/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. All rights reserved. */ // DlgBarTreeView.cpp: implementation of the CDlgBarTreeView class. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h" #include "SeriousSkaStudio.h" #include "DlgBarTreeView.h" #include "resource.h" #include "MainFrm.h" #include "ChildFrm.h" #include "DlgTemplate.h" #include <Engine\Base\Stream.h> #include <Engine\Ska\Skeleton.h> #ifdef _DEBUG #undef new #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif // array of depth in recursion to selected item CStaticStackArray<INDEX> _aSelectItem; // array of selected mesh surfaces CStaticStackArray<INDEX> _aiSelectedMeshSurfaces; CStaticArray<class CTextureControl> _atxcTexControls; CStaticArray<class CTexCoordControl> _atxccTexCoordControls; CStaticArray<class CFloatControl> _afcFloatControls; CStaticArray<class CFlagControl> _afcFlagControls; CStaticArray<class CColorControl> _accColors; extern INDEX iCustomControlID; BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CDlgBarTreeView, CDlgTemplate) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CDlgBarTreeView) ON_NOTIFY(TCN_SELCHANGE, IDC_MODE_SELECT_TAB, OnSelchangeModeSelectTab) ON_WM_SIZE() //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() CDlgBarTreeView::CDlgBarTreeView() { pdlgCurrent = NULL; } CDlgBarTreeView::~CDlgBarTreeView() { } // returns info of item in tree view NodeInfo &CDlgBarTreeView::GetNodeInfo(HTREEITEM hItem) { ASSERT(hItem!=NULL); INDEX iNodeIndex = m_TreeCtrl.GetItemData(hItem); return theApp.aNodeInfo[iNodeIndex]; } // returns infog of selected item in tree view NodeInfo &CDlgBarTreeView::GetSelectedNodeInfo() { HTREEITEM hSelected = m_TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem(); ASSERT(hSelected!=NULL); // aditional check INDEX iNodeIndex = 0; if(hSelected!=NULL) { iNodeIndex = m_TreeCtrl.GetItemData(hSelected); } return theApp.aNodeInfo[iNodeIndex]; } // chose control group to show void CDlgBarTreeView::ShowControlGroup(INDEX iGroup) { CDialog *pLastVisibleDlg = pdlgCurrent; switch(iGroup) { case GR_PARENT: pdlgCurrent = &m_dlgParent; break; case GR_ANIMSET: pdlgCurrent = &m_dlgAnimSet; break; case GR_COLISION: pdlgCurrent = &m_dlgColision; break; case GR_ALLFRAMES_BBOX: pdlgCurrent = &m_dlgAllFrames; break; case GR_LOD: pdlgCurrent = &m_dlgLod; break; case GR_BONE: pdlgCurrent = &m_dlgBone; break; case GR_TEXTURE: pdlgCurrent = &m_dlgTexture; break; case GR_LISTOPTIONS: pdlgCurrent = &m_dlgListOpt; break; case GR_SHADERS: pdlgCurrent = &m_dlgShader; break; default: pdlgCurrent = NULL; break; } if(pLastVisibleDlg!=pdlgCurrent) { if(pLastVisibleDlg!=NULL) { // hide current dialog pLastVisibleDlg->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); } if(pdlgCurrent!=NULL) { // show new dialog pdlgCurrent->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); } } } // select surface in tree view void CDlgBarTreeView::SelectMeshSurface(HTREEITEM hItem) { INDEX iNodeIndex = m_TreeCtrl.GetItemData(hItem); INDEX iIcon = 12; NodeInfo &ni = theApp.aNodeInfo[iNodeIndex]; ASSERT(ni.ni_iType == NT_MESHSURFACE); // count selected mesh surfaces INDEX ctsms = _aiSelectedMeshSurfaces.Count(); // for each selected mesh surface in array for(INDEX isms=0;isms<ctsms;isms++) { INDEX &iIndex = _aiSelectedMeshSurfaces[isms]; // check if surface is allready selected if(iIndex == iNodeIndex) { // surface is allready selected, return return; } } // add surface to selection array INDEX &iIndex = _aiSelectedMeshSurfaces.Push(); iIndex = iNodeIndex; // set new icon m_TreeCtrl.SetItemImage(hItem,iIcon,iIcon); } // Seselect surface in tree view void CDlgBarTreeView::DeselectMeshSurface(HTREEITEM hItem) { INDEX iNodeIndex = m_TreeCtrl.GetItemData(hItem); INDEX iIcon = 11; NodeInfo &ni = theApp.aNodeInfo[iNodeIndex]; ASSERT(ni.ni_iType == NT_MESHSURFACE); // count selected mesh surfaces INDEX ctsms = _aiSelectedMeshSurfaces.Count(); // for each selected mesh surface in array for(INDEX isms=0;isms<ctsms;isms++) { INDEX &iIndex = _aiSelectedMeshSurfaces[isms]; // check if this is clicked item if(iIndex == iNodeIndex) { // remove one item INDEX iLastIndex = _aiSelectedMeshSurfaces.Pop(); iIndex = iLastIndex; // set new icon m_TreeCtrl.SetItemImage(hItem,iIcon,iIcon); return; } } } // Togle surface selection in tree view void CDlgBarTreeView::TogleSurfaceSelection(HTREEITEM hItem) { INDEX iNodeIndex = m_TreeCtrl.GetItemData(hItem); NodeInfo &ni = theApp.aNodeInfo[iNodeIndex]; ASSERT(ni.ni_iType == NT_MESHSURFACE); // count selected mesh surfaces INDEX ctsms = _aiSelectedMeshSurfaces.Count(); // for each selected mesh surface in array for(INDEX isms=0;isms<ctsms;isms++) { INDEX &iIndex = _aiSelectedMeshSurfaces[isms]; // check if this is clicked item if(iIndex == iNodeIndex) { // deselect surface DeselectMeshSurface(hItem); return; } } // if item was't previously selected, select it SelectMeshSurface(hItem); } // Deselect all surfaces void CDlgBarTreeView::DeSelectAllSurfaces(HTREEITEM hParent/*=NULL*/) { INDEX iIcon=11; if(hParent==NULL) { hParent = m_TreeCtrl.GetRootItem(); _aiSelectedMeshSurfaces.PopAll(); } HTREEITEM hChild = m_TreeCtrl.GetChildItem(hParent); while(hChild!=NULL) { DeSelectAllSurfaces(hChild); NodeInfo &ni = GetNodeInfo(hChild); if(ni.ni_iType == NT_MESHSURFACE) { m_TreeCtrl.SetItemImage(hChild,iIcon,iIcon); } hChild = m_TreeCtrl.GetNextSiblingItem(hChild); } } // select all surfaces if item is not selected, otherwise deselect all void CDlgBarTreeView::SelectAllSurfaces(HTREEITEM hItem) { INDEX iIcon = -1; INDEX iNodeIndex = m_TreeCtrl.GetItemData(hItem); NodeInfo &ni = theApp.aNodeInfo[iNodeIndex]; ASSERT(ni.ni_iType == NT_MESHSURFACE); MeshSurface *pmsrf = (MeshSurface*)ni.ni_pPtr; // clicked item is allready selected, deselect all surfaces BOOL bSelect = IsSurfaceSelected(*pmsrf); // get parent HTREEITEM hParent = m_TreeCtrl.GetParentItem(hItem); INDEX iParentIndex = m_TreeCtrl.GetItemData(hParent); NodeInfo &niParent = theApp.aNodeInfo[iParentIndex]; ASSERT(niParent.ni_iType == NT_MESHLOD); MeshLOD *pmlod = (MeshLOD*)niParent.ni_pPtr; // get children of mesh lod HTREEITEM hChild = m_TreeCtrl.GetChildItem(hParent); while(hChild!=NULL) { // select surface if(!bSelect) SelectMeshSurface(hChild); else DeselectMeshSurface(hChild); hChild = m_TreeCtrl.GetNextSiblingItem(hChild); } } // check if surface is selected BOOL CDlgBarTreeView::IsSurfaceSelected(MeshSurface &msrf) { INDEX ctsms = _aiSelectedMeshSurfaces.Count(); // for each selected mesh surfaces for(INDEX isms=0;isms<ctsms;isms++) { NodeInfo &ni = theApp.aNodeInfo[_aiSelectedMeshSurfaces[isms]]; ASSERT(ni.ni_iType == NT_MESHSURFACE); MeshSurface *pmsrf = (MeshSurface*)ni.ni_pPtr; ASSERT(pmsrf!