/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifndef SE_INCL_RENDERMODEL_H #define SE_INCL_RENDERMODEL_H #ifdef PRAGMA_ONCE #pragma once #endif #include <Engine/Math/Placement.h> #include <Engine/Math/Projection.h> /* * This instance of render prefs object represents global preferences * used for rendering of all models and their shadows */ ENGINE_API extern class CModelRenderPrefs _mrpModelRenderPrefs; /* * This object is used to define how models and their shadows will be rendered */ class ENGINE_API CModelRenderPrefs { private: BOOL rp_BBoxFrameVisible; // determines visibility of frame BBox BOOL rp_BBoxAllVisible; // determines visibility of all frames BBox COLOR rp_InkColor; // ink color (wire frame) COLOR rp_PaperColor; // paper color ULONG rp_RenderType; // model's rendering type INDEX rp_ShadowQuality; // model shadow's quality (substraction to mip model index) public: CModelRenderPrefs(); // constructor sets defult values void SetRenderType(ULONG rtNew); // set model rendering type void SetTextureType(ULONG rtNew); // set model rendering texture type void SetShadingType(ULONG rtNew); // set model shading texture type void SetShadowQuality(INDEX iNew); // set shadow quality (best 0, worse -1, ...) void DesreaseShadowQuality(void); // decrease shadow quality void IncreaseShadowQuality(void); // increase shadow quality void SetWire(BOOL bWireOn); // set wire frame on/off void SetHiddenLines(BOOL bHiddenLinesOn); // set hiden lines on/off BOOL BBoxFrameVisible(); // bounding box frames visible? BOOL BBoxAllVisible(); // bounding box all frames visible? BOOL WireOn(void); // returns TRUE if wire frame is on BOOL HiddenLines(void); // returns TRUE if hiden lines are visible void SetInkColor(COLOR clrNew); // set ink color COLOR GetInkColor(); // get ink color void SetPaperColor(COLOR clrNew); // set paper color COLOR GetPaperColor(); // get paper color void BBoxFrameShow(BOOL bShow); // show bounding box frame void BBoxAllShow(BOOL bShow); // show bounding box all frames ULONG GetRenderType(void); // get model rendering type INDEX GetShadowQuality(void); // retrieves current shadow quality level void Read_t( CTStream *istrFile); // throw char * // read and void Write_t( CTStream *ostrFile); // throw char * // write functions }; // texture used for simple model shadows extern ENGINE_API CTextureObject _toSimpleModelShadow; // begin/end model rendering to screen extern ENGINE_API void BeginModelRenderingView( CAnyProjection3D &prProjection, CDrawPort *pdp); extern ENGINE_API void EndModelRenderingView( BOOL bRestoreOrtho=TRUE); // begin/end model rendering to shadow mask extern ENGINE_API void BeginModelRenderingMask( CAnyProjection3D &prProjection, UBYTE *pubMask, SLONG slMaskWidth, SLONG slMaskHeight); extern ENGINE_API void EndModelRenderingMask(void); #define RMF_ATTACHMENT (1UL<<0) // set for attachment render models #define RMF_FOG (1UL<<1) // render in fog #define RMF_HAZE (1UL<<2) // render in haze #define RMF_SPECTATOR (1UL<<3) // model will not be rendered but shadows might #define RMF_INVERTED (1UL<<4) // stretch is inverted #define RMF_BBOXSET (1UL<<5) // bounding box has been calculated #define RMF_INSIDE (1UL<<6) // doesn't need clipping to frustum #define RMF_INMIRROR (1UL<<7) // doesn't need clipping to mirror/warp plane #define RMF_WEAPON (1UL<<8) // TEMP: weapon model is rendering so don't use ATI's Truform! class ENGINE_API CRenderModel { public: // implementation: CModelData *rm_pmdModelData; // model's data struct ModelMipInfo *rm_pmmiMip; // current mip ULONG rm_rtRenderType; // current rendering preferences // lerp information INDEX rm_iFrame0, rm_iFrame1; FLOAT rm_fRatio; INDEX rm_iMipLevel; INDEX rm_iTesselationLevel; union { struct ModelFrameVertex8 *rm_pFrame8_0; // ptr to last frame struct ModelFrameVertex16 *rm_pFrame16_0; }; union { struct ModelFrameVertex8 *rm_pFrame8_1; // ptr to next frame struct ModelFrameVertex16 *rm_pFrame16_1; }; FLOAT3D rm_vLightObj; // light vector as seen from object space // placement of the object FLOAT3D rm_vObjectPosition; FLOATmatrix3D rm_mObjectRotation; // object to view placement FLOAT3D rm_vObjectToView; FLOATmatrix3D rm_mObjectToView; // decompression and stretch factors FLOAT3D rm_vStretch, rm_vOffset; // bounding box min/max coords in object space FLOAT3D rm_vObjectMinBB, rm_vObjectMaxBB; // flags and blend color global for this rendering ULONG rm_ulFlags; COLOR rm_colBlend; // set modelview matrix if not already set void SetModelView(void); // interface: public: CRenderModel(void); ~CRenderModel(void); // set placement of the object void SetObjectPlacement(const CPlacement3D &pl); void SetObjectPlacement(const FLOAT3D &v, const FLOATmatrix3D &m); FLOAT rm_fDistanceFactor; // mip factor not including scaling or biasing FLOAT rm_fMipFactor; // real mip factor FLOAT3D rm_vLightDirection; // direction shading light COLOR rm_colLight; // color of the shading light COLOR rm_colAmbient; // color of the ambient }; #endif /* include-once check. */