/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. All rights reserved. */ #include "stdh.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // asm shortcuts #define O offset #define Q qword ptr #define D dword ptr #define W word ptr #define B byte ptr #define ASMOPT 1 // console variables for volume extern FLOAT snd_fSoundVolume; extern FLOAT snd_fMusicVolume; extern INDEX snd_bMono; // a bunch of local vars coming up static SLONG slMixerBufferSampleRate; // quality of destination buffer static SLONG slMixerBufferSize; // size in samples per channel of the destination buffers static void *pvMixerBuffer; // pointer to the start of the destination buffers static CSoundData *psd; static SWORD *pswSrcBuffer; static SLONG slLeftVolume, slRightVolume, slLeftFilter, slRightFilter; static SLONG slLastLeftSample, slLastRightSample, slSoundBufferSize; static FLOAT fSoundSampleRate, fPhase; static FLOAT fOfsDelta, fStep, fLeftStep, fRightStep, fLeftOfs, fRightOfs; static __int64 fixLeftOfs, fixRightOfs; // fixed integers 32:32 static __int64 mmSurroundFactor, mmLeftStep, mmRightStep, mmVolumeGain; static BOOL bNotLoop, bEndOfSound; static const FLOAT f65536 = 65536.0f; static const FLOAT f4G = 4294967296.0f; static __int64 mmInvFactor = 0x00007FFF00007FFF; static __int64 mmMaskLD = 0x00000000FFFFFFFF; static __int64 mmUnsign2Sign = 0x8000800080008000; // reset mixer buffer (wipes it with zeroes and remembers pointers in static mixer variables) void ResetMixer( const SLONG *pslBuffer, const SLONG slBufferSize) { // clamp master volumes snd_fSoundVolume = Clamp(snd_fSoundVolume, 0.0f, 1.0f); snd_fMusicVolume = Clamp(snd_fMusicVolume, 0.0f, 1.0f); // cache local variables ASSERT( slBufferSize%4==0); pvMixerBuffer = (void*)pslBuffer; slMixerBufferSize = slBufferSize /2/2; // because it's stereo and 16-bit dst format slMixerBufferSampleRate = _pSound->sl_SwfeFormat.nSamplesPerSec; // wipe destination mixer buffer __asm { cld xor eax,eax mov edi,D [pvMixerBuffer] mov ecx,D [slMixerBufferSize] shl ecx,1 // *2 because of 32-bit src format rep stosd } } // copy mixer buffer to the output buffer(s) void CopyMixerBuffer_stereo( const SLONG slSrcOffset, const void *pDstBuffer, const SLONG slBytes) { ASSERT( pDstBuffer!=NULL); ASSERT( slBytes%4==0); if( slBytes<4) return; __asm { cld mov esi,D [slSrcOffset] add esi,D [pvMixerBuffer] mov edi,D [pDstBuffer] mov ecx,D [slBytes] shr ecx,2 // bytes to samples per channel rep movsd } } // copy one channel from mixer buffer to the output buffer(s) void CopyMixerBuffer_mono( const SLONG slSrcOffset, const void *pDstBuffer, const SLONG slBytes) { ASSERT( pDstBuffer!