/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ // SeriousSkaStudioView.cpp : implementation of the CSeriousSkaStudioView class // #include "stdafx.h" #include "SeriousSkaStudio.h" #include "SeriousSkaStudioDoc.h" #include "SeriousSkaStudioView.h" #include <Engine/Templates/Stock_CMesh.h> #include <Engine/Templates/Stock_CSkeleton.h> #include <Engine/Templates/Stock_CAnimSet.h> #include <Engine/Templates/Stock_CTextureData.h> #include <Engine/Graphics/GfxLibrary.h> #include "MainFrm.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #undef new #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif BOOL _bSelectedItemChanged = FALSE; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CSeriousSkaStudioView IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CSeriousSkaStudioView, CView) BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CSeriousSkaStudioView, CView) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CSeriousSkaStudioView) ON_WM_SIZE() ON_WM_DESTROY() ON_WM_MOUSEMOVE() ON_WM_LBUTTONDOWN() ON_WM_LBUTTONUP() ON_WM_RBUTTONDOWN() ON_WM_RBUTTONUP() ON_COMMAND(ID_RESET_VIEW, OnResetView) ON_COMMAND(ID_SHOW_WIREFRAME, OnShowWireframe) ON_COMMAND(ID_SHOW_SKELETON, OnShowSkeleton) ON_COMMAND(ID_SHOW_TEXTURE, OnShowTexture) ON_COMMAND(ID_ADD_MESHLOD, OnAddMeshlod) ON_COMMAND(ID_ADD_ANIMATION, OnAddAnimation) ON_COMMAND(ID_ADD_SKELETONLOD, OnAddSkeletonlod) ON_COMMAND(ID_DELETESELECTED, OnDeleteselected) ON_COMMAND(ID_ADD_ANIMSET, OnAddAnimset) ON_COMMAND(ID_ADD_MESHLIST, (AFX_PMSG)OnAddMeshlist) ON_COMMAND(ID_ADD_SKELETONLIST, OnAddSkeletonlist) ON_COMMAND(ID_ADD_TEXTURE, OnAddTexture) ON_COMMAND(ID_ADD_CHILD_MODEL_INSTANCE, OnAddChildModelInstance) ON_COMMAND(ID_ADD_COLISIONBOX, OnAddColisionbox) ON_COMMAND(ID_ANIM_STOP, OnAnimStop) ON_COMMAND(ID_ANIM_SYNC, OnAnimSync) ON_COMMAND(ID_AUTO_MIPING, OnAutoMiping) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_AUTO_MIPING, OnUpdateAutoMiping) ON_COMMAND(ID_SHOW_GROUND, OnShowGround) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_SHOW_GROUND, OnUpdateShowGround) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_SHOW_SKELETON, OnUpdateShowSkeleton) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_SHOW_TEXTURE, OnUpdateShowTexture) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_SHOW_WIREFRAME, OnUpdateShowWireframe) ON_COMMAND(ID_SHOW_ANIM_QUEUE, OnShowAnimQueue) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_SHOW_ANIM_QUEUE, OnUpdateShowAnimQueue) ON_COMMAND(ID_FILE_SAVEMI, OnFileSaveModel) ON_COMMAND(ID_SHOW_NORMALS, OnShowNormals) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_SHOW_NORMALS, OnUpdateShowNormals) ON_COMMAND(ID_SHOW_LIGHTS, OnShowLights) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_SHOW_LIGHTS, OnUpdateShowLights) ON_COMMAND(ID_CHANGE_AMBIENTCOLOR, OnChangeAmbientcolor) ON_COMMAND(ID_CHANGE_LIGHTCOLOR, OnChangeLightcolor) ON_COMMAND(ID_ANIM_LOOP, OnAnimLoop) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_ANIM_LOOP, OnUpdateAnimLoop) ON_COMMAND(ID_ANIM_PAUSE, OnAnimPause) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_ANIM_PAUSE, OnUpdateAnimPause) ON_COMMAND(ID_SHOW_COLISION, OnShowColision) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_SHOW_COLISION, OnUpdateShowColision) ON_WM_KEYDOWN() ON_WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK() ON_WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK() ON_COMMAND(ID_FILE_SAVEMI_AS, OnFileSavemiAs) ON_COMMAND(ID_FILE_RECREATETEXTURE, OnFileRecreatetexture) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_FILE_RECREATETEXTURE, OnUpdateFileRecreatetexture) ON_COMMAND(ID_VK_DOWN, OnVkDown) ON_COMMAND(ID_VK_UP, OnVkUp) ON_COMMAND(ID_VK_ESCAPE, OnVkEscape) ON_COMMAND(ID_CREATE_ADD_TEXTURE, OnCreateAddTexture) ON_COMMAND(ID_ADD_TEXTURE_BUMP, OnAddTextureBump) ON_COMMAND(ID_ADD_TEXTURE_REFLECTION, OnAddTextureReflection) ON_COMMAND(ID_ADD_TEXTURE_SPECULAR, OnAddTextureSpecular) ON_COMMAND(ID_SHOW_ACTIVE_SKELETON, OnShowActiveSkeleton) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_SHOW_ACTIVE_SKELETON, OnUpdateShowActiveSkeleton) ON_COMMAND(ID_SHOW_ALL_FRAMES_BBOX, OnShowAllFramesBbox) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_SHOW_ALL_FRAMES_BBOX, OnUpdateShowAllFramesBbox) ON_COMMAND(ID_MODELINSTANCE_SAVEWITHOFFSET, OnModelinstanceSavewithoffset) ON_COMMAND(ID_VK_LEFT, OnVkLeft) ON_COMMAND(ID_VK_RIGHT, OnVkRight) ON_COMMAND(ID_VK_LEFT_WITH_CTRL, OnVkLeftWithCtrl) ON_COMMAND(ID_VK_RIGHT_WITH_CTRL, OnVkRightWithCtrl) ON_COMMAND(ID_CONVERT_SELECTED, OnConvertSelected) ON_COMMAND(ID_RESET_COLISIONBOX, OnResetColisionbox) ON_COMMAND(ID_ALL_FRAMES_RECALC, OnAllFramesRecalc) ON_COMMAND(ID_RELOAD_TEXTURE, OnReloadTexture) ON_COMMAND(ID_RECREATE_TEXTURE, OnRecreateTexture) ON_COMMAND(ID_BROWSE_TEXTURE, OnBrowseTexture) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CSeriousSkaStudioView construction/destruction CSeriousSkaStudioView::CSeriousSkaStudioView() { m_fFOV = 60.0f; m_pdpDrawPort = NULL; m_pvpViewPort = NULL; m_angModelAngle = ANGLE3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); m_plLightPlacement.pl_PositionVector = FLOAT3D( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // center m_plLightPlacement.pl_OrientationAngle(1) = AngleDeg( 45.0f); // heading m_plLightPlacement.pl_OrientationAngle(2) = AngleDeg( -45.0f); // pitch m_plLightPlacement.pl_OrientationAngle(3) = AngleDeg( 0.0f); // banking m_fLightDistance = 3.5f; OnResetView(); } CSeriousSkaStudioView::~CSeriousSkaStudioView() { } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::SetProjectionData( CPerspectiveProjection3D &prProjection, CDrawPort *pDP) { prProjection.FOVL() = AngleDeg(m_fFOV); prProjection.ScreenBBoxL() = FLOATaabbox2D( FLOAT2D(0.0f,0.0f), FLOAT2D((float)pDP->GetWidth(), (float)pDP->GetHeight())); prProjection.AspectRatioL() = 1.0f; prProjection.FrontClipDistanceL() = 0.05f; prProjection.ViewerPlacementL().pl_PositionVector = m_vTarget; prProjection.ViewerPlacementL().pl_OrientationAngle = m_angViewerOrientation; prProjection.Prepare(); prProjection.ViewerPlacementL().Translate_OwnSystem(FLOAT3D( 0.0f, 0.0f, m_fTargetDistance)); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnIdle(void) { Invalidate(FALSE); } BOOL CSeriousSkaStudioView::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) { // TODO: Modify the Window class or styles here by modifying // the CREATESTRUCT cs return CView::PreCreateWindow(cs); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CSeriousSkaStudioView drawing static INDEX ctChildLevel=0; #define MAKESPACE(x) (x>0?"%*c":""),x,' ' void CreateCurrentAnimationList(CModelInstance *pmi,CTString &strAnimations) { CTString strText; CTString strTemp; // return if no animsets INDEX ctas = pmi->mi_aAnimSet.Count(); if(ctas == 0) { strText.PrintF(MAKESPACE(ctChildLevel)); strText += CTString(0,"[%s]\n",(const char*)pmi->GetName()); strAnimations += strText; return; } // count animlists INDEX ctal = pmi->mi_aqAnims.aq_Lists.Count(); // find newes animlist that has fully faded in INDEX iFirstAnimList = 0; // loop from newer to older INDEX ial=ctal-1; for(;ial>=0;ial--) { AnimList &alList = pmi->mi_aqAnims.aq_Lists[ial]; // calculate fade factor FLOAT fFadeFactor = CalculateFadeFactor(alList); if(fFadeFactor >= 1.0f) { iFirstAnimList = ial; break; } } strText.PrintF(MAKESPACE(ctChildLevel)); strText += CTString(0,"[%s]\n",(const char*)pmi->GetName()); strAnimations += strText; // for each anim list after iFirstAnimList for(ial=iFirstAnimList;ial<ctal;ial++) { AnimList &alList = pmi->mi_aqAnims.aq_Lists[ial]; AnimList *palListNext=NULL; if(ial+1<ctal) palListNext = &pmi->mi_aqAnims.aq_Lists[ial+1]; INDEX ctpa = alList.al_PlayedAnims.Count(); // for each played anim in played anim list for(int ipa=0;ipa<ctpa;ipa++) { FLOAT fTime = _pTimer->GetLerpedCurrentTick(); PlayedAnim &pa = alList.al_PlayedAnims[ipa]; strText.PrintF(MAKESPACE(ctChildLevel+1)); strAnimations += strText; BOOL bAnimLooping = pa.pa_ulFlags & AN_LOOPING; INDEX iAnimSetIndex; INDEX iAnimIndex; // find anim by ID in all anim sets within this model if(pmi->FindAnimationByID(pa.pa_iAnimID,&iAnimSetIndex,&iAnimIndex)) { // if found, animate bones Animation &an = pmi->mi_aAnimSet[iAnimSetIndex].as_Anims[iAnimIndex]; // calculate end time for this animation list FLOAT fEndTime = alList.al_fStartTime + alList.al_fFadeTime; // calculate curent and next frame in animation if(palListNext!