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3308 lines
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3308 lines
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/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. All rights reserved. */
#include "stdh.h"
#include <Engine/Base/Statistics_internal.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Console.h>
#include <Engine/Models/ModelObject.h>
#include <Engine/Models/ModelData.h>
#include <Engine/Models/ModelProfile.h>
#include <Engine/Models/RenderModel.h>
#include <Engine/Models/Model_internal.h>
#include <Engine/Models/Normals.h>
#include <Engine/Graphics/GfxLibrary.h>
#include <Engine/Graphics/Fog_internal.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Lists.inl>
#include <Engine/World/WorldEditingProfile.h>
#include <Engine/Templates/StaticArray.cpp>
#include <Engine/Templates/StaticStackArray.cpp>
#include <Engine/Models/RenderModel_internal.h>
// asm shortcuts
#define O offset
#define Q qword ptr
#define D dword ptr
#define W word ptr
#define B byte ptr
#define ASMOPT 1
extern BOOL CVA_bModels;
extern BOOL GFX_bTruform;
extern BOOL _bMultiPlayer;
extern const UBYTE *pubClipByte;
extern const FLOAT *pfSinTable;
extern const FLOAT *pfCosTable;
static GfxAPIType _eAPI;
static BOOL _bForceTranslucency; // force translucency of opaque/transparent surfaces (for model fading)
static ULONG _ulMipLayerFlags;
static INDEX _icol=0;
// mip arrays
static CStaticStackArray<GFXVertex3> _avtxMipBase;
static CStaticStackArray<GFXTexCoord> _atexMipBase; // for reflection and specular
static CStaticStackArray<GFXNormal3> _anorMipBase;
static CStaticStackArray<GFXColor> _acolMipBase;
static CStaticStackArray<GFXTexCoord> _atexMipFogy;
static CStaticStackArray<UBYTE> _ashdMipFogy;
static CStaticStackArray<FLOAT> _atx1MipHaze;
static CStaticStackArray<UBYTE> _ashdMipHaze;
// surface arrays
static CStaticStackArray<GFXVertex4> _avtxSrfBase;
static CStaticStackArray<GFXNormal4> _anorSrfBase; // normals for Truform!
static CStaticStackArray<GFXTexCoord> _atexSrfBase;
static CStaticStackArray<GFXColor> _acolSrfBase;
// shadows arrays
static CStaticStackArray<FLOAT> _aooqMipShad;
static CStaticStackArray<GFXTexCoord4> _atx4SrfShad;
// pointers to arrays for quicker access
static GFXColor *pcolSrfBase;
static GFXColor *pcolMipBase;
static GFXVertex3 *pvtxMipBase;
static GFXNormal3 *pnorMipBase;
static GFXTexCoord *ptexMipBase;
static GFXTexCoord *ptexMipFogy;
static UBYTE *pshdMipFogy;
static FLOAT *ptx1MipHaze;
static UBYTE *pshdMipHaze;
static FLOAT *pooqMipShad;
static UWORD *puwSrfToMip;
// misc
static ULONG _ulColorMask = 0;
static INDEX _ctAllMipVx = 0;
static INDEX _ctAllSrfVx = 0;
static BOOL _bFlatFill = FALSE;
static SLONG _slLR=0, _slLG=0, _slLB=0;
static SLONG _slAR=0, _slAG=0, _slAB=0;
static const __int64 mmRounder = 0x007F007F007F007F;
static const __int64 mmF000 = 0x00FF000000000000;
// viewer absolute and object space projection
static FLOAT3D _vViewer;
static FLOAT3D _vViewerObj;
static FLOAT3D _vLightObj;
// some constants for asm float ops
static const FLOAT f2 = 2.0f;
static const FLOAT f05 = 0.5f;
// convinient routine for timing of texture setting
static __forceinline void SetCurrentTexture( CTextureData *ptd, INDEX iFrame)
_pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_SETTEXTURE);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_SETTEXTURE);
if( ptd==NULL || _bFlatFill) gfxDisableTexture();
else ptd->SetAsCurrent(iFrame);
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_SETTEXTURE);
// reset model vertex buffers
static void ResetVertexArrays(void)
// reset and free all arrays
extern void Models_ClearVertexArrays(void)
struct Triangle {
BOOL bDone;
Triangle(void) : bDone(FALSE) {};
void Clear(void) { bDone = FALSE; };
void Rotate(void) { const INDEX i=i0;
i0=i1; i1=i2; i2=i; }
static INDEX _ctSurfaces = 0;
static INDEX _ctTriangles = 0;
static INDEX _ctStrips = 0;
static INDEX _ctMaxStripLen = 0;
static INDEX _ctMinStripLen = 10000;
static FLOAT _fTriPerStrip = 0.0f;
static FLOAT _fTriPerSurface = 0.0f;
static FLOAT _fStripPerSurface = 0.0f;
static INDEX _ctStripStartFailed = 0;
static CStaticArray<Triangle> _atri;
static CStaticArray<Triangle> _atriDone;
static void GetNeighbourTriangleVertices(Triangle *ptri, INDEX &i1, INDEX &i2)
Triangle &triA = *ptri;
for( INDEX itri=0; itri<_atri.Count(); itri++) {
Triangle &triB = _atri[itri];
if( triB.bDone) continue;
i1=triA.i1; i2=triA.i2;
if (i2 == triB.i0 && i1 == triB.i1) return;
if (i2 == triB.i1 && i1 == triB.i2) return;
if (i2 == triB.i2 && i1 == triB.i0) return;
i1=triA.i1; i2=triA.i2;
if (i2 == triB.i0 && i1 == triB.i1) return;
if (i2 == triB.i1 && i1 == triB.i2) return;
if (i2 == triB.i2 && i1 == triB.i0) return;
i1=triA.i1; i2=triA.i2;
if (i2 == triB.i0 && i1 == triB.i1) return;
if (i2 == triB.i1 && i1 == triB.i2) return;
if (i2 == triB.i2 && i1 == triB.i0) return;
// none found
i1 = -1;
i2 = -1;
static Triangle *GetNextStripTriangle(INDEX &i1, INDEX &i2, INDEX iTriInStrip)
for( INDEX itri=0; itri<_atri.Count(); itri++) {
Triangle &tri = _atri[itri];
if( tri.bDone) continue;
if( iTriInStrip%2 == 0) {
if (i1==tri.i0 && i2==tri.i1) { i1=i2; i2=tri.i2; return &tri;} tri.Rotate();
if (i1==tri.i0 && i2==tri.i1) { i1=i2; i2=tri.i2; return &tri;} tri.Rotate();
if (i1==tri.i0 && i2==tri.i1) { i1=i2; i2=tri.i2; return &tri;} tri.Rotate();
} else {
if (i2==tri.i0 && i1==tri.i1) { i1=i2; i2=tri.i2; return &tri;} tri.Rotate();
if (i2==tri.i0 && i1==tri.i1) { i1=i2; i2=tri.i2; return &tri;} tri.Rotate();
if (i2==tri.i0 && i1==tri.i1) { i1=i2; i2=tri.i2; return &tri;} tri.Rotate();
i1 = -1;
i2 = -1;
return NULL;
static Triangle *GetFirstTriangle(void)
for( INDEX itri=0; itri<_atri.Count(); itri++) {
Triangle &tri1 = _atri[itri];
if( tri1.bDone) continue;
return &tri1;
return &_atri[0];
static void PrepareSurfaceElements( ModelMipInfo &mmi, MappingSurface &ms)
// find total number of triangles
INDEX ctTriangles = 0;
{for( INDEX iipo=0; iipo<ms.ms_aiPolygons.Count(); iipo++) {
ModelPolygon &mp = mmi.mmpi_Polygons[ ms.ms_aiPolygons[iipo]];
ctTriangles += (mp.mp_PolygonVertices.Count()-2);
ASSERT( ctTriangles>=ms.ms_aiPolygons.Count());
_ctTriangles += ctTriangles;
// allocate that much triangles
// put all triangles there (do tri-fans) -> should do tri-strips ? !!!!
INDEX iTriangle = 0;
{for( INDEX iipo=0; iipo<ms.ms_aiPolygons.Count(); iipo++) {
ModelPolygon &mp = mmi.mmpi_Polygons[ ms.ms_aiPolygons[iipo]];
{for( INDEX ivx=2; ivx<mp.mp_PolygonVertices.Count(); ivx++) {
Triangle &tri = _atri[iTriangle++];
tri.i0 = mp.mp_PolygonVertices[0 ].mpv_ptvTextureVertex->mtv_iSurfaceVx;
tri.i1 = mp.mp_PolygonVertices[ivx-1].mpv_ptvTextureVertex->mtv_iSurfaceVx;
tri.i2 = mp.mp_PolygonVertices[ivx-0].mpv_ptvTextureVertex->mtv_iSurfaceVx;
// start with first triangle
INDEX ctTrianglesDone = 0;
Triangle *ptri = &_atri[0];
INDEX i1, i2;
GetNeighbourTriangleVertices(ptri, i1, i2);
//_RPT2(_CRT_WARN, "Begin: i1=%d i2=%d\n", i1,i2);
INDEX ctTriPerStrip = 0;
// repeat
// put current triangles into done triangles
_atriDone[ctTrianglesDone++] = *ptri;
//_RPT3(_CRT_WARN, "Added: %d %d %d\n", ptri->i0, ptri->i1, ptri->i2);
ptri->bDone = TRUE;
// stop if all triangles are done
if( ctTrianglesDone>=ctTriangles) break;
// get some neighbour of current triangle
Triangle *ptriNext = NULL;
extern INDEX mdl_bCreateStrips;
if( mdl_bCreateStrips) {
ptriNext = GetNextStripTriangle( i1, i2, ctTriPerStrip);
//_RPT2(_CRT_WARN, "Next: i1=%d i2=%d\n", i1,i2);
// if no neighbour
if( ptriNext==NULL) {
// get first one that is not done
ptriNext = GetFirstTriangle();
GetNeighbourTriangleVertices( ptriNext, i1, i2);
//_RPT2(_CRT_WARN, "Rebegin: i1=%d i2=%d\n", i1,i2);
_ctMaxStripLen = Max( _ctMaxStripLen, ctTriPerStrip);
_ctMinStripLen = Max( _ctMinStripLen, ctTriPerStrip);
ctTriPerStrip = 0;
// take that as current triangle
ptri = ptriNext;
_ctMaxStripLen = Max( _ctMaxStripLen, ctTriPerStrip);
_ctMinStripLen = Min( _ctMinStripLen, ctTriPerStrip);
ASSERT( ctTrianglesDone==ctTriangles);
// create elements
ms.ms_ctSrfEl = ctTriangles*3;
INDEX *paiElements = mmi.mmpi_aiElements.Push(ms.ms_ctSrfEl);
// dump all triangles
//_RPT0(_CRT_WARN, "Result:\n");
INDEX iel = 0;
{for( INDEX itri=0; itri<ctTriangles; itri++){
paiElements[iel++] = _atriDone[itri].i0;
paiElements[iel++] = _atriDone[itri].i1;
paiElements[iel++] = _atriDone[itri].i2;
//_RPT3(_CRT_WARN, "%d %d %d\n", _atriDone[itri].i0, _atriDone[itri].i1, _atriDone[itri].i2);
mmi.mmpi_ctTriangles += ctTriangles;
_fTriPerStrip = FLOAT(_ctTriangles) / _ctStrips;
_fTriPerSurface = FLOAT(_ctTriangles) / _ctSurfaces;
_fStripPerSurface = FLOAT(_ctStrips) / _ctSurfaces;
// _ctStripStartFailed
// compare two surfaces by type of diffuse surface
static int qsort_CompareSurfaceDiffuseTypes( const void *pSrf1, const void *pSrf2)
MappingSurface &srf1 = *(MappingSurface*)pSrf1;
MappingSurface &srf2 = *(MappingSurface*)pSrf2;
// invisible, empty or obsolete surfaces goes to end ...
if( srf1.ms_aiPolygons.Count()==0 ||
(srf1.ms_ulRenderingFlags&SRF_INVISIBLE) ||
srf1.ms_sttTranslucencyType==STT_ALPHAGOURAUD) return +1;
if( srf2.ms_aiPolygons.Count()==0 ||
(srf2.ms_ulRenderingFlags&SRF_INVISIBLE) ||
srf2.ms_sttTranslucencyType==STT_ALPHAGOURAUD) return -1;
// same surface types - sort by specular then reflection layer
if( srf1.ms_sttTranslucencyType==srf2.ms_sttTranslucencyType) {
BOOL bSrf1Spec = srf1.ms_ulRenderingFlags & SRF_SPECULAR;
BOOL bSrf2Spec = srf2.ms_ulRenderingFlags & SRF_SPECULAR;
BOOL bSrf1Refl = srf1.ms_ulRenderingFlags & SRF_REFLECTIONS;
BOOL bSrf2Refl = srf2.ms_ulRenderingFlags & SRF_REFLECTIONS;
if( bSrf1Spec && !bSrf2Spec) return -1;
if( !bSrf1Spec && bSrf2Spec) return +1;
if( bSrf1Refl && !bSrf2Refl) return -1;
if( !bSrf1Refl && bSrf2Refl) return +1;
// identical surfaces
return 0;
// ... opaque surfaces goes to begining ...
if( srf1.ms_sttTranslucencyType==STT_OPAQUE) return -1;
if( srf2.ms_sttTranslucencyType==STT_OPAQUE) return +1;
// ... then transparent ...
if( srf1.ms_sttTranslucencyType==STT_TRANSPARENT) {
if( srf2.ms_sttTranslucencyType==STT_OPAQUE) return +1;
return -1;
if( srf2.ms_sttTranslucencyType==STT_TRANSPARENT) {
if( srf1.ms_sttTranslucencyType==STT_OPAQUE) return -1;
return +1;
// ... then translucent ...
if( srf1.ms_sttTranslucencyType==STT_TRANSLUCENT) {
if( srf2.ms_sttTranslucencyType==STT_OPAQUE ||
srf2.ms_sttTranslucencyType==STT_TRANSPARENT) return +1;
return -1;
if( srf2.ms_sttTranslucencyType==STT_TRANSLUCENT) {
if( srf1.ms_sttTranslucencyType==STT_OPAQUE ||
srf1.ms_sttTranslucencyType==STT_TRANSPARENT) return -1;
return +1;
// ... then additive ...
if( srf1.ms_sttTranslucencyType==STT_ADD) {
if( srf2.ms_sttTranslucencyType==STT_MULTIPLY) return -1;
return +1;
if( srf2.ms_sttTranslucencyType==STT_ADD) {
if( srf1.ms_sttTranslucencyType==STT_MULTIPLY) return +1;
return -1;
// ... then multiplicative.
if( srf1.ms_sttTranslucencyType==STT_MULTIPLY) return +1;
if( srf2.ms_sttTranslucencyType==STT_MULTIPLY) return -1;
ASSERTALWAYS( "Unrecognized surface type!");
return 0;
// prepare mip model's array for OpenGL
static void PrepareModelMipForRendering( CModelData &md, INDEX iMip)
ModelMipInfo &mmi = md.md_MipInfos[iMip];
mmi.mmpi_ulLayerFlags = MMI_OPAQUE|MMI_TRANSLUCENT; // initially entire model can be both opaque and translucent
mmi.mmpi_ctTriangles = 0;
// get number of vertices in this mip
INDEX ctMdlVx = md.md_VerticesCt;
INDEX ctMipVx = 0;
ULONG ulVxMask = 1UL<<iMip;
for( iMdlVx=0; iMdlVx<ctMdlVx; iMdlVx++) {
if( md.md_VertexMipMask[iMdlVx] & ulVxMask) ctMipVx++;
// create model<->mip remapping tables for vertices
mmi.mmpi_ctMipVx = ctMipVx;
CStaticArray<INDEX> aiMdlToMip;
INDEX iMipVx = 0;
for( iMdlVx=0; iMdlVx<ctMdlVx; iMdlVx++) {
aiMdlToMip[iMdlVx] = 0x12345678; // set to invalid to catch eventual bugs
if((md.md_VertexMipMask[iMdlVx] & ulVxMask)) {
aiMdlToMip[iMdlVx]= iMipVx;
mmi.mmpi_auwMipToMdl[iMipVx++] = iMdlVx;
// get total number of surface vertices
CStaticArray<struct ModelTextureVertex> &amtv = mmi.mmpi_TextureVertices;
mmi.mmpi_ctSrfVx = amtv.Count();
// allocate surface vertex arrays
// alloc bump mapping vectors only if needed
// count surfaces
INDEX ctSurfaces = 0;
{FOREACHINSTATICARRAY( mmi.mmpi_MappingSurfaces, MappingSurface, itms) ctSurfaces++; }
// sort surfaces by diffuse type
qsort( &mmi.mmpi_MappingSurfaces[0], ctSurfaces, sizeof(MappingSurface), qsort_CompareSurfaceDiffuseTypes);
// initialize array for all surfaces' elements
// for each surface
INDEX iSrfVx = 0;
INDEX iSrfEl = 0;
{FOREACHINSTATICARRAY( mmi.mmpi_MappingSurfaces, MappingSurface, itms)
MappingSurface &ms = *itms;
// if it is empty surface
if( ms.ms_aiPolygons.Count()==0) {
// just clear all its data
ms.ms_ctSrfVx = 0;
ms.ms_ctSrfEl = 0;
ms.ms_iSrfVx0 = MAX_SLONG; // set to invalid to catch eventual bugs
// proceed to next surface
// determine surface and mip model rendering type (write to z-buffer or not)
if( !(ms.ms_ulRenderingFlags&SRF_DIFFUSE)
|| ms.ms_sttTranslucencyType==STT_TRANSLUCENT
|| ms.ms_sttTranslucencyType==STT_ADD
|| ms.ms_sttTranslucencyType==STT_MULTIPLY) {
ms.ms_ulRenderingFlags &= ~SRF_OPAQUE;
mmi.mmpi_ulLayerFlags &= ~MMI_OPAQUE;
} else {
ms.ms_ulRenderingFlags |= SRF_OPAQUE;
mmi.mmpi_ulLayerFlags &= ~MMI_TRANSLUCENT;
// accumulate flags
mmi.mmpi_ulLayerFlags |= ms.ms_ulRenderingFlags;
// assign surface vertex numbers
ms.ms_iSrfVx0 = iSrfVx;
ms.ms_ctSrfVx = ms.ms_aiTextureVertices.Count();
// for each vertex
for( INDEX iVxInSurface=0; iVxInSurface<ms.ms_ctSrfVx; iVxInSurface++) {
// get texture vertex
ModelTextureVertex &mtv = amtv[ms.ms_aiTextureVertices[iVxInSurface]];
// remember index for elements preparing
mtv.mtv_iSurfaceVx = iSrfVx;
// remember index for rendering
mmi.mmpi_auwSrfToMip[iSrfVx] = aiMdlToMip[mtv.mtv_iTransformedVertex];
// assign data to texture array
mmi.mmpi_avmexTexCoord[iSrfVx](1) = (FLOAT)mtv.mtv_UV(1);
mmi.mmpi_avmexTexCoord[iSrfVx](2) = (FLOAT)mtv.mtv_UV(2);
} // set vertex indices
PrepareSurfaceElements( mmi, ms);
// for each patch
FOREACHINSTATICARRAY( mmi.mmpi_aPolygonsPerPatch, PolygonsPerPatch, itppp)
PolygonsPerPatch &ppp = *itppp;
// find total number of triangles
INDEX ctTriangles = 0;
INDEX iipo;
for( iipo=0; iipo<ppp.ppp_iPolygons.Count(); iipo++) {
ModelPolygon &mp = mmi.mmpi_Polygons[ ppp.ppp_iPolygons[iipo]];
ctTriangles += (mp.mp_PolygonVertices.Count()-2);
// allocate that much elements
// put all triangles there (do tri-fans) -> should do tri-strips ? !!!!