=NULL); ASSERT( slBytes%2==0); if( slBytes<4) return; __asm { mov esi,D [slSrcOffset] add esi,D [pvMixerBuffer] mov edi,D [pDstBuffer] mov ecx,D [slBytes] shr ecx,2 // bytes to samples copyLoop: movzx eax,W [esi] mov W [edi],ax add esi,4 add edi,2 dec ecx jnz copyLoop } } // plain conversion of mixer buffer from 32-bit to 16-bit clamped static void ConvertMixerBuffer( const SLONG slBytes) { ASSERT( slBytes%4==0); if( slBytes<4) return; __asm { cld mov esi,D [pvMixerBuffer] mov edi,D [pvMixerBuffer] mov ecx,D [slBytes] shr ecx,2 // bytes to samples (2 channels) copyLoop: movq mm0,Q [esi] packssdw mm0,mm0 movd D [edi],mm0 add esi,8 add edi,4 dec ecx jnz copyLoop emms } } // normalize mixer buffer void NormalizeMixerBuffer( const FLOAT fNormStrength, const SLONG slBytes, FLOAT &fLastNormValue) { // just convert to 16-bit if normalization isn't required ASSERT( slBytes%4==0); if( slBytes<8) return; if( fNormStrength<0.01f) { ConvertMixerBuffer(slBytes); return; } // well, I guess we'll might need to normalize a bit, so first - find maximum INDEX i; SLONG slPeak = 0; SLONG *pslSrc = (SLONG*)pvMixerBuffer; const INDEX iSamples = slBytes/2; // 16-bit was assumed -> samples (treat as mono) for( i=0; i0.99f && fLastNormValue>0.99f) { // should be enough to tolerate fLastNormValue = 1.0f; ConvertMixerBuffer(slBytes); return; } // adjust normalize value by strength ASSERT( fNormStrength>=0 && fNormStrength<=1); fNormValue = Lerp( 1.0f, fNormValue, fNormStrength); const FLOAT fNormAdd = (fNormValue-fLastNormValue) / (iSamples/4); // normalize (and convert to 16-bit) SWORD *pswDst = (SWORD*)pvMixerBuffer; FLOAT fCurrentNormValue = fLastNormValue; for( i=0; ifNormValue && fNormAdd>0) fCurrentNormValue = fNormValue; } // CPrintF( "%.5f -> %.5f (%.5f) @ %.9f / %d\n", fLastNormValue, fCurrentNormValue, fNormValue, fNormAdd, iSamples); // remember normalization value fLastNormValue = fCurrentNormValue; } // mixes one mono 16-bit signed sound to destination buffer inline void MixMono( CSoundObject *pso) { _pfSoundProfile.StartTimer(CSoundProfile::PTI_RAWMIXER); #if ASMOPT == 1 __asm { // convert from floats to fixints 32:16 fld D [fLeftOfs] fmul D [f65536] fld D [fRightOfs] fmul D [f65536] fld D [fLeftStep] fmul D [f65536] fld D [fRightStep] fmul D [f4G] fistp Q [mmRightStep] // fixint 32:32 fistp Q [mmLeftStep] // fixint 32:16 fistp Q [fixRightOfs] // fixint 32:16 fistp Q [fixLeftOfs] // fixint 32:16 // get last played sample (for filtering purposes) movzx eax,W [slLastRightSample] movzx edx,W [slLastLeftSample] shl eax,16 or eax,edx movd mm6,eax // MM6 = 0 | 0 || lastRightSample | lastLeftSample // get volume movd mm5,D [slRightVolume] movd mm0,D [slLeftVolume] psllq mm5,32 por mm5,mm0 // MM5 = rightVolume || leftVolume // get filter mov eax,D [slRightFilter] mov edx,D [slLeftFilter] shl eax,16 or eax,edx movd mm7,eax // MM7 = 0 | 0 || rightFilter | leftFilter // get offset of each channel inside sound and loop thru destination buffer mov W [mmRightStep],0 movzx eax,W [fixLeftOfs] movzx edx,W [fixRightOfs] shl edx,16 or eax,edx // EAX = right ofs frac | left ofs frac mov ebx,D [fixLeftOfs+2] // EBX = left ofs int