=NULL) { if(fTime > palListNext->al_fStartTime) fTime = palListNext->al_fStartTime; } if(fTime < fEndTime) fTime = fEndTime; FLOAT f = (fTime - fEndTime) / (TIME)an.an_fSecPerFrame; INDEX iCurentFrame; INDEX iAnimFrame,iNextAnimFrame; if(bAnimLooping) { f = fmod(f,an.an_iFrames); iCurentFrame = INDEX(f); iAnimFrame = iCurentFrame % an.an_iFrames; iNextAnimFrame = (iCurentFrame+1) % an.an_iFrames; } else { if(f>an.an_iFrames) f = an.an_iFrames-1; iCurentFrame = INDEX(f); iAnimFrame = ClampUp(iCurentFrame,an.an_iFrames-1L); iNextAnimFrame = ClampUp(iCurentFrame+1L,an.an_iFrames-1L); } FLOAT fAnimLength = an.an_iFrames * an.an_fSecPerFrame; FLOAT fFadeFactor = CalculateFadeFactor(alList); strText.PrintF("%s %g - %g",ska_GetStringFromTable(pa.pa_iAnimID),f,fFadeFactor); INDEX iLength = strText.Length(); if(iLength<30) { strTemp.PrintF(MAKESPACE(30-iLength)); strText+=strTemp; } strTemp.PrintF("[%g / %g]\n",f*an.an_fSecPerFrame,fAnimLength); strAnimations += strText+strTemp; } } strText.PrintF(MAKESPACE(ctChildLevel+1)); strAnimations += strText+"-----------------------\n"; } INDEX ctcmi = pmi->mi_cmiChildren.Count(); ctChildLevel+=2; // for each child model instance for(INDEX icmi=0;icmi<ctcmi;icmi++) { CModelInstance *pcmi = &pmi->mi_cmiChildren[icmi]; // create list of animations for child CreateCurrentAnimationList(pcmi,strAnimations); } ctChildLevel-=2; } INDEX CSeriousSkaStudioView::TestRayCastHit(CPoint &pt) { INDEX iHitBone = -1; CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetDocument(); ASSERT(pDoc!=NULL); if(pDoc!=NULL) { CModelInstance *pmi = pDoc->m_ModelInstance; ASSERT(pmi!=NULL); if(pmi!=NULL) { INDEX iBoneID = -1; FLOATmatrix3D mat; mat.Diagonal(1); // get viewer's direction vector // set projection data CPerspectiveProjection3D prPerspectiveProjection; SetProjectionData( prPerspectiveProjection, m_pdpDrawPort); // prepare render model structure CAnyProjection3D apr; apr = prPerspectiveProjection; apr->Prepare(); CPlacement3D plRay; apr->RayThroughPoint(FLOAT3D((float)pt.x, m_pdpDrawPort->GetHeight()-(float)pt.y, 0.0f), plRay); FLOAT3D vDirection; AnglesToDirectionVector( plRay.pl_OrientationAngle, vDirection); FLOAT3D vResult; vResult = plRay.pl_PositionVector + vDirection; RM_TestRayCastHit(*pmi,mat,FLOAT3D(0,0,0),plRay.pl_PositionVector,vResult,300000,&iBoneID); if(iBoneID>=0) { iHitBone = iBoneID; } } } return iHitBone; } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::RenderLightModels(CDrawPort *pdp,CPlacement3D &pl) { CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetDocument(); // show light objects if(pDoc!=NULL && pDoc->bShowLights && theApp.pmiLight!=NULL) { CPlacement3D plLightPlacement; plLightPlacement.pl_OrientationAngle = m_plLightPlacement.pl_OrientationAngle; plLightPlacement.pl_PositionVector = FLOAT3D(0,0,0); plLightPlacement.Translate_OwnSystem( FLOAT3D( 0.0f, 0.0f, m_fLightDistance)); if(pDoc->m_ModelInstance != NULL) { plLightPlacement.Translate_AbsoluteSystem( pDoc->m_ModelInstance->GetOffsetPos()); } // back up current model flags ULONG ulModelFlags = RM_GetFlags(); // change render flags RM_SetFlags(RMF_SHOWTEXTURE); RM_SetObjectPlacement(plLightPlacement); // render light model RM_RenderSKA(*theApp.pmiLight); // restore model flags RM_SetFlags(ulModelFlags); } } void AdjustBonesCallback(void *pData) { // aditionaly adjust bones } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::RenderView(CDrawPort *pdp) { if(theApp.GetDisableRenderRequests()>0) return; CSeriousSkaStudioDoc* pDoc = GetDocument(); pDoc->SetTimerForDocument(); pdp->Fill(C_lGRAY | CT_OPAQUE); pdp->FillZBuffer(ZBUF_BACK); pdp->SetTextLineSpacing( 64); pdp->SetFont( _pfdDisplayFont); pdp->SetTextAspect( 1.0f); CTString strTest; strTest.PrintF("Serious SKA Studio"); FLOAT fX = pdp->dp_Width - 10 - pdp->GetTextWidth(strTest); FLOAT fY = pdp->dp_Height - 8 - pdp->dp_FontData->fd_pixCharHeight; // pdp->PutText( strTest, fX, fY, 0x0055ff00|CT_OPAQUE); CPerspectiveProjection3D prPerspectiveProjection; CPlacement3D pl; pl.pl_OrientationAngle = m_angModelAngle; pl.pl_PositionVector = FLOAT3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); if(pmiSelected!=NULL) { // Adjust custom model instance stretch CMainFrame* pMainFrame = STATIC_DOWNCAST(CMainFrame, AfxGetMainWnd()); CString strStretch; pMainFrame->m_ctrlMIStretch.GetWindowText(strStretch); FLOAT fStretch = atof(CStringA(strStretch)); pmiSelected->mi_vStretch = FLOAT3D(fStretch,fStretch,fStretch); } if(pDoc->m_ModelInstance != NULL) { // set projection data SetProjectionData( prPerspectiveProjection, pdp); // prepare render model structure CAnyProjection3D apr; apr = prPerspectiveProjection; RM_BeginRenderingView(apr, m_pdpDrawPort); // set placement of model CPlacement3D pl; pl.pl_OrientationAngle = m_angModelAngle; FLOAT fZPos = pDoc->m_fSpeedZ*fmod(_pTimer->GetLerpedCurrentTick(),pDoc->m_fLoopSecends); pl.pl_PositionVector = FLOAT3D(0.0f, 0.0f, -fZPos); RM_SetObjectPlacement(pl); // Set color of shading light RM_SetLightColor(pDoc->m_colAmbient, pDoc->m_colLight); // Set light direction FLOAT3D vLightDir; AnglesToDirectionVector(pDoc->m_vLightDir,vLightDir); CPlacement3D plLightPlacement; plLightPlacement.pl_OrientationAngle = m_plLightPlacement.pl_OrientationAngle; plLightPlacement.pl_PositionVector = FLOAT3D(0,0,0); plLightPlacement.Translate_OwnSystem( FLOAT3D( 0.0f, 0.0f, m_fLightDistance)); if(pDoc->m_ModelInstance != NULL) { plLightPlacement.Translate_AbsoluteSystem( pDoc->m_ModelInstance->GetOffsetPos()); } RM_SetLightDirection(-plLightPlacement.pl_PositionVector); // // if ground is visible if(pDoc->bShowGround) { RM_RenderGround(theApp.toGroundTexture); } // Fix this if(pDoc->bAutoMiping) { // auto mipping RM_SetCustomMeshLodDistance(-1); RM_SetCustomSkeletonLodDistance(-1); } else { // custom mipping RM_SetCustomMeshLodDistance(pDoc->fCustomMeshLodDist); RM_SetCustomSkeletonLodDistance(pDoc->fCustomSkeletonLodDist); } /* // Render shadow FLOATplane3D plShadowPlane = FLOATplane3D(FLOAT3D(0,1,0),0); pDoc->m_ModelInstance->AddSimpleShadow(1.0f,plShadowPlane); */ RM_SetBoneAdjustCallback(&AdjustBonesCallback,this); // render model RM_RenderSKA(*pDoc->m_ModelInstance); // render selected bone if(theApp.iSelectedBoneID >= 0) { RM_RenderBone(*pDoc->m_ModelInstance,theApp.iSelectedBoneID); } CModelTreeCtrl &m_TreeCtrl = theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.m_TreeCtrl; HTREEITEM hSelectedItem = m_TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem(); NodeInfo *pni = NULL; if(hSelectedItem!=NULL) { pni = &theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.GetNodeInfo(hSelectedItem); } BOOL bShowColisionBoxes = pDoc->bShowColisionBox; if(pni!=NULL && pni->ni_iType == NT_COLISIONBOX) { bShowColisionBoxes = TRUE; } BOOL bShowAllFramesBBox = pDoc->bShowAllFramesBBox; if(pni!=NULL && pni->ni_iType == NT_ALLFRAMESBBOX) { bShowAllFramesBBox = TRUE; } // show colision box if(pmiSelected->mi_cbAABox.Count()>0 &&pmiSelected->mi_iCurentBBox>=0) { if(bShowColisionBoxes) { ColisionBox &cb = pmiSelected->GetColisionBox(pmiSelected->mi_iCurentBBox); RM_RenderColisionBox(*pmiSelected,cb,C_mlGREEN); } } if(bShowAllFramesBBox) { ColisionBox &cbAllFrames = pmiSelected->mi_cbAllFramesBBox; RM_RenderColisionBox(*pmiSelected,cbAllFrames,C_ORANGE); } RenderLightModels(pdp,pl); RM_EndRenderingView(); // show paused indicator if(pDoc->m_bViewPaused) { TIME tmNow = _pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer().GetSeconds(); ULONG ulAlpha = sin(tmNow*16)*96 +128; pdp->SetFont( _pfdConsoleFont); pdp->PutText( "Paused", m_pdpDrawPort->dp_Width-50, ClampDn<PIX>(m_pdpDrawPort->dp_Height-15,0), 0xffff0000|ulAlpha); } // Show anim queue if(theApp.bShowAnimQueue) { pdp->Fill(0,0,200,m_pdpDrawPort->dp_Height,0x0000007f,0x00000000,0x0000007f,0x00000000); // show curent played animations pdp->SetFont( _pfdConsoleFont); CTString strAnimations; CTimerValue tvNow = _pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer(); // strAnimations.PrintF("Test %g\n",tvNow.GetMilliseconds()); CreateCurrentAnimationList(pDoc->m_ModelInstance,strAnimations); pdp->PutText( strAnimations, 0, 0, 0xffffff00|CT_OPAQUE); } /* if(theApp.iSelectedBoneID>=0) { FLOAT3D vStartPoint; FLOAT3D vEndPoint; if(RM_GetBoneAbsPosition(*pDoc->m_ModelInstance,theApp.iSelectedBoneID,vStartPoint,vEndPoint)) { CDlgClient *pDlgCurrent = (CDlgClient*)theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.pdlgCurrent; if(pDlgCurrent == &theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.m_dlgBone) { FLOAT3D vDirection = vEndPoint - vStartPoint; ANGLE3D angAngle; DirectionVectorToAngles(vDirection,angAngle); pDlgCurrent->GetDlgItem(IDC_LB_POSX)->SetWindowText((const char*)CTString(0,"%g",vStartPoint(1))); pDlgCurrent->GetDlgItem(IDC_LB_POSY)->SetWindowText((const char*)CTString(0,"%g",vStartPoint(2))); pDlgCurrent->GetDlgItem(IDC_LB_POSZ)->SetWindowText((const char*)CTString(0,"%g",vStartPoint(3))); pDlgCurrent->GetDlgItem(IDC_LB_HEADING)->SetWindowText((const char*)CTString(0,"%g",angAngle(1))); pDlgCurrent->GetDlgItem(IDC_LB_PITCH)->SetWindowText((const char*)CTString(0,"%g",angAngle(2))); pDlgCurrent->GetDlgItem(IDC_LB_BANKING)->SetWindowText((const char*)CTString(0,"%g",angAngle(3))); } else { ASSERT(FALSE); // Current client dialog must be texture dialog } } }*/ } } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnDraw(CDC* pDC) { CSeriousSkaStudioDoc* pDoc = GetDocument(); ASSERT_VALID(pDoc); // if there is a valid drawport, and the drawport can be locked if( m_pdpDrawPort!