/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. All rights reserved. */ #include "Engine/StdH.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include CStaticStackArray _armRenderModels; // texture used for simple model shadows CTextureObject _toSimpleModelShadow; static INDEX _iRenderingType = 0; // 0=none, 1=view, 2=mask extern FLOAT mdl_fLODMul; extern FLOAT mdl_fLODAdd; extern INDEX mdl_iShadowQuality; CAnyProjection3D _aprProjection; CDrawPort *_pdp = NULL; UBYTE *_pubMask = NULL; SLONG _slMaskWidth = 0; SLONG _slMaskHeight = 0; static enum FPUPrecisionType _fpuOldPrecision; // begin/end model rendering to screen void BeginModelRenderingView( CAnyProjection3D &prProjection, CDrawPort *pdp) { ASSERT( _iRenderingType==0 && _pdp==NULL); // set 3D projection _iRenderingType = 1; _pdp = pdp; prProjection->ObjectPlacementL() = CPlacement3D(FLOAT3D(0,0,0), ANGLE3D(0,0,0)); prProjection->Prepare(); // in case of mirror projection, move mirror clip plane a bit father from the mirrored models, // so we have less clipping (for instance, player feet) if( prProjection->pr_bMirror) prProjection->pr_plMirrorView.pl_distance -= 0.06f; // -0.06 is because entire projection is offseted by +0.05 _aprProjection = prProjection; _pdp->SetProjection( _aprProjection); // make FPU precision low _fpuOldPrecision = GetFPUPrecision(); SetFPUPrecision(FPT_24BIT); // prepare common arrays for simple shadows rendering _avtxCommon.PopAll(); _atexCommon.PopAll(); _acolCommon.PopAll(); // eventually setup truform extern INDEX gap_bForceTruform; extern INDEX ogl_bTruformLinearNormals; if( ogl_bTruformLinearNormals) ogl_bTruformLinearNormals = 1; if( gap_bForceTruform) { gap_bForceTruform = 1; gfxSetTruform( _pGfx->gl_iTessellationLevel, ogl_bTruformLinearNormals); } } void EndModelRenderingView( BOOL bRestoreOrtho/*=TRUE*/) { ASSERT( _iRenderingType==1 && _pdp!=NULL); // assure that FPU precision was low all the model rendering time, then revert to old FPU precision ASSERT( GetFPUPrecision()==FPT_24BIT); SetFPUPrecision(_fpuOldPrecision); // restore front face direction gfxFrontFace(GFX_CCW); // render all batched shadows extern void RenderBatchedSimpleShadows_View(void); RenderBatchedSimpleShadows_View(); // back to 2D projection? if( bRestoreOrtho) _pdp->SetOrtho(); _iRenderingType = 0; _pdp = NULL; // eventually disable re-enable clipping gfxEnableClipping(); if( _aprProjection->pr_bMirror || _aprProjection->pr_bWarp) gfxEnableClipPlane(); } // begin/end model rendering to shadow mask void BeginModelRenderingMask( CAnyProjection3D &prProjection, UBYTE *pubMask, SLONG slMaskWidth, SLONG slMaskHeight) { ASSERT( _iRenderingType==0); _iRenderingType = 2; _aprProjection = prProjection; _pubMask = pubMask; _slMaskWidth = slMaskWidth; _slMaskHeight = slMaskHeight; } void EndModelRenderingMask(void) { ASSERT( _iRenderingType==2); _iRenderingType = 0; } // calculate models bounding box (needed for simple shadows and trivial rejection of in-fog/haze-case) static void CalculateBoundingBox( CModelObject *pmo, CRenderModel &rm) { if( rm.rm_ulFlags & RMF_BBOXSET) return; // get model's data and lerp info rm.rm_pmdModelData = (CModelData*)pmo->GetData(); pmo->GetFrame( rm.rm_iFrame0, rm.rm_iFrame1, rm.rm_fRatio); // calculate projection model bounding box in object space const FLOAT3D &vMin0 = rm.rm_pmdModelData->md_FrameInfos[rm.rm_iFrame0].mfi_Box.Min(); const FLOAT3D &vMax0 = rm.rm_pmdModelData->md_FrameInfos[rm.rm_iFrame0].mfi_Box.Max(); const FLOAT3D &vMin1 = rm.rm_pmdModelData->md_FrameInfos[rm.rm_iFrame1].mfi_Box.Min(); const FLOAT3D &vMax1 = rm.rm_pmdModelData->md_FrameInfos[rm.rm_iFrame1].mfi_Box.Max(); rm.rm_vObjectMinBB = Lerp( vMin0, vMin1, rm.rm_fRatio); rm.rm_vObjectMaxBB = Lerp( vMax0, vMax1, rm.rm_fRatio); rm.rm_vObjectMinBB(1) *= pmo->mo_Stretch(1); rm.rm_vObjectMaxBB(1) *= pmo->mo_Stretch(1); rm.rm_vObjectMinBB(2) *= pmo->mo_Stretch(2); rm.rm_vObjectMaxBB(2) *= pmo->mo_Stretch(2); rm.rm_vObjectMinBB(3) *= pmo->mo_Stretch(3); rm.rm_vObjectMaxBB(3) *= pmo->mo_Stretch(3); rm.rm_ulFlags |= RMF_BBOXSET; } CRenderModel::CRenderModel(void) { rm_ulFlags = 0; rm_colBlend = C_WHITE|0xFF; (INDEX&)rm_fDistanceFactor = 12345678; // mip factor readjustment needed rm_iTesselationLevel = 0; } CRenderModel::~CRenderModel(void) { if( !(rm_ulFlags&RMF_ATTACHMENT)) _armRenderModels.PopAll(); } // set placement of the object void CRenderModel::SetObjectPlacement( const CPlacement3D &pl) { rm_vObjectPosition = pl.pl_PositionVector; MakeRotationMatrixFast( rm_mObjectRotation, pl.pl_OrientationAngle); } void CRenderModel::SetObjectPlacement( const FLOAT3D &v, const FLOATmatrix3D &m) { rm_vObjectPosition = v; rm_mObjectRotation = m; } // set modelview matrix if not already set void CRenderModel::SetModelView(void) { _pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_SETMODELVIEW); _pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_SETMODELVIEW); // adjust clipping to frustum if( rm_ulFlags & RMF_INSIDE) gfxDisableClipping(); else gfxEnableClipping(); // adjust clipping to mirror-plane (if any) extern INDEX gap_iOptimizeClipping; if( gap_iOptimizeClipping>0 && (_aprProjection->pr_bMirror || _aprProjection->pr_bWarp)) { if( rm_ulFlags & RMF_INMIRROR) gfxDisableClipPlane(); else gfxEnableClipPlane(); } // make transform matrix const FLOATmatrix3D &m = rm_mObjectToView; const FLOAT3D &v = rm_vObjectToView; FLOAT glm[16]; glm[0] = m(1,1); glm[4] = m(1,2); glm[ 8] = m(1,3); glm[12] = v(1); glm[1] = m(2,1); glm[5] = m(2,2); glm[ 9] = m(2,3); glm[13] = v(2); glm[2] = m(3,1); glm[6] = m(3,2); glm[10] = m(3,3); glm[14] = v(3); glm[3] = 0; glm[7] = 0; glm[11] = 0; glm[15] = 1; gfxSetViewMatrix(glm); // all done _pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_SETMODELVIEW); } // transform a vertex in model with lerping void CModelObject::UnpackVertex( CRenderModel &rm, const INDEX iVertex, FLOAT3D &vVertex) { if( ((CModelData*)GetData())->md_Flags & MF_COMPRESSED_16BIT) { // get 16 bit packed vertices const SWPOINT3D &vsw0 = rm.rm_pFrame16_0[iVertex].mfv_SWPoint; const SWPOINT3D &vsw1 = rm.rm_pFrame16_1[iVertex].mfv_SWPoint; // convert them to float and lerp between them