=NULL); // check if this is selected surface if(pmsrf == &msrf) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } // change texture for all selected surfaces void CDlgBarTreeView::ChangeTextureOnSelectedSurfaces(CTString strControlID,CTString strNewTexID) { // get id of texture INDEX iTextureID = ska_GetIDFromStringTable(strNewTexID); // get selected surfaces count INDEX ctsms = _aiSelectedMeshSurfaces.Count(); // for each selected mesh surfaces for(INDEX isms=0;isms<ctsms;isms++) { // get pointer to mesh surface NodeInfo &ni = theApp.aNodeInfo[_aiSelectedMeshSurfaces[isms]]; ASSERT(ni.ni_iType == NT_MESHSURFACE); MeshSurface *pmsrf = (MeshSurface*)ni.ni_pPtr; ASSERT(pmsrf!=NULL); if(pmsrf->msrf_pShader==NULL) continue; // get surface description and find witch param has same id as control that was modified ShaderDesc shDesc; pmsrf->msrf_pShader->GetShaderDesc(shDesc); INDEX cttx = shDesc.sd_astrTextureNames.Count(); // for each texture in shader for(INDEX itx=0;itx<cttx;itx++) { // if this surface has shader param that has text same as control that changed value if(shDesc.sd_astrTextureNames[itx] == strControlID) { // change it pmsrf->msrf_ShadingParams.sp_aiTextureIDs[itx] = iTextureID; } } } } // change texture coord index for all selected surfaces void CDlgBarTreeView::ChangeTextureCoordsOnSelectedSurfaces(CTString strControlID,INDEX iNewTexCoordsIndex) { // get selected surfaces count INDEX ctsms = _aiSelectedMeshSurfaces.Count(); // for each selected mesh surfaces for(INDEX isms=0;isms<ctsms;isms++) { // get pointer to mesh surface NodeInfo &ni = theApp.aNodeInfo[_aiSelectedMeshSurfaces[isms]]; ASSERT(ni.ni_iType == NT_MESHSURFACE); MeshSurface *pmsrf = (MeshSurface*)ni.ni_pPtr; ASSERT(pmsrf!=NULL); if(pmsrf->msrf_pShader==NULL) continue; // get surface description and find witch param has same id as control that was modified ShaderDesc shDesc; pmsrf->msrf_pShader->GetShaderDesc(shDesc); INDEX cttxc = shDesc.sd_astrTexCoordNames.Count(); // for each texture in shader for(INDEX itxc=0;itxc<cttxc;itxc++) { // if this surface has shader param that has text same as control that changed value if(shDesc.sd_astrTexCoordNames[itxc] == strControlID) { // change it pmsrf->msrf_ShadingParams.sp_aiTexCoordsIndex[itxc] = iNewTexCoordsIndex; } } } } // change color on curently selected model instance void CDlgBarTreeView::ChangeColorOnSelectedModel(COLOR colNewColor) { ASSERT(pmiSelected!=NULL); pmiSelected->mi_colModelColor = colNewColor; } // change color on all selected mesh surfaces void CDlgBarTreeView::ChangeColorOnSelectedSurfaces(CTString strControlID,COLOR colNewColor) { // get selected surfaces count INDEX ctsms = _aiSelectedMeshSurfaces.Count(); // for each selected mesh surfaces for(INDEX isms=0;isms<ctsms;isms++) { // get pointer to mesh surface NodeInfo &ni = theApp.aNodeInfo[_aiSelectedMeshSurfaces[isms]]; ASSERT(ni.ni_iType == NT_MESHSURFACE); MeshSurface *pmsrf = (MeshSurface*)ni.ni_pPtr; ASSERT(pmsrf!=NULL); if(pmsrf->msrf_pShader==NULL) continue; // get surface description and find witch param has same id as control that was modified ShaderDesc shDesc; pmsrf->msrf_pShader->GetShaderDesc(shDesc); INDEX ctcl = shDesc.sd_astrColorNames.Count(); // for each color in shader for(INDEX icl=0;icl<ctcl;icl++) { // if this surface has shader param that has text same as control that changed value if(shDesc.sd_astrColorNames[icl] == strControlID) { // change it pmsrf->msrf_ShadingParams.sp_acolColors[icl] = colNewColor; } } } } // change floats on all selected mesh surfaces void CDlgBarTreeView::ChangeFloatOnSelectedSurfaces(CTString strControlID,FLOAT fNewFloat) { // get selected surfaces count INDEX ctsms = _aiSelectedMeshSurfaces.Count(); // for each selected mesh surfaces for(INDEX isms=0;isms<ctsms;isms++) { // get pointer to mesh surface NodeInfo &ni = theApp.aNodeInfo[_aiSelectedMeshSurfaces[isms]]; ASSERT(ni.ni_iType == NT_MESHSURFACE); MeshSurface *pmsrf = (MeshSurface*)ni.ni_pPtr; ASSERT(pmsrf!=NULL); if(pmsrf->msrf_pShader==NULL) continue; // get surface description and find witch param has same id as control that was modified ShaderDesc shDesc; pmsrf->msrf_pShader->GetShaderDesc(shDesc); INDEX ctfl = shDesc.sd_astrFloatNames.Count(); // for each float in shader for(INDEX ifl=0;ifl<ctfl;ifl++) { // if this surface has shader param that has text same as control that changed value if(shDesc.sd_astrFloatNames[ifl] == strControlID) { // change it pmsrf->msrf_ShadingParams.sp_afFloats[ifl] = fNewFloat; } } } } void CDlgBarTreeView::ChangeFlagOnSelectedSurfaces(CTString strControlID, BOOL bChecked, INDEX iFlagIndex) { ULONG ulNewFlag = (1UL<<iFlagIndex); // get selected surfaces count INDEX ctsms = _aiSelectedMeshSurfaces.Count(); // for each selected mesh surfaces for(INDEX isms=0;isms<ctsms;isms++) { // get pointer to mesh surface NodeInfo &ni = theApp.aNodeInfo[_aiSelectedMeshSurfaces[isms]]; ASSERT(ni.ni_iType == NT_MESHSURFACE); MeshSurface *pmsrf = (MeshSurface*)ni.ni_pPtr; ASSERT(pmsrf!=NULL); if(pmsrf->msrf_pShader==NULL) continue; // get surface description and find witch param has same id as control that was modified ShaderDesc shDesc; pmsrf->msrf_pShader->GetShaderDesc(shDesc); INDEX ctfl = shDesc.sd_astrFlagNames.Count(); // for each flag in shader for(INDEX ifl=0;ifl<ctfl;ifl++) { // if this surface has shader param that has text same as control that changed value if(shDesc.sd_astrFlagNames[ifl] == strControlID) { // if now checked if(bChecked) { // add this flag pmsrf->msrf_ShadingParams.sp_ulFlags |= ulNewFlag; // if unchecked } else { // remove this flag pmsrf->msrf_ShadingParams.sp_ulFlags &= ~ulNewFlag; } } } } } // change shader for all surfaces that are in selection array void CDlgBarTreeView::ChangeShaderOnSelectedSurfaces(CTString fnNewShader) { #pragma message(">> Remove: Warning if usage of Double sided shader") // TEMP if(fnNewShader.FindSubstr("DS")!=(-1)) { theApp.ErrorMessage("Usage of double sided shader"); } INDEX ctsms = _aiSelectedMeshSurfaces.Count(); // for each selected mesh surfaces for(INDEX isms=0;isms<ctsms;isms++) { NodeInfo &ni = theApp.aNodeInfo[_aiSelectedMeshSurfaces[isms]]; ASSERT(ni.ni_iType == NT_MESHSURFACE); MeshSurface *pmsrf = (MeshSurface*)ni.ni_pPtr; ASSERT(pmsrf!=NULL); try { // try to change surface shader ChangeSurfaceShader_t(*pmsrf,fnNewShader); } catch(char *strErr) { theApp.ErrorMessage(strErr); } } } // notification that item was clicked void CDlgBarTreeView::OnItemClick(HTREEITEM hItem,HTREEITEM hLastSelected) { BOOL bControl = (GetKeyState( VK_CONTROL)&0x8000) != 0; BOOL bShift = (GetKeyState( VK_SHIFT)&0x8000) != 0; ASSERT(hItem != NULL); NodeInfo &ni = theApp.aNodeInfo[m_TreeCtrl.GetItemData(hItem)]; if(ni.ni_iType == NT_MESHSURFACE) { if (bShift) { if(hLastSelected!=NULL) { NodeInfo &niLastSelected = GetNodeInfo(hLastSelected); if(niLastSelected.ni_iType == NT_MESHSURFACE) { HTREEITEM hParent = m_TreeCtrl.GetParentItem(hItem); HTREEITEM hLastParent = m_TreeCtrl.GetParentItem(hLastSelected); ASSERT(hParent!=NULL); ASSERT(hLastParent!=NULL); if(hParent==hLastParent) { // deselect all items if(!bControl) DeSelectAllSurfaces(); // get first child HTREEITEM hChild = m_TreeCtrl.GetChildItem(hParent); // find first item or last selected item while((hChild!