/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. All rights reserved. */ /* rcg10072001 Moved stuff into this file. */ #define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS 1 #include "SDL.h" #include <Engine/Base/Timer.h> #include <Engine/Base/Input.h> #include <Engine/Base/Translation.h> #include <Engine/Base/KeyNames.h> #include <Engine/Math/Functions.h> #include <Engine/Graphics/ViewPort.h> #include <Engine/Base/Console.h> #include <Engine/Base/Synchronization.h> #include <Engine/Base/SDL/SDLEvents.h> #include <Engine/Base/Shell.h> #include <Engine/Base/ErrorReporting.h> extern INDEX inp_iKeyboardReadingMethod; extern FLOAT inp_fMouseSensitivity; extern INDEX inp_bAllowMouseAcceleration; extern INDEX inp_bMousePrecision; extern FLOAT inp_fMousePrecisionFactor; extern FLOAT inp_fMousePrecisionThreshold; extern FLOAT inp_fMousePrecisionTimeout; extern FLOAT inp_bInvertMouse; extern INDEX inp_bFilterMouse; extern INDEX inp_bAllowPrescan; extern INDEX inp_i2ndMousePort; extern FLOAT inp_f2ndMouseSensitivity; extern INDEX inp_b2ndMousePrecision; extern FLOAT inp_f2ndMousePrecisionThreshold; extern FLOAT inp_f2ndMousePrecisionTimeout; extern FLOAT inp_f2ndMousePrecisionFactor; extern INDEX inp_bFilter2ndMouse; extern INDEX inp_bInvert2ndMouse; static BOOL inp_bSDLPermitCtrlG = TRUE; static BOOL inp_bSDLGrabInput = TRUE; static Sint16 mouse_relative_x = 0; static Sint16 mouse_relative_y = 0; INDEX inp_iMButton4Dn = 0x20040; INDEX inp_iMButton4Up = 0x20000; INDEX inp_iMButton5Dn = 0x10020; INDEX inp_iMButton5Up = 0x10000; INDEX inp_bMsgDebugger = FALSE; INDEX inp_bForceJoystickPolling = 0; INDEX inp_bAutoDisableJoysticks = 0; static CTCriticalSection sl_csInput; extern INDEX inp_ctJoysticksAllowed; /* NOTE: Two different types of key codes are used here: 1) kid - engine internal type - defined in KeyNames.h 2) virtkey - virtual key codes used by SDL. */ // name that is not translated (international) #define INTNAME(str) str, "" // name that is translated #define TRANAME(str) str, "ETRS" str // basic key conversion table struct KeyConversion { INDEX kc_iKID; SDL_Keycode kc_iVirtKey; const char *kc_strName; const char *kc_strNameTrans; }; static const KeyConversion _akcKeys[] = { // reserved for 'no-key-pressed' { KID_NONE, -1, TRANAME("None")}, // numbers row { KID_1 , SDLK_1, INTNAME("1")}, { KID_2 , SDLK_2, INTNAME("2")}, { KID_3 , SDLK_3, INTNAME("3")}, { KID_4 , SDLK_4, INTNAME("4")}, { KID_5 , SDLK_5, INTNAME("5")}, { KID_6 , SDLK_6, INTNAME("6")}, { KID_7 , SDLK_7, INTNAME("7")}, { KID_8 , SDLK_8, INTNAME("8")}, { KID_9 , SDLK_9, INTNAME("9")}, { KID_0 , SDLK_0, INTNAME("0")}, { KID_MINUS , SDLK_MINUS, INTNAME("-")}, { KID_EQUALS , SDLK_EQUALS, INTNAME("=")}, // 1st alpha row { KID_Q , SDLK_q, INTNAME("Q")}, { KID_W , SDLK_w, INTNAME("W")}, { KID_E , SDLK_e, INTNAME("E")}, { KID_R , SDLK_r, INTNAME("R")}, { KID_T , SDLK_t, INTNAME("T")}, { KID_Y , SDLK_y, INTNAME("Y")}, { KID_U , SDLK_u, INTNAME("U")}, { KID_I , SDLK_i, INTNAME("I")}, { KID_O , SDLK_o, INTNAME("O")}, { KID_P , SDLK_p, INTNAME("P")}, { KID_LBRACKET , SDLK_RIGHTPAREN, INTNAME("[")}, { KID_RBRACKET , SDLK_RIGHTPAREN, INTNAME("]")}, { KID_BACKSLASH , SDLK_BACKSLASH, INTNAME("\\")}, // 2nd alpha row { KID_A , SDLK_a, INTNAME("A")}, { KID_S , SDLK_s, INTNAME("S")}, { KID_D , SDLK_d, INTNAME("D")}, { KID_F , SDLK_f, INTNAME("F")}, { KID_G , SDLK_g, INTNAME("G")}, { KID_H , SDLK_h, INTNAME("H")}, { KID_J , SDLK_j, INTNAME("J")}, { KID_K , SDLK_k, INTNAME("K")}, { KID_L , SDLK_l, INTNAME("L")}, { KID_SEMICOLON , SDLK_SEMICOLON, INTNAME(";")}, { KID_APOSTROPHE , SDLK_QUOTE, INTNAME("'")}, // 3rd alpha row { KID_Z , SDLK_z, INTNAME("Z")}, { KID_X , SDLK_x, INTNAME("X")}, { KID_C , SDLK_c, INTNAME("C")}, { KID_V , SDLK_v, INTNAME("V")}, { KID_B , SDLK_b, INTNAME("B")}, { KID_N , SDLK_n, INTNAME("N")}, { KID_M , SDLK_m, INTNAME("M")}, { KID_COMMA , SDLK_COMMA, INTNAME(",")}, { KID_PERIOD , SDLK_PERIOD, INTNAME(".")