/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. All rights reserved. */ #ifndef SE_INCL_SOUNDLIBRARY_H #define SE_INCL_SOUNDLIBRARY_H #ifdef PRAGMA_ONCE #pragma once #endif #include <Engine/Base/Lists.h> #include <Engine/Base/Timer.h> #include <Engine/Base/Synchronization.h> #include <Engine/Templates/StaticArray.h> #include <Engine/Templates/StaticStackArray.h> #include <Engine/Templates/DynamicArray.h> #ifdef PLATFORM_WIN32 /* rcg10042001 */ #include <Engine/Sound/DSound.h> #include <Engine/Sound/EAX.h> #endif /* !!! FIXME: rcg10042001 This is going to need OpenAL or SDL_audio... */ // Mixer // set master volume and resets mixer buffer (wipes it with zeroes and keeps pointers) void ResetMixer( const SLONG *pslBuffer, const SLONG slBufferSize); // copy mixer buffer to the output buffer(s) void CopyMixerBuffer_stereo( const SLONG slSrcOffset, void *pDstBuffer, const SLONG slBytes); void CopyMixerBuffer_mono( const SLONG slSrcOffset, void *pDstBuffer, const SLONG slBytes); // normalize mixed sounds void NormalizeMixerBuffer( const FLOAT snd_fNormalizer, const SLONG slBytes, FLOAT &_fLastNormalizeValue); // mix in one sound object to mixer buffer void MixSound( class CSoundObject *pso); /* * Timer handler for sound mixing. */ class ENGINE_API CSoundTimerHandler : public CTimerHandler { public: /* This is called every TickQuantum seconds. */ virtual void HandleTimer(void); }; /* * Sound Library class */ class ENGINE_API CSoundLibrary { public: enum SoundFormat { SF_NONE = 0, SF_11025_16 = 1, SF_22050_16 = 2, SF_44100_16 = 3, SF_ILLEGAL = 4 }; //private: public: CTCriticalSection sl_csSound; // sync. access to sounds CSoundTimerHandler sl_thTimerHandler; // handler for mixing sounds in timer INDEX sl_ctWaveDevices; // number of devices detected /* rcg !!! FIXME: This needs to be abstracted. */ BOOL sl_bUsingDirectSound; BOOL sl_bUsingEAX; #ifdef PLATFORM_WIN32 INDEX sl_ctWaveDevices; // number of devices detected HWAVEOUT sl_hwoWaveOut; // wave out handle CStaticStackArray<HWAVEOUT> sl_ahwoExtra; // preventively taken channels LPDIRECTSOUND sl_pDS; // direct sound 'handle' LPKSPROPERTYSET sl_pKSProperty; // for setting properties of EAX LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER sl_pDSPrimary; // and buffers LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER sl_pDSSecondary; // 2D usage LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER sl_pDSSecondary2; LPDIRECTSOUND3DLISTENER sl_pDSListener; // 3D EAX LPDIRECTSOUND3DBUFFER sl_pDSSourceLeft; LPDIRECTSOUND3DBUFFER sl_pDSSourceRight; CStaticArray<WAVEHDR> sl_awhWOBuffers; // the waveout buffers #endif UBYTE *sl_pubBuffersMemory; // memory allocated for the sound buffer(s) output SoundFormat sl_EsfFormat; // sound format (external) WAVEFORMATEX sl_SwfeFormat; // primary sound buffer format SLONG *sl_pslMixerBuffer; // buffer for mixing sounds (32-bit!) SWORD *sl_pswDecodeBuffer; // buffer for decoding encoded sounds (ogg, mpeg...) SLONG sl_slMixerBufferSize; // mixer buffer size SLONG sl_slDecodeBufferSize; // decoder buffer size CListHead sl_ClhAwareList; // list of sound mode aware objects CListHead sl_lhActiveListeners; // active listeners for current frame of listening /* Return library state (active <==> format <> NONE */ inline BOOL IsActive(void) {return sl_EsfFormat != SF_NONE;}; /* Clear Library WaveOut */ void ClearLibrary(void); public: /* Constructor */ CSoundLibrary(void); /* Destructor */ ~CSoundLibrary(void); DECLARE_NOCOPYING(CSoundLibrary); /* Initialization */ void Init(void); /* Clear Sound Library */ void Clear(void); /* Set Format */ SoundFormat SetFormat( SoundFormat EsfNew, BOOL bReport=FALSE); /* Get Format */ inline SoundFormat GetFormat(void) { return sl_EsfFormat; }; /* Update all 3d effects and copy internal data. */ void UpdateSounds(void); /* Update Mixer */ void MixSounds(void); /* Mute output until next UpdateSounds() */ void Mute(void); /* Set listener enviroment properties (EAX) */ BOOL SetEnvironment( INDEX iEnvNo, FLOAT fEnvSize=0); /* Add sound in sound aware list */ void AddSoundAware( CSoundData &CsdAdd); /* Remove a sound mode aware object */ void RemoveSoundAware( CSoundData &CsdRemove); // listen from this listener this frame void Listen(CSoundListener &sl); }; // pointer to global sound library object ENGINE_API extern CSoundLibrary *_pSound; #endif /* include-once check. */