/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ 241 %{ #include "EntitiesMP/StdH/StdH.h" #include "EntitiesMP/WorldSettingsController.h" #include "EntitiesMP/BackgroundViewer.h" %} %{ BOOL _bDataLoaded = FALSE; BOOL _bDataError = FALSE; CTextureObject _toTexture; %} class CHudPicHolder: CRationalEntity { name "HudPicHolder"; thumbnail "Thumbnails\\HudPicHolder.tbn"; features "IsTargetable", "HasName", "IsImportant"; properties: 1 CTString m_strName "Name" 'N' = "Hud pic holder", 2 CTString m_strDescription = "", 3 CTFileName m_fnmPicture "Picture file" 'P' = CTString(""), 4 FLOAT m_tmFadeInStart = 1e6, 5 FLOAT m_tmFadeOutStart = 1e6, 6 FLOAT m_tmFadeInLen "Fade in time" 'I' = 0.5f, 7 FLOAT m_tmFadeOutLen "Fade out time" 'O' = 0.5f, 8 FLOAT m_tmAutoFadeOut "Auto fade out time" 'A' = -1.0f, 9 FLOAT m_fYRatio "Vertical position ratio" 'Y' = 0.5f, 10 FLOAT m_fXRatio "Horizontal position ratio" 'X' = 0.5f, 11 FLOAT m_fPictureStretch "Picture stretch" 'S' = 1.0f, components: 1 model MODEL_MARKER "Models\\Editor\\MessageHolder.mdl", 2 texture TEXTURE_MARKER "Models\\Editor\\MessageHolder.tex" functions: const CTString &GetDescription(void) const { ((CTString&)m_strDescription).PrintF("%s", (const char *) m_fnmPicture.FileName()); return m_strDescription; } BOOL ReloadData(void) { _bDataError = FALSE; if (!Picture_On(m_fnmPicture)) { Picture_Off(); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL LoadOneFile(const CTFileName &fnm) { if(fnm=="") { return FALSE; } try { _toTexture.SetData_t(fnm); return TRUE; } catch (char *strError) { CPrintF("%s\n", strError); return FALSE; } } // turn text on BOOL Picture_On(CTFileName fnPic) { return LoadOneFile(fnPic); } // turn text off void Picture_Off(void) { _toTexture.SetData(NULL); } // render credits to given drawport FLOAT HudPic_Render(CHudPicHolder *penThis, CDrawPort *pdp) { if (_bDataError) { return 0; } if (!_bDataLoaded) { if (!ReloadData()) { _bDataError = TRUE; return 0; } _bDataLoaded = TRUE; return 1; } FLOAT fNow=_pTimer->CurrentTick(); if( fNow<m_tmFadeInStart) { return 0; } if( fNow>m_tmFadeOutStart+m_tmFadeOutLen) { return 0;} CDrawPort *pdpCurr=pdp; pdp->Unlock(); pdpCurr->Lock(); FLOAT fRatio=1.0f; if( fNow>m_tmFadeOutStart) { fRatio=CalculateRatio(fNow, m_tmFadeOutStart, m_tmFadeOutStart+m_tmFadeOutLen, 0, 1); } if( fNow<m_tmFadeInStart+m_tmFadeInLen) { fRatio=CalculateRatio(fNow, m_tmFadeInStart, m_tmFadeInStart+m_tmFadeInLen, 1, 0); } UBYTE ubA=ClampUp(UBYTE(fRatio*255.0f), UBYTE(255)); CTextureData *ptd=(CTextureData *)_toTexture.GetData(); FLOAT fResScale = (FLOAT)pdpCurr->GetHeight() / 480.0f; const MEX mexTexW = ptd->GetWidth(); const MEX mexTexH = ptd->GetHeight(); FLOAT fPicRatioW, fPicRatioH; if( mexTexW > mexTexH) { fPicRatioW = mexTexW/mexTexH; fPicRatioH = 1.0f; } else { fPicRatioW = 1.0f; fPicRatioH = mexTexH/mexTexW; } PIX picW = (PIX) (128*m_fPictureStretch*fResScale*fPicRatioW); PIX picH = (PIX) (128*m_fPictureStretch*fResScale*fPicRatioH); FLOAT fXCenter = m_fXRatio * pdpCurr->GetWidth(); FLOAT fYCenter = m_fYRatio * pdpCurr->GetHeight(); PIXaabbox2D boxScr=PIXaabbox2D( PIX2D(fXCenter-picW/2, fYCenter-picH/2), PIX2D(fXCenter+picW/2, fYCenter+picH/2) ); pdpCurr->PutTexture(&_toTexture, boxScr, C_WHITE|ubA); pdpCurr->Unlock(); pdp->Lock(); return 1; } procedures: WaitAndFadeOut(EVoid) { autowait( m_tmAutoFadeOut); jump ApplyFadeOut(); } ApplyFadeOut(EVoid) { m_tmFadeOutStart = _pTimer->CurrentTick(); CWorldSettingsController *pwsc = GetWSC(this); if( pwsc!=NULL) { autowait(m_tmFadeOutLen); CWorldSettingsController *pwsc = GetWSC(this); ETextFX etfx; etfx.bStart=FALSE; etfx.penSender=this; pwsc->SendEvent(etfx); } return EReturn(); } Main() { InitAsEditorModel(); SetPhysicsFlags(EPF_MODEL_IMMATERIAL); SetCollisionFlags(ECF_IMMATERIAL); // set appearance SetModel(MODEL_MARKER); SetModelMainTexture(TEXTURE_MARKER); autowait(0.05f); if( !Picture_On(m_fnmPicture)) { Picture_Off(); return; } _bDataError = FALSE; wait() { on (EBegin): { resume; } on (EStart eStart): { CWorldSettingsController *pwsc = GetWSC(this); if( pwsc!=NULL) { m_tmFadeInStart = _pTimer->CurrentTick(); EHudPicFX etfx; etfx.bStart=TRUE; etfx.penSender=this; pwsc->SendEvent(etfx); if( m_tmAutoFadeOut!=-1) { call WaitAndFadeOut(); } } resume; } on (EStop eStop): { call ApplyFadeOut(); resume; } on (EReturn): { resume; } } Picture_Off(); return; } };