/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. All rights reserved. */

#include "Engine/StdH.h"

#include <Engine/Base/FileName.h>

#include <Engine/Base/ErrorReporting.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Stream.h>
#include <Engine/Base/FileSystem.h>
#include <Engine/Templates/NameTable_CTFileName.h>
#include <Engine/Templates/DynamicStackArray.cpp>

template class CDynamicArray<CTFileName>;
template class CDynamicStackArray<CTFileName>;
#include <Engine/Templates/StaticStackArray.cpp>
template class CStaticStackArray<long>;

const char *CTFileName::convertFromWin32(const char *src)
#if (defined PLATFORM_WIN32)
    static const char *dirsep = NULL;
    static size_t seplen = 0;
    static char buf[MAX_PATH];  // This is NOT thread safe, fyi.
    char *dest = buf;

    if (src == NULL)
        buf[0] = '\0';

    if (dirsep == NULL)
        dirsep = CFileSystem::GetDirSeparator();
        seplen = strlen(dirsep);

    for (dest = buf; *src != '\0'; src++)
        if (*src == '\\')
            strcpy(dest, dirsep);
            dest += seplen;
            *(dest++) = *src;

    *dest = '\0';

const char *CTFileName::convertToWin32(const char *src)
#if (defined PLATFORM_WIN32)
    static const char *dirsep = NULL;
    static size_t seplen = 0;
    static char buf[MAX_PATH];  // This is NOT thread safe, fyi.
    char *dest = buf;

    if (src == NULL)
        buf[0] = '\0';

    if (dirsep == NULL)
        dirsep = CFileSystem::GetDirSeparator();
        seplen = strlen(dirsep);

    for (dest = buf; *src != '\0'; src++)
        if ((*src == *dirsep) && (strncmp(src, dirsep, seplen) == 0))
            *(dest++) = '\\';
            src += (seplen - 1);
            *(dest++) = *src;

    *dest = '\0';


 * Get directory part of a filename.
CTFileName CTFileName::FileDir() const

  // make a temporary copy of string
  CTFileName strPath(*this);
  // find last backlash in it

  const char *dirsep = CFileSystem::GetDirSeparator();
  char *pPathBackSlash = strstr( strPath.str_String, dirsep);
  // if there is no backslash
  if( pPathBackSlash == NULL) {
    // return emptystring as directory
    return( CTFileName(""));

  for (char *p = pPathBackSlash;
        (p = strstr(p + 1, dirsep)) != NULL;
        pPathBackSlash = p)
      // (*yawn*).

  // set end of string after where the backslash was
  pPathBackSlash[strlen(dirsep)] = 0;


  char *pPathBackSlash = strrchr( strPath.str_String, '\\');
  pPathBackSlash[1] = 0;

  // return a copy of temporary string
  return( CTFileName( strPath));

CTFileName &CTFileName::operator=(const char *strCharString)
  ASSERTALWAYS( "Use CTFILENAME for conversion from char *!");
  return *this;

 * Get name part of a filename.
CTFileName CTFileName::FileName() const

  // make a temporary copy of string
  CTFileName strPath(*this);

  // find last backlash in what's left
  const char *dirsep = CFileSystem::GetDirSeparator();
  char *pBackSlash = strstr( strPath.str_String, dirsep);
  // if there is no backslash
  if( pBackSlash == NULL) {
    // return it all as filename
    pBackSlash = strPath.str_String;
  } else {
    for (char *p = pBackSlash;
          (p = strstr(p + 1, dirsep)) != NULL;
          pBackSlash = p)
        // (*yawn*).

    pBackSlash += strlen(dirsep);

  // find last dot in it
  char *pDot = strrchr(pBackSlash, '.');
  // if there is a dot
  if( pDot != NULL) {
    // set end of string there
    *pDot = '\0';

  // return a copy of temporary string, starting after the backslash
  return( CTFileName( pBackSlash ));


  char *pBackSlash = strrchr( strPath.str_String, '\\');

  // if there is no backslash
  if( pBackSlash == NULL) {
    // return it all as filename
    return( CTFileName(strPath));

  // return a copy of temporary string, starting after the backslash
  return( CTFileName( pBackSlash+1));

 * Get extension part of a filename.
CTFileName CTFileName::FileExt() const

  // find last dot in the string
  char *pExtension = strrchr( str_String, '.');
  // if there is no dot
  if( pExtension == NULL) {
    // return no extension
    return( CTFileName(""));
  // return a copy of the extension part, together with the dot
  return( CTFileName( pExtension));

CTFileName CTFileName::NoExt() const
  return FileDir()+FileName();

 * Remove application path from a file name.
void CTFileName::RemoveApplicationPath_t(void) // throws char *
  // remove the path string from beginning of the string
  BOOL bHadRightPath = RemovePrefix(_fnmApplicationPath);
  if (_fnmMod!="") {
  // if it had wrong path
  if (!bHadRightPath) {
    // throw error
    ThrowF_t(TRANS("File '%s' has got wrong path!\nAll files must reside in directory '%s'."),
      str_String, (const char *) (CTString&)_fnmApplicationPath);

 * Read from stream.
 CTStream &operator>>(CTStream &strmStream, CTFileName &fnmFileName)
  // if dictionary is enabled
  if (strmStream.strm_dmDictionaryMode == CTStream::DM_ENABLED) {
    // read the index in dictionary
    INDEX iFileName;
    // get that file from the dictionary
    fnmFileName = strmStream.strm_afnmDictionary[iFileName];

  // if dictionary is processing or not active
  } else {
    char strTag[] = "_FNM"; strTag[0] = 'D';  // must create tag at run-time!
    // skip dependency catcher header
    strmStream.ExpectID_t(strTag);    // data filename

    // read the string
    strmStream>>(CTString &)fnmFileName;
    CTString ctstr;
    fnmFileName = CTString(CTFileName::convertFromWin32(ctstr));  // converts from win32 paths.

    fnmFileName.fnm_pserPreloaded = NULL;

  return strmStream;

 * Write to stream.
 CTStream &operator<<(CTStream &strmStream, const CTFileName &fnmFileName)
  // if dictionary is enabled
  if (strmStream.strm_dmDictionaryMode == CTStream::DM_ENABLED) {
    // try to find the filename in dictionary
    CTFileName *pfnmExisting = strmStream.strm_ntDictionary.Find(fnmFileName);
    // if not existing
    if (pfnmExisting==NULL) {
      // add it
      pfnmExisting = &strmStream.strm_afnmDictionary.Push();
      *pfnmExisting = fnmFileName;
    // write its index

  // if dictionary is processing or not active
  } else {
    char strTag[] = "_FNM"; strTag[0] = 'D';  // must create tag at run-time!
    // write dependency catcher header
    strmStream.WriteID_t(strTag);     // data filename
    // write the string
    strmStream<<(CTString &)fnmFileName;

  return strmStream;

// rcg01062002
CTString CTFileName::Win32FmtString(void) const

void CTFileName::ReadFromText_t(CTStream &strmStream,
                                const CTString &strKeyword) // throw char *

  char strTag[] = "_FNM "; strTag[0] = 'T';  // must create tag at run-time!
  // keyword must be present
  // after the user keyword, dependency keyword must be present

  // read the string from the file
  char str[1024];
  strmStream.GetLine_t(str, sizeof(str));
  fnm_pserPreloaded = NULL;

  // copy it here
  (*this) = CTString( (const char *)str);