/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. 
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */

  #pragma once

#include <Engine/Base/Translation.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Lists.h>
#include <Engine/Base/CTString.h>
#include <Engine/Base/FileName.h>
#include <Engine/Base/ErrorReporting.h>
#include <Engine/Templates/DynamicStackArray.h>

// maximum length of file that can be saved (default: 8Mb)
ENGINE_API extern ULONG _ulMaxLengthOfSavingFile;

#define CTSTREAM_BEGIN CTStream::EnableStreamHandling();
#define CTSTREAM_END CTStream::DisableStreamHandling();

 * Chunk ID class
#define CID_LENGTH 4
class ENGINE_API CChunkID {
  char cid_ID[CID_LENGTH+1];
  /* Default constructor and string constructor. */
  inline CChunkID(const char *strString = "    ");
  /* Comparison operator. */
  inline int operator==(const CChunkID &cidOther) const;
  inline int operator!=(const CChunkID &cidOther) const;
  inline operator const char *(void) const { return cid_ID; }
  inline operator char *(void) { return cid_ID; }

// inline implementations
/* Default constructor and string constructor. */
inline CChunkID::CChunkID(const char *strString /*= "    "*/) {
  memcpy(cid_ID, strString, CID_LENGTH+1);
/* Comparison operator. */
inline int CChunkID::operator==(const CChunkID &cidOther) const {
  return (*((ULONG *)&cid_ID[0]) == *((ULONG *)&cidOther.cid_ID[0]));
inline int CChunkID::operator!=(const CChunkID &cidOther) const {
  return (*((ULONG *)&cid_ID[0]) != *((ULONG *)&cidOther.cid_ID[0]));

 * CroTeam stream class -- abstract base class
class ENGINE_API CTStream {
  CListNode strm_lnListNode;  // for linking into main library's list of opened streams
  CTString strm_strStreamDescription; // descriptive string

  enum DictionaryMode {
    DM_NONE,        // no dictionary on this file (yet)
    DM_ENABLED,     // dictionary is enabled, reading/writing rest of file
    DM_PROCESSING,  // reading/writing the dictionary itself
  } strm_dmDictionaryMode;    // dictionary mode of operation on this file
  SLONG strm_slDictionaryPos; // dictionary position in file (0 for no dictionary)
  INDEX strm_ctDictionaryImported;  // how many filenames were imported
  class CNameTable_CTFileName &strm_ntDictionary;  // name table for the dictionary
  CDynamicStackArray<CTFileName> strm_afnmDictionary; // dictionary is stored here

  /* Throw an exception of formatted string. */
  void Throw_t(const char *strFormat, ...); // throw char *
  // read the dictionary from given offset in file (internal function)
  void ReadDictionary_intenal_t(SLONG slOffset);
  // copy filename dictionary from another stream
  void CopyDictionary(CTStream &strmOther);
  // modes for opening streams
  enum OpenMode {
    OM_READ  = 1,
    OM_WRITE = 2,
  enum CreateMode { // OBSOLETE!
    CM_TEXT  = 1,
    CM_BINARY = 2,
  // direction for seeking
  enum SeekDir {

  /* Static function enable stream handling. */
  static void EnableStreamHandling(void);
  /* Static function disable stream handling. */
  static void DisableStreamHandling(void);

  /* Default constructor. */
  /* Destruction. */
  virtual ~CTStream(void);

  /* Check if the stream can be read. -- used mainly for assertions */
  virtual BOOL IsReadable(void) = 0;
  /* Check if the stream can be written. -- used mainly for assertions */
  virtual BOOL IsWriteable(void) = 0;
  /* Check if the stream can be seeked. -- used mainly for assertions */
  virtual BOOL IsSeekable(void) = 0;

  /* Read a block of data from stream. */
  virtual void Read_t(void *pvBuffer, SLONG slSize) = 0; // throw char *
  /* Write a block of data to stream. */
  virtual void Write_t(const void *pvBuffer, SLONG slSize) = 0; // throw char *

  /* Seek in stream. */
  virtual void Seek_t(SLONG slOffset, enum SeekDir sd) = 0; // throw char *
  /* Set absolute position in stream. */
  virtual void SetPos_t(SLONG slPosition) = 0; // throw char *
  /* Get absolute position in stream. */
  virtual SLONG GetPos_t(void) = 0; // throw char *
  /* Get size of stream */
  virtual SLONG GetStreamSize(void) = 0;
  /* Get CRC32 of stream */
  virtual ULONG GetStreamCRC32_t(void) = 0;
  /* Check if file position points to the EOF */
  virtual BOOL AtEOF(void) = 0;

