/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. All rights reserved. */ #include <Engine/StdH.h> #include <Engine/Brushes/Brush.h> #include <Engine/Brushes/BrushTransformed.h> #include <Engine/Brushes/BrushArchive.h> #include <Engine/Base/Stream.h> #include <Engine/Light/LightSource.h> #include <Engine/Light/Gradient.h> #include <Engine/Entities/ShadingInfo.h> #include <Engine/Base/ListIterator.inl> #include <Engine/Graphics/Color.h> #include <Engine/Templates/StaticArray.cpp> #include <Engine/World/World.h> #include <Engine/Entities/Entity.h> #include <Engine/Light/Shadows_internal.h> #define VERSION_CURRENT 1 // max allowed size of shadowmap in pixels #define MAX_SHADOWMAP_SIZE 65536 CBrushShadowLayer::CBrushShadowLayer() { bsl_ulFlags = 0; bsl_pbsmShadowMap = NULL; bsl_plsLightSource = NULL; bsl_pixMinU = 0; bsl_pixMinV = 0; bsl_pixSizeU = 0; bsl_pixSizeV = 0; bsl_slSizeInPixels = 0; bsl_pubLayer = NULL; bsl_colLastAnim = C_BLACK; } // destructor CBrushShadowLayer::~CBrushShadowLayer(void) { DiscardShadows(); } // discard shadows but keep the layer void CBrushShadowLayer::DiscardShadows(void) { // if the layer is calculated if (bsl_pubLayer!=NULL) { // free its memory FreeMemory(bsl_pubLayer); bsl_pubLayer = NULL; bsl_slSizeInPixels = 0; } bsl_ulFlags&=~(BSLF_CALCULATED|BSLF_ALLDARK|BSLF_ALLLIGHT); } /* * Discard shadow on the polygon. */ void CBrushPolygon::DiscardShadows(void) { bpo_smShadowMap.DiscardAllLayers(); InitializeShadowMap(); } /* Initialize shadow map for the polygon. */ void CBrushPolygon::InitializeShadowMap(void) { // reset shadow mapping to be default for its plane bpo_mdShadow = CMappingDefinition(); // init the bounding box of the shadow map as empty MEXaabbox2D boxPolygonMap; // for each edge in polygon FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(bpo_abpePolygonEdges, CBrushPolygonEdge, itbpe) { // find coordinates for first vertex FLOAT3D v0, v1; itbpe->GetVertexCoordinatesRelative(v0, v1); // find mapping coordinates for first vertex MEX2D vTexture; bpo_mdShadow.GetTextureCoordinates( bpo_pbplPlane->bpl_pwplWorking->wpl_mvRelative, v0, vTexture); // add the vertex to the box boxPolygonMap |= vTexture; } // extract mexel dimensions from the bounding box MEX2D vmexShadowMin = boxPolygonMap.Min(); MEX mexMinU = vmexShadowMin(1); MEX mexMinV = vmexShadowMin(2); MEX2D vmexShadowSize = boxPolygonMap.Size(); MEX mexSizeU = vmexShadowSize(1); MEX mexSizeV = vmexShadowSize(2); // mip level is initially minimum mip level that generates needed precision for the polygon // (size=(2^ub)*0.5m) (-1 is for *0.5m) INDEX iMipLevel = (MAX_MEX_LOG2+bpo_bppProperties.bpp_sbShadowClusterSize-1); // expand shadow map for the sake of dark corners if( bpo_ulFlags&BPOF_DARKCORNERS) { mexSizeU += 2<<iMipLevel; mexSizeV += 2<<iMipLevel; } // round the dimensions up to power of 2 INDEX iSizeULog2 = (INDEX)ceil(Log2(mexSizeU)); INDEX iSizeVLog2 = (INDEX)ceil(Log2(mexSizeV)); mexSizeU = 1<<iSizeULog2; mexSizeV = 1<<iSizeVLog2; // calculate dimensions in pixels and eventually reduce shadowmap size PIX pixSizeU = mexSizeU>>iMipLevel; PIX pixSizeV = mexSizeV>>iMipLevel; INDEX iMipAdj = ClampTextureSize( MAX_SHADOWMAP_SIZE, _pGfx->gl_pixMaxTextureDimension, pixSizeU, pixSizeV); pixSizeU = ClampDn( pixSizeU>>iMipAdj, 1L); pixSizeV = ClampDn( pixSizeV>>iMipAdj, 1L); iMipLevel += iMipAdj; // move shadow map offset for the sake of dark corners if( bpo_ulFlags&BPOF_DARKCORNERS) { mexMinU -= 1<<iMipLevel; mexMinV -= 1<<iMipLevel; } // recalculate dimensions and offsets in mex back from the dimensions in pixels mexSizeU = (pixSizeU<<iMipLevel); mexSizeV = (pixSizeV<<iMipLevel); MEX mexOffsetU = -mexMinU; MEX mexOffsetV = -mexMinV; // remember size of polygon (not necessarily 2^n) (min is always (0,0)) bpo_smShadowMap.sm_pixPolygonSizeU = Min( (PIX)((vmexShadowSize(1)>>iMipLevel)+3), pixSizeU); bpo_smShadowMap.sm_pixPolygonSizeV = Min( (PIX)((vmexShadowSize(2)>>iMipLevel)+3), pixSizeV); // safety check ASSERT( bpo_smShadowMap.sm_pixPolygonSizeU <= _pGfx->gl_pixMaxTextureDimension && bpo_smShadowMap.sm_pixPolygonSizeV <= _pGfx->gl_pixMaxTextureDimension && (bpo_smShadowMap.sm_pixPolygonSizeU*bpo_smShadowMap.sm_pixPolygonSizeV) <= MAX_SHADOWMAP_SIZE); // initialize the shadow map bpo_smShadowMap.Initialize(iMipLevel, mexOffsetU, mexOffsetV, mexSizeU, mexSizeV); // discard polygon mask if calculated if (bpo_smShadowMap.bsm_pubPolygonMask != NULL) { FreeMemory(bpo_smShadowMap.bsm_pubPolygonMask); bpo_smShadowMap.bsm_pubPolygonMask = NULL; } // discard all cached shading infos for models DiscardShadingInfos(); } // get shadow/light percentage at given coordinates in shadow layer FLOAT CBrushShadowLayer::GetLightStrength(PIX pixU, PIX pixV, FLOAT fLRRatio, FLOAT fUDRatio) { // if full dark layer if (bsl_ulFlags&BSLF_ALLDARK) { // full dark return 0.0f; } // if there is no layer mask, full light layer or the coordinates are out of the layer if (bsl_pubLayer==NULL || (bsl_ulFlags&BSLF_ALLLIGHT) || (pixU<bsl_pixMinU) || (pixV<bsl_pixMinV) || (pixU>=bsl_pixMinU+bsl_pixSizeU) || (pixV>=bsl_pixMinV+bsl_pixSizeV)) { // full light return 1.0f; } // get the coordinates of the four pixels PIX pixU0 = pixU-bsl_pixMinU; PIX pixU1 = Min(pixU0+1, bsl_pixSizeU-1); PIX pixV0 = pixV-bsl_pixMinV; PIX pixV1 = Min(pixV0+1, bsl_pixSizeV-1); ULONG ulOffsetUL = pixU0+pixV0*bsl_pixSizeU; ULONG ulOffsetUR = pixU1+pixV0*bsl_pixSizeU; ULONG ulOffsetDL = pixU0+pixV1*bsl_pixSizeU; ULONG ulOffsetDR = pixU1+pixV1*bsl_pixSizeU; // get light at the four pixels FLOAT fUL=0.0f, fUR=0.0f, fDL=0.0f, fDR=0.0f; if (bsl_pubLayer[ulOffsetUL/8]&(1<<(ulOffsetUL%8))) { fUL = 1.0f; }; if (bsl_pubLayer[ulOffsetUR/8]&(1<<(ulOffsetUR%8))) { fUR = 1.0f; }; if (bsl_pubLayer[ulOffsetDL/8]&(1<<(ulOffsetDL%8))) { fDL = 1.0f; }; if (bsl_pubLayer[ulOffsetDR/8]&(1<<(ulOffsetDR%8))) { fDR = 1.0f; }; // return interpolated value return Lerp( Lerp(fUL, fUR, fLRRatio), Lerp(fDL, fDR, fLRRatio), fUDRatio); } void CBrushShadowMap::ReadLayers_t( CTStream *pstrm) // throw char * { BOOL bUncalculated = FALSE; // if the old version of layers information is really saved here if (pstrm->PeekID_t()==CChunkID("SHLY")) { // shadow layers pstrm->ExpectID_t("SHLY"); // read number of layers INDEX ctLayers; *pstrm>>ctLayers; // for each shadow layer for(INDEX iLayer=0; iLayer<ctLayers; iLayer++) { // create a new layer CBrushShadowLayer *pbsl = new CBrushShadowLayer; pbsl->bsl_colLastAnim = 0x12345678; // attach it to the shadow map bsm_lhLayers.AddTail(pbsl->bsl_lnInShadowMap); // make the layer point to its shadow map pbsl->bsl_pbsmShadowMap = this; // make the light pointer dummy (it is set while loading lights) pbsl->bsl_plsLightSource = NULL; // read the layer data *pstrm>>pbsl->bsl_ulFlags; // flags // if it is new version if (pbsl->bsl_ulFlags&BSLF_RECTANGLE) { SLONG slLayerSize; *pstrm>>slLayerSize; if (slLayerSize != 0) { pbsl->bsl_pubLayer = (UBYTE *)AllocMemory(slLayerSize); pstrm->Read_t(pbsl->bsl_pubLayer, slLayerSize); // the bit packed layer mask } else { bUncalculated = TRUE; pbsl->bsl_pubLayer = NULL; } // read layer rectangle *pstrm>>pbsl->bsl_pixMinU; *pstrm>>pbsl->bsl_pixMinV; *pstrm>>pbsl->bsl_pixSizeU; *pstrm>>pbsl->bsl_pixSizeV; // if it is old version } else { // skip it SLONG slLayerSize; *pstrm>>slLayerSize; if (slLayerSize != 0) { pstrm->Seek_t(slLayerSize, CTStream::SD_CUR); pbsl->bsl_pubLayer = NULL; bUncalculated = TRUE; } else { bUncalculated = TRUE; pbsl->bsl_pubLayer = NULL; } // destroy it pbsl->bsl_lnInShadowMap.Remove(); delete pbsl; } } // if the new version of layers information is really saved here } else if (pstrm->PeekID_t()==CChunkID("SHLA")) { // shadow layers pstrm->ExpectID_t("SHLA"); // read polygon size *pstrm>>sm_pixPolygonSizeU; *pstrm>>sm_pixPolygonSizeV; // read number of layers INDEX ctLayers; *pstrm>>ctLayers; // for each shadow layer for(INDEX iLayer=0; iLayer<ctLayers; iLayer++) { // create a new layer CBrushShadowLayer *pbsl = new CBrushShadowLayer; pbsl->bsl_colLastAnim = 0x12345678; // attach it to the shadow map bsm_lhLayers.AddTail(pbsl->bsl_lnInShadowMap); // make the layer point to its shadow map pbsl->bsl_pbsmShadowMap = this; // make the light pointer dummy (it is set while loading lights) pbsl->bsl_plsLightSource = NULL; // read the layer data *pstrm>>pbsl->bsl_ulFlags; // flags SLONG slLayerSize; *pstrm>>slLayerSize; if (slLayerSize != 0) { pstrm->Seek_t(slLayerSize, CTStream::SD_CUR); } bUncalculated = TRUE; pbsl->bsl_pubLayer = NULL; pbsl->bsl_ulFlags&=~BSLF_CALCULATED; // read layer rectangle *pstrm>>pbsl->bsl_pixMinU; *pstrm>>pbsl->bsl_pixMinV; *pstrm>>pbsl->bsl_pixSizeU; *pstrm>>pbsl->bsl_pixSizeV; } // if