vVertex(1) = (Lerp( (FLOAT)vsw0(1), (FLOAT)vsw1(1), rm.rm_fRatio) -rm.rm_vOffset(1)) * rm.rm_vStretch(1); vVertex(2) = (Lerp( (FLOAT)vsw0(2), (FLOAT)vsw1(2), rm.rm_fRatio) -rm.rm_vOffset(2)) * rm.rm_vStretch(2); vVertex(3) = (Lerp( (FLOAT)vsw0(3), (FLOAT)vsw1(3), rm.rm_fRatio) -rm.rm_vOffset(3)) * rm.rm_vStretch(3); } else { // get 8 bit packed vertices const SBPOINT3D &vsb0 = rm.rm_pFrame8_0[iVertex].mfv_SBPoint; const SBPOINT3D &vsb1 = rm.rm_pFrame8_1[iVertex].mfv_SBPoint; // convert them to float and lerp between them vVertex(1) = (Lerp( (FLOAT)vsb0(1), (FLOAT)vsb1(1), rm.rm_fRatio) -rm.rm_vOffset(1)) * rm.rm_vStretch(1); vVertex(2) = (Lerp( (FLOAT)vsb0(2), (FLOAT)vsb1(2), rm.rm_fRatio) -rm.rm_vOffset(2)) * rm.rm_vStretch(2); vVertex(3) = (Lerp( (FLOAT)vsb0(3), (FLOAT)vsb1(3), rm.rm_fRatio) -rm.rm_vOffset(3)) * rm.rm_vStretch(3); } } // Create render model structure for rendering an attached model BOOL CModelObject::CreateAttachment( CRenderModel &rmMain, CAttachmentModelObject &amo) { _pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_CREATEATTACHMENT); _pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_CREATEATTACHMENT); CRenderModel &rmAttached = *amo.amo_prm; rmAttached.rm_ulFlags = rmMain.rm_ulFlags&(RMF_FOG|RMF_HAZE|RMF_WEAPON) | RMF_ATTACHMENT; // get the position rmMain.rm_pmdModelData->md_aampAttachedPosition.Lock(); const CAttachedModelPosition & = rmMain.rm_pmdModelData->md_aampAttachedPosition[amo.amo_iAttachedPosition]; rmMain.rm_pmdModelData->md_aampAttachedPosition.Unlock(); // copy common values rmAttached.rm_vLightDirection = rmMain.rm_vLightDirection; rmAttached.rm_fDistanceFactor = rmMain.rm_fDistanceFactor; rmAttached.rm_colLight = rmMain.rm_colLight; rmAttached.rm_colAmbient = rmMain.rm_colAmbient; rmAttached.rm_colBlend = rmMain.rm_colBlend; // unpack the reference vertices FLOAT3D vCenter, vFront, vUp; const INDEX iCenter = amp.amp_iCenterVertex; const INDEX iFront = amp.amp_iFrontVertex; const INDEX iUp = amp.amp_iUpVertex; UnpackVertex( rmMain, iCenter, vCenter); UnpackVertex( rmMain, iFront, vFront); UnpackVertex( rmMain, iUp, vUp); // create front and up direction vectors FLOAT3D vY = vUp - vCenter; FLOAT3D vZ = vCenter - vFront; // project center and directions from object to absolute space const FLOATmatrix3D &mO2A = rmMain.rm_mObjectRotation; const FLOAT3D &vO2A = rmMain.rm_vObjectPosition; vCenter = vCenter*mO2A +vO2A; vY = vY *mO2A; vZ = vZ *mO2A; // make a rotation matrix from the direction vectors FLOAT3D vX = vY*vZ; vY = vZ*vX; vX.Normalize(); vY.Normalize(); vZ.Normalize(); FLOATmatrix3D mOrientation; mOrientation(1,1) = vX(1); mOrientation(1,2) = vY(1); mOrientation(1,3) = vZ(1); mOrientation(2,1) = vX(2); mOrientation(2,2) = vY(2); mOrientation(2,3) = vZ(2); mOrientation(3,1) = vX(3); mOrientation(3,2) = vY(3); mOrientation(3,3) = vZ(3); // adjust for relative placement of the attachment FLOAT3D vOffset; FLOATmatrix3D mRelative; MakeRotationMatrixFast( mRelative, amo.amo_plRelative.pl_OrientationAngle); vOffset(1) = amo.amo_plRelative.pl_PositionVector(1) * mo_Stretch(1); vOffset(2) = amo.amo_plRelative.pl_PositionVector(2) * mo_Stretch(2); vOffset(3) = amo.amo_plRelative.pl_PositionVector(3) * mo_Stretch(3); FLOAT3D vO = vCenter + vOffset * mOrientation; mOrientation *= mRelative; // convert absolute