  /* Get description of this stream (e.g. filename for a CFileStream). */
  inline CTString &GetDescription(void) { return strm_strStreamDescription; };

  /* Read an object from stream. */
  inline CTStream &operator>>(UBYTE &ub)  { Read_t(&ub, sizeof(ub)); return *this; } // throw char *
  inline CTStream &operator>>(SBYTE &sb)  { Read_t(&sb, sizeof(sb)); return *this; } // throw char *
  inline CTStream &operator>>(float  &f)  { Read_t( &f, sizeof( f)); BYTESWAP( f); return *this; } // throw char *
  inline CTStream &operator>>(double &d)  { Read_t( &d, sizeof( d)); BYTESWAP( d); return *this; } // throw char *
  inline CTStream &operator>>(ULONG &ul)  { Read_t(&ul, sizeof(ul)); BYTESWAP(ul); return *this; } // throw char *
  inline CTStream &operator>>(SLONG &sl)  { Read_t(&sl, sizeof(sl)); BYTESWAP(sl); return *this; } // throw char *
  inline CTStream &operator>>(UWORD &uw)  { Read_t(&uw, sizeof(uw)); BYTESWAP(uw); return *this; } // throw char *
  inline CTStream &operator>>(SWORD &sw)  { Read_t(&sw, sizeof(sw)); BYTESWAP(sw); return *this; } // throw char *
  //inline CTStream &operator>>(BOOL   &b)  { Read_t( &b, sizeof( b)); BYTESWAP( b); return *this; } // throw char *
  inline CTStream &operator>>(__int64 i)  { Read_t( &i, sizeof( i)); BYTESWAP( i); return *this; } // throw char *
  inline CTStream &operator>>(__uint64 i) { Read_t( &i, sizeof( i)); BYTESWAP( i); return *this; } // throw char *
  /* Write an object into stream. */
  inline CTStream &operator<<(UBYTE ub)  { Write_t(&ub, sizeof(ub)); return *this; } // throw char *
  inline CTStream &operator<<(SBYTE sb)  { Write_t(&sb, sizeof(sb)); return *this; } // throw char *
  inline CTStream &operator<<(float  f)  { BYTESWAP( f); Write_t( &f, sizeof( f)); return *this; } // throw char *
  inline CTStream &operator<<(double d)  { BYTESWAP( d); Write_t( &d, sizeof( d)); return *this; } // throw char *
  inline CTStream &operator<<(ULONG ul)  { BYTESWAP(ul); Write_t(&ul, sizeof(ul)); return *this; } // throw char *
  inline CTStream &operator<<(SLONG sl)  { BYTESWAP(sl); Write_t(&sl, sizeof(sl)); return *this; } // throw char *
  inline CTStream &operator<<(UWORD uw)  { BYTESWAP(uw); Write_t(&uw, sizeof(uw)); return *this; } // throw char *
  inline CTStream &operator<<(SWORD sw)  { BYTESWAP(sw); Write_t(&sw, sizeof(sw)); return *this; } // throw char *
  //inline CTStream &operator<<(BOOL   b)  { BYTESWAP( b); Write_t( &b, sizeof( b)); return *this; } // throw char *
  inline CTStream &operator<<(__int64 i) { BYTESWAP( i); Write_t( &i, sizeof( i)); return *this; } // throw char *
  inline CTStream &operator<<(__uint64 i) { BYTESWAP( i); Write_t( &i, sizeof( i)); return *this; } // throw char *

  // CTFileName reading/writing
  ENGINE_API friend CTStream &operator>>(CTStream &strmStream, CTFileName &fnmFileName);
  ENGINE_API friend CTStream &operator<<(CTStream &strmStream, const CTFileName &fnmFileName);

  /* Put a line of text into stream. */
  virtual void PutLine_t(const char *strBuffer); // throw char *
  virtual void PutString_t(const char *strString); // throw char *
  virtual void FPrintF_t(const char *strFormat, ...); // throw char *
  /* Get a line of text from stream. */
  virtual void GetLine_t(char *strBuffer, SLONG slBufferSize, char cDelimiter='\n'); // throw char *
  virtual void GetLine_t(CTString &strLine, char cDelimiter='\n'); // throw char *

