/* * LWSDK Header File * Copyright 1999, NewTek, Inc. * * LWIMAGEIO.H -- LightWave Image Input/Ouput * * This header defines the structures required for basic image I/O. * This includes the different image matrix protocols and the local * structs for the image loader and image saver. */ #ifndef LWSDK_IMAGEIO_H #define LWSDK_IMAGEIO_H #include <lwmonitor.h> #define LWIMAGELOADER_CLASS "ImageLoader" #define LWIMAGELOADER_VERSION 2 #define LWIMAGESAVER_CLASS "ImageSaver" #define LWIMAGESAVER_VERSION 2 /* * Image Pixel Datatypes. */ typedef enum en_LWImageType { LWIMTYP_RGB24 = 0, LWIMTYP_GREY8, LWIMTYP_INDEX8, LWIMTYP_GREYFP, LWIMTYP_RGBFP, LWIMTYP_RGBA32, LWIMTYP_RGBAFP, LWIMTYP_SPECIAL } LWImageType; /* * Image Pixel Structures. */ typedef void * LWPixelID; typedef struct st_LWPixelRGB24 { unsigned char r; unsigned char g; unsigned char b; } LWPixelRGB24; typedef struct st_LWPixelRGBFP { float r; float g; float b; } LWPixelRGBFP; typedef struct st_LWPixelRGBA32 { unsigned char r; unsigned char g; unsigned char b; unsigned char a; } LWPixelRGBA32; typedef struct st_LWPixelRGBAFP { float r; float g; float b; float a; } LWPixelRGBAFP; /* * Image Buffer Protocol with parameter tags. */ typedef enum en_LWImageParam { LWIMPAR_ASPECT = 1, /* x / y Pixel Aspect. */ LWIMPAR_NUMCOLS, LWIMPAR_PIXELWIDTH, /* Actual (scanned)Pixel Width in (mm). */ LWIMPAR_FRAMESPERSECOND, /* Number Of Frames Per Second. */ LWIMPAR_BLACKPOINT, /* Black Point Of Layer. */ LWIMPAR_WHITEPOINT, /* White Point Of Layer. */ LWIMPAR_GAMMA, /* Linearity Of RGB Color. */ } LWImageParam; typedef struct st_LWImageProtocol { int type; void *priv_data; int (*done) (void *, int); void (*setSize) (void *, int w, int h); void (*setParam) (void *, LWImageParam, int, float); int (*sendLine) (void *, int, const LWPixelID); void (*setMap) (void *, int, const unsigned char[3]); } LWImageProtocol, *LWImageProtocolID; /* * "ImageLoader" local struct. */ typedef struct st_LWImageLoaderLocal { void *priv_data; int result; const char *filename; LWMonitor *monitor; LWImageProtocolID (*begin) (void *, LWImageType); void (*done) (void *, LWImageProtocolID); } LWImageLoaderLocal; /* * "ImageSaver" local struct. */ typedef struct st_LWImageSaverLocal { void *priv_data; int result; LWImageType type; const char *filename; LWMonitor *monitor; int (*sendData) (void *, LWImageProtocolID, int flags); } LWImageSaverLocal; /* Result Value The result value indicates the status of the loader or saver upon completion. If the load or save was sucessful, the value should be IPSTAT_OK. If a loader fails to recognize a file as something it can load it should set the result to IPSTAT_NOREC. If the server could not open the file it should return IPSTAT_BADFILE. Any other error is just a generic failure of the loader or saver and so should set the result to IPSTAT_FAILED. Other failure modes might be possible if required in the future. */ #define IPSTAT_OK 0 #define IPSTAT_NOREC 1 #define IPSTAT_BADFILE 2 #define IPSTAT_ABORT 3 #define IPSTAT_FAILED 99 /* Flags to be passed to 'setSize' and 'sendData' callbacks. */ #define IMGF_REVERSE (1<<0) /* There are also some protocol macros defined to get the whole calling interface right. */ #define LWIP_SETSIZE(p,w,h) (*(p)->setSize) ((p)->priv_data,w,h) #define LWIP_SETPARAM(p,t,i,f) (*(p)->setParam) ((p)->priv_data,t,i,f) #define LWIP_ASPECT(p,a) LWIP_SETPARAM (p, LWIMPAR_ASPECT, 0, a) #define LWIP_NUMCOLORS(p,n) LWIP_SETPARAM (p, LWIMPAR_NUMCOLS, n, 0.0) #define LWIP_SENDLINE(p,ln,d) (*(p)->sendLine) ((p)->priv_data,ln,d) #define LWIP_SETMAP(p,i,val) (*(p)->setMap) ((p)->priv_data,i,val) #define LWIP_DONE(p,err) (*(p)->done) ((p)->priv_data,err) /* Compatibility macros. These types are obsolete, but are included to make it easier to convert to the new image format. The IMG_* value have been replaced with the LWImageType type codes, although the values of 0, 1 and 2 map to equivalent types. The ImageValue type is gone completely, and a Pixel* structure type should be used, or an explicit reference to unsigned char. */ #define IMG_RGB24 0 #define IMG_GREY8 1 #define IMG_INDEX8 2 typedef unsigned char ImageValue; #endif