to relative orientation rmAttached.SetObjectPlacement( vO, mOrientation); // done here if clipping optimizations are not allowed extern INDEX gap_iOptimizeClipping; if( gap_iOptimizeClipping<1) { gap_iOptimizeClipping = 0; _pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_CREATEATTACHMENT); return TRUE; } // test attachment to frustum and/or mirror FLOAT3D vHandle; _aprProjection->PreClip( vO, vHandle); CalculateBoundingBox( &amo.amo_moModelObject, rmAttached); // compose view-space bounding box and sphere of an attacment const FLOAT fR = Max( rmAttached.rm_vObjectMinBB.Length(), rmAttached.rm_vObjectMaxBB.Length()); const FLOATobbox3D boxEntity( FLOATaabbox3D(rmAttached.rm_vObjectMinBB, rmAttached.rm_vObjectMaxBB), vHandle, _aprProjection->pr_ViewerRotationMatrix*mOrientation); // frustum test? if( gap_iOptimizeClipping>1) { // test sphere against frustrum INDEX iFrustumTest = _aprProjection->TestSphereToFrustum(vHandle,fR); if( iFrustumTest==0) { // test box if sphere cut one of frustum planes iFrustumTest = _aprProjection->TestBoxToFrustum(boxEntity); } // mark if attachment is fully inside frustum if( iFrustumTest>0) rmAttached.rm_ulFlags |= RMF_INSIDE; else if( iFrustumTest<0) { // if completely outside of frustum // signal skip rendering only if doesn't have any attachments _pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_CREATEATTACHMENT); return !amo.amo_moModelObject.mo_lhAttachments.IsEmpty(); } } // test sphere against mirror/warp plane (if any) if( _aprProjection->pr_bMirror || _aprProjection->pr_bWarp) { INDEX iMirrorPlaneTest; const FLOAT fPlaneDistance = _aprProjection->pr_plMirrorView.PointDistance(vHandle); if( fPlaneDistance < -fR) iMirrorPlaneTest = -1; else if( fPlaneDistance > +fR) iMirrorPlaneTest = +1; else { // test box if sphere cut mirror plane iMirrorPlaneTest = (INDEX) (boxEntity.TestAgainstPlane(_aprProjection->pr_plMirrorView)); } // mark if attachment is fully inside mirror if( iMirrorPlaneTest>0) rmAttached.rm_ulFlags |= RMF_INMIRROR; else if( iMirrorPlaneTest<0) { // if completely outside mirror // signal skip rendering only if doesn't have any attachments _pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_CREATEATTACHMENT); return !amo.amo_moModelObject.mo_lhAttachments.IsEmpty(); } } // all done _pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_CREATEATTACHMENT); return TRUE; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Render model using preferences given trough _mrpModelRenderPrefs global variable */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // transform model to view space static void PrepareView( CRenderModel &rm) { // prepare projections const FLOATmatrix3D &mViewer = _aprProjection->pr_ViewerRotationMatrix; const FLOAT3D &vViewer = _aprProjection->pr_vViewerPosition; FLOATmatrix3D &m = rm.rm_mObjectToView; // if half face forward if( rm.rm_pmdModelData->md_Flags&MF_HALF_FACE_FORWARD) { // get the y-axis vector of object rotation FLOAT3D vY(rm.rm_mObjectRotation(1,2), rm.rm_mObjectRotation(2,2), rm.rm_mObjectRotation(3,2)); // find z axis of viewer FLOAT3D vViewerZ( mViewer(3,1), mViewer(3,2), mViewer(3,3)); // calculate