/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. All rights reserved. */ #include "Engine/StdH.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static CViewPort *_pvp = NULL; static CDrawPort *_pdp = NULL; static PIX _pixSizeI; static PIX _pixSizeJ; static CTimerValue _tv; static BOOL _bBlend = FALSE; static BOOL _bVisible = FALSE; static BOOL _bTexture = FALSE; static BOOL _bDepth = FALSE; static BOOL _bMultiTexture = FALSE; static UBYTE *_pubTexture; static ULONG _ulTexObject; static ULONG _ulTexFormat; static BOOL _bSubImage = FALSE; static INDEX _ctR = 100; static INDEX _ctC = 100; static CTexParams _tpLocal; static CStaticStackArray _avtx; static CStaticStackArray _atex; static CStaticStackArray _acol; static CStaticStackArray _aiElements; BOOL _bStarted = FALSE; static __forceinline void StartTimer(void) { ASSERT(!_bStarted); _tv = _pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer(); _bStarted = TRUE; } static __forceinline DOUBLE StopTimer(void) { ASSERT(_bStarted); _bStarted = FALSE; return (_pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer()-_tv).GetSeconds(); } // fill rate benchmark static DOUBLE FillRatePass(INDEX ct) { if( !_pdp->Lock()) { ASSERT(FALSE); return 0.0; } StartTimer(); _pdp->Fill(C_GRAY|255); _pdp->FillZBuffer(1.0f); GFXVertex avtx[4]; avtx[0].x = 0; avtx[0].y = 0; avtx[0].z = 0.5f; avtx[1].x = 0; avtx[1].y = _pixSizeJ; avtx[1].z = 0.5f; avtx[2].x = _pixSizeI; avtx[2].y = _pixSizeJ; avtx[2].z = 0.5f; avtx[3].x = _pixSizeI; avtx[3].y = 0; avtx[3].z = 0.5f; GFXTexCoord atex[4] = { {0,0}, {0,1}, {1,1}, {1,0} }; GFXColor acol[4] = { 0xFF0000FF, 0xFF00FF00, 0xFFFF0000, 0xFFFF00FF }; INDEX aidx[6] = { 0,1,2, 0,2,3}; gfxSetVertexArray( &avtx[0], 4); gfxSetTexCoordArray( &atex[0], FALSE); gfxSetColorArray( &acol[0]); if(_bTexture) { gfxEnableTexture(); if(_bMultiTexture) { gfxSetTextureUnit(1); gfxEnableTexture(); gfxSetTexture( _ulTexObject, _tpLocal); gfxSetTexCoordArray(atex, FALSE); gfxSetTextureUnit(0); } } else { gfxDisableTexture(); } if(_bBlend) { gfxEnableBlend(); if(_bTexture) { gfxBlendFunc( GFX_SRC_ALPHA, GFX_INV_SRC_ALPHA); } else { gfxBlendFunc( GFX_ONE, GFX_ONE); } } else { gfxDisableBlend(); } if(_bDepth) { gfxEnableDepthTest(); gfxEnableDepthWrite(); } else { gfxDisableDepthTest(); gfxDisableDepthWrite(); } gfxDisableAlphaTest(); for( INDEX i=0; iUnlock(); gfxFinish(); _pvp->SwapBuffers(); return StopTimer(); } CTString FillRateString(void) { CTString str; str.PrintF( "%s, %s, %s ", _bTexture ? (_bMultiTexture ? "multitexture" : "texture") : "no texture", _bBlend ? "blending" : "no blending", _bDepth ? "z-buffer:" : "no z-buffer:"); return str; } static DOUBLE FillRate(void) { DOUBLE dDelta = 0; for( INDEX i=0; i<10; i++) { dDelta += FillRatePass(3) - FillRatePass(2); } dDelta /= 10.0; return (_pixSizeI*_pixSizeJ)/dDelta; } static void InitTexture(void) { const SLONG slSize = 256*256 *4 *4/3 +16; _pubTexture = (UBYTE*)AllocMemory(slSize); for( INDEX i=0; i<256; i++) { for( INDEX j=0; j<256; j++) { _pubTexture[(j*256+i)*4+0] = i; _pubTexture[(j*256+i)*4+1] = j; _pubTexture[(j*256+i)*4+2] = i+j; _pubTexture[(j*256+i)*4+3] = i-j; } } MakeMipmaps( 