  virtual CChunkID GetID_t(void); // throw char *
  virtual CChunkID PeekID_t(void); // throw char *
  virtual void ExpectID_t(const CChunkID &cidExpected); // throw char *
  virtual void ExpectKeyword_t(const CTString &strKeyword); // throw char *
  virtual SLONG GetSize_t(void); // throw char *
  virtual void ReadRawChunk_t(void *pvBuffer, SLONG slSize); // throw char *
  virtual void ReadChunk_t(void *pvBuffer, SLONG slExpectedSize); // throw char *
  virtual void ReadFullChunk_t(const CChunkID &cidExpected, void *pvBuffer, SLONG slExpectedSize); // throw char *
  virtual void *ReadChunkAlloc_t(SLONG slSize=0); // throw char *
  virtual void ReadStream_t(CTStream &strmOther); // throw char *

  virtual void WriteID_t(const CChunkID &cidSave); // throw char *
  virtual void WriteSize_t(SLONG slSize); // throw char *
  virtual void WriteRawChunk_t(void *pvBuffer, SLONG slSize); // throw char *  // doesn't write length
  virtual void WriteChunk_t(void *pvBuffer, SLONG slSize); // throw char *
  virtual void WriteFullChunk_t(const CChunkID &cidSave, void *pvBuffer, SLONG slSize); // throw char *
  virtual void WriteStream_t(CTStream &strmOther); // throw char *

  // whether or not the given pointer is coming from this stream (mainly used for exception handling)
  virtual BOOL PointerInStream(void* pPointer);

  // filename dictionary operations

  // start writing a with a dictionary
  void DictionaryWriteBegin_t(const CTFileName &fnmImportFrom, SLONG slImportOffset);
  // stop writing a with a dictionary
  void DictionaryWriteEnd_t(void);
  // start reading a with a dictionary
  SLONG DictionaryReadBegin_t(void);  // returns offset of dictionary for cross-file importing
  // stop reading a with a dictionary
  void DictionaryReadEnd_t(void);
  // preload all files mentioned in the dictionary
  void DictionaryPreload_t(void);

 * CroTeam file stream class
class ENGINE_API CTFileStream : public CTStream {
  FILE *fstrm_pFile;    // ptr to opened file

  INDEX fstrm_iZipHandle; // handle of zip-file entry
  INDEX fstrm_iZipLocation; // location in zip-file entry
  UBYTE* fstrm_pubZipBuffer; // buffer for zip-file entry
  SLONG fstrm_slZipSize; // size of the zip-file entry

  BOOL fstrm_bReadOnly;  // set if file is opened in read-only mode
  /* Default constructor. */
  /* Destructor. */
  virtual ~CTFileStream(void);

  /* Open an existing file. */
  void Open_t(const CTFileName &fnFileName, enum CTStream::OpenMode om=CTStream::OM_READ); // throw char *
  /* Create a new file or overwrite existing. */
  void Create_t(const CTFileName &fnFileName, enum CTStream::CreateMode cm=CTStream::CM_BINARY); // throw char *
  /* Close an open file. */
  void Close(void);
  /* Get CRC32 of stream */
  ULONG GetStreamCRC32_t(void);

  /* Read a block of data from stream. */
  void Read_t(void *pvBuffer, SLONG slSize); // throw char *
  /* Write a block of data to stream. */
  void Write_t(const void *pvBuffer, SLONG slSize); // throw char *

  /* Seek in stream. */
  void Seek_t(SLONG slOffset, enum SeekDir sd); // throw char *
  /* Set absolute position in stream. */
  void SetPos_t(SLONG slPosition); // throw char *
  /* Get absolute position in stream. */
  SLONG GetPos_t(void); // throw char *
  /* Get size of stream */
  SLONG GetStreamSize(void);
  /* Check if file position points to the EOF */
  BOOL AtEOF(void);

  // whether or not the given pointer is coming from this stream (mainly used for exception handling)
  virtual BOOL PointerInStream(void* pPointer);

  // from CTStream
  inline virtual BOOL IsWriteable(void){ return !fstrm_bReadOnly;};
  inline virtual BOOL IsReadable(void){ return TRUE;};
  inline virtual BOOL IsSeekable(void){ return TRUE;};

 * CroTeam memory stream class
class ENGINE_API CTMemoryStream : public CTStream {
  BOOL mstrm_bReadable;      // set if stream is readable
  BOOL mstrm_bWriteable;     // set if stream is writeable
  INDEX mstrm_ctLocked;      // counter for buffer locking

  UBYTE* mstrm_pubBuffer;    // buffer of the stream
  UBYTE* mstrm_pubBufferEnd; // pointer to the end of the stream buffer
  SLONG mstrm_slLocation;    // location in the stream
  UBYTE* mstrm_pubBufferMax; // furthest that the stream location has ever gotten
  /* Create dynamically resizing stream for reading/writing. */
  /* Create static stream from given buffer. */
  CTMemoryStream(void *pvBuffer, SLONG slSize, CTStream::OpenMode om = CTStream::OM_READ);
  /* Destructor. */
  virtual ~CTMemoryStream(void);

