/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. All rights reserved. */ #define OFFSET_DN (0.0625f) #define CStaticArray_sa_Count 0 #define CStaticArray_sa_Array 4 #define CDynamicArray_da_Pointers 12 #define CDynamicArray_da_Count 16 #define CDynamicStackArray_da_ctUsed 24 #define sizeof_CWorkingVertex 32 #define sizeof_CWorkingEdge 32 static FLOATaabbox2D *pfbbClipBox; static PIX pixCurrentScanJ; static PIX pixBottomScanJ; static const FLOAT f65536=65536.0f; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Functions for support of transformed caches static FLOAT fCenterI, fCenterJ, fRatioI, fRatioJ; static FLOAT fNearClipDistance, fooNearClipDistance; static FLOAT fFarClipDistance, fooFarClipDistance; static FLOAT fooNearRatioI, fooNearRatioJ; static FLOAT fooFarRatioI, fooFarRatioJ; static CRenderer *_preThis; // check if a sector is inside view frustum __forceinline INDEX CRenderer::IsSectorVisible(CBrush3D &br, CBrushSector &bsc) { // project the bounding sphere of sector bbox to view FLOAT3D vCenter; CProjection3D *ppr; if (re_bBackgroundEnabled && (br.br_penEntity->en_ulFlags & ENF_BACKGROUND)) { ppr = re_prBackgroundProjection; } else { ppr = re_prProjection; } ppr->PreClip(bsc.bsc_boxBoundingBox.Center(), vCenter); FLOAT fR = bsc.bsc_boxBoundingBox.Size().Length()/2.0f; // if the sector bounding sphere is inside view frustum INDEX iFrustumTest = ppr->TestSphereToFrustum( vCenter, fR); if( iFrustumTest==0) { // if test was indeterminate // create oriented box and test it to frustum FLOATobbox3D boxEntity( bsc.bsc_boxBoundingBox, ppr->pr_TranslationVector, ppr->pr_ViewerRotationMatrix); iFrustumTest = ppr->TestBoxToFrustum(boxEntity); } // done return iFrustumTest; } /* Transform vertices in one sector before clipping. */ void CRenderer::PreClipVertices(void) { _pfRenderProfile.StartTimer(CRenderProfile::PTI_TRANSFORMVERTICES); const FLOATmatrix3D &m = re_pbrCurrent->br_prProjection->pr_RotationMatrix; const FLOAT3D &v = re_pbrCurrent->br_prProjection->pr_TranslationVector; re_pbscCurrent->bsc_ivvx0 = re_iViewVx0 = re_avvxViewVertices.Count(); INDEX ctvx = re_pbscCurrent->bsc_awvxVertices.Count(); CViewVertex *avvx = re_avvxViewVertices.Push(ctvx); // for each vertex in sector for( INDEX ivx=0; ivxbsc_awvxVertices[ivx]; // transform it to view space const FLOAT fx = wvx.wvx_vRelative(1); const FLOAT fy = wvx.wvx_vRelative(2); const FLOAT fz = wvx.wvx_vRelative(3); avvx[ivx].vvx_vView(1) = fx*m(1, 1)+fy*m(1, 2)+fz*m(1, 3)+v(1); avvx[ivx].vvx_vView(2) = fx*m(2, 1)+fy*m(2, 2)+fz*m(2, 3)+v(2); avvx[ivx].vvx_vView(3) = fx*m(3, 1)+fy*m(3, 2)+fz*m(3, 3)+v(3); // clear the outcode initially avvx[ivx].vvx_ulOutcode = 0; } _pfRenderProfile.IncrementCounter(CRenderProfile::PCI_TRANSFORMEDVERTICES, ctvx); _pfRenderProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter(CRenderProfile::PTI_TRANSFORMVERTICES, ctvx); _pfRenderProfile.StopTimer(CRenderProfile::PTI_TRANSFORMVERTICES); } /* Transform planes in one sector before clipping. */ void CRenderer::PreClipPlanes(void) { _pfRenderProfile.StartTimer(CRenderProfile::PTI_TRANSFORMPLANES); INDEX ctpl =re_pbscCurrent->bsc_awplPlanes.Count(); CProjection3D *ppr = &*re_pbrCurrent->br_prProjection; const FLOATmatrix3D &m = ppr->pr_RotationMatrix; const FLOAT3D &v = ppr->pr_TranslationVector; // if the projection is perspective if (re_pbrCurrent->br_prProjection.IsPerspective()) { // for each plane in sector for(INDEX ipl=0; iplbsc_awplPlanes[ipl]; const FLOAT fx = wpl.wpl_plRelative(1); const FLOAT