x and z axis vectors to make object head towards viewer FLOAT3D vX = (-vViewerZ)*vY; vX.Normalize(); FLOAT3D vZ = vY*vX; // compose the rotation matrix back from those angles m(1,1) = vX(1); m(1,2) = vY(1); m(1,3) = vZ(1); m(2,1) = vX(2); m(2,2) = vY(2); m(2,3) = vZ(2); m(3,1) = vX(3); m(3,2) = vY(3); m(3,3) = vZ(3); // add viewer rotation to that m = mViewer * m; } // if full face forward else if( rm.rm_pmdModelData->md_Flags&MF_FACE_FORWARD) { // use just object banking for rotation FLOAT fSinP = -rm.rm_mObjectRotation(2,3); FLOAT fCosP = Sqrt(1-fSinP*fSinP); FLOAT fSinB, fCosB; if( fCosP>0.001f) { const FLOAT f1oCosP = 1.0f/fCosP; fSinB = rm.rm_mObjectRotation(2,1)*f1oCosP; fCosB = rm.rm_mObjectRotation(2,2)*f1oCosP; } else { fSinB = 0.0f; fCosB = 1.0f; } m(1,1) = +fCosB; m(1,2) = -fSinB; m(1,3) = 0; m(2,1) = +fSinB; m(2,2) = +fCosB; m(2,3) = 0; m(3,1) = 0; m(3,2) = 0; m(3,3) = 1; } // if normal model else { // use viewer and object orientation m = mViewer * rm.rm_mObjectRotation; } // find translation vector rm.rm_vObjectToView = rm.rm_vObjectPosition - vViewer; rm.rm_vObjectToView *= mViewer; } // render bounding box static void RenderWireframeBox( FLOAT3D vMinVtx, FLOAT3D vMaxVtx, COLOR col) { // only for OpenGL (for now) if( _pGfx->gl_eCurrentAPI!=GAT_OGL) return; // prepare wireframe OpenGL settings gfxDisableDepthTest(); gfxDisableDepthWrite(); gfxDisableBlend(); gfxDisableAlphaTest(); gfxDisableTexture(); // fill vertex array so it represents bounding box FLOAT3D vBoxVtxs[8]; vBoxVtxs[0] = FLOAT3D( vMinVtx(1), vMinVtx(2), vMinVtx(3)); vBoxVtxs[1] = FLOAT3D( vMaxVtx(1), vMinVtx(2), vMinVtx(3)); vBoxVtxs[2] = FLOAT3D( vMaxVtx(1), vMinVtx(2), vMaxVtx(3)); vBoxVtxs[3] = FLOAT3D( vMinVtx(1), vMinVtx(2), vMaxVtx(3)); vBoxVtxs[4] = FLOAT3D( vMinVtx(1), vMaxVtx(2), vMinVtx(3)); vBoxVtxs[5] = FLOAT3D( vMaxVtx(1), vMaxVtx(2), vMinVtx(3)); vBoxVtxs[6] = FLOAT3D( vMaxVtx(1), vMaxVtx(2), vMaxVtx(3)); vBoxVtxs[7] = FLOAT3D( vMinVtx(1), vMaxVtx(2), vMaxVtx(3)); // connect vertices into lines of bounding box INDEX iBoxLines[12][2]; iBoxLines[ 0][0] = 0; iBoxLines[ 0][1] = 1; iBoxLines[ 1][0] = 1; iBoxLines[ 1][1] = 2; iBoxLines[ 2][0] = 2; iBoxLines[ 2][1] = 3; iBoxLines[ 3][0] = 3; iBoxLines[ 3][1] = 0; iBoxLines[ 4][0] = 0; iBoxLines[ 4][1] = 4; iBoxLines[ 5][0] = 1; iBoxLines[ 5][1] = 5; iBoxLines[ 6][0] = 2; iBoxLines[ 6][1] = 6; iBoxLines[ 7][0] = 3; iBoxLines[ 7][1] = 7; iBoxLines[ 8][0] = 4; iBoxLines[ 8][1] = 5; iBoxLines[ 9][0] = 5; iBoxLines[ 9][1] = 6; iBoxLines[10][0] = 6; iBoxLines[10][1] = 7; iBoxLines[11][0] = 7; iBoxLines[11][1] = 4; // for all vertices in bounding box glCOLOR(col); pglBegin( GL_LINES); for( INDEX i=0; i<12; i++) { // get starting and ending vertices of one line FLOAT3D &v0 = vBoxVtxs[iBoxLines[i][0]]; FLOAT3D &v1 = vBoxVtxs[iBoxLines[i][1]]; pglVertex3f( v0(1), v0(2), v0(3)); pglVertex3f( v1(1), v1(2), v1(3)); } pglEnd(); OGL_CHECKERROR; } // setup CRenderModel class for rendering one model and eventually it's shadow(s) void CModelObject::SetupModelRendering( CRenderModel &rm) { _sfStats.IncrementCounter( CStatForm::SCI_MODELS); _pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_INITMODELRENDERING); _pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_INITMODELRENDERING); // get model's data and lerp info rm.rm_pmdModelData = (CModelData*)GetData(); GetFrame( rm.rm_iFrame0, rm.rm_iFrame1, rm.rm_fRatio); const INDEX ctVertices = rm.rm_pmdModelData->md_VerticesCt; if( rm.rm_pmdModelData->md_Flags & MF_COMPRESSED_16BIT) { // set pFrame to point to last and next frames' vertices rm.rm_pFrame16_0 = &rm.rm_pmdModelData->md_FrameVertices16[rm.rm_iFrame0 *ctVertices]; rm.rm_pFrame16_1 = &rm.rm_pmdModelData->md_FrameVertices16[rm.rm_iFrame1 *ctVertices]; } else { // set pFrame to point to last and next frames' vertices rm.rm_pFrame8_0 = &rm.rm_pmdModelData->md_FrameVertices8[rm.rm_iFrame0 *ctVertices]; rm.rm_pFrame8_1 = &rm.rm_pmdModelData->md_FrameVertices8[rm.rm_iFrame1 *ctVertices]; } // obtain current rendering preferences rm.rm_rtRenderType = _mrpModelRenderPrefs.GetRenderType(); // remember blending color rm.rm_colBlend = MulColors( rm.rm_colBlend, mo_colBlendColor); // get decompression/stretch factors FLOAT3D &vDataStretch = rm.rm_pmdModelData->md_Stretch; rm.rm_vStretch(1) = vDataStretch(1) * mo_Stretch(1); rm.rm_vStretch(2) = vDataStretch(2) * mo_Stretch(2); rm.rm_vStretch(3) = vDataStretch(3) * mo_Stretch(3); rm.rm_vOffset = rm.rm_pmdModelData->md_vCompressedCenter; // check if object is inverted (in mirror) BOOL bXInverted = rm.rm_vStretch(1) < 0; BOOL bYInverted = rm.rm_vStretch(2) < 0; BOOL bZInverted = rm.rm_vStretch(3) < 0; rm.rm_ulFlags &= ~RMF_INVERTED; if( bXInverted != bYInverted != bZInverted != _aprProjection->pr_bInverted) rm.rm_ulFlags |= RMF_INVERTED; // prepare projections _pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_INITPROJECTION); _pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_INITPROJECTION); PrepareView(rm); _pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_INITPROJECTION); // get mip factor from projection (if needed) if( (INDEX&)rm.rm_fDistanceFactor==12345678) { FLOAT3D vObjectAbs; _aprProjection->PreClip( rm.rm_vObjectPosition, vObjectAbs); rm.rm_fDistanceFactor = _aprProjection->MipFactor( Min(vObjectAbs(3), 0.0f)); } // adjust mip factor in case of dynamic stretch factor if( mo_Stretch != FLOAT3D(1,1,1)) { rm.rm_fMipFactor = rm.rm_fDistanceFactor - Log2( Max(mo_Stretch(1),Max(mo_Stretch(2),mo_Stretch(3)))); } else { rm.rm_fMipFactor = rm.rm_fDistanceFactor; } // adjust mip factor by custom settings rm.rm_fMipFactor = rm.rm_fMipFactor*mdl_fLODMul +mdl_fLODAdd; // get current mip model using mip factor rm.rm_iMipLevel = GetMipModel( rm.rm_fMipFactor); mo_iLastRenderMipLevel = rm.rm_iMipLevel; // get current vertices mask rm.rm_pmmiMip = &rm.rm_pmdModelData->md_MipInfos[rm.rm_iMipLevel]; // don't allow any shading, if shading is turned off if( rm.rm_rtRenderType & RT_SHADING_NONE) { rm.rm_colAmbient = C_WHITE|CT_OPAQUE; rm.rm_colLight = C_BLACK; } // calculate light vector as seen from model, so that vertex normals // do not need to be transformed for lighting calculations FLOAT fLightDirection=(rm.rm_vLightDirection).Length(); if( fLightDirection>0.001f) { rm.rm_vLightDirection /= fLightDirection; } else { rm.rm_vLightDirection = FLOAT3D(0,0,0); } rm.rm_vLightObj = rm.rm_vLightDirection * !rm.rm_mObjectRotation; // precalculate rendering data if needed extern void PrepareModelForRendering( CModelData &md); PrepareModelForRendering( *rm.rm_pmdModelData); // done with setup if viewing from this model if( rm.rm_ulFlags&RMF_SPECTATOR) { _pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_INITMODELRENDERING); return; } _pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_INITATTACHMENTS); // for each attachment on this model object FOREACHINLIST( CAttachmentModelObject, amo_lnInMain, mo_lhAttachments, itamo) { _pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_INITATTACHMENTS); CAttachmentModelObject *pamo = itamo; // create new render model structure pamo->amo_prm = &_armRenderModels.Push(); const BOOL bVisible = CreateAttachment( rm, *pamo); if( !bVisible) { // skip if not visible pamo->amo_prm = NULL; _armRenderModels.Pop(); continue; } // prepare if visible _pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_INITMODELRENDERING); _pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_INITATTACHMENTS); pamo->amo_moModelObject.SetupModelRendering( *pamo->amo_prm); _pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_INITATTACHMENTS); _pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_INITMODELRENDERING); } // all done _pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_INITATTACHMENTS); _pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_INITMODELRENDERING); } // render model void CModelObject::RenderModel( CRenderModel &rm) { // skip invisible models if( mo_Stretch == FLOAT3D(0,0,0)) return; _pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_RENDERMODEL); _pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_RENDERMODEL); // cluster shadows rendering? if( _iRenderingType==2) { RenderModel_Mask(rm); _pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_RENDERMODEL); return; } ASSERT( _iRenderingType==1); // if we should draw polygons and model if( !(rm.rm_ulFlags&RMF_SPECTATOR) && (!(rm.rm_rtRenderType&RT_NO_POLYGON_FILL) || (rm.rm_rtRenderType&RT_WIRE_ON) || (rm.rm_rtRenderType&RT_HIDDEN_LINES)) ) { // eventually calculate projection model bounding box in object space (needed for fog/haze trivial rejection) if( rm.rm_ulFlags&(RMF_FOG|RMF_HAZE)) CalculateBoundingBox( this, rm); // render complete model rm.SetModelView(); RenderModel_View(rm); } // if we should draw current frame bounding box if( _mrpModelRenderPrefs.BBoxFrameVisible()) { // get min and max coordinates of bounding box FLOAT3D vMin = rm.rm_pmdModelData->md_FrameInfos[rm.rm_iFrame0].mfi_Box.Min(); FLOAT3D vMax = rm.rm_pmdModelData->md_FrameInfos[rm.rm_iFrame0].mfi_Box.Max(); rm.SetModelView(); RenderWireframeBox( vMin, vMax, C_dMAGENTA|CT_OPAQUE); } // if we should draw all frames bounding box if( _mrpModelRenderPrefs.BBoxAllVisible()) { // calculate all frames bounding box FLOATaabbox3D aabbMax; for( INDEX i=0; imd_FramesCt; i++) { aabbMax |= rm.rm_pmdModelData->md_FrameInfos[i].mfi_Box; } // pass min and max coordinates of all frames bounding box