/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. All rights reserved. */ #include "stdh.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define EPSILON (0.1f) class CActiveSector { public: CBrushSector *as_pbsc; void Clear(void) {}; }; static CStaticStackArray _aas; CListHead _lhTestedTerrains; // list of tested terrains // calculate origin position from ray placement static inline FLOAT3D CalculateRayOrigin(const CPlacement3D &plRay) { // origin is the position from the placement return plRay.pl_PositionVector; } // calculate target position from ray placement static inline FLOAT3D CalculateRayTarget(const CPlacement3D &plRay) { // calculate direction of the ray FLOAT3D vDirection; AnglesToDirectionVector(plRay.pl_OrientationAngle, vDirection); // make target be from the origin in that direction return plRay.pl_PositionVector+vDirection; } /* * Internal construction helper. */ void CCastRay::Init(CEntity *penOrigin, const FLOAT3D &vOrigin, const FLOAT3D &vTarget) { ClearSectorList(); cr_penOrigin = penOrigin; cr_vOrigin = vOrigin; cr_vTarget = vTarget; cr_bAllowOverHit = FALSE; cr_pbpoIgnore = NULL; cr_penIgnore = NULL; cr_bHitPortals = FALSE; cr_bHitTranslucentPortals = TRUE; cr_ttHitModels = TT_SIMPLE; cr_bHitFields = FALSE; cr_bPhysical = FALSE; cr_bHitBrushes = TRUE; cr_bHitTerrainInvisibleTris = FALSE; cr_fTestR = 0; cr_bFindBone = TRUE; cr_iBoneHit = -1; cl_plRay.pl_PositionVector = vOrigin; DirectionVectorToAngles((vTarget-vOrigin).Normalize(), cl_plRay.pl_OrientationAngle); } /* * Constructor. */ CCastRay::CCastRay(CEntity *penOrigin, const CPlacement3D &plOrigin) { Init(penOrigin, CalculateRayOrigin(plOrigin), CalculateRayTarget(plOrigin)); // mark last found hit point in infinity cr_fHitDistance = UpperLimit(0.0f); } CCastRay::CCastRay(CEntity *penOrigin, const CPlacement3D &plOrigin, FLOAT fMaxTestDistance) { Init(penOrigin, CalculateRayOrigin(plOrigin), CalculateRayTarget(plOrigin)); // mark last found hit point just as far away as we wan't to test cr_fHitDistance = fMaxTestDistance; } CCastRay::CCastRay(CEntity *penOrigin, const FLOAT3D &vOrigin, const FLOAT3D &vTarget) { Init(penOrigin, vOrigin, vTarget); // mark last found hit point just a bit behind the target cr_fHitDistance = (cr_vTarget-cr_vOrigin).Length() + EPSILON; } CCastRay::~CCastRay(void) { ClearSectorList(); } void CCastRay::ClearSectorList(void) { // for each active sector for(INDEX ias=0; ias<_aas.Count(); ias++) { // mark it as inactive _aas[ias].as_pbsc->bsc_ulFlags&=~BSCF_RAYTESTED; } _aas.PopAll(); } /* * Test if a ray hits sphere. */ inline static BOOL RayHitsSphere( const FLOAT3D &vStart, const FLOAT3D &vEnd, const FLOAT3D &vSphereCenter, const FLOAT fSphereRadius, FLOAT &fDistance) { const FLOAT3D vSphereCenterToStart = vStart - vSphereCenter; const FLOAT3D vStartToEnd = vEnd - vStart; // calculate discriminant for intersection parameters const FLOAT fP = ((vStartToEnd%vSphereCenterToStart)/(vStartToEnd%vStartToEnd)); const FLOAT fQ = (((vSphereCenterToStart%vSphereCenterToStart) - (fSphereRadius*fSphereRadius))/(vStartToEnd%vStartToEnd)); const FLOAT fD = fP*fP-fQ; // if it is less than zero if (fD<0) { // no collision will occur return FALSE; } // calculate intersection parameters const FLOAT fSqrtD = sqrt(fD); const FLOAT fLambda1 = -fP+fSqrtD; const