15, (ULONG*)_pubTexture, 256,256); _tpLocal.tp_bSingleMipmap = FALSE; gfxGenerateTexture( _ulTexObject); gfxSetTexture( _ulTexObject, _tpLocal); } static void EndTexture(void) { gfxDeleteTexture( _ulTexObject); FreeMemory(_pubTexture); _pubTexture = NULL; } static void InitTris(void) { INDEX iR, iC; INDEX ctVx = _ctR*_ctC; _avtx.Push(ctVx); _atex.Push(ctVx); _acol.Push(ctVx); for( iR=0; iR<_ctR; iR++) { for( iC=0; iC<_ctC; iC++) { INDEX ivx = iR*_ctC+iC; _avtx[ivx].x = FLOAT(iC) / _ctC*4 -2.0f; _avtx[ivx].y = -FLOAT(iR) / _ctR*4 +2.0f; _avtx[ivx].z = -1.0f; _atex[ivx].st.s = (iC+iR) % 2; _atex[ivx].st.t = (iR) % 2; _acol[ivx].ul.abgr = 0xFFFFFFFF; } } INDEX ctTri = (_ctR-1)*(_ctC-1)*2; _aiElements.Push(ctTri*3); for( iR=0; iR<_ctR-1; iR++) { for( iC=0; iC<_ctC-1; iC++) { INDEX iq = iR*(_ctC-1)+iC; _aiElements[iq*6+0] = (iR+1) * _ctC + (iC+0); _aiElements[iq*6+1] = (iR+1) * _ctC + (iC+1); _aiElements[iq*6+2] = (iR+0) * _ctC + (iC+0); _aiElements[iq*6+3] = (iR+0) * _ctC + (iC+0); _aiElements[iq*6+4] = (iR+1) * _ctC + (iC+1); _aiElements[iq*6+5] = (iR+0) * _ctC + (iC+1); } } } static void EndTris(void) { _avtx.Clear(); _atex.Clear(); _acol.Clear(); _aiElements.Clear(); } static DOUBLE TrisTroughputPass(INDEX ct) { if( !_pdp->Lock()) { ASSERT(FALSE); return 0.0; } StartTimer(); gfxSetFrustum( -0.5f, +0.5f, -0.5f, +0.5f, 0.5f, 2.0f); gfxSetViewMatrix(NULL); gfxCullFace(GFX_NONE); _pdp->Fill(C_GRAY|255); _pdp->FillZBuffer(1.0f); if(_bTexture) { gfxEnableTexture(); } else { gfxDisableTexture(); } if(_bBlend) { gfxEnableBlend(); gfxBlendFunc( GFX_ONE, GFX_ONE); } else { gfxDisableBlend(); } if(_bDepth) { gfxEnableDepthTest(); gfxEnableDepthWrite(); } else { gfxDisableDepthTest(); gfxDisableDepthWrite(); } gfxDisableAlphaTest(); gfxSetVertexArray( &_avtx[0], _avtx.Count()); gfxLockArrays(); gfxSetTexCoordArray( &_atex[0], FALSE); gfxSetColorArray( &_acol[0]); if(_bMultiTexture) { gfxSetTextureUnit(1); gfxEnableTexture(); gfxSetTexture( _ulTexObject, _tpLocal); gfxSetTexCoordArray( &_atex[0], FALSE); gfxSetTextureUnit(0); } for( INDEX i=0; iUnlock(); gfxFinish(); _pvp->SwapBuffers(); return StopTimer(); } static DOUBLE TrisTroughput(void) { DOUBLE dDelta = 0; for( INDEX i=0; i<10; i++) { dDelta += TrisTroughputPass(3) - TrisTroughputPass(2); } dDelta /= 10.0; return ((_ctR-1)*(_ctC-1)*2)/dDelta; } static DOUBLE TextureUpload(void) { StartTimer(); gfxUploadTexture( (ULONG*)_pubTexture, 256, 256, _ulTexFormat, _bSubImage); const SLONG slTotal = 256*256*4 *4/3; return slTotal/StopTimer(); } static DOUBLE _dX; static DOUBLE _dD; static void RunTest(DOUBLE (*pTest)(void), INDEX ct) { #ifdef PLATFORM_WIN32 CSetPriority sp(REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS, THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL); #endif DOUBLE dSum = 0.0; DOUBLE dSum2 = 0.0; for(INDEX i=0; i<(ct+5); i++) { DOUBLE d = pTest(); // must ignore 1st couple of passes due to API queue if( i>4) dSum += d; if( i>4) dSum2 += d*d; } _dX = dSum/ct; _dD = Sqrt((dSum2-2*dSum*_dX+ct*_dX*_dX)/(ct-1)); } /* Benchmark current driver. */ void CGfxLibrary::Benchmark(CViewPort *pvp, CDrawPort *pdp) { // remember drawport/viewport _pdp = pdp; _pvp = pvp; _pixSizeI = pdp->GetWidth(); _pixSizeJ = pdp->GetHeight(); CTString strAPI = ""; if( _pGfx->gl_eCurrentAPI==GAT_OGL) strAPI = "OpenGL"; #ifdef SE1_D3D else if( _pGfx->gl_eCurrentAPI==GAT_D3D) strAPI = "Direct3D"; #endif // SE1_D3D CPrintF("=====================================\n"); CPrintF("%s performance testing ...