mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 10:20:27 +01:00
1203 lines
38 KiB
1203 lines
38 KiB
/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. All rights reserved. */
#include "stdh.h"
#include <Engine/Base/Timer.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Input.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Translation.h>
#include <Engine/Base/KeyNames.h>
#include <Engine/Math/Functions.h>
#include <Engine/Graphics/Viewport.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Console.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Synchronization.h>
#include <Engine/Base/ErrorReporting.h>
extern INDEX inp_iKeyboardReadingMethod;
extern FLOAT inp_fMouseSensitivity;
extern INDEX inp_bAllowMouseAcceleration;
extern INDEX inp_bMousePrecision;
extern FLOAT inp_fMousePrecisionFactor;
extern FLOAT inp_fMousePrecisionThreshold;
extern FLOAT inp_fMousePrecisionTimeout;
extern FLOAT inp_bInvertMouse;
extern INDEX inp_bFilterMouse;
extern INDEX inp_bAllowPrescan;
extern INDEX inp_i2ndMousePort;
extern FLOAT inp_f2ndMouseSensitivity;
extern INDEX inp_b2ndMousePrecision;
extern FLOAT inp_f2ndMousePrecisionThreshold;
extern FLOAT inp_f2ndMousePrecisionTimeout;
extern FLOAT inp_f2ndMousePrecisionFactor;
extern INDEX inp_bFilter2ndMouse;
extern INDEX inp_bInvert2ndMouse;
extern INDEX inp_iMButton4Dn = 0x20040;
extern INDEX inp_iMButton4Up = 0x20000;
extern INDEX inp_iMButton5Dn = 0x10020;
extern INDEX inp_iMButton5Up = 0x10000;
extern INDEX inp_bMsgDebugger = FALSE;
extern INDEX inp_bForceJoystickPolling = 0;
extern INDEX inp_ctJoysticksAllowed = 8;
extern INDEX inp_bAutoDisableJoysticks = 0;
static CTString inp_astrAxisTran[MAX_OVERALL_AXES];// translated names for axis
NOTE: Three different types of key codes are used here:
1) kid - engine internal type - defined in KeyNames.h
2) scancode - raw PC keyboard scancodes as returned in keydown/keyup messages
3) virtkey - virtual key codes used by windows
// name that is not translated (international)
#define INTNAME(str) str, ""
// name that is translated
#define TRANAME(str) str, "ETRS" str
// basic key conversion table
static struct KeyConversion {
INDEX kc_iVirtKey;
INDEX kc_iScanCode;
char *kc_strName;
char *kc_strNameTrans;
} _akcKeys[] = {
// reserved for 'no-key-pressed'
{ KID_NONE, -1, -1, TRANAME("None")},
// numbers row
{ KID_1 , '1', 2, INTNAME("1")},
{ KID_2 , '2', 3, INTNAME("2")},
{ KID_3 , '3', 4, INTNAME("3")},
{ KID_4 , '4', 5, INTNAME("4")},
{ KID_5 , '5', 6, INTNAME("5")},
{ KID_6 , '6', 7, INTNAME("6")},
{ KID_7 , '7', 8, INTNAME("7")},
{ KID_8 , '8', 9, INTNAME("8")},
{ KID_9 , '9', 10, INTNAME("9")},
{ KID_0 , '0', 11, INTNAME("0")},
{ KID_MINUS , 189, 12, INTNAME("-")},
{ KID_EQUALS , 187, 13, INTNAME("=")},
// 1st alpha row
{ KID_Q , 'Q', 16, INTNAME("Q")},
{ KID_W , 'W', 17, INTNAME("W")},
{ KID_E , 'E', 18, INTNAME("E")},
{ KID_R , 'R', 19, INTNAME("R")},
{ KID_T , 'T', 20, INTNAME("T")},
{ KID_Y , 'Y', 21, INTNAME("Y")},
{ KID_U , 'U', 22, INTNAME("U")},
{ KID_I , 'I', 23, INTNAME("I")},
{ KID_O , 'O', 24, INTNAME("O")},
{ KID_P , 'P', 25, INTNAME("P")},
{ KID_LBRACKET , 219, 26, INTNAME("[")},
{ KID_RBRACKET , 221, 27, INTNAME("]")},
{ KID_BACKSLASH , 220, 43, INTNAME("\\")},
// 2nd alpha row
{ KID_A , 'A', 30, INTNAME("A")},
{ KID_S , 'S', 31, INTNAME("S")},
{ KID_D , 'D', 32, INTNAME("D")},
{ KID_F , 'F', 33, INTNAME("F")},
{ KID_G , 'G', 34, INTNAME("G")},
{ KID_H , 'H', 35, INTNAME("H")},
{ KID_J , 'J', 36, INTNAME("J")},
{ KID_K , 'K', 37, INTNAME("K")},
{ KID_L , 'L', 38, INTNAME("L")},
{ KID_SEMICOLON , 186, 39, INTNAME(";")},
{ KID_APOSTROPHE , 222, 40, INTNAME("'")},
// 3rd alpha row
{ KID_Z , 'Z', 44, INTNAME("Z")},
{ KID_X , 'X', 45, INTNAME("X")},
{ KID_C , 'C', 46, INTNAME("C")},
{ KID_V , 'V', 47, INTNAME("V")},
{ KID_B , 'B', 48, INTNAME("B")},
{ KID_N , 'N', 49, INTNAME("N")},
{ KID_M , 'M', 50, INTNAME("M")},
{ KID_COMMA , 190, 51, INTNAME(",")},
{ KID_PERIOD , 188, 52, INTNAME(".")},
{ KID_SLASH , 191, 53, INTNAME("/")},
// row with F-keys
{ KID_F1 , VK_F1, 59, INTNAME("F1")},
{ KID_F2 , VK_F2, 60, INTNAME("F2")},