mov edx,D [fixRightOfs+2] // EDX = right ofs int mov esi,D [pswSrcBuffer] // ESI = source sound buffer start ptr mov edi,D [pvMixerBuffer] // EDI = mixer buffer ptr mov ecx,D [slMixerBufferSize] // ECX = samples counter sampleLoop: // check if source offsets came to the end of source sound buffer cmp ebx,D [slSoundBufferSize] jl lNotEnd sub ebx,D [slSoundBufferSize] push D [bNotLoop] pop D [bEndOfSound] lNotEnd: // same for right channel cmp edx,D [slSoundBufferSize] jl rNotEnd sub edx,D [slSoundBufferSize] push D [bNotLoop] pop D [bEndOfSound] rNotEnd: // check end of sample cmp ecx,0 jle loopEnd cmp D [bEndOfSound],TRUE je loopEnd // get sound samples movd mm1,D [esi+ ebx*2] // MM1 = 0 | 0 || nextLeftSample | leftSample movd mm2,D [esi+ edx*2] // MM2 = 0 | 0 || nextRightSample | RightSample psllq mm2,32 por mm1,mm2 // MM1 = nextRightSample | rightSample || nextLeftSample | leftSample // calc linear interpolation factor (strength) movd mm3,eax // MM3 = 0 | 0 || right frac | left frac punpcklwd mm3,mm3 psrlw mm3,1 // MM3 = rightFrac | rightFrac || leftFrac | leftFrac pxor mm3,Q [mmInvFactor] // MM3 = rightFrac | 1-rightFrac || leftFrac | 1-leftFrac // apply linear interpolation pmaddwd mm1,mm3 psrad mm1,15 packssdw mm1,mm1 // MM1 = ? | ? || linearRightSample | linearLeftSample // apply filter psubsw mm1,mm6 pmulhw mm1,mm7 psllw mm1,1 paddsw mm1,mm6 movq mm6,mm1 // apply volume adjustment movq mm0,mm5 psrad mm0,16 packssdw mm0,mm0 pmulhw mm1,mm0 psllw mm1,1 pxor mm1,Q [mmSurroundFactor] paddd mm5,Q [mmVolumeGain] // modify volume // unpack to 32bit and mix it into destination buffer punpcklwd mm1,mm1 psrad mm1,16 // MM1 = finalRightSample || finalLeftSample paddd mm1,Q [edi] movq Q [edi],mm1 // advance to next samples in source sound add eax,D [mmRightStep+0] adc edx,D [mmRightStep+4] add ax,W [mmLeftStep +0] adc ebx,D [mmLeftStep +2] add edi,8 dec ecx jmp sampleLoop loopEnd: // store modified asm local vars mov D [fixLeftOfs +0],eax shr eax,16 mov D [fixRightOfs+0],eax mov D [fixLeftOfs +2],ebx mov D [fixRightOfs+2],edx movd eax,mm6 mov edx,eax and eax,0x0000FFFF shr edx,16 mov D [slLastLeftSample],eax mov D [slLastRightSample],edx emms } #else // initialize some local vars SLONG slLeftSample, slRightSample, slNextSample; SLONG *pslDstBuffer = (SLONG*)pvMixerBuffer; fixLeftOfs = (__int64)(fLeftOfs * 65536.0); fixRightOfs = (__int64)(fRightOfs * 65536.0); __int64 fixLeftStep = (__int64)(fLeftStep * 65536.0); __int64 fixRightStep = (__int64)(fRightStep * 65536.0); __int64 fixSoundBufferSize = ((__int64)slSoundBufferSize)<<16; mmSurroundFactor = (__int64)(SWORD)mmSurroundFactor; // loop thru source buffer INDEX iCt = slMixerBufferSize; FOREVER { // if left channel source sample came to end of sample buffer if( fixLeftOfs >= fixSoundBufferSize) { fixLeftOfs -= fixSoundBufferSize; // if has no loop, end it bEndOfSound = bNotLoop; } // if right channel