=NULL && m_pdpDrawPort->Lock()) { // render view RenderView( m_pdpDrawPort); // unlock the drawport m_pdpDrawPort->Unlock(); // swap if there is a valid viewport if( m_pvpViewPort!=NULL) { m_pvpViewPort->SwapBuffers(); } } } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { CView::OnSize(nType, cx, cy); // get mainfrm CMainFrame* pMainFrame = STATIC_DOWNCAST(CMainFrame, AfxGetMainWnd()); // get mdi client CMDIClientWnd *pMDIClient = &pMainFrame->m_wndMDIClient; // get mdi client rect CRect rc; pMDIClient->GetWindowRect(&rc); INDEX iWidth = rc.right - rc.left - 4; INDEX iHeight = rc.bottom - rc.top - 4; // check if view is maximized if((iWidth == cx) && (iHeight == cy)) { m_iViewSize = SIZE_MAXIMIZED; theApp.bChildrenMaximized = TRUE; } else { m_iViewSize = 0; theApp.bChildrenMaximized = FALSE; } // if we are not in game mode and changing of display mode is not on if( m_pvpViewPort!=NULL) { // resize it m_pvpViewPort->Resize(); } } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnDestroy() { CView::OnDestroy(); // destroy canvas that is currently used _pGfx->DestroyWindowCanvas( m_pvpViewPort); m_pvpViewPort = NULL; CView::OnDestroy(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CSeriousSkaStudioView diagnostics #ifdef _DEBUG void CSeriousSkaStudioView::AssertValid() const { CView::AssertValid(); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CView::Dump(dc); } CSeriousSkaStudioDoc* CSeriousSkaStudioView::GetDocument() // non-debug version is inline { ASSERT(m_pDocument->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CSeriousSkaStudioDoc))); return (CSeriousSkaStudioDoc*)m_pDocument; } #endif //_DEBUG ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CSeriousSkaStudioView message handlers void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnInitialUpdate() { CView::OnInitialUpdate(); CSeriousSkaStudioDoc* pDoc = GetDocument(); // at this time, m_hWnd is valid, so we do canvas initialization here _pGfx->CreateWindowCanvas(m_hWnd, &m_pvpViewPort, &m_pdpDrawPort); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { BOOL bSpace = (GetKeyState(' ') & 128) != 0; BOOL bLMB = nFlags & MK_LBUTTON; BOOL bRMB = nFlags & MK_RBUTTON; BOOL bCtrl = nFlags & MK_CONTROL; BOOL bShift = nFlags & MK_SHIFT; CPoint pntDelta = point - m_pntLastMouse; m_pntLastMouse = point; FLOAT fDistance = -m_fTargetDistance; CPlacement3D plViewer; plViewer.pl_PositionVector = m_vTarget; plViewer.pl_OrientationAngle = m_angViewerOrientation; // moving offsets need small amounts FLOAT dx = 0.001f * pntDelta.x * fDistance; FLOAT dy = 0.001f * pntDelta.y * fDistance; FLOAT dz = 0.01f * pntDelta.y * fDistance; // angles need lot for rotation ANGLE dAngleX = AngleDeg( -0.5f * pntDelta.x); ANGLE dAngleY = AngleDeg( -0.5f * pntDelta.y); if (bSpace && bCtrl) { // if only space } else if (bSpace) { if (bRMB && bLMB) { m_angViewerOrientation(1)+=dAngleX; m_angViewerOrientation(2)+=dAngleY; // if only left button } else if (bLMB) { CPlacement3D plTarget; plTarget.pl_PositionVector = m_vTarget; plTarget.pl_OrientationAngle = m_angViewerOrientation; // project the placement to the viewer's system plTarget.AbsoluteToRelative( plViewer); // translate it plTarget.Translate_AbsoluteSystem( FLOAT3D( dx, -dy, 0.0f)); // project the placement back from viewer's system plTarget.RelativeToAbsolute( plViewer); m_vTarget = plTarget.pl_PositionVector; // if only right button } else if (bRMB) { // move target away m_fTargetDistance += dz; // now apply left/right movement CPlacement3D plTarget; plTarget.pl_PositionVector = m_vTarget; plTarget.pl_OrientationAngle = m_angViewerOrientation; // project the placement to the viewer's system plTarget.AbsoluteToRelative( plViewer); // translate it plTarget.Translate_AbsoluteSystem( FLOAT3D( dx, 0.0f, 0.0f)); // project the placement back from viewer's system plTarget.RelativeToAbsolute( plViewer); m_vTarget = plTarget.pl_PositionVector; // if no buttons are held } else { } } // if only ctrl else if (bCtrl && (bRMB || bLMB)) { CSeriousSkaStudioDoc* pDoc = GetDocument(); CModelTreeCtrl &m_TreeCtrl = theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.m_TreeCtrl; HTREEITEM hSelectedItem = m_TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem(); if(hSelectedItem==NULL) { return; } NodeInfo &niSelected = theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.GetNodeInfo(hSelectedItem); CModelInstance *pmi = NULL; // is selected item model instance if(niSelected.ni_iType == NT_MODELINSTANCE){ // get pointer to model instance pmi = (CModelInstance*)niSelected.ni_pPtr; // set default bone placement QVect qvBonePlacement; memset(&qvBonePlacement,0,sizeof(QVect)); qvBonePlacement.qRot.q_w = 1; // find parent bone of selected model instance RenBone rb; if(RM_GetRenBoneAbs(*pDoc->m_ModelInstance,pmi->mi_iParentBoneID,rb)) { // get bone qvect Matrix12ToQVect(qvBonePlacement,rb.rb_mBonePlacement); } CPlacement3D plBone,plOffset; FLOATmatrix3D matBone,matOffset; // set bone placement qvBonePlacement.qRot.ToMatrix(matBone); plBone.pl_PositionVector = qvBonePlacement.vPos; DecomposeRotationMatrix(plBone.pl_OrientationAngle,matBone); // set offset pmi->mi_qvOffset.qRot.ToMatrix(matOffset); plOffset.pl_PositionVector = pmi->mi_qvOffset.vPos; DecomposeRotationMatrix(plOffset.pl_OrientationAngle,matOffset); plOffset.RelativeToRelative(plBone,plViewer); if(bLMB && bRMB) { plOffset.Rotate_TrackBall( ANGLE3D( -dAngleX/2, -dAngleY/2, 0)); } else if(bLMB) { plOffset.pl_PositionVector += FLOAT3D( -dx, dy, 0.0f); } else if(bRMB) { plOffset.pl_PositionVector += FLOAT3D( 0.0f, 0.0f, -dy); } plOffset.RelativeToRelative(plViewer,plBone); pmi->mi_qvOffset.vPos=plOffset.pl_PositionVector; pmi->mi_qvOffset.qRot.FromEuler(plOffset.pl_OrientationAngle); _bSelectedItemChanged = TRUE; pDoc->MarkAsChanged(); // is selected item colision box } else if (niSelected.ni_iType == NT_COLISIONBOX) { // get pointer to parent model instance pmi = (CModelInstance*)niSelected.pmi; ColisionBox &cb = pmi->GetColisionBox(pmi->mi_iCurentBBox); CPlacement3D plCBMin; CPlacement3D plCBMax; FLOATmatrix3D matOffset; // set min and max of colision box plCBMin.pl_PositionVector = cb.Min(); plCBMin.pl_OrientationAngle = ANGLE3D(0,0,0); plCBMin.AbsoluteToRelative(plViewer); plCBMax.pl_PositionVector = cb.Max(); plCBMax.pl_OrientationAngle = ANGLE3D(0,0,0); plCBMax.AbsoluteToRelative(plViewer); // if shift is pressed if(bShift) { if(bLMB) { plCBMin.pl_PositionVector += FLOAT3D( -dx, dy, 0.0f); } else if(bRMB) { plCBMax.pl_PositionVector += FLOAT3D( -dx, dy, 0.0f); } // if not } else { if(bLMB) { plCBMin.pl_PositionVector += FLOAT3D( -dx, dy, 0.0f); plCBMax.pl_PositionVector += FLOAT3D( -dx, dy, 0.0f); } else if(bRMB) { plCBMin.pl_PositionVector += FLOAT3D( 0.0f, 0.0f, -dy); } } plCBMin.RelativeToAbsolute(plViewer); plCBMax.RelativeToAbsolute(plViewer); cb.SetMin(plCBMin.pl_PositionVector); cb.SetMax(plCBMax.pl_PositionVector); _bSelectedItemChanged = TRUE; pDoc->MarkAsChanged(); } // if only shift is presed } else if(bShift) { if(bLMB) { // project the placement to the viewer's system m_plLightPlacement.AbsoluteToRelative( plViewer); // rotate it m_plLightPlacement.Rotate_TrackBall( ANGLE3D( -dAngleX/2, -dAngleY/2, 0)); // project the placement back from viewer's system m_plLightPlacement.RelativeToAbsolute( plViewer); } else if(bRMB) { FLOAT fNewDistance = m_fLightDistance - dz; if( fNewDistance > 0.2f) { m_fLightDistance = fNewDistance; } } } // SetActiveWindow(); SetFocus(); /* GetParentFrame()->SetActiveView( this); CMainFrame* pMainFrame = STATIC_DOWNCAST(CMainFrame, AfxGetMainWnd()); pMainFrame->MDIActivate(GetParentFrame()); */ /* HWND hwndUnderMouse = ::WindowFromPoint( point); HWND hwndInfo = NULL; if( pMainFrame->m_pInfoFrame != NULL) hwndInfo = pMainFrame->m_pInfoFrame->m_hWnd; if( (m_hWnd != ::GetActiveWindow()) && ( hwndInfo != hwndUnderMouse) ) { SetActiveWindow(); SetFocus(); GetParentFrame()->SetActiveView( this); pMainFrame->MDIActivate(GetParentFrame()); } */ CView::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::FastZoomIn() { if( m_fTargetDistance > 1.0f) { m_fTargetDistance /= 2.0f; } } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::FastZoomOut() { if( m_fTargetDistance < 65535.0f) { m_fTargetDistance *= 2.0f; } } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { BOOL bSpace = (GetKeyState( ' ') & 128) != 0; BOOL bCtrl = nFlags & MK_CONTROL; BOOL bShift = nFlags & MK_SHIFT; // ctrl+space+XMB is used for 2x zooming if( bCtrl && bSpace) { FastZoomIn(); return; } if(bCtrl||bSpace||bShift) {} else { INDEX iHitBone = TestRayCastHit(point); if(iHitBone!=(-1) && iHitBone!