/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ 222 %{ #include "EntitiesMP/StdH/StdH.h" #include "EntitiesMP/EnemyBase.h" #include "EntitiesMP/EnemySpawner.h" #include "EntitiesMP/Trigger.h" #include "EntitiesMP/Woman.h" %} enum MusicType { 0 MT_LIGHT "light", 1 MT_MEDIUM "medium", 2 MT_HEAVY "heavy", 3 MT_EVENT "event", 4 MT_CONTINUOUS "continuous", }; event EChangeMusic { enum MusicType mtType, CTFileName fnMusic, FLOAT fVolume, BOOL bForceStart, }; %{ #define MUSIC_VOLUMEMIN 0.02f // minimum volume (considered off) #define MUSIC_VOLUMEMAX 0.98f // maximum volume (considered full) float FadeInFactor(TIME fFadeTime) { return (float) pow(MUSIC_VOLUMEMAX/MUSIC_VOLUMEMIN, 1/(fFadeTime/_pTimer->TickQuantum)); } float FadeOutFactor(TIME fFadeTime) { return (float) pow(MUSIC_VOLUMEMIN/MUSIC_VOLUMEMAX, 1/(fFadeTime/_pTimer->TickQuantum)); } %} class CMusicHolder : CRationalEntity { name "MusicHolder"; thumbnail "Thumbnails\\MusicHolder.tbn"; features "HasName", "IsTargetable", "IsImportant"; properties: 1 CTString m_strName "" = "MusicHolder", 2 FLOAT m_fScoreMedium "Score Medium" = 100.0f, 3 FLOAT m_fScoreHeavy "Score Heavy" = 1000.0f, 10 CTFileName m_fnMusic0 "Music Light" 'M' = CTFILENAME(""), 11 CTFileName m_fnMusic1 "Music Medium" = CTFILENAME(""), 12 CTFileName m_fnMusic2 "Music Heavy" = CTFILENAME(""), 13 CTFileName m_fnMusic3 = CTFILENAME(""), // event music 14 CTFileName m_fnMusic4 = CTFILENAME(""), // continuous music 20 FLOAT m_fVolume0 "Volume Light" 'V' = 1.0f, 21 FLOAT m_fVolume1 "Volume Medium" = 1.0f, 22 FLOAT m_fVolume2 "Volume Heavy" = 1.0f, 23 FLOAT m_fVolume3 = 1.0f, // event volume 24 FLOAT m_fVolume4 = 1.0f, // continuous volume // internals 100 CEntityPointer m_penBoss, // current boss if any 102 CEntityPointer m_penCounter, // enemy counter for wave-fight progress display 104 INDEX m_ctEnemiesInWorld = 0, // count of total enemies in world 105 CEntityPointer m_penRespawnMarker, // respawn marker for coop 106 INDEX m_ctSecretsInWorld = 0, // count of total secrets in world 101 FLOAT m_tmFade = 1.0f, // music cross-fade speed 103 enum MusicType m_mtCurrentMusic = MT_LIGHT, // current active channel // for cross-fade purposes 110 FLOAT m_fCurrentVolume0a = 1.0f, 210 FLOAT m_fCurrentVolume0b = 1.0f, 111 FLOAT m_fCurrentVolume1a = 1.0f, 211 FLOAT m_fCurrentVolume1b = 1.0f, 112 FLOAT m_fCurrentVolume2a = 1.0f, 212 FLOAT m_fCurrentVolume2b = 1.0f, 113 FLOAT m_fCurrentVolume3a = 1.0f, 213 FLOAT m_fCurrentVolume3b = 1.0f, 114 FLOAT m_fCurrentVolume4a = 1.0f, 214 FLOAT m_fCurrentVolume4b = 1.0f, // the music channels 120 CSoundObject m_soMusic0a, 220 CSoundObject m_soMusic0b, 121 CSoundObject m_soMusic1a, 221 CSoundObject m_soMusic1b, 122 CSoundObject m_soMusic2a, 222 CSoundObject m_soMusic2b, 123 CSoundObject m_soMusic3a, 223 CSoundObject m_soMusic3b, 124 CSoundObject m_soMusic4a, 224 CSoundObject m_soMusic4b, // next free subchannel markers (all starts at subchannel 1(b), first switch goes to subchannel 0(a)) 130 INDEX m_iSubChannel0 = 1, 131 INDEX m_iSubChannel1 = 1, 132 INDEX m_iSubChannel2 = 1, 133 INDEX m_iSubChannel3 = 1, 134 INDEX m_iSubChannel4 = 1, { // array of enemies that make fuss CDynamicContainer<CEntity> m_cenFussMakers; } components: 1 model MODEL_MARKER "Models\\Editor\\MusicHolder.mdl", 2 texture TEXTURE_MARKER "Models\\Editor\\MusicHolder.tex" functions: // count enemies in current world void CountEnemies(void) { m_ctEnemiesInWorld = 0; m_ctSecretsInWorld = 0; // for each entity in the world {FOREACHINDYNAMICCONTAINER(GetWorld()->wo_cenEntities, CEntity, iten) { CEntity *pen = iten; // if enemybase if (IsDerivedFromClass(pen, "Enemy Base")) { CEnemyBase *penEnemy = (CEnemyBase *)pen; // if not template if (!penEnemy->m_bTemplate) { // count one m_ctEnemiesInWorld++; // if this is a woman kamikaze carrier, add another one to count if (IsOfClass(pen, "Woman")) { if (((CWoman *)&*pen)->m_bKamikazeCarrier) { m_ctEnemiesInWorld++; } } } // if spawner } else if (IsDerivedFromClass(pen, "Enemy Spawner")) { CEnemySpawner *penSpawner = (CEnemySpawner *)pen; // if not teleporting if (penSpawner->m_estType!