}, { KID_SLASH , SDLK_SLASH, INTNAME("/")}, // row with F-keys { KID_F1 , SDLK_F1, INTNAME("F1")}, { KID_F2 , SDLK_F2, INTNAME("F2")}, { KID_F3 , SDLK_F3, INTNAME("F3")}, { KID_F4 , SDLK_F4, INTNAME("F4")}, { KID_F5 , SDLK_F5, INTNAME("F5")}, { KID_F6 , SDLK_F6, INTNAME("F6")}, { KID_F7 , SDLK_F7, INTNAME("F7")}, { KID_F8 , SDLK_F8, INTNAME("F8")}, { KID_F9 , SDLK_F9, INTNAME("F9")}, { KID_F10 , SDLK_F10, INTNAME("F10")}, { KID_F11 , SDLK_F11, INTNAME("F11")}, { KID_F12 , SDLK_F12, INTNAME("F12")}, // extra keys { KID_ESCAPE , SDLK_ESCAPE, TRANAME("Escape")}, { KID_TILDE , -1, TRANAME("Tilde")}, { KID_BACKSPACE , SDLK_BACKSPACE, TRANAME("Backspace")}, { KID_TAB , SDLK_TAB, TRANAME("Tab")}, { KID_CAPSLOCK , SDLK_CAPSLOCK, TRANAME("Caps Lock")}, { KID_ENTER , SDLK_RETURN, TRANAME("Enter")}, { KID_SPACE , SDLK_SPACE, TRANAME("Space")}, // modifier keys { KID_LSHIFT , SDLK_LSHIFT , TRANAME("Left Shift")}, { KID_RSHIFT , SDLK_RSHIFT , TRANAME("Right Shift")}, { KID_LCONTROL , SDLK_LCTRL, TRANAME("Left Control")}, { KID_RCONTROL , SDLK_RCTRL, TRANAME("Right Control")}, { KID_LALT , SDLK_LALT , TRANAME("Left Alt")}, { KID_RALT , SDLK_RALT , TRANAME("Right Alt")}, // navigation keys { KID_ARROWUP , SDLK_UP, TRANAME("Arrow Up")}, { KID_ARROWDOWN , SDLK_DOWN, TRANAME("Arrow Down")}, { KID_ARROWLEFT , SDLK_LEFT, TRANAME("Arrow Left")}, { KID_ARROWRIGHT , SDLK_RIGHT, TRANAME("Arrow Right")}, { KID_INSERT , SDLK_INSERT, TRANAME("Insert")}, { KID_DELETE , SDLK_DELETE, TRANAME("Delete")}, { KID_HOME , SDLK_HOME, TRANAME("Home")}, { KID_END , SDLK_END, TRANAME("End")}, { KID_PAGEUP , SDLK_PAGEUP, TRANAME("Page Up")}, { KID_PAGEDOWN , SDLK_PAGEDOWN, TRANAME("Page Down")}, { KID_PRINTSCR , SDLK_PRINTSCREEN, TRANAME("Print Screen")}, { KID_SCROLLLOCK , SDLK_SCROLLLOCK, TRANAME("Scroll Lock")}, { KID_PAUSE , SDLK_PAUSE, TRANAME("Pause")}, // numpad numbers { KID_NUM0 , SDLK_KP_0, INTNAME("Num 0")}, { KID_NUM1 , SDLK_KP_1, INTNAME("Num 1")}, { KID_NUM2 , SDLK_KP_2, INTNAME("Num 2")}, { KID_NUM3 , SDLK_KP_3, INTNAME("Num 3")}, { KID_NUM4 , SDLK_KP_4, INTNAME("Num 4")}, { KID_NUM5 , SDLK_KP_5, INTNAME("Num 5")}, { KID_NUM6 , SDLK_KP_6, INTNAME("Num 6")}, { KID_NUM7 , SDLK_KP_7, INTNAME("Num 7")}, { KID_NUM8 , SDLK_KP_8, INTNAME("Num 8")}, { KID_NUM9 , SDLK_KP_9, INTNAME("Num 9")}, { KID_NUMDECIMAL , SDLK_KP_PERIOD, INTNAME("Num .")}, // numpad gray keys { KID_NUMLOCK , SDLK_NUMLOCKCLEAR, INTNAME("Num Lock")}, { KID_NUMSLASH , SDLK_KP_DIVIDE, INTNAME("Num /")}, { KID_NUMMULTIPLY , SDLK_KP_MULTIPLY, INTNAME("Num *")}, { KID_NUMMINUS , SDLK_KP_MINUS, INTNAME("Num -")}, { KID_NUMPLUS , SDLK_KP_PLUS, INTNAME("Num +")}, { KID_NUMENTER , SDLK_KP_ENTER, TRANAME("Num Enter")}, // mouse buttons { KID_MOUSE1 , -1, TRANAME("Mouse Button 1")}, { KID_MOUSE2 , -1, TRANAME("Mouse Button 2")}, { KID_MOUSE3 , -1, TRANAME("Mouse Button 3")}, { KID_MOUSE4 , -1, TRANAME("Mouse Button 4")}, { KID_MOUSE5 , -1, TRANAME("Mouse Button 5")}, { KID_MOUSEWHEELUP , -1, TRANAME("Mouse