/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. 
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */

  #pragma once

#include <Engine/Base/FileName.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Timer.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Stream.h>
#include <Engine/World/World.h>
#include <Engine/Network/MessageDispatcher.h>
#include <Engine/Templates/StaticArray.h>

#define NET_MAXGAMECOMPUTERS SERVER_CLIENTS    // max overall computers in game
#define NET_MAXGAMEPLAYERS   16                // max overall players in game
#define NET_MAXLOCALPLAYERS   4                // max players on a single machine

#define NET_WAITMESSAGE_DELAY     50       // wait time between receive message attempts

#define NET_MAXSESSIONPROPERTIES 2048   // size of buffer for custom use by CGame and entities

 * Timer handler for network timer loop.
class ENGINE_API CNetworkTimerHandler : public CTimerHandler {
  /* This is called every TickQuantum seconds. */
  virtual void HandleTimer(void);

// demo synchronization constants
#define DEMOSYNC_REALTIME   (0.0f)
#define DEMOSYNC_STOP      (-1.0f)

enum NetGraphEntryType {
struct NetGraphEntry {
  enum NetGraphEntryType nge_ngetType;  // type of packet/event
  FLOAT nge_fLatency;   // latency in seconds
  void Clear(void);

 * Network session description.
class ENGINE_API CNetworkSession {
  CListNode ns_lnNode;    // for linking in list of available sessions
  CTString ns_strAddress; // session address

  CTString ns_strSession;   // session name
  CTString ns_strWorld;     // world name
  TIME     ns_tmPing;       // current players
  INDEX    ns_ctPlayers;    // current players
  INDEX    ns_ctMaxPlayers; // max number of players
  CTString ns_strGameType;  // game type
  CTString ns_strMod;       // active mod
  CTString ns_strVer;       // version 
  void Copy(const CNetworkSession &nsOriginal);

  /* Default constructor. */
  /* Construct a session for connecting to certain server. */
  CNetworkSession(const CTString &strAddress);

 * Game, used for general game initialization/manipulation
class ENGINE_API CNetworkLibrary : public CMessageDispatcher {

  BOOL ga_IsServer;           // set if this is a server computer
  CServer &ga_srvServer;      // server (active only if this is server computer)

  CTCriticalSection ga_csNetwork;  // critical section for access to network data

  CSessionState &ga_sesSessionState;  // local session state
  CStaticArray<CPlayerSource> ga_aplsPlayers;  // local players
  CTString ga_strSessionName;   // name of current session
  CTString ga_strServerAddress; // address of game server (if joined)
  INDEX ga_ulDemoMinorVersion;  // minor version of build that created this demo
  CTFileName ga_fnmWorld;       // filename of current world
  UBYTE *ga_pubDefaultState;    // default state for connecting (server only)
  SLONG ga_slDefaultStateSize;
  UBYTE *ga_pubCRCList;         // list of files for CRC checking (server only)
  SLONG ga_slCRCList;
  ULONG ga_ulCRC; // CRC of CRCs of all files in the list

  BOOL ga_bLocalPause;            // local pause for single player/demo
  BOOL ga_bDemoRec;               // set if currently recording a demo
  CTFileStream ga_strmDemoRec;    // currently recorded demo file
  BOOL ga_bDemoPlay;              // set if currently playing a demo
  BOOL ga_bDemoPlayFinished;      // set if currently playing demo has finished
  CTFileStream ga_strmDemoPlay;   // currently played demo file
  CTimerValue ga_tvDemoTimerLastTime;   // real time timer for demo synchronization
  CNetworkTimerHandler ga_thTimerHandler; // handler for driving the timer loop
  INDEX ga_ctTimersPending;       // number of timer loops pending

  CTFileName ga_fnmNextLevel;     // world for next level
  BOOL  ga_bNextRemember;         // remember old levels when changing to new one
  INDEX ga_iNextLevelUserData;    // user data for next level

  CListHead ga_lhEnumeratedSessions;  // list of sessions found after last enumeration was triggered
  FLOAT ga_fEnumerationProgress;      // enumeration progress percentage (0-1)
  CTString ga_strEnumerationStatus;   // description of current operation
  BOOL ga_bEnumerationChange;         // this is raised if something was changed in the list

  CTString ga_strRequiredMod;         // set if connection failed due to a different mod running on the server

  // buffer for custom use by CGame and entities

  BOOL IsServer(void) { return ga_IsServer; };

  // make actions packet for local players and send to server
  void SendActionsToServer(void);

  /* Loop executed in timer interrupt, every game tick. */
  void TimerLoop(void);

  /* Add the timer handler. */
  void AddTimerHandler(void);
  /* Remove the timer handler. */
  void RemoveTimerHandler(void);

  // really do the level change
  void ChangeLevel_internal(void);

  // save current version of engine
  void WriteVersion_t(CTStream &strm);
  // load version of engine saved in file and check against current
  void CheckVersion_t(CTStream &strm, BOOL bAllowReinit, BOOL &bNeedsReinit);

  // add a value to the netgraph
  void AddNetGraphValue(enum NetGraphEntryType nget, FLOAT fLatency);

  // call this while game is not running - to update server enumeration lists
  void GameInactive(void);

  // automatically adjust network settings
  void AutoAdjustSettings(void);

  // make default state data for creating deltas
  void MakeDefaultState(const CTFileName &fnmWorld, ULONG ulSpawnFlags, void *pvSessionProperties);

  // initialize gathering of file CRCs to CRC table
  void InitCRCGather(void);
  // finish gathering of file CRCs to CRC table (call for server only!)
  void FinishCRCGather(void);

