/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ 800 %{ #include "EntitiesMP/StdH/StdH.h" #include "Models/Items/ItemHolder/ItemHolder.h" %} %{ // used to render certain entities only for certain players (like picked items, etc.) extern ULONG _ulPlayerRenderingMask; %} class export CItem : CMovableModelEntity { name "Item"; thumbnail ""; features "HasName", "HasDescription", "IsTargetable", "CanBePredictable"; properties: 1 CTString m_strName "Name" 'N' = "Item", 2 CTString m_strDescription = "", // class properties 5 FLOAT m_fValue = 0.0f, // value 6 FLOAT m_fRespawnTime = 0.0f, // default respawn time 26 FLOAT m_fCustomRespawnTime "Respawn Time" = 0.0f, // custom respawn time 7 BOOL m_bRespawn "Respawn" 'R' = FALSE, // respawn item 8 CEntityPointer m_penTarget "Target" 'T' COLOR(C_dGRAY|0xFF), // target to trigger when crossed over 9 BOOL m_bPickupOnce "PickupOnce" 'P' = FALSE, // can be picked by only one player, triggers only when really picked 10 CSoundObject m_soPick, // sound channel 12 FLOAT m_fPickSoundLen = 0.0f, 14 BOOL m_bDropped = FALSE, // dropped by a player during a deathmatch game 15 INDEX m_ulPickedMask = 0, // mask for which players picked this item 16 BOOL m_bFloating "Floating" 'F' = FALSE, components: 1 model MODEL_ITEM "Models\\Items\\ItemHolder\\ItemHolder.mdl", functions: virtual void AdjustDifficulty(void) { } /* Adjust model mip factor if needed. */ void AdjustMipFactor(FLOAT &fMipFactor) { // adjust flare glow, to decrease power with how you get closer CAttachmentModelObject *pamo = GetModelObject()->GetAttachmentModel(ITEMHOLDER_ATTACHMENT_FLARE); if( pamo != NULL) { FLOAT fRatio = (Clamp( fMipFactor, 5.0f, 7.0f)-5.0f)/2.0f; UBYTE ubRatio = UBYTE(255*fRatio); COLOR colMutiply = RGBToColor(ubRatio,ubRatio,ubRatio)|CT_OPAQUE; pamo->amo_moModelObject.mo_colBlendColor = colMutiply; } // if never picked if (m_ulPickedMask==0) { // don't bother testing return; } BOOL bFlare = TRUE; // if current player has already picked this item if (_ulPlayerRenderingMask&m_ulPickedMask) { // if picked items are not rendered extern INDEX plr_bRenderPicked; if (!plr_bRenderPicked) { // kill mip factor fMipFactor = UpperLimit(0.0f); } // if picked item particles are not rendered extern INDEX plr_bRenderPickedParticles; if (!plr_bRenderPickedParticles) { // kill flare bFlare = FALSE; } } // implement flare on/off ? } // check whether should render particles for this item BOOL ShowItemParticles(void) { // if current player has already picked this item if (_ulPlayerRenderingMask&m_ulPickedMask) { // if picked item particles are not rendered extern INDEX plr_bRenderPickedParticles; if (!plr_bRenderPickedParticles) { // don't render return FALSE; } } // otherwise, render return TRUE; } // check if given player already picked this item, and mark if not BOOL MarkPickedBy(CEntity *pen) { if (!IsOfClass(pen, "Player")) { return FALSE; } INDEX iPlayer = ((CPlayerEntity*)pen)->GetMyPlayerIndex(); BOOL bPickedAlready = (1<<iPlayer)&m_ulPickedMask; m_ulPickedMask |= (1<<iPlayer); return bPickedAlready; } // get maximum allowed range for predicting this entity FLOAT GetPredictionRange(void) { extern FLOAT cli_fPredictItemsRange; return cli_fPredictItemsRange; } /* Adjust model shading parameters if needed. */ BOOL AdjustShadingParameters(FLOAT3D &vLightDirection, COLOR &colLight, COLOR &colAmbient) { // in DM, glares are off, so add some light to items //if( m_bRespawn) { // fixed light and ambient colLight = 0x40404040; colAmbient = 0x60606060; } /* else { // fixed light and ambient colLight = 0x30303030; colAmbient = 0x30303030; } */ // light direction always from upper left corner relative to the object vLightDirection = FLOAT3D(-1,-1,-1); vLightDirection.Normalize(); vLightDirection*=GetRotationMatrix(); // no shadow return FALSE; }; /************************************************************ * INITALIZATION * ************************************************************/ void Initialize(void) { InitAsModel(); SetFlags(GetFlags()|ENF_SEETHROUGH); if (m_bFloating) { SetPhysicsFlags(EPF_MODEL_FLYING); } else { SetPhysicsFlags(EPF_MODEL_SLIDING); } SetCollisionFlags(ECF_ITEM); // make items not slide that much en_fDeceleration = 60.0f; // set appearance SetModel(MODEL_ITEM); SetDesiredTranslation(FLOAT3D(0,0,0)); // just to add to movers }; /************************************************************ * SET MODEL AND ATTACHMENT * ************************************************************/ // Add item void AddItem(ULONG ulIDModel, ULONG ulIDTexture, ULONG ulIDReflectionTexture, ULONG ulIDSpecularTexture, ULONG ulIDBumpTexture) { AddAttachmentToModel(this, *GetModelObject(), ITEMHOLDER_ATTACHMENT_ITEM, ulIDModel, ulIDTexture, ulIDReflectionTexture, ulIDSpecularTexture, ulIDBumpTexture); }; void AddItemSpecial(INDEX iAttachmentPos, ULONG ulIDModel, ULONG ulIDTexture, ULONG ulIDReflectionTexture, ULONG ulIDSpecularTexture, ULONG ulIDBumpTexture) { AddAttachmentToModel(this, *GetModelObject(), iAttachmentPos, ulIDModel, ulIDTexture, ulIDReflectionTexture, ulIDSpecularTexture, ulIDBumpTexture); }; // Add attachment to item void AddItemAttachment(INDEX iAttachment, ULONG ulIDModel, ULONG ulIDTexture, ULONG ulIDReflectionTexture, ULONG ulIDSpecularTexture, ULONG ulIDBumpTexture) { CModelObject &mo = GetModelObject()->GetAttachmentModel(ITEMHOLDER_ATTACHMENT_ITEM)->amo_moModelObject; AddAttachmentToModel(this, mo, iAttachment, ulIDModel, ulIDTexture, ulIDReflectionTexture, ulIDSpecularTexture, ulIDBumpTexture); }; // set animation of attachment void SetItemAttachmentAnim(INDEX iAttachment, INDEX iAnim) { CModelObject &mo = GetModelObject()->GetAttachmentModel(ITEMHOLDER_ATTACHMENT_ITEM)->amo_moModelObject. GetAttachmentModel(iAttachment)->amo_moModelObject; mo.PlayAnim(iAnim, 0); } // Add flare void AddFlare(ULONG ulIDModel, ULONG ulIDTexture, const FLOAT3D &vPos, const FLOAT3D &vStretch) { // add flare to items if not respawn if( !m_bRespawn && !m_bDropped) { AddAttachmentToModel(this, *GetModelObject(), ITEMHOLDER_ATTACHMENT_FLARE, ulIDModel, ulIDTexture, 0,0,0); CAttachmentModelObject &amo = *GetModelObject()->GetAttachmentModel(ITEMHOLDER_ATTACHMENT_FLARE); amo.amo_moModelObject.StretchModel(vStretch); amo.amo_plRelative.pl_PositionVector = vPos; } }; // Stretch item void StretchItem(const FLOAT3D &vStretch) { CModelObject &mo = GetModelObject()->GetAttachmentModel(ITEMHOLDER_ATTACHMENT_ITEM)->amo_moModelObject; mo.StretchModel(vStretch); ModelChangeNotify(); }; // returns bytes of memory used by this object SLONG GetUsedMemory(void) { // initial SLONG slUsedMemory = sizeof(CItem) - sizeof(CMovableModelEntity) + CMovableModelEntity::GetUsedMemory(); // add some more slUsedMemory += m_strDescription.Length(); slUsedMemory += m_strName.Length(); slUsedMemory += 1* sizeof(CSoundObject); return slUsedMemory; } procedures: /************************************************************ * VIRTUAL PROCEDURES THAT NEED OVERRIDE * ************************************************************/ ItemCollected(EPass epass) { return; }; /************************************************************ * I T E M L O O P * ************************************************************/ ItemLoop(EVoid) { m_fCustomRespawnTime = ClampDn( m_fCustomRespawnTime, 0.0f); autowait(0.1f); SetPredictable(TRUE); AdjustDifficulty(); wait() { on (EBegin) : { resume; } on (EPass epass) : { if (!IsOfClass(epass.penOther, "Player")) { pass; } if (!(m_bPickupOnce||m_bRespawn)) { SendToTarget(m_penTarget, EET_TRIGGER, epass.penOther); m_penTarget = NULL; } call ItemCollected(epass); } on (EEnd) : { stop; } } // wait for sound to end autowait(m_fPickSoundLen+0.5f); // cease to exist Destroy(); return; }; ItemReceived(EVoid) { // hide yourself SwitchToEditorModel(); if ((m_bPickupOnce||m_bRespawn)) { SendToTarget(m_penTarget, EET_TRIGGER, NULL); } // respawn item if (m_bRespawn) { ASSERT(m_fRespawnTime>0.0f); // wait to respawn wait(m_fRespawnTime) { on (EBegin) : { resume; } on (ETimer) : { stop; } otherwise() : { resume; } } // show yourself SwitchToModel(); // cease to exist } else { return EEnd(); } return; }; };