 * LWSDK Header File
 * Copyright 1999, NewTek, Inc.
 * LWSERVER.H -- LightWave Plug-in Server
 * This header contains the basic declarations need to define the
 * simplest LightWave plug-in server.

 * External Entry Points.  All entry points which may be called from the
 * host must be declared as XCALL types.  The obsolete XCALL_INIT is
 * still present but defined as nothing.
#ifdef _WIN32
 #define XCALL_(t)      t
#ifdef _XGL
 #define XCALL_(t)      t
#ifdef _MACOS
 #define XCALL_(t)      t

#define XCALL_INIT

 * Global Function.  The global function is a callback provided by the
 * host taking the floowing form.  A pointer for the given service name
 * is returned for the given useage.  The use codes are for services
 * that will be used once or that will be used many times.
typedef void *  GlobalFunc (const char *serviceName, int useMode);

#define GFUSE_TRANSIENT         0
#define GFUSE_ACQUIRE           1
#define GFUSE_RELEASE           2

 * Activation Function.  The server entry points are all functions of
 * this kind, taking a version number, global function pointer, local
 * (class-specific) data and module data.  The return value indicates
 * if the service could run and the reason for failure if it couldn't.
typedef int     ActivateFunc (long         version,
                              GlobalFunc  *global,
                              void        *local,
                              void        *serverData);

#define AFUNC_OK                0
#define AFUNC_BADVERSION        1
#define AFUNC_BADGLOBAL         2
#define AFUNC_BADLOCAL          3
#define AFUNC_BADAPP            4

 * This is a selection of some of the more useful language ID's,
 * although this list is far from complete.  Remaining codes can be
 * found by searching the Microsoft Windows documentation for OLE
 * LANGID codes.  Japanese strings should be encoded as JIS on Windows
 * and EUC on Unix.
#define LANGID_GERMAN           0x0407
#define LANGID_USENGLISH        0x0409
#define LANGID_UKENGLISH        0x0809
#define LANGID_SPANISH          0x040a
#define LANGID_FRENCH           0x040c
#define LANGID_ITALIAN          0x0410
#define LANGID_JAPANESE         0x0411
#define LANGID_KOREAN           0x0412
#define LANGID_RUSSIAN          0x0419
#define LANGID_SWEDISH          0x041D

 * The each server can contain a list of tagged strings which declare
 * some of the static information about that server.  Tags are a bitwise
 * OR of a SRVTAG code which selects the type of information, and a
 * language ID word which selects the language for which the string is
 * valid.
#define SRVTAG_USERNAME         0x00000
#define SRVTAG_BUTTONNAME       0x10000
#define SRVTAG_CMDGROUP         0x20000
#define SRVTAG_MENU             0x30000
#define SRVTAG_DESCRIPTION      0x40000
#define SRVTAG_ENABLE           0x50000

typedef struct st_ServerTagInfo {
        const char      *string;
        unsigned int     tag;
} ServerTagInfo;

 * Server Definition Record.  Each server record describes a single
 * activation entry point in the plug-in module.  Each has a class,
 * a name, an activation function, and an array of tag info structs
 * terminated with a zero tag code.
typedef struct st_ServerRecord {
        const char      *className;
        const char      *name;
        ActivateFunc    *activate;
        ServerTagInfo   *tagInfo;
} ServerRecord;

#define ServerUserName   ServerTagInfo