fy = wpl.wpl_plRelative(2); const FLOAT fz = wpl.wpl_plRelative(3); const FLOAT fd = wpl.wpl_plRelative.Distance(); wpl.wpl_plView(1) = fx*m(1, 1)+fy*m(1, 2)+fz*m(1, 3); wpl.wpl_plView(2) = fx*m(2, 1)+fy*m(2, 2)+fz*m(2, 3); wpl.wpl_plView(3) = fx*m(3, 1)+fy*m(3, 2)+fz*m(3, 3); wpl.wpl_plView.Distance() = wpl.wpl_plView(1)*v(1)+ wpl.wpl_plView(2)*v(2)+ wpl.wpl_plView(3)*v(3)+ wpl.wpl_plRelative.Distance(); // test if the plane is visible wpl.wpl_bVisible = (wpl.wpl_plView.Distance() < -0.01f); } // if the projection is not perspective } else { // !!!! speed this up for other projections too ? // for each plane in sector for(INDEX ipl=0; iplbsc_awplPlanes[ipl]; ppr->Project(wpl.wpl_plRelative, wpl.wpl_plView); // test if the plane is visible wpl.wpl_bVisible = ppr->IsViewerPlaneVisible(wpl.wpl_plView); } } // for each plane {for(INDEX ipl=0; iplbsc_awplPlanes[ipl]; // make gradients without fog ppr->MakeOoKGradient(wpl.wpl_plView, wpl.wpl_pgOoK); // transform it to view space const FLOAT fxO = wpl.wpl_mvRelative.mv_vO(1); const FLOAT fyO = wpl.wpl_mvRelative.mv_vO(2); const FLOAT fzO = wpl.wpl_mvRelative.mv_vO(3); const FLOAT fxU = wpl.wpl_mvRelative.mv_vU(1); const FLOAT fyU = wpl.wpl_mvRelative.mv_vU(2); const FLOAT fzU = wpl.wpl_mvRelative.mv_vU(3); const FLOAT fxV = wpl.wpl_mvRelative.mv_vV(1); const FLOAT fyV = wpl.wpl_mvRelative.mv_vV(2); const FLOAT fzV = wpl.wpl_mvRelative.mv_vV(3); wpl.wpl_mvView.mv_vO(1) = fxO*m(1, 1)+fyO*m(1, 2)+fzO*m(1, 3)+v(1); wpl.wpl_mvView.mv_vO(2) = fxO*m(2, 1)+fyO*m(2, 2)+fzO*m(2, 3)+v(2); wpl.wpl_mvView.mv_vO(3) = fxO*m(3, 1)+fyO*m(3, 2)+fzO*m(3, 3)+v(3); wpl.wpl_mvView.mv_vU(1) = fxU*m(1, 1)+fyU*m(1, 2)+fzU*m(1, 3); wpl.wpl_mvView.mv_vU(2) = fxU*m(2, 1)+fyU*m(2, 2)+fzU*m(2, 3); wpl.wpl_mvView.mv_vU(3) = fxU*m(3, 1)+fyU*m(3, 2)+fzU*m(3, 3); wpl.wpl_mvView.mv_vV(1) = fxV*m(1, 1)+fyV*m(1, 2)+fzV*m(1, 3); wpl.wpl_mvView.mv_vV(2) = fxV*m(2, 1)+fyV*m(2, 2)+fzV*m(2, 3); wpl.wpl_mvView.mv_vV(3) = fxV*m(3, 1)+fyV*m(3, 2)+fzV*m(3, 3); }} _pfRenderProfile.IncrementCounter(CRenderProfile::PCI_TRANSFORMEDPLANES, ctpl); _pfRenderProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter(CRenderProfile::PTI_TRANSFORMPLANES, ctpl); _pfRenderProfile.StopTimer(CRenderProfile::PTI_TRANSFORMPLANES); } // project vertices in current sector after clipping void CRenderer::PostClipVertices(void) { _pfRenderProfile.StartTimer(CRenderProfile::PTI_PROJECTVERTICES); const FLOATmatrix3D &m = re_pbrCurrent->br_prProjection->pr_RotationMatrix; const FLOAT3D &v = re_pbrCurrent->br_prProjection->pr_TranslationVector; // if the projection is perspective if (re_pbrCurrent->br_prProjection.IsPerspective()) { CPerspectiveProjection3D &prPerspective = (CPerspectiveProjection3D &)*re_pbrCurrent->br_prProjection; fCenterI = prPerspective.pr_ScreenCenter(1); fCenterJ = prPerspective.pr_ScreenCenter(2); fRatioI = prPerspective.ppr_PerspectiveRatios(1); fRatioJ = prPerspective.ppr_PerspectiveRatios(2); // for each active view vertex INDEX iVxTop = re_avvxViewVertices.Count(); for(INDEX ivx = re_iViewVx0; ivxbr_prProjection->PostClip(vvx.vvx_vView, v); vvx.vvx_fI = v(1); vvx.vvx_fJ = v(2); } } _pfRenderProfile.StopTimer(CRenderProfile::PTI_PROJECTVERTICES); } // setup fog/haze for a sector void CRenderer::SetupFogAndHaze(void) { CBrush3D &br = *re_pbrCurrent; CBrushSector &bsc = *re_pbscCurrent; if( _bMultiPlayer) gfx_bRenderFog = 1; // must render fog in multiplayer mode! // if the sector is not part of a zoning brush if (!