  CWorld ga_World;                // local copy of world
  FLOAT ga_fDemoTimer;            // timer for demo playback (in seconds)
  FLOAT ga_fDemoRealTimeFactor;   // slow/fast playback factor (for DEMOSYNC_REALTIME only)
  FLOAT ga_fGameRealTimeFactor;   // game time accelerator
  FLOAT ga_fDemoSyncRate;         // demo sync speed in FPS (or realtime/stop)
  CStaticArray<struct NetGraphEntry> ga_angeNetGraph;    // array of netgraph entries

  // interface
  /* Default constructor. */

  /* Initialize game management. */
  void Init(const CTString &strGameID);
  /* Start a peer-to-peer game session. */
  void StartPeerToPeer_t(const CTString &strSessionName,
    const CTFileName &fnmWorld, ULONG ulSpawnFlags, 
    INDEX ctMaxPlayers, BOOL bWaitAllPlayers,
    void *pvSessionProperties); // throw char *
  /* Trigger sessions enumeration over LAN and iNet. */
  void EnumSessions(BOOL bInternet);
  /* Join a running multi-player game. */
  void JoinSession_t(const CNetworkSession &nsSesssion, INDEX ctLocalPlayers); // throw char *
  /* Start playing a demo. */
  void StartDemoPlay_t(const CTFileName &fnDemo); // throw char *
  /* Test if currently playing a demo. */
  BOOL IsPlayingDemo(void);
  /* Test if currently recording a demo. */
  BOOL IsRecordingDemo(void);
  /* Test if currently playing demo has finished. */
  BOOL IsDemoPlayFinished(void);
  /* Stop currently running game. */
  void StopGame(void);

  // pause/unpause game
  void TogglePause(void);
  // test if game is paused
  BOOL IsPaused(void);
  // test if game is waiting for more players to connect
  BOOL IsWaitingForPlayers(void);
  // test if game is waiting for server
  BOOL IsWaitingForServer(void);
  // mark that the game has finished -- called from AI
  void SetGameFinished(void);
  BOOL IsGameFinished(void);
  // manipulation with realtime factor for slower/faster time -- called from AI
  void SetRealTimeFactor(FLOAT fSpeed);
  FLOAT GetRealTimeFactor(void);   
  // test if having connnection problems (not getting messages from server regulary)
  BOOL IsConnectionStable(void);
  // test if completely disconnected and why
  BOOL IsDisconnected(void);
  const CTString &WhyDisconnected(void);

  // set/get server side pause (for single player or demo only)
  void SetLocalPause(BOOL bPause);
  BOOL GetLocalPause(void);

  // get server/client name and address
  void GetHostName(CTString &strName, CTString &strAddress);

  // test if playing in network or locally
  BOOL IsNetworkEnabled(void);

  // test if game session is currently doing prediction
  BOOL IsPredicting(void);

  // initiate level change
  void ChangeLevel(const CTFileName &fnmNextLevel, BOOL bRemember, INDEX iUserData);

  /* Obtain file name of world that is currently loaded. */
  CTFileName &GetCurrentWorld(void) { return ga_fnmWorld;};

  /* Start recording a demo. */
  void StartDemoRec_t(const CTFileName &fnDemo); // throw char *
  /* Stop recording a demo. */
  void StopDemoRec(void);

  /* Read current game situation from a stream. */
  void Read_t(CTStream *pstr);   // throw char *
  /* Write current game situation into a stream. */
  void Write_t(CTStream *pstr);  // throw char *

  /* Save the game. */
  void Save_t(const CTFileName &fnmGame); // throw char *
  /* Load the game. */
  void Load_t(const CTFileName &fnmGame); // throw char *

  /* Save a debugging game. */
  void DebugSave(void);   // this doesn't throw anything

  /* Add a new player to game. */
  CPlayerSource *AddPlayer_t(CPlayerCharacter &pcCharacter);  // throw char *

  /* Loop executed in main application thread. */
  void MainLoop(void);

  /* Get player entity for a given local player. */
  CEntity *GetLocalPlayerEntity(CPlayerSource *ppls);
  /* Get player entity for a given player by name. */
  CEntity *GetPlayerEntityByName(const CTString &strName);
  /* Get number of entities with given name. */
  INDEX GetNumberOfEntitiesWithName(const CTString &strName);
  /* Get n-th entity with given name. */
  CEntity *GetEntityWithName(const CTString &strName, INDEX iEntityWithThatName);
  /* Test if a given player is local to this computer. */
  BOOL IsPlayerLocal(CEntity *pen);
  // get player source for a given player if it is local to this computer
  CPlayerSource *GetPlayerSource(CEntity *pen);

  // get game time in currently running game
  TIME GetGameTime(void);

  /* Get session properties for current game. */
  void *GetSessionProperties(void);

  /* Send chat message from some players to some other players. */
  void SendChat(ULONG ulFrom, ULONG ulTo, const CTString &strMessage);

// make default state for a network game
extern void NET_MakeDefaultState_t(
  const CTFileName &fnmWorld, ULONG ulSpawnFlags, void *pvSessionProperties,
  CTStream &strmState); // throw char *

// pointer to global instance of the only network object in the application
ENGINE_API extern CNetworkLibrary *_pNetwork;

// convert string address to a number
ENGINE_API extern ULONG StringToAddress(const CTString &strAddress);
// convert address to a printable string
ENGINE_API extern CTString AddressToString(ULONG ulHost);

#endif  /* include-once check. */