INDEX iel = 0;
for( iipo=0; iipo<ppp.ppp_iPolygons.Count(); iipo++) {
ModelPolygon &mp = mmi.mmpi_Polygons[ ppp.ppp_iPolygons[iipo]];
for( INDEX ivx=2; ivx<mp.mp_PolygonVertices.Count(); ivx++) {
ppp.ppp_auwElements[iel++] = mp.mp_PolygonVertices[0 ].mpv_ptvTextureVertex->mtv_iSurfaceVx;
ppp.ppp_auwElements[iel++] = mp.mp_PolygonVertices[ivx-1].mpv_ptvTextureVertex->mtv_iSurfaceVx;
ppp.ppp_auwElements[iel++] = mp.mp_PolygonVertices[ivx-0].mpv_ptvTextureVertex->mtv_iSurfaceVx;
extern void PrepareModelForRendering( CModelData &md)
// do nothing, if the model has already been initialized for rendering
if( md.md_bPreparedForRendering) return;
_pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_PREPAREFORRENDERING);
// prepare each mip model
for( INDEX iMip=0; iMip<md.md_MipCt; iMip++) PrepareModelMipForRendering( md, iMip);
// mark as prepared
md.md_bPreparedForRendering = TRUE;
// all done
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_PREPAREFORRENDERING);
// strip rendering support
COLOR _acol[] = { C_BLACK, C_WHITE,
const INDEX _ctcol = sizeof(_acol)/sizeof(_acol[0]);
static void SetCol(void)
glCOLOR( _acol[_icol]);
_icol = (_icol+1)%_ctcol;
static void DrawStrips( const INDEX ct, const INDEX *pai)
// set strip color
pglDisableClientState( GL_COLOR_ARRAY);
// render elements as strips
INDEX ctMaxTriPerStrip = 0;
INDEX i = 0;
INDEX iInStrip = 0;
INDEX iL0, iL1;
while( i<ct/3)
INDEX i0 = pai[i*3+0];
INDEX i1 = pai[i*3+1];
INDEX i2 = pai[i*3+2];
ctMaxTriPerStrip = Max( ctMaxTriPerStrip, INDEX(iInStrip));
if( iInStrip==0) {
iL0 = i1;
iL1 = i2;
} else {
if (iInStrip%2==0) {
if (iL0==i0 && iL1==i1) {
iL0=iL1; iL1=i2;
} else {
} else {
if (iL0==i1 && iL1==i0) {
iL0=iL1; iL1=i2;
} else {
// returns haze/fog value in vertex
static FLOAT3D _vFViewerObj, _vHDirObj;
static FLOAT _fFogAddZ, _fFogAddH;
static FLOAT _fHazeAdd;
// check vertex against fog
static void GetFogMapInVertex( GFXVertex3 &vtx, GFXTexCoord &tex)
#if ASMOPT == 1
__asm {
mov esi,D [vtx]
mov edi,D [tex]
fld D [esi]GFXVertex3.x
fmul D [_vFViewerObj+0]
fld D [esi]GFXVertex3.y
fmul D [_vFViewerObj+4]
fld D [esi]GFXVertex3.z
fmul D [_vFViewerObj+8]
fxch st(2)
faddp st(1),st(0)
faddp st(1),st(0) // fD
fld D [esi]GFXVertex3.x
fmul D [_vHDirObj+0]
fld D [esi]GFXVertex3.y
fmul D [_vHDirObj+4]
fld D [esi]GFXVertex3.z
fmul D [_vHDirObj+8]
fxch st(2)
faddp st(1),st(0)
faddp st(1),st(0) // fH, fD
fxch st(1)
fadd D [_fFogAddZ]
fmul D [_fog_fMulZ]
fxch st(1)
fadd D [_fFogAddH]
fmul D [_fog_fMulH]
fxch st(1)
fstp D [edi+0]
fstp D [edi+4]
const FLOAT fD = vtx.x*_vFViewerObj(1) + vtx.y*_vFViewerObj(2) + vtx.z*_vFViewerObj(3);
const FLOAT fH = vtx.x*_vHDirObj(1) + vtx.y*_vHDirObj(2) + vtx.z*_vHDirObj(3);
tex.s = (fD+_fFogAddZ) * _fog_fMulZ;
tex.t = (fH+_fFogAddH) * _fog_fMulH;
// check vertex against haze
static void GetHazeMapInVertex( GFXVertex3 &vtx, FLOAT &tx1)
#if ASMOPT == 1
__asm {
mov esi,D [vtx]
mov edi,D [tx1]
fld D [esi]GFXVertex3.x
fmul D [_vViewerObj+0]
fld D [esi]GFXVertex3.y
fmul D [_vViewerObj+4]
fld D [esi]GFXVertex3.z
fmul D [_vViewerObj+8]
fxch st(2)
faddp st(1),st(0)
faddp st(1),st(0)
fadd D [_fHazeAdd]
fmul D [_haze_fMul]
fstp D [edi]
const FLOAT fD = vtx.x*_vViewerObj(1) + vtx.y*_vViewerObj(2) + vtx.z*_vViewerObj(3);
tx1 = (fD+_fHazeAdd) * _haze_fMul;
// check model's bounding box against fog
static BOOL IsModelInFog( FLOAT3D &vMin, FLOAT3D &vMax)
GFXTexCoord tex;
GFXVertex3 vtx;
vtx.x=vMin(1); vtx.y=vMin(2); vtx.z=vMin(3); GetFogMapInVertex(vtx,tex); if(InFog(tex.t)) return TRUE;
vtx.x=vMin(1); vtx.y=vMin(2); vtx.z=vMax(3); GetFogMapInVertex(vtx,tex); if(InFog(tex.t)) return TRUE;
vtx.x=vMin(1); vtx.y=vMax(2); vtx.z=vMin(3); GetFogMapInVertex(vtx,tex); if(InFog(tex.t)) return TRUE;
vtx.x=vMin(1); vtx.y=vMax(2); vtx.z=vMax(3); GetFogMapInVertex(vtx,tex); if(InFog(tex.t)) return TRUE;
vtx.x=vMax(1); vtx.y=vMin(2); vtx.z=vMin(3); GetFogMapInVertex(vtx,tex); if(InFog(tex.t)) return TRUE;
vtx.x=vMax(1); vtx.y=vMin(2); vtx.z=vMax(3); GetFogMapInVertex(vtx,tex); if(InFog(tex.t)) return TRUE;
vtx.x=vMax(1); vtx.y=vMax(2); vtx.z=vMin(3); GetFogMapInVertex(vtx,tex); if(InFog(tex.t)) return TRUE;
vtx.x=vMax(1); vtx.y=vMax(2); vtx.z=vMax(3); GetFogMapInVertex(vtx,tex); if(InFog(tex.t)) return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// check model's bounding box against haze
static BOOL IsModelInHaze( FLOAT3D &vMin, FLOAT3D &vMax)
GFXVertex3 vtx;
vtx.x=vMin(1); vtx.y=vMin(2); vtx.z=vMin(3); GetHazeMapInVertex(vtx,fS); if(InHaze(fS)) return TRUE;
vtx.x=vMin(1); vtx.y=vMin(2); vtx.z=vMax(3); GetHazeMapInVertex(vtx,fS); if(InHaze(fS)) return TRUE;
vtx.x=vMin(1); vtx.y=vMax(2); vtx.z=vMin(3); GetHazeMapInVertex(vtx,fS); if(InHaze(fS)) return TRUE;
vtx.x=vMin(1); vtx.y=vMax(2); vtx.z=vMax(3); GetHazeMapInVertex(vtx,fS); if(InHaze(fS)) return TRUE;
vtx.x=vMax(1); vtx.y=vMin(2); vtx.z=vMin(3); GetHazeMapInVertex(vtx,fS); if(InHaze(fS)) return TRUE;
vtx.x=vMax(1); vtx.y=vMin(2); vtx.z=vMax(3); GetHazeMapInVertex(vtx,fS); if(InHaze(fS)) return TRUE;
vtx.x=vMax(1); vtx.y=vMax(2); vtx.z=vMin(3); GetHazeMapInVertex(vtx,fS); if(InHaze(fS)) return TRUE;
vtx.x=vMax(1); vtx.y=vMax(2); vtx.z=vMax(3); GetHazeMapInVertex(vtx,fS); if(InHaze(fS)) return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// render all pending elements
static void FlushElements( INDEX ctElem, INDEX *pai)
// choose rendering mode
extern INDEX mdl_bShowStrips;
if( _bMultiPlayer) mdl_bShowStrips = 0; // don't allow in multiplayer mode!
if( !mdl_bShowStrips) {
_pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_DRAWELEMENTS);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_DRAWELEMENTS, ctElem/3);
_pGfx->gl_ctModelTriangles += ctElem/3;
gfxDrawElements( ctElem, pai);
extern INDEX mdl_bShowTriangles;
if( _bMultiPlayer) mdl_bShowTriangles = 0; // don't allow in multiplayer mode!
if( mdl_bShowTriangles) {
gfxSetConstantColor(C_YELLOW|222); // this also disables color array
gfxDrawElements( ctElem, pai);
gfxEnableColorArray(); // need to re-enable color array
} // done
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_DRAWELEMENTS);
// show strips
else if( _eAPI==GAT_OGL) {
DrawStrips( ctElem, pai);
// returns if any type of translucent surface was required
static void SetRenderingParameters( SurfaceTranslucencyType stt)
_pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_ONESIDE_GLSETUP);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_ONESIDE_GLSETUP);
if( stt==STT_TRANSLUCENT || (_bForceTranslucency && ((stt==STT_OPAQUE) || (stt==STT_TRANSPARENT)))) {
} else if( stt==STT_OPAQUE) {
} else if( stt==STT_TRANSPARENT) {
} else if( stt==STT_ADD) {
gfxBlendFunc( GFX_SRC_ALPHA, GFX_ONE);
} else if( stt==STT_MULTIPLY) {
} else {
ASSERTALWAYS( "Unsupported model rendering mode.");
// all done
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_ONESIDE_GLSETUP);
// render one side of a surface (return TRUE if any type of translucent surface has been rendered)
static void RenderOneSide( CRenderModel &rm, BOOL bBackSide, ULONG ulLayerFlags)
_pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_ONESIDE);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_ONESIDE);
_icol = 0;
// set face culling
if( bBackSide) {
if( !(_ulMipLayerFlags&SRF_DOUBLESIDED)) {
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_ONESIDE);
} else gfxCullFace(GFX_FRONT);
} else gfxCullFace(GFX_BACK);
// start with invalid rendering parameters
SurfaceTranslucencyType sttLast = STT_INVALID;
// for each surface in current mip model
INDEX iStartElem=0;
INDEX ctElements=0;
ModelMipInfo &mmi = *rm.rm_pmmiMip;
{FOREACHINSTATICARRAY( mmi.mmpi_MappingSurfaces, MappingSurface, itms)
const MappingSurface &ms = *itms;
const ULONG ulFlags = ms.ms_ulRenderingFlags;
// end rendering if surface is invisible or empty - these are the last surfaces in surface list
if( (ulFlags&SRF_INVISIBLE) || ms.ms_ctSrfVx==0) break;
// skip surface if ...
if( !(ulFlags&ulLayerFlags) // not in this layer,
|| (bBackSide && !(ulFlags&SRF_DOUBLESIDED)) // rendering back side and surface is not double sided,
|| !(_ulColorMask&ms.ms_ulOnColor) // not on or off.
