/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. 
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */

  #pragma once

#include <Engine/Base/Lists.h>
#include <Engine/Models/Model.h>
#include <Engine/Math/Vector.h>
#include <Engine/Math/Placement.h>
#include <Engine/Graphics/Texture.h>
#include <Engine/Models/Model_internal.h>

class CAttachmentModelObject;
class CRenderModel;
class CModelInfo;

class ENGINE_API CModelObject : public CAnimObject {
  ULONG mo_PatchMask;										  				// used to turn on/off texture patches (i.e. blood patches)
	INDEX mo_iManualMipLevel;
	BOOL  mo_AutoMipModeling;

  // API version
  void RenderModel_View( CRenderModel &rm);
  void RenderPatches_View( CRenderModel &rm);
  void AddSimpleShadow_View( CRenderModel &rm, const FLOAT fIntensity, const FLOATplane3D &plShadowPlane);
  void RenderShadow_View( CRenderModel &rm, const CPlacement3D &plLight,
                          const FLOAT fFallOff, const FLOAT fHotSpot, const FLOAT fIntensity,
                          const FLOATplane3D &plShadowPlane);
  // software version for drawing model mask
  void RenderModel_Mask( CRenderModel &rm);

  CTextureObject mo_toTexture;				   					// texture used for model rendering
  CTextureObject mo_toReflection;				   	  		// texture used for reflection
  CTextureObject mo_toSpecular;				   					// texture used for specularity
  CTextureObject mo_toBump;   				   					// texture used for bump
  FLOAT3D mo_Stretch;															// dynamic stretching vector, (usually 1,1,1)
  ULONG mo_ColorMask;															// mask telling what parts (colors) are visible
  INDEX mo_iLastRenderMipLevel;                   // last rendered mip model index remembered
  COLOR mo_colBlendColor;													// dynamic blend color (alpha is applied)
  CListHead mo_lhAttachments;                     // list of currently active attachment models

	CModelObject(void);                             // default constructor
	~CModelObject(void);                            // destructor
  // copy from another object of same class
  void Copy(CModelObject &moOther);

  MEX GetWidth(); // retrieves model's texture width
  MEX GetHeight();// retrieves model's texture height
  void GetModelInfo(CModelInfo &miInfo);          // retrieves full model info
  BOOL IsModelVisible(float fMipFactor);          // is model visible for given mip factor
  INDEX GetMipModel(float fMipFactor);            // retrieves current mip model index
  BOOL HasShadow(INDEX iModelMip);                // test if model has shadow at given mip level
  FLOATaabbox3D GetFrameBBox( INDEX iFrameNo);    // retrieves bounding box of given frame
  BOOL IsAutoMipModeling();             					// TRUE if auto mip modeling is on
  void AutoMipModelingOn();             					// function starts auto mip modeling
  void AutoMipModelingOff();             					// function stops auto mip modeling
  INDEX GetManualMipLevel(void); 		              // retrieves current mip level
  void SetManualMipLevel(INDEX iNewMipLevel); 		// sets given mip-level as current (auto mip modeling off)
  void PrevManualMipLevel();                   		// sets previous mip-level (more precize)
  void NextManualMipLevel();                   		// sets next mip-level (more rough)
  void SetMipSwitchFactor(INDEX iMipLevel, float fMipFactor); // sets given mip-level's new switch factor
  /* retrieves current frame's bounding box */
  void GetCurrentFrameBBox( FLOATaabbox3D &MaxBB);
  /* retrieves bounding box of all frames */
  void GetAllFramesBBox( FLOATaabbox3D &MaxBB);
  FLOAT3D GetCollisionBoxMin(INDEX iCollisionBox);
  FLOAT3D GetCollisionBoxMax(INDEX iCollisionBox);
  // test it the model has alpha blending
  BOOL HasAlpha(void);
  INDEX GetCollisionBoxDimensionEquality(INDEX iCollisionBox);
  // retrieves number of surfaces used in given mip model
	INDEX SurfacesCt(INDEX iMipModel);
  // retrieves number of polygons in given surface in given mip model
	INDEX PolygonsInSurfaceCt(INDEX iMipModel, INDEX iSurface);
  COLOR GetSurfaceColor( INDEX iCurrentMip, INDEX iCurrentSurface); // retrieves color of given surface
  void SetSurfaceColor( INDEX iCurrentMip, INDEX iSurface, COLOR colNewColorAndAlpha); // changes color of given surface
  void GetSurfaceRenderFlags( INDEX iCurrentMip, INDEX iCurrentSurface,
        enum SurfaceShadingType &sstShading, enum SurfaceTranslucencyType &sttTranslucency,
        ULONG &ulRenderingFlags);
  void SetSurfaceRenderFlags( INDEX iCurrentMip, INDEX iCurrentSurface,
        enum SurfaceShadingType sstShading, enum SurfaceTranslucencyType sttTranslucency,
        ULONG ulRenderingFlags);
  INDEX GetClosestPatch( MEX2D mexWanted, MEX2D &mexFound); // returns index and position of closest patch
  CTString GetColorName( INDEX iColor);           // retrieves name of color with given index
  void SetColorName( INDEX iColor, CTString &strNewName); // sets new color name

