // alpha gouraud shading #define PR_FRONTPROJECTION (0x03<<0) // front projection shading (no rotation, 2D zoom) #define PR_SHADOWBLENDING (0x04<<0) // shadow blending (black alpha gouraud) #define PR_COLORFILLING (0x05<<0) // flat filling (single color poly, no texture) #define PR_MASK (0x07<<0) // mask for render types // phong strengths (shading types) #define PS_MATTE (0x00<<3) // same as the gouraud #define PS_SHINY (0x01<<3) // mild shininig #define PS_METAL (0x02<<3) // shine as hell #define PS_MASK (0x07<<3) // mask for phong strengths // texture's alpha channel flag #define AC_SKIPALPHACHANNEL (0x00<<6) // opaque rendering regardless of alpha channel presence #define AC_USEALPHACHANNEL (0x01<<6) // texture's alpha ch. will be taken in consideration #define AC_ZEROTRANSPARENCY (0x02<<6) // texture's zero values are transparent (no alpha ch.) #define AC_MASK (0x03<<6) // mask for texture's alpha flag // polygon's control flags #define PCF_DOUBLESIDED (0x01<<9) // double sided polygon #define PCF_NOSHADING (0x02<<9) // this polygon will not be shaded anyhow (?) #define PCF_CLIPPOLYGON (0x04<<9) // polygon is clipped, instead rejected #define PCF_REFLECTIONS (0x08<<9) // use reflection mapping //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL MappingSurface::operator==(const MappingSurface &msOther) const { return msOther.ms_Name == ms_Name; }; // convert old polygon flags from CTGfx into new rendering parameters void MappingSurface::SetRenderingParameters(ULONG ulOldFlags) { // find rendering type if (ulOldFlags&PCF_NOSHADING) { ms_sstShadingType = SST_FULLBRIGHT; } else { switch (ulOldFlags&PS_MASK) { case PS_MATTE: ms_sstShadingType = SST_MATTE; break; case PS_SHINY: ms_sstShadingType = SST_MATTE; break; case PS_METAL: ms_sstShadingType = SST_MATTE; break; default: ms_sstShadingType = SST_MATTE; } } // find translucency type if ((ulOldFlags&PR_MASK)==PR_ALPHAGOURAUD) { ms_sttTranslucencyType = STT_ALPHAGOURAUD; } else if ((ulOldFlags&AC_MASK)==AC_ZEROTRANSPARENCY) { ms_sttTranslucencyType = STT_TRANSLUCENT; } else { ms_sttTranslucencyType = STT_OPAQUE; } // find flags ms_ulRenderingFlags = 0; if (ulOldFlags&PCF_DOUBLESIDED) { ms_ulRenderingFlags|=SRF_DOUBLESIDED; } if (ulOldFlags&PCF_REFLECTIONS) { ms_ulRenderingFlags|=SRF_REFLECTIONS; } } //------------------------------------------ WRITE void MappingSurface::Write_t( CTStream *pFile) // throw char * { (*pFile) << ms_Name; pFile->Write_t( &ms_vSurface2DOffset, sizeof(FLOAT3D)); pFile->Write_t( &ms_HPB, sizeof(FLOAT3D)); pFile->Write_t( &ms_Zoom, sizeof(float)); pFile->Write_t( &ms_sstShadingType, sizeof(SurfaceShadingType)); pFile->Write_t( &ms_sttTranslucencyType, sizeof(SurfaceTranslucencyType)); (*pFile) << ms_ulRenderingFlags; INDEX ctPolygons = ms_aiPolygons.Count(); (*pFile) << ctPolygons; if( ctPolygons != 0) { pFile->Write_t( &ms_aiPolygons[0], sizeof( INDEX)*ctPolygons); } INDEX ctTextureVertices = ms_aiTextureVertices.Count(); (*pFile) << ctTextureVertices; if( ctTextureVertices != 0) { pFile->Write_t( &ms_aiTextureVertices[0], sizeof( INDEX)*ctTextureVertices); } (*pFile) << ms_colColor; (*pFile) << ms_colDiffuse; (*pFile) << ms_colReflections; (*pFile) << ms_colSpecular; (*pFile) << ms_colBump; (*pFile) << ms_ulOnColor; (*pFile) << ms_ulOffColor; } void MappingSurface::WriteSettings_t( CTStream *pFile) // throw char * { (*pFile) << ms_Name; (*pFile) << (INDEX &)ms_sstShadingType; (*pFile) << (INDEX &)ms_sttTranslucencyType; (*pFile) << ms_ulRenderingFlags; (*pFile) << ms_colDiffuse; (*pFile) << ms_colReflections; (*pFile) << ms_colSpecular; (*pFile) << ms_colBump; (*pFile) << ms_ulOnColor; (*pFile) << ms_ulOffColor; } void MappingSurface::ReadSettings_t( CTStream *pFile) // throw char * { (*pFile) >> ms_Name; (*pFile) >> (INDEX&) ms_sstShadingType; (*pFile) >> (INDEX&) ms_sttTranslucencyType; (*pFile) >> ms_ulRenderingFlags; (*pFile) >> ms_colDiffuse; (*pFile) >> ms_colReflections; (*pFile) >> ms_colSpecular; (*pFile) >> ms_colBump; (*pFile) >> ms_ulOnColor; (*pFile) >> ms_ulOffColor; } //------------------------------------------ READ void MappingSurface::Read_t( CTStream *pFile, BOOL bReadPolygonsPerSurface, BOOL bReadSurfaceColors) // throw char * { (*pFile) >> ms_Name; (*pFile) >> ms_vSurface2DOffset; (*pFile) >> ms_HPB; (*pFile) >> ms_Zoom; if( bReadPolygonsPerSurface) { (*pFile) >> (INDEX &) ms_sstShadingType; // WARNING !!! All shading types bigger than matte will be remaped into flat shading // this was done when SHINY and METAL were removed if( ms_sstShadingType > SST_MATTE) { ms_sstShadingType = SST_FLAT; } (*pFile) >> (INDEX &) ms_sttTranslucencyType; (*pFile) >> ms_ulRenderingFlags; if( (ms_ulRenderingFlags&SRF_NEW_TEXTURE_FORMAT) == 0) ms_ulRenderingFlags |= SRF_DIFFUSE|SRF_NEW_TEXTURE_FORMAT; if (ms_sttTranslucencyType==STT_TRANSLUCENT || ms_sttTranslucencyType==STT_ALPHAGOURAUD ||ms_sttTranslucencyType==STT_ADD||ms_sttTranslucencyType==STT_MULTIPLY) { _bHasAlpha = TRUE; } ms_aiPolygons.Clear(); INDEX ctPolygons; (*pFile) >> ctPolygons; ms_aiPolygons.New( ctPolygons); for (INDEX i = 0; i < ctPolygons; i++) (*pFile) >> ms_aiPolygons[i]; ms_aiTextureVertices.Clear(); INDEX ctTextureVertices; (*pFile) >> ctTextureVertices; ms_aiTextureVertices.New( ctTextureVertices); for (INDEX i = 0; i < ctTextureVertices; i++) (*pFile) >> ms_aiTextureVertices[i]; (*pFile) >> ms_colColor; } if( bReadSurfaceColors) { (*pFile) >> ms_colDiffuse; (*pFile) >> ms_colReflections; (*pFile) >> ms_colSpecular; (*pFile) >> ms_colBump; (*pFile) >> ms_ulOnColor; (*pFile) >> ms_ulOffColor; } } void CModelData::LinkDataForSurfaces(BOOL bFirstMip) { INDEX iMipStart=1; if( bFirstMip) { iMipStart=0; } // for each mip model for( INDEX iMip=iMipStart; iMip<md_MipCt; iMip ++) { ModelMipInfo *pMMI = &md_MipInfos[ iMip]; // --------------------- Set index of transformed vertex to texture vertex {for( INDEX iPolygon = 0; iPolygon<pMMI->mmpi_Polygons.Count(); iPolygon++) { for( INDEX iVertex = 0; iVertex<pMMI->mmpi_Polygons[iPolygon].mp_PolygonVertices.Count(); iVertex++) { ModelPolygonVertex *pmpvPolygonVertex = &pMMI->mmpi_Polygons[iPolygon].mp_PolygonVertices[iVertex]; INDEX iTransformed = md_TransformedVertices.Index( pmpvPolygonVertex->mpv_ptvTransformedVertex); pmpvPolygonVertex->mpv_ptvTextureVertex->mtv_iTransformedVertex = iTransformed; } }} // --------------------- Linking polygons for surface // array telling how many polygons are in each surface CStaticArray<INDEX> actPolygonsInSurface; INDEX ctSurfaces = pMMI->mmpi_MappingSurfaces.Count(); actPolygonsInSurface.New( ctSurfaces); // for each surface {for( INDEX iSurface=0; iSurface<ctSurfaces; iSurface++) { // reset count of polygons actPolygonsInSurface[iSurface] = 0; }} // for each polygon {for( INDEX iPolygon=0; iPolygon<pMMI->mmpi_Polygons.Count(); iPolygon++) { // increment count of polygons in its surface actPolygonsInSurface[ pMMI->mmpi_Polygons[iPolygon].mp_Surface]++; }} // for each surface {for( INDEX iSurface=0; iSurface<ctSurfaces; iSurface++) { // allocate array for polygon indices pMMI->mmpi_MappingSurfaces[iSurface].ms_aiPolygons.Clear(); pMMI->mmpi_MappingSurfaces[iSurface].ms_aiPolygons.New( actPolygonsInSurface[iSurface]); if( actPolygonsInSurface[iSurface] != 0) { // last place in array will contain counter of added polygons pMMI->mmpi_MappingSurfaces[iSurface].ms_aiPolygons[actPolygonsInSurface[iSurface]-1] = 0; } }} // for each polygon for( INDEX iPolygon=0; iPolygon<pMMI->mmpi_Polygons.Count(); iPolygon++) { // get surface, polygons in surface and last remembered index of polygon in surface INDEX iSurface = pMMI->mmpi_Polygons[iPolygon].mp_Surface; INDEX ctPolygonsInSurface = actPolygonsInSurface[iSurface]; if( ctPolygonsInSurface != 0) { INDEX iLastSet = pMMI->mmpi_MappingSurfaces[iSurface].ms_aiPolygons[ ctPolygonsInSurface-1]; // remember last set polygon index pMMI->mmpi_MappingSurfaces[iSurface].ms_aiPolygons[ ctPolygonsInSurface-1] = iLastSet+1; // remember index of polygon pMMI->mmpi_MappingSurfaces[iSurface].ms_aiPolygons[ iLastSet] = iPolygon; } } // --------------------- Linking texture vertices for surface // for each surface {for( INDEX iSurface=0; iSurface<ctSurfaces; iSurface++) { CDynamicContainer<ModelTextureVertex> cmtvInSurface; // for each polygon in surface FOREACHINSTATICARRAY( pMMI->mmpi_MappingSurfaces[iSurface].ms_aiPolygons, INDEX, itimpo) { ModelPolygon &mpPolygon = pMMI->mmpi_Polygons[itimpo.Current()]; // for each vertex in polygon for( INDEX iVertex=0; iVertex<mpPolygon.mp_PolygonVertices.Count(); iVertex++) { // get texture vertex ModelTextureVertex *ptv = mpPolygon.mp_PolygonVertices[ iVertex].mpv_ptvTextureVertex; // if it is not added yet if( !cmtvInSurface.IsMember( ptv)) { // add it cmtvInSurface.Add( ptv); } } } // add needed number of texture vertices pMMI->mmpi_MappingSurfaces[iSurface].ms_aiTextureVertices.Clear(); pMMI->mmpi_MappingSurfaces[iSurface].ms_aiTextureVertices.New( cmtvInSurface.Count()); INDEX cttv = 0; // for each texture vertex in container FOREACHINDYNAMICCONTAINER(cmtvInSurface, ModelTextureVertex, itmtv) { INDEX idxtv = pMMI->mmpi_TextureVertices.Index( itmtv); pMMI->mmpi_MappingSurfaces[iSurface].ms_aiTextureVertices[cttv] = idxtv; cttv++; } }} } } // Default