|| (_ulColorMask&ms.ms_ulOffColor)) {
if( ctElements>0) FlushElements( ctElements, &mmi.mmpi_aiElements[iStartElem]);
iStartElem+= ctElements+ms.ms_ctSrfEl;
ctElements = 0;
// if should set parameters
if( ulLayerFlags&SRF_DIFFUSE) {
// get rendering parameters
SurfaceTranslucencyType stt = ms.ms_sttTranslucencyType;
// if surface uses rendering parameters different than last one
if( sttLast!=stt) {
// set up new API states
if( ctElements>0) FlushElements( ctElements, &mmi.mmpi_aiElements[iStartElem]);
iStartElem+= ctElements;
ctElements = 0;
} // batch the surface polygons for rendering
ctElements += ms.ms_ctSrfEl;
// flush leftovers
if( ctElements>0) FlushElements( ctElements, &mmi.mmpi_aiElements[iStartElem]);
// all done
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_ONESIDE);
// render model thru colors
static void RenderColors( CRenderModel &rm)
// only if required
if( rm.rm_rtRenderType&RT_NO_POLYGON_FILL) return;
_icol = 0;
// parameters
gfxSetVertexArray( &_avtxSrfBase[0], _avtxSrfBase.Count());
gfxSetColorArray( &_acolSrfBase[0]);
// for each surface in current mip model
INDEX iStartElem=0;
INDEX ctElements=0;
ModelMipInfo &mmi = *rm.rm_pmmiMip;
FOREACHINSTATICARRAY( mmi.mmpi_MappingSurfaces, MappingSurface, itms)
const MappingSurface &ms = *itms;
// skip if surface is invisible or empty
if( (ms.ms_ulRenderingFlags&SRF_INVISIBLE) || ms.ms_ctSrfVx==0
|| !(_ulColorMask&ms.ms_ulOnColor) || (_ulColorMask&ms.ms_ulOffColor)) {
if( ctElements>0) FlushElements( ctElements, &mmi.mmpi_aiElements[iStartElem]);
iStartElem+= ctElements+ms.ms_ctSrfEl;
ctElements = 0;
// set surface color
COLOR srfCol;
extern INDEX GetBit( ULONG ulSource);
if( rm.rm_rtRenderType&RT_ON_COLORS) {
srfCol = PaletteColorValues[GetBit(ms.ms_ulOnColor)]|CT_OPAQUE;
} else if( rm.rm_rtRenderType&RT_OFF_COLORS) {
srfCol = PaletteColorValues[GetBit(ms.ms_ulOffColor)]|CT_OPAQUE;
} else {
srfCol = ms.ms_colColor|CT_OPAQUE;
// batch the surface polygons for rendering
GFXColor glcol(srfCol);
pcolSrfBase = &_acolSrfBase[ms.ms_iSrfVx0];
for( INDEX iSrfVx=0; iSrfVx<ms.ms_ctSrfVx; iSrfVx++) pcolSrfBase[iSrfVx] = glcol;
ctElements += ms.ms_ctSrfEl;
// all done
if( ctElements>0) FlushElements( ctElements, &mmi.mmpi_aiElements[iStartElem]);
// render model as wireframe
static void RenderWireframe(CRenderModel &rm)
// only if required
if( !(rm.rm_rtRenderType&RT_WIRE_ON) && !(rm.rm_rtRenderType&RT_HIDDEN_LINES)) return;
_icol = 0;
// parameters
gfxSetVertexArray( &_avtxSrfBase[0], _avtxSrfBase.Count());
gfxSetColorArray( &_acolSrfBase[0]);
COLOR colWire = _mrpModelRenderPrefs.GetInkColor()|CT_OPAQUE;
ModelMipInfo &mmi = *rm.rm_pmmiMip;
// first, render hidden lines (if required)
if( rm.rm_rtRenderType&RT_HIDDEN_LINES)
INDEX iStartElem=0;
INDEX ctElements=0;
// for each surface in current mip model
FOREACHINSTATICARRAY( mmi.mmpi_MappingSurfaces, MappingSurface, itms) {
const MappingSurface &ms = *itms;
// skip if surface is invisible or empty
if( (ms.ms_ulRenderingFlags&SRF_INVISIBLE) || ms.ms_ctSrfVx==0) {
if( ctElements>0) FlushElements( ctElements, &mmi.mmpi_aiElements[iStartElem]);
iStartElem+= ctElements+ms.ms_ctSrfEl;
ctElements = 0;
GFXColor glcol( colWire^0x80808080);
pcolSrfBase = &_acolSrfBase[ms.ms_iSrfVx0];
for( INDEX iSrfVx=0; iSrfVx<ms.ms_ctSrfVx; iSrfVx++) pcolSrfBase[iSrfVx] = glcol;
ctElements += ms.ms_ctSrfEl;
// all done
if( ctElements>0) FlushElements( ctElements, &mmi.mmpi_aiElements[iStartElem]);
// then, render visible lines (if required)
if( rm.rm_rtRenderType&RT_WIRE_ON)
INDEX iStartElem=0;
INDEX ctElements=0;
// for each surface in current mip model
FOREACHINSTATICARRAY( mmi.mmpi_MappingSurfaces, MappingSurface, itms) {
const MappingSurface &ms = *itms;
// done if surface is invisible or empty
if( (ms.ms_ulRenderingFlags&SRF_INVISIBLE) || ms.ms_ctSrfVx==0) {
if( ctElements>0) FlushElements( ctElements, &mmi.mmpi_aiElements[iStartElem]);
iStartElem+= ctElements+ms.ms_ctSrfEl;
ctElements = 0;
GFXColor glcol(colWire);
pcolSrfBase = &_acolSrfBase[ms.ms_iSrfVx0];
for( INDEX iSrfVx=0; iSrfVx<ms.ms_ctSrfVx; iSrfVx++) pcolSrfBase[iSrfVx] = glcol;
ctElements += ms.ms_ctSrfEl;
// all done
if( ctElements>0) FlushElements( ctElements, &mmi.mmpi_aiElements[iStartElem]);
// all done
// attenuate alphas in base surface array with attenuation array
static void AttenuateAlpha( const UBYTE *pshdMip, const INDEX ctVertices)
_pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_ATTENUATE_SURF);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_ATTENUATE_SURF, _ctAllSrfVx);
for( INDEX iSrfVx=0; iSrfVx<ctVertices; iSrfVx++) {
const INDEX iMipVx = puwSrfToMip[iSrfVx];
pcolSrfBase[iSrfVx].AttenuateA( pshdMip[iMipVx]);
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_ATTENUATE_SURF);
// attenuate colors in base surface array with attenuation array
static void AttenuateColor( const UBYTE *pshdMip, const INDEX ctVertices)
_pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_ATTENUATE_SURF);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_ATTENUATE_SURF, _ctAllSrfVx);
for( INDEX iSrfVx=0; iSrfVx<ctVertices; iSrfVx++) {
const INDEX iMipVx = puwSrfToMip[iSrfVx];
pcolSrfBase[iSrfVx].AttenuateRGB( pshdMip[iMipVx]);
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_ATTENUATE_SURF);
// unpack vertices (and eventually normals) of one frame
static void UnpackFrame( CRenderModel &rm, BOOL bKeepNormals)
_pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_UNPACK);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_UNPACK, _ctAllMipVx);
// cache lerp ratio, compression, stretch and light factors
FLOAT fStretchX = rm.rm_vStretch(1);
FLOAT fStretchY = rm.rm_vStretch(2);
FLOAT fStretchZ = rm.rm_vStretch(3);
FLOAT fOffsetX = rm.rm_vOffset(1);
FLOAT fOffsetY = rm.rm_vOffset(2);
FLOAT fOffsetZ = rm.rm_vOffset(3);
const FLOAT fLerpRatio = rm.rm_fRatio;
const FLOAT fLightObjX = rm.rm_vLightObj(1) * -255.0f; // multiplier is made here, so it doesn't need to be done per-vertex
const FLOAT fLightObjY = rm.rm_vLightObj(2) * -255.0f;
const FLOAT fLightObjZ = rm.rm_vLightObj(3) * -255.0f;
const UWORD *puwMipToMdl = (const UWORD*)&rm.rm_pmmiMip->mmpi_auwMipToMdl[0];
SWORD *pswMipCol = (SWORD*)&pcolMipBase[_ctAllMipVx>>1];
// if 16 bit compression
if( rm.rm_pmdModelData->md_Flags & MF_COMPRESSED_16BIT)
// if no lerping
const ModelFrameVertex16 *pFrame0 = rm.rm_pFrame16_0;
const ModelFrameVertex16 *pFrame1 = rm.rm_pFrame16_1;
if( pFrame0==pFrame1)
#if ASMOPT == 1
// for each vertex in mip
const SLONG fixLerpRatio = FloatToInt(fLerpRatio*256.0f); // fix 8:8
SLONG slTmp1, slTmp2, slTmp3;
__asm {
mov edi,D [pvtxMipBase]
mov ebx,D [pswMipCol]
xor ecx,ecx
push ecx
mov esi,D [puwMipToMdl]
movzx eax,W [esi+ecx*2]
mov esi,D [pFrame0]
lea esi,[esi+eax*8]
// store vertex
movsx eax,W [esi]ModelFrameVertex16.mfv_SWPoint[0]
movsx ecx,W [esi]ModelFrameVertex16.mfv_SWPoint[2]
movsx edx,W [esi]ModelFrameVertex16.mfv_SWPoint[4]
mov D [slTmp1],eax
mov D [slTmp2],ecx
mov D [slTmp3],edx
fild D [slTmp1]
fsub D [fOffsetX]
fmul D [fStretchX]
fild D [slTmp2]
fsub D [fOffsetY]
fmul D [fStretchY]
fild D [slTmp3]
fsub D [fOffsetZ]
fmul D [fStretchZ]
fxch st(2)
fstp D [edi]GFXVertex3.x
fstp D [edi]GFXVertex3.y
fstp D [edi]GFXVertex3.z
// determine normal
movzx eax,B [esi]ModelFrameVertex16.mfv_ubNormH
movzx edx,B [esi]ModelFrameVertex16.mfv_ubNormP
mov esi,D [pfSinTable]
fld D [esi+eax*4 +0]
fmul D [esi+edx*4 +64*4]
fld D [esi+eax*4 +64*4]
fmul D [esi+edx*4 +64*4]
fxch st(1)
fstp D [slTmp1]
fstp D [slTmp3]
mov eax,D [slTmp1]
mov ecx,D [slTmp3]
xor eax,0x80000000
xor ecx,0x80000000
mov D [slTmp1],eax
mov D [slTmp3],ecx
// determine vertex shade
fld D [slTmp1]
fmul D [fLightObjX]
fld D [esi+edx*4 +0]
fmul D [fLightObjY]
fld D [slTmp3]
fmul D [fLightObjZ]
fxch st(2)
faddp st(1),st(0)
faddp st(1),st(0)
fistp D [ebx]
// store normal (if needed)
cmp D [bKeepNormals],0
je vtxNext16
mov ecx,D [esp]
imul ecx,3*4
add ecx,D [pnorMipBase]
mov eax,D [slTmp1]
mov edx,D [esi+edx*4 +0]
mov esi,D [slTmp3]
mov D [ecx]GFXNormal.nx, eax
mov D [ecx]GFXNormal.ny, edx
mov D [ecx]GFXNormal.nz, esi
// advance to next vertex
pop ecx
add edi,3*4
add ebx,1*2
inc ecx
cmp ecx,D [_ctAllMipVx]
jl vtxLoop16
// for each vertex in mip
for( INDEX iMipVx=0; iMipVx<_ctAllMipVx; iMipVx++) {
// get destination for unpacking
const INDEX iMdlVx = puwMipToMdl[iMipVx];
const ModelFrameVertex16 &mfv0 = pFrame0[iMdlVx];
// store vertex
GFXVertex3 &vtx = pvtxMipBase[iMipVx];
vtx.x = (mfv0.mfv_SWPoint(1) -fOffsetX) *fStretchX;
vtx.y = (mfv0.mfv_SWPoint(2) -fOffsetY) *fStretchY;
vtx.z = (mfv0.mfv_SWPoint(3) -fOffsetZ) *fStretchZ;
// determine normal
const FLOAT fSinH0 = pfSinTable[mfv0.mfv_ubNormH];
const FLOAT fSinP0 = pfSinTable[mfv0.mfv_ubNormP];
const FLOAT fCosH0 = pfCosTable[mfv0.mfv_ubNormH];
const FLOAT fCosP0 = pfCosTable[mfv0.mfv_ubNormP];
const FLOAT fNX = -fSinH0*fCosP0;
const FLOAT fNY = +fSinP0;
const FLOAT fNZ = -fCosH0*fCosP0;
// store vertex shade
pswMipCol[iMipVx] = FloatToInt(fNX*fLightObjX + fNY*fLightObjY + fNZ*fLightObjZ);
// store normal (if needed)
if( bKeepNormals) {
pnorMipBase[iMipVx].nx = fNX;
pnorMipBase[iMipVx].ny = fNY;
pnorMipBase[iMipVx].nz = fNZ;
// if lerping
#if ASMOPT == 1
// for each vertex in mip
const SLONG fixLerpRatio = FloatToInt(fLerpRatio*256.0f); // fix 8:8
SLONG slTmp1, slTmp2, slTmp3;
__asm {
mov edi,D [pvtxMipBase]
mov ebx,D [pswMipCol]
xor ecx,ecx
push ecx
push ebx
mov esi,D [puwMipToMdl]
movzx ebx,W [esi+ecx*2]
mov esi,D [pFrame0]
mov ecx,D [pFrame1]
// lerp vertex
movsx eax,W [esi+ebx*8]ModelFrameVertex16.mfv_SWPoint[0]
movsx edx,W [ecx+ebx*8]ModelFrameVertex16.mfv_SWPoint[0]
sub edx,eax
imul edx,D [fixLerpRatio]
sar edx,8
add eax,edx
mov D [slTmp1],eax
movsx eax,W [esi+ebx*8]ModelFrameVertex16.mfv_SWPoint[2]
movsx edx,W [ecx+ebx*8]ModelFrameVertex16.mfv_SWPoint[2]
sub edx,eax
imul edx,D [fixLerpRatio]
sar edx,8
add eax,edx
mov D [slTmp2],eax
movsx eax,W [esi+ebx*8]ModelFrameVertex16.mfv_SWPoint[4]
movsx edx,W [ecx+ebx*8]ModelFrameVertex16.mfv_SWPoint[4]
sub edx,eax
imul edx,D [fixLerpRatio]
sar edx,8
add eax,edx
mov D [slTmp3],eax
// store vertex
fild D [slTmp1]
fsub D [fOffsetX]
fmul D [fStretchX]
fild D [slTmp2]
fsub D [fOffsetY]
fmul D [fStretchY]
fild D [slTmp3]
fsub D [fOffsetZ]
fmul D [fStretchZ]
fxch st(2)
fstp D [edi]GFXVertex3.x
fstp D [edi]GFXVertex3.y
fstp D [edi]GFXVertex3.z
// load normals
movzx eax,B [esi+ebx*8]ModelFrameVertex16.mfv_ubNormH
movzx edx,B [esi+ebx*8]ModelFrameVertex16.mfv_ubNormP
mov esi,D [pfSinTable]
fld D [esi+eax*4 +0]
fmul D [esi+edx*4 +64*4]
fld D [esi+edx*4 +0]
fld D [esi+eax*4 +64*4]
fmul D [esi+edx*4 +64*4] // fCosH0*fCosP0, fSinP0, fSinH0*fCosP0
movzx eax,B [ecx+ebx*8]ModelFrameVertex16.mfv_ubNormH
movzx edx,B [ecx+ebx*8]ModelFrameVertex16.mfv_ubNormP
fld D [esi+eax*4 +0]
fmul D [esi+edx*4 +64*4]
fld D [esi+edx*4 +0]
fld D [esi+eax*4 +64*4]
fmul D [esi+edx*4 +64*4] // fCosH1*fCosP1, fSinP1, fSinH1*fCosP1, fCosH0*fCosP0, fSinP0, fSinH0*fCosP0
// lerp normals
fxch st(5) // SH0CP0, SP1, SH1CP1, CH0CP0, SP0, CH1CP1
fsub st(2),st(0)
fxch st(4) // SP0, SP1, SH1CP1-SH0CP0, CH0CP0, SH0CP0, CH1CP1
fsub st(1),st(0) // SP0, SP1-SP0, SH1CP1-SH0CP0, CH0CP0, SH0CP0, CH1CP1
fxch st(3) // CH0CP0, SP1-SP0, SH1CP1-SH0CP0, SP0, SH0CP0, CH1CP1
fsub st(5),st(0) // CH0CP0, SP1-SP0, SH1CP1-SH0CP0, SP0, SH0CP0, CH1CP1-CH0CP0
fxch st(2) // SH1CP1-SH0CP0, SP1-SP0, CH0CP0, SP0, SH0CP0, CH1CP1-CH0CP0
fmul D [fLerpRatio]
fxch st(1) // SP1-SP0, lSH1CP1, CH0CP0, SP0, SH0CP0, CH1CP1-CH0CP0
fmul D [fLerpRatio]
fxch st(5) // CH1CP1-CH0CP0, lSH1CP1, CH0CP0, SP0, SH0CP0, lSP1SP0
fmul D [fLerpRatio]
fxch st(1) // lSH1CP1, lCH1CP1, CH0CP0, SP0, SH0CP0, lSP1SP0