FLOAT fLambda2 = -fP-fSqrtD; // use lower one const FLOAT fMinLambda = Min(fLambda1, fLambda2); // calculate distance from parameter fDistance = fMinLambda*vStartToEnd.Length(); return TRUE; } void CCastRay::TestModelSimple(CEntity *penModel, CModelObject &mo) { // get model's bounding box for current frame FLOATaabbox3D boxModel; mo.GetCurrentFrameBBox(boxModel); boxModel.StretchByVector(mo.mo_Stretch); // get center and radius of the bounding sphere in absolute space FLOAT fSphereRadius = boxModel.Size().Length()/2.0f; FLOAT3D vSphereCenter = boxModel.Center(); vSphereCenter*=penModel->en_mRotation; vSphereCenter+=penModel->en_plPlacement.pl_PositionVector; // if the ray doesn't hit the sphere FLOAT fSphereHitDistance; if (!RayHitsSphere(cr_vOrigin, cr_vTarget, vSphereCenter, fSphereRadius+cr_fTestR, fSphereHitDistance) ) { // ignore return; } // if the ray hits the sphere closer than closest found hit point yet if (fSphereHitDistance0.0f) { // set the current entity as new hit target cr_fHitDistance=fSphereHitDistance; cr_penHit = penModel; cr_pbscBrushSector = NULL; cr_pbpoBrushPolygon = NULL; } } void CCastRay::TestModelCollisionBox(CEntity *penModel) { // if no collision box CCollisionInfo *pci = penModel->en_pciCollisionInfo; if (pci==NULL) { // don't test return; } // get model's collision bounding box FLOATaabbox3D &boxModel = pci->ci_boxCurrent; FLOAT fSphereRadius = boxModel.Size().Length()/2.0f; FLOAT3D vSphereCenter = boxModel.Center(); // if the ray doesn't hit the sphere FLOAT fSphereHitDistance; if (!RayHitsSphere(cr_vOrigin, cr_vTarget, vSphereCenter, fSphereRadius+cr_fTestR, fSphereHitDistance) ) { // ignore return; } // get entity collision spheres CStaticArray &ams = pci->ci_absSpheres; // get entity position const FLOAT3D &vPosition = penModel->en_plPlacement.pl_PositionVector; const FLOATmatrix3D &mRotation = penModel->en_mRotation; // for each sphere FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(ams, CMovingSphere, itms) { // project its center to absolute space FLOAT3D vCenter = itms->ms_vCenter*mRotation + vPosition; // if the ray hits the sphere closer than closest found hit point yet FLOAT fOneSphereHitDistance; if (RayHitsSphere(cr_vOrigin, cr_vTarget, vCenter, itms->ms_fR+cr_fTestR, fOneSphereHitDistance) && fOneSphereHitDistance-cr_fTestR) { // set the current entity as new hit target cr_fHitDistance=fOneSphereHitDistance; cr_penHit = penModel; cr_pbscBrushSector = NULL; cr_pbpoBrushPolygon = NULL; } } } void CCastRay::TestModelFull(CEntity *penModel, CModelObject &mo) { // NOTE: this contains an ugly hack to simulate good trivial rejection // for models that have attachments that extend far off the base entity. // it is used only in wed, so it should not be a big problem. // get model's bounding box for all frames and expand it a lot FLOATaabbox3D boxModel; mo.GetAllFramesBBox(boxModel); boxModel.StretchByVector(mo.mo_Stretch*5.0f); // get center and radius of the bounding sphere in absolute space FLOAT fSphereRadius = boxModel.Size().Length()/2.0f; FLOAT3D vSphereCenter = boxModel.Center(); vSphereCenter*=penModel->en_mRotation; vSphereCenter+=penModel->en_plPlacement.pl_PositionVector; // if the ray doesn't hit the sphere FLOAT fSphereHitDistance; if (!RayHitsSphere(cr_vOrigin, cr_vTarget, vSphereCenter, fSphereRadius+cr_fTestR, fSphereHitDistance) ) { // ignore return; } FLOAT fHitDistance; // if the ray hits the model closer than closest found hit point yet if (mo.PolygonHit(cl_plRay, penModel->en_plPlacement, 0/*iCurrentMip*/, fHitDistance)!