/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. All rights reserved. */ 237 %{ #include "StdH.h" %} enum EnvironmentParticlesHolderType { 0 EPTH_NONE "None", 1 EPTH_GROWTH "Growth", 2 EPTH_RAIN "Rain", 3 EPTH_SNOW "Snow", }; class CEnvironmentParticlesHolder: CRationalEntity { name "EnvironmentParticlesHolder"; thumbnail "Thumbnails\\EnvironmentParticlesHolder.tbn"; features "IsTargetable", "HasName", "HasDescription", "IsImportant"; properties: 1 CTString m_strName "Name" 'N' = "Env. particles holder", // class name 6 CTString m_strDescription = "", 2 CTFileName m_fnHeightMap "Height map" 'R' = CTString(""), 3 FLOATaabbox3D m_boxHeightMap "Height map box" 'B' = FLOATaabbox3D(FLOAT3D(0,0,0), FLOAT3D(1,1,1)), 4 enum EnvironmentParticlesHolderType m_eptType "Type" 'Y' = EPTH_NONE, 5 CEntityPointer m_penNextHolder "Next env. particles holder" 'T', 10 FLOAT m_tmRainStart = -1.0f, // Rain start time 11 FLOAT m_tmRainEnd = -1.0f, // Rain end time 12 FLOAT m_tmSnowStart = -1.0f, // Snow start time 13 FLOAT m_tmSnowEnd = -1.0f, // Snow end time 20 CModelObject m_moHeightMapHolder, 22 CModelObject m_moParticleTextureHolder, // particle type specific properties // shared particles texture 40 CTFileName m_fnTexture "Particle Texture" = CTString(""), // growth 50 FLOAT m_fGrowthRenderingStep "Growth frequency" = 1.0f, 51 FLOAT m_fGrowthRenderingRadius "Growth radius" = 50, 52 FLOAT m_fGrowthRenderingRadiusFade "Growth fade radius" = 50, 53 BOOL m_bGrowthHighresMap "Growth high res map" = TRUE, 54 INDEX m_iGrowthMapX "Growth map tiles X" = 1, 55 INDEX m_iGrowthMapY "Growth map tiles Y" = 1, 56 FLOAT m_fGrowthMinSize "Growth min. size" = 1.0f, 57 FLOAT m_fGrowthMaxSize "Growth max. size" = 1.0f, 58 FLOAT m_fParticlesSinkFactor "Growth sink factor" = 0.0, // rain 70 FLOAT m_fRainAppearLen "Rain start duration" = 10.0f, 71 FLOAT m_fSnowAppearLen "Snow start duration" = 10.0f, { // linked list of growth caches CListHead lhCache; } components: 1 model MODEL_ENVIRONMENT_PARTICLES_HOLDER "ModelsMP\\Editor\\EnvironmentParticlesHolder.mdl", 2 texture TEXTURE_ENVIRONMENT_PARTICLES_HOLDER "ModelsMP\\Editor\\EnvironmentParticlesHolder.tex" functions: void Precache(void) { CTextureData *ptdHeightMap = (CTextureData *) m_moHeightMapHolder.mo_toTexture.GetData(); if( ptdHeightMap!=NULL) { ptdHeightMap->Force(TEX_CONSTANT|TEX_STATIC|TEX_KEEPCOLOR); } } BOOL IsTargetValid(SLONG slPropertyOffset, CEntity *penTarget) { if( slPropertyOffset == offsetof(CEnvironmentParticlesHolder, m_penNextHolder)) { if (IsOfClass(penTarget, "EnvironmentParticlesHolder")) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } return CEntity::IsTargetValid(slPropertyOffset, penTarget); } FLOAT GetRainFactor(void) { FLOAT fRainFactor = 0.0f; TIME tmNow = _pTimer->GetLerpedCurrentTick(); // if we have Rain if( tmNow>m_tmRainStart && tmNowm_tmRainStart+m_fRainAppearLen && tmNowm_tmRainEnd) { fRainFactor = 1.0f-(tmNow-m_tmRainEnd)/m_fRainAppearLen; } // Rain is turning on else { fRainFactor = (tmNow-m_tmRainStart)/m_fRainAppearLen; } } return fRainFactor; } FLOAT GetSnowFactor(void) { FLOAT fSnowFactor = 0.0f; TIME tmNow = _pTimer->GetLerpedCurrentTick(); // if we have Snow if( tmNow>m_tmSnowStart && tmNowm_tmSnowStart+m_fSnowAppearLen && tmNowm_tmSnowEnd) { fSnowFactor = 1.0f-(tmNow-m_tmSnowEnd)/m_fSnowAppearLen; } // Snow is turning on else { fSnowFactor = (tmNow-m_tmSnowStart)/m_fSnowAppearLen; } } return fSnowFactor; } void GetHeightMapData(CTextureData *&ptdHeightMap, FLOATaabbox3D &boxHeightMap) { ptdHeightMap = (CTextureData *) m_moHeightMapHolder.mo_toTexture.GetData(); if (ptdHeightMap!=NULL) { ptdHeightMap->Force(TEX_CONSTANT|TEX_STATIC|TEX_KEEPCOLOR); } boxHeightMap = m_boxHeightMap; boxHeightMap += GetPlacement().pl_PositionVector; } void GetParticleTexture() { } procedures: Main(EVoid) { // set appearance InitAsEditorModel(); SetPhysicsFlags(EPF_MODEL_IMMATERIAL); SetCollisionFlags(ECF_IMMATERIAL); // try to obtain height map if( m_fnHeightMap != CTString("")) { try { m_moHeightMapHolder.mo_toTexture.SetData_t(m_fnHeightMap); } catch (char *strError) { WarningMessage(strError); } } if( m_fnTexture != CTString("")) { try { m_moParticleTextureHolder.mo_toTexture.SetData_t(m_fnTexture); } catch (char *strError) { WarningMessage(strError); } } // validate parameters if (m_fGrowthRenderingRadius < m_fGrowthRenderingRadiusFade) { m_fGrowthRenderingRadiusFade = m_fGrowthRenderingRadius; } m_fParticlesSinkFactor = Clamp(m_fParticlesSinkFactor, 0.0f, 1.0f); // set appearance SetModel(MODEL_ENVIRONMENT_PARTICLES_HOLDER); SetModelMainTexture(TEXTURE_ENVIRONMENT_PARTICLES_HOLDER); m_tmRainStart = 1e5-1.0f; m_tmRainEnd = 1e5; m_tmSnowStart = 1e5-1.0f; m_tmSnowEnd = 1e5; switch(m_eptType) { case EPTH_GROWTH: m_strDescription = "Growth"; break; case EPTH_RAIN: m_strDescription = "Rain"; break; case EPTH_NONE: m_strDescription = "None"; break; } wait() { on (EBegin) : { resume; } on (EStart) : { TIME tmNow = _pTimer->CurrentTick(); m_tmRainStart = tmNow; m_tmRainEnd = 1e6; m_tmSnowStart = tmNow; m_tmSnowEnd = 1e6; resume; } on (EStop) : { TIME tmNow = _pTimer->CurrentTick(); m_tmRainEnd = tmNow; m_tmSnowEnd = tmNow; resume; } } // do nothing return; } };