faddp st(4),st(0) // lCH1CP1, CH0CP0, SP0, fNX, lSP1SP0
fxch st(2) // SP0, CH0CP0, lCH1CP1, fNX, lSP1SP0
faddp st(4),st(0) // CH0CP0, lCH1CP1, fNX, fNY
faddp st(1),st(0) // -fNZ, -fNX, fNY
fxch st(2) // fNY, -fNX, -fNZ
fstp D [slTmp2]
fstp D [slTmp1]
fstp D [slTmp3]
pop ebx
mov eax,D [slTmp1]
mov ecx,D [slTmp3]
xor eax,0x80000000
xor ecx,0x80000000
mov D [slTmp1],eax
mov D [slTmp3],ecx
// determine vertex shade
fld D [slTmp1]
fmul D [fLightObjX]
fld D [slTmp2]
fmul D [fLightObjY]
fld D [slTmp3]
fmul D [fLightObjZ]
fxch st(2)
faddp st(1),st(0)
faddp st(1),st(0)
fistp D [ebx]
// store lerped normal (if needed)
cmp D [bKeepNormals],0
je vtxNext16L
mov ecx,D [esp]
imul ecx,3*4
add ecx,D [pnorMipBase]
mov eax,D [slTmp1]
mov edx,D [slTmp2]
mov esi,D [slTmp3]
mov D [ecx]GFXNormal.nx, eax
mov D [ecx]GFXNormal.ny, edx
mov D [ecx]GFXNormal.nz, esi
// advance to next vertex
pop ecx
add edi,3*4
add ebx,1*2
inc ecx
cmp ecx,D [_ctAllMipVx]
jl vtxLoop16L
// for each vertex in mip
for( INDEX iMipVx=0; iMipVx<_ctAllMipVx; iMipVx++) {
// get destination for unpacking
const INDEX iMdlVx = puwMipToMdl[iMipVx];
const ModelFrameVertex16 &mfv0 = pFrame0[iMdlVx];
const ModelFrameVertex16 &mfv1 = pFrame1[iMdlVx];
// store lerped vertex
GFXVertex3 &vtx = pvtxMipBase[iMipVx];
vtx.x = (Lerp( (FLOAT)mfv0.mfv_SWPoint(1), (FLOAT)mfv1.mfv_SWPoint(1), fLerpRatio) -fOffsetX) * fStretchX;
vtx.y = (Lerp( (FLOAT)mfv0.mfv_SWPoint(2), (FLOAT)mfv1.mfv_SWPoint(2), fLerpRatio) -fOffsetY) * fStretchY;
vtx.z = (Lerp( (FLOAT)mfv0.mfv_SWPoint(3), (FLOAT)mfv1.mfv_SWPoint(3), fLerpRatio) -fOffsetZ) * fStretchZ;
// determine lerped normal
const FLOAT fSinH0 = pfSinTable[mfv0.mfv_ubNormH]; const FLOAT fSinH1 = pfSinTable[mfv1.mfv_ubNormH];
const FLOAT fSinP0 = pfSinTable[mfv0.mfv_ubNormP]; const FLOAT fSinP1 = pfSinTable[mfv1.mfv_ubNormP];
const FLOAT fCosH0 = pfCosTable[mfv0.mfv_ubNormH]; const FLOAT fCosH1 = pfCosTable[mfv1.mfv_ubNormH];
const FLOAT fCosP0 = pfCosTable[mfv0.mfv_ubNormP]; const FLOAT fCosP1 = pfCosTable[mfv1.mfv_ubNormP];
const FLOAT fNX = Lerp( -fSinH0*fCosP0, -fSinH1*fCosP1, fLerpRatio);
const FLOAT fNY = Lerp( +fSinP0, +fSinP1, fLerpRatio);
const FLOAT fNZ = Lerp( -fCosH0*fCosP0, -fCosH1*fCosP1, fLerpRatio);
// store vertex shade
pswMipCol[iMipVx] = FloatToInt(fNX*fLightObjX + fNY*fLightObjY + fNZ*fLightObjZ);
// store lerped normal (if needed)
if( bKeepNormals) {
pnorMipBase[iMipVx].nx = fNX;
pnorMipBase[iMipVx].ny = fNY;
pnorMipBase[iMipVx].nz = fNZ;
// if 8 bit compression
const ModelFrameVertex8 *pFrame0 = rm.rm_pFrame8_0;
const ModelFrameVertex8 *pFrame1 = rm.rm_pFrame8_1;
// if no lerping
if( pFrame0==pFrame1)
#if ASMOPT == 1
// for each vertex in mip
const SLONG fixLerpRatio = FloatToInt(fLerpRatio*256.0f); // fix 8:8
SLONG slTmp1, slTmp2, slTmp3;
__asm {
mov edi,D [pvtxMipBase]
mov ebx,D [pswMipCol]
xor ecx,ecx
push ecx
mov esi,D [puwMipToMdl]
movzx eax,W [esi+ecx*2]
mov esi,D [pFrame0]
lea esi,[esi+eax*4]
// store vertex
movsx eax,B [esi]ModelFrameVertex8.mfv_SBPoint[0]
movsx ecx,B [esi]ModelFrameVertex8.mfv_SBPoint[1]
movsx edx,B [esi]ModelFrameVertex8.mfv_SBPoint[2]
mov D [slTmp1],eax
mov D [slTmp2],ecx
mov D [slTmp3],edx
fild D [slTmp1]
fsub D [fOffsetX]
fmul D [fStretchX]
fild D [slTmp2]
fsub D [fOffsetY]
fmul D [fStretchY]
fild D [slTmp3]
fsub D [fOffsetZ]
fmul D [fStretchZ]
fxch st(2)
fstp D [edi]GFXVertex3.x
fstp D [edi]GFXVertex3.y
fstp D [edi]GFXVertex3.z
// determine normal
movzx eax,B [esi]ModelFrameVertex8.mfv_NormIndex
lea esi,[eax*2+eax]
// determine vertex shade
fld D [avGouraudNormals+ esi*4 +0]
fmul D [fLightObjX]
fld D [avGouraudNormals+ esi*4 +4]
fmul D [fLightObjY]
fld D [avGouraudNormals+ esi*4 +8]
fmul D [fLightObjZ]
fxch st(2)
faddp st(1),st(0)
faddp st(1),st(0)
fistp D [ebx]
// store lerped normal (if needed)
cmp D [bKeepNormals],0
je vtxNext8
mov ecx,D [esp]
imul ecx,3*4
add ecx,D [pnorMipBase]
mov eax,D [avGouraudNormals+ esi*4 +0]
mov edx,D [avGouraudNormals+ esi*4 +4]
mov esi,D [avGouraudNormals+ esi*4 +8]
mov D [ecx]GFXNormal.nx, eax
mov D [ecx]GFXNormal.ny, edx
mov D [ecx]GFXNormal.nz, esi
// advance to next vertex
pop ecx
add edi,3*4
add ebx,1*2
inc ecx
cmp ecx,D [_ctAllMipVx]
jl vtxLoop8
// for each vertex in mip
for( INDEX iMipVx=0; iMipVx<_ctAllMipVx; iMipVx++) {
// get destination for unpacking
const INDEX iMdlVx = puwMipToMdl[iMipVx];
const ModelFrameVertex8 &mfv0 = pFrame0[iMdlVx];
// store vertex
GFXVertex3 &vtx = pvtxMipBase[iMipVx];
vtx.x = (mfv0.mfv_SBPoint(1) -fOffsetX) * fStretchX;
vtx.y = (mfv0.mfv_SBPoint(2) -fOffsetY) * fStretchY;
vtx.z = (mfv0.mfv_SBPoint(3) -fOffsetZ) * fStretchZ;
// determine normal
const FLOAT3D &vNormal0 = avGouraudNormals[mfv0.mfv_NormIndex];
const FLOAT fNX = vNormal0(1);
const FLOAT fNY = vNormal0(2);
const FLOAT fNZ = vNormal0(3);
// store vertex shade
pswMipCol[iMipVx] = FloatToInt(fNX*fLightObjX + fNY*fLightObjY + fNZ*fLightObjZ);
// store lerped normal (if needed)
if( bKeepNormals) {
pnorMipBase[iMipVx].nx = fNX;
pnorMipBase[iMipVx].ny = fNY;
pnorMipBase[iMipVx].nz = fNZ;
// if lerping
#if ASMOPT == 1
const SLONG fixLerpRatio = FloatToInt(fLerpRatio*256.0f); // fix 8:8
SLONG slTmp1, slTmp2, slTmp3;
// re-adjust stretching factors because of fixint lerping (divide by 256)
fStretchX*=0.00390625f; fOffsetX*=256.0f;
fStretchY*=0.00390625f; fOffsetY*=256.0f;
fStretchZ*=0.00390625f; fOffsetZ*=256.0f;
// for each vertex in mip
__asm {
mov edi,D [pvtxMipBase]
mov ebx,D [pswMipCol]
xor ecx,ecx
push ecx
push ebx
mov esi,D [puwMipToMdl]
movzx ebx,W [esi+ecx*2]
mov esi,D [pFrame0]
mov ecx,D [pFrame1]
// lerp vertex
movsx eax,B [esi+ebx*4]ModelFrameVertex8.mfv_SBPoint[0]
movsx edx,B [ecx+ebx*4]ModelFrameVertex8.mfv_SBPoint[0]
sub edx,eax
imul edx,D [fixLerpRatio]
shl eax,8
add eax,edx
mov D [slTmp1],eax
movsx eax,B [esi+ebx*4]ModelFrameVertex8.mfv_SBPoint[1]
movsx edx,B [ecx+ebx*4]ModelFrameVertex8.mfv_SBPoint[1]
sub edx,eax
imul edx,D [fixLerpRatio]
shl eax,8
add eax,edx
mov D [slTmp2],eax
movsx eax,B [esi+ebx*4]ModelFrameVertex8.mfv_SBPoint[2]
movsx edx,B [ecx+ebx*4]ModelFrameVertex8.mfv_SBPoint[2]
sub edx,eax
imul edx,D [fixLerpRatio]
shl eax,8
add eax,edx
mov D [slTmp3],eax
// store vertex
fild D [slTmp1]
fsub D [fOffsetX]
fmul D [fStretchX]
fild D [slTmp2]
fsub D [fOffsetY]
fmul D [fStretchY]
fild D [slTmp3]
fsub D [fOffsetZ]
fmul D [fStretchZ]
fxch st(2)
fstp D [edi]GFXVertex3.x
fstp D [edi]GFXVertex3.y
fstp D [edi]GFXVertex3.z
// load normals
movzx eax,B [esi+ebx*4]ModelFrameVertex8.mfv_NormIndex
movzx edx,B [ecx+ebx*4]ModelFrameVertex8.mfv_NormIndex
lea esi,[eax*2+eax]
lea ecx,[edx*2+edx]
// lerp normals
fld D [avGouraudNormals+ ecx*4 +0]
fsub D [avGouraudNormals+ esi*4 +0]
fld D [avGouraudNormals+ ecx*4 +4]
fsub D [avGouraudNormals+ esi*4 +4]
fld D [avGouraudNormals+ ecx*4 +8]
fsub D [avGouraudNormals+ esi*4 +8]
fxch st(2) // nx1-nx0, ny1-ny0, nz1-nz0
fmul D [fLerpRatio]
fxch st(1) // ny1-ny0, lnx1, nz1-nz0
fmul D [fLerpRatio]
fxch st(2) // nz1-nz0, lnx1, lny1
fmul D [fLerpRatio]
fxch st(1) // lnx1, lnz1, lny1
fadd D [avGouraudNormals+ esi*4 +0]
fxch st(2) // lny1, lnz1, fNX
fadd D [avGouraudNormals+ esi*4 +4]
fxch st(1) // lnz1, fNY, fNX
fadd D [avGouraudNormals+ esi*4 +8]
fxch st(2) // fNX, fNY, fNZ
// determine vertex shade
fld D [fLightObjX]
fmul st(0),st(1) // flnx, fNX, fNY, fNZ
pop ebx
fld D [fLightObjY]
fmul st(0),st(3) // flny, flnx, fNX, fNY, fNZ
fld D [fLightObjZ]
fmul st(0),st(5) // flnz, flny, flnx, fNX, fNY, fNXZ
fxch st(2)
faddp st(1),st(0)
faddp st(1),st(0) // FL, fNX, fNY, fNXZ
fistp D [ebx]
// store lerped normal (if needed)
cmp D [bKeepNormals],0
je vtxNext8L
mov ecx,D [esp]
imul ecx,3*4
add ecx,D [pnorMipBase]
fstp D [ecx]GFXNormal.nx
fstp D [ecx]GFXNormal.ny
fst D [ecx]GFXNormal.nz
fld st(0)
fld st(0)
// advance to next vertex
fstp st(0)
pop ecx
add edi,3*4
add ebx,1*2
inc ecx
cmp ecx,D [_ctAllMipVx]
jl vtxLoop8L
// for each vertex in mip
for( INDEX iMipVx=0; iMipVx<_ctAllMipVx; iMipVx++) {
// get destination for unpacking
const INDEX iMdlVx = puwMipToMdl[iMipVx];
const ModelFrameVertex8 &mfv0 = pFrame0[iMdlVx];
const ModelFrameVertex8 &mfv1 = pFrame1[iMdlVx];
// store lerped vertex
GFXVertex3 &vtx = pvtxMipBase[iMipVx];
vtx.x = (Lerp( (FLOAT)mfv0.mfv_SBPoint(1), (FLOAT)mfv1.mfv_SBPoint(1), fLerpRatio) -fOffsetX) * fStretchX;
vtx.y = (Lerp( (FLOAT)mfv0.mfv_SBPoint(2), (FLOAT)mfv1.mfv_SBPoint(2), fLerpRatio) -fOffsetY) * fStretchY;
vtx.z = (Lerp( (FLOAT)mfv0.mfv_SBPoint(3), (FLOAT)mfv1.mfv_SBPoint(3), fLerpRatio) -fOffsetZ) * fStretchZ;
// determine lerped normal
const FLOAT3D &vNormal0 = avGouraudNormals[mfv0.mfv_NormIndex];
const FLOAT3D &vNormal1 = avGouraudNormals[mfv1.mfv_NormIndex];
const FLOAT fNX = Lerp( (FLOAT)vNormal0(1), (FLOAT)vNormal1(1), fLerpRatio);
const FLOAT fNY = Lerp( (FLOAT)vNormal0(2), (FLOAT)vNormal1(2), fLerpRatio);
const FLOAT fNZ = Lerp( (FLOAT)vNormal0(3), (FLOAT)vNormal1(3), fLerpRatio);
// store vertex shade
pswMipCol[iMipVx] = FloatToInt(fNX*fLightObjX + fNY*fLightObjY + fNZ*fLightObjZ);
// store lerped normal (if needed)
if( bKeepNormals) {
pnorMipBase[iMipVx].nx = fNX;
pnorMipBase[iMipVx].ny = fNY;
pnorMipBase[iMipVx].nz = fNZ;
// generate colors from shades
#if ASMOPT == 1
__asm {
pxor mm0,mm0
// construct 64-bit RGBA light
mov eax,D [_slLR]
mov ebx,D [_slLG]
mov ecx,D [_slLB]
shl ebx,16
or eax,ebx
or ecx,0x01FE0000
movd mm5,eax
movd mm7,ecx
psllq mm7,32
por mm5,mm7
psllw mm5,1 // boost for multiply
// construct 64-bit RGBA ambient
mov eax,D [_slAR]
mov ebx,D [_slAG]
mov ecx,D [_slAB]
shl ebx,16
or eax,ebx
movd mm6,eax
movd mm7,ecx
psllq mm7,32
por mm6,mm7
// init
mov esi,D [pswMipCol]
mov edi,D [pcolMipBase]
mov ecx,D [_ctAllMipVx]
shr ecx,2
jz colRest
// 4-colors loop
movq mm1,Q [esi]
packuswb mm1,mm0
punpcklbw mm1,mm1
psrlw mm1,1
movq mm3,mm1
punpcklwd mm1,mm1
punpckhwd mm3,mm3
movq mm2,mm1
movq mm4,mm3
punpckldq mm1,mm1
punpckhdq mm2,mm2
punpckldq mm3,mm3
punpckhdq mm4,mm4
pmulhw mm1,mm5
pmulhw mm2,mm5
pmulhw mm3,mm5
pmulhw mm4,mm5
paddsw mm1,mm6
paddsw mm2,mm6
paddsw mm3,mm6
paddsw mm4,mm6
packuswb mm1,mm2
packuswb mm3,mm4
movq Q [edi+0],mm1
movq Q [edi+8],mm3
add esi,2*4
add edi,4*4
dec ecx
jnz colLoop4
// 1-color loop
mov ecx,D [_ctAllMipVx]
and ecx,3
jz colEnd
movsx eax,W [esi]
movd mm1,eax
packuswb mm1,mm0
punpcklbw mm1,mm1
psrlw mm1,1
punpcklwd mm1,mm1
punpckldq mm1,mm1
pmulhw mm1,mm5
paddsw mm1,mm6
packuswb mm1,mm0
movd D [edi],mm1
add esi,2
add edi,4
dec ecx
jnz colLoop1
// generate colors from shades
for( INDEX iMipVx=0; iMipVx<_ctAllMipVx; iMipVx++) {
GFXColor &col = pcolMipBase[iMipVx];
const SLONG slShade = Clamp( (SLONG)pswMipCol[iMipVx], 0L, 255L);
col.r = pubClipByte[_slAR + ((_slLR*slShade)>>8)];
col.g = pubClipByte[_slAG + ((_slLG*slShade)>>8)];
col.b = pubClipByte[_slAB + ((_slLB*slShade)>>8)];
col.a = slShade;
// all done
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_UNPACK);
// BEGIN MODEL RENDERING *******************************************************************************
#pragma warning(disable: 4731)
void CModelObject::RenderModel_View( CRenderModel &rm)
// cache API
_eAPI = _pGfx->gl_eCurrentAPI;
#ifdef SE1_D3D
#else // SE1_D3D
#endif // SE1_D3D
if( _eAPI==GAT_NONE) return; // must have API
// adjust Truform usage
extern INDEX mdl_bTruformWeapons;
extern INDEX gap_bForceTruform;
// if weapon models don't allow tessellation or no tessellation has been set at all
if( ((rm.rm_ulFlags&RMF_WEAPON) && !mdl_bTruformWeapons) || _pGfx->gl_iTessellationLevel<1) {
// just disable truform
} else {
// enable truform for everything?
if( gap_bForceTruform) gfxEnableTruform();
else {
// enable truform only for truform-ready models!