=NULL && fHitDistanceIsPredictor() && penModel->IsPredicted()) { // don't test it return; } // if hidden model if( penModel->en_ulFlags&ENF_HIDDEN) { // don't test return; } // get its model CModelObject *pmoModel; if (penModel->en_RenderType!=CEntity::RT_BRUSH && penModel->en_RenderType != CEntity::RT_FIELDBRUSH) { pmoModel=penModel->en_pmoModelObject; } else { // empty brushes are also tested as models pmoModel=_wrpWorldRenderPrefs.GetEmptyBrushModel(); } // if there is no valid model if (pmoModel==NULL) { // don't test it return; } CModelObject &mo = *pmoModel; // if simple testing, or no testing (used when testing empty brushes) if (cr_ttHitModels==TT_SIMPLE || cr_ttHitModels==TT_NONE) { TestModelSimple(penModel, mo); // if collision box testing } else if (cr_ttHitModels==TT_COLLISIONBOX) { TestModelCollisionBox(penModel); // if full testing } else if (cr_ttHitModels==TT_FULL || cr_ttHitModels==TT_FULLSEETHROUGH) { TestModelFull(penModel, mo); // must be no other testing } else { ASSERT(FALSE); } } /* * Test against a ska model */ void CCastRay::TestSkaModel(CEntity *penModel) { // if origin is predictor, and the model is predicted if (cr_penOrigin!=NULL && cr_penOrigin->IsPredictor() && penModel->IsPredicted()) { // don't test it return; } // if hidden model if( penModel->en_ulFlags&ENF_HIDDEN) { // don't test return; } CModelInstance &mi = *penModel->GetModelInstance(); // if simple testing, or no testing (used when testing empty brushes) if (cr_ttHitModels==TT_SIMPLE || cr_ttHitModels==TT_NONE) { TestSkaModelSimple(penModel, mi); // if collision box testing } else if (cr_ttHitModels==TT_COLLISIONBOX) { TestModelCollisionBox(penModel); // if full testing } else if (cr_ttHitModels==TT_FULL || cr_ttHitModels==TT_FULLSEETHROUGH) { TestSkaModelFull(penModel, mi); // must be no other testing } else { ASSERT(FALSE); } } void CCastRay::TestSkaModelSimple(CEntity *penModel, CModelInstance &mi) { FLOATaabbox3D boxModel; mi.GetCurrentColisionBox(boxModel); boxModel.StretchByVector(mi.mi_vStretch); // get center and radius of the bounding sphere in absolute space FLOAT fSphereRadius = boxModel.Size().Length()/2.0f; FLOAT3D vSphereCenter = boxModel.Center(); vSphereCenter*=penModel->en_mRotation; vSphereCenter+=penModel->en_plPlacement.pl_PositionVector; // if the ray doesn't hit the sphere FLOAT fSphereHitDistance; if (!RayHitsSphere(cr_vOrigin, cr_vTarget, vSphereCenter, fSphereRadius+cr_fTestR, fSphereHitDistance) ) { // ignore return; } // if the ray hits the sphere closer than closest found hit point yet if (fSphereHitDistance0.0f) { // set the current entity as new hit target cr_fHitDistance=fSphereHitDistance; cr_penHit = penModel; cr_pbscBrushSector = NULL; cr_pbpoBrushPolygon = NULL; } } void CCastRay::TestSkaModelFull(CEntity *penModel, CModelInstance &mi) { FLOATaabbox3D boxModel; mi.GetAllFramesBBox(boxModel); boxModel.StretchByVector(mi.mi_vStretch); // get center and radius of the bounding sphere in absolute space FLOAT fSphereRadius = boxModel.Size().Length()/2.0f; FLOAT3D vSphereCenter = boxModel.Center(); vSphereCenter*=penModel->en_mRotation; vSphereCenter+=penModel->en_plPlacement.pl_PositionVector; // if the ray doesn't hit the sphere FLOAT fSphereHitDistance; if (!RayHitsSphere(cr_vOrigin, cr_vTarget, vSphereCenter, fSphereRadius+cr_fTestR, fSphereHitDistance) ) { // ignore return; } // if the ray hits the sphere closer than closest found hit point yet if (fSphereHitDistance0.0f) { FLOAT fTriangleHitDistance; // set the current entity as new hit target // cr_fHitDistance=fSphereHitDistance; // cr_penHit = penModel; // cr_pbscBrushSector = NULL; // cr_pbpoBrushPolygon = NULL; INDEX iBoneID = -1; if (cr_bFindBone) { fTriangleHitDistance = RM_TestRayCastHit(mi,penModel->en_mRotation,penModel->en_plPlacement.pl_PositionVector,cr_vOrigin,cr_vTarget,cr_fHitDistance,&iBoneID); } else { fTriangleHitDistance = RM_TestRayCastHit(mi,penModel->en_mRotation,penModel->en_plPlacement.pl_PositionVector,cr_vOrigin,cr_vTarget,cr_fHitDistance,NULL); } if (fTriangleHitDistance0.0f) { // set the current entity as new hit target cr_fHitDistance=fTriangleHitDistance; cr_penHit = penModel; cr_pbscBrushSector = NULL; cr_pbpoBrushPolygon = NULL; if (cr_bFindBone) { cr_iBoneHit = iBoneID; } } } return; } void CCastRay::TestTerrain(CEntity *penTerrain) { // if hidden model if( penTerrain->en_ulFlags&ENF_HIDDEN) { // don't test return; } CTerrain *ptrTerrain = penTerrain->GetTerrain(); FLOAT fHitDistance = TestRayCastHit(ptrTerrain,penTerrain->en_mRotation, penTerrain->en_plPlacement.pl_PositionVector, cr_vOrigin,cr_vTarget,cr_fHitDistance,cr_bHitTerrainInvisibleTris); if (fHitDistance0.0f) { // set the current entity as new hit target cr_fHitDistance=fHitDistance; cr_penHit = penTerrain; cr_pbscBrushSector = NULL; cr_pbpoBrushPolygon = NULL; } } /* * Test against a brush sector. */ void CCastRay::TestBrushSector(CBrushSector *pbscSector) { // if entity is hidden if(pbscSector->bsc_pbmBrushMip->bm_pbrBrush->br_penEntity->en_ulFlags&ENF_HIDDEN) { // don't cast ray return; } // for each polygon in the sector FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(pbscSector->bsc_abpoPolygons, CBrushPolygon, itpoPolygon) { CBrushPolygon &bpoPolygon = itpoPolygon.Current(); if (&bpoPolygon==cr_pbpoIgnore) { continue; } ULONG ulFlags = bpoPolygon.bpo_ulFlags; // if not testing recursively if (cr_penOrigin==NULL) { // if the polygon is portal if (ulFlags&BPOF_PORTAL) { // if it is translucent or selected if (ulFlags&(BPOF_TRANSLUCENT|BPOF_TRANSPARENT|BPOF_SELECTED)) { // if translucent portals should be passed through if (!cr_bHitTranslucentPortals) { // skip this polygon continue; } // if it is not translucent } else { // if portals should be passed through if (!cr_bHitPortals) { // skip this polygon continue; } } } // if polygon is detail, and detail polygons are off extern INDEX wld_bRenderDetailPolygons; if ((ulFlags&BPOF_DETAILPOLYGON) && !wld_bRenderDetailPolygons) { // skip this polygon continue; } } // get distances of ray points from the polygon plane FLOAT fDistance0 = bpoPolygon.bpo_pbplPlane->bpl_plAbsolute.PointDistance(cr_vOrigin); FLOAT fDistance1 = bpoPolygon.bpo_pbplPlane->bpl_plAbsolute.PointDistance(cr_vTarget); // if the ray hits the polygon plane if (fDistance0>=0 && fDistance0>=fDistance1) { // calculate fraction of line before intersection FLOAT fFraction = fDistance0/((fDistance0-fDistance1) + 0.0000001f/*correction*/); // calculate intersection coordinate FLOAT3D vHitPoint = cr_vOrigin+(cr_vTarget-cr_vOrigin)*fFraction; // calculate intersection distance FLOAT fHitDistance = (vHitPoint-cr_vOrigin).Length(); // if the hit point can not be new closest candidate if (fHitDistance>cr_fHitDistance) { // skip this polygon continue; } // find major axes of the polygon plane INDEX iMajorAxis1, iMajorAxis2; GetMajorAxesForPlane(itpoPolygon->bpo_pbplPlane->bpl_plAbsolute, iMajorAxis1, iMajorAxis2); // create an intersector CIntersector isIntersector(vHitPoint(iMajorAxis1), vHitPoint(iMajorAxis2)); // for all edges in the polygon FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(bpoPolygon.bpo_abpePolygonEdges, CBrushPolygonEdge, itbpePolygonEdge) { // get edge vertices (edge direction is irrelevant here!) const FLOAT3D &vVertex0 = itbpePolygonEdge->bpe_pbedEdge->bed_pbvxVertex0->bvx_vAbsolute; const FLOAT3D &vVertex1 = itbpePolygonEdge->bpe_pbedEdge->bed_pbvxVertex1->bvx_vAbsolute; // pass the edge to the intersector isIntersector.AddEdge( vVertex0(iMajorAxis1), vVertex0(iMajorAxis2), vVertex1(iMajorAxis1), vVertex1(iMajorAxis2)); } // if the polygon is intersected by the ray if (isIntersector.IsIntersecting()) { // if it is portal and testing recusively if ((ulFlags&cr_ulPassablePolygons) && (cr_penOrigin!=NULL)) { // for each sector on the other side {FOREACHDSTOFSRC(bpoPolygon.bpo_rsOtherSideSectors, CBrushSector, bsc_rdOtherSidePortals, pbsc) // add the sector AddSector(pbsc); ENDFOR} if( cr_bHitPortals && ulFlags&(BPOF_TRANSLUCENT|BPOF_TRANSPARENT) && !cr_bPhysical) { // remember hit coordinates cr_fHitDistance=fHitDistance; cr_penHit = pbscSector->bsc_pbmBrushMip->bm_pbrBrush->br_penEntity; cr_pbscBrushSector = pbscSector; cr_pbpoBrushPolygon = &bpoPolygon; } // if the ray just plainly hit it } else { // remember hit coordinates cr_fHitDistance=fHitDistance; cr_penHit = pbscSector->bsc_pbmBrushMip->bm_pbrBrush->br_penEntity; cr_pbscBrushSector = pbscSector; cr_pbpoBrushPolygon = &bpoPolygon; } } } } } /* Add a sector if needed. */ inline void CCastRay::AddSector(CBrushSector *pbsc) { // if not already active and in first mip of its brush if ( pbsc->bsc_pbmBrushMip->IsFirstMip() &&!(pbsc->bsc_ulFlags&BSCF_RAYTESTED)) { // add it to active sectors _aas.Push().as_pbsc = pbsc; pbsc->bsc_ulFlags|=BSCF_RAYTESTED; } } /* Add all sectors of a brush. */ void CCastRay::AddAllSectorsOfBrush(CBrush3D *pbr) { // get relevant mip as if in manual mip brushing mode CBrushMip *pbmMip = pbr->GetBrushMipByDistance( _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.GetManualMipBrushingFactor()); // if it has no brush mip for that mip factor if (pbmMip==NULL) { // skip it return; } // for each sector in the brush mip FOREACHINDYNAMICARRAY(pbmMip->bm_abscSectors, CBrushSector, itbsc) { // add the sector AddSector(itbsc); } } /* Add all sectors around given entity. */ void CCastRay::AddSectorsAroundEntity(CEntity *pen) { // for each zoning sector that this entity is in {FOREACHSRCOFDST(pen->en_rdSectors, CBrushSector, bsc_rsEntities, pbsc) // if part of zoning brush if (pbsc->bsc_pbmBrushMip->bm_pbrBrush->br_penEntity->GetRenderType()!