=EST_TELEPORTER) { // add total count m_ctEnemiesInWorld+=penSpawner->m_ctTotal; // if this spawner points to a woman kamikaze carrier template, increase count once more if (penSpawner->m_penTarget) { if (IsOfClass(penSpawner->m_penTarget, "Woman")) { if (((CWoman *)&*penSpawner->m_penTarget)->m_bKamikazeCarrier) { m_ctEnemiesInWorld+=penSpawner->m_ctTotal; } } } } // if trigger } else if (IsDerivedFromClass(pen, "Trigger")) { CTrigger *penTrigger = (CTrigger *)pen; // if has score if (penTrigger->m_fScore>0) { // it counts as a secret m_ctSecretsInWorld++; } } }} } // check for stale fuss-makers void CheckOldFussMakers(void) { TIME tmNow = _pTimer->CurrentTick(); TIME tmTooOld = tmNow-10.0f; CDynamicContainer<CEntity> cenOldFussMakers; // for each fussmaker {FOREACHINDYNAMICCONTAINER(m_cenFussMakers, CEntity, itenFussMaker) { CEnemyBase & enFussMaker = (CEnemyBase&)*itenFussMaker; // if haven't done fuss for too long if (enFussMaker.m_tmLastFussTime<tmTooOld) { // add to old fuss makers cenOldFussMakers.Add(&enFussMaker); } }} // for each old fussmaker {FOREACHINDYNAMICCONTAINER(cenOldFussMakers, CEntity, itenOldFussMaker) { CEnemyBase &enOldFussMaker = (CEnemyBase&)*itenOldFussMaker; // remove from fuss enOldFussMaker.RemoveFromFuss(); }} } // get total score of all active fuss makers INDEX GetFussMakersScore(void) { INDEX iScore = 0; {FOREACHINDYNAMICCONTAINER(m_cenFussMakers, CEntity, itenFussMaker) { CEnemyBase &enFussMaker = (CEnemyBase&)*itenFussMaker; iScore += (INDEX) enFussMaker.m_iScore; }} return iScore; } // change given music channel void ChangeMusicChannel(enum MusicType mtType, const CTFileName &fnNewMusic, FLOAT fNewVolume) { INDEX &iSubChannel = (&m_iSubChannel0)[mtType]; // take next sub-channel if needed if (fnNewMusic!="") { iSubChannel = (iSubChannel+1)%2; } // find channel's variables FLOAT &fVolume = (&m_fVolume0)[mtType]; CSoundObject &soMusic = (&m_soMusic0a)[mtType*2+iSubChannel]; FLOAT &fCurrentVolume = (&m_fCurrentVolume0a)[mtType*2+iSubChannel]; // setup looping/non looping flags ULONG ulFlags; if (mtType==MT_EVENT) { ulFlags = SOF_MUSIC; } else { ulFlags = SOF_MUSIC|SOF_LOOP|SOF_NONGAME; } // remember volumes fVolume = fNewVolume; // start new music file if needed if (fnNewMusic!="") { PlaySound( soMusic, fnNewMusic, ulFlags); // initially, not playing fCurrentVolume = MUSIC_VOLUMEMIN; soMusic.Pause(); soMusic.SetVolume(fCurrentVolume, fCurrentVolume); } } // fade out one channel void FadeOutChannel(INDEX iChannel, INDEX iSubChannel) { // find channel's variables FLOAT &fVolume = (&m_fVolume0)[iChannel]; CSoundObject &soMusic = (&m_soMusic0a)[iChannel*2+iSubChannel]; FLOAT &fCurrentVolume = (&m_fCurrentVolume0a)[iChannel*2+iSubChannel]; // do nothing, if music is not playing if( !soMusic.IsPlaying()) { return; } // do nothing, if music is already paused if( soMusic.IsPaused()) { return; } // if minimum volume reached if( fCurrentVolume<MUSIC_VOLUMEMIN) { // pause music soMusic.Pause(); } else { // music isn't even faded yet, so continue on fading it out fCurrentVolume *= FadeOutFactor( m_tmFade); soMusic.SetVolume( fCurrentVolume*fVolume, fCurrentVolume*fVolume); } } // fade in one channel void FadeInChannel(INDEX iChannel, INDEX iSubChannel) { // find channel's variables FLOAT &fVolume = (&m_fVolume0)[iChannel]; CSoundObject &soMusic = (&m_soMusic0a)[iChannel*2+iSubChannel]; FLOAT &fCurrentVolume = (&m_fCurrentVolume0a)[iChannel*2+iSubChannel]; // do nothing, if music is not playing if( !soMusic.IsPlaying()) { return; } // resume music if needed if( soMusic.IsPaused()) { soMusic.Resume(); } // fade in music if needed if( fCurrentVolume<MUSIC_VOLUMEMAX) { fCurrentVolume *= FadeInFactor( m_tmFade); fCurrentVolume = ClampUp( fCurrentVolume, 1.0f); } soMusic.SetVolume( fCurrentVolume*fVolume, fCurrentVolume*fVolume); } // fade one channel in or out void CrossFadeOneChannel(enum MusicType mtType) { INDEX iSubChannelActive = (&m_iSubChannel0)[mtType]; INDEX iSubChannelInactive = (iSubChannelActive+1)%2; // if it is current channel if (mtType==m_mtCurrentMusic) { // fade in active subchannel FadeInChannel(mtType, iSubChannelActive); // fade out inactive subchannel FadeOutChannel(mtType, iSubChannelInactive); // if it is not current channel } else { // fade it out FadeOutChannel(mtType, 0); FadeOutChannel(mtType, 1); } } procedures: // initialize music Main(EVoid) { // init as model InitAsEditorModel(); SetPhysicsFlags(EPF_MODEL_IMMATERIAL); SetCollisionFlags(ECF_IMMATERIAL); // set appearance SetModel(MODEL_MARKER); SetModelMainTexture(TEXTURE_MARKER); // wait for game to start autowait(_pTimer->TickQuantum); // prepare initial music channel values ChangeMusicChannel(MT_LIGHT, m_fnMusic0, m_fVolume0); ChangeMusicChannel(MT_MEDIUM, m_fnMusic1, m_fVolume1); ChangeMusicChannel(MT_HEAVY, m_fnMusic2, m_fVolume2); ChangeMusicChannel(MT_EVENT, m_fnMusic3, m_fVolume3); ChangeMusicChannel(MT_CONTINUOUS, m_fnMusic4, m_fVolume4); // start with light music m_mtCurrentMusic = MT_LIGHT; m_fCurrentVolume0a = MUSIC_VOLUMEMAX*0.98f; m_tmFade = 0.01f; CrossFadeOneChannel(MT_LIGHT); // must react after enemyspawner and all enemies, but before player for proper enemy counting // (total wait is two ticks so far) autowait(_pTimer->TickQuantum); // count enemies in current world CountEnemies(); // main loop while(TRUE) { // wait a bit wait(0.1f) { on (ETimer) : { stop; }; // if music is to be changed on (EChangeMusic ecm) : { // change parameters ChangeMusicChannel(ecm.mtType, ecm.fnMusic, ecm.fVolume); // if force started if (ecm.bForceStart) { // set as current music m_mtCurrentMusic = ecm.mtType; } // stop waiting stop; } } // check fuss CheckOldFussMakers(); // get total score of all active fuss makers FLOAT fFussScore = GetFussMakersScore(); // if event is on if (m_mtCurrentMusic==MT_EVENT) { // if event has ceased playing if (!m_soMusic3a.IsPlaying() && !m_soMusic3b.IsPlaying()) { // switch to light music m_mtCurrentMusic=MT_LIGHT; } } // if heavy fight is on if (m_mtCurrentMusic==MT_HEAVY) { // if no more fuss if (fFussScore<=0.0f) { // switch to no fight m_mtCurrentMusic=MT_LIGHT; } // if medium fight is on } else if (m_mtCurrentMusic==MT_MEDIUM) { // if no more fuss if (fFussScore<=0.0f) { // switch to no fight m_mtCurrentMusic=MT_LIGHT; // if larger fuss } else if (fFussScore>=m_fScoreHeavy) { // switch to heavy fight m_mtCurrentMusic=MT_HEAVY; } // if no fight is on } else if (m_mtCurrentMusic==MT_LIGHT) { // if heavy fuss if (fFussScore>=m_fScoreHeavy) { // switch to heavy fight m_mtCurrentMusic=MT_HEAVY; // if medium fuss } else if (fFussScore>=m_fScoreMedium) { // switch to medium fight m_mtCurrentMusic=MT_MEDIUM; } } // setup fade speed depending on music type if (m_mtCurrentMusic==MT_LIGHT) { m_tmFade = 2.0f; } else if (m_mtCurrentMusic==MT_MEDIUM) { m_tmFade = 1.0f; } else if (m_mtCurrentMusic==MT_HEAVY) { m_tmFade = 1.0f; } else if (m_mtCurrentMusic==MT_EVENT || m_mtCurrentMusic==MT_CONTINUOUS) { m_tmFade = 0.5f; } // fade all channels CrossFadeOneChannel(MT_LIGHT); CrossFadeOneChannel(MT_MEDIUM); CrossFadeOneChannel(MT_HEAVY); CrossFadeOneChannel(MT_EVENT); CrossFadeOneChannel(MT_CONTINUOUS); } return; } };