{ KID_F3 , VK_F3, 61, INTNAME("F3")},
{ KID_F4 , VK_F4, 62, INTNAME("F4")},
{ KID_F5 , VK_F5, 63, INTNAME("F5")},
{ KID_F6 , VK_F6, 64, INTNAME("F6")},
{ KID_F7 , VK_F7, 65, INTNAME("F7")},
{ KID_F8 , VK_F8, 66, INTNAME("F8")},
{ KID_F9 , VK_F9, 67, INTNAME("F9")},
{ KID_F10 , VK_F10, 68, INTNAME("F10")},
{ KID_F11 , VK_F11, 87, INTNAME("F11")},
{ KID_F12 , VK_F12, 88, INTNAME("F12")},
// extra keys
{ KID_TILDE , -1, 41, TRANAME("Tilde")},
{ KID_BACKSPACE , VK_BACK, 14, TRANAME("Backspace")},
{ KID_TAB , VK_TAB, 15, TRANAME("Tab")},
{ KID_SPACE , VK_SPACE, 57, TRANAME("Space")},
// modifier keys
{ KID_LSHIFT , VK_LSHIFT , 42, TRANAME("Left Shift")},
{ KID_RSHIFT , VK_RSHIFT , 54, TRANAME("Right Shift")},
{ KID_RCONTROL , VK_RCONTROL, 256+29, TRANAME("Right Control")},
{ KID_LALT , VK_LMENU , 56, TRANAME("Left Alt")},
{ KID_RALT , VK_RMENU , 256+56, TRANAME("Right Alt")},
// navigation keys
{ KID_ARROWUP , VK_UP, 256+72, TRANAME("Arrow Up")},
{ KID_ARROWDOWN , VK_DOWN, 256+80, TRANAME("Arrow Down")},
{ KID_ARROWLEFT , VK_LEFT, 256+75, TRANAME("Arrow Left")},
{ KID_ARROWRIGHT , VK_RIGHT, 256+77, TRANAME("Arrow Right")},
{ KID_INSERT , VK_INSERT, 256+82, TRANAME("Insert")},
{ KID_DELETE , VK_DELETE, 256+83, TRANAME("Delete")},
{ KID_HOME , VK_HOME, 256+71, TRANAME("Home")},
{ KID_END , VK_END, 256+79, TRANAME("End")},
{ KID_PAGEUP , VK_PRIOR, 256+73, TRANAME("Page Up")},
{ KID_PAGEDOWN , VK_NEXT, 256+81, TRANAME("Page Down")},
{ KID_PRINTSCR , VK_SNAPSHOT, 256+55, TRANAME("Print Screen")},
{ KID_PAUSE , VK_PAUSE, 69, TRANAME("Pause")},
// numpad numbers
{ KID_NUM0 , VK_NUMPAD0, 82, INTNAME("Num 0")},
{ KID_NUM1 , VK_NUMPAD1, 79, INTNAME("Num 1")},
{ KID_NUM2 , VK_NUMPAD2, 80, INTNAME("Num 2")},
{ KID_NUM3 , VK_NUMPAD3, 81, INTNAME("Num 3")},
{ KID_NUM4 , VK_NUMPAD4, 75, INTNAME("Num 4")},
{ KID_NUM5 , VK_NUMPAD5, 76, INTNAME("Num 5")},
{ KID_NUM6 , VK_NUMPAD6, 77, INTNAME("Num 6")},
{ KID_NUM7 , VK_NUMPAD7, 71, INTNAME("Num 7")},
{ KID_NUM8 , VK_NUMPAD8, 72, INTNAME("Num 8")},
{ KID_NUM9 , VK_NUMPAD9, 73, INTNAME("Num 9")},
// numpad gray keys
{ KID_NUMLOCK , VK_NUMLOCK, 256+69, INTNAME("Num Lock")},
{ KID_NUMSLASH , VK_DIVIDE, 256+53, INTNAME("Num /")},
{ KID_NUMPLUS , VK_ADD, 78, INTNAME("Num +")},
// mouse buttons
{ KID_MOUSE1 , VK_LBUTTON, -1, TRANAME("Mouse Button 1")},
{ KID_MOUSE2 , VK_RBUTTON, -1, TRANAME("Mouse Button 2")},
{ KID_MOUSE3 , VK_MBUTTON, -1, TRANAME("Mouse Button 3")},
{ KID_MOUSE4 , -1, -1, TRANAME("Mouse Button 4")},
{ KID_MOUSE5 , -1, -1, TRANAME("Mouse Button 5")},
{ KID_MOUSEWHEELUP , -1, -1, TRANAME("Mouse Wheel Up")},
{ KID_MOUSEWHEELDOWN , -1, -1, TRANAME("Mouse Wheel Down")},
// 2nd mouse buttons
{ KID_2MOUSE1 , -1, -1, TRANAME("2nd Mouse Button 1")},
{ KID_2MOUSE2 , -1, -1, TRANAME("2nd Mouse Button 2")},
{ KID_2MOUSE3 , -1, -1, TRANAME("2nd Mouse Button 3")},
// autogenerated fast conversion tables
static INDEX _aiScanToKid[512];
static INDEX _aiVirtToKid[256];
// make fast conversion tables from the general table
static void MakeConversionTables(void)
// clear conversion tables
memset(_aiScanToKid, -1, sizeof(_aiScanToKid));
memset(_aiVirtToKid, -1, sizeof(_aiVirtToKid));
// for each Key
for (INDEX iKey=0; iKey<ARRAYCOUNT(_akcKeys); iKey++) {
struct KeyConversion &kc = _akcKeys[iKey];
// get codes
INDEX iKID = kc.kc_iKID;
INDEX iScan = kc.kc_iScanCode;
INDEX iVirt = kc.kc_iVirtKey;
// update the tables
if (iScan>=0) {
_aiScanToKid[iScan] = iKID;
if (iVirt>=0) {
_aiVirtToKid[iVirt] = iKID;
// variables for message interception
static HHOOK _hGetMsgHook = NULL;
static HHOOK _hSendMsgHook = NULL;
static int _iMouseZ = 0;
static BOOL _bWheelUp = FALSE;
static BOOL _bWheelDn = FALSE;
CTCriticalSection csInput;
// which keys are pressed, as recorded by message interception (by KIDs)
static UBYTE _abKeysPressed[256];
// set a key according to a keydown/keyup message
static void SetKeyFromMsg(MSG *pMsg, BOOL bDown)
INDEX iKID = -1;
// if capturing scan codes
if (inp_iKeyboardReadingMethod==2) {
// get scan code
INDEX iScan = (pMsg->lParam>>16)&0x1FF; // (we use the extended bit too!)
