/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ 215 %{ #include "EntitiesMP/StdH/StdH.h" %} uses "EntitiesMP/Marker"; enum FogAttenuationType { 0 FA_LINEAR "Linear", 1 FA_EXP "Exp", 2 FA_EXP2 "Exp2", }; enum FogGraduationType2 { 0 FG_CONSTANT "Constant", 1 FG_LINEAR "Linear", 2 FG_EXP "Exp", }; class CFogMarker: CMarker { name "Fog Marker"; thumbnail "Thumbnails\\FogMarker.tbn"; features "IsImportant"; properties: 1 FLOAT m_fDepth "Depth" 'E' = 10.0f, 2 FLOAT m_fAbove "Above" 'O' = 20.0f, 3 FLOAT m_fBelow "Below" 'B' = 20.0f, 4 FLOAT m_fFar "Far" 'F' = 100.0f, 10 enum FogAttenuationType m_faType "Attenuation Type" 'A' =FA_EXP, 11 FLOAT m_fDensity "Density" 'D' = 0.1f, 12 enum FogGraduationType2 m_fgType "Graduation Type" 'G' =FG_CONSTANT, 13 FLOAT m_fGraduation "Graduation" 'R' = 0.1f, // for indirect density calculation 14 BOOL m_bDensityDirect "Density Direct" = TRUE, 15 FLOAT m_fDensityPercentage "DensityPercentage" = 0.95f, 16 FLOAT m_fDensityDistance "DensityDistance" = 10.0f, // for indirect graduation calculation 17 BOOL m_bGraduationDirect "Graduation Direct" = TRUE, 18 FLOAT m_fGraduationPercentage "GraduationPercentage" = 0.95f, 19 FLOAT m_fGraduationDistance "GraduationDistance" = 10.0f, 22 INDEX m_iSizeL "Size Distance" 'S' = 32, 23 INDEX m_iSizeH "Size Depth" 'I' = 16, 24 COLOR m_colColor "Color" 'C' = (C_WHITE|CT_OPAQUE), components: 1 model MODEL_MARKER "Models\\Editor\\Fog.mdl", 2 texture TEXTURE_MARKER "Models\\Editor\\Fog.tex" functions: /* Get fog type name, return empty string if not used. */ const CTString &GetFogName(void) { return m_strName; } /* Get fog. */ void GetFog(class CFogParameters &fpFog) { const FLOATmatrix3D &m = GetRotationMatrix(); fpFog.fp_vFogDir(1) = m(1,2); fpFog.fp_vFogDir(2) = m(2,2); fpFog.fp_vFogDir(3) = m(3,2); FLOAT fPos = fpFog.fp_vFogDir%GetPlacement().pl_PositionVector; fpFog.fp_colColor = m_colColor; fpFog.fp_atType = (AttenuationType) m_faType; fpFog.fp_fDensity = m_fDensity; fpFog.fp_fgtType = (FogGraduationType) m_fgType; fpFog.fp_fGraduation = m_fGraduation; fpFog.fp_fH0 = fPos-m_fDepth-m_fBelow; fpFog.fp_fH1 = fPos-m_fDepth; fpFog.fp_fH2 = fPos; fpFog.fp_fH3 = fPos+m_fAbove; fpFog.fp_fFar = m_fFar; fpFog.fp_iSizeH = m_iSizeH; fpFog.fp_iSizeL = m_iSizeL; } procedures: Main() { InitAsEditorModel(); SetPhysicsFlags(EPF_MODEL_IMMATERIAL); SetCollisionFlags(ECF_IMMATERIAL); // set appearance SetModel(MODEL_MARKER); SetModelMainTexture(TEXTURE_MARKER); // set name if (m_strName=="Marker") { m_strName = "Fog marker"; } // if density is calculated indirectly if (!m_bDensityDirect) { // calculate density to have given percentage at given distance switch(m_faType) { case FA_LINEAR: m_fDensity = m_fDensityPercentage/m_fDensityDistance; break; case FA_EXP: m_fDensity = -log(1-m_fDensityPercentage)/m_fDensityDistance; break; case FA_EXP2: m_fDensity = Sqrt(-log(1-m_fDensityPercentage))/m_fDensityDistance; break; } } // if graduation is calculated indirectly if (!m_bGraduationDirect) { // calculate graduation to have given percentage at given depth switch(m_fgType) { case FG_LINEAR: m_fGraduation = m_fGraduationPercentage/m_fGraduationDistance; break; case FG_EXP: m_fGraduation = -log(1-m_fGraduationPercentage)/m_fGraduationDistance; break; } } // clamp values to valid ranges m_fDensity = ClampDn(m_fDensity, 1E-6f); m_fDepth = ClampDn(m_fDepth , 0.001f); m_fAbove = ClampDn(m_fAbove , 0.001f); m_fBelow = ClampDn(m_fBelow , 0.001f); m_fFar = ClampDn(m_fFar, 0.001f); m_iSizeL = 1<