source sample came to end of sample buffer if( fixRightOfs >= fixSoundBufferSize) { fixRightOfs -= fixSoundBufferSize; // if has no loop, end it bEndOfSound = bNotLoop; } // end of buffer? if( iCt<=0 || bEndOfSound) break; // fetch one lineary interpolated sample on left channel slLeftSample = pswSrcBuffer[(fixLeftOfs>>16)+0]; slNextSample = pswSrcBuffer[(fixLeftOfs>>16)+1]; slLeftSample = (slLeftSample*(65535-(fixLeftOfs&65535)) + slNextSample*(fixLeftOfs&65535)) >>16; // fetch one lineary interpolated sample on right channel slRightSample = pswSrcBuffer[(fixRightOfs>>16)+0]; slNextSample = pswSrcBuffer[(fixRightOfs>>16)+1]; slRightSample = (slRightSample*(65535-(fixRightOfs&65535)) + slNextSample*(fixRightOfs&65535)) >>16; // filter samples slLastLeftSample += ((slLeftSample -slLastLeftSample) *slLeftFilter) >>15; slLastRightSample += ((slRightSample-slLastRightSample)*slRightFilter)>>15; // apply stereo volume to current sample slLeftSample = (slLastLeftSample * slLeftVolume) >>15; slRightSample = (slLastRightSample * slRightVolume)>>15; slRightSample = slRightSample ^ mmSurroundFactor; // mix in current sample slLeftSample += pslDstBuffer[0]; slRightSample += pslDstBuffer[1]; // upper clamp if( slLeftSample > MAX_SWORD) slLeftSample = MAX_SWORD; if( slRightSample > MAX_SWORD) slRightSample = MAX_SWORD; // lower clamp if( slLeftSample < MIN_SWORD) slLeftSample = MIN_SWORD; if( slRightSample < MIN_SWORD) slRightSample = MIN_SWORD; // store samples (both channels) pslDstBuffer[0] = slLeftSample; pslDstBuffer[1] = slRightSample; // modify volume ` slLeftVolume += (SWORD)((mmVolumeGain>> 0)&0xFFFF); slRightVolume += (SWORD)((mmVolumeGain>>16)&0xFFFF); // advance to next sample fixLeftOfs += fixLeftStep; fixRightOfs += fixRightStep; pslDstBuffer += 4; iCt--; } #endif _pfSoundProfile.StopTimer(CSoundProfile::PTI_RAWMIXER); } // mixes one stereo 16-bit signed sound to destination buffer inline void MixStereo( CSoundObject *pso) { _pfSoundProfile.StartTimer(CSoundProfile::PTI_RAWMIXER); #if ASMOPT == 1 __asm { // convert from floats to fixints 32:16 fld D [fLeftOfs] fmul D [f65536] fld D [fRightOfs] fmul D [f65536] fld D [fLeftStep] fmul D [f65536] fld D [fRightStep] fmul D [f4G] fistp Q [mmRightStep] // fixint 32:32 fistp Q [mmLeftStep] // fixint 32:16 fistp Q [fixRightOfs] // fixint 32:16 fistp Q [fixLeftOfs] // fixint 32:16 // get last played sample (for filtering purposes) movzx eax,W [slLastRightSample] movzx edx,W [slLastLeftSample] shl eax,16 or eax,edx movd mm6,eax // MM6 = 0 | 0 || lastRightSample | lastLeftSample // get volume movd mm5,D [slRightVolume] movd mm0,D [slLeftVolume] psllq mm5,32 por mm5,mm0 // MM5 = rightVolume || leftVolume // get filter mov eax,D [slRightFilter] mov edx,D [slLeftFilter] shl eax,16 or eax,edx movd mm7,eax // MM7 = 0 | 0 || rightFilter | leftFilter // get offset of each channel inside sound and loop thru