=theApp.iSelectedBoneID) { } theApp.iSelectedBoneID = iHitBone; } m_pntLastMouse = point; CView::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnLButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { BOOL bSpace = (GetKeyState( ' ') & 128) != 0; BOOL bCtrl = nFlags & MK_CONTROL; // ctrl+space+XMB is used for 2x zooming if( bCtrl && bSpace) { FastZoomIn(); } CView::OnLButtonDblClk(nFlags, point); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { BOOL bSpace = (GetKeyState( ' ') & 128) != 0; BOOL bCtrl = nFlags & MK_CONTROL; // ctrl+space+XMB is used for 2x zooming if( bCtrl && bSpace) { FastZoomOut(); return; } CView::OnRButtonDown(nFlags, point); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnRButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { BOOL bSpace = (GetKeyState( ' ') & 128) != 0; BOOL bCtrl = nFlags & MK_CONTROL; // ctrl+space+XMB is used for 2x zooming if( bCtrl && bSpace) { FastZoomOut(); } CView::OnRButtonDblClk(nFlags, point); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { CModelTreeCtrl &m_TreeCtrl = theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.m_TreeCtrl; HTREEITEM hSelectedItem = m_TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem(); if(hSelectedItem!=NULL && _bSelectedItemChanged) { theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.SelItemChanged(hSelectedItem); _bSelectedItemChanged = FALSE; } CView::OnLButtonUp(nFlags, point); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnRButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { CModelTreeCtrl &m_TreeCtrl = theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.m_TreeCtrl; HTREEITEM hSelectedItem = m_TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem(); if(hSelectedItem!=NULL && _bSelectedItemChanged) { theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.SelItemChanged(hSelectedItem); _bSelectedItemChanged = FALSE; } CView::OnRButtonUp(nFlags, point); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnResetView() { m_angViewerOrientation = ANGLE3D(180.0f, -20.0f, 0.0f); m_vTarget = FLOAT3D(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); m_fTargetDistance = 5.0f; } // add CMesh to selected model instance BOOL CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnAddMeshlist() { CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = GetDocument(); CTFileName fnSim; if(pmiSelected == NULL) { theApp.ErrorMessage("Model instance is not selected!"); return FALSE; } CTFileName fnSelected = pmiSelected->mi_fnSourceFile; fnSelected = fnSelected.FileName(); // get file name fnSim = _EngineGUI.FileRequester( "Type name for new Mesh list or select existing", "ASCII model files (*.aml)\0*.aml\0" "All files (*.*)\0*.*\0\0", "Open directory", "Models\\",fnSelected); if (fnSim=="") return FALSE; // check if file allready exist if(FileExists(fnSim)) { CTString strText = CTString(0,"File '%s' exist\n\nPress OK to load it, Cancel to overwrite it",fnSim); int iRet = AfxMessageBox(CString(strText),MB_OKCANCEL); if(iRet == IDOK) { // convert and load animset if(theApp.ConvertMesh(fnSim)) { fnSim = fnSim.NoExt() + ".bm"; try { pmiSelected->AddMesh_t(fnSim); theApp.UpdateRootModelInstance(); pDoc->MarkAsChanged(); return TRUE; } catch(char *strError) { theApp.ErrorMessage("%s",strError); return FALSE; } } return FALSE; } // else owerwrite it bellow } // if file does not exist create new one CTFileStream ostrFile; try { // create new file ostrFile.Create_t(fnSim,CTStream::CM_TEXT); // write empty header in file ostrFile.FPrintF_t("MESHLODLIST\n{\n}\n"); // close file ostrFile.Close(); // convert it to binary (just to exist) if(theApp.ConvertMesh(fnSim)) { fnSim = fnSim.NoExt() + ".bm"; // add it to selected model instance try { pmiSelected->AddMesh_t(fnSim); theApp.UpdateRootModelInstance(); } catch(char *strError) { theApp.ErrorMessage("%s",strError); return FALSE; } } } catch(char *strError) { theApp.ErrorMessage("%s",strError); return FALSE; } pDoc->MarkAsChanged(); return TRUE; } // add CSkeleton to selected model instance void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnAddSkeletonlist() { CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = GetDocument(); CTFileName fnSim; if(pmiSelected == NULL) { theApp.ErrorMessage("Model instance is not selected!"); return; } CSkeleton *skl = pmiSelected->mi_psklSkeleton; if(skl != NULL) { theApp.ErrorMessage("Skeleton for this object exists. Only one skeleton per model is allowed!"); return; } CTFileName fnSelected = pmiSelected->mi_fnSourceFile; fnSelected = fnSelected.FileName(); // get file name fnSim = _EngineGUI.FileRequester( "Type name for new Skeleton list or select existing", "ASCII model files (*.asl)\0*.asl\0" "All files (*.*)\0*.*\0\0", "Open directory", "Models\\", fnSelected); if (fnSim=="") return; // check if file allready exist if(FileExists(fnSim)) { CTString strText = CTString(0,"File '%s' exist\n\nPress OK to load it, Cancel to overwrite it",fnSim); int iRet = AfxMessageBox(CString(strText),MB_OKCANCEL); if(iRet == IDOK) { // convert and load animset if(theApp.ConvertSkeleton(fnSim)) { fnSim = fnSim.NoExt() + ".bs"; try { pmiSelected->AddSkeleton_t(fnSim); theApp.UpdateRootModelInstance(); pDoc->MarkAsChanged(); } catch(char *strError) { theApp.ErrorMessage("%s",strError); return; } } return; } // else owerwrite it bellow } // if file does not exist create new one CTFileStream ostrFile; try { // create new file ostrFile.Create_t(fnSim,CTStream::CM_TEXT); // write empty header in file ostrFile.FPrintF_t("SKELETONLODLIST\n{\n}\n"); // close file ostrFile.Close(); // convert it to binary (just to exist) if(theApp.ConvertSkeleton(fnSim)) { fnSim = fnSim.NoExt() + ".bs"; // add it to selected model instance pmiSelected->AddSkeleton_t(fnSim); // save smc theApp.UpdateRootModelInstance(); } } catch(char *strError) { theApp.ErrorMessage("%s",strError); } pDoc->MarkAsChanged(); return; } // add anim set to selected model instance void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnAddAnimset() { CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = GetDocument(); CTFileName fnSim; if(pmiSelected == NULL) { theApp.ErrorMessage("Model instance is not selected!"); return; } CTFileName fnSelected = pmiSelected->mi_fnSourceFile; fnSelected = fnSelected.FileName(); // get file name fnSim = _EngineGUI.FileRequester( "Type name for new Animset or select existing", "ASCII model files (*.aal)\0*.aal\0" "All files (*.*)\0*.*\0\0", "Open directory", "Models\\", fnSelected); if (fnSim=="") return; // check if file allready exist if(FileExists(fnSim)) { CTString strText = CTString(0,"File '%s' exist\n\nPress OK to load it, Cancel to overwrite it",fnSim); int iRet = AfxMessageBox(CString(strText),MB_OKCANCEL); if(iRet == IDOK) { // convert and load animset if(theApp.ConvertAnimSet(fnSim)) { fnSim = fnSim.NoExt() + ".ba"; try { pmiSelected->AddAnimSet_t(fnSim); theApp.UpdateRootModelInstance(); pDoc->MarkAsChanged(); } catch(char *strError) { theApp.ErrorMessage("%s",strError); return; } } return; } // else owerwrite it bellow } // if file does not exist create new one CTFileStream ostrFile; try { // create new file ostrFile.Create_t(fnSim,CTStream::CM_TEXT); // write empty header in file ostrFile.FPrintF_t("ANIMSETLIST\n{\n}\n"); // close file ostrFile.Close(); // convert it to binary (just to exist) if(theApp.ConvertAnimSet(fnSim)) { fnSim = fnSim.NoExt() + ".ba"; // add it to selected model instance pmiSelected->AddAnimSet_t(fnSim); } } catch(char *strError) { theApp.ErrorMessage("%s",strError); } theApp.UpdateRootModelInstance(); pDoc->MarkAsChanged(); return; } // add new child model instance to selected model instance void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnAddChildModelInstance() { if(pmiSelected == NULL) { theApp.ErrorMessage("Model instance is not selected!"); return; } CModelInstance::EnableSrcRememberFN(TRUE); CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = GetDocument(); if(pDoc->m_ModelInstance == NULL) { theApp.ErrorMessage("There is no root model instance"); return; } CSkeleton *psklParent = pmiSelected->mi_psklSkeleton; SkeletonLOD *psklodParent = NULL; INDEX iParentBoneID = 0; // if parent has skeleton if(psklParent != NULL) { // if parent has skeleton lods INDEX ctslod = psklParent->skl_aSkeletonLODs.Count(); if(ctslod > 0) { psklodParent = &psklParent->skl_aSkeletonLODs[0]; INDEX ctsb = psklodParent->slod_aBones.Count(); // if parent has any bones if(ctsb > 0) { SkeletonBone &sb = psklodParent->slod_aBones[0]; iParentBoneID = sb.sb_iID; } } } CTFileName fnSim; fnSim = _EngineGUI.FileRequester( "Open ASCII intermediate files", "ASCII model files (*.smc)\0*.smc\0" "All files (*.*)\0*.