constructor ModelMipInfo::ModelMipInfo(void) { mmpi_ulFlags = MM_PATCHES_VISIBLE | MM_ATTACHED_MODELS_VISIBLE; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------ WRITE /* * This is write function of one mip-model. It saves all mip's arrays eather by saving * them really or calling their write functions. */ void ModelMipInfo::Write_t( CTStream *pFile) // throw char * { INDEX iMembersCt; // Save count, call write for array of model polygons pFile->WriteFullChunk_t( CChunkID("IPOL"), &mmpi_PolygonsCt, sizeof(INDEX)); {FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(mmpi_Polygons, ModelPolygon, it) { it.Current().Write_t( pFile);}} // Save count, array of texture vertices iMembersCt = mmpi_TextureVertices.Count(); (*pFile) << iMembersCt; pFile->WriteFullChunk_t( CChunkID("TXV2"), &mmpi_TextureVertices[ 0], iMembersCt * sizeof(struct ModelTextureVertex)); // Save count, call write for array of mapping surfaces iMembersCt = mmpi_MappingSurfaces.Count(); (*pFile) << iMembersCt; {FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(mmpi_MappingSurfaces, MappingSurface, it) { it.Current().Write_t( pFile);}} // write mip model flags (*pFile) << mmpi_ulFlags; // write info of polygons occupied by patch INDEX ctPatches = mmpi_aPolygonsPerPatch.Count(); (*pFile) << ctPatches; // for each patch for( INDEX iPatch=0; iPatch<ctPatches; iPatch++) { // write no of occupied polygons INDEX ctOccupied = mmpi_aPolygonsPerPatch[iPatch].ppp_iPolygons.Count(); (*pFile) << ctOccupied; if( ctOccupied != 0) { pFile->WriteFullChunk_t( CChunkID("OCPL"), &mmpi_aPolygonsPerPatch[iPatch].ppp_iPolygons[ 0], ctOccupied * sizeof(INDEX)); } } } //------------------------------------------ READ /* * This is read function of one mip-model */ void ModelMipInfo::Read_t(CTStream *pFile, BOOL bReadPolygonalPatches, BOOL bReadPolygonsPerSurface, BOOL bReadSurfaceColors) { INDEX iMembersCt; // Load count, allocate array and call Read for array of model polygons pFile->ReadFullChunk_t( CChunkID("IPOL"), &mmpi_PolygonsCt, sizeof(INDEX)); BYTESWAP(mmpi_PolygonsCt); mmpi_Polygons.New( mmpi_PolygonsCt); {FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(mmpi_Polygons, ModelPolygon, it) { it.Current().Read_t( pFile); }} // Load count, allocate and load array of texture vertices (*pFile) >> iMembersCt; mmpi_TextureVertices.New( iMembersCt); if( bReadPolygonsPerSurface) { // chunk ID will tell us if we should read new format that contains bump normals CChunkID idChunk = pFile->GetID_t(); // jump over chunk size ULONG ulDummySize; (*pFile) >> ulDummySize; // if bump normals are saved (new format) if( idChunk == CChunkID("TXV2")) { for (SLONG i = 0; i < iMembersCt; i++) (*pFile)>>mmpi_TextureVertices[i]; } else { // bump normals are not saved for( INDEX iVertex = 0; iVertex<iMembersCt; iVertex++) { (*pFile)>>mmpi_TextureVertices[ iVertex].mtv_UVW; (*pFile)>>mmpi_TextureVertices[ iVertex].mtv_UV; (*pFile)>>mmpi_TextureVertices[ iVertex].mtv_Done; (*pFile)>>mmpi_TextureVertices[ iVertex].mtv_iTransformedVertex; mmpi_TextureVertices[ iVertex].mtv_vU = FLOAT3D(0,0,0); mmpi_TextureVertices[ iVertex].mtv_vV = FLOAT3D(0,0,0); } } } else { pFile->ExpectID_t( CChunkID("TXVT")); // jump over chunk size ULONG ulDummySize; (*pFile) >> ulDummySize; // read models in old format for( INDEX iVertex = 0; iVertex<iMembersCt; iVertex++) { (*pFile)>>mmpi_TextureVertices[ iVertex].mtv_UVW; (*pFile)>>mmpi_TextureVertices[ iVertex].mtv_UV; (*pFile)>>mmpi_TextureVertices[ iVertex].mtv_Done; mmpi_TextureVertices[ iVertex].mtv_iTransformedVertex = 0; mmpi_TextureVertices[ iVertex].mtv_vU = FLOAT3D(0,0,0); mmpi_TextureVertices[ iVertex].mtv_vV = FLOAT3D(0,0,0); } } // Load count, allcate array and call Read for array of mapping surfaces (*pFile) >> iMembersCt; mmpi_MappingSurfaces.New( iMembersCt); INDEX iIndexOfSurface = 0; {FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(mmpi_MappingSurfaces, MappingSurface, it) { it.Current().Read_t( pFile, bReadPolygonsPerSurface, bReadSurfaceColors); // obtain color per surface from polygons (old model format) if( !bReadPolygonsPerSurface) { // we will copy color from first polygon found with this surface into color of surface it->ms_colColor = C_WHITE; // for all polygons in this mip level for( INDEX iPolygon=0;iPolygon<mmpi_PolygonsCt;iPolygon++) { if( mmpi_Polygons[ iPolygon].mp_Surface == iIndexOfSurface) { it->ms_colColor = mmpi_Polygons[ iPolygon].mp_ColorAndAlpha; break; } } iIndexOfSurface++; } }} if( bReadPolygonalPatches) { // read mip model flags (*pFile) >> mmpi_ulFlags; // read no of patches INDEX ctPatches; (*pFile) >> ctPatches; if( ctPatches != 0) { mmpi_aPolygonsPerPatch.New( ctPatches); // read info for polygonal patches for( INDEX iPatch=0; iPatch<ctPatches; iPatch++) { // read no of occupied polygons INDEX ctOccupied; (*pFile) >> ctOccupied; if( ctOccupied != 0) { mmpi_aPolygonsPerPatch[iPatch].ppp_iPolygons.New( ctOccupied); pFile->ReadFullChunk_t( CChunkID("OCPL"), &mmpi_aPolygonsPerPatch[iPatch].ppp_iPolygons[ 0], ctOccupied * sizeof(INDEX)); #if PLATFORM_BIGENDIAN for (INDEX i = 0; i < ctOccupied; i++) { BYTESWAP(mmpi_aPolygonsPerPatch[iPatch].ppp_iPolygons[i]); } #endif } } } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Routine converts mpv_ptvTransformedVertex and mpv_ptvTextureVertex from ptrs to Indices */ void CModelData::PtrsToIndices() { INDEX i, j; for( i=0; i<md_MipCt; i++) { FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(md_MipInfos[ i].mmpi_Polygons, ModelPolygon, it1) { FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(it1.Current().mp_PolygonVertices, ModelPolygonVertex, it2) { for( j=0; j<md_TransformedVertices.Count(); j++) { if( it2.Current().mpv_ptvTransformedVertex == &md_TransformedVertices[ j]) break; } it2.Current().mpv_ptvTransformedVertex = (struct TransformedVertexData *)(size_t)j; for( j=0; j<md_MipInfos[ i].mmpi_TextureVertices.Count(); j++) { if( it2.Current().mpv_ptvTextureVertex == &md_MipInfos[ i].mmpi_TextureVertices[ j]) break; } it2.Current().mpv_ptvTextureVertex = (ModelTextureVertex *)(size_t)j; } } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Routine converts mpv_ptvTransformedVertex and mpv_ptvTextureVertex from Indices to ptrs */ void CModelData::IndicesToPtrs() { INDEX i, j; for( i=0; i<md_MipCt; i++) { FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(md_MipInfos[ i].mmpi_Polygons, ModelPolygon, it1) { FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(it1.Current().mp_PolygonVertices, ModelPolygonVertex, it2) { //struct ModelPolygonVertex * pMPV = &it2.Current(); // DG: this looks like a 64-bit issue but is most probably ok, as the pointers // should contain indices from PtrToIndices() j = (INDEX) (size_t) it2.Current().mpv_ptvTransformedVertex; it2.Current().mpv_ptvTransformedVertex = &md_TransformedVertices[ j]; // DG: same here j = (INDEX) (size_t) it2.Current().mpv_ptvTextureVertex; it2.Current().mpv_ptvTextureVertex = &md_MipInfos[ i].mmpi_TextureVertices[ j]; } } } } CModelCollisionBox::CModelCollisionBox(void) { mcb_vCollisionBoxMin = FLOAT3D( -0.5f, 0.0f,-0.5f); mcb_vCollisionBoxMax = FLOAT3D( 0.5f, 2.0f, 0.5f); mcb_iCollisionBoxDimensionEquality = LENGTH_EQ_WIDTH; mcb_strName = "PART_NAME"; } void CModelCollisionBox::Read_t(CTStream *istrFile) { // Read collision box min (*istrFile) >> mcb_vCollisionBoxMin; // Read collision box size (*istrFile) >> mcb_vCollisionBoxMax; // Get "colision box dimensions equality" value if( (mcb_vCollisionBoxMax(2)-mcb_vCollisionBoxMin(2)) == (mcb_vCollisionBoxMax(1)-mcb_vCollisionBoxMin(1)) ) { mcb_iCollisionBoxDimensionEquality = HEIGHT_EQ_WIDTH; } else if( (mcb_vCollisionBoxMax(3)-mcb_vCollisionBoxMin(3)) == (mcb_vCollisionBoxMax(1)-mcb_vCollisionBoxMin(1)) ) { mcb_iCollisionBoxDimensionEquality = LENGTH_EQ_WIDTH; } else if( (mcb_vCollisionBoxMax(3)-mcb_vCollisionBoxMin(3)) == (mcb_vCollisionBoxMax(2)-mcb_vCollisionBoxMin(2)) ) { mcb_iCollisionBoxDimensionEquality = LENGTH_EQ_HEIGHT; } else { /* // Force them to be legal (Length = Width) mcb_vCollisionBoxMax(3) = mcb_vCollisionBoxMin(3) + (mcb_vCollisionBoxMax(1)-mcb_vCollisionBoxMin(1)); */ mcb_iCollisionBoxDimensionEquality = LENGTH_EQ_WIDTH; } } void CModelCollisionBox::ReadName_t(CTStream *istrFile) { // read collision box name (*istrFile)>>mcb_strName; } void CModelCollisionBox::Write_t(CTStream *ostrFile) { // Write collision box min (*ostrFile) << mcb_vCollisionBoxMin; // Write collision box size (*ostrFile) << mcb_vCollisionBoxMax; // write collision box name (*ostrFile) << mcb_strName; } CAttachedModelPosition::CAttachedModelPosition( void) { amp_iCenterVertex = 0; amp_iFrontVertex = 1; amp_iUpVertex = 2; amp_plRelativePlacement = CPlacement3D( FLOAT3D(0,0,0), ANGLE3D(0,0,0)); } void CAttachedModelPosition::Read_t( CTStream *strFile) { *strFile >> amp_iCenterVertex; *strFile >> amp_iFrontVertex; *strFile >> amp_iUpVertex; *strFile >> amp_plRelativePlacement; } void CAttachedModelPosition::Write_t( CTStream *strFile) { *strFile << amp_iCenterVertex; *strFile << amp_iFrontVertex; *strFile << amp_iUpVertex; *strFile << amp_plRelativePlacement; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------ WRITE void CModelData::Write_t( CTStream *pFile) // throw char * { INDEX