(br.br_penEntity->en_ulFlags&ENF_ZONING)) { // do nothing return; } // if fog is enabled re_bCurrentSectorHasFog = FALSE; if( _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.wrp_bFogOn && gfx_bRenderFog) { // if the sector has fog CFogParameters fp; if( bsc.bsc_pbmBrushMip->bm_pbrBrush->br_penEntity->GetFog(bsc.GetFogType(), fp)) { // activate fog if not already active if( !_fog_bActive) { StartFog( fp, br.br_prProjection->pr_vViewerPosition, br.br_prProjection->pr_ViewerRotationMatrix); } // mark that current sector has fog re_bCurrentSectorHasFog = TRUE; } } // if haze is enabled re_bCurrentSectorHasHaze = FALSE; if( _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.wrp_bHazeOn && gfx_bRenderFog) { // if the sector has haze CHazeParameters hp; FLOAT3D vViewDir; FLOATmatrix3D &mAbsToView = bsc.bsc_pbmBrushMip->bm_pbrBrush->br_prProjection->pr_ViewerRotationMatrix; vViewDir(1) = -mAbsToView(3, 1); vViewDir(2) = -mAbsToView(3, 2); vViewDir(3) = -mAbsToView(3, 3); if( bsc.bsc_pbmBrushMip->bm_pbrBrush->br_penEntity->GetHaze(bsc.GetHazeType(), hp, vViewDir)) { // if viewer is not in haze if( !re_bViewerInHaze) { // if viewer is in this sector if( bsc.bsc_bspBSPTree.TestSphere(re_vdViewSphere, 0.01)>=0) { // mark that viewer is in haze re_bViewerInHaze = TRUE; } // if there is a viewer else if( re_penViewer!=NULL) { // check rest of sectors the viewer is in {FOREACHSRCOFDST( re_penViewer->en_rdSectors, CBrushSector, bsc_rsEntities, pbsc) CHazeParameters hpDummy; if( pbsc->bsc_pbmBrushMip->bm_pbrBrush->br_penEntity->GetHaze( pbsc->GetHazeType(), hpDummy, vViewDir)) { // if viewer is in this sector if( pbsc->bsc_bspBSPTree.TestSphere(re_vdViewSphere, 0.01)>=0) { // mark that viewer is in haze re_bViewerInHaze = TRUE; break; } } ENDFOR} } } // if viewer is in haze, or haze can be viewed from outside if( re_bViewerInHaze || (hp.hp_ulFlags&HPF_VISIBLEFROMOUTSIDE)) { // activate haze if not already active if( !_haze_bActive) { StartHaze( hp, br.br_prProjection->pr_vViewerPosition, br.br_prProjection->pr_ViewerRotationMatrix); } // mark that current sector has haze re_bCurrentSectorHasHaze = TRUE; } } } } /* * Add an edge to add list of its top scanline. */ void CRenderer::AddEdgeToAddAndRemoveLists(CScreenEdge &sed) { _pfRenderProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter(CRenderProfile::PTI_ADDEDGETOADDLIST, 1); _pfRenderProfile.StartTimer(CRenderProfile::PTI_ADDEDGETOADDLIST); // add it to the remove list at its bottom scan line ASSERT(sed.sed_pixBottomJ-1-re_pixTopScanLineJ < re_ctScanLines); INDEX iBottomLine = sed.sed_pixBottomJ-1-re_pixTopScanLineJ; sed.sed_psedNextRemove = re_apsedRemoveFirst[iBottomLine]; re_apsedRemoveFirst[iBottomLine] = &sed; // search all edges in the add list of top scan line of this edge INDEX iTopLine = sed.sed_pixTopJ-re_pixTopScanLineJ; CListNode *plnInList = re_alhAddLists[iTopLine].lh_Head; re_actAddCounts[iTopLine]++; SLONG slIThis = sed.sed_xI.slHolder; ASSERT(sed.sed_xI > FIX16_16(re_fbbClipBox.Min()(1)-SENTINELEDGE_EPSILON)); ASSERT(sed.sed_xI < FIX16_16(re_fbbClipBox.Max()(1)+SENTINELEDGE_EPSILON)); SLONG slIInList; while(plnInList->ln_Succ!