// convert scan code to kid
iKID = _aiScanToKid[iScan];
// if capturing virtual key codes
} else if (inp_iKeyboardReadingMethod==1) {
// get virtualkey
INDEX iVirt = (pMsg->wParam)&0xFF;
if (iVirt == VK_SHIFT) {
iVirt = VK_LSHIFT;
if (iVirt == VK_CONTROL) {
if (iVirt == VK_MENU) {
iVirt = VK_LMENU;
// convert virtualkey to kid
iKID = _aiVirtToKid[iVirt];
// if not capturing
} else {
// do nothing
if (iKID>=0 && iKID<ARRAYCOUNT(_abKeysPressed)) {
// CPrintF("%s: %d\n", _pInput->inp_strButtonNames[iKID], bDown);
_abKeysPressed[iKID] = bDown;
static void CheckMessage(MSG *pMsg)
if ( pMsg->message == WM_LBUTTONUP) {
_abKeysPressed[KID_MOUSE1] = FALSE;
} else if ( pMsg->message == WM_LBUTTONDOWN || pMsg->message == WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK) {
_abKeysPressed[KID_MOUSE1] = TRUE;
} else if ( pMsg->message == WM_RBUTTONUP) {
_abKeysPressed[KID_MOUSE2] = FALSE;
} else if ( pMsg->message == WM_RBUTTONDOWN || pMsg->message == WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK) {
_abKeysPressed[KID_MOUSE2] = TRUE;
} else if ( pMsg->message == WM_MBUTTONUP) {
_abKeysPressed[KID_MOUSE3] = FALSE;
} else if ( pMsg->message == WM_MBUTTONDOWN || pMsg->message == WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK) {
_abKeysPressed[KID_MOUSE3] = TRUE;
} else if ( pMsg->message == inp_iMButton4Dn) {
_abKeysPressed[KID_MOUSE4] = TRUE;
} else if ( pMsg->message == inp_iMButton4Up) {
_abKeysPressed[KID_MOUSE4] = FALSE;
} else if ( pMsg->message == inp_iMButton5Dn) {
_abKeysPressed[KID_MOUSE5] = TRUE;
} else if ( pMsg->message == inp_iMButton5Up) {
_abKeysPressed[KID_MOUSE5] = FALSE;
} else if (pMsg->message==WM_KEYUP || pMsg->message==WM_SYSKEYUP) {
SetKeyFromMsg(pMsg, FALSE);
} else if (pMsg->message==WM_KEYDOWN || pMsg->message==WM_SYSKEYDOWN) {
SetKeyFromMsg(pMsg, TRUE);
} else if (inp_bMsgDebugger && pMsg->message >= 0x10000) {
CPrintF("%08x(%d)\n", pMsg->message, pMsg->message);
// procedure called when message is retreived
int nCode, // hook code
WPARAM wParam, // message identifier
LPARAM lParam) // mouse coordinates
MSG *pMsg = (MSG*)lParam;
LRESULT retValue = 0;
retValue = CallNextHookEx( _hGetMsgHook, nCode, wParam, lParam );
#define WM_MOUSEWHEEL 0x020A
if (wParam == PM_NOREMOVE) {
return retValue;
if ( pMsg->message == WM_MOUSEWHEEL) {
_iMouseZ += SWORD(UWORD(HIWORD(pMsg->wParam)));
return retValue;
// procedure called when message is sent
int nCode, // hook code
WPARAM wParam, // message identifier
LPARAM lParam) // mouse coordinates
MSG *pMsg = (MSG*)lParam;
LRESULT retValue = 0;
retValue = CallNextHookEx( _hSendMsgHook, nCode, wParam, lParam );
return retValue;
// --------- 2ND MOUSE HANDLING
static HANDLE _h2ndMouse = NONE;
static BOOL _bIgnoreMouse2 = TRUE;
static INDEX _i2ndMouseX, _i2ndMouseY, _i2ndMouseButtons;
static INDEX _iByteNum = 0;
static UBYTE _aubComBytes[4] = {0,0,0,0};
static INDEX _iLastPort = -1;
static void Poll2ndMouse(void)
// reset (mouse reading is relative)
_i2ndMouseX = 0;
_i2ndMouseY = 0;
if( _h2ndMouse==NONE) return;
// check
COMSTAT csComStat;
DWORD dwErrorFlags;
ClearCommError( _h2ndMouse, &dwErrorFlags, &csComStat);
DWORD dwLength = Min( MOUSECOMBUFFERSIZE, (INDEX)csComStat.cbInQue);
if( dwLength<=0) return;
// readout
INDEX iRetries = 999;
while( iRetries>0 && !ReadFile( _h2ndMouse, aubMouseBuffer, dwLength, &dwLength, NULL)) iRetries--;
if( iRetries<=0) return; // what, didn't make it?