const INDEX iTesselationLevel = Min( rm.rm_iTesselationLevel, _pGfx->gl_iTessellationLevel);
if( iTesselationLevel>0) {
extern INDEX ogl_bTruformLinearNormals;
gfxSetTruform( iTesselationLevel, ogl_bTruformLinearNormals);
else gfxDisableTruform();
// setup drawing direction (in case of mirror)
if( rm.rm_ulFlags & RMF_INVERTED) gfxFrontFace(GFX_CW);
else gfxFrontFace(GFX_CCW);
// declare pointers for general usage
INDEX iSrfVx0, ctSrfVx;
GFXTexCoord *ptexSrfBase;
GFXVertex *pvtxSrfBase;
FLOAT2D *pvTexCoord;
ModelMipInfo &mmi = *rm.rm_pmmiMip;
const ModelMipInfo &mmi0 = rm.rm_pmdModelData->md_MipInfos[0];
// calculate projection of viewer in absolute space
FLOATmatrix3D &mViewer = _aprProjection->pr_ViewerRotationMatrix;
_vViewer(1) = -mViewer(3,1);
_vViewer(2) = -mViewer(3,2);
_vViewer(3) = -mViewer(3,3);
// calculate projection of viewer in object space
_vViewerObj = _vViewer * !rm.rm_mObjectRotation;
_pfModelProfile.IncrementCounter( CModelProfile::PCI_VERTICES_FIRSTMIP, mmi0.mmpi_ctMipVx);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementCounter( CModelProfile::PCI_SURFACEVERTICES_FIRSTMIP, mmi0.mmpi_ctSrfVx);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementCounter( CModelProfile::PCI_TRIANGLES_FIRSTMIP, mmi0.mmpi_ctTriangles);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementCounter( CModelProfile::PCI_VERTICES_USEDMIP, mmi.mmpi_ctMipVx);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementCounter( CModelProfile::PCI_SURFACEVERTICES_USEDMIP, mmi.mmpi_ctSrfVx);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementCounter( CModelProfile::PCI_TRIANGLES_USEDMIP, mmi.mmpi_ctTriangles);
_sfStats.IncrementCounter( CStatForm::SCI_TRIANGLES_FIRSTMIP, mmi0.mmpi_ctTriangles);
_sfStats.IncrementCounter( CStatForm::SCI_TRIANGLES_USEDMIP, mmi.mmpi_ctTriangles);
// allocate vertex arrays
_ctAllMipVx = mmi.mmpi_ctMipVx;
_ctAllSrfVx = mmi.mmpi_ctSrfVx;
ASSERT( _ctAllMipVx>0 && _ctAllSrfVx>0);
ASSERT( _avtxMipBase.Count()==0); _avtxMipBase.Push(_ctAllMipVx);
ASSERT( _atexMipBase.Count()==0); _atexMipBase.Push(_ctAllMipVx);
ASSERT( _acolMipBase.Count()==0); _acolMipBase.Push(_ctAllMipVx);
ASSERT( _anorMipBase.Count()==0); _anorMipBase.Push(_ctAllMipVx);
ASSERT( _atexMipFogy.Count()==0); _atexMipFogy.Push(_ctAllMipVx);
ASSERT( _ashdMipFogy.Count()==0); _ashdMipFogy.Push(_ctAllMipVx);
ASSERT( _atx1MipHaze.Count()==0); _atx1MipHaze.Push(_ctAllMipVx);
ASSERT( _ashdMipHaze.Count()==0); _ashdMipHaze.Push(_ctAllMipVx);
ASSERT( _avtxSrfBase.Count()==0); _avtxSrfBase.Push(_ctAllSrfVx);
ASSERT( _atexSrfBase.Count()==0); _atexSrfBase.Push(_ctAllSrfVx);
ASSERT( _acolSrfBase.Count()==0); _acolSrfBase.Push(_ctAllSrfVx);
if( GFX_bTruform) {
ASSERT( _anorSrfBase.Count()==0);
// determine multitexturing capability for overbrighting purposes
extern INDEX mdl_bAllowOverbright;
const BOOL bOverbright = mdl_bAllowOverbright && _pGfx->gl_ctTextureUnits>1;
// saturate light and ambient color
const COLOR colL = AdjustColor( rm.rm_colLight, _slShdHueShift, _slShdSaturation);
const COLOR colA = AdjustColor( rm.rm_colAmbient, _slShdHueShift, _slShdSaturation);
// cache light intensities (-1 in case of overbrighting compensation)
const INDEX iBright = bOverbright ? 0 : 1;
_slLR = (colL & CT_RMASK)>>(CT_RSHIFT-iBright);
_slLG = (colL & CT_GMASK)>>(CT_GSHIFT-iBright);
_slLB = (colL & CT_BMASK)>>(CT_BSHIFT-iBright);
_slAR = (colA & CT_RMASK)>>(CT_RSHIFT-iBright);
_slAG = (colA & CT_GMASK)>>(CT_GSHIFT-iBright);
_slAB = (colA & CT_BMASK)>>(CT_BSHIFT-iBright);
if( bOverbright) {
_slAR = ClampUp( _slAR, 127L);
_slAG = ClampUp( _slAG, 127L);
_slAB = ClampUp( _slAB, 127L);
// set forced translucency and color mask
_bForceTranslucency = ((rm.rm_colBlend&CT_AMASK)>>CT_ASHIFT) != CT_OPAQUE;
_ulColorMask = mo_ColorMask;
// adjust all surfaces' params for eventual forced-translucency case
_ulMipLayerFlags = mmi.mmpi_ulLayerFlags;
if( _bForceTranslucency) {
_ulMipLayerFlags &= ~MMI_OPAQUE;
_ulMipLayerFlags |= MMI_TRANSLUCENT;
// unpack one model frame vertices and eventually normals (lerped or not lerped, as required)
pvtxMipBase = &_avtxMipBase[0];
pcolMipBase = &_acolMipBase[0];
pnorMipBase = &_anorMipBase[0];
const BOOL bNeedNormals = GFX_bTruform || (_ulMipLayerFlags&(SRF_REFLECTIONS|SRF_SPECULAR));
UnpackFrame( rm, bNeedNormals);
// cache some more pointers and vars
ptexMipBase = &_atexMipBase[0];
ptexMipFogy = &_atexMipFogy[0];
pshdMipFogy = &_ashdMipFogy[0];
ptx1MipHaze = &_atx1MipHaze[0];
pshdMipHaze = &_ashdMipHaze[0];
// PREPARE FOG AND HAZE MIP --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// if this model has haze
if( rm.rm_ulFlags & RMF_HAZE)
_pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_HAZE_MIP);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_HAZE_MIP, _ctAllMipVx);
// get viewer offset
// _fHazeAdd = (_vViewer%(rm.rm_vObjectPosition-_aprProjection->pr_vViewerPosition)) - _haze_hp.hp_fNear; // might cause a BUG in compiler ????
_fHazeAdd = -_haze_hp.hp_fNear;
_fHazeAdd += _vViewer(1) * (rm.rm_vObjectPosition(1) - _aprProjection->pr_vViewerPosition(1));
_fHazeAdd += _vViewer(2) * (rm.rm_vObjectPosition(2) - _aprProjection->pr_vViewerPosition(2));
_fHazeAdd += _vViewer(3) * (rm.rm_vObjectPosition(3) - _aprProjection->pr_vViewerPosition(3));
// if it'll be cost-effective (i.e. model has enough vertices to be potentionaly trivialy rejected)
// check bounding box of model against haze
if( _ctAllMipVx>12 && !IsModelInHaze( rm.rm_vObjectMinBB, rm.rm_vObjectMaxBB)) {
// this model has no haze after all
rm.rm_ulFlags &= ~RMF_HAZE;
// model is in haze (at least partially)
else {
// if model is all opaque
if( _ulMipLayerFlags&MMI_OPAQUE) {
// setup haze tex coords only
for( INDEX iMipVx=0; iMipVx<_ctAllMipVx; iMipVx++) {
GetHazeMapInVertex( pvtxMipBase[iMipVx], ptx1MipHaze[iMipVx]);
// if model is all translucent
} else if( _ulMipLayerFlags&MMI_TRANSLUCENT) {
// setup haze attenuation values only
FLOAT tx1;
for( INDEX iMipVx=0; iMipVx<_ctAllMipVx; iMipVx++) {
GetHazeMapInVertex( pvtxMipBase[iMipVx], tx1);
pshdMipHaze[iMipVx] = GetHazeAlpha(tx1) ^255;
// if model is partially opaque and partially translucent
} else {
// setup haze both tex coords and attenuation values
for( INDEX iMipVx=0; iMipVx<_ctAllMipVx; iMipVx++) {
FLOAT &tx1 = ptx1MipHaze[iMipVx];
GetHazeMapInVertex( pvtxMipBase[iMipVx], tx1);
pshdMipHaze[iMipVx] = GetHazeAlpha(tx1) ^255;
} // haze mip setup done
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_HAZE_MIP);
// if this model has fog
if( rm.rm_ulFlags & RMF_FOG)
_pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_FOG_MIP);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_FOG_MIP, _ctAllMipVx);
// get viewer -z in object space
_vFViewerObj = FLOAT3D(0,0,-1) * !rm.rm_mObjectToView;
// get fog direction in object space
_vHDirObj = _fog_vHDirAbs * !(!mViewer*rm.rm_mObjectToView);
// get viewer offset
// _fFogAddZ = _vViewer % (rm.rm_vObjectPosition - _aprProjection->pr_vViewerPosition); // BUG in compiler !!!!
_fFogAddZ = _vViewer(1) * (rm.rm_vObjectPosition(1) - _aprProjection->pr_vViewerPosition(1));
_fFogAddZ += _vViewer(2) * (rm.rm_vObjectPosition(2) - _aprProjection->pr_vViewerPosition(2));
_fFogAddZ += _vViewer(3) * (rm.rm_vObjectPosition(3) - _aprProjection->pr_vViewerPosition(3));
// get fog offset
_fFogAddH = (_fog_vHDirAbs % rm.rm_vObjectPosition) + _fog_fp.fp_fH3;
// if it'll be cost-effective (i.e. model has enough vertices to be potentionaly trivialy rejected)
// check bounding box of model against fog
if( _ctAllMipVx>16 && !IsModelInFog( rm.rm_vObjectMinBB, rm.rm_vObjectMaxBB)) {
// this model has no fog after all
rm.rm_ulFlags &= ~RMF_FOG;
// model is in fog (at least partially)
else {
// if model is all opaque
if( _ulMipLayerFlags&MMI_OPAQUE) {
// setup for tex coords only
for( INDEX iMipVx=0; iMipVx<_ctAllMipVx; iMipVx++) {
GetFogMapInVertex( pvtxMipBase[iMipVx], ptexMipFogy[iMipVx]);
// if model is all translucent
} else if( _ulMipLayerFlags&MMI_TRANSLUCENT) {
// setup fog attenuation values only
GFXTexCoord tex;
for( INDEX iMipVx=0; iMipVx<_ctAllMipVx; iMipVx++) {
GetFogMapInVertex( pvtxMipBase[iMipVx], tex);
pshdMipFogy[iMipVx] = GetFogAlpha(tex) ^255;
// if model is partially opaque and partially translucent
} else {
// setup fog both tex coords and attenuation values
for( INDEX iMipVx=0; iMipVx<_ctAllMipVx; iMipVx++) {
GFXTexCoord &tex = ptexMipFogy[iMipVx];
GetFogMapInVertex( pvtxMipBase[iMipVx], tex);
pshdMipFogy[iMipVx] = GetFogAlpha(tex) ^255;
} // fog mip setup done
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_FOG_MIP);
// begin model rendering
const BOOL bModelSetupTimer = _sfStats.CheckTimer(CStatForm::STI_MODELSETUP);
if( bModelSetupTimer) _sfStats.StopTimer(CStatForm::STI_MODELSETUP);
// PREPARE SURFACE VERTICES ------------------------------------------------------------------------
_pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_VERTICES);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_VERTICES, _ctAllSrfVx);
// for each surface in current mip model
BOOL bEmpty = TRUE;
{FOREACHINSTATICARRAY( mmi.mmpi_MappingSurfaces, MappingSurface, itms)
const MappingSurface &ms = *itms;
iSrfVx0 = ms.ms_iSrfVx0;
ctSrfVx = ms.ms_ctSrfVx;
// skip to next in case of invisible or empty surface
if( (ms.ms_ulRenderingFlags&SRF_INVISIBLE) || ctSrfVx==0) break;
bEmpty = FALSE;
puwSrfToMip = &mmi.mmpi_auwSrfToMip[iSrfVx0];
pvtxSrfBase = &_avtxSrfBase[iSrfVx0];
#if ASMOPT == 1
__asm {
push ebx
mov ebx,D [puwSrfToMip]
mov esi,D [pvtxMipBase]
mov edi,D [pvtxSrfBase]
mov ecx,D [ctSrfVx]
movzx eax,W [ebx]
lea eax,[eax*2+eax] // *3
mov edx,D [esi+eax*4+0]
movq mm1,Q [esi+eax*4+4]
mov D [edi+0],edx
movq Q [edi+4],mm1
add ebx,2
add edi,4*4
dec ecx
jnz srfVtxLoop
pop ebx
// setup vetrex array
for( iSrfVx=0; iSrfVx<ctSrfVx; iSrfVx++) {
const INDEX iMipVx = puwSrfToMip[iSrfVx];
pvtxSrfBase[iSrfVx].x = pvtxMipBase[iMipVx].x;
pvtxSrfBase[iSrfVx].y = pvtxMipBase[iMipVx].y;
pvtxSrfBase[iSrfVx].z = pvtxMipBase[iMipVx].z;
// setup normal array for truform (if enabled)
if( GFX_bTruform) {
GFXNormal *pnorSrfBase = &_anorSrfBase[iSrfVx0];
for( iSrfVx=0; iSrfVx<ctSrfVx; iSrfVx++) {
const INDEX iMipVx = puwSrfToMip[iSrfVx];
pnorSrfBase[iSrfVx].nx = pnorMipBase[iMipVx].nx;
pnorSrfBase[iSrfVx].ny = pnorMipBase[iMipVx].ny;
pnorSrfBase[iSrfVx].nz = pnorMipBase[iMipVx].nz;
// prepare (and lock) vertex array
gfxSetVertexArray( &_avtxSrfBase[0], _ctAllSrfVx);
if(GFX_bTruform) gfxSetNormalArray( &_anorSrfBase[0]);
if(CVA_bModels) gfxLockArrays();
// cache light in object space (for reflection and/or specular mapping)
_vLightObj = rm.rm_vLightObj;
// texture mapping correction factors (mex -> norm float)
FLOAT fTexCorrU, fTexCorrV;
gfxSetTextureWrapping( GFX_REPEAT, GFX_REPEAT);
// color and fill mode setup
_bFlatFill = (rm.rm_rtRenderType&RT_WHITE_TEXTURE) || mo_toTexture.GetData()==NULL;
const BOOL bTexMode = rm.rm_rtRenderType & (RT_TEXTURE|RT_WHITE_TEXTURE);
const BOOL bAllLayers = bTexMode && !_bFlatFill; // disallow rendering of every layer except diffuse
// model surface vertices prepared
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_VERTICES);
// RENDER DIFFUSE LAYER -------------------------------------------------------------------
_pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_DIFF_SURF);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_DIFF_SURF, _ctAllSrfVx);
// get diffuse texture corrections
CTextureData *ptdDiff = (CTextureData*)mo_toTexture.GetData();
if( ptdDiff!=NULL) {
fTexCorrU = 1.0f / ptdDiff->GetWidth();
fTexCorrV = 1.0f / ptdDiff->GetHeight();
} else {
fTexCorrU = 1.0f;
fTexCorrV = 1.0f;
// get model diffuse color
GFXColor colMdlDiff;
const COLOR colD = AdjustColor( rm.rm_pmdModelData->md_colDiffuse, _slTexHueShift, _slTexSaturation);
const COLOR colB = AdjustColor( rm.rm_colBlend, _slTexHueShift, _slTexSaturation);
colMdlDiff.MultiplyRGBA( colD, colB);
// for each surface in current mip model
{FOREACHINSTATICARRAY( mmi.mmpi_MappingSurfaces, MappingSurface, itms)
const MappingSurface &ms = *itms;
iSrfVx0 = ms.ms_iSrfVx0;
ctSrfVx = ms.ms_ctSrfVx;
if( (ms.ms_ulRenderingFlags&SRF_INVISIBLE) || ctSrfVx==0) break; // done if found invisible or empty surface
// cache surface pointers
puwSrfToMip = &mmi.mmpi_auwSrfToMip[iSrfVx0];
pvTexCoord = &mmi.mmpi_avmexTexCoord[iSrfVx0];
ptexSrfBase = &_atexSrfBase[iSrfVx0];
pcolSrfBase = &_acolSrfBase[iSrfVx0];
// get surface diffuse color and combine with model color
GFXColor colSrfDiff;
const COLOR colD = AdjustColor( ms.ms_colDiffuse, _slTexHueShift, _slTexSaturation);
colSrfDiff.MultiplyRGBA( colD, colMdlDiff);
#if ASMOPT == 1
// setup texcoord array
__asm {
push ebx
mov esi,D [pvTexCoord]
mov edi,D [ptexSrfBase]
mov ecx,D [ctSrfVx]
shr ecx,1
jz vtxRest
fld D [esi+0]
fmul D [fTexCorrU]
fld D [esi+8]
fmul D [fTexCorrU]
fld D [esi+4]
fmul D [fTexCorrV]
fld D [esi+12]
fmul D [fTexCorrV]
fxch st(3) // u1, v1, u2, v2
fstp D [edi+0]
fstp D [edi+4]
fstp D [edi+8]
fstp D [edi+12]
add esi,2*2*4
add edi,2*2*4
dec ecx
jnz vtxLoop
test D [ctSrfVx],1
jz vtxEnd
fld D [esi+0]
fmul D [fTexCorrU]
fld D [esi+4]
fmul D [fTexCorrV]
fxch st(1)
fstp D [edi+0]
fstp D [edi+4]
pop ebx
// setup texcoord array
for( INDEX iSrfVx=0; iSrfVx<ctSrfVx; iSrfVx++) {
ptexSrfBase[iSrfVx].s = pvTexCoord[iSrfVx](1) *fTexCorrU;
ptexSrfBase[iSrfVx].t = pvTexCoord[iSrfVx](2) *fTexCorrV;
// setup color array
if( ms.ms_sstShadingType==SST_FULLBRIGHT) {
// eventually adjust reflection color for overbrighting
GFXColor colSrfDiffAdj = colSrfDiff;
if( bOverbright) {
colSrfDiffAdj.r >>=1;
colSrfDiffAdj.g >>=1;
colSrfDiffAdj.b >>=1;
} // just copy diffuse color
for( INDEX iSrfVx=0; iSrfVx<ctSrfVx; iSrfVx++) pcolSrfBase[iSrfVx] = colSrfDiffAdj;
else {
#if ASMOPT == 1
// setup color array
const COLOR colS = colSrfDiff.abgr;
__asm {
push ebx
mov ebx,D [puwSrfToMip]
mov esi,D [pcolMipBase]
mov edi,D [pcolSrfBase]
pxor mm0,mm0
movd mm4,D [colS]
punpcklbw mm4,mm0
psllw mm4,7
paddw mm4,Q [mmRounder]
xor ecx,ecx
movzx eax,W [ebx+ecx*2]
movd mm1,D [esi+eax*4]
punpcklbw mm1,mm0
por mm1,Q [mmF000]
psllw mm1,1
pmulhw mm1,mm4
packuswb mm1,mm1
movd D [edi+ecx*4],mm1
inc ecx
cmp ecx,D [ctSrfVx]
jl diffColLoop
pop ebx
// setup diffuse color array
for( INDEX iSrfVx=0; iSrfVx<ctSrfVx; iSrfVx++) {
const INDEX iMipVx = puwSrfToMip[iSrfVx];
pcolSrfBase[iSrfVx].MultiplyRGBCopyA1( colSrfDiff, pcolMipBase[iMipVx]);
// eventually attenuate color in case of fog or haze
if( (ms.ms_ulRenderingFlags&SRF_OPAQUE) && !_bForceTranslucency) continue;
// eventually do some haze and/or fog attenuation of alpha channel in surface
if( rm.rm_ulFlags & RMF_HAZE) {
if( ms.ms_sttTranslucencyType==STT_MULTIPLY) AttenuateColor( pshdMipHaze, ctSrfVx);
else AttenuateAlpha( pshdMipHaze, ctSrfVx);
if( rm.rm_ulFlags & RMF_FOG) {
if( ms.ms_sttTranslucencyType==STT_MULTIPLY) AttenuateColor( pshdMipFogy, ctSrfVx);
else AttenuateAlpha( pshdMipFogy, ctSrfVx);
// done with diffuse surfaces setup
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_DIFF_SURF);
// if no texture mode is active
if( !bTexMode && _eAPI==GAT_OGL) {
// just render colors
// and eventually wireframe
// done
gfxDepthFunc( GFX_LESS_EQUAL);
// reset to defaults
// done
if( bModelSetupTimer) _sfStats.StartTimer(CStatForm::STI_MODELSETUP);
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDERMODEL);
// proceed with rendering
_pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDER_DIFFUSE);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDER_DIFFUSE);
// must render diffuse if there is no texture (white mode)
if( (_ulMipLayerFlags&SRF_DIFFUSE) || ptdDiff==NULL)
// prepare overbrighting if supported
if( bOverbright) gfxSetTextureModulation(2);
// set texture/color arrays
INDEX iFrame=0;
if( ptdDiff!=NULL) iFrame = mo_toTexture.GetFrame();;
SetCurrentTexture( ptdDiff, iFrame);
gfxSetTexCoordArray( &_atexSrfBase[0], FALSE);
gfxSetColorArray( &_acolSrfBase[0]);
// do rendering
RenderOneSide( rm, TRUE, SRF_DIFFUSE);
RenderOneSide( rm, FALSE, SRF_DIFFUSE);
// revert to normal brightness if overbrighting was on
if( bOverbright) gfxSetTextureModulation(1);
// adjust z-buffer and blending functions
if( _ulMipLayerFlags&MMI_OPAQUE) gfxDepthFunc( GFX_EQUAL);
else gfxDepthFunc( GFX_LESS_EQUAL);
gfxDisableAlphaTest(); // disable alpha testing if enabled after some surface
// done with diffuse
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDER_DIFFUSE);
// RENDER PATCHES -------------------------------------------------------------------
// if patches are on and are enabled for this mip model
// TODO !!!!
