/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. All rights reserved. */ #include "stdh.h" #include <Engine/Graphics/ImageInfo.h> #include <Engine/Graphics/Color.h> #include <Engine/Base/Stream.h> #include <Engine/Base/Memory.h> #include <Engine/Math/Functions.h> extern void FlipBitmap( UBYTE *pubSrc, UBYTE *pubDst, PIX pixWidth, PIX pixHeight, INDEX iFlipType, BOOL bAlphaChannel); // Order of CroTeam true color pixel components #define COMPONENT_1 red #define COMPONENT_2 green #define COMPONENT_3 blue #define COMPONENT_4 alpha // and vice versa #define RED_COMPONENT 0 #define GREEN_COMPONENT 1 #define BLUE_COMPONENT 2 #define ALPHA_COMPONENT 3 // PCX header structure struct PCXHeader { SBYTE MagicID; SBYTE Version; SBYTE Encoding; SBYTE PixelBits; SWORD Xmin, Ymin, Xmax, Ymax; SWORD Hres, Vres; UBYTE Palette[16*3]; SBYTE Reserved; SBYTE Planes; UWORD BytesPerLine; SWORD PaletteInfo; SWORD HscreenSize, VscreenSize; SBYTE Filler[54]; }; // TARGA header structure struct TGAHeader { UBYTE IdLenght; UBYTE ColorMapType; UBYTE ImageType; UBYTE ColorMapSpec[5]; UWORD Xorigin; UWORD Yorigin; UWORD Width; UWORD Height; UBYTE BitsPerPixel; UBYTE Descriptor; }; /****************************************************** * Routines for manipulating CroTeam picture raw format */ CImageInfo::CImageInfo() { Detach(); } CImageInfo::~CImageInfo() { Clear(); } // reads image info raw format from file void CImageInfo::Read_t( CTStream *inFile) // throw char * { Clear(); // read image info header inFile->ExpectID_t( CChunkID("CTII")); if( inFile->GetSize_t() != 5*4) throw( "Invalid image info file."); *inFile >> (PIX)ii_Width; *inFile >> (PIX)ii_Height; *inFile >> (SLONG)ii_BitsPerPixel; // read image contents (all channels) ULONG pic_size = ii_Width*ii_Height * ii_BitsPerPixel/8; ii_Picture = (UBYTE*)AllocMemory( pic_size); inFile->ReadFullChunk_t( CChunkID("IPIC"), ii_Picture, pic_size); } // writes image info raw format to file void CImageInfo::Write_t( CTStream *outFile) const // throw char * { // write image info header outFile->WriteID_t( CChunkID("CTII")); outFile->WriteSize_t( 5*4); *outFile << (PIX)ii_Width; *outFile << (PIX)ii_Height; *outFile << (SLONG)ii_BitsPerPixel; // write image contents (all channels) ULONG pic_size = ii_Width*ii_Height * ii_BitsPerPixel/8; outFile->WriteFullChunk_t( CChunkID("IPIC"), ii_Picture, pic_size); } // initializes structure members and attaches pointer to image void CImageInfo::Attach( UBYTE *pPicture, PIX pixWidth, PIX pixHeight, SLONG slBitsPerPixel) { // parameters must be meaningful ASSERT( (pPicture != NULL) && (pixWidth>0) && (pixHeight>0)); ASSERT( (slBitsPerPixel == 24) || (slBitsPerPixel == 32)); // do it ... ii_Picture = pPicture; ii_Width = pixWidth; ii_Height = pixHeight; ii_BitsPerPixel = slBitsPerPixel; } // clears the content of an image info structure but does not free allocated memory void CImageInfo::Detach(void) { ii_Picture = NULL; ii_Width = 0; ii_Height = 0; ii_BitsPerPixel = 0; } // clears the content of an image info structure and frees allocated memory (if any) void CImageInfo::Clear() { // if allocated, release picture memory if( ii_Picture != NULL) FreeMemory( ii_Picture); Detach(); } // expand image edges void CImageInfo::ExpandEdges( INDEX ctPasses/*=8192*/) { // do nothing if image is too small or doesn't have an alpha channel if( ii_Width<3 || ii_Height<3 || ii_BitsPerPixel!