// parse the mouse packets
for( INDEX i=0; i<dwLength; i++)
// prepare
if( aubMouseBuffer[i] & 64) _iByteNum = 0;
if( _iByteNum<4) _aubComBytes[_iByteNum] = aubMouseBuffer[i];
// buttons ?
if( _iByteNum==1) {
_i2ndMouseButtons &= ~3;
_i2ndMouseButtons |= (_aubComBytes[0] & (32+16)) >>4;
// axes ?
else if( _iByteNum==3) {
char iDX = ((_aubComBytes[0] & 3) <<6) + _aubComBytes[1];
char iDY = ((_aubComBytes[0] & 12) <<4) + _aubComBytes[2];
_i2ndMouseX += iDX;
_i2ndMouseY += iDY;
// 3rd button?
else if( _iByteNum==4) {
_i2ndMouseButtons &= ~4;
if( aubMouseBuffer[i]&32) _i2ndMouseButtons |= 4;
// ignore pooling?
if( _bIgnoreMouse2) {
if( _i2ndMouseX!=0 || _i2ndMouseY!=0) _bIgnoreMouse2 = FALSE;
_i2ndMouseX = 0;
_i2ndMouseY = 0;
_i2ndMouseButtons = 0;
static void Startup2ndMouse(INDEX iPort)
// skip if disabled
ASSERT( iPort>=0 && iPort<=4);
if( iPort==0) return;
// determine port string
CTString str2ndMousePort( 0, "COM%d", iPort);
// create COM handle if needed
if( _h2ndMouse==NONE) {
_h2ndMouse = CreateFileA( str2ndMousePort, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL,
if( _h2ndMouse==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
// failed! :(
INDEX iError = GetLastError();
if( iError==5) CPrintF( "Cannot open %s (access denied).\n"
"The port is probably already used by another device (mouse, modem...)\n",
else CPrintF( "Cannot open %s (error %d).\n", str2ndMousePort, iError);
_h2ndMouse = NONE;
// setup and purge buffers
// setup port to 1200 7N1
DCB dcb;
dcb.DCBlength = sizeof(DCB);
GetCommState( _h2ndMouse, &dcb);
dcb.BaudRate = CBR_1200;
dcb.ByteSize = 7;
dcb.Parity = NOPARITY;
dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;
dcb.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE;
dcb.fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE;
dcb.fBinary = TRUE;
dcb.fParity = TRUE;
SetCommState( _h2ndMouse, &dcb);
// reset
_iByteNum = 0;
_aubComBytes[0] = _aubComBytes[1] = _aubComBytes[2] = _aubComBytes[3] = 0;
_bIgnoreMouse2 = TRUE; // ignore mouse polling until 1 after non-0 readout
_iLastPort = iPort;
//CPrintF( "STARTUP M2!\n");
static void Shutdown2ndMouse(void)
// skip if already disabled
if( _h2ndMouse==NONE) return;
// disable!
SetCommMask( _h2ndMouse, 0);
EscapeCommFunction( _h2ndMouse, CLRDTR);
EscapeCommFunction( _h2ndMouse, CLRRTS);
// close port if changed
if( _iLastPort != inp_i2ndMousePort) {
CloseHandle( _h2ndMouse);
_h2ndMouse = NONE;
} // over and out
_bIgnoreMouse2 = TRUE;
// pointer to global input object
CInput *_pInput = NULL;
// deafult constructor
// disable control scaning
inp_bInputEnabled = FALSE;
inp_bPollJoysticks = FALSE;
inp_bLastPrescan = FALSE;
// clear key buffer
for( INDEX iButton=0; iButton<MAX_OVERALL_BUTTONS; iButton++)
inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iButton] = 0;
// clear axis relative and absolute values
for( INDEX iAxis=0; iAxis<MAX_OVERALL_AXES; iAxis++)
inp_caiAllAxisInfo[ iAxis].cai_fReading = 0.0f;
inp_caiAllAxisInfo[ iAxis].cai_bExisting = FALSE;
// destructor
if( _h2ndMouse!=NONE) CloseHandle( _h2ndMouse);
_h2ndMouse = NONE;
void CInput::SetJoyPolling(BOOL bPoll)
inp_bPollJoysticks = bPoll;
* Sets names of keys on keyboard
void CInput::SetKeyNames( void)
// set name "None" for all keys, known keys will override this default name
{for( INDEX iKey=0; iKey<ARRAYCOUNT(inp_strButtonNames); iKey++) {
inp_strButtonNames[iKey] = "None";
inp_strButtonNamesTra[iKey] = TRANS("None");
// for each Key
{for (INDEX iKey=0; iKey<ARRAYCOUNT(_akcKeys); iKey++) {
struct KeyConversion &kc = _akcKeys[iKey];
// set the name
if (kc.kc_strName!=NULL) {
inp_strButtonNames[kc.kc_iKID] = kc.kc_strName;
if (strlen(kc.kc_strNameTrans)==0) {
inp_strButtonNamesTra[kc.kc_iKID] = kc.kc_strName;
} else {
inp_strButtonNamesTra[kc.kc_iKID] = TranslateConst(kc.kc_strNameTrans, 4);
// -------- Enumerate known axis -------------
// no axis as axis type 0
inp_caiAllAxisInfo[0].cai_strAxisName = "None";
inp_astrAxisTran[ 0] = TRANS("None");
// mouse axis occupy types from 1 up to 3
inp_caiAllAxisInfo[1].cai_strAxisName = "mouse X";
inp_astrAxisTran[ 1] = TRANS("mouse X");
inp_caiAllAxisInfo[2].cai_strAxisName = "mouse Y";
inp_astrAxisTran[ 2] = TRANS("mouse Y");