// if( (mo_PatchMask!=0) && (mmi.mmpi_ulFlags&MM_PATCHES_VISIBLE)) RenderPatches_View(rm);
// RENDER DETAIL LAYER -------------------------------------------------------------------
// if this model has detail mapping
extern INDEX mdl_bRenderDetail;
CTextureData *ptdBump = (CTextureData*)mo_toBump.GetData();
const ULONG ulTransAlpha = (rm.rm_colBlend&CT_AMASK)>>CT_ASHIFT;
if( (_ulMipLayerFlags&(SRF_DETAIL|SRF_BUMP)) && mdl_bRenderDetail && ptdBump!=NULL && ulTransAlpha>192 && bAllLayers)
_pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_BUMP_SURF);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_BUMP_SURF, _ctAllSrfVx);
// get model detail color
GFXColor colMdlBump;
const COLOR colB = AdjustColor( rm.rm_pmdModelData->md_colBump, _slTexHueShift, _slTexSaturation);
colMdlBump.abgr = ByteSwap(colB);
// get detail texture corrections
fTexCorrU = 1.0f / ptdBump->GetWidth();
fTexCorrV = 1.0f / ptdBump->GetHeight();
// adjust detail stretch if needed get model's stretch
if( !(rm.rm_pmdModelData->md_Flags&MF_STRETCH_DETAIL)) {
const FLOAT fStretch = mo_Stretch.Length() * 0.57735f; // /Sqrt(3);
fTexCorrU *= fStretch;
fTexCorrV *= fStretch;
// for each bump surface in current mip model
FOREACHINSTATICARRAY( mmi.mmpi_MappingSurfaces, MappingSurface, itms)
const MappingSurface &ms = *itms;
iSrfVx0 = ms.ms_iSrfVx0;
ctSrfVx = ms.ms_ctSrfVx;
if( (ms.ms_ulRenderingFlags&SRF_INVISIBLE) || ctSrfVx==0) break; // done if found invisible or empty surface
if( !(ms.ms_ulRenderingFlags&SRF_DETAIL)) continue; // skip non-detail surface
// cache surface pointers
pvTexCoord = &mmi.mmpi_avmexTexCoord[iSrfVx0];
puwSrfToMip = &mmi.mmpi_auwSrfToMip[iSrfVx0];
ptexSrfBase = &_atexSrfBase[iSrfVx0];
pcolSrfBase = &_acolSrfBase[iSrfVx0];
// get surface detail color and combine with model color
GFXColor colSrfBump;
const COLOR colB = AdjustColor( ms.ms_colBump, _slTexHueShift, _slTexSaturation);
colSrfBump.MultiplyRGB( colB, colMdlBump);
// for each vertex in the surface
for( INDEX iSrfVx=0; iSrfVx<ctSrfVx; iSrfVx++) {
// set detail texcoord and color
INDEX iMipVx = mmi.mmpi_auwSrfToMip[iSrfVx];
ptexSrfBase[iSrfVx].s = pvTexCoord[iSrfVx](1) * fTexCorrU;
ptexSrfBase[iSrfVx].t = pvTexCoord[iSrfVx](2) * fTexCorrV;
pcolSrfBase[iSrfVx] = colSrfBump;
// detail prep done
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_BUMP_SURF);
// begin rendering
_pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDER_BUMP);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDER_BUMP);
// setup texture/color arrays and rendering mode
SetCurrentTexture( ptdBump, mo_toBump.GetFrame());
gfxSetTexCoordArray( &_atexSrfBase[0], FALSE);
gfxSetColorArray( &_acolSrfBase[0]);
// do rendering
RenderOneSide( rm, TRUE, SRF_DETAIL);
RenderOneSide( rm, FALSE, SRF_DETAIL);
// detail rendering done
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDER_BUMP);
// RENDER REFLECTION LAYER -------------------------------------------------------------------
// if this model has reflection mapping
extern INDEX mdl_bRenderReflection;
CTextureData *ptdReflection = (CTextureData*)mo_toReflection.GetData();
if( (_ulMipLayerFlags&SRF_REFLECTIONS) && mdl_bRenderReflection && ptdReflection!=NULL && bAllLayers)
_pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_REFL_MIP);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_REFL_MIP, _ctAllMipVx);
// cache rotation
const FLOATmatrix3D &m = rm.rm_mObjectRotation;
#if ASMOPT == 1
__asm {
push ebx
mov ebx,D [m]
mov esi,D [pnorMipBase]
mov edi,D [ptexMipBase]
mov ecx,D [_ctAllMipVx]
// get normal in absolute space
fld D [esi]GFXNormal.nx
fmul D [ebx+ 0*3+0]
fld D [esi]GFXNormal.ny
fmul D [ebx+ 0*3+4]
fld D [esi]GFXNormal.nz
fmul D [ebx+ 0*3+8]
fxch st(2)
faddp st(1),st(0)
faddp st(1),st(0) // fNx
fld D [esi]GFXNormal.nx
fmul D [ebx+ 4*3+0]
fld D [esi]GFXNormal.ny
fmul D [ebx+ 4*3+4]
fld D [esi]GFXNormal.nz
fmul D [ebx+ 4*3+8]
fxch st(2)
faddp st(1),st(0)
faddp st(1),st(0) // fNy, fNx
fld D [esi]GFXNormal.nx
fmul D [ebx+ 8*3+0]
fld D [esi]GFXNormal.ny
fmul D [ebx+ 8*3+4]
fld D [esi]GFXNormal.nz
fmul D [ebx+ 8*3+8]
fxch st(2)
faddp st(1),st(0)
faddp st(1),st(0) // fNz, fNy, fNx
// reflect viewer around normal
fld D [_vViewer+0]
fmul st(0), st(3)
fld D [_vViewer+4]
fmul st(0), st(3)
fld D [_vViewer+8]
fmul st(0), st(3) // vNz, vNy, vNx, fNz, fNy, fNx
fxch st(2)
faddp st(1),st(0)
faddp st(1),st(0) // fNV, fNz, fNy, fNx
fmul st(3),st(0)
fmul st(2),st(0)
fmulp st(1),st(0) // fNz*fNV, fNy*fNV, fNx*fNV
fxch st(2)
fadd st(0),st(0) // 2*fNx*fNV, fNy*fNV, fNz*fNV
fxch st(1)
fadd st(0),st(0) // 2*fNy*fNV, 2*fNx*fNV, fNz*fNV
fxch st(2)
fadd st(0),st(0) // 2*fNz*fNV, 2*fNx*fNV, 2*fNy*fNV
fxch st(1) // 2*fNx*fNV, 2*fNz*fNV, 2*fNy*fNV
fsubr D [_vViewer+0]
fxch st(2) // 2*fNy*fNV, 2*fNz*fNV, fRVx
fsubr D [_vViewer+4]
fxch st(1) // 2*fNz*fNV, fRVy, fRVx
fsubr D [_vViewer+8] // fRVz, fRVy, fRVx
// calc 1oFM
fxch st(1) // fRVy, fRVz, fRVx
fadd st(0),st(0)
fadd D [f2]
fdivr D [f05]
// map reflected vector to texture
fmul st(2),st(0) // f1oFM, fRVz, s
fmulp st(1),st(0)
fxch st(1) // s, t
fadd D [f05]
fxch st(1)
fadd D [f05]
fxch st(1)
fstp D [edi+0]
fstp D [edi+4]
add esi,3*4
add edi,2*4
dec ecx
jnz reflMipLoop
pop ebx
// for each mip vertex
for( INDEX iMipVx=0; iMipVx<_ctAllMipVx; iMipVx++)
{ // get normal in absolute space
const GFXNormal &nor = pnorMipBase[iMipVx];
const FLOAT fNx = nor.nx*m(1,1) + nor.ny*m(1,2) + nor.nz*m(1,3);
const FLOAT fNy = nor.nx*m(2,1) + nor.ny*m(2,2) + nor.nz*m(2,3);
const FLOAT fNz = nor.nx*m(3,1) + nor.ny*m(3,2) + nor.nz*m(3,3);
// reflect viewer around normal
const FLOAT fNV = fNx*_vViewer(1) + fNy*_vViewer(2) + fNz*_vViewer(3);
const FLOAT fRVx = _vViewer(1) - 2*fNx*fNV;
const FLOAT fRVy = _vViewer(2) - 2*fNy*fNV;
const FLOAT fRVz = _vViewer(3) - 2*fNz*fNV;
// map reflected vector to texture
// NOTE: using X and Z axes, so that singularity gets on -Y axis (where it will least probably be seen)
const FLOAT f1oFM = 0.5f / sqrt(2+2*fRVy);
ptexMipBase[iMipVx].s = fRVx*f1oFM +0.5f;
ptexMipBase[iMipVx].t = fRVz*f1oFM +0.5f;
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_REFL_MIP);
// setup surface vertices
_pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_REFL_SURF);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_REFL_SURF, _ctAllSrfVx);
// get model reflection color
GFXColor colMdlRefl;
const COLOR colR = AdjustColor( rm.rm_pmdModelData->md_colReflections, _slTexHueShift, _slTexSaturation);
colMdlRefl.abgr = ByteSwap(colR);
colMdlRefl.AttenuateA( (rm.rm_colBlend&CT_AMASK)>>CT_ASHIFT);
// for each reflective surface in current mip model
FOREACHINSTATICARRAY( mmi.mmpi_MappingSurfaces, MappingSurface, itms)
const MappingSurface &ms = *itms;
iSrfVx0 = ms.ms_iSrfVx0;
ctSrfVx = ms.ms_ctSrfVx;
if( (ms.ms_ulRenderingFlags&SRF_INVISIBLE) || ctSrfVx==0) break; // done if found invisible or empty surface
if( !(ms.ms_ulRenderingFlags&SRF_REFLECTIONS)) continue; // skip non-reflection surface
// cache surface pointers
puwSrfToMip = &mmi.mmpi_auwSrfToMip[iSrfVx0];
ptexSrfBase = &_atexSrfBase[iSrfVx0];
pcolSrfBase = &_acolSrfBase[iSrfVx0];
// get surface reflection color and combine with model color
GFXColor colSrfRefl;
const COLOR colR = AdjustColor( ms.ms_colReflections, _slTexHueShift, _slTexSaturation);
colSrfRefl.MultiplyRGBA( colR, colMdlRefl);
// set reflection texture coords
for( INDEX iSrfVx=0; iSrfVx<ctSrfVx; iSrfVx++) {
const INDEX iMipVx = puwSrfToMip[iSrfVx];
ptexSrfBase[iSrfVx] = ptexMipBase[iMipVx];
// for full-bright surfaces
if( ms.ms_sstShadingType==SST_FULLBRIGHT) {
// just copy reflection color
for( INDEX iSrfVx=0; iSrfVx<ctSrfVx; iSrfVx++) pcolSrfBase[iSrfVx] = colSrfRefl;
else { // for smooth surface
for( INDEX iSrfVx=0; iSrfVx<ctSrfVx; iSrfVx++) {
// set reflection color smooth
const INDEX iMipVx = puwSrfToMip[iSrfVx];
pcolSrfBase[iSrfVx].MultiplyRGBCopyA1( colSrfRefl, pcolMipBase[iMipVx]);
// eventually attenuate color in case of fog or haze
if( (ms.ms_ulRenderingFlags&SRF_OPAQUE) && !_bForceTranslucency) continue;
// eventually do some haze and/or fog attenuation of alpha channel in surface
if( rm.rm_ulFlags & RMF_HAZE) {
if( ms.ms_sttTranslucencyType==STT_MULTIPLY) AttenuateColor( pshdMipHaze, ctSrfVx);
else AttenuateAlpha( pshdMipHaze, ctSrfVx);
if( rm.rm_ulFlags & RMF_FOG) {
if( ms.ms_sttTranslucencyType==STT_MULTIPLY) AttenuateColor( pshdMipFogy, ctSrfVx);
else AttenuateAlpha( pshdMipFogy, ctSrfVx);
// reflection prep done
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_REFL_SURF);
// begin rendering
_pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDER_REFLECTIONS);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDER_REFLECTIONS);
// setup texture/color arrays and rendering mode
SetCurrentTexture( ptdReflection, mo_toReflection.GetFrame());
gfxSetTexCoordArray( &_atexSrfBase[0], FALSE);
gfxSetColorArray( &_acolSrfBase[0]);
// do rendering
RenderOneSide( rm, TRUE, SRF_REFLECTIONS);
// reflection rendering done
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDER_REFLECTIONS);
// RENDER SPECULAR LAYER -------------------------------------------------------------------
// if this model has specular mapping
extern INDEX mdl_bRenderSpecular;
CTextureData *ptdSpecular = (CTextureData*)mo_toSpecular.GetData();
if( (_ulMipLayerFlags&SRF_SPECULAR) && mdl_bRenderSpecular && ptdSpecular!=NULL && bAllLayers)
_pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_SPEC_MIP);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_SPEC_MIP, _ctAllMipVx);
// cache object view rotation
const FLOATmatrix3D &m = rm.rm_mObjectToView;
#if ASMOPT == 1
__asm {
push ebx
mov ebx,D [m]
mov esi,D [pnorMipBase]
mov edi,D [ptexMipBase]
mov ecx,D [_ctAllMipVx]
// reflect light vector around vertex normal in object space
fld D [esi]GFXNormal.nx
fmul D [_vLightObj+0]
fld D [esi]GFXNormal.ny
fmul D [_vLightObj+4]
fld D [esi]GFXNormal.nz
fmul D [_vLightObj+8]
fxch st(2)
faddp st(1),st(0)
faddp st(1),st(0) // fNL
fld D [esi]GFXNormal.nx
fmul st(0),st(1) // fnl*nx, fnl
fld D [esi]GFXNormal.ny
fmul st(0),st(2) // fnl*ny, fnl*nx, fnl
fld D [esi]GFXNormal.nz
fmulp st(3),st(0) // fnl*ny, fnl*nx, fnl*nz
fxch st(1) // fnl*nx, fnl*ny, fnl*nz
fadd st(0),st(0)
fxch st(1) // fnl*ny, 2*fnl*nx, fnl*nz
fadd st(0),st(0)
fxch st(2)
fadd st(0),st(0)
fxch st(1) // 2*fnl*nx, 2*fnl*nz, 2*fnl*ny
fsubr D [_vLightObj+0]
fxch st(2) // 2*fnl*ny, 2*fnl*nz, fRx
fsubr D [_vLightObj+4]
fxch st(1) // 2*fnl*nz, fRy, fRx
fsubr D [_vLightObj+8]
fxch st(2) // fRx, fRy, fRz
// transform the reflected vector to viewer space
fld D [ebx+ 8*3+0]
fmul st(0),st(1)
fld D [ebx+ 8*3+4]
fmul st(0),st(3)
fld D [ebx+ 8*3+8]
fmul st(0),st(5)
fxch st(2)
faddp st(1),st(0)
faddp st(1),st(0) // fRVz, fRx, fRy, fRz
fld D [ebx+ 4*3+0]
fmul st(0),st(2)
fld D [ebx+ 4*3+4]
fmul st(0),st(4)
fld D [ebx+ 4*3+8]
fmul st(0),st(6)
fxch st(2)
faddp st(1),st(0)
faddp st(1),st(0) // fRVy, fRVz, fRx, fRy, fRz
fxch st(2) // fRx, fRVz, fRVy, fRy, fRz
fmul D [ebx+ 0*3+0] // fRxx, fRVz, fRVy, fRy, fRz
fxch st(3)
fmul D [ebx+ 0*3+4] // fRxy, fRVz, fRVy, fRxx, fRz
fxch st(4)
fmul D [ebx+ 0*3+8] // fRxz, fRVz, fRVy, fRxx, fRxy
fxch st(3) // fRxx, fRVz, fRVy, fRxz, fRxy
faddp st(4),st(0) // fRVz, fRVy, fRxz, fRxy+fRxx
fxch st(2) // fRxz, fRVy, fRVz, fRxy+fRxx
faddp st(3),st(0) // fRVy, fRVz, fRVx
// calc 1oFM
fxch st(1) // fRVz, fRVy, fRVx
fadd st(0),st(0)
fadd D [f2]
fdivr D [f05]
// map reflected vector to texture
fmul st(2),st(0) // f1oFM, fRVy, s
fmulp st(1),st(0)
fxch st(1) // s, t
fadd D [f05]
fxch st(1)
fadd D [f05]
fxch st(1)
fstp D [edi+0]
fstp D [edi+4]
add esi,3*4
add edi,2*4
dec ecx
jnz specMipLoop
pop ebx
// for each mip vertex
for( INDEX iMipVx=0; iMipVx<_ctAllMipVx; iMipVx++)
{ // reflect light vector around vertex normal in object space
GFXNormal &nor = pnorMipBase[iMipVx];
const FLOAT fNL = nor.nx*_vLightObj(1) + nor.ny*_vLightObj(2) + nor.nz*_vLightObj(3);
const FLOAT fRx = _vLightObj(1) - 2*nor.nx*fNL;
const FLOAT fRy = _vLightObj(2) - 2*nor.ny*fNL;
const FLOAT fRz = _vLightObj(3) - 2*nor.nz*fNL;
// transform the reflected vector to viewer space
const FLOAT fRVx = fRx*m(1,1) + fRy*m(1,2) + fRz*m(1,3);
const FLOAT fRVy = fRx*m(2,1) + fRy*m(2,2) + fRz*m(2,3);
const FLOAT fRVz = fRx*m(3,1) + fRy*m(3,2) + fRz*m(3,3);
// map reflected vector to texture
const FLOAT f1oFM = 0.5f / sqrt(2+2*fRVz); // was 2*sqrt(2+2*fRVz)
ptexMipBase[iMipVx].s = fRVx*f1oFM +0.5f;
ptexMipBase[iMipVx].t = fRVy*f1oFM +0.5f;
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_SPEC_MIP);
// setup surface vertices
_pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_SPEC_SURF);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_SPEC_SURF, _ctAllSrfVx);
// get model specular color and multiply with light color
GFXColor colMdlSpec;
const COLOR colS = AdjustColor( rm.rm_pmdModelData->md_colSpecular, _slTexHueShift, _slTexSaturation);
colMdlSpec.abgr = ByteSwap(colS);
colMdlSpec.AttenuateRGB( (rm.rm_colBlend&CT_AMASK)>>CT_ASHIFT);
colMdlSpec.r = ClampUp( (colMdlSpec.r *_slLR)>>8, 255L);
colMdlSpec.g = ClampUp( (colMdlSpec.g *_slLG)>>8, 255L);
