107 %{ #include "Entities/StdH/StdH.h" #include "Entities/Effector.h" #include "Entities/MovingBrush.h" %} uses "Entities/Devil"; uses "Entities/Debris"; uses "Entities/GradientMarker"; uses "Entities/Effector"; %{ struct DebrisInfo { ULONG ulModelID; ULONG ulTextureID; FLOAT vOffset[3]; }; static struct DebrisInfo _ObeliskDebrisInfo[] = { { MODEL_OBELISK01, TEXTURE_OBELISK, 0.0f, 114.4989f, 0.0f}, { MODEL_OBELISK02, TEXTURE_OBELISK, 0.035f, 106.8628f, 0.0f}, { MODEL_OBELISK03, TEXTURE_OBELISK, 0.0f, 98.628f, 0.0f}, { MODEL_OBELISK04, TEXTURE_OBELISK, 0.0f, 90.4996f, 0.0f}, { MODEL_OBELISK05, TEXTURE_OBELISK, 0.0f, 82.174f, 0.0f}, { MODEL_OBELISK06, TEXTURE_OBELISK, 0.0f, 71.0425f, 0.0f}, { MODEL_OBELISK07, TEXTURE_OBELISK, 0.0f, 59.2f, 0.0f}, { MODEL_OBELISK08, TEXTURE_OBELISK, 0.0f, 46.65f, 0.0f}, { MODEL_OBELISK09, TEXTURE_OBELISK, 0.0f, 36.6f, 0.0f}, }; static struct DebrisInfo _PylonDebrisInfo[] = { { MODEL_PYLON01, TEXTURE_PYLON, -17.3379f, 55.92f, 0}, { MODEL_PYLON02, TEXTURE_PYLON, -10.525f, 58.045f, 0}, { MODEL_PYLON03, TEXTURE_PYLON, -17.66f, 42.32f, 0}, { MODEL_PYLON04, TEXTURE_PYLON, -0.815000f, 54.69f, 0 }, { MODEL_PYLON05, TEXTURE_PYLON, 14.795f, 51.65f, 0}, { MODEL_PYLON06, TEXTURE_PYLON, 0.02f, 36.18f, 0}, { MODEL_PYLON07, TEXTURE_PYLON, -10.289f, 33.982f, 0}, { MODEL_PYLON08, TEXTURE_PYLON, -22.9152f, 28.6205f, 0}, { MODEL_PYLON09, TEXTURE_PYLON, 21.932f, 47.2453f, 0}, }; %} class CDestroyableArchitecture: CMovableBrushEntity { name "DestroyableArchitecture"; thumbnail "Thumbnails\\DestroyableArchitecture.tbn"; features "HasName", "IsTargetable"; properties: 1 CTString m_strName "Name" 'N' = "DestroyableArchitecture", // name 2 FLOAT m_fHealth "Health" 'H' = -1.0f, // health 3 enum EffectorEffectType m_etType "Type" 'Y' = ET_DESTROY_OBELISK, // name 4 FLOAT3D m_vDamageDir = FLOAT3D(0,0,0), // direction of damage 5 FLOAT m_fStretch "Stretch" 'S' = 1.0f, // debris stretch 6 CEntityPointer m_penGradient "Gradient" 'R', 10 COLOR m_colDebrises "Color of debrises" = C_WHITE, 11 INDEX m_ctDebrises "Debris count" = 12, 12 FLOAT m_fCandyEffect "Debris blow power" = 0.0f, 13 FLOAT m_fCubeFactor "Cube factor" = 1.0f, 14 BOOL m_bBlowupByDamager "Blowup by Damager" = FALSE, // if only damager can destroy brush components: // ************** DEBRIS PARTS ************** 10 texture TEXTURE_OBELISK "Models\\CutSequences\\Obelisk\\Obelisk.tex", 11 model MODEL_OBELISK01 "Models\\CutSequences\\Obelisk\\Part01.mdl", 12 model MODEL_OBELISK02 "Models\\CutSequences\\Obelisk\\Part02.mdl", 13 model MODEL_OBELISK03 "Models\\CutSequences\\Obelisk\\Part03.mdl", 14 model MODEL_OBELISK04 "Models\\CutSequences\\Obelisk\\Part04.mdl", 15 model MODEL_OBELISK05 "Models\\CutSequences\\Obelisk\\Part05.mdl", 16 model MODEL_OBELISK06 "Models\\CutSequences\\Obelisk\\Part06.mdl", 17 model MODEL_OBELISK07 "Models\\CutSequences\\Obelisk\\Part07.mdl", 18 model MODEL_OBELISK08 "Models\\CutSequences\\Obelisk\\Part08.mdl", 19 model MODEL_OBELISK09 "Models\\CutSequences\\Obelisk\\Part09.mdl", 20 texture TEXTURE_PYLON "Models\\CutSequences\\Pylon\\Pylon.tex", 21 model MODEL_PYLON01 "Models\\CutSequences\\Pylon\\Part01.mdl", 