=32) return; // allocate some memory for spare picture and wipe it clean SLONG slSize = ii_Width*ii_Height*ii_BitsPerPixel/8; ULONG *pulSrc = (ULONG*)ii_Picture; ULONG *pulDst = (ULONG*)AllocMemory(slSize); memcpy( pulDst, pulSrc, slSize); // loop while there are some more pixels to be processed or for specified number of passes for( INDEX iPass=0; iPass<ctPasses; iPass++) { BOOL bAllPixelsVisible = TRUE; // loop thru rows for( PIX pixV=1; pixV<ii_Height-1; pixV++) { // loop thru pixels in row for( PIX pixU=1; pixU<ii_Width-1; pixU++) { // determine pixel location const PIX pixOffset = pixV*ii_Width + pixU; // do nothing if it is already visible COLOR col = ByteSwap(pulSrc[pixOffset]); if( ((col&CT_AMASK)>>CT_ASHIFT)>3) continue; bAllPixelsVisible = FALSE; // average all surrounding pixels that are visible ULONG ulRa=0, ulGa=0, ulBa=0; INDEX ctVisible=0; for( INDEX j=-1; j<=1; j++) { for( INDEX i=-1; i<=1; i++) { const PIX pixSurrOffset = pixOffset + j*ii_Width + i; col = ByteSwap(pulSrc[pixSurrOffset]); if( ((col&CT_AMASK)>>CT_ASHIFT)<4) continue; // skip non-visible pixels UBYTE ubR, ubG, ubB; ColorToRGB( col, ubR,ubG,ubB); ulRa+=ubR; ulGa+=ubG; ulBa += ubB; ctVisible++; } } // if there were some visible pixels around if( ctVisible>0) { // calc average ulRa/=ctVisible; ulGa/=ctVisible; ulBa/=ctVisible; col = RGBAToColor( ulRa,ulGa,ulBa,255); // put it to center pixel pulDst[pixOffset] = ByteSwap(col); } } } // copy resulting picture over source memcpy( pulSrc, pulDst, slSize); // done if all pixels are visible if( bAllPixelsVisible) break; } // free temp memory FreeMemory(pulDst); } // sets image info structure members with info form file of any supported graphic format // (CT RAW, PCX8, PCX24, TGA32 uncompressed), but does not load picture content nor palette INDEX CImageInfo::GetGfxFileInfo_t( const CTFileName &strFileName) // throw char * { CTFileStream GfxFile; TGAHeader TGAhdr; PCXHeader PCXhdr; // lets assume it's a TGA file GfxFile.Open_t( strFileName, CTStream::OM_READ); GfxFile.Read_t( &TGAhdr, sizeof( struct TGAHeader)); GfxFile.Close(); // check for supported targa format if( (TGAhdr.ImageType==2 || TGAhdr.ImageType==10) && TGAhdr.BitsPerPixel>=24) { // targa it is, so clear image info and set new values Clear(); ii_Width = TGAhdr.Width; ii_Height = TGAhdr.Height; ii_BitsPerPixel = TGAhdr.BitsPerPixel; // we done here, no need to check further return TGA_FILE; } // we miss Targa, so lets check for supported PCX format GfxFile.Open_t( strFileName, CTStream::OM_READ); GfxFile.Read_t( &PCXhdr, sizeof( struct PCXHeader)); GfxFile.Close(); // check for supported PCX format if( (PCXhdr.MagicID == 10) && (PCXhdr.PixelBits == 8)) { // PCX it is, so clear image info and set new values Clear(); ii_Width = PCXhdr.Xmax - PCXhdr.Xmin + 1; ii_Height = PCXhdr.Ymax - PCXhdr.Ymin + 1; ii_BitsPerPixel = PCXhdr.PixelBits * PCXhdr.Planes; // we done here, no need to check further return PCX_FILE; } // we didn't found a supported gfx format, sorry ... return UNSUPPORTED_FILE; } /* TGA ********************************************************************************* * Routines that load and save true color (24 or 32 bit per pixel) uncompressed targa file */ void CImageInfo::LoadTGA_t( const CTFileName &strFileName) // throw char * { TGAHeader *pTGAHdr; UBYTE *pTGABuffer, *pTGAImage; SLONG slFileSize; CTFileStream TGAFile; Clear(); // determine file size TGAFile.Open_t( strFileName, CTStream::OM_READ); slFileSize = TGAFile.GetStreamSize(); // load entire TGA file to memory, as is, and close it (no further usage) pTGABuffer = (UBYTE*)AllocMemory( slFileSize); TGAFile.Read_t( pTGABuffer, slFileSize); TGAFile.Close(); // TGA header starts at the begining of the TGA file pTGAHdr = (struct TGAHeader*)pTGABuffer; // TGA image bytes definition follows up pTGAImage = pTGABuffer + sizeof(struct TGAHeader) + pTGAHdr->IdLenght; // detremine picture size dimensions ii_Width = (SLONG)pTGAHdr->Width; ii_Height = (SLONG)pTGAHdr->Height; ii_BitsPerPixel = (SLONG)pTGAHdr->BitsPerPixel; SLONG slBytesPerPixel = ii_BitsPerPixel/8; PIX pixBitmapSize = ii_Width*ii_Height; BOOL bAlphaChannel = (slBytesPerPixel==4); // check for supported file types ASSERT( slBytesPerPixel==3 || slBytesPerPixel==4); if( slBytesPerPixel!