=hItem)&&(hChild!=hLastSelected)) { hChild = m_TreeCtrl.GetNextSiblingItem(hChild); ASSERT(hChild!=NULL); } // select first item SelectMeshSurface(hChild); if(hItem!=hLastSelected) hChild = m_TreeCtrl.GetNextSiblingItem(hChild); // select all items until item or last selected item while((hChild!=hItem)&&(hChild!=hLastSelected)) { SelectMeshSurface(hChild); hChild = m_TreeCtrl.GetNextSiblingItem(hChild); ASSERT(hChild!=NULL); } SelectMeshSurface(hChild); } return; } } } if(bControl) { // select curent surface TogleSurfaceSelection(hItem); return; } // deselect all items DeSelectAllSurfaces(); // select curent surface SelectMeshSurface(hItem); } } // notification that item icons was clicked void CDlgBarTreeView::OnItemIconClick(HTREEITEM hItem) { NodeInfo &ni = GetNodeInfo(hItem); if(ni.ni_iType == NT_MESHSURFACE) { TogleSurfaceSelection(hItem); } } // show shader for surface void CDlgBarTreeView::ShowSurfaceShader(MeshSurface *pmsrf,MeshLOD *pmlod,MeshInstance *pmshi) { ASSERT(pmsrf!=NULL); ASSERT(pmlod!=NULL); ASSERT(pmshi!=NULL); // remember vertical scroll pos INDEX ivScroll = m_dlgShader.GetScrollPos(SB_VERT); // set scroll to 0 m_dlgShader.SetScrollPos(SB_VERT,0); VScrollControls(&m_dlgShader); // clear shader dlg RemoveDialogControls(&m_dlgShader); CComboBox *cbShader = ((CComboBox*)m_dlgShader.GetDlgItem(IDC_CB_SHADER)); _atxcTexControls.Clear(); _atxccTexCoordControls.Clear(); _accColors.Clear(); _afcFloatControls.Clear(); _afcFlagControls.Clear(); iCustomControlID=FIRSTSHADEID; ShaderDesc shDesc; INDEX ctTextures = 0; INDEX ctTexCoords = 0; INDEX ctColors = 0; INDEX ctFloats = 0; INDEX ctFlags = 0; // if surface has shader if(pmsrf->msrf_pShader!=NULL) { pmsrf->msrf_pShader->GetShaderDesc(shDesc); ctTextures = shDesc.sd_astrTextureNames.Count(); ctTexCoords = shDesc.sd_astrTexCoordNames.Count(); ctColors = shDesc.sd_astrColorNames.Count(); ctFloats = shDesc.sd_astrFloatNames.Count(); ctFlags = shDesc.sd_astrFlagNames.Count(); // select shader in combo box CTFileName fnShader = pmsrf->msrf_pShader->GetName(); CTString strShader = fnShader.FileName(); ASSERT(cbShader!=NULL); if(cbShader->SelectString(-1,CString(strShader)) == CB_ERR) { // error: shader is not found in list of shaders return; } ShaderParams &mspParams = pmsrf->msrf_ShadingParams; // ASSERT(pmsrf->msrf_ShadingParams.sp_acolColors.Count() == ctColors); _atxcTexControls.New(ctTextures); _atxccTexCoordControls.New(ctTexCoords); _accColors.New(ctColors); _afcFloatControls.New(ctFloats); _afcFlagControls.New(ctFlags); // add texture controls to shader dialog for(INDEX itx=0;itx<ctTextures;itx++) { CTextureControl &txc = _atxcTexControls[itx]; txc.AddControl(shDesc.sd_astrTextureNames[itx],&pmsrf->msrf_ShadingParams.sp_aiTextureIDs[itx]); // count texture instances INDEX ctti=pmshi->mi_tiTextures.Count(); // for each texture instances for(INDEX iti=0;iti<ctti;iti++) { TextureInstance &ti = pmshi->mi_tiTextures[iti]; CTString strTexName = ska_GetStringFromTable(ti.GetID()); txc.txc_Combo.AddString(CString(strTexName)); } INDEX iSelectTexID = mspParams.sp_aiTextureIDs[itx]; CTString strSelectTexID = ska_GetStringFromTable(iSelectTexID); int iItemIndex = txc.txc_Combo.FindStringExact(-1,CString(strSelectTexID)); if(iItemIndex!=CB_ERR) txc.txc_Combo.SetCurSel(iItemIndex); } // add texcoord controls to shader dialog for(INDEX itxc=0;itxc<ctTexCoords;itxc++) { CTexCoordControl &txcc = _atxccTexCoordControls[itxc]; txcc.AddControl(shDesc.sd_astrTexCoordNames[itxc],&pmsrf->msrf_ShadingParams.sp_aiTexCoordsIndex[itxc]); // count uvmaps INDEX ctuv = pmlod->mlod_aUVMaps.Count(); // for each uvmap in lod for(INDEX iuv=0;iuv<ctuv;iuv++) { // add uvmap name in combo box MeshUVMap &uvm = pmlod->mlod_aUVMaps[iuv]; CTString strUVMapName = ska_GetStringFromTable(uvm.muv_iID); txcc.txcc_Combo.AddString(CString(strUVMapName)); } INDEX iSelectTexCoordsIndex = mspParams.sp_aiTexCoordsIndex[itxc]; txcc.txcc_Combo.SetCurSel(iSelectTexCoordsIndex); } // add color controls to shader dialog for(INDEX icc=0;icc<ctColors;icc++) { CColorControl &cc = _accColors[icc]; cc.AddControl(shDesc.sd_astrColorNames[icc],&pmsrf->msrf_ShadingParams.sp_acolColors[icc]); } // add float controls to shader dialog INDEX ifc=0; for(;ifc<ctFloats;ifc++) { CFloatControl &fc = _afcFloatControls[ifc]; fc.AddControl(shDesc.sd_astrFloatNames[ifc],&pmsrf->msrf_ShadingParams.sp_afFloats[ifc]); } // add flag controls to shader dialog for(ifc=0;ifc<ctFlags;ifc++) { CFlagControl &fc = _afcFlagControls[ifc]; fc.AddControl(shDesc.sd_astrFlagNames[ifc],ifc,mspParams.sp_ulFlags); } } else { // clear text from combo box cbShader->SetCurSel(-1); } CRect rcDlg; m_dlgShader.GetWindowRect(rcDlg); INDEX iCtrlCount = iCustomControlID-FIRSTSHADEID; INDEX iDlgHeight = (rcDlg.bottom-rcDlg.top-15); if(iDlgHeight<YPOS) m_dlgShader.SetScrollRange(SB_VERT,1,YPOS-iDlgHeight); else m_dlgShader.SetScrollRange(SB_VERT,0,0); AddDialogControls(&m_dlgShader); // return old vertical scroll pos m_dlgShader.SetScrollPos(SB_VERT,ivScroll); VScrollControls(&m_dlgShader); //m_dlgShader.Invalidate(FALSE); } void CDlgBarTreeView::VScrollControls(CDialog *pDlg) { //pDlg->SetRedraw(FALSE); int iPosition = pDlg->GetScrollPos(SB_VERT); // GetScrollPos returns values from 1 to n if(iPosition>0) iPosition--; INDEX ctctrl = dlg_aControls.Count(); // for each control in array of contrls for(INDEX ictrl=0;ictrl<ctctrl;ictrl++) { Control &ctrl = dlg_aControls[ictrl]; // check if its dialog is being scrolled if(ctrl.ct_pParentDlg == pDlg) { // move control CRect rcCtrl; pDlg->GetDlgItem(ctrl.ct_iID)->GetWindowRect(rcCtrl); pDlg->ScreenToClient(rcCtrl); rcCtrl.top = ctrl.ct_iTop - iPosition; rcCtrl.bottom = ctrl.ct_iBottom - iPosition; pDlg->GetDlgItem(ctrl.ct_iID)->MoveWindow(rcCtrl); } } // pDlg->SetRedraw(TRUE); // pDlg->Invalidate(TRUE); } // notification that selected item has changed void CDlgBarTreeView::SelItemChanged(HTREEITEM hSelected) { CSeriousSkaStudioDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetDocument(); BOOL bCtrl = (GetKeyState( VK_CONTROL)&0x8000) != 0; BOOL bShift = (GetKeyState( VK_SHIFT)&0x8000) != 0; BOOL bAlt = (GetKeyState( VK_MENU)&0x8000) != 0; CMainFrame* pMainFrame = STATIC_DOWNCAST(CMainFrame, AfxGetMainWnd()); // reset selected bone in treeview theApp.iSelectedBoneID = -1; // if no item selected if(hSelected == NULL) { pmiSelected = NULL; ResetControls(); } // get index in node array of selected item INDEX iSelIndex = m_TreeCtrl.GetItemData(hSelected); // get node info of selected item NodeInfo &ni = theApp.aNodeInfo[iSelIndex]; // get model instance that holds selected item pmiSelected = ni.pmi; // if selected item is model instance set it to be selected model instance if(ni.ni_iType == NT_MODELINSTANCE) pmiSelected = (CModelInstance*)ni.ni_pPtr; if(pmiSelected!