=NULL) { slIInList = ((CAddEdge*)((UBYTE*)plnInList-offsetof(CAddEdge, ade_lnInAdd))) -> ade_xI.slHolder; // if the edge in list is right of the one to add if (slIInList>slIThis) { // stop searching break; } plnInList = plnInList->ln_Succ; } // add it to add list CAddEdge &ade = re_aadeAddEdges.Push(); ade = CAddEdge(&sed); CListNode *plnThis = &ade.ade_lnInAdd; CListNode *plnAfter = plnInList; CListNode *plnBefore = plnInList->ln_Pred; plnThis->ln_Succ = plnAfter; plnThis->ln_Pred = plnBefore; plnBefore->ln_Succ = plnThis; plnAfter->ln_Pred = plnThis; // mark that it is added sed.sed_bAdded = TRUE; ASSERT(re_actAddCounts[iTopLine]==re_alhAddLists[iTopLine].Count()); _pfRenderProfile.StopTimer(CRenderProfile::PTI_ADDEDGETOADDLIST); } /* * Make a screen edge from two vertices doing 2D clipping. */ inline void CRenderer::MakeScreenEdge( CScreenEdge &sed, FLOAT fI0, FLOAT fJ0, FLOAT fI1, FLOAT fJ1) { // mark both vertices as not clipped _pfRenderProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter(CRenderProfile::PTI_MAKESCREENEDGE, 1); _pfRenderProfile.StartTimer(CRenderProfile::PTI_MAKESCREENEDGE); enum LineDirectionType ldtDirection; // bias edges towards each others - fix against generating extra trapezoids if (fJ0re_fbbClipBox.Max()(1)) { fI0 = re_fbbClipBox.Max()(1); } if (fI1>re_fbbClipBox.Max()(1)) { fI1 = re_fbbClipBox.Max()(1); } FLOAT fDJ=fJ1-fJ0; FLOAT fDI=fI1-fI0; FLOAT fDIoDJ = fDI/fDJ; // mark edge as descending ldtDirection = LDT_DESCENDING; // if vertex 0 is below vertex 1 if ((SLONG&)fDJ<0 ) { // fJ0>fJ1 // mark edge as ascending ldtDirection = LDT_ASCENDING; Swap(fI0, fI1); Swap(fJ0, fJ1); fDI = -fDI; fDJ = -fDJ; } ASSERT(fI0>=re_fbbClipBox.Min()(1)); ASSERT(fI1>=re_fbbClipBox.Min()(1)); ASSERT(fI0>=-0.5f); ASSERT(fI1>=-0.5f); ASSERT(fI0<=re_fbbClipBox.Max()(1)); ASSERT(fI1<=re_fbbClipBox.Max()(1)); // set line direction sed.sed_ldtDirection = ldtDirection; // edge has polygon initially sed.sed_pspo = NULL; // edge is not linked to add and remove lists initially sed.sed_bAdded = FALSE; sed.sed_psedNextRemove = NULL; // if bottom vertex is above screen top or top vertex is below screen bottom FLOAT fDJ1Up = fJ1-re_fbbClipBox.Min()(2); FLOAT fDJ0Dn = re_fbbClipBox.Max()(2)-fJ0; if ((SLONG&)(fDJ1Up)<0 || (SLONG&)(fDJ0Dn)<0) { // generate dummy horizontal screen edge sed.sed_pixTopJ = (PIX) 0; sed.sed_pixBottomJ = (PIX) 0; sed.sed_ldtDirection = LDT_HORIZONTAL; // otherwise } else { // calculate edge slope and convert it to fixed integer sed.sed_xIStep = (FIX16_16)fDIoDJ; // convert J coordinates to integers sed.sed_pixTopJ = PIXCoord(fJ0); sed.sed_pixBottomJ = PIXCoord(fJ1); // if the edge bottom is below screen bottom if (sed.sed_pixTopJre_pixBottomScanLineJ) { // set it to bottom sed.sed_pixBottomJ = re_pixBottomScanLineJ; } // make fixed integer representation of top I coordinate with correction sed.sed_xI = (FIX16_16) (fI0 + ((FLOAT)sed.sed_pixTopJ-fJ0) * fDIoDJ ); } ASSERT( sed.sed_xI > FIX16_16(-1.0f) && sed.sed_xI < FIX16_16(re_fbbClipBox.Max()(1) + SENTINELEDGE_EPSILON) || (sed.sed_pixTopJ >= sed.sed_pixBottomJ)); // return the screen edge _pfRenderProfile.StopTimer(CRenderProfile::PTI_MAKESCREENEDGE); } // add screen edges for all polygons in current sector void CRenderer::AddScreenEdges(void) { _pfRenderProfile.StartTimer(CRenderProfile::PTI_ADDSCREENEDGES); // for each polygon INDEX ispo0 = re_pbscCurrent->bsc_ispo0; INDEX ispoTop = re_pbscCurrent->bsc_ispo0+re_pbscCurrent->bsc_ctspo; for(INDEX ispo = ispo0; ispore_pixCurrentScanJ) { // set its polygon sed.sed_pspo = &spo; // add it AddEdgeToAddAndRemoveLists(sed); } // go to next edge ised++; } } _pfRenderProfile.StopTimer(CRenderProfile::PTI_ADDSCREENEDGES); } // set scene rendering parameters for one polygon texture void CRenderer::SetOneTextureParameters(CBrushPolygon &bpo, ScenePolygon &spo, INDEX iLayer) { spo.spo_aptoTextures[iLayer] = NULL; CTextureData *ptd = (CTextureData *)bpo.bpo_abptTextures[iLayer].bpt_toTexture.GetData(); // if there is no texture or it should not be shown if (ptd==NULL || !