Wheel Up")}, { KID_MOUSEWHEELDOWN , -1, TRANAME("Mouse Wheel Down")}, // 2nd mouse buttons { KID_2MOUSE1 , -1, TRANAME("2nd Mouse Button 1")}, { KID_2MOUSE2 , -1, TRANAME("2nd Mouse Button 2")}, { KID_2MOUSE3 , -1, TRANAME("2nd Mouse Button 3")}, }; // autogenerated fast conversion tables static INDEX _aiScancodeToKid[SDL_NUM_SCANCODES]; // make fast conversion tables from the general table static void MakeConversionTables(void) { // clear conversion tables for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYCOUNT(_aiScancodeToKid); i++) { _aiScancodeToKid[i] = -1; } // for each Key for (INDEX iKey=0; iKey<ARRAYCOUNT(_akcKeys); iKey++) { const KeyConversion &kc = _akcKeys[iKey]; // get codes const INDEX iKID = kc.kc_iKID; //INDEX iScan = kc.kc_iScanCode; const SDL_Keycode iVirt = kc.kc_iVirtKey; if (iVirt>=0) { _aiScancodeToKid[SDL_GetScancodeFromKey(iVirt)] = iKID; } } _aiScancodeToKid[SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN] = -1; // in case several items set this. } // variables for message interception //static HHOOK _hGetMsgHook = NULL; //static HHOOK _hSendMsgHook = NULL; static int _iMouseZ = 0; static BOOL _bWheelUp = FALSE; static BOOL _bWheelDn = FALSE; // emulate Win32: A single mouse wheel rotation // is +120 (upwards) or -120 (downwards) #define MOUSE_SCROLL_INTERVAL 120 CTCriticalSection csInput; // which keys are pressed, as recorded by message interception (by KIDs) static UBYTE _abKeysPressed[256]; // set a key according to a keydown/keyup message static void SetKeyFromEvent(const SDL_Event *event, const BOOL bDown) { ASSERT((event->type == SDL_KEYUP) || (event->type == SDL_KEYDOWN)); if ( (event->key.keysym.mod & KMOD_CTRL) && (event->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_g) && (event->type == SDL_KEYDOWN) && (inp_bSDLPermitCtrlG) ) { if (inp_bSDLGrabInput) { // turn off input grab. SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode(SDL_FALSE); inp_bSDLGrabInput = FALSE; } // if else { // turn on input grab. SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode(SDL_TRUE); inp_bSDLGrabInput = TRUE; } // else mouse_relative_x = mouse_relative_y = 0; return; } // if #ifdef PLATFORM_PANDORA if(event->key.keysym.sym==SDLK_RSHIFT) { _abKeysPressed[KID_MOUSE1] = bDown; return; } else if(event->key.keysym.sym==SDLK_RCTRL) { _abKeysPressed[KID_MOUSE2] = bDown; return; } #endif // convert virtualkey to kid const INDEX iKID = _aiScancodeToKid[event->key.keysym.scancode]; if (iKID>=0 && iKID<ARRAYCOUNT(_abKeysPressed)) { //CPrintF("%s: %d\n", _pInput->inp_strButtonNames[iKID], bDown); _abKeysPressed[iKID] = bDown; } } static void sdl_event_handler(const SDL_Event *event) { switch (event->type) { case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: mouse_relative_x += event->motion.xrel; mouse_relative_y += event->motion.yrel; break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: if (event->button.button <= 5) { int button = KID_MOUSE1; switch(event->button.button) { case SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT: button = KID_MOUSE2; break; case SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE: button = KID_MOUSE3; break; case 4: button = KID_MOUSE4; break; case 5: button = KID_MOUSE5; break; } _abKeysPressed[button] = (event->button.state == SDL_PRESSED) ? TRUE : FALSE; } break; case SDL_MOUSEWHEEL: _iMouseZ += event->wheel.y * MOUSE_SCROLL_INTERVAL; break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: SetKeyFromEvent(event, TRUE); break; case SDL_KEYUP: SetKeyFromEvent(event, FALSE); break; default: break; } // switch } // sdl_event_handler // This keeps the input subsystem in sync with everything else, by // making sure all SDL events tunnel through one function. // DO NOT DIRECTLY MESS WITH THE SDL EVENT QUEUE THROUGH ANY OTHER FUNCTION. // Parameters/retval are same as SDL_PollEvent(). int SE_SDL_InputEventPoll(SDL_Event *sdlevent) { ASSERT(sdlevent != NULL); CTSingleLock slInput(&sl_csInput, FALSE); if(slInput.TryToLock()) { const int retval = SDL_PollEvent(sdlevent); if (retval) sdl_event_handler(sdlevent); return retval; } return 0; } // SE_SDL_InputEventPoll #if 0 // !!! FIXME: Can we support this? // --------- 2ND MOUSE HANDLING #define MOUSECOMBUFFERSIZE 256L static HANDLE _h2ndMouse = NONE; static BOOL _bIgnoreMouse2 = TRUE; static INDEX _i2ndMouseX, _i2ndMouseY, _i2ndMouseButtons; static INDEX _iByteNum = 0; static UBYTE _aubComBytes[4] = {0,0,0,0}; static INDEX _iLastPort = -1; static void Poll2ndMouse(void) { // reset (mouse reading is relative) _i2ndMouseX = 0; _i2ndMouseY = 0; if( _h2ndMouse==NONE) return; // check COMSTAT csComStat; DWORD dwErrorFlags; ClearCommError( _h2ndMouse, &dwErrorFlags, &csComStat); DWORD dwLength = Min( MOUSECOMBUFFERSIZE, (INDEX)csComStat.cbInQue); if( dwLength<=0) return; // readout UBYTE aubMouseBuffer[MOUSECOMBUFFERSIZE]; INDEX iRetries = 999; while( iRetries>0 && !ReadFile( _h2ndMouse, aubMouseBuffer, dwLength, &dwLength, NULL)) iRetries--; if( iRetries<=0) return; // what, didn't make it? // parse the mouse packets for( INDEX i=0; i<dwLength; i++) { // prepare if( aubMouseBuffer[i] & 64) _iByteNum = 0; if( _iByteNum<4) _aubComBytes[_iByteNum] = aubMouseBuffer[i]; _iByteNum++; // buttons ? if( _iByteNum==1) { _i2ndMouseButtons &= ~3; _i2ndMouseButtons |= (_aubComBytes[0] & (32+16)) >>4; } // axes ? else if( _iByteNum==3) { char iDX = ((_aubComBytes[0] & 3) <<6) + _aubComBytes[1]; char iDY = ((_aubComBytes[0] & 12) <<4) + _aubComBytes[2]; _i2ndMouseX += iDX; _i2ndMouseY += iDY; } // 3rd button? else if( _iByteNum==4) { _i2ndMouseButtons &= ~4; if( aubMouseBuffer[i]&32) _i2ndMouseButtons |= 4; } } // ignore pooling? if( _bIgnoreMouse2) { if( _i2ndMouseX!=0 || _i2ndMouseY!=0) _bIgnoreMouse2 = FALSE; _i2ndMouseX = 0; _i2ndMouseY = 0; _i2ndMouseButtons = 0; return; } } static void Startup2ndMouse(INDEX iPort) { // skip if disabled ASSERT( iPort>=0 && iPort<=4); if( iPort==0) return; // determine port string CTString str2ndMousePort( 0, "COM%d", iPort); // create COM handle if needed if( _h2ndMouse==NONE) { _h2ndMouse = CreateFile( str2ndMousePort, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if( _h2ndMouse==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // failed! :( INDEX iError = GetLastError(); if( iError==5) CPrintF( "Cannot open %s (access denied).\n" "The port is probably already used by another device (mouse, modem...)\n", str2ndMousePort); else CPrintF( "Cannot open %s (error %d).\n", str2ndMousePort, iError); _h2ndMouse = NONE; return; } } // setup and purge buffers SetupComm( _h2ndMouse, MOUSECOMBUFFERSIZE, MOUSECOMBUFFERSIZE); PurgeComm( _h2ndMouse, PURGE_TXABORT | PURGE_RXABORT | PURGE_TXCLEAR | PURGE_RXCLEAR); // setup port to 1200 7N1 DCB dcb; dcb.DCBlength = sizeof(DCB); GetCommState( _h2ndMouse, &dcb); dcb.BaudRate = CBR_1200; dcb.ByteSize = 7; dcb.Parity = NOPARITY; dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT; dcb.