i; PtrsToIndices(); // Save main ID pFile->WriteID_t( CChunkID("MDAT")); // Save version number pFile->WriteID_t( CChunkID( MODEL_VERSION)); // Save flags (*pFile) << md_Flags; #if PLATFORM_BIGENDIAN STUBBED("byte order"); #endif // Save vertices and frames ct pFile->WriteFullChunk_t( CChunkID("IVTX"), &md_VerticesCt, sizeof(INDEX)); pFile->WriteFullChunk_t( CChunkID("IFRM"), &md_FramesCt, sizeof(INDEX)); // write array of 8-bit or 16-bit compressed vertices if( md_Flags & MF_COMPRESSED_16BIT) { pFile->WriteFullChunk_t( CChunkID("AV17"), &md_FrameVertices16[ 0], md_VerticesCt * md_FramesCt * sizeof(struct ModelFrameVertex16)); } else { pFile->WriteFullChunk_t( CChunkID("AFVX"), &md_FrameVertices8[ 0], md_VerticesCt * md_FramesCt * sizeof(struct ModelFrameVertex8)); } // Save frame info array pFile->WriteFullChunk_t( CChunkID("AFIN"), &md_FrameInfos[ 0], md_FramesCt * sizeof(struct ModelFrameInfo)); // Save frame main mip vertices array pFile->WriteFullChunk_t( CChunkID("AMMV"), &md_MainMipVertices[ 0], md_VerticesCt * sizeof(FLOAT3D)); // Save vertex mip-mask array pFile->WriteFullChunk_t( CChunkID("AVMK"), &md_VertexMipMask[ 0], md_VerticesCt * sizeof(ULONG)); // Save mip levels counter pFile->WriteFullChunk_t( CChunkID("IMIP"), &md_MipCt, sizeof(INDEX)); // Save mip factors array pFile->WriteFullChunk_t( CChunkID("FMIP"), &md_MipSwitchFactors[ 0], MAX_MODELMIPS * sizeof(float)); // Save all model mip infos for( i=0; i<md_MipCt; i++) md_MipInfos[ i].Write_t( pFile); // Save patches pFile->WriteID_t( CChunkID("PTC2")); for( INDEX iPatch=0; iPatch<MAX_TEXTUREPATCHES; iPatch++) md_mpPatches[ iPatch].Write_t(pFile); // Save texture width and height in MEX-es pFile->WriteFullChunk_t( CChunkID("STXW"), &md_Width, sizeof(MEX)); pFile->WriteFullChunk_t( CChunkID("STXH"), &md_Height, sizeof(MEX)); // Save value for shading type pFile->Write_t( &md_ShadowQuality, sizeof(SLONG)); // Save static stretch value pFile->Write_t( &md_Stretch, sizeof(FLOAT3D)); // Save model offset pFile->Write_t( &md_vCenter, sizeof(FLOAT3D)); // Save count of collision boxes INDEX ctCollisionBoxes = md_acbCollisionBox.Count(); pFile->Write_t( &ctCollisionBoxes, sizeof(INDEX)); md_acbCollisionBox.Lock(); // save all collision boxes for( INDEX iCollisionBox=0; iCollisionBox<ctCollisionBoxes; iCollisionBox++) { // save current collision box md_acbCollisionBox[ iCollisionBox].Write_t( pFile); } md_acbCollisionBox.Unlock(); // save boolean defining collision type for this model pFile->WriteID_t( CChunkID( "COLI")); *pFile << md_bCollideAsCube; // Save count of attached positions INDEX ctAttachedPositions = md_aampAttachedPosition.Count(); *pFile << ctAttachedPositions; FOREACHINDYNAMICARRAY(md_aampAttachedPosition, CAttachedModelPosition, itamp) { itamp->Write_t(pFile); } // Save color names (get count of valid names, write count and then write existing names) INDEX iValidColorsCt = 0; for( i=0; i<MAX_COLOR_NAMES; i++) if( md_ColorNames[ i] != "") iValidColorsCt++; pFile->WriteFullChunk_t( CChunkID("ICLN"), &iValidColorsCt, sizeof(INDEX)); for( i=0; i<MAX_COLOR_NAMES; i++) { if( md_ColorNames[ i] != "") { *pFile << i; *pFile << md_ColorNames[ i]; } } // Save AnimData CAnimData::Write_t( pFile); IndicesToPtrs(); *pFile << md_colDiffuse; *pFile << md_colReflections; *pFile << md_colSpecular; *pFile << md_colBump; } //------------------------------------------ READ void CModelData::Read_t( CTStream *pFile) // throw char * { INDEX i; _bHasAlpha = FALSE; // Read main ID pFile->ExpectID_t( CChunkID("MDAT")); // Check version number BOOL bHasSavedCenter = FALSE; BOOL bHasMultipleCollisionBoxes = FALSE; BOOL bHasAttachedPositions = FALSE; BOOL bHasPolygonalPatches = FALSE; BOOL bHasPolygonsPerSurface = FALSE; BOOL bHasSavedFlagsOnStart = FALSE; BOOL bHasColorForReflectionAndSpecularity = FALSE; BOOL bHasDiffuseColor = FALSE; // get version ID CChunkID idVersion = pFile->GetID_t(); // if this is version without stretch center then it doesn't contain multiple // collision boxes also if( CChunkID( MODEL_VERSION_WITHOUT_STRETCH_CENTER) == idVersion) { } // if model has stretch center but does not have multiple collision boxes else if( CChunkID( MODEL_VERSION_WITHOUT_MULTIPLE_COLLISION_BOXES) == idVersion) { bHasSavedCenter = TRUE; } else if( CChunkID( MODEL_VERSION_WITHOUT_ATTACHED_POSITIONS) == idVersion) { bHasSavedCenter = TRUE; bHasMultipleCollisionBoxes = TRUE; } else if( CChunkID( MODEL_VERSION_WITHOUT_POLYGONAL_PATCHES) == idVersion) { bHasSavedCenter = TRUE; bHasMultipleCollisionBoxes = TRUE; bHasAttachedPositions = TRUE; } else if( CChunkID( MODEL_VERSION_WITHOUT_POLYGONS_PER_SURFACE) == idVersion) { bHasSavedCenter = TRUE; bHasMultipleCollisionBoxes = TRUE; bHasAttachedPositions = TRUE; bHasPolygonalPatches = TRUE; } else if( CChunkID( MODEL_VERSION_WITHOUT_16_BIT_COMPRESSION) == idVersion) { bHasSavedCenter = TRUE; bHasMultipleCollisionBoxes = TRUE; bHasAttachedPositions = TRUE; bHasPolygonalPatches = TRUE; bHasPolygonsPerSurface = TRUE; } // if has saved flags on start - because 16-bit compression else if( CChunkID( MODEL_VERSION_WITHOUT_REFLECTION_AND_SPECULARITY) == idVersion) { bHasSavedCenter = TRUE; bHasMultipleCollisionBoxes = TRUE; bHasAttachedPositions = TRUE; bHasPolygonalPatches = TRUE; bHasPolygonsPerSurface = TRUE; bHasSavedFlagsOnStart = TRUE; } // has saved color for reflection and specularity else if( CChunkID( MODEL_VERSION_WITHOUT_DIFFUSE_COLOR) == idVersion) { bHasSavedCenter = TRUE; bHasMultipleCollisionBoxes = TRUE; bHasAttachedPositions = TRUE; bHasPolygonalPatches = TRUE; bHasPolygonsPerSurface = TRUE; bHasSavedFlagsOnStart = TRUE; bHasColorForReflectionAndSpecularity = TRUE; } // has saved diffuse color else if( CChunkID( MODEL_VERSION) == idVersion) { bHasSavedCenter = TRUE; bHasMultipleCollisionBoxes = TRUE; bHasAttachedPositions = TRUE; bHasPolygonalPatches = TRUE; bHasPolygonsPerSurface = TRUE; bHasSavedFlagsOnStart = TRUE; bHasColorForReflectionAndSpecularity = TRUE; bHasDiffuseColor = TRUE; } else { throw(TRANS("Invalid model version.")); } if( bHasSavedFlagsOnStart) { (*pFile)>>md_Flags; } // Read vertices and frames ct pFile->ReadFullChunk_t( CChunkID("IVTX"), &md_VerticesCt, sizeof(INDEX)); BYTESWAP(md_VerticesCt); md_TransformedVertices.New( md_VerticesCt); pFile->ReadFullChunk_t( CChunkID("IFRM"), &md_FramesCt, sizeof(INDEX)); BYTESWAP(md_FramesCt); // read array of 8-bit or 16-bit compressed vertices if( md_Flags & MF_COMPRESSED_16BIT) { md_FrameVertices16.New( md_VerticesCt * md_FramesCt); CChunkID cidVerticesChunk = pFile->PeekID_t(); // if we are loading model in old 16-bit compressed format (normals use 1 byte) if( cidVerticesChunk == CChunkID("AV16")) { CChunkID cidDummy = pFile->GetID_t(); (void)cidDummy; // shut up about unused variable, compiler. ULONG ulDummy; // skip chunk size *pFile >> ulDummy; (void)ulDummy; // shut up about unused variable, compiler. for( INDEX iVtx=0; iVtx<md_VerticesCt * md_FramesCt; iVtx++) { (*pFile)>>md_FrameVertices16[iVtx]; // convert 8-bit normal from index into normal defined using heading and pitch INDEX i8BitNormalIndex = md_FrameVertices16[iVtx].mfv_ubNormH; const FLOAT3D &vNormal = avGouraudNormals[i8BitNormalIndex]; CompressNormal_HQ( vNormal, md_FrameVertices16[iVtx].mfv_ubNormH, md_FrameVertices16[iVtx].mfv_ubNormP); } } // load new 16-bit compressed format (normals use 2 byte) model else if( cidVerticesChunk == CChunkID("AV17")) { pFile->ReadFullChunk_t( CChunkID("AV17"), &md_FrameVertices16[ 0], md_VerticesCt * md_FramesCt * sizeof(struct ModelFrameVertex16)); #if PLATFORM_BIGENDIAN for (ULONG i = 0; i < md_VerticesCt * md_FramesCt; i++) { BYTESWAP(md_FrameVertices16[i].mfv_SWPoint.vector[0]); BYTESWAP(md_FrameVertices16[i].mfv_SWPoint.vector[1]); BYTESWAP(md_FrameVertices16[i].mfv_SWPoint.vector[2]); } #endif } else { ThrowF_t( TRANS("Expecting chunk ID for model frame vertices but found %s"), (const char *) cidVerticesChunk); } } else { md_FrameVertices8.New( md_VerticesCt * md_FramesCt); pFile->ReadFullChunk_t( CChunkID("AFVX"), &md_FrameVertices8[ 0], md_VerticesCt * md_FramesCt * sizeof(struct ModelFrameVertex8)); } // Allocate and Read frame info array md_FrameInfos.New( md_FramesCt); pFile->ReadFullChunk_t( CChunkID("AFIN"), &md_FrameInfos[0], md_FramesCt * sizeof(struct ModelFrameInfo)); #if PLATFORM_BIGENDIAN for (ULONG i = 0; i < md_FramesCt; i++) { BYTESWAP(md_FrameInfos[i].mfi_Box.minvect.vector[0]); BYTESWAP(md_FrameInfos[i].mfi_Box.minvect.vector[1]); BYTESWAP(md_FrameInfos[i].mfi_Box.minvect.vector[2]); BYTESWAP(md_FrameInfos[i].mfi_Box.maxvect.vector[0]); BYTESWAP(md_FrameInfos[i].mfi_Box.maxvect.vector[1]); BYTESWAP(md_FrameInfos[i].mfi_Box.maxvect.vector[2]); } #endif // Allocate Read frame main mip vertices array md_MainMipVertices.New( md_VerticesCt); pFile->ReadFullChunk_t( CChunkID("AMMV"), &md_MainMipVertices[0], md_VerticesCt * sizeof(FLOAT3D)); #if PLATFORM_BIGENDIAN for (ULONG i = 0; i < md_VerticesCt; i++) { BYTESWAP(md_MainMipVertices[i].vector[0]); BYTESWAP(md_MainMipVertices[i].vector[1]); BYTESWAP(md_MainMipVertices[i].vector[2]); } #endif // Allocate and Read vertex mip-mask array md_VertexMipMask.New( md_VerticesCt); pFile->ReadFullChunk_t( CChunkID("AVMK"), &md_VertexMipMask[0], md_VerticesCt * sizeof(ULONG)); #if PLATFORM_BIGENDIAN for (ULONG i = 0; i < md_VerticesCt; i++) { BYTESWAP(md_VertexMipMask[i]); } #endif // Read mip levels counter pFile->ReadFullChunk_t( CChunkID("IMIP"), &md_MipCt, sizeof(INDEX)); BYTESWAP(md_MipCt); // Read mip factors array pFile->ReadFullChunk_t( CChunkID("FMIP"), &md_MipSwitchFactors[0], MAX_MODELMIPS * sizeof(float)); #if PLATFORM_BIGENDIAN for (ULONG i = 0; i < MAX_MODELMIPS; i++) { BYTESWAP(md_MipSwitchFactors[i]); } #endif // Read all model mip infos INDEX ctMipsRejected=0; for( i=0; i<md_MipCt; i++) { ModelMipInfo mmiDummy; // need one dummy mipmodel info in case of mip level rejection // reject mip model in case its even, and not last if( !mdl_bFineQuality && (i%2)==1 && i!