_wrpWorldRenderPrefs.wrp_abTextureLayers[iLayer]) { // do nothing return; } CWorkingPlane &wpl = *bpo.bpo_pbplPlane->bpl_pwplWorking; // set texture and its parameters spo.spo_aptoTextures[iLayer] = &bpo.bpo_abptTextures[iLayer].bpt_toTexture; // get texture blending type CTextureBlending &tb = re_pwoWorld->wo_atbTextureBlendings[bpo.bpo_abptTextures[iLayer].s.bpt_ubBlend]; // set texture blending flags ASSERT( BPTF_CLAMPU==STXF_CLAMPU && BPTF_CLAMPV==STXF_CLAMPV && BPTF_AFTERSHADOW==STXF_AFTERSHADOW); spo.spo_aubTextureFlags[iLayer] = (bpo.bpo_abptTextures[iLayer].s.bpt_ubFlags & (BPTF_CLAMPU|BPTF_CLAMPV|BPTF_AFTERSHADOW)) | (tb.tb_ubBlendingType); if( bpo.bpo_abptTextures[iLayer].s.bpt_ubFlags & BPTF_REFLECTION) spo.spo_aubTextureFlags[iLayer] |= STXF_REFLECTION; // set texture blending color spo.spo_acolColors[iLayer] = MulColors( bpo.bpo_abptTextures[iLayer].s.bpt_colColor, tb.tb_colMultiply); // if texture should be not transformed INDEX iTransformation = bpo.bpo_abptTextures[iLayer].s.bpt_ubScroll; if( iTransformation==0) { // if texture is wrapped on both axes if( (bpo.bpo_abptTextures[iLayer].s.bpt_ubFlags&(BPTF_CLAMPU|BPTF_CLAMPV))==0) { // make a mapping adjusted for texture wrapping const MEX mexMaskU = ptd->GetWidth() -1; const MEX mexMaskV = ptd->GetHeight() -1; CMappingDefinition mdTmp = bpo.bpo_abptTextures[iLayer].bpt_mdMapping; mdTmp.md_fUOffset = (FloatToInt(mdTmp.md_fUOffset*1024.0f) & mexMaskU) /1024.0f; mdTmp.md_fVOffset = (FloatToInt(mdTmp.md_fVOffset*1024.0f) & mexMaskV) /1024.0f; const FLOAT3D vOffset = wpl.wpl_plView.ReferencePoint() - wpl.wpl_mvView.mv_vO; const FLOAT fS = vOffset % wpl.wpl_mvView.mv_vU; const FLOAT fT = vOffset % wpl.wpl_mvView.mv_vV; const FLOAT fU = fS*mdTmp.md_fUoS + fT*mdTmp.md_fUoT + mdTmp.md_fUOffset; const FLOAT fV = fS*mdTmp.md_fVoS + fT*mdTmp.md_fVoT + mdTmp.md_fVOffset; mdTmp.md_fUOffset += (FloatToInt(fU*1024.0f) & ~mexMaskU) /1024.0f; mdTmp.md_fVOffset += (FloatToInt(fV*1024.0f) & ~mexMaskV) /1024.0f; // make texture mapping vectors from default vectors of the plane mdTmp.MakeMappingVectors( wpl.wpl_mvView, spo.spo_amvMapping[iLayer]); } // if texture is clamped else { // just make texture mapping vectors from default vectors of the plane bpo.bpo_abptTextures[iLayer].bpt_mdMapping.MakeMappingVectors( wpl.wpl_mvView, spo.spo_amvMapping[iLayer]); } } // if texture should be transformed else { // make mapping vectors as normal and then transform them CMappingDefinition &mdBase = bpo.bpo_abptTextures[iLayer].bpt_mdMapping; CMappingDefinition &mdScroll = re_pwoWorld->wo_attTextureTransformations[iTransformation].tt_mdTransformation; CMappingVectors mvTmp; mdBase.MakeMappingVectors( wpl.wpl_mvView, mvTmp); mdScroll.TransformMappingVectors( mvTmp, spo.spo_amvMapping[iLayer]); } } /* * Make a screen polygon for a brush polygon */ CScreenPolygon *CRenderer::MakeScreenPolygon(CBrushPolygon &bpo) { _pfRenderProfile.StartTimer(CRenderProfile::PTI_MAKESCREENPOLYGON); _pfRenderProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter(CRenderProfile::PTI_MAKESCREENPOLYGON, 1); // create a new screen polygon CScreenPolygon &spo = re_aspoScreenPolygons.Push(); ScenePolygon &sppo = spo.spo_spoScenePolygon; bpo.bpo_pspoScreenPolygon = &spo; CBrush3D &br = *re_pbrCurrent; CBrushSector &bsc = *re_pbscCurrent; sppo.spo_pvPolygon = &bpo; sppo.spo_iVtx0 = 0; sppo.spo_ctVtx = 0; sppo.spo_piElements = NULL; sppo.spo_ctElements = 0; spo.spo_bActive = TRUE; spo.spo_ubSpanAdded = 0; // link with brush polygon spo.spo_pbpoBrushPolygon = &bpo; spo.spo_ubIllumination = bpo.bpo_bppProperties.bpp_ubIlluminationType; // if this is a field brush if (br.br_pfsFieldSettings!