  /* Lock the buffer contents and it's size. */
  void LockBuffer(void **ppvBuffer, SLONG *pslSize);
    /* Unlock buffer. */
  void UnlockBuffer(void);

  /* Read a block of data from stream. */
  void Read_t(void *pvBuffer, SLONG slSize); // throw char *
  /* Write a block of data to stream. */
  void Write_t(const void *pvBuffer, SLONG slSize); // throw char *

  /* Seek in stream. */
  void Seek_t(SLONG slOffset, enum SeekDir sd); // throw char *
  /* Set absolute position in stream. */
  void SetPos_t(SLONG slPosition); // throw char *
  /* Get absolute position in stream. */
  SLONG GetPos_t(void); // throw char *
  /* Get size of stream. */
  SLONG GetSize_t(void); // throw char *
  /* Get size of stream */
  SLONG GetStreamSize(void);
  /* Get CRC32 of stream */
  ULONG GetStreamCRC32_t(void);
  /* Check if file position points to the EOF */
  BOOL AtEOF(void);

  // whether or not the given pointer is coming from this stream (mainly used for exception handling)
  virtual BOOL PointerInStream(void* pPointer);

  // memory stream can be opened only for reading and writing
  virtual BOOL IsWriteable(void);
  virtual BOOL IsReadable(void);
  virtual BOOL IsSeekable(void);

// Test if a file exists.
ENGINE_API BOOL FileExists(const CTFileName &fnmFile);
// Test if a file exists for writing. 
// (this is can be diferent than normal FileExists() if a mod uses basewriteexclude.lst
ENGINE_API BOOL FileExistsForWriting(const CTFileName &fnmFile);
// Get file timestamp
ENGINE_API SLONG GetFileTimeStamp_t(const CTFileName &fnmFile); // throw char *
// Get CRC32 of a file
ENGINE_API ULONG GetFileCRC32_t(const CTFileName &fnmFile); // throw char *
// Test if a file is read only (also returns FALSE if file does not exist)
ENGINE_API BOOL IsFileReadOnly(const CTFileName &fnmFile);
// Delete a file (called 'remove' to avid name clashes with win32)
ENGINE_API BOOL RemoveFile(const CTFileName &fnmFile);

// Expand a file's filename to full path

// these are input flags for describing what you need the file for
#define EFP_READ   (1UL<<0)  // will open for reading
#define EFP_WRITE  (1UL<<1)  // will open for writing
#define EFP_NOZIPS (1UL<<31) // add this flag to forbid searching in zips
// these are return values 
#define EFP_NONE       0  // doesn't exist
#define EFP_FILE       1  // generic file on disk
#define EFP_BASEZIP    2  // file in one of base zips
#define EFP_MODZIP     3  // file in one of mod zips
ENGINE_API INDEX ExpandFilePath(ULONG ulType, const CTFileName &fnmFile, CTFileName &fnmExpanded);

// these are input flags for directory reading
#define DLI_RECURSIVE  (1UL<<0)  // recurse into subdirs
#define DLI_SEARCHCD   (1UL<<1)  // search the CD path also
// make a list of all files in a directory
ENGINE_API void MakeDirList(
  CDynamicStackArray<CTFileName> &adeDir, 
  const CTFileName &fnmDir,     // directory to list
  const CTFileName &fnmPattern, // pattern for each file to match ("" matches all)
  ULONG ulFlags                 // additional flags

// global string with application path
ENGINE_API extern CTFileName _fnmApplicationPath;
// global string with user-specific writable directory.
ENGINE_API extern CTFileName _fnmUserDir;
// global string with current MOD path
ENGINE_API extern CTFileName _fnmMod;
// global string with current name (the parameter that is passed on cmdline)
ENGINE_API extern CTString _strModName;
// global string with url to be shown to users that don't have the mod installed
// (should be set by game.dll)
ENGINE_API extern CTString _strModURL;
// global string with current MOD extension (for adding to dlls)
ENGINE_API extern CTString _strModExt;
// global string with CD path (for minimal installations)
ENGINE_API extern CTFileName _fnmCDPath;
// global string with filename of the started application
ENGINE_API extern CTFileName _fnmApplicationExe;

// application path usage funtions
ENGINE_API void UseApplicationPath(void);
ENGINE_API void IgnoreApplicationPath(void);

#endif  /* include-once check. */