=(md_MipCt-1)) { mmiDummy.Read_t( pFile, bHasPolygonalPatches, bHasPolygonsPerSurface, bHasDiffuseColor); mmiDummy.Clear(); ctMipsRejected++; } else { // Notice that model's difuse color has been saved in same model format change when surface color has been added md_MipInfos[i-ctMipsRejected].Read_t( pFile, bHasPolygonalPatches, bHasPolygonsPerSurface, bHasDiffuseColor); // readjust mip scaling factors (if) if( i>0) md_MipSwitchFactors[i-ctMipsRejected-1] = md_MipSwitchFactors[i-1]; } } // readjust last mip scaling factor md_MipSwitchFactors[i-ctMipsRejected-1] = md_MipSwitchFactors[i-1]; // reduce mip level count md_MipCt -= ctMipsRejected; // if patches are saved in old format CChunkID cidPatchChunkID = pFile->PeekID_t(); if( cidPatchChunkID == CChunkID("STMK")) { ULONG ulOldExistingPatches; pFile->ReadFullChunk_t( CChunkID("STMK"), &ulOldExistingPatches, sizeof(ULONG)); BYTESWAP(ulOldExistingPatches); for( INDEX iPatch=0; iPatch<MAX_TEXTUREPATCHES; iPatch++) { if( ((1UL << iPatch) & ulOldExistingPatches) != 0) { CTFileName fnPatchName; *pFile >> fnPatchName; try { md_mpPatches[ iPatch].mp_toTexture.SetData_t( fnPatchName); } catch(char *strError) { (void) strError; } } } } // if patches are saved in new format else if( cidPatchChunkID == CChunkID("PTC2")) { pFile->ExpectID_t( CChunkID("PTC2")); for( INDEX iPatch=0; iPatch<MAX_TEXTUREPATCHES; iPatch++) { try { md_mpPatches[ iPatch].Read_t(pFile); } catch(char *strError) { (void) strError; } } } else { ThrowF_t(TRANS("Expecting chunk containing patch data but found unrecognisable chunk ID.")); } // Read texture width and height in MEX-es pFile->ReadFullChunk_t( CChunkID("STXW"), &md_Width, sizeof(MEX)); pFile->ReadFullChunk_t( CChunkID("STXH"), &md_Height, sizeof(MEX)); BYTESWAP(md_Width); BYTESWAP(md_Height); // in old patch format, now patch postiions are loaded if( cidPatchChunkID == CChunkID("STMK")) { pFile->ExpectID_t( CChunkID("POSS")); ULONG ulChunkSize; *pFile >> ulChunkSize; for( INDEX iPatch=0; iPatch<MAX_TEXTUREPATCHES; iPatch++) { // Read patch position *pFile >> md_mpPatches[ iPatch].mp_mexPosition; } } if( !bHasSavedFlagsOnStart) { // Read flags (*pFile)>>md_Flags; } // Read value for shading type (*pFile)>>md_ShadowQuality; // Read static stretch value (*pFile)>>md_Stretch; // if this is model with saved center if( bHasSavedCenter) { // read it (*pFile)>>md_vCenter; } // this model has been saved without center point else { // so just reset it md_vCenter = FLOAT3D(0,0,0); } // convert model to 8-bit if requested and needed if( !mdl_bFineQuality && (md_Flags&MF_COMPRESSED_16BIT)) { // prepare 8-bit frame vertices array const INDEX ctVtx = md_VerticesCt * md_FramesCt; md_FrameVertices8.New(ctVtx); // loop thru vertices for( INDEX iVtx=0; iVtx<ctVtx; iVtx++) { ModelFrameVertex16 &mfv16 = md_FrameVertices16[iVtx]; ModelFrameVertex8 &mfv8 = md_FrameVertices8[iVtx]; // convert vertex coordinate mfv8.mfv_SBPoint(1) = mfv16.mfv_SWPoint(1) >>8; mfv8.mfv_SBPoint(2) = mfv16.mfv_SWPoint(2) >>8; mfv8.mfv_SBPoint(3) = mfv16.mfv_SWPoint(3) >>8; // convert normal const INDEX iHofs = mfv16.mfv_ubNormH>>1; const INDEX iPofs = mfv16.mfv_ubNormP>>1; mfv8.mfv_NormIndex = aubGouraudConv[iHofs*128+iPofs]; } // done with conversion md_Stretch *= 256.0f; md_FrameVertices16.Clear(); md_Flags &= ~MF_COMPRESSED_16BIT; } // create compressed vector center that will be used for setting object handle md_vCompressedCenter(1) = -md_vCenter(1)/md_Stretch(1); md_vCompressedCenter(2) = -md_vCenter(2)/md_Stretch(2); md_vCompressedCenter(3) = -md_vCenter(3)/md_Stretch(3); // if model has been saved with multiple collision boxes if( bHasMultipleCollisionBoxes) { INDEX ctCollisionBoxes; // get count of collision boxes (*pFile)>>ctCollisionBoxes; // add needed ammount of members md_acbCollisionBox.New( ctCollisionBoxes); md_acbCollisionBox.Lock(); // for all saved collision boxes for( INDEX iCollisionBox=0; iCollisionBox<ctCollisionBoxes; iCollisionBox++) { // load current collision box from stream (without name) md_acbCollisionBox[iCollisionBox].Read_t( pFile); // load name manualy md_acbCollisionBox[iCollisionBox].ReadName_t( pFile); } md_acbCollisionBox.Unlock(); } // else add one collision box and load it manually else { // add one collision box md_acbCollisionBox.New(); md_acbCollisionBox.Lock(); // read one collision box manualy (without name) md_acbCollisionBox[ 0].Read_t( pFile); md_acbCollisionBox.Unlock(); } // peek chunk ID and see if we should read boolean defining collision type (speheres or cube) if ( pFile->PeekID_t()==CChunkID("COLI")) { pFile->ExpectID_t("COLI"); *pFile >> md_bCollideAsCube; } else { md_bCollideAsCube = FALSE; } // if we should read attached positions if( bHasAttachedPositions) { // read count of attached positions INDEX ctAttachedPositions; *pFile >> ctAttachedPositions; md_aampAttachedPosition.New(ctAttachedPositions); FOREACHINDYNAMICARRAY(md_aampAttachedPosition, CAttachedModelPosition, itamp) { itamp->Read_t(pFile); // clamp vertices to no of model data vertices itamp->amp_iCenterVertex = Clamp( itamp->amp_iCenterVertex, (INDEX) 0, md_MainMipVertices.Count()); itamp->amp_iFrontVertex = Clamp( itamp->amp_iFrontVertex, (INDEX) 0, md_MainMipVertices.Count()); itamp->amp_iUpVertex = Clamp( itamp->amp_iUpVertex, (INDEX) 0, md_MainMipVertices.Count()); } } // Read color names (Read count, read existing names) INDEX iValidColorsCt; pFile->ReadFullChunk_t( CChunkID("ICLN"), &iValidColorsCt, sizeof(INDEX)); for( i=0; i<iValidColorsCt; i++) { INDEX iExistingColorName; *pFile >> iExistingColorName; *pFile >> md_ColorNames[ iExistingColorName]; } // Read AnimData CAnimData::Read_t( pFile); IndicesToPtrs(); // old models don't have saved polygons per surface if( !bHasPolygonsPerSurface) { // so link them manually LinkDataForSurfaces(TRUE); // for each mip model for( INDEX iMip = 0; iMip<md_MipCt; iMip ++) { ModelMipInfo *pMMI = &md_MipInfos[ iMip]; // for each surface for( INDEX iSurface=0; iSurface<pMMI->mmpi_MappingSurfaces.Count(); iSurface++) { // convert rendering flags into new flags format (per surface) if (pMMI->mmpi_MappingSurfaces[iSurface].ms_aiPolygons.Count()>0) { ULONG ulFlags = pMMI->mmpi_Polygons[pMMI->mmpi_MappingSurfaces[iSurface].ms_aiPolygons[0]].mp_RenderFlags; pMMI->mmpi_MappingSurfaces[iSurface].SetRenderingParameters(ulFlags); } } } } // turn on diffuse map for all models of old format if( !bHasColorForReflectionAndSpecularity) { for( INDEX iMip = 0; iMip<md_MipCt; iMip ++) { ModelMipInfo *pMMI = &md_MipInfos[ iMip]; for( INDEX iSurface=0; iSurface<pMMI->mmpi_MappingSurfaces.Count(); iSurface++) { pMMI->mmpi_MappingSurfaces[iSurface].ms_ulRenderingFlags |= SRF_DIFFUSE|SRF_NEW_TEXTURE_FORMAT; } } } if( bHasDiffuseColor) { *pFile >> md_colDiffuse; } // old models don't have saved colors for reflection and specularity if( bHasColorForReflectionAndSpecularity) { // load colors for reflections, specularity and bump *pFile >> md_colReflections; *pFile >> md_colSpecular; *pFile >> md_colBump; } md_bHasAlpha = _bHasAlpha; // precalculate rendering data extern void PrepareModelForRendering(CModelData &md); PrepareModelForRendering(*this); } // reference counting (override from CAnimData) void CModelData::RemReference_internal(void) { // if this model is part of edit model object if (md_bIsEdited) { // just unreference it MarkUnused(); // if this model is part of model stock } else { // release it _pModelStock->Release(this); } } /* Get the description of this object. */ CTString CModelData::GetDescription(void) { CTString str; ModelMipInfo &mmi0 = md_MipInfos[0]; str.PrintF("%d mips, %d anims, %d frames, %d vtx, %d svx, %d tri", md_MipCt, ad_NumberOfAnims, md_FramesCt, mmi0.mmpi_ctMipVx, mmi0.mmpi_ctSrfVx, mmi0.mmpi_ctTriangles); return str; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ModelMipInfo::Clear() { mmpi_PolygonsCt = 0; // reset number of polygons mmpi_Polygons.Clear(); // clear static arrays ... mmpi_TextureVertices.Clear(); mmpi_MappingSurfaces.Clear(); mmpi_aPolygonsPerPatch.Clear(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ModelPolygon::ModelPolygon() { mp_RenderFlags = 0; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ModelPolygon::~ModelPolygon() { mp_PolygonVertices.Clear(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ModelMipInfo::~ModelMipInfo() { Clear(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MappingSurface::~MappingSurface() { } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MappingSurface::MappingSurface() { ms_ulRenderingFlags &= ~SRF_SELECTED; ms_colDiffuse = C_WHITE|CT_OPAQUE; ms_colReflections = C_WHITE|CT_OPAQUE; ms_colSpecular = C_WHITE|CT_OPAQUE; ms_colBump = C_WHITE|CT_OPAQUE; ms_ulOnColor = SC_ALLWAYS_ON; ms_ulOffColor = SC_ALLWAYS_OFF; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Object constructor */ CModelObject::CModelObject() { mo_colBlendColor = 0xFFFFFFFF; mo_ColorMask = 0x7FFFFFFF; mo_PatchMask = 0; mo_iManualMipLevel = 0; mo_AutoMipModeling = TRUE; mo_Stretch = FLOAT3D(1,1,1); } /* * Destructor */ CModelObject::~CModelObject() { for(INDEX iPatch=0; iPatch<MAX_TEXTUREPATCHES; iPatch++) { HidePatch( iPatch); } RemoveAllAttachmentModels(); } // copy from another object of same class void CModelObject::Copy(CModelObject &moOther) { CAnimObject::Copy(moOther); mo_PatchMask = moOther.mo_PatchMask ; mo_iManualMipLevel = moOther.mo_iManualMipLevel; mo_AutoMipModeling = moOther.mo_AutoMipModeling; mo_Stretch = moOther.mo_Stretch ; mo_ColorMask = moOther.mo_ColorMask ; mo_iLastRenderMipLevel = moOther.mo_iLastRenderMipLevel; mo_colBlendColor = moOther.mo_colBlendColor ; mo_toTexture .Copy(moOther.mo_toTexture ); mo_toReflection .Copy(moOther.mo_toReflection ); mo_toSpecular .Copy(moOther.mo_toSpecular ); mo_toBump .Copy(moOther.mo_toBump ); FOREACHINLIST( CAttachmentModelObject, amo_lnInMain, moOther.mo_lhAttachments, itamo) { CAttachmentModelObject &amoOther = *itamo; CAttachmentModelObject &amo = *AddAttachmentModel(amoOther.amo_iAttachedPosition); amo.amo_plRelative = amoOther.amo_plRelative; amo.amo_moModelObject.Copy(amoOther.amo_moModelObject); } } // synchronize with another model (copy animations/attachments positions etc from there) void CModelObject::Synchronize(CModelObject &moOther) { // synchronize animation CAnimObject::Synchronize(moOther); // synchronize misc parameters mo_PatchMask = moOther.mo_PatchMask ; mo_Stretch = moOther.mo_Stretch ; mo_ColorMask = moOther.mo_ColorMask ; mo_colBlendColor = moOther.mo_colBlendColor ; CModelData *pmd = GetData(); CModelData *pmdOther = moOther.GetData(); if (pmd==NULL || pmdOther==NULL) { return; } // for each attachment in another object FOREACHINLIST( CAttachmentModelObject, amo_lnInMain, moOther.mo_lhAttachments, itamo) { CAttachmentModelObject *pamoOther = itamo; INDEX iap = pamoOther ->amo_iAttachedPosition; // get one here with same index CAttachmentModelObject *pamo = GetAttachmentModel(iap); // if found if (pamo!=NULL) { // sync the model itself pamo->amo_moModelObject.Synchronize(pamoOther->amo_moModelObject); // get original placements of both attachments pmd->md_aampAttachedPosition.Lock(); pmdOther->md_aampAttachedPosition.Lock(); CPlacement3D plOrg = pmd->md_aampAttachedPosition[iap].amp_plRelativePlacement; CPlacement3D plOtherOrg = pmdOther->md_aampAttachedPosition[iap].amp_plRelativePlacement; pmd->md_aampAttachedPosition.Unlock(); pmdOther->md_aampAttachedPosition.Unlock(); FLOAT3D &v2 = pamo->amo_plRelative.pl_PositionVector; FLOAT3D &v1 = pamoOther->amo_plRelative.pl_PositionVector; FLOAT3D &v2O = plOrg.pl_PositionVector; FLOAT3D &v1O = plOtherOrg.pl_PositionVector; ANGLE3D &a2 = pamo->amo_plRelative.pl_OrientationAngle; ANGLE3D &a1 = pamoOther->amo_plRelative.pl_OrientationAngle; ANGLE3D &a2O = plOrg.pl_OrientationAngle; ANGLE3D &a1O = plOtherOrg.pl_OrientationAngle; v2 = v2O+v1-v1O; a2 = a2O+a1-a1O; } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------ WRITE void CModelObject::Write_t( CTStream *pFile) // throw char * { CAnimObject::Write_t( pFile); pFile->WriteID_t( CChunkID( "MODT")); *pFile << mo_colBlendColor; pFile->Write_t( &mo_PatchMask, sizeof(ULONG)); pFile->Write_t( &mo_Stretch, sizeof(FLOAT3D)); pFile->Write_t( &mo_ColorMask, sizeof(ULONG)); } //------------------------------------------ READ void CModelObject::Read_t( CTStream *pFile) // throw char * { CAnimObject::Read_t( pFile); if( pFile->PeekID_t()==CChunkID("MODT")) { pFile->ExpectID_t( CChunkID( "MODT")); *pFile >> mo_colBlendColor; } // model object is saved without dynamic blend color else { mo_colBlendColor = 0xFFFFFFFF; } (*pFile)>>mo_PatchMask; (*pFile)>>mo_Stretch; (*pFile)>>mo_ColorMask; for( INDEX i=0; i<MAX_TEXTUREPATCHES; i++) { if( (mo_PatchMask & ((1UL) << i)) != 0) { ShowPatch( i); } } } // retrieves model's texture width MEX CModelObject::GetWidth() { return GetData()->md_Width; }; // retrieves model's texture height MEX CModelObject::GetHeight() { return GetData()->md_Height; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Routine retrives full model data */ void CModelObject::GetModelInfo(CModelInfo &miInfo) { CModelData *pMD = (CModelData *) GetData(); ASSERT( pMD != NULL); // copy model data values miInfo.mi_VerticesCt = pMD->md_VerticesCt; miInfo.mi_FramesCt = pMD->md_FramesCt; miInfo.mi_MipCt = pMD->md_MipCt; for( INDEX i=0; i<pMD->md_MipCt; i++) { miInfo.mi_MipInfos[ i].mi_PolygonsCt = pMD->md_MipInfos[ i].mmpi_PolygonsCt; // calculate triangeles miInfo.mi_MipInfos[ i].mi_TrianglesCt = 0; for( INDEX iPolygon = 0; iPolygon<pMD->md_MipInfos[ i].mmpi_PolygonsCt; iPolygon++) { miInfo.mi_MipInfos[ i].mi_TrianglesCt += pMD->md_MipInfos[ i].mmpi_Polygons[ iPolygon].mp_PolygonVertices.Count()-2; } ULONG ulMipMask = (1L) << i; // working mip model's mask INDEX iVertexCt = 0; // count vertices that exists in this mip model for( INDEX j=0; j<pMD->md_VerticesCt; j++) if( pMD->md_VertexMipMask[ j] & ulMipMask) iVertexCt ++; miInfo.mi_MipInfos[ i].mi_VerticesCt = iVertexCt; } miInfo.mi_Width = pMD->md_Width; miInfo.mi_Height = pMD->md_Height; miInfo.mi_Flags = pMD->md_Flags; miInfo.mi_ShadowQuality = pMD->md_ShadowQuality; miInfo.mi_Stretch = pMD->md_Stretch; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Is model visible for given mip factor */ BOOL CModelObject::IsModelVisible( FLOAT fMipFactor) { CModelData *pMD = (CModelData*)GetData(); ASSERT( pMD != NULL); ASSERT( pMD->md_MipCt>0); // visible if no mip models or disappearence not allowed if( pMD->md_MipCt==0 || mdl_iLODDisappear==0) return TRUE; // adjust mip factor in case of dynamic stretch factor if( mo_Stretch != FLOAT3D(1,1,1)) { fMipFactor -= Log2( Max(mo_Stretch(1),Max(mo_Stretch(2),mo_Stretch(3)))); } // eventually adjusted mip factor with LOD control variables if( mdl_iLODDisappear==2) fMipFactor = fMipFactor*mdl_fLODMul +mdl_fLODAdd; // return true if mip factor is smaller than last in model's mip switch factors array return( fMipFactor < pMD->md_MipSwitchFactors[pMD->md_MipCt-1]); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Routine retrieves activ mip model's index */ INDEX CModelObject::GetMipModel( FLOAT fMipFactor) { CModelData *pMD = (CModelData*)GetData(); ASSERT( pMD != NULL); if( !mo_AutoMipModeling) return mo_iManualMipLevel; // calculate current mip model INDEX i; for( i=0; i<pMD->md_MipCt; i++) { if( fMipFactor < pMD->md_MipSwitchFactors[i]) return i; } return i-1; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * retrieves bounding box of given frame */ FLOATaabbox3D CModelObject::GetFrameBBox( INDEX iFrameNo) { CModelData *pMD = (CModelData *) GetData(); ASSERT( pMD != NULL); return pMD->md_FrameInfos[ iFrameNo].mfi_Box; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Routine returns mo_AutoMipModeling flag */ BOOL CModelObject::IsAutoMipModeling() { return mo_AutoMipModeling; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Sets mo_AutoMipModeling flag to on */ void CModelObject::AutoMipModelingOn() { mo_AutoMipModeling = TRUE; MarkChanged(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Sets mo_AutoMipModeling flag to off */ void CModelObject::AutoMipModelingOff() { mo_AutoMipModeling = FALSE; MarkChanged(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Routine retrieves current mip level */ INDEX CModelObject::GetManualMipLevel() { return mo_iManualMipLevel; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Routine sets current mip level */ void CModelObject::SetManualMipLevel(INDEX iNewMipLevel) { mo_iManualMipLevel = iNewMipLevel; MarkChanged(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Routine sets given mip-level's switch factor */ void CModelObject::SetMipSwitchFactor(INDEX iMipLevel, float fMipFactor) { CModelData *pMD = (CModelData *) GetData(); ASSERT( iMipLevel < pMD->md_MipCt); pMD->md_MipSwitchFactors[ iMipLevel] = fMipFactor; MarkChanged(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Select one rougher mip model level */ void CModelObject::NextManualMipLevel() { CModelData *pMD = (CModelData *) GetData(); if( mo_iManualMipLevel < pMD->md_MipCt-1) { mo_iManualMipLevel += 1; MarkChanged(); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Select one more precize mip model level */ void CModelObject::PrevManualMipLevel() { if( mo_iManualMipLevel > 0) { mo_iManualMipLevel -= 1; MarkChanged(); } } // this function returns current value of patches mask ULONG CModelObject::GetPatchesMask() { return mo_PatchMask; }; // use this function to set new patches combination void CModelObject::SetPatchesMask(ULONG new_patches_mask) { mo_PatchMask = new_patches_mask; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Sets new name to a color with given index */ void CModelObject::SetColorName( INDEX iColor, CTString &strNewName) { CModelData *pMD = (CModelData *) GetData(); ASSERT( iColor < MAX_COLOR_NAMES); pMD->md_ColorNames[ iColor] = strNewName; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Retrieves name of color with given index */ CTString CModelObject::GetColorName( INDEX iColor) { CModelData *pMD = (CModelData *) GetData(); ASSERT( iColor < MAX_COLOR_NAMES); return pMD->md_ColorNames[ iColor]; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Retrieves color of given surface */ COLOR CModelObject::GetSurfaceColor( INDEX iCurrentMip, INDEX iCurrentSurface) { struct ModelPolygon *pPoly; CModelData *pMD = (CModelData *) GetData(); if( (iCurrentMip>=pMD->md_MipCt) || (iCurrentSurface>=pMD->md_MipInfos[ iCurrentMip].mmpi_MappingSurfaces.Count()) ) { return (COLOR) -1; // !!! FIXME COLOR is unsigned, right? } for( INDEX i=0; i<pMD->md_MipInfos[ iCurrentMip].mmpi_PolygonsCt; i++) { pPoly = &pMD->md_MipInfos[ iCurrentMip].mmpi_Polygons[ i]; if( pPoly->mp_Surface == iCurrentSurface) { return pPoly->mp_ColorAndAlpha; } } return 0; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Changes color of given surface */ void CModelObject::SetSurfaceColor( INDEX iCurrentMip, INDEX iCurrentSurface, COLOR colNewColorAndAlpha) { struct ModelPolygon *pPoly; CModelData *pMD = (CModelData *) GetData(); if( (iCurrentMip>=pMD->md_MipCt) || (iCurrentSurface>=pMD->md_MipInfos[ iCurrentMip].mmpi_MappingSurfaces.Count()) ) { return; } pMD->md_MipInfos[ iCurrentMip].mmpi_MappingSurfaces[iCurrentSurface].ms_colColor = colNewColorAndAlpha; for( INDEX i=0; i<pMD->md_MipInfos[ iCurrentMip].mmpi_PolygonsCt; i++) { pPoly = &pMD->md_MipInfos[ iCurrentMip].mmpi_Polygons[ i]; if( pPoly->mp_Surface == iCurrentSurface) { pPoly->mp_ColorAndAlpha = colNewColorAndAlpha; } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Retrieves rendering flags of given surface */ void CModelObject::GetSurfaceRenderFlags( INDEX iCurrentMip, INDEX iCurrentSurface, enum SurfaceShadingType &sstShading, enum SurfaceTranslucencyType &sttTranslucency, ULONG &ulRenderingFlags) { CModelData *pMD = (CModelData *) GetData(); if( (iCurrentMip>=pMD->md_MipCt) || (iCurrentSurface>=pMD->md_MipInfos[ iCurrentMip].mmpi_MappingSurfaces.Count()) ) { return; } MappingSurface *pms = &pMD->md_MipInfos[ iCurrentMip].mmpi_MappingSurfaces[iCurrentSurface]; sstShading = pms->ms_sstShadingType; sttTranslucency = pms->ms_sttTranslucencyType; ulRenderingFlags = pms->ms_ulRenderingFlags; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Changes rendering of given surface */ void CModelObject::SetSurfaceRenderFlags( INDEX iCurrentMip, INDEX iCurrentSurface, enum SurfaceShadingType sstShading, enum SurfaceTranslucencyType sttTranslucency, ULONG ulRenderingFlags) { CModelData *pMD = (CModelData *) GetData(); if( (iCurrentMip>=pMD->md_MipCt) || (iCurrentSurface>=pMD->md_MipInfos[ iCurrentMip].mmpi_MappingSurfaces.Count()) ) { return; } // convert surface rendering parameters from old polygon flags -- temporary !!!! MappingSurface *pms = &pMD->md_MipInfos[ iCurrentMip].mmpi_MappingSurfaces[iCurrentSurface]; pms->ms_sstShadingType = sstShading; pms->ms_sttTranslucencyType = sttTranslucency; pms->ms_ulRenderingFlags = ulRenderingFlags; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CModelObject::ProjectFrameVertices( CProjection3D *pProjection, INDEX iMipModel) { FLOAT3D f3dVertex; CModelData *pMD = (CModelData *) GetData(); pProjection->ObjectHandleL() = pMD->md_vCompressedCenter; pProjection->ObjectStretchL() = pMD->md_Stretch; // apply dynamic stretch pProjection->ObjectStretchL()(1) *= mo_Stretch(1); pProjection->ObjectStretchL()(2) *= mo_Stretch(2); pProjection->ObjectStretchL()(3) *= mo_Stretch(3); pProjection->ObjectFaceForwardL() = pMD->md_Flags & (MF_FACE_FORWARD|MF_HALF_FACE_FORWARD); pProjection->ObjectHalfFaceForwardL() = pMD->md_Flags & MF_HALF_FACE_FORWARD; pProjection->Prepare(); INDEX iCurrentFrame = GetFrame(); ULONG ulVtxMask = (1L) << iMipModel; if( pMD->md_Flags & MF_COMPRESSED_16BIT) { ModelFrameVertex16 *pFrame = &pMD->md_FrameVertices16[ iCurrentFrame * pMD->md_VerticesCt]; for( INDEX i=0; i<pMD->md_VerticesCt; i++) { if( pMD->md_VertexMipMask[ i] & ulVtxMask) { f3dVertex(1) = (float) pFrame[ i].mfv_SWPoint(1); f3dVertex(2) = (float) pFrame[ i].mfv_SWPoint(2); f3dVertex(3) = (float) pFrame[ i].mfv_SWPoint(3); pProjection->ProjectCoordinate( f3dVertex, pMD->md_TransformedVertices[ i].tvd_TransformedPoint); } } } else { ModelFrameVertex8 *pFrame = &pMD->md_FrameVertices8[ iCurrentFrame * pMD->md_VerticesCt]; for( INDEX i=0; i<pMD->md_VerticesCt; i++) { if( pMD->md_VertexMipMask[ i] & ulVtxMask) { f3dVertex(1) = (float) pFrame[ i].mfv_SBPoint(1); f3dVertex(2) = (float) pFrame[ i].mfv_SBPoint(2); f3dVertex(3) = (float) pFrame[ i].mfv_SBPoint(3); pProjection->ProjectCoordinate( f3dVertex, pMD->md_TransformedVertices[ i].tvd_TransformedPoint); } } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Colorizes surfaces touching given box */ void CModelObject::ColorizeRegion( CDrawPort *pDP, CProjection3D *pProjection, PIXaabbox2D box, INDEX iChoosedColor, BOOL bOnColorMode) { struct ModelPolygon *pPoly; CModelData *pMD = (CModelData *) GetData(); struct TransformedVertexData *pTransformedVertice; PIX pixDPHeight = pDP->GetHeight(); // project vertices for given mip model ProjectFrameVertices( pProjection, mo_iLastRenderMipLevel); for( INDEX j=0; j<pMD->md_MipInfos[ mo_iLastRenderMipLevel].mmpi_PolygonsCt; j++) { pPoly = &pMD->md_MipInfos[ mo_iLastRenderMipLevel].mmpi_Polygons[ j]; for( INDEX i=0; i<pPoly->mp_PolygonVertices.Count(); i++) { pTransformedVertice = pPoly->mp_PolygonVertices[ i].mpv_ptvTransformedVertex; PIXaabbox2D ptBox = PIXaabbox2D( PIX2D( (SWORD) pTransformedVertice->tvd_TransformedPoint(1), pixDPHeight - (SWORD) pTransformedVertice->tvd_TransformedPoint(2))); if( !((box & ptBox).IsEmpty()) ) { MappingSurface &ms = pMD->md_MipInfos[ mo_iLastRenderMipLevel].mmpi_MappingSurfaces[ pPoly->mp_Surface]; if( bOnColorMode) { //pPoly->mp_OnColor = 1UL << iChoosedColor; ms.ms_ulOnColor = 1UL << iChoosedColor; } else { //pPoly->mp_OffColor = 1UL << iChoosedColor; ms.ms_ulOffColor = 1UL << iChoosedColor; } break; } } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Colorizes polygons touching given box */ void CModelObject::ApplySurfaceToPolygonsInRegion( CDrawPort *pDP, CProjection3D *pProjection, PIXaabbox2D box, INDEX iSurface, COLOR colSurfaceColor) { // project vertices for given mip model ProjectFrameVertices( pProjection, mo_iLastRenderMipLevel); struct ModelPolygon *pPoly; struct TransformedVertexData *pTransformedVertice; CModelData *pMD = (CModelData *) GetData(); PIX pixDPHeight = pDP->GetHeight(); for( INDEX j=0; j<pMD->md_MipInfos[ mo_iLastRenderMipLevel].mmpi_PolygonsCt; j++) { pPoly = &pMD->md_MipInfos[ mo_iLastRenderMipLevel].mmpi_Polygons[ j]; for( INDEX i=0; i<pPoly->mp_PolygonVertices.Count(); i++) { pTransformedVertice = pPoly->mp_PolygonVertices[ i].mpv_ptvTransformedVertex; PIXaabbox2D ptBox = PIXaabbox2D( PIX2D( (SWORD) pTransformedVertice->tvd_TransformedPoint(1), pixDPHeight - (SWORD) pTransformedVertice->tvd_TransformedPoint(2))); if( !((box & ptBox).IsEmpty()) ) { pPoly->mp_Surface = iSurface; pPoly->mp_ColorAndAlpha = colSurfaceColor; break; } } } } // unpack a vertex void CModelObject::UnpackVertex(INDEX iFrame, INDEX iVertex, FLOAT3D &vVertex) { CModelData *pmd = (CModelData *) GetData(); // get decompression/stretch factors FLOAT3D &vDataStretch = pmd->md_Stretch; FLOAT3D &vObjectStretch = mo_Stretch; FLOAT3D vStretch; vStretch(1) = vDataStretch(1)*vObjectStretch(1); vStretch(2) = vDataStretch(2)*vObjectStretch(2); vStretch(3) = vDataStretch(3)*vObjectStretch(3); FLOAT3D vOffset = pmd->md_vCompressedCenter; if( pmd->md_Flags & MF_COMPRESSED_16BIT) { struct ModelFrameVertex16 *pFrame16 = &pmd->md_FrameVertices16[iFrame * pmd->md_VerticesCt]; vVertex(1) = (pFrame16[iVertex].mfv_SWPoint(1)-vOffset(1))*vStretch(1); vVertex(2) = (pFrame16[iVertex].mfv_SWPoint(2)-vOffset(2))*vStretch(2); vVertex(3) = (pFrame16[iVertex].mfv_SWPoint(3)-vOffset(3))*vStretch(3); } else { struct ModelFrameVertex8 *pFrame8 = &pmd->md_FrameVertices8[iFrame * pmd->md_VerticesCt]; vVertex(1) = (pFrame8[iVertex].mfv_SBPoint(1)-vOffset(1))*vStretch(1); vVertex(2) = (pFrame8[iVertex].mfv_SBPoint(2)-vOffset(2))*vStretch(2); vVertex(3) = (pFrame8[iVertex].mfv_SBPoint(3)-vOffset(3))*vStretch(3); } } CPlacement3D CModelObject::GetAttachmentPlacement(CAttachmentModelObject &amo) { // project reference points to view space FLOAT3D vCenter, vFront, vUp; CModelData *pmd = (CModelData *) GetData(); pmd->md_aampAttachedPosition.Lock(); INDEX iPosition = amo.amo_iAttachedPosition; INDEX iCenter = pmd->md_aampAttachedPosition[iPosition].amp_iCenterVertex; INDEX iFront = pmd->md_aampAttachedPosition[iPosition].amp_iFrontVertex; INDEX iUp = pmd->md_aampAttachedPosition[iPosition].amp_iUpVertex; INDEX iFrame = GetFrame(); UnpackVertex( iFrame, iCenter, vCenter); UnpackVertex( iFrame, iFront, vFront); UnpackVertex( iFrame, iUp, vUp); // make axis vectors in absolute space FLOAT3D &vO = vCenter; FLOAT3D vY = vUp-vCenter; FLOAT3D vZ = vCenter-vFront; FLOAT3D vX = vY*vZ; vY = vZ*vX; // make a rotation matrix from those vectors