=NULL) { // set the polygon up to render as a field brush bpo.bpo_abptTextures[0].bpt_toTexture.SetData(br.br_pfsFieldSettings->fs_toTexture.GetData()); bpo.bpo_abptTextures[0].s.bpt_colColor = br.br_pfsFieldSettings->fs_colColor; bpo.bpo_abptTextures[0].s.bpt_ubScroll = 0; bpo.bpo_abptTextures[0].s.bpt_ubFlags = 0; bpo.bpo_abptTextures[0].s.bpt_ubBlend = BPT_BLEND_BLEND; bpo.bpo_abptTextures[1].bpt_toTexture.SetData(NULL); bpo.bpo_abptTextures[2].bpt_toTexture.SetData(NULL); bpo.bpo_ulFlags = BPOF_PORTAL|BPOF_RENDERASPORTAL|BPOF_FULLBRIGHT|BPOF_TRANSLUCENT|BPOF_DETAILPOLYGON; } // just copy depth gradient from plane CWorkingPlane &wpl = *bpo.bpo_pbplPlane->bpl_pwplWorking; spo.spo_pgOoK = wpl.wpl_pgOoK; spo.spo_spoScenePolygon.spo_cColor = ColorForPolygons(bpo.bpo_colColor, bsc.bsc_colColor); // set polygon shadow sppo.spo_psmShadowMap = NULL; if(_wrpWorldRenderPrefs.wrp_shtShadows != CWorldRenderPrefs::SHT_NONE &&!(bpo.bpo_ulFlags&BPOF_FULLBRIGHT)) { sppo.spo_psmShadowMap = &bpo.bpo_smShadowMap; } // make texture mapping vectors from default vectors of the plane CMappingDefinition mdShadow; mdShadow.md_fUoS = 1; mdShadow.md_fUoT = 0; mdShadow.md_fVoS = 0; mdShadow.md_fVoT = 1; mdShadow.md_fUOffset = -bpo.bpo_smShadowMap.sm_mexOffsetX/1024.0f; mdShadow.md_fVOffset = -bpo.bpo_smShadowMap.sm_mexOffsetY/1024.0f; mdShadow.MakeMappingVectors(wpl.wpl_mvView, sppo.spo_amvMapping[3]); // adjust shadow blending type CTextureBlending &tbShadow = re_pwoWorld->wo_atbTextureBlendings[bpo.bpo_bppProperties.bpp_ubShadowBlend]; sppo.spo_aubTextureFlags[3] = STXF_CLAMPU|STXF_CLAMPV|tbShadow.tb_ubBlendingType; // set shadow blending color sppo.spo_acolColors[3] = MulColors(bpo.bpo_colShadow, tbShadow.tb_colMultiply); // set textures for the polygon SetOneTextureParameters( bpo, sppo, 0); SetOneTextureParameters( bpo, sppo, 1); SetOneTextureParameters( bpo, sppo, 2); // clear polygon flags sppo.spo_ulFlags = 0; if (_wrpWorldRenderPrefs.wrp_ftPolygons != CWorldRenderPrefs::FT_TEXTURE) { sppo.spo_aptoTextures[0] = NULL; sppo.spo_aptoTextures[1] = NULL; sppo.spo_aptoTextures[2] = NULL; } // if the sector has fog if (re_bCurrentSectorHasFog) { // mark for rendering with fog sppo.spo_ulFlags |= SPOF_RENDERFOG; } // if the sector has haze if (re_bCurrentSectorHasHaze) { // mark polygon for haze rendering sppo.spo_ulFlags |= SPOF_RENDERHAZE; } // if the polygon is selected BOOL bSelected = PolygonIsSelected( bpo, br, bsc); if (bSelected) { // mark this polygon for drawing as selected sppo.spo_ulFlags |= SPOF_SELECTED; } // if the polygon is transparent if( bpo.bpo_ulFlags & BPOF_TRANSPARENT) { // mark that this polygon will need alpha keying sppo.spo_ulFlags |= SPOF_TRANSPARENT; } BOOL bBackgroundPolygon = re_bBackgroundEnabled && (bpo.bpo_pbscSector->bsc_pbmBrushMip->bm_pbrBrush->br_penEntity->en_ulFlags&ENF_BACKGROUND); // if this is a backfill polygon or illumination polygon for rendering lights if (bBackgroundPolygon ||(re_ubLightIllumination!