*\0\0", "Open directory", "Models\\", ""); if (fnSim=="") return; CTFileName fnFull; fnFull = _fnmApplicationPath + fnSim; CModelInstance *pcmi=NULL; try { pcmi = ParseSmcFile_t(fnFull); } catch(char *strError) { // error in parsing occured theApp.ErrorMessage("%s",strError); if(pcmi != NULL) pcmi->Clear(); return; } CTString strText = CTString(0,"Add this model as reference or use own copy"); int iRet = AfxMessageBox(CString(strText),MB_YESNO); if(iRet == IDNO) { // assign same source file name as parent model instance so it will be saved in same file pcmi->mi_fnSourceFile = pmiSelected->mi_fnSourceFile; } pcmi->mi_iParentBoneID = iParentBoneID; // reset offset memset(&pcmi->mi_qvOffset,0,sizeof(QVect)); pcmi->mi_qvOffset.qRot.q_w = 1; // if there is selected model instance ,add as child pmiSelected->mi_cmiChildren.Add(pcmi); theApp.UpdateRootModelInstance(); pDoc->MarkAsChanged(); } // add mesh lod to existing CMesh in selected model instance void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnAddMeshlod() { CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = GetDocument(); if(pmiSelected == NULL) { theApp.ErrorMessage("Model instance is not selected!"); return; } // if mesh list does not exist INDEX ctmshi = pmiSelected->mi_aMeshInst.Count(); if(ctmshi < 1) { theApp.ErrorMessage("Model instance must have mesh lod list to add mesh lod to it"); return; } // get pointer to selected item CModelTreeCtrl &m_TreeCtrl = theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.m_TreeCtrl; HTREEITEM hSelected = m_TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem(); INDEX iSelected = m_TreeCtrl.GetItemData(hSelected); NodeInfo &niSelected = theApp.aNodeInfo[iSelected]; MeshInstance *pmshi; // get selected mesh instance if(niSelected.ni_iType == NT_MESHLODLIST) { // selected item is mesh instance so use its pointer as current mesh instance pmshi=(MeshInstance*)niSelected.ni_pPtr; } else if(niSelected.ni_iType == NT_MESHLOD) { // selected item is mesh lod, so get his parent and use his pointer as current mesh instance HTREEITEM hParent = m_TreeCtrl.GetParentItem(hSelected); INDEX iParent = m_TreeCtrl.GetItemData(hParent); NodeInfo &niParent = theApp.aNodeInfo[iParent]; pmshi=(MeshInstance*)niParent.ni_pPtr; } else { // other item is selected, curent mesh instance is first mesh instance in model instance pmshi=&pmiSelected->mi_aMeshInst[0]; } CMesh *pMesh = pmshi->mi_pMesh; CDynamicArray<CTFileName> afnMesh; _EngineGUI.FileRequester( "Open ASCII intermediate files", FILTER_MESH, "Open directory", "Models\\", "", &afnMesh); // return if no files selected if(afnMesh.Count()<=0) return; FLOAT fMaxDistance = 10; INDEX ctmlod = pMesh->msh_aMeshLODs.Count(); // for each lod in skeleton INDEX imlod=0; for(;imlod<ctmlod;imlod++) { // find current max distance in skeleton if((fMaxDistance-5)<pMesh->msh_aMeshLODs[imlod].mlod_fMaxDistance) fMaxDistance = pMesh->msh_aMeshLODs[imlod].mlod_fMaxDistance; } // create new skeleton list that holds only new skeleton lods CTString strMeshList; strMeshList = "MESHLODLIST\n{\n"; FOREACHINDYNAMICARRAY( afnMesh, CTFileName, itMesh) { fMaxDistance+=5; CTString strLine; strLine.PrintF(" MAX_DISTANCE %g;\n #INCLUDE \"%s\"\n",fMaxDistance,(const char*)itMesh.Current()); // add this file to mesh list file strMeshList += strLine; } strMeshList += "}\n"; CTFileName fnMeshList = (CTString)"Temp/mesh.aml"; CTFileName fnMeshBin = (CTString)"Temp/mesh.bm"; CMesh mshTemp; try { // save list file strMeshList.Save_t(fnMeshList); // convert animset list file if(!theApp.ConvertMesh(fnMeshList)) { RemoveFile(fnMeshList); return; } // load it mshTemp.Load_t(fnMeshBin); } catch(char *strErr) { theApp.ErrorMessage(strErr); mshTemp.Clear(); RemoveFile(fnMeshBin); return; } RemoveFile(fnMeshList); RemoveFile(fnMeshBin); // count new skleton lods in temp skeleton list INDEX ctNewMlods = mshTemp.msh_aMeshLODs.Count(); // for each new skeleton in temp skeleton lod list for(imlod=0;imlod<ctNewMlods;imlod++) { // add skeleton lod to selected skeleton pMesh->AddMeshLod(mshTemp.msh_aMeshLODs[imlod]); } // clear temp mesh mshTemp.Clear(); // update model instance theApp.UpdateRootModelInstance(); pDoc->MarkAsChanged(); } // add skeleton lod to existing CSkeleton in selected model instance void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnAddSkeletonlod() { CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = GetDocument(); if(pmiSelected == NULL) { theApp.ErrorMessage("Model instance is not selected!"); return; } CSkeleton *pSkeleton = pmiSelected->mi_psklSkeleton; if(pSkeleton == NULL) { theApp.ErrorMessage("Model instance must have Skeleton list to add skeleton lod to it"); return; } CDynamicArray<CTFileName> afnSkeleton; _EngineGUI.FileRequester( "Open ASCII intermediate files", FILTER_SKELETON, "Open directory", "Models\\", "", &afnSkeleton); // return if no files selected if(afnSkeleton.Count()<=0) return; FLOAT fMaxDistance=10; INDEX ctslod = pSkeleton->skl_aSkeletonLODs.Count(); // for each lod in skeleton for(INDEX ilod=0;ilod<ctslod;ilod++) { // find current max distance in skeleton if((fMaxDistance-5)<pSkeleton->skl_aSkeletonLODs[ilod].slod_fMaxDistance) fMaxDistance = pSkeleton->skl_aSkeletonLODs[ilod].slod_fMaxDistance; } // create new skeleton list that holds only new skeleton lods CTString strSkeletonList; strSkeletonList = "SKELETONLODLIST\n{\n"; FOREACHINDYNAMICARRAY( afnSkeleton, CTFileName, itSkeleton) { fMaxDistance+=5; CTString strLine; strLine.PrintF(" MAX_DISTANCE %g;\n #INCLUDE \"%s\"\n",fMaxDistance,(const char*)itSkeleton.Current()); // add this file to skeleton list file strSkeletonList += strLine; } strSkeletonList += "}\n"; CTFileName fnSklList = (CTString)"Temp/skeleton.asl"; CTFileName fnSklBin = (CTString)"Temp/skeleton.bs"; CSkeleton slTemp; try { // save list file strSkeletonList.Save_t(fnSklList); // convert animset list file if(!theApp.ConvertSkeleton(fnSklList)) { slTemp.Clear(); RemoveFile(fnSklList); return; } // load it slTemp.Load_t(fnSklBin); } catch(char *strErr) { theApp.ErrorMessage(strErr); slTemp.Clear(); RemoveFile(fnSklBin); return; } RemoveFile(fnSklList); RemoveFile(fnSklBin); // count new skleton lods in temp skeleton list INDEX ctNewSlods = slTemp.skl_aSkeletonLODs.Count(); // for each new skeleton in temp skeleton lod list for(INDEX isl=0;isl<ctNewSlods;isl++) { // add skeleton lod to selected skeleton pSkeleton->AddSkletonLod(slTemp.skl_aSkeletonLODs[isl]); } // clear temp skeleton slTemp.Clear(); // update model instance theApp.UpdateRootModelInstance(); pDoc->MarkAsChanged(); } // add animation to existing Anim set in selected model instance void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnAddAnimation() { // check for selected model instance if(pmiSelected == NULL) { theApp.ErrorMessage("Model instance is not selected!"); return; } // get animset count INDEX ctas = pmiSelected->mi_aAnimSet.Count(); if(ctas < 1) { theApp.ErrorMessage("Model instance must have Anim set to add animations to it"); return; } // get document CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = GetDocument(); CDynamicArray<CTFileName> afnAnimation; _EngineGUI.FileRequester( "Open ASCII intermediate files", FILTER_ANIMATION, "Open directory", "Models\\", "", &afnAnimation); // return if no files selected if(afnAnimation.Count()<=0) return; // get pointer to seleceted animset CModelTreeCtrl &m_TreeCtrl = theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.m_TreeCtrl; HTREEITEM hSelected = m_TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem(); INDEX iSelected = m_TreeCtrl.GetItemData(hSelected); NodeInfo &niSelected = theApp.aNodeInfo[iSelected]; CAnimSet *pas=NULL; if(niSelected.ni_iType == NT_ANIMSET) { // selected item is animset pas = (CAnimSet*)niSelected.ni_pPtr; } else if(niSelected.ni_iType == NT_ANIMATION) { // selected item is animation, get its animset HTREEITEM hParent = m_TreeCtrl.GetParentItem(hSelected); INDEX iParent = m_TreeCtrl.GetItemData(hParent); NodeInfo &niParent = theApp.aNodeInfo[iParent]; pas = (CAnimSet*)niParent.ni_pPtr; } else { // something else is selected, use first animset in model instance pas = &pmiSelected->mi_aAnimSet[0]; } // create new animset that holds only new animations CTString strAnimSet; strAnimSet = "ANIMSETLIST\n{\n"; // for each selected file FOREACHINDYNAMICARRAY( afnAnimation, CTFileName, itAnimation) { // add this file to animset list file CTString strLine; strLine.PrintF(" TRESHOLD 0;\n COMPRESION FALSE;\n #INCLUDE \"%s\"\n",(const char*)itAnimation.Current()); strAnimSet += strLine; } strAnimSet += "}\n"; CTFileName fnAnimSetList = (CTString)"Temp/animset.aal"; CTFileName fnAnimSetBin = (CTString)"Temp/animset.ba"; CAnimSet asTemp; try { // save list file strAnimSet.Save_t(fnAnimSetList); // convert animset list file if(!theApp.ConvertAnimSet(fnAnimSetList)) { RemoveFile(fnAnimSetList); return; } // load it asTemp.Load_t(fnAnimSetBin); } catch(char *strErr) { theApp.ErrorMessage(strErr); asTemp.Clear(); RemoveFile(fnAnimSetBin); return; } RemoveFile(fnAnimSetList); RemoveFile(fnAnimSetBin); // count new animations in temp