destination buffer mov W [mmRightStep],0 movzx eax,W [fixLeftOfs] movzx edx,W [fixRightOfs] shl edx,16 or eax,edx // EAX = right ofs frac | left ofs frac mov ebx,D [fixLeftOfs+2] // EBX = left ofs int mov edx,D [fixRightOfs+2] // EDX = right ofs int mov esi,D [pswSrcBuffer] // ESI = source sound buffer start ptr mov edi,D [pvMixerBuffer] // EDI = mixer buffer ptr mov ecx,D [slMixerBufferSize] // ECX = samples counter sampleLoop: // check if source offsets came to the end of source sound buffer cmp ebx,D [slSoundBufferSize] jl lNotEnd sub ebx,D [slSoundBufferSize] push D [bNotLoop] pop D [bEndOfSound] lNotEnd: // same for right channel cmp edx,D [slSoundBufferSize] jl rNotEnd sub edx,D [slSoundBufferSize] push D [bNotLoop] pop D [bEndOfSound] rNotEnd: // check end of sample cmp ecx,0 jle loopEnd cmp D [bEndOfSound],TRUE je loopEnd // get sound samples movq mm1,Q [esi+ ebx*4] movq mm2,Q [esi+ edx*4] pslld mm1,16 psrad mm1,16 // MM1 = 0 | nextLeftSample || 0 | leftSample psrad mm2,16 // MM2 = 0 | nextRightSample || 0 | rightSample packssdw mm1,mm2 // MM1 = nextRightSample | rightSample || nextLeftSample | leftSample // calc linear interpolation factor (strength) movd mm3,eax // MM3 = 0 | 0 || right frac | left frac punpcklwd mm3,mm3 psrlw mm3,1 // MM3 = rightFrac | rightFrac || leftFrac | leftFrac pxor mm3,Q [mmInvFactor] // MM3 = rightFrac | 1-rightFrac || leftFrac | 1-leftFrac // apply linear interpolation pmaddwd mm1,mm3 psrad mm1,15 packssdw mm1,mm1 // MM1 = ? | ? || linearRightSample | linearLeftSample // apply filter psubsw mm1,mm6 pmulhw mm1,mm7 psllw mm1,1 paddsw mm1,mm6 movq mm6,mm1 // apply volume adjustment movq mm0,mm5 psrad mm0,16 packssdw mm0,mm0 pmulhw mm1,mm0 psllw mm1,1 pxor mm1,Q [mmSurroundFactor] paddd mm5,Q [mmVolumeGain] // modify volume // unpack to 32bit and mix it into destination buffer punpcklwd mm1,mm1 psrad mm1,16 // MM1 = finalRightSample || finalLeftSample paddd mm1,Q [edi] movq Q [edi],mm1 // advance to next samples in source sound add eax,D [mmRightStep+0] adc edx,D [mmRightStep+4] add ax,W [mmLeftStep +0] adc ebx,D [mmLeftStep +2] add edi,8 dec ecx jmp sampleLoop loopEnd: // store modified asm local vars mov D [fixLeftOfs +0],eax shr eax,16 mov D [fixRightOfs+0],eax mov D [fixLeftOfs +2],ebx mov D [fixRightOfs+2],edx movd eax,mm6 mov edx,eax and eax,0x0000FFFF shr edx,16 mov D [slLastLeftSample],eax mov D [slLastRightSample],edx emms } #endif _pfSoundProfile.StopTimer(CSoundProfile::PTI_RAWMIXER); } // mixes one sound to destination buffer void MixSound( CSoundObject *pso) { psd = pso->so_pCsdLink; // if don't mix encoded sounds if they are not opened properly if((psd->sd_ulFlags&SDF_ENCODED) && (pso->so_psdcDecoder==NULL || !pso->so_psdcDecoder->IsOpen()) ) { return; } // check for supported sound formats const SLONG slChannels = pso->so_pCsdLink->sd_wfeFormat.nChannels; const SLONG slBytes = pso->so_pCsdLink->sd_wfeFormat.wBitsPerSample/8; // unsupported sound formats will be ignored if( (slChannels!