/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. All rights reserved. */

#include <Engine/Engine.h>
#include "SDL.h"

static void FailFunction_t(const char *strName) {
  ThrowF_t(TRANS("Required function %s not found."), strName);

static void sdlCheckError(BOOL bRes, const char *strDescription)
  if( bRes) return;
  const char *sdlError = SDL_GetError();
  if( !sdlError) return; // ignore stupid 'successful' error
  WarningMessage("%s: %s", strDescription, sdlError);

static void OGL_SetFunctionPointers_t(HINSTANCE hiOGL)
  const char *strName;
  // get gl function pointers

  #define DLLFUNCTION(dll, output, name, inputs, params, required) \
    strName = #name;  \
    p##name = (output (__stdcall*) inputs) SDL_GL_GetProcAddress(strName); \
    if( required && p##name == NULL) FailFunction_t(strName);
  #include "Engine/Graphics/gl_functions.h"

BOOL CGfxLibrary::InitDriver_OGL(BOOL init3dfx)
  ASSERT( gl_hiDriver==NONE);  // this is managed inside SDL, so we never load a library ourselves.

  if (SDL_GL_LoadLibrary(NULL) == -1) {
    sdlCheckError(0, "Failed to load OpenGL API");
    return FALSE;

  // done
  return TRUE;

void CGfxLibrary::PlatformEndDriver_OGL(void)
  // shut the driver down
  SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(NULL, NULL);
  if (go_hglRC) {
    go_hglRC = NULL;

// creates OpenGL drawing context
BOOL CGfxLibrary::CreateContext_OGL(HDC hdc)
  SDL_Window *window = (SDL_Window *) hdc;
  if( !SetupPixelFormat_OGL( hdc, TRUE)) return FALSE;
  go_hglRC = SDL_GL_CreateContext(window);
  if( go_hglRC==NULL) {
    sdlCheckError(0, "OpenGL context creation");
    return FALSE;
  if (SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(window, go_hglRC) == -1) {
    // NOTE: This error is sometimes reported without a reason on 3dfx hardware
    // so we just have to ignore it.
    sdlCheckError(0, "MakeCurrent after CreateContext");
    return FALSE;
  int val = 0;
  if (SDL_GL_GetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, &val) != -1) {  // keep depth bits
    gl_iCurrentDepth = val;
  } else {
    gl_iCurrentDepth = 16;  // oh well.

  // prepare functions

  return TRUE;

void *CGfxLibrary::OGL_GetProcAddress(const char *procname)

// prepares pixel format for OpenGL context
BOOL CGfxLibrary::SetupPixelFormat_OGL( HDC hdc, BOOL bReport/*=FALSE*/)
  SDL_Window *window = (SDL_Window *) hdc;
  const DisplayDepth dd  = gl_dmCurrentDisplayMode.dm_ddDepth;

  // clamp depth/stencil values
  extern INDEX gap_iDepthBits;
  extern INDEX gap_iStencilBits;
       if( gap_iDepthBits <12) gap_iDepthBits   = 0;
  else if( gap_iDepthBits <22) gap_iDepthBits   = 16;
  else if( gap_iDepthBits <28) gap_iDepthBits   = 24;
  else                         gap_iDepthBits   = 32;
       if( gap_iStencilBits<3) gap_iStencilBits = 0;
  else if( gap_iStencilBits<7) gap_iStencilBits = 4;
  else                         gap_iStencilBits = 8;

  SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, (dd != DD_16BIT) ? 8 : 5);
  SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, (dd != DD_16BIT) ? 8 : 6);
  SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, (dd != DD_16BIT) ? 8 : 5);
  SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_ALPHA_SIZE, 0);
  SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, gap_iDepthBits);
  SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_STENCIL_SIZE, gap_iStencilBits);

  STUBBED("co-opt the existing T-buffer support for multisampling?");

  return TRUE;

// prepare current viewport for rendering thru OpenGL
BOOL CGfxLibrary::SetCurrentViewport_OGL(CViewPort *pvp)
  // if must init entire opengl
  if( gl_ulFlags & GLF_INITONNEXTWINDOW)
    gl_ulFlags &= ~GLF_INITONNEXTWINDOW;
    // reopen window
    // init now
    if( !CreateContext_OGL((HDC) pvp->vp_hWnd)) return FALSE;
    gl_pvpActive = pvp; // remember as current viewport (must do that BEFORE InitContext)
    gl_ulFlags |=  GLF_HASACCELERATION;  // !!! FIXME: might be a lie, though...
    pvp->vp_ctDisplayChanges = gl_ctDriverChanges;
    return TRUE;

  // if window was not set for this driver
  if( pvp->vp_ctDisplayChanges<gl_ctDriverChanges)
    // reopen window

    // set it
    pvp->vp_ctDisplayChanges = gl_ctDriverChanges;

  // remember as current window
  gl_pvpActive = pvp;
  return TRUE;

// end of SDLOpenGL.cpp ...