inp_caiAllAxisInfo[3].cai_strAxisName = "mouse Z";
inp_astrAxisTran[ 3] = TRANS("mouse Z");
inp_caiAllAxisInfo[4].cai_strAxisName = "2nd mouse X";
inp_astrAxisTran[ 4] = TRANS("2nd mouse X");
inp_caiAllAxisInfo[5].cai_strAxisName = "2nd mouse Y";
inp_astrAxisTran[ 5] = TRANS("2nd mouse Y");
// -------- Get number of joysticks ----------
// get number of joystics
INDEX ctJoysticksPresent = joyGetNumDevs();
CPrintF(TRANS(" joysticks found: %d\n"), ctJoysticksPresent);
ctJoysticksPresent = Min(ctJoysticksPresent, inp_ctJoysticksAllowed);
CPrintF(TRANS(" joysticks allowed: %d\n"), ctJoysticksPresent);
// -------- Enumerate axis and buttons for joysticks ----------
for (INDEX iJoy=0; iJoy<MAX_JOYSTICKS; iJoy++) {
inp_abJoystickOn[iJoy] = FALSE;
if (iJoy<ctJoysticksPresent && CheckJoystick(iJoy)) {
inp_abJoystickOn[iJoy] = TRUE;
// check if a joystick exists
BOOL CInput::CheckJoystick(INDEX iJoy)
CPrintF(TRANS(" joy %d:"), iJoy+1);
// seek for capabilities of requested joystick
MMRESULT mmResult = joyGetDevCaps( JOYSTICKID1+iJoy, &jc, sizeof(JOYCAPS));
// report possible errors
if( mmResult == MMSYSERR_NODRIVER) {
CPrintF(TRANS(" joystick driver is not present\n"));
return FALSE;
} else if( mmResult == MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM) {
CPrintF(TRANS(" invalid parameter\n"));
return FALSE;
} else if( mmResult != JOYERR_NOERROR) {
CPrintF(TRANS(" error 0x%08x\n"), mmResult);
return FALSE;
CPrintF(" '%s'\n", jc.szPname);
CPrintF(TRANS(" %d axes\n"), jc.wNumAxes);
CPrintF(TRANS(" %d buttons\n"), jc.wNumButtons);
if (jc.wCaps&JOYCAPS_HASPOV) {
CPrintF(TRANS(" POV hat present\n"));
inp_abJoystickHasPOV[iJoy] = TRUE;
} else {
inp_abJoystickHasPOV[iJoy] = FALSE;
// read joystick state
ji.dwSize = sizeof( JOYINFOEX);
mmResult = joyGetPosEx( JOYSTICKID1+iJoy, &ji);
// if some error
if( mmResult != JOYERR_NOERROR) {
// fail
CPrintF(TRANS(" Cannot read the joystick!\n"));
return FALSE;
// for each axis
for(INDEX iAxis=0; iAxis<MAX_AXES_PER_JOYSTICK; iAxis++) {
ControlAxisInfo &cai= inp_caiAllAxisInfo[ FIRST_JOYAXIS+iJoy*MAX_AXES_PER_JOYSTICK+iAxis];
// remember min/max info
switch( iAxis) {
case 0:
cai.cai_slMin = jc.wXmin; cai.cai_slMax = jc.wXmax;
cai.cai_bExisting = TRUE;
case 1:
cai.cai_slMin = jc.wYmin; cai.cai_slMax = jc.wYmax;
cai.cai_bExisting = TRUE;
case 2:
cai.cai_slMin = jc.wZmin; cai.cai_slMax = jc.wZmax;
cai.cai_bExisting = jc.wCaps&JOYCAPS_HASZ;
case 3:
cai.cai_slMin = jc.wRmin; cai.cai_slMax = jc.wRmax;
cai.cai_bExisting = jc.wCaps&JOYCAPS_HASR;
case 4:
cai.cai_slMin = jc.wUmin; cai.cai_slMax = jc.wUmax;
cai.cai_bExisting = jc.wCaps&JOYCAPS_HASU;
case 5:
cai.cai_slMin = jc.wVmin; cai.cai_slMax = jc.wVmax;
cai.cai_bExisting = jc.wCaps&JOYCAPS_HASV;
return TRUE;
// adds axis and buttons for given joystick
void CInput::AddJoystickAbbilities(INDEX iJoy)
CTString strJoystickName;
strJoystickName.PrintF("Joy %d", iJoy+1);
CTString strJoystickNameTra;
strJoystickNameTra.PrintF(TRANS("Joy %d"), iJoy+1);
// for each axis
for( UINT iAxis=0; iAxis<6; iAxis++) {
ControlAxisInfo &cai= inp_caiAllAxisInfo[iAxisTotal];
CTString &strTran = inp_astrAxisTran[iAxisTotal];
// set axis name
switch( iAxis) {
case 0: cai.cai_strAxisName = strJoystickName + " Axis X"; strTran = strJoystickNameTra + TRANS(" Axis X"); break;
case 1: cai.cai_strAxisName = strJoystickName + " Axis Y"; strTran = strJoystickNameTra + TRANS(" Axis Y"); break;
case 2: cai.cai_strAxisName = strJoystickName + " Axis Z"; strTran = strJoystickNameTra + TRANS(" Axis Z"); break;
case 3: cai.cai_strAxisName = strJoystickName + " Axis R"; strTran = strJoystickNameTra + TRANS(" Axis R"); break;
case 4: cai.cai_strAxisName = strJoystickName + " Axis U"; strTran = strJoystickNameTra + TRANS(" Axis U"); break;
case 5: cai.cai_strAxisName = strJoystickName + " Axis V"; strTran = strJoystickNameTra + TRANS(" Axis V"); break;
// add buttons that the joystick supports
for( UINT iButton=0; iButton<32; iButton++) {
CTString strButtonName;
CTString strButtonNameTra;
// create name for n-th button
strButtonName.PrintF( " Button %d", iButton);
strButtonNameTra.PrintF( TRANS(" Button %d"), iButton);
// set n-th button name
inp_strButtonNames[iButtonTotal] = strJoystickName + strButtonName;