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE; dcb.fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE; dcb.fBinary = TRUE; dcb.fParity = TRUE; SetCommState( _h2ndMouse, &dcb); // reset _iByteNum = 0; _aubComBytes[0] = _aubComBytes[1] = _aubComBytes[2] = _aubComBytes[3] = 0; _bIgnoreMouse2 = TRUE; // ignore mouse polling until 1 after non-0 readout _iLastPort = iPort; //CPrintF( "STARTUP M2!\n"); } static void Shutdown2ndMouse(void) { // skip if already disabled if( _h2ndMouse==NONE) return; // disable! SetCommMask( _h2ndMouse, 0); EscapeCommFunction( _h2ndMouse, CLRDTR); EscapeCommFunction( _h2ndMouse, CLRRTS); PurgeComm( _h2ndMouse, PURGE_TXABORT | PURGE_RXABORT | PURGE_TXCLEAR | PURGE_RXCLEAR); // close port if changed if( _iLastPort != inp_i2ndMousePort) { CloseHandle( _h2ndMouse); _h2ndMouse = NONE; } // over and out _bIgnoreMouse2 = TRUE; } #endif static SDL_Joystick **sticks = NULL; static int ctJoysticks = 0; BOOL CInput::PlatformInit(void) { #if 0 _h2ndMouse = NONE; #endif ASSERT(sticks == NULL); ASSERT(ctJoysticks == 0); _pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user INDEX inp_bSDLPermitCtrlG;", (void*)&inp_bSDLPermitCtrlG); _pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user INDEX inp_bSDLGrabInput;", (void*)&inp_bSDLGrabInput); MakeConversionTables(); sl_csInput.cs_iIndex = 3000; return(TRUE); } // destructor CInput::~CInput() { if (sticks != NULL) { int max = ctJoysticks; for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { if (sticks[i] != NULL) { SDL_JoystickClose(sticks[i]); } } delete[] sticks; sticks = NULL; } ctJoysticks = 0; #if 0 if (_h2ndMouse != NONE) CloseHandle(_h2ndMouse); _h2ndMouse = NONE; #endif } BOOL CInput::PlatformSetKeyNames(void) { // for each Key for (INDEX iKey=0; iKey<ARRAYCOUNT(_akcKeys); iKey++) { const KeyConversion &kc = _akcKeys[iKey]; // set the name if (kc.kc_strName!=NULL) { inp_strButtonNames[kc.kc_iKID] = kc.kc_strName; if (strlen(kc.kc_strNameTrans)==0) { inp_strButtonNamesTra[kc.kc_iKID] = kc.kc_strName; } else { inp_strButtonNamesTra[kc.kc_iKID] = TranslateConst(kc.kc_strNameTrans, 4); } } } return(TRUE); } LONG CInput::PlatformGetJoystickCount(void) { LONG retval = (LONG) SDL_NumJoysticks(); if (retval > 0) { sticks = new SDL_Joystick *[retval]; ctJoysticks = (int) retval; memset(sticks, '\0', sizeof (SDL_Joystick *) * retval); } return(retval); } // check if a joystick exists BOOL CInput::CheckJoystick(INDEX iJoy) { CPrintF(TRANSV(" joy %d:"), iJoy + 1); ASSERT(ctJoysticks > iJoy); CPrintF(" '%s'\n", SDL_JoystickNameForIndex(iJoy)); SDL_Joystick *stick = SDL_JoystickOpen(iJoy); if (stick == NULL) { CPrintF(" ...can't open joystick.\n reason: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return FALSE; } ASSERT(sticks != NULL); ASSERT(sticks[iJoy] == NULL); sticks[iJoy] = stick; int ctAxes = SDL_JoystickNumAxes(stick); CPrintF(TRANSV(" %d axes\n"), ctAxes); CPrintF(TRANSV(" %d buttons\n"), SDL_JoystickNumButtons(stick)); if (SDL_JoystickNumHats(stick) > 0) { CPrintF(TRANSV(" POV hat present\n")); } // for each axis for(INDEX iAxis=0; iAxis<MAX_AXES_PER_JOYSTICK; iAxis++) { ControlAxisInfo &cai= inp_caiAllAxisInfo[ FIRST_JOYAXIS+iJoy*MAX_AXES_PER_JOYSTICK+iAxis]; // remember min/max info cai.cai_slMin = -32768; cai.cai_slMax = 32767; cai.cai_bExisting = (iAxis < ctAxes); } return TRUE; } void CInput::EnableInput(HWND hwnd) { // skip if already enabled if( inp_bInputEnabled) return; SDL_JoystickEventState(SDL_ENABLE); // determine