/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. All rights reserved. */ #ifndef SE_INCL_BSP_H #define SE_INCL_BSP_H #ifdef PRAGMA_ONCE #pragma once #endif #include <Engine/Templates/StaticArray.h> /* * Template class for BSP-tree */ template<class Type, int iDimensions> class BSPTree { public: CStaticArray< BSPNode<Type, iDimensions> > bt_abnNodes; // all nodes are stored here together here /* Create bsp-subtree from array of polygons oriented inwards. */ BSPNode<Type, iDimensions> *CreateSubTree(CDynamicArray<BSPPolygon<Type, iDimensions> > &arbpoPolygons); /* Move one subtree to array. */ void MoveSubTreeToArray(BSPNode<Type, iDimensions> *pbnSubtree); /* Count nodes in subtree. */ INDEX CountNodes(BSPNode<Type, iDimensions> *pbnSubtree); /* Move all nodes to array. */ void MoveNodesToArray(void); public: BSPNode<Type, iDimensions> *bt_pbnRoot; // root node of BSP-tree /* Default constructor. */ BSPTree(void); /* Destructor. */ ~BSPTree(void); /* Constructor with array of polygons oriented inwards. */ BSPTree(CDynamicArray<BSPPolygon<Type, iDimensions> > &arbpoPolygons); /* Create bsp-tree from array of polygons oriented inwards. */ void Create(CDynamicArray<BSPPolygon<Type, iDimensions> > &arbpoPolygons); /* Destroy bsp-tree. */ void Destroy(void); // find minimum/maximum parameters of points on a line that are inside void FindLineMinMax( const Vector<Type, iDimensions> &v0, const Vector<Type, iDimensions> &v1, Type &tMin, Type &tMax) const; /* Test if a sphere is inside, outside, or intersecting. (Just a trivial rejection test) */ FLOAT TestSphere(const Vector<Type, iDimensions> &vSphereCenter, Type tSphereRadius) const; /* Test if a box is inside, outside, or intersecting. (Just a trivial rejection test) */ FLOAT TestBox(const OBBox<Type> &box) const; /* Read/write entire bsp tree to disk. */ void Read_t(CTStream &strm); // throw char * void Write_t(CTStream &strm); // throw char * }; #endif /* include-once check. */