=1 && slChannels!=2) || slBytes!=2) return; // check for delay const FLOAT f1oMixerBufferSampleRate = 1.0f / slMixerBufferSampleRate; const FLOAT fSecondsToMix = (FLOAT)slMixerBufferSize * f1oMixerBufferSampleRate; pso->so_fDelayed += fSecondsToMix; if( pso->so_fDelayed < pso->so_sp.sp_fDelay) { _pfSoundProfile.IncrementCounter(CSoundProfile::PCI_SOUNDSDELAYED, 1); return; } // playing started, so skip further delays pso->so_fDelayed = 9999.9999f; // reach sound data and determine sound step, sound buffer and buffer size pswSrcBuffer = psd->sd_pswBuffer; fSoundSampleRate = psd->sd_wfeFormat.nSamplesPerSec * pso->so_sp.sp_fPitchShift; fStep = fSoundSampleRate * f1oMixerBufferSampleRate; fLeftStep = fStep; fRightStep = fStep; slSoundBufferSize = psd->sd_slBufferSampleSize; // eliminate potentional "puck" at the of sample that hasn't loop if( !(pso->so_slFlags&SOF_LOOP) && slSoundBufferSize>1) slSoundBufferSize--; // get old and new volumes FLOAT fLeftVolume = ClampDn( pso->so_fLastLeftVolume, 0.0f); FLOAT fRightVolume = ClampDn( pso->so_fLastRightVolume, 0.0f); FLOAT fNewLeftVolume = ClampDn( pso->so_sp.sp_fLeftVolume, 0.0f); FLOAT fNewRightVolume = ClampDn( pso->so_sp.sp_fRightVolume, 0.0f); // adjust for master volume if(pso->so_slFlags&SOF_MUSIC) { fNewLeftVolume *= snd_fMusicVolume; fNewRightVolume *= snd_fMusicVolume; } else { fNewLeftVolume *= snd_fSoundVolume; fNewRightVolume *= snd_fSoundVolume; } // if both channel volumes are too low if( fLeftVolume<0.001f && fRightVolume<0.001f && fNewLeftVolume<0.001f && fNewRightVolume<0.001f) { // if this is not an encoded sound if( !(psd->sd_ulFlags&SDF_ENCODED) ) { // skip mixing of this sample segment fOfsDelta = fStep*slMixerBufferSampleRate*fSecondsToMix; pso->so_fLeftOffset += fOfsDelta; pso->so_fRightOffset += fOfsDelta; const FLOAT fMinOfs = Min( pso->so_fLeftOffset, pso->so_fRightOffset); ASSERT( fMinOfs>=0); if( fMinOfs<0) CPrintF( "BUG: negative offset (%.2g) encountered in sound: '%s' !\n", fMinOfs, (CTString&)psd->GetName()); // if looping if (pso->so_slFlags & SOF_LOOP) { // adjust offset ptrs inside sound while( pso->so_fLeftOffset < 0) pso->so_fLeftOffset += slSoundBufferSize; while( pso->so_fRightOffset < 0) pso->so_fRightOffset += slSoundBufferSize; while( pso->so_fLeftOffset >= slSoundBufferSize) pso->so_fLeftOffset -= slSoundBufferSize; while( pso->so_fRightOffset >= slSoundBufferSize) pso->so_fRightOffset -= slSoundBufferSize; // if not looping } else { // no more playing pso->so_slFlags &= ~SOF_PLAY; pso->so_fDelayed = 0.0f; pso->so_sp.sp_fDelay = 0.0f; } } // reset last samples pso->so_swLastLeftSample = 0; pso->so_swLastRightSample = 0; // update volume pso->so_fLastLeftVolume = fNewLeftVolume; pso->so_fLastRightVolume = fNewRightVolume; _pfSoundProfile.IncrementCounter(CSoundProfile::PCI_SOUNDSSKIPPED, 