inp_strButtonNamesTra[iButtonTotal] = strJoystickNameTra + strButtonNameTra;
// add the four POV buttons
inp_strButtonNames [ iButtonTotal ] = strJoystickName + (" POV N");
inp_strButtonNamesTra[ iButtonTotal++] = strJoystickNameTra + TRANS(" POV N");
inp_strButtonNames [ iButtonTotal ] = strJoystickName + (" POV E");
inp_strButtonNamesTra[ iButtonTotal++] = strJoystickNameTra + TRANS(" POV E");
inp_strButtonNames [ iButtonTotal ] = strJoystickName + (" POV S");
inp_strButtonNamesTra[ iButtonTotal++] = strJoystickNameTra + TRANS(" POV S");
inp_strButtonNames [ iButtonTotal ] = strJoystickName + (" POV W");
inp_strButtonNamesTra[ iButtonTotal++] = strJoystickNameTra + TRANS(" POV W");
* Initializes all available devices and enumerates available controls
void CInput::Initialize( void )
CPrintF(TRANS("Detecting input devices...\n"));
_h2ndMouse = NONE;
* Enable direct input
void CInput::EnableInput(CViewPort *pvp)
void CInput::EnableInput(HWND hwnd)
// skip if already enabled
if( inp_bInputEnabled) return;
// get window rectangle
RECT rectClient;
GetClientRect(hwnd, &rectClient);
ClientToScreen(hwnd, &pt);
OffsetRect(&rectClient, pt.x, pt.y);
// remember mouse pos
GetCursorPos( &inp_ptOldMousePos);
// set mouse clip region
// determine screen center position
inp_slScreenCenterX = (rectClient.left + rectClient.right) / 2;
inp_slScreenCenterY = (rectClient.top + rectClient.bottom) / 2;
// clear mouse from screen
while (ShowCursor(FALSE) >= 0);
// save system mouse settings
SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETMOUSE, 0, &inp_mscMouseSettings, 0);
// set new mouse speed
if (!inp_bAllowMouseAcceleration) {
MouseSpeedControl mscNewSetting = { 0, 0, 0};
SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETMOUSE, 0, &mscNewSetting, 0);
// set cursor position to screen center
SetCursorPos(inp_slScreenCenterX, inp_slScreenCenterY);
_hGetMsgHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_GETMESSAGE, &GetMsgProc, NULL, GetCurrentThreadId());
_hSendMsgHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_CALLWNDPROC, &SendMsgProc, NULL, GetCurrentThreadId());
// if required, try to enable 2nd mouse
inp_i2ndMousePort = Clamp( inp_i2ndMousePort, 0L, 4L);
// clear button's buffer
memset( _abKeysPressed, 0, sizeof( _abKeysPressed));
// This can be enabled to pre-read the state of currently pressed keys
// for snooping methods, since they only detect transitions.
// That has effect of detecting key presses for keys that were held down before
// enabling.
// the entire thing is disabled because it caused last menu key to re-apply in game.
#if 0
// for each Key
{for (INDEX iKey=0; iKey<ARRAYCOUNT(_akcKeys); iKey++) {
struct KeyConversion &kc = _akcKeys[iKey];
// get codes
INDEX iKID = kc.kc_iKID;
INDEX iScan = kc.kc_iScanCode;
INDEX iVirt = kc.kc_iVirtKey;
// if there is a valid virtkey
if (iVirt>=0) {
// transcribe if modifier
if (iVirt == VK_LSHIFT) {
iVirt = VK_SHIFT;
if (iVirt == VK_LCONTROL) {
if (iVirt == VK_LMENU) {
iVirt = VK_MENU;
// is state is pressed
if (GetAsyncKeyState(iVirt)&0x8000) {
// mark it as pressed
_abKeysPressed[iKID] = 0xFF;
// remember current status
inp_bInputEnabled = TRUE;
inp_bPollJoysticks = FALSE;
* Disable direct input
void CInput::DisableInput( void)
// skip if allready disabled
if( !inp_bInputEnabled) return;
// set mouse clip region to entire screen
// restore mouse pos
SetCursorPos( inp_ptOldMousePos.x, inp_ptOldMousePos.y);
// show mouse on screen
while (ShowCursor(TRUE) < 0);
// set system mouse settings
SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETMOUSE, 0, &inp_mscMouseSettings, 0);
// eventually disable 2nd mouse
// remember current status
inp_bInputEnabled = FALSE;
inp_bPollJoysticks = FALSE;
* Scan states of all available input sources
void CInput::GetInput(BOOL bPreScan)
// CTSingleLock sl(&csInput, TRUE);
if (!inp_bInputEnabled) {
if (bPreScan && !inp_bAllowPrescan) {
// if not pre-scanning
if (!bPreScan) {
// clear button's buffer
memset( inp_ubButtonsBuffer, 0, sizeof( inp_ubButtonsBuffer));
// for each Key
{for (INDEX iKey=0; iKey<ARRAYCOUNT(_akcKeys); iKey++) {
struct KeyConversion &kc = _akcKeys[iKey];
// get codes
INDEX iKID = kc.kc_iKID;