rm.SetModelView(); RenderWireframeBox( aabbMax.Min(), aabbMax.Max(), C_dGRAY|CT_OPAQUE); } // render each attachment on this model object FOREACHINLIST( CAttachmentModelObject, amo_lnInMain, mo_lhAttachments, itamo) { // calculate bounding box of an attachment CAttachmentModelObject *pamo = itamo; if( pamo->amo_prm==NULL) continue; // skip view-rejected attachments _pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_RENDERMODEL); pamo->amo_moModelObject.RenderModel( *pamo->amo_prm); _pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_RENDERMODEL); } // done _pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_RENDERMODEL); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Render shadow of model */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CModelObject::RenderShadow( CRenderModel &rm, const CPlacement3D &plLight, const FLOAT fFallOff, const FLOAT fHotSpot, const FLOAT fIntensity, const FLOATplane3D &plShadowPlane) { // if shadows are not rendered for current mip or model is half/full face-forward, do nothing if( !HasShadow(rm.rm_iMipLevel) || (rm.rm_pmdModelData->md_Flags&(MF_FACE_FORWARD|MF_HALF_FACE_FORWARD))) return; ASSERT( _iRenderingType==1); ASSERT( fIntensity>=0 && fIntensity<=1); _pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_RENDERSHADOW); _pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_RENDERSHADOW); _sfStats.IncrementCounter( CStatForm::SCI_MODELSHADOWS); // call driver function for drawing shadows rm.SetModelView(); RenderShadow_View( rm, plLight, fFallOff, fHotSpot, fIntensity, plShadowPlane); // render shadow or each attachment on this model object FOREACHINLIST( CAttachmentModelObject, amo_lnInMain, mo_lhAttachments, itamo) { CAttachmentModelObject *pamo = itamo; if( pamo->amo_prm==NULL) continue; // skip view-rejected attachments _pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_RENDERSHADOW); pamo->amo_moModelObject.RenderShadow( *pamo->amo_prm, plLight, fFallOff, fHotSpot, fIntensity, plShadowPlane); _pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_RENDERSHADOW); } _pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_RENDERSHADOW); } // simple shadow rendering void CModelObject::AddSimpleShadow( CRenderModel &rm, const FLOAT fIntensity, const FLOATplane3D &plShadowPlane) { // if shadows are not rendered for current mip, model is half/full face-forward, // intensitiy is too low or projection is not perspective - do nothing! if( !HasShadow(rm.rm_iMipLevel) || fIntensity<0.01f || !_aprProjection.IsPerspective() || (rm.rm_pmdModelData->md_Flags&(MF_FACE_FORWARD|MF_HALF_FACE_FORWARD))) return; ASSERT( _iRenderingType==1); ASSERT( fIntensity>0 && fIntensity<=1); // do some rendering _pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_RENDERSIMPLESHADOW); _pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_RENDERSIMPLESHADOW); _sfStats.IncrementCounter( CStatForm::SCI_MODELSHADOWS); // calculate projection model bounding box in object space (if needed) CalculateBoundingBox( this, rm); // add one simple shadow to batch list AddSimpleShadow_View( rm, fIntensity, plShadowPlane); // all done _pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_RENDERSIMPLESHADOW); }