=0 && re_ubLightIllumination==bpo.bpo_bppProperties.bpp_ubIlluminationType)) { // mark this polygon as backlight (for shadow rendering) sppo.spo_ulFlags |= SPOF_BACKLIGHT; // adjust gradients used for sorting to be just before the far sentinel spo.spo_pgOoK.Add(-2.0f); } // init as not in stack ASSERT(!spo.spo_lnInStack.IsLinked()); spo.spo_iInStack = 0; spo.spo_psedSpanStart = NULL; // eventually adjust polygon opacity depending on brush entity variable BOOL bForceTraslucency = FALSE; const FLOAT fOpacity = br.br_penEntity->GetOpacity(); if( fOpacity<1) { // better to hold opacity in integer const SLONG slOpacity = NormFloatToByte(fOpacity); // for all texture layers (not shadowmap!) for( INDEX i=0; i<3; i++) { // if texture is opaque if( (sppo.spo_aubTextureFlags[i] & STXF_BLEND_MASK) == 0) { // set it to blend with opaque alpha sppo.spo_aubTextureFlags[i] |= STXF_BLEND_ALPHA; sppo.spo_acolColors[i] |= CT_AMASK; } // if texture is blended if( sppo.spo_aubTextureFlags[i] & STXF_BLEND_ALPHA) { // adjust it's alpha factor SLONG slAlpha = (sppo.spo_acolColors[i] & CT_AMASK) >>CT_ASHIFT; slAlpha = (slAlpha*slOpacity)>>8; sppo.spo_acolColors[i] &= ~CT_AMASK; sppo.spo_acolColors[i] |= slAlpha; } } // mark that we need translucency bForceTraslucency = TRUE; } // not translucent by default bpo.bpo_ulFlags &= ~BPOF_RENDERTRANSLUCENT; // if the polygon is a portal that is either translucent or selected if( bForceTraslucency || ((bpo.bpo_ulFlags & BPOF_RENDERASPORTAL) && ((bpo.bpo_ulFlags & BPOF_TRANSLUCENT) || bSelected))) { // if not rendering shadows if (!re_bRenderingShadows) { // mark for rendering as translucent bpo.bpo_ulFlags |= BPOF_RENDERTRANSLUCENT; // add it to the list of translucent span polygons in this renderer if (bBackgroundPolygon) { spo.spo_spoScenePolygon.spo_pspoSucc = re_pspoFirstBackgroundTranslucent; re_pspoFirstBackgroundTranslucent = &spo.spo_spoScenePolygon; } else { spo.spo_spoScenePolygon.spo_pspoSucc = re_pspoFirstTranslucent; re_pspoFirstTranslucent = &spo.spo_spoScenePolygon; } // if it is not translucent (ie. it is just plain portal, but selected) if( !(bpo.bpo_ulFlags & BPOF_TRANSLUCENT) && !bForceTraslucency) { // set its texture for selection CModelObject *pmoSelectedPortal = _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.wrp_pmoSelectedPortal; if (pmoSelectedPortal!=NULL) { sppo.spo_aptoTextures[0] = &pmoSelectedPortal->mo_toTexture; sppo.spo_acolColors[0] = C_WHITE|CT_OPAQUE; sppo.spo_aubTextureFlags[0] = STXF_BLEND_ALPHA; } // get its mapping gradients from shadowmap and stretch CWorkingPlane &wpl = *bpo.bpo_pbplPlane->bpl_pwplWorking; sppo.spo_amvMapping[0] = sppo.spo_amvMapping[3]; FLOAT fStretch = bpo.bpo_boxBoundingBox.Size().Length()/1000; sppo.spo_amvMapping[0].mv_vU *= fStretch; sppo.spo_amvMapping[0].mv_vV *= fStretch; } } } // if the polygon is ordinary wall else { // add it to the list of span polygons in this renderer if (bBackgroundPolygon) { spo.spo_spoScenePolygon.spo_pspoSucc = re_pspoFirstBackground; re_pspoFirstBackground = &spo.spo_spoScenePolygon; } else { spo.spo_spoScenePolygon.spo_pspoSucc = re_pspoFirst; re_pspoFirst = &spo.spo_spoScenePolygon; } } // return the screen polygon _pfRenderProfile.StopTimer(CRenderProfile::PTI_MAKESCREENPOLYGON); return &spo; } /* Add a polygon to scene rendering. */ void CRenderer::AddPolygonToScene( CScreenPolygon *pspo) { // if the polygon is not falid or occluder and not selected CBrushPolygon &bpo = *pspo->spo_pbpoBrushPolygon; if( &bpo==NULL || ((bpo.bpo_ulFlags&BPOF_OCCLUDER) && (!(bpo.bpo_ulFlags&BPOF_SELECTED) || _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.GetSelectionType()!