INDEX iScan = kc.kc_iScanCode;
INDEX iVirt = kc.kc_iVirtKey;
// if reading async keystate
if (inp_iKeyboardReadingMethod==0) {
// if there is a valid virtkey
if (iVirt>=0) {
// transcribe if modifier
if (iVirt == VK_LSHIFT) {
iVirt = VK_SHIFT;
if (iVirt == VK_LCONTROL) {
if (iVirt == VK_LMENU) {
iVirt = VK_MENU;
// is state is pressed
if (GetAsyncKeyState(iVirt)&0x8000) {
// mark it as pressed
inp_ubButtonsBuffer[iKID] = 0xFF;
// if snooping messages
} else {
// if snooped that key is pressed
if (_abKeysPressed[iKID]) {
// mark it as pressed
inp_ubButtonsBuffer[iKID] = 0xFF;
// read mouse position
POINT pntMouse;
if( GetCursorPos( &pntMouse))
FLOAT fDX = FLOAT( SLONG(pntMouse.x) - inp_slScreenCenterX);
FLOAT fDY = FLOAT( SLONG(pntMouse.y) - inp_slScreenCenterY);
FLOAT fSensitivity = inp_fMouseSensitivity;
if( inp_bAllowMouseAcceleration) fSensitivity *= 0.25f;
FLOAT fD = Sqrt(fDX*fDX+fDY*fDY);
if (inp_bMousePrecision) {
static FLOAT _tmTime = 0.0f;
if( fD<inp_fMousePrecisionThreshold) _tmTime += 0.05f;
else _tmTime = 0.0f;
if( _tmTime>inp_fMousePrecisionTimeout) fSensitivity /= inp_fMousePrecisionFactor;
static FLOAT fDXOld;
static FLOAT fDYOld;
static TIME tmOldDelta;
static CTimerValue tvBefore;
CTimerValue tvNow = _pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer();
TIME tmNowDelta = (tvNow-tvBefore).GetSeconds();
if (tmNowDelta<0.001f) {
tmNowDelta = 0.001f;
tvBefore = tvNow;
FLOAT fDXSmooth = (fDXOld*tmOldDelta+fDX*tmNowDelta)/(tmOldDelta+tmNowDelta);
FLOAT fDYSmooth = (fDYOld*tmOldDelta+fDY*tmNowDelta)/(tmOldDelta+tmNowDelta);
fDXOld = fDX;
fDYOld = fDY;
tmOldDelta = tmNowDelta;
if (inp_bFilterMouse) {
fDX = fDXSmooth;
fDY = fDYSmooth;
// get final mouse values
FLOAT fMouseRelX = +fDX*fSensitivity;
FLOAT fMouseRelY = -fDY*fSensitivity;
if (inp_bInvertMouse) {
fMouseRelY = -fMouseRelY;
FLOAT fMouseRelZ = _iMouseZ;
// just interpret values as normal
inp_caiAllAxisInfo[1].cai_fReading = fMouseRelX;
inp_caiAllAxisInfo[2].cai_fReading = fMouseRelY;
inp_caiAllAxisInfo[3].cai_fReading = fMouseRelZ;
// if not pre-scanning
if (!bPreScan) {
// detect wheel up/down movement
_bWheelDn = FALSE;
if (_iMouseZ>0) {
if (_bWheelUp) {
inp_ubButtonsBuffer[KID_MOUSEWHEELUP] = 0x00;
} else {
inp_ubButtonsBuffer[KID_MOUSEWHEELUP] = 0xFF;
_iMouseZ = ClampDn(_iMouseZ-120, 0);
_bWheelUp = inp_ubButtonsBuffer[KID_MOUSEWHEELUP];
if (_iMouseZ<0) {
if (_bWheelDn) {
inp_ubButtonsBuffer[KID_MOUSEWHEELDOWN] = 0x00;
} else {
inp_ubButtonsBuffer[KID_MOUSEWHEELDOWN] = 0xFF;
_iMouseZ = ClampUp(_iMouseZ+120, 0);
_bWheelDn = inp_ubButtonsBuffer[KID_MOUSEWHEELDOWN];
inp_bLastPrescan = bPreScan;
// set cursor position to screen center
if (pntMouse.x!=inp_slScreenCenterX || pntMouse.y!=inp_slScreenCenterY) {
SetCursorPos(inp_slScreenCenterX, inp_slScreenCenterY);
// readout 2nd mouse if enabled
if( _h2ndMouse!=NONE)
//CPrintF( "m2X: %4d, m2Y: %4d, m2B: 0x%02X\n", _i2ndMouseX, _i2ndMouseY, _i2ndMouseButtons);
// handle 2nd mouse buttons
if( _i2ndMouseButtons & 2) inp_ubButtonsBuffer[KID_2MOUSE1] = 0xFF;
if( _i2ndMouseButtons & 1) inp_ubButtonsBuffer[KID_2MOUSE2] = 0xFF;
if( _i2ndMouseButtons & 4) inp_ubButtonsBuffer[KID_2MOUSE3] = 0xFF;
// handle 2nd mouse movement
FLOAT fDX = _i2ndMouseX;
FLOAT fDY = _i2ndMouseY;
FLOAT fSensitivity = inp_f2ndMouseSensitivity;
FLOAT fD = Sqrt(fDX*fDX+fDY*fDY);
if( inp_b2ndMousePrecision) {
static FLOAT _tm2Time = 0.0f;
if( fD<inp_f2ndMousePrecisionThreshold) _tm2Time += 0.05f;
else _tm2Time = 0.0f;
if( _tm2Time>inp_f2ndMousePrecisionTimeout) fSensitivity /= inp_f2ndMousePrecisionFactor;
static FLOAT f2DXOld;
static FLOAT f2DYOld;
static TIME tm2OldDelta;
static CTimerValue tv2Before;
CTimerValue tvNow = _pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer();
TIME tmNowDelta = (tvNow-tv2Before).GetSeconds();
if( tmNowDelta<0.001f) tmNowDelta = 0.001f;
tv2Before = tvNow;
FLOAT fDXSmooth = (f2DXOld*tm2OldDelta+fDX*tmNowDelta) / (tm2OldDelta+tmNowDelta);
FLOAT fDYSmooth = (f2DYOld*tm2OldDelta+fDY*tmNowDelta) / (tm2OldDelta+tmNowDelta);
f2DXOld = fDX;
f2DYOld = fDY;
tm2OldDelta = tmNowDelta;
if( inp_bFilter2ndMouse) {
fDX = fDXSmooth;
fDY = fDYSmooth;
// get final mouse values
FLOAT fMouseRelX = +fDX*fSensitivity;
FLOAT fMouseRelY = -fDY*fSensitivity;