  ULONG GetPatchesMask(); // this function returns current value of patches mask
  void  SetPatchesMask( ULONG new_patches_mask);	  	// use this function to set new patches combination

  void UnpackVertex( CRenderModel &rm, const INDEX iVertex, FLOAT3D &vVertex);
  BOOL CreateAttachment( CRenderModel &rmMain, CAttachmentModelObject &amo);
  void ResetAttachmentModelPosition( INDEX iAttachedPosition);
  CAttachmentModelObject *GetAttachmentModelList( INDEX iAttachedPosition, ...);
  CAttachmentModelObject *GetAttachmentModel( INDEX iAttachedPosition);
  CAttachmentModelObject *AddAttachmentModel( INDEX iAttachedPosition);
  void RemoveAttachmentModel( INDEX iAttachedPosition);
  void RemoveAllAttachmentModels(void);
  void StretchModel( const FLOAT3D &vStretch);
  // stretches model relative to current size
  void StretchModelRelative(const FLOAT3D &vStretch);
  // stretches the model without stretching its children
  void StretchSingleModel(const FLOAT3D &vStretch);

  // model rendering
  void SetupModelRendering( CRenderModel &rm);
  void RenderModel( CRenderModel &rm);
  void RenderPatches( CRenderModel &rm);
  void AddSimpleShadow( CRenderModel &rm, const FLOAT fIntensity,  const FLOATplane3D &plShadowPlane);
  void RenderShadow( CRenderModel &rm, const CPlacement3D &plLight,
                     const FLOAT fFallOff, const FLOAT fHotSpot, const FLOAT fIntensity,
                     const FLOATplane3D &plShadowPlane);
  // Get model vertices in absoulte space
  void GetModelVertices( CStaticStackArray<FLOAT3D> &avVertices, FLOATmatrix3D &mRotation,
                         FLOAT3D &vPosition, FLOAT fNormalOffset, FLOAT fMipFactor);
  void GetAttachmentMatrices( CAttachmentModelObject *pamo, FLOATmatrix3D &mRotation, FLOAT3D &vPosition);
  void GetAttachmentTransformations( INDEX iAttachment, FLOATmatrix3D &mRotation, FLOAT3D &vPosition, BOOL bDummyAttachment);

  void ProjectFrameVertices( CProjection3D *pProjection, INDEX iMipModel);
  void ColorizeRegion( CDrawPort *pDP, CProjection3D *projection, PIXaabbox2D box,
                       INDEX iChoosedColor, BOOL bOnColorMode); // colorizes polygons touching given box
  void ColorizePolygon( CDrawPort *pDP, CProjection3D *projection, PIX x1, PIX y1,
                        INDEX iChoosedColor, BOOL bOnColorMode); // colorizes hitted polygon
  void ApplySurfaceToPolygon( CDrawPort *pDP, CProjection3D *projection, PIX x1, PIX y1,
                              INDEX iSurface, COLOR colSurfaceColor);
  void ApplySurfaceToPolygonsInRegion( CDrawPort *pDP, CProjection3D *projection,
                                       PIXaabbox2D box, INDEX iSurface, COLOR colSurfaceColor);
  void UnpackVertex( INDEX iFrame, INDEX iVertex, FLOAT3D &vVertex);
  CPlacement3D GetAttachmentPlacement(CAttachmentModelObject &amo);
  struct ModelPolygon *PolygonHit(CPlacement3D plRay, CPlacement3D plObject,
                                   INDEX iCurrentMip, FLOAT &fHitDistance); // returns ptr to hitted polygon (NULL if none)
  struct ModelPolygon *PolygonHitModelData( CModelData *pMD, CPlacement3D plRay,
                                            CPlacement3D plObject, INDEX iCurrentMip, FLOAT &fHitDistance);
  void PickPolyColor( CDrawPort *pDP, CProjection3D *projection, PIX x1, PIX y1,
                      INDEX &iPickedColorNo, BOOL bOnColorMode); // picks color from hitted polygon
  INDEX PickPolySurface( CDrawPort *pDP, CProjection3D *projection, PIX x1, PIX y1); // picks surface from hitted polygon
  INDEX PickVertexIndex( CDrawPort *pDP, CProjection3D *projection, PIX x1, PIX y1, FLOAT3D &vClosestVertex); // obtains index of closest vertex

  void ShowPatch( INDEX iMaskBit);
  void HidePatch( INDEX iMaskBit);
  void Read_t( CTStream *istrFile); // throw char *
	void Write_t( CTStream *ostrFile);// throw char *

  // set texture data for main texture in surface of this model
  void SetTextureData( CTextureData *ptdNewMainTexture);
  CTFileName GetName(void);
  void AutoSetTextures(void);
  void AutoSetAttachments(void);
  // obtain model and set it for this object
  void SetData_t(const CTFileName &fnmModel); // throw char *
  void SetData(CModelData *pmd);
  CModelData *GetData(void);

  // synchronize with another model (copy animations/attachments positions etc from there)
  void Synchronize(CModelObject &moOther);

  // get amount of memory used by this object
  SLONG GetUsedMemory(void);

class ENGINE_API CAttachmentModelObject {
  CListNode amo_lnInMain;
  INDEX amo_iAttachedPosition;        // indentifier of positions saved in model data
  CPlacement3D amo_plRelative;        // relative placement used for rendering
  CModelObject amo_moModelObject;     // model and texture
  CRenderModel *amo_prm;   // render model structure used in rendering

#endif  /* include-once check. */