vX.Normalize(); vY.Normalize(); vZ.Normalize(); FLOATmatrix3D mOrientation; mOrientation(1,1) = vX(1); mOrientation(1,2) = vY(1); mOrientation(1,3) = vZ(1); mOrientation(2,1) = vX(2); mOrientation(2,2) = vY(2); mOrientation(2,3) = vZ(2); mOrientation(3,1) = vX(3); mOrientation(3,2) = vY(3); mOrientation(3,3) = vZ(3); // make reference placement in absolute space CPlacement3D plPoints; plPoints.pl_PositionVector = vO; DecomposeRotationMatrixNoSnap(plPoints.pl_OrientationAngle, mOrientation); CPlacement3D pl = amo.amo_plRelative; pl.RelativeToAbsoluteSmooth(plPoints); pmd->md_aampAttachedPosition.Unlock(); return pl; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Find hitted polygon */ struct ModelPolygon *CModelObject::PolygonHit( CPlacement3D plRay, CPlacement3D plObject, INDEX iCurrentMip, FLOAT &fHitDistance) { struct ModelPolygon *pResultPoly = NULL; fHitDistance = 100000.0f; FOREACHINLIST( CAttachmentModelObject, amo_lnInMain, mo_lhAttachments, itamo) { FLOAT fHit; CPlacement3D plAttachment = GetAttachmentPlacement(*itamo); plAttachment.RelativeToAbsolute(plObject); struct ModelPolygon *pmp = itamo->amo_moModelObject.PolygonHit(plRay, plAttachment, iCurrentMip, fHit); if (fHit < fHitDistance) { fHitDistance = fHit; pResultPoly = pmp; } } FLOAT fHit; struct ModelPolygon *pmp = PolygonHitModelData((CModelData*)GetData(), plRay, plObject, iCurrentMip, fHit); if (fHit < fHitDistance) { fHitDistance = fHit; pResultPoly = pmp; } return pResultPoly; } struct ModelPolygon *CModelObject::PolygonHitModelData(CModelData *pMD, CPlacement3D plRay, CPlacement3D plObject, INDEX iCurrentMip, FLOAT &fHitDistance) { FLOAT fClosest = -100000.0f; struct ModelPolygon *pPoly, *pResultPoly = NULL; CIntersector Intersector; CSimpleProjection3D spProjection; spProjection.ViewerPlacementL() = plRay; spProjection.ObjectPlacementL() = plObject; // project vertices for given mip model ProjectFrameVertices( &spProjection, iCurrentMip); for( INDEX j=0; j<pMD->md_MipInfos[ iCurrentMip].mmpi_PolygonsCt; j++) { Intersector.Clear(); pPoly = &pMD->md_MipInfos[ iCurrentMip].mmpi_Polygons[ j]; for( INDEX i=0; i<pPoly->mp_PolygonVertices.Count(); i++) { // get next vertex index (first is i) INDEX next = (i+1) % pPoly->mp_PolygonVertices.Count(); // add edge to intersection object Intersector.AddEdge( pPoly->mp_PolygonVertices[ i].mpv_ptvTransformedVertex->tvd_TransformedPoint(1), pPoly->mp_PolygonVertices[ i].mpv_ptvTransformedVertex->tvd_TransformedPoint(2), pPoly->mp_PolygonVertices[ next].mpv_ptvTransformedVertex->tvd_TransformedPoint(1), pPoly->mp_PolygonVertices[ next].mpv_ptvTransformedVertex->tvd_TransformedPoint(2)); } if( Intersector.IsIntersecting()) { FLOAT3D f3dTr0 = pPoly->mp_PolygonVertices[ 0].mpv_ptvTransformedVertex->tvd_TransformedPoint; FLOAT3D f3dTr1 = pPoly->mp_PolygonVertices[ 1].mpv_ptvTransformedVertex->tvd_TransformedPoint; FLOAT3D f3dTr2 = pPoly->mp_PolygonVertices[ 2].mpv_ptvTransformedVertex->tvd_TransformedPoint; FLOATplane3D fplPlane = FLOATplane3D( f3dTr0, f3dTr1, f3dTr2); FLOAT3D f3dHitted3DPoint = FLOAT3D(0,0,0); fplPlane.GetCoordinate( 3, f3dHitted3DPoint); if( f3dHitted3DPoint(3)<=0.0f && f3dHitted3DPoint(3)> fClosest) { fClosest = f3dHitted3DPoint(3); pResultPoly = pPoly; } } } // return closest hit polygon and the distance where it was hit fHitDistance = -fClosest; return pResultPoly; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Colorizes hitted polygon */ void CModelObject::ColorizePolygon( CDrawPort *pDP, CProjection3D *projection, PIX x1, PIX y1, INDEX iChoosedColor, BOOL bOnColorMode) { CPlacement3D plRay; CPlacement3D plObjectPlacement; projection->Prepare(); projection->RayThroughPoint( FLOAT3D( (FLOAT)x1, (FLOAT)(pDP->GetHeight()-y1), 0.0f), plRay); plObjectPlacement = projection->ObjectPlacementR(); FLOAT fHitDistance; struct ModelPolygon *pPoly = PolygonHit( plRay, plObjectPlacement, mo_iLastRenderMipLevel, fHitDistance); if( pPoly != NULL) { CModelData *pMD = (CModelData *) GetData(); MappingSurface &ms = pMD->md_MipInfos[ mo_iLastRenderMipLevel].mmpi_MappingSurfaces[ pPoly->mp_Surface]; if( bOnColorMode) { //pPoly->mp_OnColor = 1UL << iChoosedColor; ms.ms_ulOnColor = 1UL << iChoosedColor; } else { //pPoly->mp_OffColor = 1UL << iChoosedColor; ms.ms_ulOffColor = 1UL << iChoosedColor; } } } void CModelObject::ApplySurfaceToPolygon( CDrawPort *pDP, CProjection3D *projection, PIX x1, PIX y1, INDEX iSurface, COLOR colSurfaceColor) { CPlacement3D plRay; CPlacement3D plObjectPlacement; projection->Prepare(); projection->RayThroughPoint( FLOAT3D( (FLOAT)x1, (FLOAT)(pDP->GetHeight()-y1), 0.0f), plRay); plObjectPlacement = projection->ObjectPlacementR(); FLOAT fHitDistance; struct ModelPolygon *pPoly = PolygonHit( plRay, plObjectPlacement, mo_iLastRenderMipLevel, fHitDistance); if( pPoly != NULL) { pPoly->mp_ColorAndAlpha = colSurfaceColor; pPoly->mp_Surface = iSurface; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Picks color from hitted polygon */ void CModelObject::PickPolyColor( CDrawPort *pDP, CProjection3D *projection, PIX x1, PIX y1, INDEX &iPickedColorNo, BOOL bOnColorMode) { CPlacement3D plRay; CPlacement3D plObjectPlacement; projection->Prepare(); projection->RayThroughPoint( FLOAT3D( (FLOAT)x1, (FLOAT)(pDP->GetHeight()-y1), 0.0f), plRay); plObjectPlacement = projection->ObjectPlacementR(); FLOAT fHitDistance; struct ModelPolygon *pPoly = PolygonHit( plRay, plObjectPlacement, mo_iLastRenderMipLevel, fHitDistance); if( pPoly != NULL) { CModelData *pMD = (CModelData *) GetData(); MappingSurface &ms = pMD->md_MipInfos[ mo_iLastRenderMipLevel].mmpi_MappingSurfaces[ pPoly->mp_Surface]; if( bOnColorMode) { iPickedColorNo = GetBit( ms.ms_ulOnColor); } else { iPickedColorNo = GetBit( ms.ms_ulOffColor); } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDEX CModelObject::PickPolySurface( CDrawPort *pDP, CProjection3D *projection, PIX x1, PIX y1) { CPlacement3D plRay; CPlacement3D plObjectPlacement; projection->Prepare(); projection->RayThroughPoint( FLOAT3D( (FLOAT)x1, (FLOAT)(pDP->GetHeight()-y1), 0.0f), plRay); plObjectPlacement = projection->ObjectPlacementR(); FLOAT fHitDistance; struct ModelPolygon *pPoly = PolygonHit( plRay, plObjectPlacement, mo_iLastRenderMipLevel, fHitDistance); if( pPoly != NULL) { return pPoly->mp_Surface; } return -1; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Obtains index of closest vertex */ INDEX CModelObject::PickVertexIndex( CDrawPort *pDP, CProjection3D *pProjection, PIX x1, PIX y1, FLOAT3D &vClosestVertex) { CModelData *pMD = (CModelData *) GetData(); // project vertices for given mip model ProjectFrameVertices( pProjection, mo_iLastRenderMipLevel); FLOAT fClosest = 64.0f; FLOAT iClosest = -1; INDEX iCurrentFrame = GetFrame(); FLOAT3D vTargetPoint = FLOAT3D( x1, pDP->GetHeight()-y1, 0.0f); ULONG ulVtxMask = (1L) << mo_iLastRenderMipLevel; // Find closest vertice for( INDEX iVertex=0; iVertex<pMD->md_VerticesCt; iVertex++) { if( pMD->md_VertexMipMask[ iVertex] & ulVtxMask) { FLOAT3D vProjected = pMD->md_TransformedVertices[ iVertex].tvd_TransformedPoint; vProjected(3) = 0.0f; FLOAT3D vUncompressedVertex; if( pMD->md_Flags & MF_COMPRESSED_16BIT) { ModelFrameVertex16 *pFrame = &pMD->md_FrameVertices16[ iCurrentFrame * pMD->md_VerticesCt]; vUncompressedVertex(1) = (float) pFrame[ iVertex].mfv_SWPoint(1); vUncompressedVertex(2) = (float) pFrame[ iVertex].mfv_SWPoint(2); vUncompressedVertex(3) = (float) pFrame[ iVertex].mfv_SWPoint(3); } else { ModelFrameVertex8 *pFrame = &pMD->md_FrameVertices8[ iCurrentFrame * pMD->md_VerticesCt]; vUncompressedVertex(1) = (float) pFrame[ iVertex].mfv_SBPoint(1); vUncompressedVertex(2) = (float) pFrame[ iVertex].mfv_SBPoint(2); vUncompressedVertex(3) = (float) pFrame[ iVertex].mfv_SBPoint(3); } FLOAT fDistance = Abs( ( vProjected-vTargetPoint).Length()); if( fDistance < fClosest) { fClosest = fDistance; iClosest = iVertex; vClosestVertex(1) = vUncompressedVertex(1)*pMD->md_Stretch(1); vClosestVertex(2) = vUncompressedVertex(2)*pMD->md_Stretch(2); vClosestVertex(3) = vUncompressedVertex(3)*pMD->md_Stretch(3); } } } return ((INDEX) iClosest); } /* * Retrieves current frame's bounding box */ void CModelObject::GetCurrentFrameBBox( FLOATaabbox3D &MaxBB) { // obtain model data ptr CModelData *pMD = (CModelData *)GetData(); ASSERT( pMD != NULL); // get current frame INDEX iCurrentFrame = GetFrame(); ASSERT( iCurrentFrame < pMD->md_FramesCt); // set current frame's bounding box MaxBB = pMD->md_FrameInfos[ iCurrentFrame].mfi_Box; } /* * Retrieves bounding box of all frames */ void CModelObject::GetAllFramesBBox( FLOATaabbox3D &MaxBB) { // obtain model data ptr CModelData *pMD = (CModelData *)GetData(); ASSERT( pMD != NULL); // get all frames bounding box pMD->GetAllFramesBBox( MaxBB); } FLOAT3D CModelObject::GetCollisionBoxMin(INDEX iCollisionBox) { return GetData()->GetCollisionBoxMin(iCollisionBox); } FLOAT3D CModelObject::GetCollisionBoxMax(INDEX iCollisionBox) { return GetData()->GetCollisionBoxMax(iCollisionBox); } // returns HEIGHT_EQ_WIDTH, LENGTH_EQ_WIDTH or LENGTH_EQ_HEIGHT INDEX CModelObject::GetCollisionBoxDimensionEquality(INDEX iCollisionBox) { return GetData()->GetCollisionBoxDimensionEquality(iCollisionBox); } // test it the model has alpha blending BOOL CModelObject::HasAlpha(void) { return GetData()->md_bHasAlpha || (mo_colBlendColor&0xFF)!