screen center position int winw, winh; SDL_GetWindowSize((SDL_Window *) hwnd, &winw, &winh); inp_slScreenCenterX = winw / 2; inp_slScreenCenterY = winh / 2; // remember mouse pos int mousex, mousey; SDL_GetMouseState(&mousex, &mousey); // !!! FIXME: this isn't necessarily (hwnd) inp_ptOldMousePos.x = mousex; inp_ptOldMousePos.y = mousey; SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode(inp_bSDLGrabInput ? SDL_TRUE : SDL_FALSE); // save system mouse settings memset(&inp_mscMouseSettings, '\0', sizeof (MouseSpeedControl)); #if 0 // if required, try to enable 2nd mouse Shutdown2ndMouse(); inp_i2ndMousePort = Clamp( inp_i2ndMousePort, 0L, 4L); Startup2ndMouse(inp_i2ndMousePort); #endif // clear button's buffer memset( _abKeysPressed, 0, sizeof( _abKeysPressed)); // remember current status inp_bInputEnabled = TRUE; inp_bPollJoysticks = FALSE; } /* * Disable direct input */ void CInput::DisableInput( void) { // skip if allready disabled if( !inp_bInputEnabled) return; SDL_JoystickEventState(SDL_DISABLE); // show mouse on screen SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode(SDL_FALSE); // eventually disable 2nd mouse #if 0 Shutdown2ndMouse(); #endif // remember current status inp_bInputEnabled = FALSE; inp_bPollJoysticks = FALSE; } #define USE_MOUSEWARP 1 // Define this to use GetMouse instead of using Message to read mouse coordinates // blank any queued mousemove events...SDLInput.cpp needs this when // returning from the menus/console to game or the viewport will jump... void CInput::ClearRelativeMouseMotion(void) { #if USE_MOUSEWARP SDL_GetRelativeMouseState(NULL, NULL); #endif mouse_relative_x = mouse_relative_y = 0; } /* * Scan states of all available input sources */ void CInput::GetInput(BOOL bPreScan) { // CTSingleLock sl(&csInput, TRUE); if (!inp_bInputEnabled) { return; } if (bPreScan && !inp_bAllowPrescan) { return; } #if 0 // should not be usefull SDL_Event event; while (SE_SDL_InputEventPoll(&event)) { /* do nothing... */ } #endif // if not pre-scanning if (!bPreScan) { // clear button's buffer memset( inp_ubButtonsBuffer, 0, sizeof( inp_ubButtonsBuffer)); const Uint8 *keystate = SDL_GetKeyboardState(NULL); // for each Key for (INDEX iKey=0; iKey<ARRAYCOUNT(_akcKeys); iKey++) { const KeyConversion &kc = _akcKeys[iKey]; // get codes INDEX iKID = kc.kc_iKID; //INDEX iScan = kc.kc_iScanCode; INDEX iVirt = kc.kc_iVirtKey; // if reading async keystate if (0/*inp_iKeyboardReadingMethod==0*/) { // if there is a valid virtkey if (iVirt>=0) { // is state is pressed if (keystate[SDL_GetScancodeFromKey((SDL_Keycode)iVirt)]) { // mark it as pressed inp_ubButtonsBuffer[iKID] = 0xFF; } } } else { // if snooped that key is pressed if (_abKeysPressed[iKID]) { // mark it as pressed inp_ubButtonsBuffer[iKID] = 0xFF; } } } } // read mouse position #ifdef USE_MOUSEWARP int iMx, iMy; SDL_GetRelativeMouseState(&iMx, &iMy); mouse_relative_x = iMx; mouse_relative_y = iMy; #else if ((mouse_relative_x != 0) || (mouse_relative_y != 0)) #endif { FLOAT fDX = FLOAT( mouse_relative_x ); FLOAT fDY = FLOAT( mouse_relative_y ); mouse_relative_x = mouse_relative_y = 0; FLOAT fSensitivity = inp_fMouseSensitivity; if( inp_bAllowMouseAcceleration) fSensitivity *= 0.25f; FLOAT fD = Sqrt(fDX*fDX+fDY*fDY); if (inp_bMousePrecision) { static FLOAT _tmTime = 0.0f; if( fD<inp_fMousePrecisionThreshold) _tmTime += 0.05f; else _tmTime = 0.0f; if( _tmTime>inp_fMousePrecisionTimeout) fSensitivity /= inp_fMousePrecisionFactor; } static