\n", (const char *) strAPI); InitTexture(); InitTris(); CPrintF("\n--- Texture upload\n"); _ulTexFormat = TS.ts_tfRGBA8; _bSubImage = FALSE; RunTest(TextureUpload, 10); CPrintF("RGBA8 full: %6.02f +- %5.02f Mtex/s;" , _dX/1000/1000, _dD/1000/1000); _bSubImage = TRUE; RunTest(TextureUpload, 10); CPrintF( " sub: %6.02f +- %5.02f Mtex/s\n", _dX/1000/1000, _dD/1000/1000); _ulTexFormat = TS.ts_tfRGB8; _bSubImage = FALSE; RunTest(TextureUpload, 10); CPrintF("RGB8 full: %6.02f +- %5.02f Mtex/s;" , _dX/1000/1000, _dD/1000/1000); _bSubImage = TRUE; RunTest(TextureUpload, 10); CPrintF( " sub: %6.02f +- %5.02f Mtex/s\n", _dX/1000/1000, _dD/1000/1000); _ulTexFormat = TS.ts_tfRGBA4; _bSubImage = FALSE; RunTest(TextureUpload, 10); CPrintF("RGBA4 full: %6.02f +- %5.02f Mtex/s;" , _dX/1000/1000, _dD/1000/1000); _bSubImage = TRUE; RunTest(TextureUpload, 10); CPrintF( " sub: %6.02f +- %5.02f Mtex/s\n", _dX/1000/1000, _dD/1000/1000); _ulTexFormat = TS.ts_tfRGB5; _bSubImage = FALSE; RunTest(TextureUpload, 10); CPrintF("RGB5 full: %6.02f +- %5.02f Mtex/s;" , _dX/1000/1000, _dD/1000/1000); _bSubImage = TRUE; RunTest(TextureUpload, 10); CPrintF( " sub: %6.02f +- %5.02f Mtex/s\n", _dX/1000/1000, _dD/1000/1000); CPrintF("\n--- Fill rate\n"); _bMultiTexture = 0; _bBlend = 0; _bDepth = 0; _bTexture = 0; RunTest(FillRate, 10); CPrintF("%-38s %6.02f +- %5.02f Mpix/s\n", (const char *) FillRateString(), _dX/1000/1000, _dD/1000/1000); _bBlend = 0; _bDepth = 0; _bTexture = 1; RunTest(FillRate, 10); CPrintF("%-38s %6.02f +- %5.02f Mpix/s\n", (const char *) FillRateString(), _dX/1000/1000, _dD/1000/1000); _bBlend = 0; _bDepth = 1; _bTexture = 1; RunTest(FillRate, 10); CPrintF("%-38s %6.02f +- %5.02f Mpix/s\n", (const char *) FillRateString(), _dX/1000/1000, _dD/1000/1000); _bBlend = 1; _bDepth = 1; _bTexture = 1; RunTest(FillRate, 10); CPrintF("%-38s %6.02f +- %5.02f Mpix/s\n", (const char *) FillRateString(), _dX/1000/1000, _dD/1000/1000); if( _pGfx->gl_ctTextureUnits>1) { _bMultiTexture = 1; RunTest(FillRate, 10); CPrintF("%-38s %6.02f +- %5.02f Mpix/s\n", (const char *) FillRateString(), _dX/1000/1000, _dD/1000/1000); } CPrintF("\n--- Geometry speed (%dpix tris)\n", (_pixSizeI/_ctR)*(_pixSizeI/_ctC)/2); _bMultiTexture = 0; _bBlend = 0; _bDepth = 1; _bTexture = 1; RunTest(TrisTroughput, 10); CPrintF("%-34s %6.02f +- %5.02f Mtri/s\n", (const char *) FillRateString(), _dX/1000/1000, _dD/1000/1000); _bBlend = 1; _bDepth = 1; _bTexture = 1; RunTest(TrisTroughput, 10); CPrintF("%-34s %6.02f +- %5.02f Mtri/s\n", (const char *) FillRateString(), _dX/1000/1000, _dD/1000/1000); if( _pGfx->gl_ctTextureUnits>1) { _bMultiTexture = 1; RunTest(TrisTroughput, 10); CPrintF("%-34s %6.02f +- %5.02f Mtri/s\n", (const char *) FillRateString(), _dX/1000/1000, _dD/1000/1000); } EndTris(); EndTexture(); }