=CEntity::RT_BRUSH) { // skip it continue; } // add the sector AddSector(pbsc); ENDFOR} } /* Test entire world against ray. */ void CCastRay::TestWholeWorld(CWorld *pwoWorld) { // for each entity in the world {FOREACHINDYNAMICCONTAINER(pwoWorld->wo_cenEntities, CEntity, itenInWorld) { // if it is the origin of the ray if (itenInWorld==cr_penOrigin || itenInWorld==cr_penIgnore) { // skip it continue; } // if it is a brush and testing against brushes is disabled if( (itenInWorld->en_RenderType == CEntity::RT_BRUSH || itenInWorld->en_RenderType == CEntity::RT_FIELDBRUSH) && !cr_bHitBrushes) { // skip it continue; } // if it is a model and testing against models is enabled if(((itenInWorld->en_RenderType == CEntity::RT_MODEL ||(itenInWorld->en_RenderType == CEntity::RT_EDITORMODEL && _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.IsEditorModelsOn())) && cr_ttHitModels != TT_NONE) // and if cast type is TT_FULL_SEETROUGH then model is not // ENF_SEETROUGH && !((cr_ttHitModels == TT_FULLSEETHROUGH || cr_ttHitModels == TT_COLLISIONBOX) && (itenInWorld->en_ulFlags&ENF_SEETHROUGH))) { // test it against the model entity TestModel(itenInWorld); // if it is a ska model } else if(((itenInWorld->en_RenderType == CEntity::RT_SKAMODEL ||(itenInWorld->en_RenderType == CEntity::RT_SKAEDITORMODEL && _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.IsEditorModelsOn())) && cr_ttHitModels != TT_NONE) // and if cast type is TT_FULL_SEETROUGH then model is not // ENF_SEETROUGH && !((cr_ttHitModels == TT_FULLSEETHROUGH || cr_ttHitModels == TT_COLLISIONBOX) && (itenInWorld->en_ulFlags&ENF_SEETHROUGH))) { TestSkaModel(itenInWorld); } else if (itenInWorld->en_RenderType == CEntity::RT_TERRAIN) { TestTerrain(itenInWorld); // if it is a brush } else if (itenInWorld->en_RenderType == CEntity::RT_BRUSH || (itenInWorld->en_RenderType == CEntity::RT_FIELDBRUSH &&_wrpWorldRenderPrefs.IsFieldBrushesOn() && cr_bHitFields)) { // get its brush CBrush3D &brBrush = *itenInWorld->en_pbrBrush; // get relevant mip as if in manual mip brushing mode CBrushMip *pbmMip = brBrush.GetBrushMipByDistance( _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.GetManualMipBrushingFactor()); // if it has no brush mip for that mip factor if (pbmMip==NULL) { // skip it continue; } // if it has zero sectors if (pbmMip->bm_abscSectors.Count()==0){ // test it against the model entity TestModel(itenInWorld); // if it has some sectors } else { // for each sector in the brush mip FOREACHINDYNAMICARRAY(pbmMip->bm_abscSectors, CBrushSector, itbsc) { // if the sector is not hidden if (!(itbsc->bsc_ulFlags & BSCF_HIDDEN)) { // test the ray against the sector TestBrushSector(itbsc); } } } } }} } /* Test active sectors recusively. */ void CCastRay::TestThroughSectors(void) { // for each active sector (sectors are added during iteration!) for(INDEX ias=0; ias<_aas.Count(); ias++) { CBrushSector *pbsc = _aas[ias].as_pbsc; // test the ray against the sector TestBrushSector(pbsc); // for each entity in the sector {FOREACHDSTOFSRC(pbsc->bsc_rsEntities, CEntity, en_rdSectors, pen) // if it is the origin of the ray if (pen==cr_penOrigin || pen==cr_penIgnore) { // skip it continue; } // if it is a model and testing against models is enabled if(((pen->en_RenderType == CEntity::RT_MODEL ||(pen->en_RenderType == CEntity::RT_EDITORMODEL && _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.IsEditorModelsOn())) && cr_ttHitModels != TT_NONE) // and if cast type is TT_FULL_SEETROUGH then model is not // ENF_SEETROUGH && !