/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. All rights reserved. */

// CSGDesitnationCombo.cpp : implementation file

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "CSGDesitnationCombo.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef new
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

// CCSGDesitnationCombo

  // set dummy document ptr
  m_pLastDoc = (CWorldEditorDoc *) 0x12345678;


BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CCSGDesitnationCombo, CComboBox)

// CCSGDesitnationCombo message handlers

BOOL CCSGDesitnationCombo::OnIdle(LONG lCount)
  // get document ptr
  CWorldEditorDoc* pDoc = theApp.GetActiveDocument();

  // if document ptr has changed
  // or if document was closed (pDoc == NULL and pLastDoc != NULL)
  // or if document was changed from last OnIdle, refresh CSG destination combo box
  if( (m_pLastDoc != pDoc) ||
      ((pDoc == NULL) && (m_pLastDoc != NULL)) ||
      ((pDoc != NULL) && !pDoc->m_chDocument.IsUpToDate( m_udComboEntries)) )
    CEntity *penPreviouslySelectedEntity = NULL;
    INDEX iCurrentSelection = GetCurSel();
    if( iCurrentSelection != CB_ERR)
      penPreviouslySelectedEntity = (CEntity *) GetItemData( iCurrentSelection);
    // remove all combo entries
    // select entry one by default
    INDEX iSelectedEntryByName = -1;
    INDEX iSelectedEntryByPtr = -1;
    // if document doesn't exist
    if( pDoc == NULL)
      AddString( L"None Available");
    // if document exists
      // for all of the world's entities
      FOREACHINDYNAMICCONTAINER(pDoc->m_woWorld.wo_cenEntities, CEntity, iten)
        // if the entity is brush
        CEntity::RenderType rt = iten->GetRenderType();
        if (rt==CEntity::RT_BRUSH || rt==CEntity::RT_FIELDBRUSH)
          CTString strEntityName = iten->GetName();
          // and it has name property defined
          if( strEntityName != "")
            // add it to CSG destination combo
            INDEX iComboEntry = AddString( CString(strEntityName));
            // set item's data as ptr to current entity
            SetItemData( iComboEntry, (ULONG)(&*iten));
            // try to select previously selected combo entry
            if( strEntityName == m_strLastSelectedName)
              iSelectedEntryByName = iComboEntry;
            if( &iten.Current() == penPreviouslySelectedEntity)
              iSelectedEntryByPtr = iComboEntry;
      ASSERT( (GetCount() != CB_ERR) && (GetCount() != 0) );
    if( iSelectedEntryByPtr != -1) SetCurSel( iSelectedEntryByPtr);
    else if( iSelectedEntryByName != -1) SetCurSel( iSelectedEntryByName);
    else SetCurSel( 0);
    m_pLastDoc = pDoc;
  return TRUE;

void CCSGDesitnationCombo::SelectBrushEntity( CEntity *penBrush)
  // loop all entries in combo box
  for( INDEX i=0; i<GetCount(); i++)
    // if this is searched brush entity
    if( ((CEntity *) GetItemData( i)) == penBrush)
      // select it
      SetCurSel( i);
      m_strLastSelectedName = penBrush->GetName();

CEntity *CCSGDesitnationCombo::GetSelectedBrushEntity(void)
  // assure valid brush entity ptr
  OnIdle( 0);

  INDEX iCurrentSelection = GetCurSel();
  if( iCurrentSelection == CB_ERR)
    return NULL;
  return (CEntity *) GetItemData( iCurrentSelection);

void CCSGDesitnationCombo::OnSelchange() 
  CEntity *penSelected = GetSelectedBrushEntity();
  if( penSelected != NULL)
    m_strLastSelectedName = penSelected->GetName();

void CCSGDesitnationCombo::OnDropdown() 
  INDEX ctItems = GetCount();
  if( ctItems == CB_ERR) return;
  CRect rectCombo;
  GetWindowRect( &rectCombo);
  PIX pixScreenHeight = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN);
  PIX pixMaxHeight = pixScreenHeight - rectCombo.top;

  CWnd *pwndParent = GetParent();
  if( pwndParent == NULL) return;
  pwndParent->ScreenToClient( &rectCombo);
  PIX pixNewHeight = GetItemHeight(0)*(ctItems+2);
  rectCombo.bottom = rectCombo.top + ClampUp( pixNewHeight, pixMaxHeight);
  MoveWindow( rectCombo);