=3 && slBytesPerPixel!=4) throw( TRANS("Unsupported BitsPerPixel in TGA format.")); // allocate memory for image content ii_Picture = (UBYTE*)AllocMemory( ii_Width*ii_Height *slBytesPerPixel); UBYTE *pubSrc = pTGAImage; // need 'walking' pointers UBYTE *pubDst = ii_Picture; // determine TGA image type if( pTGAHdr->ImageType==10) { // RLE encoded UBYTE ubControl; INDEX iBlockSize; BOOL bRepeat; PIX pixCurrentSize=0; // loop thru blocks while( pixCurrentSize<pixBitmapSize) { // readout control byte ubControl = *pubSrc++; bRepeat = ubControl&0x80; iBlockSize = (ubControl&0x7F) +1; // repeat or copy color values for( INDEX i=0; i<iBlockSize; i++) { *pubDst++ = pubSrc[0]; *pubDst++ = pubSrc[1]; *pubDst++ = pubSrc[2]; if( bAlphaChannel) *pubDst++ = pubSrc[3]; if( !bRepeat) pubSrc += slBytesPerPixel; } // advance for next block if repeated if( bRepeat) pubSrc += slBytesPerPixel; // update image size pixCurrentSize += iBlockSize; } // mark that image was encoded to ImageInfo buffer pTGAImage = ii_Picture; } // not true-colored? else if( pTGAHdr->ImageType!=2) { // whoops! ASSERTALWAYS("Unsupported TGA format."); throw( TRANS("Unsupported TGA format.")); } // determine image flipping INDEX iFlipType; switch( (pTGAHdr->Descriptor&0x30)>>4) { case 0: iFlipType = 1; break; // vertical flipping case 1: iFlipType = 3; break; // diagonal flipping case 3: iFlipType = 2; break; // horizontal flipping default: iFlipType = 0; break; // no flipping (just copying) } // do flipping FlipBitmap( pTGAImage, ii_Picture, ii_Width, ii_Height, iFlipType, bAlphaChannel); // convert TGA pixel format to CroTeam pubSrc = ii_Picture; // need 'walking' pointer again for( INDEX iPix=0; iPix<pixBitmapSize; iPix++) { // flip bytes Swap( pubSrc[0], pubSrc[2]); // R & B channels pubSrc += slBytesPerPixel; } // free temorary allocated memory for TGA image format FreeMemory( pTGABuffer); } // save TGA routine void CImageInfo::SaveTGA_t( const CTFileName &strFileName) const // throw char * { TGAHeader *pTGAHdr; UBYTE *pTGABuffer, *pTGAImage; SLONG slFileSize; PIX pixBitmapSize = ii_Width*ii_Height; CTFileStream TGAFile; // determine and check image info format SLONG slBytesPerPixel = ii_BitsPerPixel/8; ASSERT( slBytesPerPixel==3 || slBytesPerPixel==4); if( slBytesPerPixel!=3 && slBytesPerPixel!=4) throw( TRANS( "Unsupported BitsPerPixel in ImageInfo header.")); // determine TGA file size and allocate memory slFileSize = sizeof(struct TGAHeader) + pixBitmapSize *slBytesPerPixel; pTGABuffer = (UBYTE*)AllocMemory( slFileSize); pTGAHdr = (struct TGAHeader*)pTGABuffer; pTGAImage = pTGABuffer + sizeof(struct TGAHeader); // set TGA picture size dimensions memset( pTGABuffer, 0x0, sizeof(struct TGAHeader)); pTGAHdr->Width = (UWORD)ii_Width; pTGAHdr->Height = (UWORD)ii_Height; pTGAHdr->BitsPerPixel = (UBYTE)ii_BitsPerPixel; pTGAHdr->ImageType = 2; // flip image vertically BOOL bAlphaChannel = (slBytesPerPixel==4); FlipBitmap( ii_Picture, pTGAImage, ii_Width, ii_Height, 1, bAlphaChannel); // convert CroTeam's pixel format to TGA format UBYTE *pubTmp = pTGAImage; // need 'walking' pointer for( INDEX iPix=0; iPix<pixBitmapSize; iPix++) { // flip bytes