1); return; } _sfStats.IncrementCounter(CStatForm::SCI_SOUNDSMIXING); // cache sound object vars fPhase = pso->so_sp.sp_fPhaseShift; fLeftOfs = pso->so_fLeftOffset; fRightOfs = pso->so_fRightOffset; fOfsDelta = pso->so_fOffsetDelta; slLeftVolume = FloatToInt(fLeftVolume * 65536*32767.0f); slRightVolume = FloatToInt(fRightVolume * 65536*32767.0f); const FLOAT fMixBufSize = 65536*32767.0f / slMixerBufferSize; const SLONG slLeftGain = FloatToInt( (fNewLeftVolume -fLeftVolume) *fMixBufSize); const SLONG slRightGain = FloatToInt( (fNewRightVolume-fRightVolume) *fMixBufSize); mmVolumeGain = ((__int64)(slRightGain)<<32) | ((__int64)(slLeftGain)&0xFFFFFFFF); // extrapolate back new volumes because of not enough precision in interpolation! // (otherwise we might hear occasional pucks) if( fNewLeftVolume >0.001f) fNewLeftVolume = (slLeftVolume + slLeftGain *slMixerBufferSize) /(65536*32767.0f); if( fNewRightVolume>0.001f) fNewRightVolume = (slRightVolume + slRightGain*slMixerBufferSize) /(65536*32767.0f); //ASSERT( fNewLeftVolume>=0 && fNewRightVolume>=0); //CPrintF( "NV: %.4f / %.4f, GV: %.4f / %.4f\n", fNewLeftVolume,fNewRightVolume, fLeftGainedVolume,fRightGainedVolume); // determine filtering and surround slLeftFilter = pso->so_sp.sp_slLeftFilter; slRightFilter = pso->so_sp.sp_slRightFilter; bNotLoop = !(pso->so_slFlags & SOF_LOOP); mmSurroundFactor = 0; if( pso->so_slFlags & SOF_SURROUND) mmSurroundFactor = 0x0000FFFF; // if this is an encoded sound BOOL bDecodingFinished = FALSE; if( psd->sd_ulFlags&SDF_ENCODED) { _pfSoundProfile.StartTimer(CSoundProfile::PTI_DECODESOUND); // decode some samples from it SLONG slWantedBytes = FloatToInt(slMixerBufferSize*fStep*pso->so_pCsdLink->sd_wfeFormat.nChannels) *2; void *pvDecodeBuffer = _pSound->sl_pswDecodeBuffer; ASSERT(slWantedBytes<=_pSound->sl_slDecodeBufferSize); SLONG slDecodedBytes = pso->so_psdcDecoder->Decode( pvDecodeBuffer, slWantedBytes); ASSERT(slDecodedBytes<=slWantedBytes); // if it has a loop if (!bNotLoop) { // if sound is shorter than buffer while(slDecodedBytesso_psdcDecoder->Reset(); slDecodedBytes += pso->so_psdcDecoder->Decode( ((UBYTE*)pvDecodeBuffer) + slDecodedBytes, slWantedBytes-slDecodedBytes); } // if it doesn't have a loop } else { // if sound is shorter than buffer if(slDecodedBytes>2; // convert to samples fLeftOfs = 0.0f; fRightOfs = 0.0f; fPhase = 0.0f; _pfSoundProfile.StopTimer(CSoundProfile::PTI_DECODESOUND); } _pfSoundProfile.IncrementCounter(CSoundProfile::PCI_SOUNDSMIXED, 1); _pfSoundProfile.IncrementCounter(CSoundProfile::PCI_SAMPLES, slMixerBufferSize); _pfSoundProfile.StartTimer(CSoundProfile::PTI_MIXSOUND); slLastLeftSample = pso->so_swLastLeftSample; slLastRightSample = pso->so_swLastRightSample; // calculate eventual new offsets from phase shift FLOAT fLastPhase = fOfsDelta / fSoundSampleRate; FLOAT fPhaseDelta = fPhase - fLastPhase; FLOAT fStepDelta = Abs( fPhaseDelta*fSoundSampleRate / slMixerBufferSize); FLOAT fStepDeltaL, fStepDeltaR; if( fPhaseDelta>0) { fStepDeltaL = fStepDelta/2; if( fStepDeltaL>fLeftStep/2) fStepDeltaL = fLeftStep/2; fStepDeltaL = -fStepDeltaL; fStepDeltaR = fStepDelta + fStepDeltaL; } else { fStepDeltaR = fStepDelta/2; if( fStepDeltaR>fLeftStep/2) fStepDeltaR = fLeftStep/2; fStepDeltaR = -fStepDeltaR; fStepDeltaL = fStepDelta + fStepDeltaR; } fLeftStep += fStepDeltaL; fRightStep += fStepDeltaR; fStepDelta = fStepDeltaR-fStepDeltaL; // if there is anything to mix (could be nothing when encoded file just finished) if( slSoundBufferSize>0) { // safety check (needed because of bad-bug!) FLOAT fMinOfs = Min( fLeftOfs, fRightOfs); ASSERT( fMinOfs>=0); if( fMinOfs<0) CPrintF( "BUG: negative offset (%.2g) encountered in sound: '%s' !\n", fMinOfs, (CTString&)psd->GetName()); // adjust offset ptrs inside sound to match those of phase shift while( fLeftOfs < 0) fLeftOfs += slSoundBufferSize; while( fRightOfs < 0) fRightOfs += slSoundBufferSize; while( fLeftOfs >= slSoundBufferSize) fLeftOfs -= slSoundBufferSize; while( fRightOfs >= slSoundBufferSize) fRightOfs -= slSoundBufferSize; // if mono output is required if( snd_bMono) { // monomize channels (cool word:) fLeftOfs = (fLeftOfs+fRightOfs)/2; fRightOfs = fLeftOfs; fLeftStep = (fLeftStep+fRightStep)/2; fRightStep = fLeftStep; slLeftVolume = (slLeftVolume+slRightVolume)/2; slRightVolume = slLeftVolume; slLeftFilter = (slLeftFilter+slRightFilter)/2; slRightFilter = slLeftFilter; } // call corresponding mixer routine for current sound format bEndOfSound = FALSE; if( slChannels==2) { // mix as 16-bit stereo MixStereo( pso); } else { // mix as 16-bit mono MixMono( pso); } } // if encoded sound if( psd->sd_ulFlags&SDF_ENCODED) { // ignore mixing finished flag, but use decoding finished flag bEndOfSound = bDecodingFinished; } // if sound ended, not buffer if( bEndOfSound) { // reset some sound vars slLastLeftSample = 0; slLastRightSample = 0; pso->so_slFlags &= ~SOF_PLAY; pso->so_fDelayed = 0.0f; pso->so_sp.sp_fDelay = 0.0f; } // rememer last samples for the next mix in pso->so_swLastLeftSample = (SWORD)slLastLeftSample; pso->so_swLastRightSample = (SWORD)slLastRightSample; // determine new phase shift offset pso->so_fOffsetDelta += fStepDelta*slMixerBufferSize; // update play offset for the next mix iteration pso->so_fLeftOffset = fixLeftOfs * (1.0f/65536.0f); pso->so_fRightOffset = fixRightOfs * (1.0f/65536.0f); // update volume pso->so_fLastLeftVolume = fNewLeftVolume; pso->so_fLastRightVolume = fNewRightVolume; //if( pso->so_fLastLeftVolume>0 || pso->so_fLastRightVolume>0 || fNewLeftVolume>0 || fNewRightVolume>0) { // CPrintF( "SO: 0x%8X; OV: %.4f / %.4f, NV: %.4f / %.4f\n", pso, // pso->so_fLastLeftVolume,pso->so_fLastRightVolume, fNewLeftVolume,fNewRightVolume); //} _pfSoundProfile.StopTimer(CSoundProfile::PTI_MIXSOUND); }