=NULL) { CTString strStretch = CTString(0,"%g",pmiSelected->mi_vStretch(1)); pMainFrame->m_ctrlMIStretch.SetWindowText(CString(strStretch)); } // get parent of selected item HTREEITEM hParent = m_TreeCtrl.GetParentItem(hSelected); INDEX iParent=-1; // if parent exists get ist index if(hParent != NULL) iParent = m_TreeCtrl.GetItemData(hParent); // get parent model isntance of selected model instance CModelInstance *pmiParent = pmiSelected->GetParent(pDoc->m_ModelInstance); // if parent exisits fill combo box with parent bones if(pmiParent != NULL) { // fill combo box with parent bones if(pmiParent->mi_psklSkeleton != NULL) FillBonesToComboBox(pmiParent->mi_psklSkeleton,0); // clear combo box for parent bones else ((CComboBox*)m_dlgParent.GetDlgItem(IDC_CB_PARENTBONE))->ResetContent(); } else { // clear combo box for parent bones ((CComboBox*)m_dlgParent.GetDlgItem(IDC_CB_PARENTBONE))->ResetContent(); } // get name of parent bone CTString strBoneName = ska_GetStringFromTable(pmiSelected->mi_iParentBoneID); // select parent bone in combo box ((CComboBox*)m_dlgParent.GetDlgItem(IDC_CB_PARENTBONE))->SelectString(-1,CString(strBoneName)); // select parent model instance in combo box CComboBox *cbParentList = ((CComboBox*)m_dlgParent.GetDlgItem(IDC_CB_PARENTMODEL)); // count items in combo box INDEX ctpl = cbParentList->GetCount(); // for each item in combo box for(INDEX ipl=0;ipl<ctpl;ipl++) { CModelInstance *pmiParentInList = (CModelInstance*)cbParentList->GetItemDataPtr(ipl); // chech if this item is parent in current selected mi if(pmiParentInList == pmiParent) { cbParentList->SetCurSel(ipl); break; } cbParentList->SetCurSel(-1); } // switch type of selected item switch(ni.ni_iType) { case NT_MODELINSTANCE: { ShowControlGroup(GR_PARENT); CModelInstance *pmi = (CModelInstance*)ni.ni_pPtr; m_tbMiName.SetWindowText(CString(pmi->GetName())); } break; case NT_ANIMSET: case NT_MESHLODLIST: case NT_SKELETONLODLIST: ShowControlGroup(GR_LISTOPTIONS); break; case NT_TEXINSTANCE: { TextureInstance *pti = (TextureInstance*)ni.ni_pPtr; CTString strTexName = ska_GetStringFromTable(pti->GetID()); m_tbTextureName.SetWindowText(CString(strTexName)); m_tvTexView.ChangeTexture(pti->ti_toTexture.GetName()); ShowControlGroup(GR_TEXTURE); } break; case NT_MESHLOD: { MeshLOD *pmlod = (MeshLOD*)ni.ni_pPtr; CTString strName; strName.PrintF("%g",pmlod->mlod_fMaxDistance); m_tbDistance.SetWindowText(CString(strName)); // set this mesh lod as forced lod pDoc->fCustomMeshLodDist=pmlod->mlod_fMaxDistance-0.01f; ShowControlGroup(GR_LOD); SetCustomTabText(L"Mesh lod"); } break; case NT_SKELETONLOD: { SkeletonLOD *pslod = (SkeletonLOD*)ni.ni_pPtr; CTString strName = CTString(0,"%g",pslod->slod_fMaxDistance); m_tbDistance.SetWindowText(CString(strName)); // set this skleleton lod as forced lod pDoc->fCustomSkeletonLodDist=pslod->slod_fMaxDistance-0.01f; ShowControlGroup(GR_LOD); SetCustomTabText(L"Skeleton lod"); } break; case NT_BONE: { SkeletonBone *pbone = (SkeletonBone*)ni.ni_pPtr; theApp.iSelectedBoneID = pbone->sb_iID; ShowControlGroup(GR_BONE); } break; case NT_ANIMATION: { Animation *pan = (Animation*)ni.ni_pPtr; // start playing selected animation ULONG ulAnimFlags = 0;// | AN_NORESTART; // if looping animations if(pDoc->bAnimLoop) { // if shift is not presed if(!bShift) { // loop animations ulAnimFlags |= AN_LOOPING; } // if not looping and shift pressed } else if(bShift) { // loop anims ulAnimFlags |= AN_LOOPING; } // if control is presed if(bCtrl) { // Add animation pmiSelected->AddAnimation(pan->an_iID,ulAnimFlags|AN_CLONE,1.0f,0); // if alt is presed } else if(bAlt) { // do new cloned state pmiSelected->NewClonedState(0.2f); // Add animation pmiSelected->RemAnimation(pan->an_iID); } else { // Add animation pmiSelected->AddAnimation(pan->an_iID,ulAnimFlags|AN_CLEAR,1,0); } // Set timer for current document pDoc->SetTimerForDocument(); CTString strTreshold; CTString strSecPerFrame; CTString strZSpeed; CTString strLoopSec; strTreshold.PrintF("%g",pan->an_fTreshold); strSecPerFrame.PrintF("%g",pan->an_fSecPerFrame); strZSpeed.PrintF("%g",pDoc->m_fSpeedZ); strLoopSec.PrintF("%g",pDoc->m_fLoopSecends); m_tbTreshold.SetWindowText(CString(strTreshold)); m_tbAnimSpeed.SetWindowText(CString(strSecPerFrame)); m_tbWalkSpeed.SetWindowText(CString(strZSpeed)); m_tbWalkLoopSec.SetWindowText(CString(strLoopSec)); // check compresion ((CButton*)m_dlgAnimSet.GetDlgItem(IDC_CB_COMPRESION))->SetCheck(pan->an_bCompresed); CheckSecPerFrameCtrl(pan->an_bCustomSpeed); ShowControlGroup(GR_ANIMSET); SetCustomTabText(L"Animation"); } break; case NT_MESHSURFACE: { // get mesh instance HTREEITEM hParentsParent = m_TreeCtrl.GetParentItem(hParent); NodeInfo &niParent = GetNodeInfo(hParent); NodeInfo &niParentsParent = GetNodeInfo(hParentsParent); MeshSurface *pmsrf = (MeshSurface*)ni.ni_pPtr; MeshLOD *pmlod = (MeshLOD*)niParent.ni_pPtr; MeshInstance *pmshi = (MeshInstance*)niParentsParent.ni_pPtr; ShowControlGroup(GR_SHADERS); ShowSurfaceShader(pmsrf,pmlod,pmshi); } break; case NT_COLISIONBOX: { ColisionBox *pcb = (ColisionBox*)ni.ni_pPtr; INDEX iIndex = -1; // get colision box count INDEX ctcb = pmiSelected->mi_cbAABox.Count(); // for each colision box in array for(INDEX icb=0;icb<ctcb;icb++) { ColisionBox *pcb2 = &pmiSelected->mi_cbAABox[icb]; if(pcb == pcb2) { iIndex = icb; break; } } if(iIndex<0) return; // set it to be curent colision box pmiSelected->mi_iCurentBBox = iIndex; ShowControlGroup(GR_COLISION); SetCustomTabText(L"Colision"); } break; case NT_ALLFRAMESBBOX: { ShowControlGroup(GR_ALLFRAMES_BBOX); SetCustomTabText(L"All frames"); } break; default: // no custom group //iShowCustomGroup = -1; ShowControlGroup(-1); SetCustomTabText(L"Custom"); break; } // show name of selected model instance GetDlgItem(IDC_SELECTEDMI)->SetWindowText(CString(pmiSelected->GetName())); // show offset of model instance FLOATmatrix3D mat; FLOAT3D vPos = pmiSelected->mi_qvOffset.vPos; ANGLE3D aRot; pmiSelected->mi_qvOffset.qRot.ToMatrix(mat); DecomposeRotationMatrix(aRot,mat); m_tbOffPosX.SetWindowText(CString(CTString(0,"%g",vPos(1)))); m_tbOffPosY.SetWindowText(CString(CTString(0,"%g",vPos(2)))); m_tbOffPosZ.SetWindowText(CString(CTString(0,"%g",vPos(3)))); m_tbOffRotH.SetWindowText(CString(CTString(0,"%g",aRot(1)))); m_tbOffRotP.SetWindowText(CString(CTString(0,"%g",aRot(2)))); m_tbOffRotB.SetWindowText(CString(CTString(0,"%g",aRot(3)))); // show collision box values if((pmiSelected->mi_iCurentBBox >= 0) && (pmiSelected->mi_iCurentBBox < pmiSelected->mi_cbAABox.Count())) { ColisionBox &cb = pmiSelected->mi_cbAABox[pmiSelected->mi_iCurentBBox]; FLOAT fWidth = (cb.Max()(1)-cb.Min()(1)); FLOAT fHeight = (cb.Max()(2)-cb.Min()(2)); FLOAT fLength = (cb.Max()(3)-cb.Min()(3)); FLOAT fPosX = (cb.Max()(1)+cb.Min()(1)) / 2; FLOAT fPosY = (cb.Max()(2)+cb.Min()(2)) / 2; FLOAT fPosZ = (cb.Max()(3)+cb.Min()(3)) / 2; fPosY -= fHeight/2; m_tbColName.SetWindowText( CString(cb.GetName())); m_tbColWidth.SetWindowText( CString(CTString(0,"%g",fWidth))); m_tbColHeight.SetWindowText(CString(CTString(0,"%g",fHeight))); m_tbColLength.SetWindowText(CString(CTString(0,"%g",fLength))); m_tbColPosX.SetWindowText( CString(CTString(0,"%g",fPosX))); m_tbColPosY.SetWindowText( CString(CTString(0,"%g",fPosY))); m_tbColPosZ.SetWindowText( CString(CTString(0,"%g",fPosZ))); } // show all frames bbox ColisionBox &cb = pmiSelected->mi_cbAllFramesBBox; FLOAT fWidth = (cb.Max()(1)-cb.Min()(1)); FLOAT fHeight = (cb.Max()(2)-cb.Min()(2)); FLOAT fLength = (cb.Max()(3)-cb.Min()(3)); FLOAT fPosX = (cb.Max()(1)+cb.Min()(1)) / 2; FLOAT fPosY = (cb.Max()(2)+cb.Min()(2)) / 2; FLOAT fPosZ = (cb.Max()(3)+cb.Min()(3)) / 2; fPosY -= fHeight/2; m_tbAFBBWidth.SetWindowText( CString(CTString(0,"%g",fWidth))); m_tbAFBBHeight.SetWindowText(CString(CTString(0,"%g",fHeight))); m_tbAFBBLength.SetWindowText(CString(CTString(0,"%g",fLength))); m_tbAFBBPosX.SetWindowText( CString(CTString(0,"%g",fPosX))); m_tbAFBBPosY.SetWindowText( CString(CTString(0,"%g",fPosY))); m_tbAFBBPosZ.SetWindowText( CString(CTString(0,"%g",fPosZ))); // change custom controls visibility // ShowControlGroup(iVisibleGroup); } // calculate size of tree view CSize CDlgBarTreeView::CalcLayout(int nLength, DWORD nMode) { CSize csResult; // Return default if it is being docked or floated if(nMode & LM_VERTDOCK) { csResult = m_Size; CRect rc; // get main frm CMainFrame* pMainFrame = STATIC_DOWNCAST(CMainFrame, AfxGetMainWnd()); // get his child CMDIClientWnd *pMDIClient = &pMainFrame->m_wndMDIClient; pMDIClient->GetWindowRect(rc); csResult.cy = rc.bottom - rc.top; } else if((nMode & LM_VERTDOCK) || (nMode & LM_HORZDOCK)) { if (nMode & LM_STRETCH) // if not docked stretch to fit { csResult = CSize((nMode & LM_HORZ) ? 32767 : m_Size.cx, (nMode & LM_HORZ) ? m_Size.cy : 32767); } else { csResult = m_Size; } } else if (nMode & LM_MRUWIDTH) { csResult = m_Size; } // In all other cases, accept the dynamic length else { if (nMode & LM_LENGTHY) { // Note that we don't change m_Size.cy because we disabled vertical sizing csResult = CSize( m_Size.cx, m_Size.cy = nLength); } else { csResult = CSize( m_Size.cx = nLength, m_Size.cy); } } // csResult = CSize(300,300); return csResult; } // resize dialog CSize CDlgBarTreeView::CalcDynamicLayout(int nLength, DWORD nMode) { // return CDlgTemplate::CalcDynamicLayout(nLength, nMode); CSize csResult = CalcLayout(nLength,nMode); if(theApp.IsErrorDlgVisible()) { csResult.cy+=theApp.GetLogDlgSize().cy; } #define H_BORDER 20 #define V_BORDER 10 #define LINE1 15 #define LINE2 35 #define LINE3 55 #define LINE1U 5 #define LINE2U 25 #define LINE3U 45 #define LINE4U 65 #define WIT (csResult.cx-2*H_BORDER)/4 #define YOFFSET csResult.cy - V_BORDER - 140 // move tab control GetDlgItem(IDC_MODE_SELECT_TAB)->MoveWindow(CRect(H_BORDER/2,YOFFSET-30,csResult.cx-H_BORDER/2,YOFFSET + 140)); // move dialogs CRect rcDlg = CRect(2,6,csResult.cx-H_BORDER/2-13,165); // !!! fix ResizeDlgWithChildren(&m_dlgParent,rcDlg); ResizeDlgWithChildren(&m_dlgAnimSet,rcDlg); ResizeDlgWithChildren(&m_dlgColision,rcDlg); ResizeDlgWithChildren(&m_dlgAllFrames,rcDlg); ResizeDlgWithChildren(&m_dlgLod,rcDlg); ResizeDlgWithChildren(&m_dlgBone,rcDlg); ResizeDlgWithChildren(&m_dlgTexture,rcDlg); ResizeDlgWithChildren(&m_dlgListOpt,rcDlg); ResizeDlgWithChildren(&m_dlgShader,rcDlg); AdjustSplitter(); /* if(iDockSide == AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_LEFT) { GetDlgItem(IDC_SPLITER_FRAME)->MoveWindow(CRect(csResult.cx-SPLITTER_WITDH,0,csResult.cx,csResult.cy)); GetDlgItem(IDC_SPLITER_FRAME)->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); } else if(iDockSide == AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_RIGHT) { GetDlgItem(IDC_SPLITER_FRAME)->MoveWindow(CRect(0,0,SPLITTER_WITDH,csResult.cy)); GetDlgItem(IDC_SPLITER_FRAME)->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); } else { GetDlgItem(IDC_SPLITER_FRAME)->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); } */ // move label that display curent selected mi GetDlgItem(IDC_SELECTEDMI)->MoveWindow(CRect(H_BORDER ,3,csResult.cx-H_BORDER,V_BORDER + 15)); // move tree ctrl CRect NewTreePos; NewTreePos = CRect(H_BORDER/2, V_BORDER + 15, csResult.cx - H_BORDER/2, csResult.cy - V_BORDER - 180); CWnd *pwndTree = GetDlgItem(IDC_TREE1); pwndTree->MoveWindow(NewTreePos); pwndTree->UpdateWindow(); UpdateWindow(); return csResult; } void CDlgBarTreeView::ResizeDlgWithChildren(CDialog *pDlg,CRect rcDlg) { INDEX iDlgWidth = rcDlg.right - rcDlg.left; INDEX ctctrl = dlg_aControls.Count(); // for each control in array of contrls for(INDEX ictrl=0;ictrl<ctctrl;ictrl++) { Control &ctrl = dlg_aControls[ictrl]; // check if its dialog is being resized if(ctrl.ct_pParentDlg == pDlg) { // resize control CRect rcCtrl; rcCtrl.left = iDlgWidth * ctrl.ct_fLeft; rcCtrl.right = iDlgWidth * ctrl.ct_fRight; rcCtrl.top = ctrl.ct_iTop; rcCtrl.bottom = ctrl.ct_iBottom; pDlg->GetDlgItem(ctrl.ct_iID)->MoveWindow(rcCtrl); } } // resize dialog pDlg->MoveWindow(rcDlg); } // remove control form array void CDlgBarTreeView::RemoveControlFromArray(CWnd *pChild, CDialog *pDlg) { // get control ID INDEX ictrlID = pChild->GetDlgCtrlID(); // count controls in array INDEX ctctrl = dlg_aControls.Count(); // for each control in array for(INDEX ictrl=0;ictrl<ctctrl;ictrl++) { Control &ctrl = dlg_aControls[ictrl]; // check if this is control to remove if((ctrl.ct_iID == ictrlID) && (ctrl.ct_pParentDlg == pDlg)) { // get last ctrl Control &ctrlLast = dlg_aControls[ctctrl-1]; // copy last control insted of one that has to be removed ctrl = ctrlLast; // remove last control from array dlg_aControls.Pop(); return; } } } // add control to array witch stores all controls that need to be dynamicly resized void CDlgBarTreeView::AddControlToArray(CWnd *pChild, CDialog *pDlg) { CRect rcParent; CRect rcChild; pDlg->GetWindowRect(rcParent); pChild->GetWindowRect(rcChild); INDEX iParentWidth = rcParent.right - rcParent.left; // convert to parent coords pDlg->ScreenToClient(rcChild); Control &ctrl = dlg_aControls.Push(); ctrl.ct_iID = pChild->GetDlgCtrlID(); ctrl.ct_pParentDlg = pDlg; ctrl.ct_iTop = rcChild.top; ctrl.ct_iBottom = rcChild.bottom; ctrl.ct_fLeft = ((FLOAT)rcChild.left/(FLOAT)iParentWidth); ctrl.ct_fRight = ((FLOAT)rcChild.right/(FLOAT)iParentWidth); } // remove controls from array void CDlgBarTreeView::RemoveDialogControls(CDialog *pDlg) { CWnd *pChild = pDlg->GetWindow(GW_CHILD); while(pChild!=NULL) { RemoveControlFromArray(pChild,pDlg); pChild = pChild->GetWindow(GW_HWNDNEXT); } } // add all controls from dialog to array void CDlgBarTreeView::AddDialogControls(CDialog *pDlg) { CWnd *pChild = pDlg->GetWindow(GW_CHILD); while(pChild!=NULL) { AddControlToArray(pChild,pDlg); pChild = pChild->GetWindow(GW_HWNDNEXT); } } // create dialog BOOL CDlgBarTreeView::Create( CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nIDTemplate, UINT nStyle, UINT nID) { CRect rectDummy(0,0,0,0); if(!CDlgTemplate::Create(pParentWnd,nIDTemplate,nStyle,nID)) return FALSE; m_Size = m_sizeDefault; SetSplitterControlID(IDC_SPLITTER_TREE); // spliter // m_wndSpliterFrame.