the new version of layers information is really saved here } else if (pstrm->PeekID_t()==CChunkID("SHAL")) { // shadow layers pstrm->ExpectID_t("SHAL"); // read version number INDEX iVersion; *pstrm>>iVersion; ASSERT(iVersion==VERSION_CURRENT); // read polygon size *pstrm>>sm_pixPolygonSizeU; *pstrm>>sm_pixPolygonSizeV; // read number of layers INDEX ctLayers; *pstrm>>ctLayers; // for each shadow layer for(INDEX iLayer=0; iLayer<ctLayers; iLayer++) { // create a new layer CBrushShadowLayer *pbsl = new CBrushShadowLayer; pbsl->bsl_colLastAnim = 0x12345678; // attach it to the shadow map bsm_lhLayers.AddTail(pbsl->bsl_lnInShadowMap); // make the layer point to its shadow map pbsl->bsl_pbsmShadowMap = this; // make the light pointer dummy (it is set while loading lights) pbsl->bsl_plsLightSource = NULL; // read the layer data *pstrm>>pbsl->bsl_ulFlags; // flags *pstrm>>pbsl->bsl_slSizeInPixels; if (pbsl->bsl_slSizeInPixels != 0) { SLONG slLayerSize = (pbsl->bsl_slSizeInPixels+7)/8; pbsl->bsl_pubLayer = (UBYTE *)AllocMemory(slLayerSize); pstrm->Read_t(pbsl->bsl_pubLayer, slLayerSize); // the bit packed layer mask } else { bUncalculated = TRUE; pbsl->bsl_pubLayer = NULL; } // read layer rectangle *pstrm>>pbsl->bsl_pixMinU; *pstrm>>pbsl->bsl_pixMinV; *pstrm>>pbsl->bsl_pixSizeU; *pstrm>>pbsl->bsl_pixSizeV; // fixup for old levels before alllight and alldark flags if ((pbsl->bsl_ulFlags&BSLF_CALCULATED) && (pbsl->bsl_pubLayer==NULL) &&!(pbsl->bsl_ulFlags&BSLF_ALLLIGHT) &&!(pbsl->bsl_ulFlags&BSLF_ALLDARK)) { pbsl->bsl_ulFlags|=BSLF_ALLLIGHT; } } } // if some layers are uncalculated if (bUncalculated) { extern CWorld *_pwoCurrentLoading; // world that is currently loading // add the shadow map for calculation _pwoCurrentLoading->wo_baBrushes.ba_lhUncalculatedShadowMaps .AddTail(bsm_lnInUncalculatedShadowMaps); } } void CBrushShadowMap::WriteLayers_t( CTStream *pstrm) // throw char * { pstrm->WriteID_t("SHAL"); // shadow layers // write version number *pstrm<<INDEX(VERSION_CURRENT); // write polygon size *pstrm<<sm_pixPolygonSizeU; *pstrm<<sm_pixPolygonSizeV; // write number of layers INDEX ctLayers = 0; {FOREACHINLIST(CBrushShadowLayer, bsl_lnInShadowMap, bsm_lhLayers, itbsl) { if (itbsl->bsl_plsLightSource->ls_ulFlags&LSF_NONPERSISTENT) { continue; } ctLayers++; }} *pstrm<<ctLayers; // for each shadow layer FOREACHINLIST(CBrushShadowLayer, bsl_lnInShadowMap, bsm_lhLayers, itbsl) { CBrushShadowLayer &bsl = *itbsl; if (itbsl->bsl_plsLightSource->ls_ulFlags&LSF_NONPERSISTENT) { continue; } // write the layer data *pstrm<<bsl.bsl_ulFlags; // flags if (bsl.bsl_pubLayer == NULL ) { *pstrm<<SLONG(0); } else { *pstrm<<bsl.bsl_slSizeInPixels; SLONG slLayerSize = (bsl.bsl_slSizeInPixels+7)/8; pstrm->Write_t(bsl.bsl_pubLayer, slLayerSize); // the bit packed layer mask } // write layer rectangle *pstrm<<bsl.bsl_pixMinU; *pstrm<<bsl.bsl_pixMinV; *pstrm<<bsl.bsl_pixSizeU; *pstrm<<bsl.bsl_pixSizeV; } } // constructor CBrushShadowMap::CBrushShadowMap(void) { bsm_pubPolygonMask = NULL; // no polygon mask is calculated initially sm_pixPolygonSizeU = -1; // polygon size must be calculated sm_pixPolygonSizeV = -1; } // discard all layers on this shadow map void CBrushShadowMap::DiscardAllLayers(void) { // for each shadow layer FORDELETELIST(CBrushShadowLayer, bsl_lnInShadowMap, bsm_lhLayers, itbsl) { // delete it delete &*itbsl; } // uncache the shadow map Uncache(); } // discard shadows on all layers on this shadow map void CBrushShadowMap::DiscardShadows(void) { // for each shadow layer FORDELETELIST(CBrushShadowLayer, bsl_lnInShadowMap, bsm_lhLayers, itbsl) { // discard shadows on it itbsl->DiscardShadows(); } } // remove shadow layers without valid light source void CBrushShadowMap::RemoveDummyLayers(void) { // for each shadow layer FORDELETELIST(CBrushShadowLayer, bsl_lnInShadowMap, bsm_lhLayers, itbsl) { // if dummy if (itbsl->bsl_plsLightSource==NULL) { // remove it delete &*itbsl; } } } // destructor CBrushShadowMap::~CBrushShadowMap(void) { // discard all layers before deleting the object itself DiscardAllLayers(); // discard polygon mask if calculated if (bsm_pubPolygonMask != NULL) { FreeMemory(bsm_pubPolygonMask); bsm_pubPolygonMask = NULL; } } // queue the shadow map for calculation void CBrushShadowMap::QueueForCalculation(void) { // if not already queued if (!bsm_lnInUncalculatedShadowMaps.IsLinked()) { // find the world of the polygon CBrushPolygon *pbpo = GetBrushPolygon(); CBrushSector *pbsc = pbpo->bpo_pbscSector; CBrushMip *pbm = pbsc->bsc_pbmBrushMip; CBrush3D *pbr = pbm->bm_pbrBrush; CWorld *pwo = pbr->br_penEntity->GetWorld(); // queue the shadow map in the world pwo->wo_baBrushes.ba_lhUncalculatedShadowMaps.AddTail(bsm_lnInUncalculatedShadowMaps); } } // calculate the rectangle where a light influences the shadow map void CBrushShadowMap::FindLightRectangle(CLightSource &ls, class CLightRectangle &lr) { // get needed data CBrushPolygon &bpoPolygon = *GetBrushPolygon(); const FLOATplane3D &plPlane = bpoPolygon.bpo_pbplPlane->bpl_plAbsolute; INDEX iMipLevel = sm_iFirstMipLevel; FLOAT3D vLight; PIX pixMinU, pixMinV, pixMaxU, pixMaxV; // if the light is directional if( ls.ls_ulFlags&LSF_DIRECTIONAL) { pixMinU = 0; pixMinV = 0; // rectangle is around entire shadowmap // pixMaxU = PIX(sm_mexWidth >>iMipLevel); // pixMaxV = PIX(sm_mexHeight>>iMipLevel); // rectangle is around entire polygon pixMaxU = Min( sm_pixPolygonSizeU+16L, sm_mexWidth >>iMipLevel); pixMaxV = Min( sm_pixPolygonSizeV+16L, sm_mexHeight>>iMipLevel); } // if the light is point else { // light position is at the light entity vLight = ls.ls_penEntity->GetPlacement().pl_PositionVector; // find the point where the light is closest to the polygon FLOAT3D vHotPoint = plPlane.ProjectPoint(vLight); lr.lr_fLightPlaneDistance = plPlane.PointDistance(vLight); CEntity *penWithPolygon = bpoPolygon.bpo_pbscSector->bsc_pbmBrushMip->bm_pbrBrush->br_penEntity; ASSERT(penWithPolygon!