/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. All rights reserved. */

#include "stdh.h"

#include <Engine/Base/Memory.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Translation.h>

#include <Engine/Base/ErrorReporting.h>
#include <new.h>

extern FLOAT _bCheckAllAllocations = FALSE;

 * Declarations for setting up the 'new_handler'.
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _query_new_mode( void );
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _set_new_mode( int );        

#ifndef _PNH_DEFINED
typedef int (__cdecl * _PNH)( size_t );
#define _PNH_DEFINED

/*_CRTIMP _PNH __cdecl _query_new_handler( void );
_CRTIMP _PNH __cdecl _set_new_handler( _PNH );*/

#ifndef NDEBUG
// include this for debug version of operator new
#pragma comment (lib, "msvcrtd.lib")

// include user32 library (because of message box)
#pragma comment (lib, "user32.lib")

// if not enough memory
int NewHandler(size_t size)
  // terminate program
  FatalError(TRANS("Not enough memory (%d bytes needed)!"), size);
  return 0;

/* Static class used for initializing memory handlers. */
static class CMemHandlerInit {
  // constructor
} MemHandlerInit;

  // set our not-enough-memory handler
  // make malloc use that handler

#undef AllocMemory

void *AllocMemory( SLONG memsize )
  void *pmem;
  ASSERTMSG(memsize>0, "AllocMemory: Block size is less or equal zero.");
  if (_bCheckAllAllocations) {
  pmem = malloc( memsize);
  // memory handler asures no null results here?!
  if (pmem==NULL) {
    FatalError(TRANS("Not enough memory (%d bytes needed)!"), memsize);
  return pmem;

#ifndef NDEBUG
void *_debug_AllocMemory( SLONG memsize, int iType, const char *strFile, int iLine)
  void *pmem;
  ASSERTMSG(memsize>0, "AllocMemory: Block size is less or equal zero.");

  if (_bCheckAllAllocations) {
  pmem = _malloc_dbg( memsize, iType, strFile, iLine);
  // memory handler asures no null results here?!
  if (pmem==NULL) {
    FatalError(TRANS("Not enough memory (%d bytes needed)!"), memsize);
  return pmem;

void *AllocMemoryAligned( SLONG memsize, SLONG slAlignPow2)
  ULONG ulMem = (ULONG)AllocMemory(memsize+slAlignPow2*2);
  ULONG ulMemAligned = ((ulMem+slAlignPow2-1) & ~(slAlignPow2-1)) + slAlignPow2;
  ((ULONG *)ulMemAligned)[-1] = ulMem;
  return (void*)ulMemAligned;
void FreeMemoryAligned( void *memory)
  FreeMemory((void*) ( ( (ULONG*)memory )[-1] ) );

void FreeMemory( void *memory )
  ASSERTMSG(memory!=NULL, "FreeMemory: NULL pointer input.");
  free( (char *)memory);

void ResizeMemory( void **ppv, SLONG slSize )
  if (_bCheckAllAllocations) {
  void *pv = realloc(*ppv, slSize);
  // memory handler asures no null results here?!
  if (pv==NULL) {
    FatalError(TRANS("Not enough memory (%d bytes needed)!"), slSize);
  *ppv = pv;

void GrowMemory( void **ppv, SLONG newSize )
  ResizeMemory(ppv, newSize);

void ShrinkMemory( void **ppv, SLONG newSize )
  ResizeMemory(ppv, newSize);

 * Allocate a copy of a string. - fatal error if not enough memory.
char *StringDuplicate(const char *strOriginal) {
  // get the size
  SLONG slSize = strlen(strOriginal)+1;
  // allocate that much memory
  char *strCopy = (char *)AllocMemory(slSize);
  // copy it there
  memcpy(strCopy, strOriginal, slSize);
  // result is the pointer to the copied string
  return strCopy;

// return position where we encounter zero byte or iBytes
INDEX FindZero( UBYTE *pubMemory, INDEX iBytes)
  for( INDEX i=0; i<iBytes; i++) if( pubMemory[i]==0) return i;
  return iBytes;