=0xFF; } // retrieves number of surfaces used in given mip model INDEX CModelObject::SurfacesCt(INDEX iMipModel){ ASSERT( GetData() != NULL); return GetData()->md_MipInfos[ iMipModel].mmpi_MappingSurfaces.Count(); }; // retrieves number of polygons in given surface in given mip model INDEX CModelObject::PolygonsInSurfaceCt(INDEX iMipModel, INDEX iSurface) { ASSERT( GetData() != NULL); return GetData()->md_MipInfos[ iMipModel].mmpi_MappingSurfaces[iSurface].ms_aiPolygons.Count(); }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Adds and shows given patch */ void CModelObject::ShowPatch( INDEX iMaskBit) { CModelData *pMD = (CModelData *)GetData(); ASSERT( pMD != NULL); if( pMD == NULL) return; if( (mo_PatchMask & ((1UL) << iMaskBit)) != 0) return; mo_PatchMask |= (1UL) << iMaskBit; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Hides given patch */ void CModelObject::HidePatch( INDEX iMaskBit) { CModelData *pMD = (CModelData *)GetData(); if( pMD == NULL) return; if( (mo_PatchMask & ((1UL) << iMaskBit)) == 0) return; mo_PatchMask &= ~((1UL) << iMaskBit); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Retrieves index of mip model that casts shadow */ BOOL CModelObject::HasShadow(INDEX iModelMip) { CModelData *pMD = (CModelData *) GetData(); SLONG slShadowQuality = _mrpModelRenderPrefs.GetShadowQuality(); ASSERT( slShadowQuality >= 0); SLONG res = iModelMip + slShadowQuality + pMD->md_ShadowQuality; if( res >= pMD->md_MipCt) return FALSE; return TRUE; } /* * Set texture data for main texture in surface of this model. */ void CModelObject::SetTextureData(CTextureData *ptdNewMainTexture) { mo_toTexture.SetData(ptdNewMainTexture); } CTFileName CModelObject::GetName(void) { CModelData *pmd = (CModelData *) GetData(); if( pmd == NULL) return CTString( ""); return pmd->GetName(); } // obtain model and set it for this object void CModelObject::SetData_t(const CTFileName &fnmModel) // throw char * { // if the filename is empty if (fnmModel=="") { // release current texture SetData(NULL); // if the filename is not empty } else { // obtain it (adds one reference) CModelData *pmd = _pModelStock->Obtain_t(fnmModel); // set it as data (adds one more reference, and remove old reference) SetData(pmd); // release it (removes one reference) _pModelStock->Release(pmd); // total reference count +1+1-1 = +1 for new data -1 for old data } } void CModelObject::SetData(CModelData *pmd) { RemoveAllAttachmentModels(); CAnimObject::SetData(pmd); } CModelData *CModelObject::GetData(void) { return (CModelData*)CAnimObject::GetData(); } void CModelObject::AutoSetTextures(void) { CTFileName fnModel = GetName(); CTFileName fnDiffuse; INDEX ctDiffuseTextures; CTFileName fnReflection; CTFileName fnSpecular; CTFileName fnBump; // extract from model's ini file informations about attachment model's textures try { CTFileName fnIni = fnModel.NoExt()+".ini"; CTFileStream strmIni; strmIni.Open_t( fnIni); SLONG slFileSize = strmIni.GetStreamSize(); // NEVER!NEVER! read after EOF while(strmIni.GetPos_t()<(slFileSize-4)) { CChunkID id = strmIni.PeekID_t(); if( id == CChunkID("WTEX")) { CChunkID idDummy = strmIni.GetID_t(); (void)idDummy; // shut up about unused variable, compiler. strmIni >> ctDiffuseTextures; strmIni >> fnDiffuse; } else if( id == CChunkID("FXTR")) { CChunkID idDummy = strmIni.GetID_t(); (void)idDummy; // shut up about unused variable, compiler. strmIni >> fnReflection; } else if( id == CChunkID("FXTS")) { CChunkID idDummy = strmIni.GetID_t(); (void)idDummy; // shut up about unused variable, compiler. strmIni >> fnSpecular; } else if( id == CChunkID("FXTB")) { CChunkID idDummy = strmIni.GetID_t(); (void)idDummy; // shut up about unused variable, compiler. strmIni >> fnBump; } else { strmIni.Seek_t(1,CTStream::SD_CUR); } } } catch( char *strError){ (void) strError;} try { if( fnDiffuse != "") mo_toTexture.SetData_t( fnDiffuse); if( fnReflection != "") mo_toReflection.SetData_t( fnReflection); if( fnSpecular != "") mo_toSpecular.SetData_t( fnSpecular); if( fnBump != "") mo_toBump.SetData_t( fnBump); } catch( char *strError){ (void) strError;} } void CModelObject::AutoSetAttachments(void) { CTFileName fnModel = GetName(); RemoveAllAttachmentModels(); // extract from model's ini file informations about attachment model's textures try { CTFileName fnIni = fnModel.NoExt()+".ini"; CTFileStream strmIni; strmIni.Open_t( fnIni); SLONG slFileSize = strmIni.GetStreamSize(); // NEVER!NEVER! read after EOF while(strmIni.GetPos_t()<(slFileSize-4)) { CChunkID id = strmIni.PeekID_t(); if( id == CChunkID("ATTM")) { CChunkID idDummy = strmIni.GetID_t(); (void)idDummy; // shut up about unused variable, compiler. // try to load attached models INDEX ctAttachedModels; strmIni >> ctAttachedModels; // read all attached models for( INDEX iAtt=0; iAtt<ctAttachedModels; iAtt++) { BOOL bVisible; CTString strName; CTFileName fnModel, fnDummy; strmIni >> bVisible; strmIni >> strName; // this data is used no more strmIni >> fnModel; INDEX iAnimation = 0; // new attached model format has saved index of animation if( strmIni.PeekID_t() == CChunkID("AMAN")) { strmIni.ExpectID_t( CChunkID( "AMAN")); strmIni >> iAnimation; } else { strmIni >> fnDummy; // ex model's texture } if( bVisible) { CAttachmentModelObject *pamo = AddAttachmentModel( iAtt); pamo->amo_moModelObject.SetData_t( fnModel); pamo->amo_moModelObject.AutoSetTextures(); pamo->amo_moModelObject.StartAnim( iAnimation); } } } else { strmIni.Seek_t(1,CTStream::SD_CUR); } } } catch( char *strError) { (void) strError; RemoveAllAttachmentModels(); } FOREACHINLIST( CAttachmentModelObject, amo_lnInMain, mo_lhAttachments, itamo) { itamo->amo_moModelObject.AutoSetAttachments(); } } CAttachmentModelObject *CModelObject::AddAttachmentModel( INDEX iAttachedPosition) { CModelData *pMD = (CModelData *) GetData(); if (pMD->md_aampAttachedPosition.Count()==0) { return NULL; } ASSERT( iAttachedPosition >= 0); ASSERT( iAttachedPosition < pMD->md_aampAttachedPosition.Count()); iAttachedPosition = Clamp(iAttachedPosition, INDEX(0), INDEX(pMD->md_aampAttachedPosition.Count()-1)); CAttachmentModelObject *pamoNew = new CAttachmentModelObject; mo_lhAttachments.AddTail( pamoNew->amo_lnInMain); pamoNew->amo_iAttachedPosition = iAttachedPosition; pMD->md_aampAttachedPosition.Lock(); pamoNew->amo_plRelative = pMD->md_aampAttachedPosition[iAttachedPosition].amp_plRelativePlacement; pMD->md_aampAttachedPosition.Unlock(); return pamoNew; } CAttachmentModelObject *CModelObject::GetAttachmentModel( INDEX ipos) { FOREACHINLIST( CAttachmentModelObject, amo_lnInMain, mo_lhAttachments, itamo) { CAttachmentModelObject &amo = *itamo; if (amo.amo_iAttachedPosition == ipos) { return &amo; } } return NULL; } CAttachmentModelObject *CModelObject::GetAttachmentModelList( INDEX ipos, ...) { va_list marker; va_start(marker, ipos); CAttachmentModelObject *pamo = NULL; CModelObject *pmo = this; // while not end of list while(ipos>=0) { // get attachment pamo = pmo->GetAttachmentModel(ipos); // if not found if (pamo==NULL) { // return failure va_end(marker); return NULL; } // get next attachment in list pmo = &pamo->amo_moModelObject; ipos = va_arg( marker, INDEX); } va_end(marker); // return current attachment ASSERT(pamo!=NULL); return pamo; } void CModelObject::ResetAttachmentModelPosition( INDEX iAttachedPosition) { FOREACHINLIST( CAttachmentModelObject, amo_lnInMain, mo_lhAttachments, itamo) { if (itamo->amo_iAttachedPosition == iAttachedPosition) { CModelData *pMD = (CModelData *) GetData(); pMD->md_aampAttachedPosition.Lock(); itamo->amo_plRelative = pMD->md_aampAttachedPosition[iAttachedPosition].amp_plRelativePlacement; pMD->md_aampAttachedPosition.Unlock(); return; } } } void CModelObject::RemoveAttachmentModel( INDEX iAttachedPosition) { FORDELETELIST( CAttachmentModelObject, amo_lnInMain, mo_lhAttachments, itamo) { if (itamo->amo_iAttachedPosition == iAttachedPosition) { itamo->amo_lnInMain.Remove(); delete &*itamo; return; } } } void CModelObject::RemoveAllAttachmentModels(void) { FORDELETELIST( CAttachmentModelObject, amo_lnInMain, mo_lhAttachments, itamo) { itamo->amo_lnInMain.Remove(); delete &*itamo; } } void CModelObject::StretchModel(const FLOAT3D &vStretch) { mo_Stretch = vStretch; FOREACHINLIST( CAttachmentModelObject, amo_lnInMain, mo_lhAttachments, itamo) { itamo->amo_moModelObject.StretchModel(vStretch); } } void CModelObject::StretchModelRelative(const FLOAT3D &vStretch) { mo_Stretch(1) *= vStretch(1); mo_Stretch(2) *= vStretch(2); mo_Stretch(3) *= vStretch(3); FOREACHINLIST( CAttachmentModelObject, amo_lnInMain, mo_lhAttachments, itamo) { itamo->amo_moModelObject.StretchModelRelative(vStretch); } } void CModelObject::StretchSingleModel(const FLOAT3D &vStretch) { mo_Stretch = vStretch; } // get amount of memory used by this object SLONG CModelObject::GetUsedMemory(void) { // initial size SLONG slUsedMemory = sizeof(CModelObject); // add attachment(s) size FOREACHINLIST( CAttachmentModelObject, amo_lnInMain, mo_lhAttachments, itat) { slUsedMemory += sizeof(CAttachmentModelObject) - sizeof(CModelObject); itat->amo_moModelObject.GetUsedMemory(); } // done return slUsedMemory; }