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_SPLITTER_TREE,this); // m_wndSpliterFrame.SetDockingSide(AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_FLOAT); // tree ctrl m_IconsImageList.Create( IDB_BITMAP1, 16, 32, CLR_NONE); m_TreeCtrl.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_TREE1, this); m_TreeCtrl.SetImageList( &m_IconsImageList, TVSIL_NORMAL); // add tab control buttons CTabCtrl *pTabCtrl = (CTabCtrl*)GetDlgItem(IDC_MODE_SELECT_TAB); // create dialogs m_dlgParent.Create(IDD_PARENT,pTabCtrl); m_dlgAnimSet.Create(IDD_ANIMSET,pTabCtrl); m_dlgColision.Create(IDD_COLISION,pTabCtrl); m_dlgAllFrames.Create(IDD_ALL_FRAMES_BBOX,pTabCtrl); m_dlgLod.Create(IDD_LOD,pTabCtrl); m_dlgBone.Create(IDD_BONE,pTabCtrl); m_dlgTexture.Create(IDD_TEXTURE,pTabCtrl); m_dlgListOpt.Create(IDD_LIST_OPTIONS,pTabCtrl); m_dlgShader.Create(IDD_SHADER,pTabCtrl); CRect rcDummy = CRect(0,0,100,20); AddDialogControls(&m_dlgTexture); AddDialogControls(&m_dlgListOpt); AddDialogControls(&m_dlgParent); AddDialogControls(&m_dlgAnimSet); AddDialogControls(&m_dlgColision); AddDialogControls(&m_dlgAllFrames); AddDialogControls(&m_dlgLod); AddDialogControls(&m_dlgBone); AddDialogControls(&m_dlgShader); // subclass controls in parent dialog m_tbOffPosX.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_TB_OFFSET_POSX, &m_dlgParent); m_tbOffPosY.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_TB_OFFSET_POSY, &m_dlgParent); m_tbOffPosZ.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_TB_OFFSET_POSZ, &m_dlgParent); m_tbOffRotH.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_TB_OFFSET_ROTH, &m_dlgParent); m_tbOffRotP.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_TB_OFFSET_ROTP, &m_dlgParent); m_tbOffRotB.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_TB_OFFSET_ROTB, &m_dlgParent); m_tbMiName.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_TB_MI_NAME, &m_dlgParent); // subclass controls in animset dialog m_tbTreshold.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_EB_TRESHOLD ,&m_dlgAnimSet); m_tbAnimSpeed.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_EB_SECPERFRAME,&m_dlgAnimSet); m_tbWalkSpeed.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_TB_ZTRANSSPEED,&m_dlgAnimSet); m_tbWalkLoopSec.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_TB_ZTRANSLOOP,&m_dlgAnimSet); // subclass controls in colision dialog m_tbColName.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_TB_COLNAME, &m_dlgColision); m_tbColWidth.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_TB_COLWIDTH, &m_dlgColision); m_tbColHeight.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_TB_COLHEIGHT,&m_dlgColision); m_tbColLength.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_TB_COLLENGTH,&m_dlgColision); m_tbColPosX.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_TB_COLPOSX, &m_dlgColision); m_tbColPosY.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_TB_COLPOSY, &m_dlgColision); m_tbColPosZ.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_TB_COLPOSZ, &m_dlgColision); // subclass controls in colision dialog m_tbAFBBWidth.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_TB_COLWIDTH, &m_dlgAllFrames); m_tbAFBBHeight.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_TB_COLHEIGHT,&m_dlgAllFrames); m_tbAFBBLength.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_TB_COLLENGTH,&m_dlgAllFrames); m_tbAFBBPosX.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_TB_COLPOSX, &m_dlgAllFrames); m_tbAFBBPosY.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_TB_COLPOSY, &m_dlgAllFrames); m_tbAFBBPosZ.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_TB_COLPOSZ, &m_dlgAllFrames); m_tbDistance.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_EB_DISTANCE, &m_dlgLod); m_tbTextureName.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_EB_TEXTURENAME, &m_dlgTexture); CWnd *pTexViewFrame = m_dlgTexture.GetDlgItem(IDC_TEXTURE_VIEW); // CRect rc; // pTexViewFrame->GetClientRect(&rc); CRect rc = CRect(0,0,200,100); m_tvTexView.Create( NULL, NULL, WS_BORDER|WS_VISIBLE, rc, pTexViewFrame,IDC_TEXTURE_VIEW); m_tvTexView.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_TEXTURE_VIEW, &m_dlgTexture); // set width of shader combo box ((CComboBox*)m_dlgShader.GetDlgItem(IDC_CB_SHADER))->SetDroppedWidth(200); CMainFrame* pMainFrame = STATIC_DOWNCAST(CMainFrame, AfxGetMainWnd()); pMainFrame->m_ctrlMIStretch.SetFont(m_dlgShader.GetFont(),FALSE); return TRUE; } // add node from tree view to nodeinfo array INDEX AddNode(INDEX iType,void *ni_pPtr,CModelInstance *pmi) { INDEX ctni = theApp.aNodeInfo.Count(); NodeInfo &ni = theApp.aNodeInfo.Push(); ni.ni_iType = iType; ni.pmi = pmi; ni.ni_pPtr = ni_pPtr; ni.ni_bSelected = FALSE; return ctni; } // add model instance to tree view HTREEITEM CDlgBarTreeView::AddModelInst(CModelInstance &mi, CModelInstance *pmiParent, HTREEITEM hParent) { // insert model instance item HTREEITEM hItem; // expand only root model if(hParent == TVI_ROOT) { // add parent model instance hItem = m_TreeCtrl.InsertItem( TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE | TVIF_STATE , L"", 0, 0, TVIS_EXPANDED, TVIS_EXPANDED, 0, hParent, 0 ); m_TreeCtrl.SetItemText(hItem,CString(mi.GetName())); } else { int iIcon = 0; if(mi.mi_fnSourceFile != pmiParent->mi_fnSourceFile) iIcon = 8; // add child model instance hItem = m_TreeCtrl.InsertItem( TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE | TVIF_STATE , L"", iIcon, iIcon, TVIS_EXPANDED, TVIS_EXPANDED, 0, hParent, 0 ); // get parent bone name CTString strParentBoneName = ska_GetStringFromTable(mi.mi_iParentBoneID); CTString strText = mi.GetName() + " [" + strParentBoneName + "]"; m_TreeCtrl.SetItemText(hItem,CString(strText)); } m_TreeCtrl.SetItemData(hItem,AddNode(NT_MODELINSTANCE,&mi,pmiParent)); // add its mesh instances AddMeshInstances(mi,hItem); // if skeleton exists if(mi.mi_psklSkeleton != NULL) { // add skeleton AddSkeleton(mi,hItem); } // add animsets AddAnimSet(mi,hItem); // add colision boxes AddColisionBoxes(mi,hItem); // add all frames colision box AddAllFramesBBox(mi,hItem); // add model instance children INDEX ctmi = mi.mi_cmiChildren.Count(); // for each child in model isntance for(INDEX imi=0;imi<ctmi;imi++) { // add child AddModelInst(mi.mi_cmiChildren[imi],&mi,hItem); } return hItem; } // add skeleton to tree view void CDlgBarTreeView::AddSkeleton(CModelInstance &mi, HTREEITEM hParent) { if(mi.mi_psklSkeleton == NULL) return; CSkeleton &sk = *mi.mi_psklSkeleton; // insert skeleton HTREEITEM hItem = m_TreeCtrl.InsertItem( TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE , L"", 5, 5, TVIS_SELECTED, TVIF_STATE, 0, hParent, 0 ); CTString strSkeletonName; strSkeletonName.PrintF("%s [%d]",(const