animset INDEX ctan = asTemp.as_Anims.Count(); // for each new animation in temp animset for(INDEX ian=0;ian<ctan;ian++) { Animation &anTemp = asTemp.as_Anims[ian]; // add animation to selected animset pas->AddAnimation(&anTemp); } // clear temp animset asTemp.Clear(); // update model instance theApp.UpdateRootModelInstance(); pDoc->MarkAsChanged(); } // add texture to existing mesh instance void CSeriousSkaStudioView::AddTexture(CTFileName &fnFull) { if(pmiSelected == NULL) { theApp.ErrorMessage("Model instance is not selected!"); return; } INDEX ctmshi = pmiSelected->mi_aMeshInst.Count(); if(ctmshi < 1) { theApp.ErrorMessage("Model instance must have mesh lod list to add texture to it"); return; } // get selected item in tree view CModelTreeCtrl &m_TreeCtrl = theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.m_TreeCtrl; HTREEITEM hSelected = m_TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem(); INDEX iSelected = m_TreeCtrl.GetItemData(hSelected); NodeInfo &niSelected = theApp.aNodeInfo[iSelected]; MeshInstance *pmshi; // get selected mesh instance if(niSelected.ni_iType == NT_MESHLODLIST) { // selected item is mesh instance so use its pointer as current mesh instance pmshi=(MeshInstance*)niSelected.ni_pPtr; } else if(niSelected.ni_iType == NT_MESHLOD) { // selected item is mesh lod, so get his parent and use his pointer as current mesh instance HTREEITEM hParent = m_TreeCtrl.GetParentItem(hSelected); INDEX iParent = m_TreeCtrl.GetItemData(hParent); NodeInfo &niParent = theApp.aNodeInfo[iParent]; pmshi=(MeshInstance*)niParent.ni_pPtr; } else { // other item is selected, curent mesh instance is first mesh instance in model instance pmshi=&pmiSelected->mi_aMeshInst[0]; } /* // check if file exists if(!FileExists(fnFull)) { theApp.ErrorMessage("Texture file '%s' does not exists",fnFull); continue; } */ // try adding texture to model instance try { pmiSelected->AddTexture_t(fnFull,fnFull.FileName(),pmshi); } catch(char *strError) { theApp.ErrorMessage(strError); //continue; } } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::BrowseTexture(CTString strTextureDir) { CString strRegKeyName = ""; if(strTextureDir=="Models\\") { strTextureDir = "Open directory"; } CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = GetDocument(); CDynamicArray<CTFileName> afnTexture; _EngineGUI.FileRequester( "Open texture files", FILTER_TEXTURE, (char*)(const char*)strTextureDir, strTextureDir, "", &afnTexture); // return if no files selected if(afnTexture.Count()<=0) return; // for each selected filename FOREACHINDYNAMICARRAY( afnTexture, CTFileName, itTexture) { CTFileName fnFull; fnFull = itTexture.Current(); AddTexture(fnFull); } pDoc->MarkAsChanged(); theApp.UpdateRootModelInstance(); } // add texture to existing mesh instance void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnAddTexture() { BrowseTexture("Models\\"); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnAddTextureBump() { BrowseTexture("Models\\BumpTextures\\"); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnAddTextureReflection() { BrowseTexture("Models\\ReflectionTextures\\"); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnAddTextureSpecular() { BrowseTexture("Models\\SpecularTextures\\"); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnCreateAddTexture() { CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = GetDocument(); CMainFrame* pMainFrame = STATIC_DOWNCAST(CMainFrame, AfxGetMainWnd()); CTFileName fn = (CTString)pMainFrame->CreateTexture(); if(fn!="") { AddTexture(fn); pDoc->MarkAsChanged(); theApp.UpdateRootModelInstance(); } } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnAddColisionbox() { if(pmiSelected == NULL) return; CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = GetDocument(); INDEX ctcb = pmiSelected->mi_cbAABox.Count(); FLOAT3D vMin = FLOAT3D(-.5f,0,-.5f); FLOAT3D vMax = FLOAT3D(.5f,1,.5f); CTString strName = CTString(0,"Default %d",ctcb); pmiSelected->AddColisionBox(strName,vMin,vMax); theApp.UpdateRootModelInstance(); pDoc->MarkAsChanged(); } // delete selected item in tree view control void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnDeleteselected() { // get tree ctrl CModelTreeCtrl &m_TreeCtrl = theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.m_TreeCtrl; // get current document CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = GetDocument(); // get selected item and its parent HTREEITEM hSelected = m_TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem(); if(hSelected == NULL) return; INDEX iSelIndex = m_TreeCtrl.GetItemData(hSelected); INDEX iParentIndex = -1; NodeInfo *pniParent = NULL; NodeInfo *pni = &theApp.aNodeInfo[iSelIndex]; HTREEITEM hParent = m_TreeCtrl.GetParentItem(hSelected); if(hParent != NULL) { iParentIndex = m_TreeCtrl.GetItemData(hParent); pniParent = &theApp.aNodeInfo[iParentIndex]; } // switch type of selected item switch(pni->ni_iType) { case NT_MODELINSTANCE: { // find parent of selected model instance CModelInstance *pmiParent = pmiSelected->GetParent(pDoc->m_ModelInstance); if(pmiParent != NULL) { // remove selected model instance form parent pmiParent->RemoveChild(pmiSelected); // update root model instance theApp.UpdateRootModelInstance(); } else { // root item is selected theApp.ErrorMessage("Can't delete root model instance"); return; } } break; case NT_MESHLODLIST: { // get pointer to mesh instance MeshInstance *pmshi = (MeshInstance*)pni->ni_pPtr; // get pointer to mesh CMesh *pMesh = pmshi->mi_pMesh; // release mesh _pMeshStock->Release(pMesh); // count textures INDEX ctti=pmshi->mi_tiTextures.Count(); // for each texture in selected mesh instance for(INDEX iti=0;iti<ctti;iti++) { // release texture from stock TextureInstance &ti = pmshi->mi_tiTextures[iti]; ti.ti_toTexture.SetData(NULL); //CTextureData &td = *ti.ti_tdTexture; //_pTextureStock->Release(&td); } // count mesh instances INDEX ctmshi=pmiSelected->mi_aMeshInst.Count(); INDEX itmpmshi=0; CStaticArray<struct MeshInstance> atmpMeshInst; // create array for mesh instances atmpMeshInst.New(ctmshi-1); // for each mesh instance in selected model instance for(INDEX imshi=0;imshi<ctmshi;imshi++) { MeshInstance *ptmpmshi = &pmiSelected->mi_aMeshInst[imshi]; // if mesh instance is diferent then selected mesh instance if(ptmpmshi != pmshi) { // copy it to temp array atmpMeshInst[itmpmshi] = *ptmpmshi; itmpmshi++; } } // clear mesh instance pmiSelected->mi_aMeshInst.Clear(); pmiSelected->mi_aMeshInst.CopyArray(atmpMeshInst); // update root model instance theApp.UpdateRootModelInstance(); } break; case NT_MESHLOD: { ASSERT(pniParent!=NULL); MeshLOD *pmlodSelected = (MeshLOD*)pni->ni_pPtr; MeshInstance *pmshi = (MeshInstance*)pniParent->ni_pPtr; CMesh *pmesh = pmshi->mi_pMesh; pmesh->RemoveMeshLod(pmlodSelected); theApp.UpdateRootModelInstance(); } break; case NT_TEXINSTANCE: { // get pointers to texture and mesh instances TextureInstance *pti = (TextureInstance*)pni->ni_pPtr; MeshInstance *pmshi = (MeshInstance*)pniParent->ni_pPtr; ASSERT(pti!=NULL); ASSERT(pmshi!=NULL); pmiSelected->RemoveTexture(pti,pmshi); // update root model instance theApp.UpdateRootModelInstance(); } break; case NT_SKELETONLODLIST: { CSkeleton *skl = pmiSelected->mi_psklSkeleton; _pSkeletonStock->Release(skl); pmiSelected->mi_psklSkeleton = NULL; // update root model instance theApp.UpdateRootModelInstance();//!!! } break; case NT_SKELETONLOD: { // get pointers to skeleton and skeleton lod SkeletonLOD *pslodSelected = (SkeletonLOD*)pni->ni_pPtr; CSkeleton *pskl = (CSkeleton*)pniParent->ni_pPtr; pskl->RemoveSkeletonLod(pslodSelected); // update root model instance theApp.UpdateRootModelInstance(); } break; case NT_BONE: { return; } break; case NT_ANIM_BONEENV: { return; } break; case NT_MESHSURFACE: { return; } break; case NT_ANIMSET: { CAnimSet *pas = (CAnimSet*)pni->ni_pPtr; pmiSelected->mi_aAnimSet.Remove(pas); _pAnimSetStock->Release(pas); // update root model instance theApp.UpdateRootModelInstance(); } break; case NT_ANIMATION: { // take pointer to anim set Animation *panSelected = (Animation*)pni->ni_pPtr; CAnimSet *pas = (CAnimSet*)pniParent->ni_pPtr; pas->RemoveAnimation(panSelected); // update model instance theApp.UpdateRootModelInstance(); } break; case NT_COLISIONBOX: { ColisionBox *pcbSelected = (ColisionBox*)pni->ni_pPtr; // find colision box INDEX iIndex = -1; // count colision boxes INDEX ctcb = pmiSelected->mi_cbAABox.Count(); // for each colision box in model instance for(INDEX icb=0;icb<ctcb;icb++) { ColisionBox *pcb2 = &pmiSelected->mi_cbAABox[icb]; if(pcbSelected == pcb2) { // remember index of selected colision box iIndex = icb; break; } } // return if no index if(iIndex<0) return; // remove bounding box from mi pmiSelected->RemoveColisionBox(iIndex); // update root model instance theApp.UpdateRootModelInstance(); } break; } pDoc->MarkAsChanged(); } // fill tree view with