22 model MODEL_PYLON02 "Models\\CutSequences\\Pylon\\Part02.mdl", 23 model MODEL_PYLON03 "Models\\CutSequences\\Pylon\\Part03.mdl", 24 model MODEL_PYLON04 "Models\\CutSequences\\Pylon\\Part04.mdl", 25 model MODEL_PYLON05 "Models\\CutSequences\\Pylon\\Part05.mdl", 26 model MODEL_PYLON06 "Models\\CutSequences\\Pylon\\Part06.mdl", 27 model MODEL_PYLON07 "Models\\CutSequences\\Pylon\\Part07.mdl", 28 model MODEL_PYLON08 "Models\\CutSequences\\Pylon\\Part08.mdl", 29 model MODEL_PYLON09 "Models\\CutSequences\\Pylon\\Part09.mdl", // ************** NEEDED CLASSES ************** 30 class CLASS_DEBRIS "Classes\\Debris.ecl", 31 class CLASS_EFFECTOR "Classes\\Effector.ecl", // ************** STONE PARTS ************** 32 model MODEL_STONE "Models\\Effects\\Debris\\Stone\\Stone.mdl", 33 texture TEXTURE_STONE "Models\\Effects\\Debris\\Stone\\Stone.tex", functions: void Precache(void) { PrecacheClass (CLASS_DEBRIS); PrecacheModel (MODEL_STONE); PrecacheTexture (TEXTURE_STONE); // precache acording to destroying architecture switch( m_etType) { case ET_DESTROY_OBELISK: PrecacheClass (CLASS_EFFECTOR,ET_DESTROY_OBELISK); PrecacheTexture (TEXTURE_OBELISK); PrecacheModel (MODEL_OBELISK01); PrecacheModel (MODEL_OBELISK02); PrecacheModel (MODEL_OBELISK03); PrecacheModel (MODEL_OBELISK04); PrecacheModel (MODEL_OBELISK05); PrecacheModel (MODEL_OBELISK06); PrecacheModel (MODEL_OBELISK07); PrecacheModel (MODEL_OBELISK08); PrecacheModel (MODEL_OBELISK09); break; case ET_DESTROY_PYLON: PrecacheClass (CLASS_EFFECTOR,ET_DESTROY_PYLON); PrecacheTexture (TEXTURE_PYLON); PrecacheModel (MODEL_PYLON01); PrecacheModel (MODEL_PYLON02); PrecacheModel (MODEL_PYLON03); PrecacheModel (MODEL_PYLON04); PrecacheModel (MODEL_PYLON05); PrecacheModel (MODEL_PYLON06); PrecacheModel (MODEL_PYLON07); PrecacheModel (MODEL_PYLON08); PrecacheModel (MODEL_PYLON09); break; } } // Validate offered target for one property BOOL IsTargetValid(SLONG slPropertyOffset, CEntity *penTarget) { if(penTarget==NULL) { return FALSE; } // if gradient marker if( slPropertyOffset==offsetof(CDestroyableArchitecture, m_penGradient) ) { return (IsDerivedFromClass(penTarget, "Gradient Marker")); } return CEntity::IsTargetValid(slPropertyOffset, penTarget); } /* Get gradient type name, return empty string if not used. */ const CTString &GetGradientName(INDEX iGradient) { static const CTString strDummyName(""); static const CTString strMarkerUnused("Marker not set"); if (iGradient==1) { CGradientMarker *pgm = (CGradientMarker *)&*m_penGradient; if (pgm != NULL) { return pgm->GetGradientName(); } else { return strMarkerUnused; } } return strDummyName; } /* Uncache shadows for given gradient */ void UncacheShadowsForGradient(class CGradientMarker *penDiscard) { CGradientMarker *pgm = (CGradientMarker *)&*m_penGradient; if(pgm == penDiscard) { CEntity::UncacheShadowsForGradient(1); } } /* Get gradient, return FALSE for none. */ BOOL GetGradient(INDEX iGradient, class CGradientParameters &fpGradient) { if ( iGradient==1) { CGradientMarker *pgm = (CGradientMarker *)&*m_penGradient; if (pgm != NULL) { return pgm->GetGradient(0, fpGradient); } } return