colMdlSpec.b = ClampUp( (colMdlSpec.b *_slLB)>>8, 255L);
// for each specular surface in current mip model
FOREACHINSTATICARRAY( mmi.mmpi_MappingSurfaces, MappingSurface, itms)
const MappingSurface &ms = *itms;
iSrfVx0 = ms.ms_iSrfVx0;
ctSrfVx = ms.ms_ctSrfVx;
if( (ms.ms_ulRenderingFlags&SRF_INVISIBLE) || ctSrfVx==0) break; // done if found invisible or empty surface
if( !(ms.ms_ulRenderingFlags&SRF_SPECULAR)) continue; // skip non-specular surface
// cache surface pointers
puwSrfToMip = &mmi.mmpi_auwSrfToMip[iSrfVx0];
ptexSrfBase = &_atexSrfBase[iSrfVx0];
pcolSrfBase = &_acolSrfBase[iSrfVx0];
// get surface specular color and combine with model color
GFXColor colSrfSpec;
const COLOR colS = AdjustColor( ms.ms_colSpecular, _slTexHueShift, _slTexSaturation);
colSrfSpec.MultiplyRGB( colS, colMdlSpec);
// for each vertex in the surface
for( INDEX iSrfVx=0; iSrfVx<ctSrfVx; iSrfVx++) {
const INDEX iMipVx = puwSrfToMip[iSrfVx];
// set specular texture and color
ptexSrfBase[iSrfVx] = ptexMipBase[iMipVx];
const SLONG slShade = pcolMipBase[iMipVx].a;
pcolSrfBase[iSrfVx].abgr = (((colSrfSpec.r)*slShade)>>8)
| (((colSrfSpec.g)*slShade)&0x0000FF00)
| ((((colSrfSpec.b)*slShade)<<8)&0x00FF0000);
// eventually attenuate color in case of fog or haze
if( (ms.ms_ulRenderingFlags&SRF_OPAQUE) && !_bForceTranslucency) continue;
// eventually do some haze and/or fog attenuation of alpha channel in surface
if( rm.rm_ulFlags & RMF_HAZE) {
if( ms.ms_sttTranslucencyType==STT_MULTIPLY) AttenuateColor( pshdMipHaze, ctSrfVx);
else AttenuateAlpha( pshdMipHaze, ctSrfVx);
if( rm.rm_ulFlags & RMF_FOG) {
if( ms.ms_sttTranslucencyType==STT_MULTIPLY) AttenuateColor( pshdMipFogy, ctSrfVx);
else AttenuateAlpha( pshdMipFogy, ctSrfVx);
// specular prep done
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_SPEC_SURF);
// begin rendering
_pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDER_SPECULAR);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDER_SPECULAR);
// setup texture/color arrays and rendering mode
SetCurrentTexture( ptdSpecular, mo_toSpecular.GetFrame());
gfxSetTexCoordArray( &_atexSrfBase[0], FALSE);
gfxSetColorArray( &_acolSrfBase[0]);
// do rendering
RenderOneSide( rm, TRUE , SRF_SPECULAR);
RenderOneSide( rm, FALSE, SRF_SPECULAR);
// specular rendering done
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDER_SPECULAR);
// RENDER HAZE LAYER -------------------------------------------------------------------
// if this model has haze and some opaque surfaces
if( (rm.rm_ulFlags&RMF_HAZE) && !(_ulMipLayerFlags&MMI_TRANSLUCENT))
_pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_HAZE_SURF);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_HAZE_SURF, _ctAllSrfVx);
// unpack haze color
const COLOR colH = AdjustColor( _haze_hp.hp_colColor, _slTexHueShift, _slTexSaturation);
GFXColor colHaze(colH);
// for each surface in current mip model
FOREACHINSTATICARRAY( mmi.mmpi_MappingSurfaces, MappingSurface, itms)
MappingSurface &ms = *itms;
iSrfVx0 = ms.ms_iSrfVx0;
ctSrfVx = ms.ms_ctSrfVx;
if( (ms.ms_ulRenderingFlags&SRF_INVISIBLE) || ctSrfVx==0) break; // done if found invisible or empty surface
if( !(ms.ms_ulRenderingFlags&SRF_OPAQUE)) continue; // skip not-solid or empty surfaces
// cache surface pointers
puwSrfToMip = &mmi.mmpi_auwSrfToMip[iSrfVx0];
ptexSrfBase = &_atexSrfBase[iSrfVx0];
pcolSrfBase = &_acolSrfBase[iSrfVx0];
// prepare haze vertices
for( INDEX iSrfVx=0; iSrfVx<ctSrfVx; iSrfVx++) {
const INDEX iMipVx = puwSrfToMip[iSrfVx];
ptexSrfBase[iSrfVx].s = ptx1MipHaze[iMipVx];
ptexSrfBase[iSrfVx].t = 0.0f;
pcolSrfBase[iSrfVx] = colHaze;
// mark that this surface has haze
ms.ms_ulRenderingFlags |= SRF_HAZE;
// haze prep done
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_HAZE_SURF);
// begin rendering
_pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDER_HAZE);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDER_HAZE);
// setup texture/color arrays and rendering mode
gfxSetTextureWrapping( GFX_CLAMP, GFX_CLAMP);
gfxSetTexture( _haze_ulTexture, _haze_tpLocal);
gfxSetTexCoordArray( &_atexSrfBase[0], FALSE);
gfxSetColorArray( &_acolSrfBase[0]);
// do rendering
RenderOneSide( rm, TRUE, SRF_HAZE);
RenderOneSide( rm, FALSE, SRF_HAZE);
// haze rendering done
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDER_HAZE);
// RENDER FOG LAYER -------------------------------------------------------------------
// if this model has fog and some opaque surfaces
if( (rm.rm_ulFlags&RMF_FOG) && !(_ulMipLayerFlags&MMI_TRANSLUCENT))
_pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_FOG_SURF);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_FOG_SURF, _ctAllSrfVx);
// unpack fog color
const COLOR colF = AdjustColor( _fog_fp.fp_colColor, _slTexHueShift, _slTexSaturation);
GFXColor colFog(colF);
// for each surface in current mip model
FOREACHINSTATICARRAY( mmi.mmpi_MappingSurfaces, MappingSurface, itms)
MappingSurface &ms = *itms;
iSrfVx0 = ms.ms_iSrfVx0;
ctSrfVx = ms.ms_ctSrfVx;
if( (ms.ms_ulRenderingFlags&SRF_INVISIBLE) || ctSrfVx==0) break; // done if found invisible or empty surface
if( !(ms.ms_ulRenderingFlags&SRF_OPAQUE)) continue; // skip not-solid or empty surfaces
// cache surface pointers
puwSrfToMip = &mmi.mmpi_auwSrfToMip[iSrfVx0];
ptexSrfBase = &_atexSrfBase[iSrfVx0];
pcolSrfBase = &_acolSrfBase[iSrfVx0];
// prepare fog vertices
for( INDEX iSrfVx=0; iSrfVx<ctSrfVx; iSrfVx++) {
const INDEX iMipVx = puwSrfToMip[iSrfVx];
ptexSrfBase[iSrfVx] = ptexMipFogy[iMipVx];
pcolSrfBase[iSrfVx] = colFog;
// mark that this surface has fog
ms.ms_ulRenderingFlags |= SRF_FOG;
// fog prep done
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_INIT_FOG_SURF);
// begin rendering
_pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDER_FOG);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDER_FOG);
// setup texture/color arrays and rendering mode
gfxSetTextureWrapping( GFX_CLAMP, GFX_CLAMP);
gfxSetTexture( _fog_ulTexture, _fog_tpLocal);
gfxSetTexCoordArray( &_atexSrfBase[0], FALSE);
gfxSetColorArray( &_acolSrfBase[0]);
// do rendering
RenderOneSide( rm, TRUE, SRF_FOG);
RenderOneSide( rm, FALSE, SRF_FOG);
// fog rendering done
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDER_FOG);
// almost done
gfxDepthFunc( GFX_LESS_EQUAL);
// eventually render wireframe
// reset model vertex buffers and rendering face
// model rendered (restore cull mode)
if( bModelSetupTimer) _sfStats.StartTimer(CStatForm::STI_MODELSETUP);
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDERMODEL);
#pragma warning(default: 4731)
// *******************************************************************************
// render patches on model
void CModelObject::RenderPatches_View( CRenderModel &rm)
_pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDERPATCHES);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDERPATCHES);
// setup API rendering functions
gfxSetTextureWrapping( GFX_CLAMP, GFX_CLAMP);
gfxDepthFunc( GFX_LESS_EQUAL);
pglMatrixMode( GL_TEXTURE);
gfxSetColorArray( &_acolSrfBase[0]);
CModelData *pmd = rm.rm_pmdModelData;
ModelMipInfo *pmmi = &rm.rm_pmdModelData->md_MipInfos[rm.rm_iMipLevel];
// get main texture size
FLOAT fmexMainSizeU=1, fmexMainSizeV=1;
FLOAT f1oMainSizeV =1, f1oMainSizeU =1;
CTextureData *ptd = (CTextureData*)mo_toTexture.GetData();
if( ptd!=NULL) {
fmexMainSizeU = GetWidth();
fmexMainSizeV = GetHeight();
f1oMainSizeU = 1.0f / fmexMainSizeU;
f1oMainSizeV = 1.0f / fmexMainSizeV;
// for each possible patch
INDEX iExistingPatch=0;
for( INDEX iMaskBit=0; iMaskBit<MAX_TEXTUREPATCHES; iMaskBit++)
CTextureObject &toPatch = pmd->md_mpPatches[ iMaskBit].mp_toTexture;
CTextureData *ptdPatch = (CTextureData*)toPatch.GetData();
if( ptdPatch==NULL) continue;
if( mo_PatchMask & ((1UL)<<iMaskBit)) {
PolygonsPerPatch &ppp = pmmi->mmpi_aPolygonsPerPatch[iExistingPatch];
if( ppp.ppp_auwElements.Count()==0) continue;
// calculate correction factor (relative to greater texture dimension)
const MEX2D mexPatchOffset = pmd->md_mpPatches[iMaskBit].mp_mexPosition;
const FLOAT fSizeDivider = 1.0f / pmd->md_mpPatches[iMaskBit].mp_fStretch;
const FLOAT fmexSizeU = ptdPatch->GetWidth();
const FLOAT fmexSizeV = ptdPatch->GetHeight();
// set texture for API
SetCurrentTexture( ptdPatch, toPatch.GetFrame());
pglScalef( fmexMainSizeU/fmexSizeU*fSizeDivider, fmexMainSizeV/fmexSizeV*fSizeDivider, 0);
pglTranslatef( -mexPatchOffset(1)*f1oMainSizeU, -mexPatchOffset(2)*f1oMainSizeV, 0);
gfxSetTexCoordArray( &_atexSrfBase[0], FALSE);
//AddElements( &ppp.ppp_auwElements[0], ppp.ppp_auwElements.Count());
// all done
pglMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW);
// patches rendered
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDERPATCHES);
// *******************************************************************************
// render comlex model shadow
void CModelObject::RenderShadow_View( CRenderModel &rm, const CPlacement3D &plLight,
const FLOAT fFallOff, const FLOAT fHotSpot, const FLOAT fIntensity,
const FLOATplane3D &plShadowPlane)
// no shadow, if projection is not perspective or no textures
if( !_aprProjection.IsPerspective() || !(rm.rm_rtRenderType & RT_TEXTURE)) return;
_pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDERSHADOW);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDERSHADOW);
// get viewer in absolute space
FLOAT3D vViewerAbs = _aprProjection->ViewerPlacementR().pl_PositionVector;
if( plShadowPlane.PointDistance(vViewerAbs)<0.01f) {
// shadow destination plane is not visible - don't cast shadows
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDERSHADOW);
// get light position in object space
FLOATmatrix3D mAbsToObj = !rm.rm_mObjectRotation;
const FLOAT3D vAbsToObj = -rm.rm_vObjectPosition;
_vLightObj = (plLight.pl_PositionVector+vAbsToObj)*mAbsToObj;
// get shadow plane in object space
FLOATplane3D plShadowPlaneObj = (plShadowPlane+vAbsToObj)*mAbsToObj;
// project object handle so we can calc how it is far away from viewer
const FLOAT3D vRef = plShadowPlaneObj.ProjectPoint(FLOAT3D(0,0,0)) *rm.rm_mObjectToView +rm.rm_vObjectToView;
plShadowPlaneObj.pl_distance += ClampDn( -vRef(3)*0.001f, 0.01f); // move plane towards the viewer a bit to avoid z-fighting
// get distance from shadow plane to light
const FLOAT fDl = plShadowPlaneObj.PointDistance(_vLightObj);
if( fDl<0.1f) {
// too small - do nothing
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDERSHADOW);
ModelMipInfo &mmi = *rm.rm_pmmiMip;
ModelMipInfo &mmi0 = rm.rm_pmdModelData->md_MipInfos[0];
_pfModelProfile.IncrementCounter( CModelProfile::PCI_SHADOWVERTICES_FIRSTMIP, mmi0.mmpi_ctMipVx);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementCounter( CModelProfile::PCI_SHADOWVERTICES_USEDMIP, mmi.mmpi_ctMipVx);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementCounter( CModelProfile::PCI_SHADOWSURFACEVERTICES_FIRSTMIP, mmi0.mmpi_ctSrfVx);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementCounter( CModelProfile::PCI_SHADOWSURFACEVERTICES_USEDMIP, mmi.mmpi_ctSrfVx);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementCounter( CModelProfile::PCI_SHADOWTRIANGLES_FIRSTMIP, mmi0.mmpi_ctTriangles);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementCounter( CModelProfile::PCI_SHADOWTRIANGLES_USEDMIP, mmi.mmpi_ctTriangles);
_sfStats.IncrementCounter( CStatForm::SCI_SHADOWTRIANGLES_FIRSTMIP, mmi0.mmpi_ctTriangles);
_sfStats.IncrementCounter( CStatForm::SCI_SHADOWTRIANGLES_USEDMIP, mmi.mmpi_ctTriangles);
// allocate vertex arrays
_ctAllMipVx = mmi.mmpi_ctMipVx;
_ctAllSrfVx = mmi.mmpi_ctSrfVx;
ASSERT( _ctAllMipVx>0 && _ctAllSrfVx>0);
ASSERT( _avtxMipBase.Count()==0); _avtxMipBase.Push(_ctAllMipVx);
ASSERT( _acolMipBase.Count()==0); _acolMipBase.Push(_ctAllMipVx);
ASSERT( _aooqMipShad.Count()==0); _aooqMipShad.Push(_ctAllMipVx);
ASSERT( _avtxSrfBase.Count()==0); _avtxSrfBase.Push(_ctAllSrfVx);
ASSERT( _acolSrfBase.Count()==0); _acolSrfBase.Push(_ctAllSrfVx);
ASSERT( _atx4SrfShad.Count()==0); _atx4SrfShad.Push(_ctAllSrfVx);
// unpack one model frame vertices and eventually normals (lerped or not lerped, as required)
pvtxMipBase = &_avtxMipBase[0];
pooqMipShad = &_aooqMipShad[0];
pcolMipBase = &_acolMipBase[0];
UnpackFrame( rm, FALSE);
UBYTE *pubsMipBase = (UBYTE*)pcolMipBase;
_pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_SHAD_INIT_MIP);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_SHAD_INIT_MIP, _ctAllMipVx);
// calculate light interpolants attenuated by ambient factor
const INDEX iLightMax = NormFloatToByte(fIntensity);
const FLOAT fLightStep = 255.0f* fIntensity/(fFallOff-fHotSpot);
// for each mip vertex
{for( INDEX iMipVx=0; iMipVx<_ctAllMipVx; iMipVx++)
// get object coordinates
GFXVertex3 &vtx = pvtxMipBase[iMipVx];
// get distance of the vertex from shadow plane
FLOAT fDt = plShadowPlaneObj(1) *vtx.x
+ plShadowPlaneObj(2) *vtx.y
+ plShadowPlaneObj(3) *vtx.z
- plShadowPlaneObj.Distance();
// if vertex below shadow plane
if( fDt<0) {
// THIS MIGHT BE WRONG - it'll make shadow vertex to be the same as model vertex !!!!