new selected document void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnActivateView(BOOL bActivate, CView* pActivateView, CView* pDeactiveView) { if(bActivate) { // refresh tree view for curent view CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetDocument(); CModelTreeCtrl &m_TreeCtrl = theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.m_TreeCtrl; HTREEITEM hRoot = m_TreeCtrl.GetRootItem(); if(pDoc == NULL) { theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.UpdateModelInstInfo(NULL); CView::OnActivateView(bActivate, pActivateView, pDeactiveView); return; } if(hRoot == NULL) { theApp.UpdateRootModelInstance(); CView::OnActivateView(bActivate, pActivateView, pDeactiveView); return; } INDEX iRoot = m_TreeCtrl.GetItemData(hRoot); NodeInfo &ni = theApp.aNodeInfo[iRoot]; // update only ih root model changed if(ni.ni_pPtr != pDoc->m_ModelInstance) { theApp.UpdateRootModelInstance(); } } CView::OnActivateView(bActivate, pActivateView, pDeactiveView); } void SyncModelInstance(CModelInstance *pmi,FLOAT fTime) { CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetDocument(); AnimQueue &anq = pmi->mi_aqAnims; INDEX ctal = anq.aq_Lists.Count(); // for each anim list for(INDEX ial=0;ial<ctal;ial++) { AnimList &al = anq.aq_Lists[ial]; al.al_fStartTime = fTime; // for each played anim INDEX ctpa=al.al_PlayedAnims.Count(); for(INDEX ipa=0;ipa<ctpa;ipa++) { PlayedAnim &pa = al.al_PlayedAnims[ipa]; pa.pa_fStartTime = fTime; if(pDoc->bAnimLoop) { pa.pa_ulFlags |= AN_LOOPING; } else { pa.pa_ulFlags &= ~AN_LOOPING; } } } INDEX ctmi = pmi->mi_cmiChildren.Count(); // for each child for(INDEX imi=0;imi<ctmi;imi++) { CModelInstance &cmi = pmi->mi_cmiChildren[imi]; SyncModelInstance(&cmi,fTime); } } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnAnimSync() { SyncModelInstance(theApp.GetDocument()->m_ModelInstance,_pTimer->CurrentTick()); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnAnimLoop() { CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetDocument(); pDoc->bAnimLoop=!pDoc->bAnimLoop; SyncModelInstance(theApp.GetDocument()->m_ModelInstance,_pTimer->CurrentTick()); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnUpdateAnimLoop(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetDocument(); if(pDoc!=NULL) pCmdUI->SetCheck(pDoc->bAnimLoop); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnAnimPause() { CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetDocument(); pDoc->m_bViewPaused = !pDoc->m_bViewPaused; // if now unpaused if(!pDoc->m_bViewPaused) { // calculate time in pause pDoc->m_tvPauseTime += _pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer() - pDoc->m_tvPauseStart; } pDoc->m_tvPauseStart = _pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer(); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnUpdateAnimPause(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetDocument(); pCmdUI->SetCheck(pDoc->m_bViewPaused); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnVkEscape() { // if error list is visible if(theApp.IsErrorDlgVisible()) { // hide it theApp.ShowErrorDlg(FALSE); // else } else { // stop all animations OnAnimStop(); } } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnAnimStop() { CModelInstance *pmi = theApp.GetDocument()->m_ModelInstance; pmi->StopAllAnimations(0); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnAutoMiping() { CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetDocument(); pDoc->bAutoMiping=!pDoc->bAutoMiping; } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnUpdateAutoMiping(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetDocument(); if(pDoc!=NULL) pCmdUI->SetCheck(pDoc->bAutoMiping); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnShowGround() { CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetDocument(); pDoc->bShowGround=!pDoc->bShowGround; } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnUpdateShowGround(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetDocument(); if(pDoc!=NULL) pCmdUI->SetCheck(pDoc->bShowGround); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnShowSkeleton() { if(RM_GetFlags() & RMF_SHOWSKELETON) RM_RemoveFlag(RMF_SHOWSKELETON); else RM_AddFlag(RMF_SHOWSKELETON); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnUpdateShowSkeleton(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->SetCheck((RM_GetFlags() & RMF_SHOWSKELETON) ? 1:0); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnShowActiveSkeleton() { if(RM_GetFlags() & RMF_SHOWACTIVEBONES) RM_RemoveFlag(RMF_SHOWACTIVEBONES); else RM_AddFlag(RMF_SHOWACTIVEBONES); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnUpdateShowActiveSkeleton(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->SetCheck((RM_GetFlags() & RMF_SHOWACTIVEBONES) ? 1:0); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnShowTexture() { if(RM_GetFlags() & RMF_SHOWTEXTURE) RM_RemoveFlag(RMF_SHOWTEXTURE); else RM_AddFlag(RMF_SHOWTEXTURE); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnShowNormals() { if(RM_GetFlags() & RMF_SHOWNORMALS) RM_RemoveFlag(RMF_SHOWNORMALS); else RM_AddFlag(RMF_SHOWNORMALS); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnUpdateShowNormals(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->SetCheck((RM_GetFlags() & RMF_SHOWNORMALS) ? 1:0); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnUpdateShowTexture(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->SetCheck((RM_GetFlags() & RMF_SHOWTEXTURE) ? 1:0); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnShowWireframe() { if(RM_GetFlags() & RMF_WIREFRAME) RM_RemoveFlag(RMF_WIREFRAME); else RM_AddFlag(RMF_WIREFRAME); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnUpdateShowWireframe(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->SetCheck((RM_GetFlags() & RMF_WIREFRAME) ? 1:0); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnShowColision() { CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetDocument(); if(pDoc!=NULL) { pDoc->bShowColisionBox = !pDoc->bShowColisionBox; } } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnUpdateShowColision(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetDocument(); if(pDoc!=NULL) pCmdUI->SetCheck(pDoc->bShowColisionBox); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnShowAllFramesBbox() { CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetDocument(); if(pDoc!=NULL) { pDoc->bShowAllFramesBBox = !pDoc->bShowAllFramesBBox; } } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnUpdateShowAllFramesBbox(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetDocument(); if(pDoc!=NULL) pCmdUI->SetCheck(pDoc->bShowAllFramesBBox); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnShowAnimQueue() { theApp.bShowAnimQueue=!theApp.bShowAnimQueue; } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnUpdateShowAnimQueue(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->SetCheck(theApp.bShowAnimQueue); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnFileSaveModel() { theApp.SaveRootModel(); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnFileSavemiAs() { theApp.SaveRootModelAs(); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnShowLights() { CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetDocument(); pDoc->bShowLights=!pDoc->bShowLights; } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnUpdateShowLights(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetDocument(); if(pDoc!=NULL) pCmdUI->SetCheck(pDoc->bShowLights); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnChangeAmbientcolor() { CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetDocument(); COLORREF acrCustClr[16]; CHOOSECOLOR cc; acrCustClr[ 0] = CLRF_CLR(C_BLACK); acrCustClr[ 1] = CLRF_CLR(C_WHITE); acrCustClr[ 2] = CLRF_CLR(C_dGRAY); acrCustClr[ 3] = CLRF_CLR(C_GRAY); acrCustClr[ 4] = CLRF_CLR(C_lGRAY); acrCustClr[ 5] = CLRF_CLR(C_dRED); acrCustClr[ 6] = CLRF_CLR(C_dGREEN); acrCustClr[ 7] = CLRF_CLR(C_dBLUE); acrCustClr[ 8] = CLRF_CLR(C_dCYAN); acrCustClr[ 9] = CLRF_CLR(C_dMAGENTA); acrCustClr[10] = CLRF_CLR(C_dYELLOW); acrCustClr[11] = CLRF_CLR(C_dORANGE); acrCustClr[12] = CLRF_CLR(C_dBROWN); acrCustClr[13] = CLRF_CLR(C_dPINK); acrCustClr[14] = CLRF_CLR(C_lORANGE); acrCustClr[15] = CLRF_CLR(C_lBROWN); pDoc->m_colAmbient &= 0xFFFFFF00; memset(&cc, 0, sizeof(CHOOSECOLOR)); cc.lStructSize = sizeof(CHOOSECOLOR); cc.Flags = CC_FULLOPEN | CC_RGBINIT; cc.rgbResult = ByteSwap(pDoc->m_colAmbient); cc.hwndOwner = GetSafeHwnd(); cc.lpCustColors = (LPDWORD) acrCustClr; if(ChooseColor(&cc)) { COLOR colAmbient = ByteSwap(cc.rgbResult); colAmbient |= 0xFF; pDoc->m_colAmbient = colAmbient; } } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnChangeLightcolor() { CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetDocument(); COLORREF acrCustClr[16]; CHOOSECOLOR cc; acrCustClr[ 0] = CLRF_CLR(C_BLACK); acrCustClr[ 