FLOAT fDXOld; static FLOAT fDYOld; static TIME tmOldDelta; static CTimerValue tvBefore; CTimerValue tvNow = _pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer(); TIME tmNowDelta = (tvNow-tvBefore).GetSeconds(); if (tmNowDelta<0.001f) { tmNowDelta = 0.001f; } tvBefore = tvNow; FLOAT fDXSmooth = (fDXOld*tmOldDelta+fDX*tmNowDelta)/(tmOldDelta+tmNowDelta); FLOAT fDYSmooth = (fDYOld*tmOldDelta+fDY*tmNowDelta)/(tmOldDelta+tmNowDelta); fDXOld = fDX; fDYOld = fDY; tmOldDelta = tmNowDelta; if (inp_bFilterMouse) { fDX = fDXSmooth; fDY = fDYSmooth; } // get final mouse values FLOAT fMouseRelX = +fDX*fSensitivity; FLOAT fMouseRelY = -fDY*fSensitivity; if (inp_bInvertMouse) { fMouseRelY = -fMouseRelY; } FLOAT fMouseRelZ = _iMouseZ; // just interpret values as normal inp_caiAllAxisInfo[1].cai_fReading = fMouseRelX; inp_caiAllAxisInfo[2].cai_fReading = fMouseRelY; inp_caiAllAxisInfo[3].cai_fReading = fMouseRelZ; } #ifndef USE_MOUSEWARP else { inp_caiAllAxisInfo[1].cai_fReading = 0.0; inp_caiAllAxisInfo[2].cai_fReading = 0.0; inp_caiAllAxisInfo[3].cai_fReading = 0.0; } #endif // if not pre-scanning if (!bPreScan) { // detect wheel up/down movement if (_iMouseZ>0) { if (_bWheelUp) { inp_ubButtonsBuffer[KID_MOUSEWHEELUP] = 0x00; } else { inp_ubButtonsBuffer[KID_MOUSEWHEELUP] = 0xFF; _iMouseZ = ClampDn(_iMouseZ-MOUSE_SCROLL_INTERVAL, 0); } } _bWheelUp = inp_ubButtonsBuffer[KID_MOUSEWHEELUP]; if (_iMouseZ<0) { if (_bWheelDn) { inp_ubButtonsBuffer[KID_MOUSEWHEELDOWN] = 0x00; } else { inp_ubButtonsBuffer[KID_MOUSEWHEELDOWN] = 0xFF; _iMouseZ = ClampUp(_iMouseZ+MOUSE_SCROLL_INTERVAL, 0); } } _bWheelDn = inp_ubButtonsBuffer[KID_MOUSEWHEELDOWN]; } inp_bLastPrescan = bPreScan; // !!! FIXME #if 0 // readout 2nd mouse if enabled if( _h2ndMouse!=NONE) { Poll2ndMouse(); //CPrintF( "m2X: %4d, m2Y: %4d, m2B: 0x%02X\n", _i2ndMouseX, _i2ndMouseY, _i2ndMouseButtons); // handle 2nd mouse buttons if( _i2ndMouseButtons & 2) inp_ubButtonsBuffer[KID_2MOUSE1] = 0xFF; if( _i2ndMouseButtons & 1) inp_ubButtonsBuffer[KID_2MOUSE2] = 0xFF; if( _i2ndMouseButtons & 4) inp_ubButtonsBuffer[KID_2MOUSE3] = 0xFF; // handle 2nd mouse movement FLOAT fDX = _i2ndMouseX; FLOAT fDY = _i2ndMouseY; FLOAT fSensitivity = inp_f2ndMouseSensitivity; FLOAT fD = Sqrt(fDX*fDX+fDY*fDY); if( inp_b2ndMousePrecision) { static FLOAT _tm2Time = 0.0f; if( fD<inp_f2ndMousePrecisionThreshold) _tm2Time += 0.05f; else _tm2Time = 0.0f; if( _tm2Time>inp_f2ndMousePrecisionTimeout) fSensitivity /= inp_f2ndMousePrecisionFactor; } static FLOAT f2DXOld; static FLOAT f2DYOld; static TIME tm2OldDelta; static CTimerValue tv2Before; CTimerValue tvNow = _pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer(); TIME tmNowDelta = (tvNow-tv2Before).GetSeconds(); if( tmNowDelta<0.001f) tmNowDelta = 0.001f; tv2Before = tvNow; FLOAT fDXSmooth = (f2DXOld*tm2OldDelta+fDX*tmNowDelta) / (tm2OldDelta+tmNowDelta); FLOAT fDYSmooth = (f2DYOld*tm2OldDelta+fDY*tmNowDelta) / (tm2OldDelta+tmNowDelta); f2DXOld = fDX; f2DYOld = fDY; tm2OldDelta = tmNowDelta; if( inp_bFilter2ndMouse) { fDX = fDXSmooth; fDY = fDYSmooth; } // get final mouse values FLOAT fMouseRelX = +fDX*fSensitivity; FLOAT fMouseRelY = -fDY*fSensitivity; if( inp_bInvert2ndMouse) fMouseRelY = -fMouseRelY; // just interpret values as normal inp_caiAllAxisInfo[4].cai_fReading = fMouseRelX; inp_caiAllAxisInfo[5].cai_fReading = fMouseRelY; } #endif // if joystick polling is enabled if (inp_bPollJoysticks || inp_bForceJoystickPolling) { // scan all available joysticks for( INDEX iJoy=0; iJoy<MAX_JOYSTICKS; iJoy++) { if (inp_abJoystickOn[iJoy] && iJoy<inp_ctJoysticksAllowed) { // scan joy state BOOL bSucceeded = ScanJoystick(iJoy, bPreScan); // if joystick reading failed if (!bSucceeded && inp_bAutoDisableJoysticks) { // kill it, so it doesn't slow down CPU CPrintF(TRANSV("Joystick %d failed, disabling it!