/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifndef SE_INCL_EMSGBUFFER_H #define SE_INCL_EMSGBUFFER_H #ifdef PRAGMA_ONCE #pragma once #endif #include <Engine/Math/Placement.h> #include "Buffer.h" #define EM_SIZE 256 #define MAX_TICKS_KEPT 20 // data for how many ticks will be accumulated before an error is reported // max 31 type of messages - stored in the lowest 4 bits of the em_uwType word // upper 12 bits contain event code, for create and copy messages #define EMT_CREATE 1 #define EMT_COPY 2 #define EMT_SETPLACEMENT 3 #define EMT_DESTROY 4 #define EMT_EVENT 5 #define EMT_NUMBEROFTYPES 5 // how many different types of messages are there #define EMB_SUCCESS_OK 0 #define EMB_ERR_MAX_TICKS 1 #define EMB_ERR_NOT_IN_BUFFER 2 #define EMB_ERR_TICK_NOT_COMPLETE 4 #define EMB_ERR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL 5 #define EMB_ERR_BUFFER_EMPTY 6 class CEntityMessage { public: ULONG em_ulType; UBYTE em_aubMessage[EM_SIZE]; UBYTE em_ubSize; ULONG em_ulEntityID; CEntityMessage(){}; ~CEntityMessage(){}; void WritePlacement(ULONG &ulEntityID,CPlacement3D &plPlacement); void ReadPlacement(ULONG &ulEntityID,CPlacement3D &plPlacement); void WriteEntityCreate(ULONG &ulEntityID,CPlacement3D &plPlacement,UWORD &uwEntityClassID,UWORD &uwEventCode,void* pvEventData,UWORD &uwDataSize); void ReadEntityCreate(ULONG &ulEntityID,CPlacement3D &plPlacement,UWORD &uwEntityClassID,UWORD &uwEventCode,void* pvEventData,UWORD &uwDataSize); void WriteEntityCopy(ULONG &ulSourceEntityID,ULONG &ulTargetEntityID,CPlacement3D &plPlacement,UWORD &uwEventCode,void* pvEventData,UWORD &uwDataSize); void ReadEntityCopy(ULONG &ulSourceEntityID,ULONG &ulTargetEntityID,CPlacement3D &plPlacement,UWORD &uwEventCode,void* pvEventData,UWORD &uwDataSize); void WriteEntityDestroy(ULONG &ulEntityID); void ReadEntityDestroy(ULONG &ulEntityID); void WriteEntityEvent(ULONG &ulEntityID,UWORD &uwEventCode,void* pvEventData,UWORD &uwDataSize); void ReadEntityEvent(ULONG &ulEntityID,UWORD &uwEventCode,void* pvEventData,UWORD &uwDataSize); }; struct TickMarker { float tm_fTickTime; SLONG tm_slTickOffset; UBYTE tm_ubAcknowledgesExpected; UWORD tm_uwNumMessages; TickMarker() { tm_fTickTime = -1; tm_slTickOffset = -1; tm_ubAcknowledgesExpected = 0; tm_uwNumMessages = 0; } }; // Entity message buffer - stores entity messages - create, copy, destroy, set placement... class CEMsgBuffer : public CBuffer{ public: CBuffer emb_bufMsgBuffer; // a buffer to store entity messages in TickMarker emb_atmTickMarkers[MAX_TICKS_KEPT]; // pointers into the buffer, they point to the first message for eachtick UWORD emb_uwNumTickMarkers; INDEX emb_iFirstTickMarker; INDEX emb_iCurrentTickMarker; float emb_fCurrentTickTime; CEMsgBuffer(); ~CEMsgBuffer(); virtual void Clear(void); // expand buffer to be given number of bytes in size virtual void Expand(SLONG slNewSize); // write one block virtual void WriteBytes(const void *pv, SLONG slSize); SLONG PeekBytes(const void *pv, SLONG slSize); SLONG PeekBytesAtOffset(const void *pv, SLONG slSize,SLONG &slTickOffset); int StartNewTick(float fTickTime); int SetCurrentTick(float fTickTime); int GetTickIndex(float fTickTime,INDEX &iTickIndex); int GetTickOffset(float fTickTime,SLONG &slTickOffset); int GetNextTickTime(float fTickTime,float &fNextTickTime); int RequestTickAcknowledge(float fTickTime,UBYTE ubNumAcknowledges); int ReceiveTickAcknowledge(float fTickTime); int MoveToStartOfTick(float fTickTime); // write the message from _emEntityMessage to the buffer void WriteMessage(CEntityMessage &emEntityMessage); int ReadMessage(CEntityMessage &emEntityMessage); int PeekMessageAtOffset(CEntityMessage &emEntityMessage,SLONG &slTickOffset); int ReadTick(float fTickTime,const void *pv, SLONG &slSize); void WriteTick(float fTickTime,const void *pv, SLONG slSize); }; #endif