// fake as beeing just on plane
FLOAT fP = fDl/(fDl-fDt); // =1
FLOAT fL = fDt/(fDl-fDt); // =0
// calculate shadow vertex
vtx.x = vtx.x*fP - _vLightObj(1)*fL;
vtx.y = vtx.y*fP - _vLightObj(2)*fL;
vtx.z = vtx.z*fP - _vLightObj(3)*fL;
pooqMipShad[iMipVx] = 1.0f;
// make it transparent
pubsMipBase[iMipVx] = 0;
// if vertex above light
else if( (fDl-fDt)<0.01f) {
// fake as beeing just a bit below light
fDt = fDl-0.1f;
const FLOAT fDiv = 1.0f / (fDl-fDt);
const FLOAT fP = fDl *fDiv;
const FLOAT fL = fDt *fDiv;
// calculate shadow vertex
vtx.x = vtx.x*fP - _vLightObj(1)*fL;
vtx.y = vtx.y*fP - _vLightObj(2)*fL;
vtx.z = vtx.z*fP - _vLightObj(3)*fL;
pooqMipShad[iMipVx] = 1.0f;
// make it transparent
pubsMipBase[iMipVx] = 0;
// if vertex between shadow plane and light
else {
const FLOAT fDiv = 1.0f / (fDl-fDt);
const FLOAT fP = fDl *fDiv;
const FLOAT fL = fDt *fDiv;
// calculate shadow vertex
vtx.x = vtx.x*fP - _vLightObj(1)*fL;
vtx.y = vtx.y*fP - _vLightObj(2)*fL;
vtx.z = vtx.z*fP - _vLightObj(3)*fL;
pooqMipShad[iMipVx] = fP;
// get distance between light and shadow vertex
const FLOAT fDlsx = vtx.x - _vLightObj(1);
const FLOAT fDlsy = vtx.y - _vLightObj(2);
const FLOAT fDlsz = vtx.z - _vLightObj(3);
const FLOAT fDls = sqrt( fDlsx*fDlsx + fDlsy*fDlsy + fDlsz*fDlsz);
// calculate shadow value for this vertex
if( fDls<fHotSpot) pubsMipBase[iMipVx] = iLightMax;
else if( fDls>fFallOff) pubsMipBase[iMipVx] = 0;
else pubsMipBase[iMipVx] = FloatToInt( (fFallOff-fDls)*fLightStep);
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_SHAD_INIT_MIP);
// get diffuse texture corrections
FLOAT fTexCorrU, fTexCorrV;
CTextureData *ptd = (CTextureData*)mo_toTexture.GetData();
if( ptd!=NULL) {
fTexCorrU = 1.0f / ptd->GetWidth();
fTexCorrV = 1.0f / ptd->GetHeight();
} else {
fTexCorrU = 1.0f;
fTexCorrV = 1.0f;
_pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_SHAD_INIT_SURF);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_SHAD_INIT_SURF, _ctAllSrfVx);
// for each surface in current mip model
FOREACHINSTATICARRAY( mmi.mmpi_MappingSurfaces, MappingSurface, itms)
const MappingSurface &ms = *itms;
const INDEX iSrfVx0 = ms.ms_iSrfVx0;
const INDEX ctSrfVx = ms.ms_ctSrfVx;
if( (ms.ms_ulRenderingFlags&SRF_INVISIBLE) || ctSrfVx==0) break; // done if found invisible or empty surface
// cache surface pointers
puwSrfToMip = &mmi.mmpi_auwSrfToMip[iSrfVx0];
const FLOAT2D *pvTexCoord = (const FLOAT2D*)&mmi.mmpi_avmexTexCoord[iSrfVx0];
GFXVertex *pvtxSrfBase = &_avtxSrfBase[iSrfVx0];
GFXTexCoord4 *ptx4SrfShad = &_atx4SrfShad[iSrfVx0];
GFXColor *pcolSrfBase = &_acolSrfBase[iSrfVx0];
// for each vertex in the surface
for( INDEX iSrfVx=0; iSrfVx<ctSrfVx; iSrfVx++) {
const INDEX iMipVx = puwSrfToMip[iSrfVx];
// get 3d coords projected on plane and color (alpha only)
pvtxSrfBase[iSrfVx].x = pvtxMipBase[iMipVx].x;
pvtxSrfBase[iSrfVx].y = pvtxMipBase[iMipVx].y;
pvtxSrfBase[iSrfVx].z = pvtxMipBase[iMipVx].z;
pcolSrfBase[iSrfVx].a = pubsMipBase[iMipVx];
// get texture adjusted for perspective correction (aka projected mapping)
const FLOAT fooq = pooqMipShad[iMipVx];
ptx4SrfShad[iSrfVx].s = pvTexCoord[iSrfVx](1) *fTexCorrU *fooq;
ptx4SrfShad[iSrfVx].t = pvTexCoord[iSrfVx](2) *fTexCorrV *fooq;
ptx4SrfShad[iSrfVx].q = fooq;
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_SHAD_INIT_SURF);
_pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_SHAD_GLSETUP);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_SHAD_GLSETUP, 1);
// begin rendering
const BOOL bModelSetupTimer = _sfStats.CheckTimer(CStatForm::STI_MODELSETUP);
if( bModelSetupTimer) _sfStats.StopTimer(CStatForm::STI_MODELSETUP);
// prepare vertex arrays for API
gfxSetVertexArray( &_avtxSrfBase[0], _avtxSrfBase.Count());
if(CVA_bModels) gfxLockArrays();
gfxSetTexCoordArray( (GFXTexCoord*)&_atx4SrfShad[0], TRUE); // projective mapping!
gfxSetColorArray( &_acolSrfBase[0]);
// set projection and texture for API
gfxSetTextureWrapping( GFX_REPEAT, GFX_REPEAT);
INDEX iFrame=0;
if( ptd!=NULL) iFrame = mo_toTexture.GetFrame();
SetCurrentTexture( ptd, iFrame);
gfxDepthFunc( GFX_LESS_EQUAL);
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_SHAD_GLSETUP);
_pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_SHAD_RENDER);
// for each surface in current mip model
INDEX iStartElem=0;
INDEX ctElements=0;
{FOREACHINSTATICARRAY( mmi.mmpi_MappingSurfaces, MappingSurface, itms)
// done if surface is invisible or empty
const MappingSurface &ms = *itms;
if( (ms.ms_ulRenderingFlags&SRF_INVISIBLE) || ms.ms_ctSrfVx==0) break;
// batch elements up to non-diffuse surface
if( ms.ms_ulRenderingFlags&SRF_DIFFUSE) {
ctElements += ms.ms_ctSrfEl;
// flush batched elements
if( ctElements>0) FlushElements( ctElements, &mmi.mmpi_aiElements[iStartElem]);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_SHAD_RENDER, ctElements/3);
iStartElem+= ctElements+ms.ms_ctSrfEl;
ctElements = 0;
// flush leftovers
if( ctElements>0) FlushElements( ctElements, &mmi.mmpi_aiElements[iStartElem]);
// done
// reset vertex arrays
// shadow rendered
if( bModelSetupTimer) _sfStats.StartTimer(CStatForm::STI_MODELSETUP);
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_SHAD_RENDER);
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDERSHADOW);
// *******************************************************************************
// render simple model shadow
void CModelObject::AddSimpleShadow_View( CRenderModel &rm, const FLOAT fIntensity,
const FLOATplane3D &plShadowPlane)
_pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDERSIMPLESHADOW);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDERSIMPLESHADOW);
// get viewer in absolute space
FLOAT3D vViewerAbs = _aprProjection->ViewerPlacementR().pl_PositionVector;
// if shadow destination plane is not visible, don't cast shadows
if( plShadowPlane.PointDistance(vViewerAbs)<0.01f) {
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDERSIMPLESHADOW);
_pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_SIMP_CALC);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_SIMP_CALC);
// get shadow plane in object space
const FLOATmatrix3D mAbsToObj = !rm.rm_mObjectRotation;
const FLOAT3D vAbsToObj = -rm.rm_vObjectPosition;
FLOATplane3D plShadowPlaneObj = (plShadowPlane+vAbsToObj) * mAbsToObj;
// project object handle so we can calc how it is far away from viewer
const FLOAT3D vRef = plShadowPlaneObj.ProjectPoint(FLOAT3D(0,0,0)) *rm.rm_mObjectToView +rm.rm_vObjectToView;
plShadowPlaneObj.pl_distance += ClampDn( -vRef(3)*0.001f, 0.01f); // move plane towards the viewer a bit to avoid z-fighting
// find points on plane nearest to bounding box edges
FLOAT3D vMin = rm.rm_vObjectMinBB * 1.25f;
FLOAT3D vMax = rm.rm_vObjectMaxBB * 1.25f;
if( rm.rm_ulFlags & RMF_SPECTATOR) { vMin*=2; vMax*=2; } // enlarge shadow for 1st person view
const FLOAT3D v00 = plShadowPlaneObj.ProjectPoint(FLOAT3D(vMin(1),vMin(2),vMin(3))) *rm.rm_mObjectToView +rm.rm_vObjectToView;
const FLOAT3D v01 = plShadowPlaneObj.ProjectPoint(FLOAT3D(vMin(1),vMin(2),vMax(3))) *rm.rm_mObjectToView +rm.rm_vObjectToView;
const FLOAT3D v10 = plShadowPlaneObj.ProjectPoint(FLOAT3D(vMax(1),vMin(2),vMin(3))) *rm.rm_mObjectToView +rm.rm_vObjectToView;
const FLOAT3D v11 = plShadowPlaneObj.ProjectPoint(FLOAT3D(vMax(1),vMin(2),vMax(3))) *rm.rm_mObjectToView +rm.rm_vObjectToView;
// calc done
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_SIMP_CALC);
_pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_SIMP_COPY);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_SIMP_COPY);
// prepare color
ASSERT( fIntensity>=0 && fIntensity<=1);
ULONG ulAAAA = NormFloatToByte(fIntensity);
ulAAAA |= (ulAAAA<<8) | (ulAAAA<<16); // alpha isn't needed
// add to vertex arrays
GFXVertex *pvtx = _avtxCommon.Push(4);
GFXTexCoord *ptex = _atexCommon.Push(4);
GFXColor *pcol = _acolCommon.Push(4);
// vertices
pvtx[0].x = v00(1); pvtx[0].y = v00(2); pvtx[0].z = v00(3);
pvtx[2].x = v11(1); pvtx[2].y = v11(2); pvtx[2].z = v11(3);
if( rm.rm_ulFlags & RMF_INVERTED) { // must re-adjust order for mirrored projection
pvtx[1].x = v10(1); pvtx[1].y = v10(2); pvtx[1].z = v10(3);
pvtx[3].x = v01(1); pvtx[3].y = v01(2); pvtx[3].z = v01(3);
} else {
pvtx[1].x = v01(1); pvtx[1].y = v01(2); pvtx[1].z = v01(3);
pvtx[3].x = v10(1); pvtx[3].y = v10(2); pvtx[3].z = v10(3);
// texture coords
ptex[0].s = 0; ptex[0].t = 0;
ptex[1].s = 0; ptex[1].t = 1;
ptex[2].s = 1; ptex[2].t = 1;
ptex[3].s = 1; ptex[3].t = 0;
// colors
pcol[0].abgr = ulAAAA;
pcol[1].abgr = ulAAAA;
pcol[2].abgr = ulAAAA;
pcol[3].abgr = ulAAAA;
// if this model has fog
if( rm.rm_ulFlags & RMF_FOG)
{ // for each vertex in shadow quad
GFXTexCoord tex;
for( INDEX i=0; i<4; i++) {
GFXVertex &vtx = pvtx[i];
// get distance along viewer axis and fog axis and map to texture and attenuate shadow color
const FLOAT fH = vtx.x*_fog_vHDirView(1) + vtx.y*_fog_vHDirView(2) + vtx.z*_fog_vHDirView(3);
tex.s = -vtx.z *_fog_fMulZ;
tex.t = (fH+_fog_fAddH) *_fog_fMulH;
// if this model has haze
if( rm.rm_ulFlags & RMF_HAZE)
{ // for each vertex in shadow quad
for( INDEX i=0; i<4; i++) {
// get distance along viewer axis map to texture and attenuate shadow color
const FLOAT fS = (_haze_fAdd-pvtx[i].z) *_haze_fMul;
// one simple shadow added to rendering queue
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_SIMP_COPY);
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDERSIMPLESHADOW);
// render several simple model shadows
void RenderBatchedSimpleShadows_View(void)
const INDEX ctVertices = _avtxCommon.Count();
if( ctVertices<=0) return;
// safety checks
ASSERT( _atexCommon.Count()==ctVertices);
ASSERT( _acolCommon.Count()==ctVertices);
_pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_SIMP_BATCHED);
_pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_SIMP_BATCHED);
// begin rendering
const BOOL bModelSetupTimer = _sfStats.CheckTimer(CStatForm::STI_MODELSETUP);
if( bModelSetupTimer) _sfStats.StopTimer(CStatForm::STI_MODELSETUP);
// setup texture and projection
_bFlatFill = FALSE;
gfxSetTextureWrapping( GFX_REPEAT, GFX_REPEAT);
CTextureData *ptd = (CTextureData*)_toSimpleModelShadow.GetData();
SetCurrentTexture( ptd, _toSimpleModelShadow.GetFrame());
// setup rendering mode
gfxDepthFunc( GFX_LESS_EQUAL);
// draw!
_pGfx->gl_ctModelTriangles += ctVertices/2;
// all simple shadows rendered
if( bModelSetupTimer) _sfStats.StartTimer(CStatForm::STI_MODELSETUP);
_pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_SIMP_BATCHED);