\n"), iJoy+1); inp_abJoystickOn[iJoy] = FALSE; } } } } } /* * Scans axis and buttons for given joystick */ BOOL CInput::ScanJoystick(INDEX iJoy, BOOL bPreScan) { ASSERT(ctJoysticks > iJoy); ASSERT(sticks != NULL); ASSERT(sticks[iJoy] != NULL); SDL_Joystick *stick = sticks[iJoy]; // for each available axis for( INDEX iAxis=0; iAxis<MAX_AXES_PER_JOYSTICK; iAxis++) { ControlAxisInfo &cai = inp_caiAllAxisInfo[ FIRST_JOYAXIS+iJoy*MAX_AXES_PER_JOYSTICK+iAxis]; // if the axis is not present if (!cai.cai_bExisting) { // read as zero cai.cai_fReading = 0.0f; // skip to next axis continue; } // read its state SLONG slAxisReading = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(stick, iAxis); // convert from min..max to -1..+1 FLOAT fAxisReading = FLOAT(slAxisReading-cai.cai_slMin)/(cai.cai_slMax-cai.cai_slMin)*2.0f-1.0f; // set current axis value cai.cai_fReading = fAxisReading; } // if not pre-scanning if (!bPreScan) { INDEX iButtonTotal = FIRST_JOYBUTTON+iJoy*MAX_BUTTONS_PER_JOYSTICK; // for each available button for( INDEX iButton=0; iButton<32; iButton++) { // test if the button is pressed if (SDL_JoystickGetButton(stick, iButton)) { inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iButtonTotal++] = 128; } else { inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iButtonTotal++] = 0; } } /* !!! FIXME: Support hats as extra buttons... // POV hat initially not pressed // CPrintF("%d\n", ji.dwPOV); INDEX iStartPOV = iButtonTotal; inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iStartPOV+0] = 0; inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iStartPOV+1] = 0; inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iStartPOV+2] = 0; inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iStartPOV+3] = 0; // check the four pov directions if (ji.dwPOV==JOY_POVFORWARD) { inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iStartPOV+0] = 128; } else if (ji.dwPOV==JOY_POVRIGHT) { inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iStartPOV+1] = 128; } else if (ji.dwPOV==JOY_POVBACKWARD) { inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iStartPOV+2] = 128; } else if (ji.dwPOV==JOY_POVLEFT) { inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iStartPOV+3] = 128; // and four mid-positions } else if (ji.dwPOV==JOY_POVFORWARD+4500) { inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iStartPOV+0] = 128; inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iStartPOV+1] = 128; } else if (ji.dwPOV==JOY_POVRIGHT+4500) { inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iStartPOV+1] = 128; inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iStartPOV+2] = 128; } else if (ji.dwPOV==JOY_POVBACKWARD+4500) { inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iStartPOV+2] = 128; inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iStartPOV+3] = 128; } else if (ji.dwPOV==JOY_POVLEFT+4500) { inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iStartPOV+3] = 128; inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iStartPOV+0] = 128; } */ } // successful return TRUE; } // end of SDLInput.cpp ...