/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. All rights reserved. */ #include "Engine/StdH.h" #ifdef PLATFORM_WIN32 #include <tchar.h> #endif #include <Engine/Graphics/MultiMonitor.h> #include <Engine/Base/Console.h> #include <Engine/Base/ErrorReporting.h> #include <Engine/Base/Translation.h> // Win9x multimonitor enabling/disabling code, // idea and original code courtesy of Christian Studer <cstuder@realtimesoft.com> // added dynamic function loading and exception throwing extern INDEX gfx_bDisableMultiMonSupport; extern INDEX gfx_ctMonitors; extern INDEX gfx_bMultiMonDisabled; #ifdef PLATFORM_WIN32 #pragma comment(lib, "advapi32.lib") typedef BOOL EnumDisplayDevices_t( PVOID Unused, // not used; must be NULL DWORD iDevNum, // specifies display device PDISPLAY_DEVICE lpDisplayDevice, // pointer to structure to // receive display device information DWORD dwFlags // flags to condition function behavior ); typedef LONG ChangeDisplaySettingsEx_t( LPCSTR lpszDeviceName, LPDEVMODE lpDevMode, HWND hwnd, DWORD dwflags, LPVOID lParam ); static HINSTANCE _hUser32Lib = NULL; static EnumDisplayDevices_t *_pEnumDisplayDevices = NULL; static ChangeDisplaySettingsEx_t *_pChangeDisplaySettingsEx = NULL; // disables or enables secondary monitors on Win98/Me void Mon_DisableEnable9x_t(BOOL bDisable) { // load user32 if (_hUser32Lib==NULL) { _hUser32Lib = ::LoadLibraryA( "user32.dll"); if( _hUser32Lib == NULL) { ThrowF_t(TRANS("Cannot load user32.dll.")); } } if (_pEnumDisplayDevices==NULL) { _pEnumDisplayDevices = (EnumDisplayDevices_t*)GetProcAddress(_hUser32Lib, "EnumDisplayDevicesA"); if (_pEnumDisplayDevices==NULL) { ThrowF_t(TRANS("Cannot find EnumDisplayDevices().")); } } if (_pChangeDisplaySettingsEx==NULL) { _pChangeDisplaySettingsEx = (ChangeDisplaySettingsEx_t*)GetProcAddress(_hUser32Lib, "ChangeDisplaySettingsExA"); if (_pChangeDisplaySettingsEx==NULL) { ThrowF_t(TRANS("Cannot find ChangeDisplaySettingsEx().")); } } HKEY key; LONG ret = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG, _T("Display\\Settings"), 0, KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS | KEY_SET_VALUE, &key); if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ThrowF_t(TRANS("Cannot enumerate display settings from registry\n")); } TCHAR attach[2]; if (bDisable) lstrcpy(attach, _T("0")); else lstrcpy(attach, _T("1")); // enumerate all subkeys. there is at least one subkey for each secondary monitor, maybe more. DWORD index = 0; while (ret == ERROR_SUCCESS) { TCHAR keyName[500]; DWORD keyNameSize = 500; ret = RegEnumKeyEx(key, index, keyName, &keyNameSize, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (ret == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // open the subkey and set the AttachToDesktop value (0 or 1) HKEY subKey; ret = RegOpenKeyEx(key, keyName, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, &subKey); if (ret == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ret = RegSetValueEx(subKey, _T("AttachToDesktop"), 0, REG_SZ, reinterpret_cast<const BYTE*>(attach), sizeof(TCHAR) * 2); RegCloseKey(subKey); ++index; } } } RegCloseKey(key); bool failed = FALSE; DWORD dev = 0; DISPLAY_DEVICE dd; dd.cb = sizeof(dd); while (_pEnumDisplayDevices(0, dev, &dd, 0)) { if (!(dd.StateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_MIRRORING_DRIVER) && !(dd.StateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_PRIMARY_DEVICE)) { // this is a secondary monitor, change display settings to what's currently stored in the registry ret = _pChangeDisplaySettingsEx((const char*)dd.DeviceName, 0, 0, 0, 0); // we get DISP_CHANGE_BADPARAM if we try to set settings for a monitor that doesn't exist if (ret != DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL && ret != DISP_CHANGE_BADPARAM) failed = TRUE; } dev++; } if (failed) { ThrowF_t(TRANS("Cannot change settings for at least one secondary monitor\n")); } } #endif void MonitorsOff(void) { extern BOOL _bDedicatedServer; if (_bDedicatedServer) { return; } #ifdef PLATFORM_WIN32 // check for WinNT or Win2k BOOL bNT = FALSE; OSVERSIONINFO osv; memset(&osv, 0, sizeof(osv)); osv.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osv); if (GetVersionEx(&osv) && osv.dwPlatformId==VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) { bNT = TRUE; } // if there is more than one monitor, and OS is not WinNT if (gfx_ctMonitors>1 && !bNT) { CPrintF(TRANSV("Multimonitor configuration detected...\n")); // if multimon is not allowed if (gfx_bDisableMultiMonSupport) { CPrintF(TRANSV(" Multimonitor support disallowed.\n")); CPrintF(TRANSV(" Disabling multimonitor...")); // disable all but primary try { Mon_DisableEnable9x_t(/*bDisable = */ TRUE); CPrintF(TRANSV(" disabled\n")); } catch(char *strError) { CPrintF(TRANSV(" error: %s\n"), strError); } gfx_bMultiMonDisabled = TRUE; // if multimon is allowed } else { CPrintF(TRANSV(" Multimonitor support was allowed.\n")); } } #else CPrintF(TRANSV("Multimonitor is not supported on this platform.\n")); #endif } void MonitorsOn(void) { #ifdef PLATFORM_WIN32 // if multimon was disabled if (gfx_bMultiMonDisabled) { CPrintF(TRANSV("Multimonitor support was disabled.\n")); CPrintF(TRANSV(" re-enabling multimonitor...")); // enable all secondary try { Mon_DisableEnable9x_t(/*bDisable = */ FALSE); CPrintF(TRANSV(" enabled\n")); } catch(char *strError) { CPrintF(TRANSV(" error: %s\n"), strError); } } #else CPrintF(TRANSV("Multimonitor is not supported on this platform.\n")); #endif }