=NULL); const FLOATmatrix3D &mPolygonRotation = penWithPolygon->en_mRotation; const FLOAT3D &vPolygonTranslation = penWithPolygon->GetPlacement().pl_PositionVector; vHotPoint = (vHotPoint-vPolygonTranslation)*!mPolygonRotation; Vector<MEX, 2> vmexHotPoint; bpoPolygon.bpo_mdShadow.GetTextureCoordinates( bpoPolygon.bpo_pbplPlane->bpl_pwplWorking->wpl_mvRelative, vHotPoint, vmexHotPoint); if( !(bpoPolygon.bpo_ulFlags&BPOF_DARKCORNERS)) { lr.lr_fpixHotU = FLOAT(vmexHotPoint(1)+sm_mexOffsetX+(1<<iMipLevel))/(1L<<iMipLevel); lr.lr_fpixHotV = FLOAT(vmexHotPoint(2)+sm_mexOffsetY+(1<<iMipLevel))/(1L<<iMipLevel); } else { lr.lr_fpixHotU = FLOAT(vmexHotPoint(1)+sm_mexOffsetX)/(1L<<iMipLevel); lr.lr_fpixHotV = FLOAT(vmexHotPoint(2)+sm_mexOffsetY)/(1L<<iMipLevel); } // calculate maximum radius of light on the polygon MEX mexFallOff = MEX( sqrt(ls.ls_rFallOff*ls.ls_rFallOff - lr.lr_fLightPlaneDistance*lr.lr_fLightPlaneDistance)*1024.0f); // find rectangle coordinates from that pixMinU = ((vmexHotPoint(1)+sm_mexOffsetX-mexFallOff)>>iMipLevel); pixMinV = ((vmexHotPoint(2)+sm_mexOffsetY-mexFallOff)>>iMipLevel); pixMaxU = ((vmexHotPoint(1)+sm_mexOffsetX+mexFallOff)>>iMipLevel)+1; pixMaxV = ((vmexHotPoint(2)+sm_mexOffsetY+mexFallOff)>>iMipLevel)+1; // clamp the rectangle to the size of shadow map // pixMinU = Min( Max(pixMinU, 0L), sm_mexWidth >>iMipLevel); // pixMinV = Min( Max(pixMinV, 0L), sm_mexHeight>>iMipLevel); // pixMaxU = Min( Max(pixMaxU, 0L), sm_mexWidth >>iMipLevel); // pixMaxV = Min( Max(pixMaxV, 0L), sm_mexHeight>>iMipLevel); // clamp the rectangle to the size of polygon pixMinU = Min( Max(pixMinU, 0L), Min(sm_pixPolygonSizeU+16L, sm_mexWidth >>iMipLevel)); pixMinV = Min( Max(pixMinV, 0L), Min(sm_pixPolygonSizeV+16L, sm_mexHeight>>iMipLevel)); pixMaxU = Min( Max(pixMaxU, 0L), Min(sm_pixPolygonSizeU+16L, sm_mexWidth >>iMipLevel)); pixMaxV = Min( Max(pixMaxV, 0L), Min(sm_pixPolygonSizeV+16L, sm_mexHeight>>iMipLevel)); } // all done lr.lr_pixMinU = pixMinU; lr.lr_pixMinV = pixMinV; lr.lr_pixSizeU = pixMaxU-pixMinU; lr.lr_pixSizeV = pixMaxV-pixMinV; ASSERT(lr.lr_pixSizeU>=0); ASSERT(lr.lr_pixSizeV>=0); } // check if all layers are up to date void CBrushShadowMap::CheckLayersUpToDate(void) { // do nothing if the shadow map is not cached at all or hasn't got any animating lights if( ((sm_pulDynamicShadowMap==NULL || (sm_ulFlags&SMF_DYNAMICBLACK)) && !(sm_ulFlags&SMF_ANIMATINGLIGHTS)) || sm_pulCachedShadowMap==NULL) return; // for each layer FOREACHINLIST( CBrushShadowLayer, bsl_lnInShadowMap, bsm_lhLayers, itbsl) { // ignore if the layer is all dark CBrushShadowLayer &bsl = *itbsl; if( bsl.bsl_ulFlags&BSLF_ALLDARK) continue; // light source must be valid CLightSource &ls = *bsl.bsl_plsLightSource; ASSERT( &ls!