((cr_ttHitModels == TT_FULLSEETHROUGH || cr_ttHitModels == TT_COLLISIONBOX) && (pen->en_ulFlags&ENF_SEETHROUGH))) { // test it against the model entity TestModel(pen); // if is is a ska model } else if(((pen->en_RenderType == CEntity::RT_SKAMODEL ||(pen->en_RenderType == CEntity::RT_SKAEDITORMODEL && _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.IsEditorModelsOn())) && cr_ttHitModels != TT_NONE) // and if cast type is TT_FULL_SEETROUGH then model is not // ENF_SEETROUGH && !((cr_ttHitModels == TT_FULLSEETHROUGH || cr_ttHitModels == TT_COLLISIONBOX) && (pen->en_ulFlags&ENF_SEETHROUGH))) { // test it against the ska model entity TestSkaModel(pen); // if it is a terrain } else if( pen->en_RenderType == CEntity::RT_TERRAIN) { CTerrain *ptrTerrain = pen->GetTerrain(); ASSERT(ptrTerrain!=NULL); // if terrain hasn't allready been tested if(!ptrTerrain->tr_lnInActiveTerrains.IsLinked()) { // test it now and add it to list of tested terrains TestTerrain(pen); _lhTestedTerrains.AddTail(ptrTerrain->tr_lnInActiveTerrains); } // if it is a non-hidden brush } else if ( (pen->en_RenderType == CEntity::RT_BRUSH) && !(pen->en_ulFlags&ENF_HIDDEN) ) { // get its brush CBrush3D &brBrush = *pen->en_pbrBrush; // add all sectors in the brush AddAllSectorsOfBrush(&brBrush); } ENDFOR} } // for all tested terrains {FORDELETELIST(CTerrain, tr_lnInActiveTerrains, _lhTestedTerrains, ittr) { // remove it from list ittr->tr_lnInActiveTerrains.Remove(); }} ASSERT(_lhTestedTerrains.IsEmpty()); } /* * Do the ray casting. */ void CCastRay::Cast(CWorld *pwoWorld) { // setup stat timers const BOOL bMainLoopTimer = _sfStats.CheckTimer(CStatForm::STI_MAINLOOP); if( bMainLoopTimer) _sfStats.StopTimer(CStatForm::STI_MAINLOOP); _sfStats.StartTimer(CStatForm::STI_RAYCAST); // initially no polygon is found cr_pbpoBrushPolygon= NULL; cr_pbscBrushSector = NULL; cr_penHit = NULL; if (cr_bPhysical) { cr_ulPassablePolygons = BPOF_PASSABLE|BPOF_SHOOTTHRU; } else { cr_ulPassablePolygons = BPOF_PORTAL|BPOF_OCCLUDER; } // if origin entity is given if (cr_penOrigin!=NULL) { // if not continuing if (_aas.Count()==0) { // add all sectors around it AddSectorsAroundEntity(cr_penOrigin); } // test all sectors recursively TestThroughSectors(); // if there is no origin entity } else { // test entire world against ray TestWholeWorld(pwoWorld); } // calculate the hit point from the hit distance cr_vHit = cr_vOrigin + (cr_vTarget-cr_vOrigin).Normalize()*cr_fHitDistance; // done with timing _sfStats.StopTimer(CStatForm::STI_RAYCAST); if( bMainLoopTimer) _sfStats.StartTimer(CStatForm::STI_MAINLOOP); } /* * Continue cast. */ void CCastRay::ContinueCast(CWorld *pwoWorld) { cr_pbpoIgnore = cr_pbpoBrushPolygon; if (cr_penHit->GetRenderType()==CEntity::RT_MODEL) { cr_penIgnore = cr_penHit; } cr_vOrigin = cr_vHit; cl_plRay.pl_PositionVector = cr_vOrigin; cr_fHitDistance = (cr_vTarget-cr_vOrigin).Length() + EPSILON; Cast(pwoWorld); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * Cast a ray and see what it hits. */ void CWorld::CastRay(CCastRay &crRay) { crRay.Cast(this); } /* * Continue to cast already cast ray */ void CWorld::ContinueCast(CCastRay &crRay) { crRay.ContinueCast(this); }