=CWorldRenderPrefs::ST_POLYGONS))) { // do not add it to rendering return; } CBrushSector &bsc = *bpo.bpo_pbscSector; ScenePolygon &sppo = pspo->spo_spoScenePolygon; const CViewVertex *pvvx0 = &re_avvxViewVertices[bsc.bsc_ivvx0]; const INDEX ctVtx = bpo.bpo_apbvxTriangleVertices.Count(); sppo.spo_iVtx0 = _avtxScene.Count(); GFXVertex3 *pvtx = _avtxScene.Push(ctVtx); // find vertex with nearest Z distance while copying vertices FLOAT fNearestZ = 123456789.0f; for( INDEX i=0; ispo_pbpoBrushPolygon->bpo_pbplPlane->bpl_pwplWorking->wpl_plView.Distance(); sppo.spo_fNearestZ = Max( fNearestZ, fNearestD); // all done sppo.spo_ctVtx = ctVtx; sppo.spo_piElements = &bpo.bpo_aiTriangleElements[0]; sppo.spo_ctElements = bpo.bpo_aiTriangleElements.Count(); _sfStats.IncrementCounter(CStatForm::SCI_SCENE_TRIANGLES, sppo.spo_ctElements/3); } /* * Generate a span for a polygon on current scan line. */ void CRenderer::MakeSpan(CScreenPolygon &spo, CScreenEdge *psed0, CScreenEdge *psed1) { // the polygon must not be portal and not illuminating for rendering lights ASSERT(!(spo.IsPortal() && (re_ubLightIllumination==0 || re_ubLightIllumination!=spo.spo_ubIllumination))); // if rendering shadows if( re_bRenderingShadows) { // create a new span for it CSpan *pspSpan = &re_aspSpans.Push(); // set up span values pspSpan->sp_psedEdge0 = psed0; pspSpan->sp_psedEdge1 = psed1; pspSpan->sp_pspoPolygon = &spo; } // if rendering view else { // if no span added to this polygon yet if( !spo.spo_ubSpanAdded) { spo.spo_ubSpanAdded = 1; // add mirror if needed AddMirror(spo); // add polygon to scene polygons AddPolygonToScene(&spo); const PIX pixI0 = PIXCoord(psed0->sed_xI); const PIX pixI1 = PIXCoord(psed1->sed_xI); spo.spo_pixMinI = pixI0; spo.spo_pixMaxI = pixI1; spo.spo_pixMinJ = re_pixCurrentScanJ; spo.spo_pixMaxJ = re_pixCurrentScanJ; spo.spo_pixTotalArea = pixI1-pixI0; } else { const PIX pixI0 = PIXCoord(psed0->sed_xI); const PIX pixI1 = PIXCoord(psed1->sed_xI); spo.spo_pixMinI = Min(spo.spo_pixMinI, pixI0); spo.spo_pixMaxI = Max(spo.spo_pixMaxI, pixI1); spo.spo_pixMinJ = Min(spo.spo_pixMinJ, re_pixCurrentScanJ); spo.spo_pixMaxJ = Max(spo.spo_pixMaxJ, re_pixCurrentScanJ); spo.spo_pixTotalArea += pixI1-pixI0; } } } /* * Add spans in current line to scene. */ void CRenderer::AddSpansToScene(void) { if( !re_bRenderingShadows) { return; } FLOAT fpixLastScanJOffseted = re_pixCurrentScanJ-1 +OFFSET_DN; // first, little safety check - quit if zero spans in line! INDEX ctSpans = re_aspSpans.Count(); if( ctSpans==0) { return; } _pfRenderProfile.StartTimer(CRenderProfile::PTI_ADDSPANSTOSCENE); UBYTE *pubShadow = re_pubShadow+re_slShadowWidth*re_iCurrentScan; INDEX ctPixels = 0; // for all spans in the current line for( INDEX iSpan=0; iSpansed_xI); PIX pixI1 = PIXCoord( spSpan.sp_psedEdge1->sed_xI); // get its length PIX pixLen = pixI1-pixI0; // skip this span if zero pixels long if( pixLen<=0) continue; // if the span's polygon is background and of proper illumination if ((spSpan.sp_pspoPolygon->spo_spoScenePolygon.spo_ulFlags & SPOF_BACKLIGHT) &&(spSpan.sp_pspoPolygon->spo_ubIllumination==re_ubLightIllumination)) { // mark those pixels as lighted memset(pubShadow, 255, pixLen); pubShadow+=pixLen; // mark that at least one pixel is lighted re_bSomeLightExists = TRUE; // if the spans polygon is some other polygon } else { // mark those pixels as shadowed memset(pubShadow, 0, pixLen); pubShadow+=pixLen; // mark that at least one pixel is darkened re_bSomeDarkExists = TRUE; } // add to pixel counter ctPixels+=pixLen; } ASSERT(ctPixels<=re_pixSizeI); _pfRenderProfile.StopTimer(CRenderProfile::PTI_ADDSPANSTOSCENE); }