=NULL); if( &ls==NULL) continue; // if the layer is not up to date if( bsl.bsl_colLastAnim != ls.GetLightColor()) { // invalidate entire shadow map Invalidate( ls.ls_ulFlags&LSF_DYNAMIC); if( !(ls.ls_ulFlags&LSF_DYNAMIC)) return; } } } // test if there is any dynamic layer BOOL CBrushShadowMap::HasDynamicLayers(void) { // for each layer FOREACHINLIST( CBrushShadowLayer, bsl_lnInShadowMap, bsm_lhLayers, itbsl) { // light source must be valid CLightSource &ls = *itbsl->bsl_plsLightSource; ASSERT( &ls!=NULL); if( &ls==NULL) continue; // if the layer is dynamic, it has if( ls.ls_ulFlags&LSF_DYNAMIC) return TRUE; } // hasn't return FALSE; } // returns TRUE if shadowmap is all flat along with colFlat variable set to that color BOOL CBrushShadowMap::IsShadowFlat( COLOR &colFlat) { // fail if flat shadows are not allowed extern INDEX shd_bAllowFlats; extern INDEX shd_iForceFlats; shd_iForceFlats = Clamp( shd_iForceFlats, 0L, 2L); if( !shd_bAllowFlats && shd_iForceFlats<1) return FALSE; COLOR col; UBYTE ubR,ubG,ubB, ubR1,ubG1,ubB1; SLONG slR=0,slG=0,slB=0; INDEX ctPointLights=0; CBrushPolygon *pbpo = GetBrushPolygon(); // if the shadowmap is not using the shading mode if (pbpo->bpo_bppProperties.bpp_ubShadowBlend != BPT_BLEND_SHADE) { // it must not be flat return FALSE; } // initial color is sector color col = AdjustColor( pbpo->bpo_pbscSector->bsc_colAmbient, _slShdHueShift, _slShdSaturation); ColorToRGB( col, ubR,ubG,ubB); slR += ubR; slG += ubG; slB += ubB; // if gradient layer is present const ULONG ulGradientType = pbpo->bpo_bppProperties.bpp_ubGradientType; if( ulGradientType>0) { CGradientParameters gp; CEntity *pen = pbpo->bpo_pbscSector->bsc_pbmBrushMip->bm_pbrBrush->br_penEntity; if( pen!=NULL && pen->GetGradient( ulGradientType, gp)) { // shadowmap cannot be flat if( shd_iForceFlats<1) return FALSE; // unless it has been forced ColorToRGB( gp.gp_col0, ubR, ubG, ubB); ColorToRGB( gp.gp_col1, ubR1,ubG1,ubB1); const SLONG slAvgR = ((ULONG)ubR + ubR1) /2; const SLONG slAvgG = ((ULONG)ubG + ubG1) /2; const SLONG slAvgB = ((ULONG)ubB + ubB1) /2; if( gp.gp_bDark) { slR -= slAvgR; slG -= slAvgR; slB -= slAvgR; } else { slR += slAvgR; slG += slAvgR; slB += slAvgR; } } } // for each layer BOOL bDirLightApplied = FALSE; FOREACHINLIST( CBrushShadowLayer, bsl_lnInShadowMap, bsm_lhLayers, itbsl) { // skip dynamic layers CBrushShadowLayer &bsl = *itbsl; CLightSource &ls = *bsl.bsl_plsLightSource; if( ls.ls_ulFlags&LSF_DYNAMIC) continue; // if light is directional if( ls.ls_ulFlags&LSF_DIRECTIONAL) { // fail if calculated and not all dark or all light if( (bsl.bsl_ulFlags&BSLF_CALCULATED) && !