char*)sk.GetName().FileName(),sk.skl_aSkeletonLODs.Count()); m_TreeCtrl.SetItemText(hItem,CString(strSkeletonName)); m_TreeCtrl.SetItemData(hItem,AddNode(NT_SKELETONLODLIST,&sk,&mi)); INDEX ctslod = sk.skl_aSkeletonLODs.Count(); for(INDEX islod=0;islod<ctslod;islod++) { SkeletonLOD &slod = sk.skl_aSkeletonLODs[islod]; // insert skeleton lod HTREEITEM hSlod = m_TreeCtrl.InsertItem( TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE , L"", 5, 5, TVIS_SELECTED, TVIF_STATE, 0, hItem, 0 ); // count bones INDEX ctb = slod.slod_aBones.Count(); CTString strText; CTFileName fnSlodSource = sk.skl_aSkeletonLODs[islod].slod_fnSourceFile; fnSlodSource = fnSlodSource.FileName(); strText.PrintF("%s [%g]-[%d]",(const char*)fnSlodSource.NoExt(),sk.skl_aSkeletonLODs[islod].slod_fMaxDistance,ctb); m_TreeCtrl.SetItemText(hSlod,CString(strText)); m_TreeCtrl.SetItemData(hSlod,AddNode(NT_SKELETONLOD,&slod,&mi)); for(INDEX ib=0;ib<ctb;ib++) { SkeletonBone &sb = sk.skl_aSkeletonLODs[islod].slod_aBones[ib]; // insert bone HTREEITEM hBone = m_TreeCtrl.InsertItem( TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE , L"", 7, 7, TVIS_SELECTED, TVIF_STATE, 0, hSlod , 0 ); m_TreeCtrl.SetItemText(hBone,CString(ska_GetStringFromTable(sb.sb_iID))); m_TreeCtrl.SetItemData(hBone,AddNode(NT_BONE,&sb,&mi)); } } } // add mesh surfaces to tree view void CDlgBarTreeView::AddSurfaces(CModelInstance &mi,MeshLOD &mlod,HTREEITEM hParent) { INDEX ctsrf = mlod.mlod_aSurfaces.Count(); for(INDEX isrf=0;isrf<ctsrf;isrf++) { MeshSurface &msrf = mlod.mlod_aSurfaces[isrf]; CShader *pShader = msrf.msrf_pShader; CTString strShaderName; if(pShader!=NULL) strShaderName = pShader->GetName().FileName(); HTREEITEM hItem = m_TreeCtrl.InsertItem( TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE , L"", 11, 11, TVIS_SELECTED, TVIF_STATE, 0, hParent, 0); CTString strSurfName; strSurfName.PrintF("%s [%d]-[%d]",(const char*)ska_GetStringFromTable(msrf.msrf_iSurfaceID), msrf.msrf_ctVertices,msrf.msrf_aTriangles.Count()); m_TreeCtrl.SetItemText(hItem,CString(strSurfName)); m_TreeCtrl.SetItemData(hItem,AddNode(NT_MESHSURFACE,&msrf,&mi)); } } // add mesh instance to tree view void CDlgBarTreeView::AddMeshInstances(CModelInstance &mi,HTREEITEM hParent) { INDEX ctmsh = mi.mi_aMeshInst.Count(); for(INDEX imsh=0;imsh<ctmsh;imsh++) { MeshInstance &mshi = mi.mi_aMeshInst[imsh]; HTREEITEM hItem = m_TreeCtrl.InsertItem( TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE , L"", 1, 1, TVIS_SELECTED, TVIF_STATE, 0, hParent, 0); CTString strMeshName; strMeshName.PrintF("%s [%d]",(const char*)mshi.mi_pMesh->GetName().FileName(),mshi.mi_pMesh->msh_aMeshLODs.Count()); m_TreeCtrl.SetItemText(hItem,CString(strMeshName)); m_TreeCtrl.SetItemData(hItem,AddNode(NT_MESHLODLIST,&mshi,&mi)); // add mesh lods INDEX ctmlod = mshi.mi_pMesh->msh_aMeshLODs.Count(); for(INDEX imlod=0;imlod<ctmlod;imlod++) { MeshLOD &mlod = mshi.mi_pMesh->msh_aMeshLODs[imlod]; HTREEITEM hMlod = m_TreeCtrl.InsertItem( TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE , L"", 3, 3, TVIS_SELECTED, TVIF_STATE, 0, hItem, 0); CTString strMeshLod; CTFileName fnMlodSource = mlod.mlod_fnSourceFile; fnMlodSource = fnMlodSource.FileName(); strMeshLod.PrintF("%s [%g]-[%d]",(const char*)fnMlodSource.NoExt(),mlod.mlod_fMaxDistance,mlod.mlod_aVertices.Count()); m_TreeCtrl.SetItemText(hMlod,CString(strMeshLod)); m_TreeCtrl.SetItemData(hMlod,AddNode(NT_MESHLOD,&mlod,&mi)); AddSurfaces(mi,mlod,hMlod); } // add textures for this mesh INDEX cttex = mshi.mi_tiTextures.Count(); for(INDEX itex=0;itex<cttex;itex++) { TextureInstance &ti = mshi.mi_tiTextures[itex]; CTString strTextName = ska_GetStringFromTable(ti.GetID()); HTREEITEM hTexture = m_TreeCtrl.InsertItem( TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE , L"", 4, 4, TVIS_SELECTED, TVIF_STATE, 0, hItem, 0 ); m_TreeCtrl.SetItemText(hTexture,CString(strTextName)); m_TreeCtrl.SetItemData(hTexture,AddNode(NT_TEXINSTANCE,&ti,&mi)); } } } // add collision boxes to tree view void CDlgBarTreeView::AddColisionBoxes(CModelInstance &mi,HTREEITEM hParent) { INDEX ctcb = mi.mi_cbAABox.Count(); // for each collision box for(INDEX icb=0;icb<ctcb;icb++) { // add collision box ColisionBox &cb = mi.mi_cbAABox[icb]; HTREEITEM hColisionBox = m_TreeCtrl.InsertItem( TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE , L"", 2, 2, TVIS_SELECTED, TVIF_STATE, 0, hParent, 0); m_TreeCtrl.SetItemText(hColisionBox,CString(cb.GetName())); m_TreeCtrl.SetItemData(hColisionBox,AddNode(NT_COLISIONBOX,&cb,&mi)); } } void CDlgBarTreeView::AddAllFramesBBox(CModelInstance &mi,HTREEITEM hParent) { #pragma message(">> Remove AddAllFramesBBox") // add all frames bounding box ColisionBox &cb = mi.mi_cbAllFramesBBox; HTREEITEM hAllFramesBBox = m_TreeCtrl.InsertItem( TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE , L"", 6, 6, TVIS_SELECTED, TVIF_STATE, 0, hParent, 0); m_TreeCtrl.SetItemText(hAllFramesBBox,L"All frames BBox"); m_TreeCtrl.SetItemData(hAllFramesBBox,AddNode(NT_ALLFRAMESBBOX,&cb,&mi)); } // add anim set to tree view HTREEITEM CDlgBarTreeView::AddAnimSet(CModelInstance &mi,HTREEITEM hParent) { INDEX ctas = mi.mi_aAnimSet.Count(); // for each animset for(INDEX ias=0;ias<ctas;ias++) { CAnimSet &as = mi.mi_aAnimSet[ias]; INDEX ctan = as.as_Anims.Count(); CTString strAnimSetName; strAnimSetName.PrintF("%s [%d]",(const char*)(as.GetName()).FileName(),ctan); HTREEITEM hAnimSet = m_TreeCtrl.InsertItem( TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE , L"", 9, 9, TVIS_SELECTED, TVIF_STATE, 0, hParent, 0); m_TreeCtrl.SetItemText(hAnimSet,CString(strAnimSetName)); m_TreeCtrl.SetItemData(hAnimSet,AddNode(NT_ANIMSET,&as,&mi)); // for each anim for(INDEX ian=0;ian<ctan;ian++) { Animation &an = as.as_Anims[ian]; CTString strAnimName; //strAnimName.PrintF("%s [%d]",(const char*)ska_GetStringFromTable(an.an_iID),an.an_iFrames); strAnimName.PrintF("%s [%d]",(const char*)ska_GetStringFromTable(an.an_iID),an.an_iFrames); HTREEITEM hAnim = m_TreeCtrl.InsertItem( TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE , L"", 9, 9, TVIS_SELECTED, TVIF_STATE, 0, hAnimSet, 0); m_TreeCtrl.SetItemText(hAnim,CString(strAnimName)); m_TreeCtrl.SetItemData(hAnim,AddNode(NT_ANIMATION,&an,&mi)); INDEX ctbe=an.an_abeBones.Count(); for(INDEX ibe=0;ibe<ctbe;ibe++) { BoneEnvelope &be = an.an_abeBones[ibe]; CTString strBoneEnvName; CTString strBoneName = ska_GetStringFromTable(be.be_iBoneID); INDEX ctr = be.be_arRot.Count(); if(an.an_bCompresed) ctr = be.be_arRotOpt.Count(); strBoneEnvName.PrintF("%s [%d]-[%d]",(const char*)strBoneName,ctr,be.be_apPos.Count()); HTREEITEM hBoneEnv = m_TreeCtrl.InsertItem(TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE , L"", 9, 9, TVIS_SELECTED, TVIF_STATE, 0, hAnim, 0); m_TreeCtrl.SetItemText(hBoneEnv,CString(strBoneEnvName)); m_TreeCtrl.SetItemData(hBoneEnv,AddNode(NT_ANIM_BONEENV,&be,&mi)); } } } return 0; } // add all model instances to combo box void CDlgBarTreeView::FillParentDropDown(CModelInstance *pmi) { if(pmi == NULL) return; CComboBox *cbParentList = ((CComboBox*)m_dlgParent.GetDlgItem(IDC_CB_PARENTMODEL)); INDEX iItem = cbParentList->AddString(CString(pmi->GetName())); cbParentList->SetItemDataPtr(iItem,pmi); // add all children to combo box INDEX ctmi = pmi->mi_cmiChildren.Count(); for(INDEX imi=0;imi<ctmi;imi++) { FillParentDropDown(&pmi->mi_cmiChildren[imi]); } } // find out how many children from root to selected item BOOL CDlgBarTreeView::RememberSelectedItem(HTREEITEM hParent,HTREEITEM hSelected) { if(hParent==NULL) return FALSE; HTREEITEM hChild = m_TreeCtrl.GetChildItem(hParent); INDEX ctLoops = 0; while(hChild != NULL) { ctLoops++; if(m_TreeCtrl.ItemHasChildren(hChild)) { if(RememberSelectedItem(hChild,hSelected)) { INDEX &iCur = _aSelectItem.Push(); iCur = ctLoops; return TRUE; } } if(hChild == hSelected) { INDEX &iCur = _aSelectItem.Push(); iCur = ctLoops; return TRUE; } hChild = m_TreeCtrl.GetNextSiblingItem(hChild); } return FALSE; } // use previously filed array of child depth to reach selected item BOOL CDlgBarTreeView::ReselectItem(HTREEITEM hParent) { INDEX ctrec=_aSelectItem.Count(); // from last to first HTREEITEM hChild = hParent; // if child is NULL select his parent and return // loop filled array of recursion depth for selected item for(INDEX irec=ctrec-1;irec>=0;irec--) { HTREEITEM hRet = m_TreeCtrl.GetChildItem(hChild); if(hRet == NULL) { m_TreeCtrl.SelectItem(hChild); return FALSE; } else hChild = hRet; INDEX cti=_aSelectItem[irec]; for(INDEX i=0;i<cti-1;i++) { HTREEITEM hRet = m_TreeCtrl.GetNextSiblingItem(hChild); if(hRet == NULL) { m_TreeCtrl.SelectItem(hChild); return FALSE; } else hChild = hRet; } } if(hChild != NULL) { m_TreeCtrl.SelectItem(hChild); } return TRUE; } // update tree view containing whole hierarchy of model instance void CDlgBarTreeView::UpdateModelInstInfo(CModelInstance *pmi) { m_TreeCtrl.SetRedraw(FALSE); // ShowControlGroup(-1); HTREEITEM htSelectedItem = m_TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem(); HTREEITEM hRoot = m_TreeCtrl.GetRootItem(); CTString strRoot; // if root item exists if(hRoot!=NULL) { // remember its name strRoot = CStringA(m_TreeCtrl.GetItemText(hRoot)); } // clear array for selected item _aSelectItem.PopAll(); _aiSelectedMeshSurfaces.PopAll(); // get current selected item and fill array of depths how to reach it RememberSelectedItem(hRoot,htSelectedItem); theApp.iSelectedBoneID = -1; INDEX iSelIndex=0; NodeInfo niSelected; if(htSelectedItem != NULL) { iSelIndex = m_TreeCtrl.GetItemData(htSelectedItem); niSelected = theApp.aNodeInfo[iSelIndex]; } m_TreeCtrl.DeleteAllItems(); theApp.aNodeInfo.PopAll(); // reset combo box ((CComboBox*)m_dlgParent.GetDlgItem(IDC_CB_PARENTMODEL))->ResetContent(); if(pmi == NULL) { m_TreeCtrl.SetRedraw(TRUE); return; } // fill combo with all parents FillParentDropDown(pmi); // fill tree ctrl with all hierarchy HTREEITEM hParent = AddModelInst(*pmi,NULL,TVI_ROOT); // get name of root item CTString strNewRoot = CStringA(m_TreeCtrl.GetItemText(hParent)); // if root item name is different then old root item name clear selection if(strRoot != strNewRoot && strRoot.Length() > 0) _aSelectItem.PopAll(); if(_aSelectItem.Count() > 0) { // try to select item that was selected before reloading ReselectItem(hParent); } else { // select hParent m_TreeCtrl.SelectItem(hParent); } m_TreeCtrl.SetRedraw(TRUE); } // check custom seconds per frame check box void CDlgBarTreeView::CheckSecPerFrameCtrl(BOOL bCheck) { ((CButton*)m_dlgAnimSet.GetDlgItem(IDC_CB_SECPERFRAME))->SetCheck(bCheck); m_dlgAnimSet.GetDlgItem(IDC_EB_SECPERFRAME)->EnableWindow(bCheck); } // change tab in tab control void CDlgBarTreeView::OnSelchangeModeSelectTab(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { // CTabCtrl* pTab = (CTabCtrl*)GetDlgItem(IDC_MODE_SELECT_TAB); // ShowControlGroup(pTab->GetCurSel()); *pResult = 0; } // expand all model instances in tree view void CDlgBarTreeView::ExpandAllModelInstances(HTREEITEM hItem) { INDEX iIndex = m_TreeCtrl.GetItemData(hItem); NodeInfo &ni = theApp.aNodeInfo[iIndex]; // it this item is model instance if(ni.ni_iType == NT_MODELINSTANCE) { // expand it m_TreeCtrl.Expand(hItem,TVE_EXPAND); } // check if current item has children if(m_TreeCtrl.ItemHasChildren(hItem)) { HTREEITEM hChild = m_TreeCtrl.GetChildItem(hItem); while(TRUE) { // expand all model instance in this child ExpandAllModelInstances(hChild); // get next item hChild = m_TreeCtrl.GetNextSiblingItem(hChild); if(hChild==NULL) { break; } } } } // put all bones of selected skeleton in combo box void CDlgBarTreeView::FillBonesToComboBox(CSkeleton *pskl,INDEX iSelectedIndex) { // delete all bones from combo box ((CComboBox*)m_dlgParent.GetDlgItem(IDC_CB_PARENTBONE))->ResetContent(); // if skeleton does not exist return if(pskl == NULL) return; // count skeleton lods INDEX ctslod = pskl->skl_aSkeletonLODs.Count(); if(ctslod<1) return; SkeletonLOD *pslod = &pskl->skl_aSkeletonLODs[0]; // if lod doesnt exist return; if(pslod == NULL) return; // count bones in skeleton lod INDEX ctsb = pslod->slod_aBones.Count(); // for each bone in skeleton lod for(INDEX isb=0;isb<ctsb;isb++) { SkeletonBone &sb = pslod->slod_aBones[isb]; // add bone to combo box ((CComboBox*)m_dlgParent.GetDlgItem(IDC_CB_PARENTBONE))->AddString(CString(ska_GetStringFromTable(sb.sb_iID))); } ((CComboBox*)m_dlgParent.GetDlgItem(IDC_CB_PARENTBONE))->SetCurSel(iSelectedIndex); } // set text for 'custom' tab in tab control void CDlgBarTreeView::SetCustomTabText(wchar_t *strText) { // fill tab control item TCITEM tcitem; memset(&tcitem,0,sizeof(tcitem)); tcitem.mask = TCIF_TEXT; tcitem.cchTextMax = 256; tcitem.pszText = strText; ((CTabCtrl*)GetDlgItem(IDC_MODE_SELECT_TAB))->SetItem(2,&tcitem); } // reset all controls on dialog void CDlgBarTreeView::ResetControls() { m_TreeCtrl.DeleteAllItems(); m_TreeCtrl.hLastSelected = NULL; GetDlgItem(IDC_SELECTEDMI)->SetWindowText(L"(none)"); ((CComboBox*)m_dlgParent.GetDlgItem(IDC_CB_PARENTBONE))->ResetContent(); ((CComboBox*)m_dlgParent.GetDlgItem(IDC_CB_PARENTMODEL))->ResetContent(); ((CButton*)m_dlgAnimSet.GetDlgItem(IDC_CB_COMPRESION))->SetCheck(FALSE); CheckSecPerFrameCtrl(FALSE); ShowControlGroup(-1); m_tbOffPosX.SetWindowText(L""); m_tbOffPosY.SetWindowText(L""); m_tbOffPosZ.SetWindowText(L""); m_tbOffRotH.SetWindowText(L""); m_tbOffRotP.SetWindowText(L""); m_tbOffRotB.SetWindowText(L""); m_tbTreshold.SetWindowText(L""); m_tbAnimSpeed.SetWindowText(L""); m_tbColName.SetWindowText(L""); m_tbColWidth.SetWindowText(L""); m_tbColHeight.SetWindowText(L""); m_tbColLength.SetWindowText(L""); m_tbColPosX.SetWindowText(L""); m_tbColPosY.SetWindowText(L""); m_tbColPosZ.SetWindowText(L""); m_tbDistance.SetWindowText(L""); //GET_CTRL(IDC_CB_TEXNAME)->SetWindowText(""); } void CDlgBarTreeView::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { /* // if app has initialized if(theApp.bAppInitialized) { // adjust splitter AdjustSplitter(); } */ CDlgTemplate::OnSize(nType, cx, cy); }