1] = CLRF_CLR(C_WHITE); acrCustClr[ 2] = CLRF_CLR(C_dGRAY); acrCustClr[ 3] = CLRF_CLR(C_GRAY); acrCustClr[ 4] = CLRF_CLR(C_lGRAY); acrCustClr[ 5] = CLRF_CLR(C_dRED); acrCustClr[ 6] = CLRF_CLR(C_dGREEN); acrCustClr[ 7] = CLRF_CLR(C_dBLUE); acrCustClr[ 8] = CLRF_CLR(C_dCYAN); acrCustClr[ 9] = CLRF_CLR(C_dMAGENTA); acrCustClr[10] = CLRF_CLR(C_dYELLOW); acrCustClr[11] = CLRF_CLR(C_dORANGE); acrCustClr[12] = CLRF_CLR(C_dBROWN); acrCustClr[13] = CLRF_CLR(C_dPINK); acrCustClr[14] = CLRF_CLR(C_lORANGE); acrCustClr[15] = CLRF_CLR(C_lBROWN); pDoc->m_colLight &= 0xFFFFFF00; memset(&cc, 0, sizeof(CHOOSECOLOR)); cc.lStructSize = sizeof(CHOOSECOLOR); cc.Flags = CC_FULLOPEN | CC_RGBINIT; cc.rgbResult = ByteSwap(pDoc->m_colLight); cc.hwndOwner = GetSafeHwnd(); cc.lpCustColors = (LPDWORD) acrCustClr; if(ChooseColor(&cc)) { COLOR colDiffuse = ByteSwap(cc.rgbResult); colDiffuse |= 0xFF; pDoc->m_colLight = colDiffuse; } } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { /* CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetDocument(); if(nChar==VK_LEFT) { if(!pDoc->m_bViewPaused) { OnAnimPause(); } else { pDoc->m_tvPauseStart.tv_llValue -= 10000000; } return; } if(nChar==VK_RIGHT) { if(!pDoc->m_bViewPaused) { OnAnimPause(); } else { pDoc->m_tvPauseStart.tv_llValue += 10000000; } return; } */ CView::OnKeyDown(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags); } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnFileRecreatetexture() { CModelTreeCtrl &m_TreeCtrl = theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.m_TreeCtrl; HTREEITEM hSelected = m_TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem(); // if selected item exists if(hSelected!=NULL) { NodeInfo &niSelected = theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.GetNodeInfo(hSelected); // is selected item texture instance if(niSelected.ni_iType == NT_TEXINSTANCE) { // recreate texture theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.m_dlgTexture.OnBtRecreateTexture(); } } } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnUpdateFileRecreatetexture(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { CModelTreeCtrl &m_TreeCtrl = theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.m_TreeCtrl; HTREEITEM hSelected = m_TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem(); // if selected item exists if(hSelected!=NULL) { NodeInfo &niSelected = theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.GetNodeInfo(hSelected); // is selected item texture instance if(niSelected.ni_iType == NT_TEXINSTANCE) { // enable recreate texture menu item pCmdUI->Enable(TRUE); } else { // disable recreate texture menu item pCmdUI->Enable(FALSE); } } } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnVkDown() { CModelTreeCtrl &m_TreeCtrl = theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.m_TreeCtrl; HTREEITEM hSelected = m_TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem(); if(hSelected!=NULL) { HTREEITEM hNext = m_TreeCtrl.GetNextItem(hSelected,TVGN_NEXTVISIBLE); if(hNext!=NULL) { m_TreeCtrl.SelectItem(hNext); } } } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnVkUp() { CModelTreeCtrl &m_TreeCtrl = theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.m_TreeCtrl; HTREEITEM hSelected = m_TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem(); if(hSelected!=NULL) { HTREEITEM hNext = m_TreeCtrl.GetNextItem(hSelected,TVGN_PREVIOUSVISIBLE); if(hNext!=NULL) { m_TreeCtrl.SelectItem(hNext); } } } static void SelectLeftItemInTree() { CModelTreeCtrl &m_TreeCtrl = theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.m_TreeCtrl; HTREEITEM hSelected = m_TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem(); if(hSelected!=NULL) { UINT uiMask = TVIF_STATE; UINT uiState = m_TreeCtrl.GetItemState(hSelected,uiMask); if(uiState&TVIS_EXPANDED) { m_TreeCtrl.Expand(hSelected,TVE_COLLAPSE); } else { HTREEITEM hParent = m_TreeCtrl.GetNextItem(hSelected,TVGN_PARENT); if(hParent!=NULL) { m_TreeCtrl.SelectItem(hParent); } } } } static void SelectRightItemInTree() { CModelTreeCtrl &m_TreeCtrl = theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.m_TreeCtrl; HTREEITEM hSelected = m_TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem(); if(hSelected!=NULL) { UINT uiMask = TVIF_STATE; UINT uiState = m_TreeCtrl.GetItemState(hSelected,uiMask); if(uiState&TVIS_EXPANDED) { HTREEITEM hClild = m_TreeCtrl.GetNextItem(hSelected,TVGN_CHILD); if(hClild!=NULL) { m_TreeCtrl.SelectItem(hClild); } } else { m_TreeCtrl.Expand(hSelected,TVE_EXPAND); } } } static void NextFrame() { CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetDocument(); pDoc->m_tvPauseStart.tv_llValue += 10000000; } static void PrevFrame() { CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetDocument(); pDoc->m_tvPauseStart.tv_llValue -= 10000000; } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnVkLeft() { CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetDocument(); if(pDoc->m_bViewPaused) { PrevFrame(); } else { SelectLeftItemInTree(); } } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnVkRight() { CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetDocument(); if(pDoc->m_bViewPaused) { NextFrame(); } else { SelectRightItemInTree(); } } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnVkLeftWithCtrl() { CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetDocument(); if(pDoc->m_bViewPaused) { SelectLeftItemInTree(); } else { OnAnimPause(); PrevFrame(); } } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnVkRightWithCtrl() { CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetDocument(); if(pDoc->m_bViewPaused) { SelectRightItemInTree(); } else { OnAnimPause(); NextFrame(); } } /* * Menus */ void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnModelinstanceSavewithoffset() { NodeInfo &ni = theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.GetSelectedNodeInfo(); if(ni.ni_iType == NT_MODELINSTANCE) { CModelInstance *pmi = (CModelInstance*)ni.ni_pPtr; CModelInstance *pmiParent = pmi->GetParent(theApp.GetDocument()->m_ModelInstance); CString fnOldSmcFile; // if parent of model instance exists if(pmiParent!=NULL) { // remmeber current fn of model instance fnOldSmcFile = pmi->mi_fnSourceFile; // temporary remove it to save offset of model instance in same file pmiParent->RemoveChild(pmi); } // save model instance theApp.SaveModelAs(pmi); // if there was a parent for model instance if(pmiParent!=NULL) { // return model instance to his parent pmiParent->AddChild(pmi); // restore old filename pmi->mi_fnSourceFile = CTString(CStringA(fnOldSmcFile)); } } else { ASSERT(FALSE); // This must be model instance } } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnConvertSelected() { CDlgClient *pDlgCurrent = (CDlgClient*)theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.pdlgCurrent; if(pDlgCurrent == &theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.m_dlgListOpt) { pDlgCurrent->OnBtConvert(); } else { ASSERT(FALSE); // Current client dialog must be listopt dialog } } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnResetColisionbox() { CDlgClient *pDlgCurrent = (CDlgClient*)theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.pdlgCurrent; if(pDlgCurrent == &theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.m_dlgColision) { pDlgCurrent->OnBtResetColision(); } else { ASSERT(FALSE); // Current client dialog must be colision dialog } } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnAllFramesRecalc() { CDlgClient *pDlgCurrent = (CDlgClient*)theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.pdlgCurrent; if(pDlgCurrent == &theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.m_dlgAllFrames) { pDlgCurrent->OnBtCalcAllframesBbox(); } else { ASSERT(FALSE); // Current client dialog must be allframes dialog } } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnReloadTexture() { CDlgClient *pDlgCurrent = (CDlgClient*)theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.pdlgCurrent; if(pDlgCurrent == &theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.m_dlgTexture) { pDlgCurrent->OnBtReloadTexture(); } else { ASSERT(FALSE); // Current client dialog must be texture dialog } } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnRecreateTexture() { CDlgClient *pDlgCurrent = (CDlgClient*)theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.pdlgCurrent; if(pDlgCurrent == &theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.m_dlgTexture) { pDlgCurrent->OnBtRecreateTexture(); } else { ASSERT(FALSE); // Current client dialog must be texture dialog } } void CSeriousSkaStudioView::OnBrowseTexture() { CDlgClient *pDlgCurrent = (CDlgClient*)theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.pdlgCurrent; if(pDlgCurrent == &theApp.m_dlgBarTreeView.m_dlgTexture) { pDlgCurrent->OnBtBrowseTexture(); } else { ASSERT(FALSE); // Current client dialog must be texture dialog } }