Swap( pubTmp[0], pubTmp[2]); // R & B channels pubTmp += slBytesPerPixel; } // save entire TGA memory to file and close it TGAFile.Create_t( strFileName); TGAFile.Write_t( pTGABuffer, slFileSize); TGAFile.Close(); // free temorary allocated memory for TGA image format FreeMemory( pTGABuffer); } /* PCX *********************************************************************** * This routine reads file with given file name and if it is valid PCX file it * loads it into given ImageInfo structure in CroTeam true-color format. * (and, if the one exists, loads the palette) */ void CImageInfo::LoadPCX_t( const CTFileName &strFileName) // throw char * { PCXHeader *pPCXHdr; UBYTE *pPCXBuffer, *pPCXImage, *pPCXDecodedImage, *pTmp; UBYTE data, counter; SLONG pic_size, PCX_size, slFileSize; CTFileStream PCXFile; Clear(); // inconvinent way to determine file size PCXFile.Open_t( strFileName, CTStream::OM_READ); slFileSize = PCXFile.GetStreamSize(); // load entire PCX file to memory, as is, and close it (no further usage) pPCXBuffer = (UBYTE*)AllocMemory( slFileSize); PCXFile.Read_t( pPCXBuffer, slFileSize); PCXFile.Close(); // PCX header starts at the begining of the PCX file pPCXHdr = (struct PCXHeader*)pPCXBuffer; // PCX image bytes definition follows up pPCXImage = pPCXBuffer + sizeof( struct PCXHeader); // detremine picture size dimensions ii_Width = (SLONG)(pPCXHdr->Xmax - pPCXHdr->Xmin +1); ii_Height = (SLONG)(pPCXHdr->Ymax - pPCXHdr->Ymin +1); ii_BitsPerPixel = (SLONG)pPCXHdr->Planes*8; pic_size = ii_Width * ii_Height * ii_BitsPerPixel/8; // allocate memory for image content ii_Picture = (UBYTE*)AllocMemory( pic_size); // allocate memory for decoded PCX file that hasn't been converted to CT RAW Image format PCX_size = (SLONG)(pPCXHdr->BytesPerLine * ii_Height * ii_BitsPerPixel/8); pPCXDecodedImage = (UBYTE*)AllocMemory( PCX_size); pTmp = pPCXDecodedImage; // save pointer for latter usage // decode PCX file for( INDEX i=0; i<PCX_size; ) // i is incremented by counter value at the and of the loop { // read one byte from PCX image in memory data = *pPCXImage++; // check byte-run mark if( (data & 0xC0) == 0xC0) { counter = data & 0x3F; // determine repeat value data = *pPCXImage++; // read repeated data // put several bytes of PCX image to decoded image area in memory for( INDEX j=0; j<counter; j++) *pPCXDecodedImage++ = data; } else { // put just one byte from PCX image to decoded image area in memory counter = 1; *pPCXDecodedImage++ = data; } // increment encoded image counter i += counter; } pPCXDecodedImage = pTmp; // reset pointer // convert decoded PCX image to CroTeam RAW Image Info format SLONG slBytesPerPixel = ii_BitsPerPixel/8; for( INDEX y=0; y<ii_Height; y++) { SLONG slYSrcOfs = y * ii_Width * slBytesPerPixel; SLONG slYDstOfs = y * pPCXHdr->BytesPerLine * slBytesPerPixel; // channel looper for( INDEX p=0; p<slBytesPerPixel; p++) { SLONG slPOffset = p * pPCXHdr->BytesPerLine; // byte looper for( INDEX x=0; x<ii_Width; x++) *(ii_Picture + slYSrcOfs + x*slBytesPerPixel + p) = *(pPCXDecodedImage + slYDstOfs + slPOffset + x); } } // free temorary allocated memory for PCX encoded and decoded image FreeMemory( pPCXBuffer); FreeMemory( pPCXDecodedImage); } // check for the supported gfx format file and invokes corresponding routine to load it void CImageInfo::LoadAnyGfxFormat_t( const CTFileName &strFileName) // throw char * { INDEX iFileFormat = GetGfxFileInfo_t( strFileName); if( iFileFormat == PCX_FILE) LoadPCX_t( strFileName); if( iFileFormat == TGA_FILE) LoadTGA_t( strFileName); if( iFileFormat == UNSUPPORTED_FILE) throw( "Gfx format not supported."); }