if( inp_bInvert2ndMouse) fMouseRelY = -fMouseRelY;
// just interpret values as normal
inp_caiAllAxisInfo[4].cai_fReading = fMouseRelX;
inp_caiAllAxisInfo[5].cai_fReading = fMouseRelY;
// if joystick polling is enabled
if (inp_bPollJoysticks || inp_bForceJoystickPolling) {
// scan all available joysticks
for( INDEX iJoy=0; iJoy<MAX_JOYSTICKS; iJoy++) {
if (inp_abJoystickOn[iJoy] && iJoy<inp_ctJoysticksAllowed) {
// scan joy state
BOOL bSucceeded = ScanJoystick(iJoy, bPreScan);
// if joystick reading failed
if (!bSucceeded && inp_bAutoDisableJoysticks) {
// kill it, so it doesn't slow down CPU
CPrintF(TRANS("Joystick %d failed, disabling it!\n"), iJoy+1);
inp_abJoystickOn[iJoy] = FALSE;
// Clear all input states (keys become not pressed, axes are reset to zero)
void CInput::ClearInput( void)
// clear button's buffer
memset( inp_ubButtonsBuffer, 0, sizeof( inp_ubButtonsBuffer));
// clear axis values
for (INDEX i=0; i<MAX_OVERALL_AXES; i++) {
inp_caiAllAxisInfo[i].cai_fReading = 0;
const CTString &CInput::GetAxisTransName( INDEX iAxisNo) const
return inp_astrAxisTran[iAxisNo];
* Scans axis and buttons for given joystick
BOOL CInput::ScanJoystick(INDEX iJoy, BOOL bPreScan)
// read joystick state
ji.dwSize = sizeof( JOYINFOEX);
MMRESULT mmResult = joyGetPosEx( JOYSTICKID1+iJoy, &ji);
// if some error
if( mmResult != JOYERR_NOERROR) {
// fail
return FALSE;
// for each available axis
for( INDEX iAxis=0; iAxis<MAX_AXES_PER_JOYSTICK; iAxis++) {
ControlAxisInfo &cai = inp_caiAllAxisInfo[ FIRST_JOYAXIS+iJoy*MAX_AXES_PER_JOYSTICK+iAxis];
// if the axis is not present
if (!cai.cai_bExisting) {
// read as zero
cai.cai_fReading = 0.0f;
// skip to next axis
// read its state
SLONG slAxisReading;
switch( iAxis) {
case 0: slAxisReading = ji.dwXpos; break;
case 1: slAxisReading = ji.dwYpos; break;
case 2: slAxisReading = ji.dwZpos; break;
case 3: slAxisReading = ji.dwRpos; break;
case 4: slAxisReading = ji.dwUpos; break;
case 5: slAxisReading = ji.dwVpos; break;
// convert from min..max to -1..+1
FLOAT fAxisReading = FLOAT(slAxisReading-cai.cai_slMin)/(cai.cai_slMax-cai.cai_slMin)*2.0f-1.0f;
// set current axis value
cai.cai_fReading = fAxisReading;
// if not pre-scanning
if (!bPreScan) {
// for each available button
for( INDEX iButton=0; iButton<32; iButton++) {
// test if the button is pressed
if(ji.dwButtons & (1L<<iButton)) {
inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iButtonTotal++] = 128;
} else {
inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iButtonTotal++] = 0;
// POV hat initially not pressed
// CPrintF("%d\n", ji.dwPOV);
INDEX iStartPOV = iButtonTotal;
inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iStartPOV+0] = 0;
inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iStartPOV+1] = 0;
inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iStartPOV+2] = 0;
inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iStartPOV+3] = 0;
// if we have POV
if (inp_abJoystickHasPOV[iJoy]) {
// check the four pov directions
inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iStartPOV+0] = 128;
} else if (ji.dwPOV==JOY_POVRIGHT) {
inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iStartPOV+1] = 128;
} else if (ji.dwPOV==JOY_POVBACKWARD) {
inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iStartPOV+2] = 128;
} else if (ji.dwPOV==JOY_POVLEFT) {
inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iStartPOV+3] = 128;
// and four mid-positions
} else if (ji.dwPOV==JOY_POVFORWARD+4500) {
inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iStartPOV+0] = 128;
inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iStartPOV+1] = 128;
} else if (ji.dwPOV==JOY_POVRIGHT+4500) {
inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iStartPOV+1] = 128;
inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iStartPOV+2] = 128;
} else if (ji.dwPOV==JOY_POVBACKWARD+4500) {
inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iStartPOV+2] = 128;
inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iStartPOV+3] = 128;
} else if (ji.dwPOV==JOY_POVLEFT+4500) {
inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iStartPOV+3] = 128;
inp_ubButtonsBuffer[ iStartPOV+0] = 128;
// successful
return TRUE;