(bsl.bsl_ulFlags&(BSLF_ALLDARK|BSLF_ALLLIGHT))) { // but only if flats have not been forced! if( shd_iForceFlats<1) return FALSE; } // if polygon allows directional light ambient component if( pbpo->bpo_ulFlags&BPOF_HASDIRECTIONALAMBIENT) { // mix in ambient color col = AdjustColor( ls.GetLightAmbient(), _slShdHueShift, _slShdSaturation); ColorToRGB( col, ubR,ubG,ubB); slR += ubR; slG += ubG; slB += ubB; } // done with this layer if it's all dark, or all light but without directional component if( (bsl.bsl_ulFlags&BSLF_ALLDARK) || !(pbpo->bpo_ulFlags&BPOF_HASDIRECTIONALLIGHT)) continue; // layer is all light, so calculate intensity col = ls.GetLightColor(); if( !(pbpo->bpo_ulFlags&BPOF_NOPLANEDIFFUSION)) { FLOAT3D vLightDirection; AnglesToDirectionVector( ls.ls_penEntity->GetPlacement().pl_OrientationAngle, vLightDirection); const FLOAT fIntensity = -((pbpo->bpo_pbplPlane->bpl_plAbsolute)%vLightDirection); // done if polygon is turn away from light source (we already added ambient component) if( fIntensity<0.01f) continue; ULONG ulIntensity = NormFloatToByte(fIntensity); ulIntensity = (ulIntensity<<CT_RSHIFT) | (ulIntensity<<CT_GSHIFT) | (ulIntensity<<CT_BSHIFT); col = MulColors( col, ulIntensity); } // determine and add light color col = AdjustColor( col, _slShdHueShift, _slShdSaturation); ColorToRGB( col, ubR,ubG,ubB); slR += ubR; slG += ubG; slB += ubB; bDirLightApplied = TRUE; } // if light is point else { // just fail if layer isn't all dark if( !(bsl.bsl_ulFlags&BSLF_ALLDARK)) { // and flat shadows aren't forced if( shd_iForceFlats<1) return FALSE; } } } // fake directional light if needed and allowed if( shd_iForceFlats>0 && !bDirLightApplied) { FLOAT3D vLightDir; vLightDir(1) = -3.0f; vLightDir(2) = -2.0f; vLightDir(3) = -1.0f; vLightDir.Normalize(); const FLOAT fIntensity = -((pbpo->bpo_pbplPlane->bpl_plAbsolute)%vLightDir); if( fIntensity>0.01f) { const UBYTE ubGray = NormFloatToByte(fIntensity*0.49f); slR += ubGray; slG += ubGray; slB += ubGray; } } // done - phew, layer is flat slR = Clamp( slR, 0L, 255L); slG = Clamp( slG, 0L, 255L); slB = Clamp( slB, 0L, 255L); colFlat = RGBToColor(slR,slG,slB); return TRUE; } // get amount of memory used by this object SLONG CBrushShadowMap::GetUsedMemory(void) { // basic size of class SLONG slUsedMemory = sizeof(CBrushShadowMap); // add polyhon mask (if any) if( bsm_pubPolygonMask!=NULL) { // loop and add mip-maps SLONG slPolyMaskSize = 0; PIX pixPolySizeU = sm_pixPolygonSizeU; PIX pixPolySizeV = sm_pixPolygonSizeV; while( pixPolySizeU>0 && pixPolySizeV>0) { slPolyMaskSize += pixPolySizeU * pixPolySizeV; pixPolySizeU >>= 1; pixPolySizeV >>= 1; } // sum it up slUsedMemory += (slPolyMaskSize+8) /8; // bit mask! } // loop thru layers and add 'em too FOREACHINLIST( CBrushShadowLayer, bsl_lnInShadowMap, bsm_lhLayers, itbsl) { // count shadow layers CBrushShadowLayer &bsl = *itbsl; slUsedMemory += sizeof(CBrushShadowLayer); if( bsl.bsl_pubLayer!=NULL) slUsedMemory += bsl.bsl_pixSizeU * bsl.bsl_pixSizeV /8; } // done return slUsedMemory; }