FALSE; } /* Receive damage */ void ReceiveDamage(CEntity *penInflictor, enum DamageType dmtType, FLOAT fDamageAmmount, const FLOAT3D &vHitPoint, const FLOAT3D &vDirection) { // if not destroyable if(m_fHealth<0) { // ignore damages return; } if(m_bBlowupByDamager) { if( dmtType == DMT_DAMAGER) { CMovableBrushEntity::ReceiveDamage(penInflictor, dmtType, fDamageAmmount, vHitPoint, vDirection); } } else { // react only on explosions if( (dmtType == DMT_EXPLOSION) || (dmtType == DMT_PROJECTILE) || (dmtType == DMT_CANNONBALL) ) { CMovableBrushEntity::ReceiveDamage(penInflictor, dmtType, fDamageAmmount, vHitPoint, vDirection); } } } void DestroyObelisk() { for( INDEX iDebris=0; iDebris<ARRAYCOUNT(_ObeliskDebrisInfo); iDebris++) { DebrisInfo &di = _ObeliskDebrisInfo[iDebris]; FLOAT3D vOffset = FLOAT3D( di.vOffset[0], di.vOffset[1], di.vOffset[2])*m_fStretch; FLOAT3D vPos = GetPlacement().pl_PositionVector+vOffset; CEntityPointer penDebris = GetWorld()->CreateEntity_t( CPlacement3D(vPos, ANGLE3D(0,0,0)), CTFILENAME("Classes\\Debris.ecl")); // prepare parameters ESpawnDebris eSpawn; eSpawn.colDebris = C_WHITE|CT_OPAQUE; eSpawn.Eeibt = EIBT_ROCK; eSpawn.dptParticles = DPT_NONE; eSpawn.betStain = BET_NONE; eSpawn.pmd = GetModelDataForComponent(di.ulModelID); eSpawn.ptd = GetTextureDataForComponent(di.ulTextureID); eSpawn.ptdRefl = NULL; eSpawn.ptdSpec = NULL; eSpawn.ptdBump = NULL; eSpawn.iModelAnim = 0; eSpawn.fSize = m_fStretch; // initialize it penDebris->Initialize(eSpawn); // speed it up FLOAT fHeightRatio = di.vOffset[1]*m_fStretch/120.0f; FLOAT3D vSpeed = FLOAT3D( FRnd()-0.5f, 0.0f, FRnd()-0.5f)*(1.0f-fHeightRatio)*160.0f; FLOAT3D vRot = FLOAT3D( FRnd()-0.5f, (FRnd()-0.5f)*(1.0f-fHeightRatio), FRnd()-0.5f)*200.0f; /* vSpeed = FLOAT3D( 0,0,0); vRot = FLOAT3D( 0,0,0);*/ ((CMovableEntity&)*penDebris).LaunchAsFreeProjectile( vSpeed, NULL); ((CMovableEntity&)*penDebris).SetDesiredRotation( vRot); } // notify children FOREACHINLIST( CEntity, en_lnInParent, en_lhChildren, iten) { iten->SendEvent( EBrushDestroyed()); } m_fHealth = -1; ForceFullStop(); SetDefaultProperties(); CPlacement3D plObelisk = GetPlacement(); // notify engine to kickstart entities that are cached in stationary position, // before we turn off, so they can fall NotifyCollisionChanged(); SetFlags( GetFlags()|ENF_HIDDEN); SetCollisionFlags(ECF_IMMATERIAL); // spawn spray spray CEntity *penEffector = CreateEntity( plObelisk, CLASS_EFFECTOR); // set spawn parameters ESpawnEffector eSpawnEffector; eSpawnEffector.tmLifeTime = 6.0f; eSpawnEffector.eetType = ET_DESTROY_OBELISK; // initialize spray penEffector->Initialize( eSpawnEffector); } void DestroyPylon() { for( INDEX iDebris=0; iDebris<ARRAYCOUNT(_PylonDebrisInfo); iDebris++) { DebrisInfo &di = _PylonDebrisInfo[iDebris]; FLOAT3D vOffset = FLOAT3D( di.vOffset[0], di.vOffset[1], di.vOffset[2])*m_fStretch; FLOAT3D vPos = GetPlacement().pl_PositionVector+vOffset; CEntityPointer penDebris = GetWorld()->CreateEntity_t( CPlacement3D(vPos, ANGLE3D(0,0,0)), CTFILENAME("Classes\\Debris.ecl")); // prepare parameters ESpawnDebris eSpawn; eSpawn.colDebris = C_WHITE|CT_OPAQUE; eSpawn.Eeibt = EIBT_ROCK; eSpawn.dptParticles = DPT_NONE; eSpawn.betStain = BET_NONE; eSpawn.pmd = GetModelDataForComponent(di.ulModelID); eSpawn.ptd = GetTextureDataForComponent(di.ulTextureID); eSpawn.ptdRefl = NULL; eSpawn.ptdSpec = NULL; eSpawn.ptdBump = NULL; eSpawn.iModelAnim = 0; eSpawn.fSize = m_fStretch; // initialize it penDebris->Initialize(eSpawn); // speed it up FLOAT fHeightRatio = di.vOffset[1]*m_fStretch/120.0f; FLOAT3D vSpeed = (m_vDamageDir*2.0f+FLOAT3D( FRnd()-0.5f, 0.0f, FRnd()))*fHeightRatio*160.0f; FLOAT3D vRot = FLOAT3D( FRnd()-0.5f, (FRnd()-0.5f)*fHeightRatio, FRnd()-0.5f)*300.0f; ((CMovableEntity&)*penDebris).LaunchAsFreeProjectile( vSpeed, NULL); ((CMovableEntity&)*penDebris).SetDesiredRotation( vRot); } // notify children FOREACHINLIST( CEntity, en_lnInParent, en_lhChildren, iten) { iten->SendEvent( EBrushDestroyed()); } m_fHealth = -1; CPlacement3D plObelisk = GetPlacement(); // spawn spray spray CEntity *penEffector = CreateEntity( plObelisk, CLASS_EFFECTOR); // set spawn parameters ESpawnEffector eSpawnEffector; eSpawnEffector.eetType = ET_DESTROY_PYLON; eSpawnEffector.tmLifeTime = 6.0f; eSpawnEffector.vDamageDir = m_vDamageDir; // initialize spray penEffector->Initialize( eSpawnEffector); ForceFullStop(); SetDefaultProperties(); // notify engine to kickstart entities that are cached in stationary position, // before we turn off, so they can fall NotifyCollisionChanged(); SetFlags( GetFlags()|ENF_HIDDEN); SetCollisionFlags(ECF_IMMATERIAL); } procedures: Main() { // declare yourself as a brush InitAsBrush(); SetPhysicsFlags(EPF_BRUSH_MOVING); SetCollisionFlags(ECF_BRUSH); // non-zoning brush SetFlags(GetFlags()&~ENF_ZONING); SetHealth(m_fHealth); // start moving wait() { on (EBegin) : { resume; } on (EBrushDestroyedByDevil ebdbd) : { m_vDamageDir = ebdbd.vDamageDir; switch( m_etType) { case ET_DESTROY_OBELISK: DestroyObelisk(); break; case ET_DESTROY_PYLON: DestroyPylon(); break; } stop; } on (EDeath eDeath) : { // get your size FLOATaabbox3D box; GetSize(box); if( m_ctDebrises<=0) { m_ctDebrises=1; } FLOAT fEntitySize = pow(box.Size()(1)*box.Size()(2)*box.Size()(3)/m_ctDebrises, 1.0f/3.0f)*m_fCubeFactor; Debris_Begin(EIBT_ROCK, DPT_NONE, BET_NONE, fEntitySize, FLOAT3D(1.0f,2.0f,3.0f), FLOAT3D(0,0,0), 1.0f+m_fCandyEffect/2.0f, m_fCandyEffect, m_colDebrises); for(INDEX iDebris = 0; iDebris<m_ctDebrises; iDebris++) { Debris_Spawn(this, this, MODEL_STONE, TEXTURE_STONE, 0, 0, 0, IRnd()%4, 1.0f, FLOAT3D(FRnd()*0.8f+0.1f, FRnd()*0.8f+0.1f, FRnd()*0.8f+0.1f)); } // notify children FOREACHINLIST( CEntity, en_lnInParent, en_lhChildren, iten) { iten->SendEvent( EBrushDestroyed()); } m_fHealth = -1; ForceFullStop(); SetDefaultProperties(); // notify engine to kickstart entities that are cached in stationary position, // before we turn off, so they can fall NotifyCollisionChanged(); SetFlags( GetFlags()|ENF_HIDDEN); SetCollisionFlags(ECF_IMMATERIAL); // for each child of this entity {FOREACHINLIST(CEntity, en_lnInParent, en_lhChildren, itenChild) { // send it destruction event itenChild->SendEvent(ERangeModelDestruction()); }} stop; } on (EReturn) : { stop; } } return; } };