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2016-03-11 14:57:17 +01:00
/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. All rights reserved. */
#pragma once
#include <Engine/Base/Types.h>
// global memory management functions
/* Get amount of free memory in system. */
ENGINE_API extern SLONG GetFreeMemory( void );
/* Allocate a block of memory - fatal error if not enough memory. */
ENGINE_API extern void *AllocMemory( SLONG memsize );
ENGINE_API extern void *_debug_AllocMemory( SLONG memsize, int iType, const char *strFile, int iLine);
ENGINE_API extern void *AllocMemoryAligned( SLONG memsize, SLONG slAlignPow2);
/* Free a block of memory. */
ENGINE_API extern void FreeMemory( void *memory);
ENGINE_API extern void FreeMemoryAligned( void *memory);
ENGINE_API extern void ResizeMemory( void **memory, SLONG memsize );
ENGINE_API extern void GrowMemory( void **memory, SLONG memsize );
ENGINE_API extern void ShrinkMemory( void **memory,SLONG memsize );
/* Allocate a copy of a string. - fatal error if not enough memory. */
ENGINE_API extern char *StringDuplicate(const char *strOriginal);
ENGINE_API extern BOOL MemoryConsistencyCheck( void );
ENGINE_API extern BOOL AllMemoryFreed( void );
// return position (offset) where we encounter zero byte or iBytes
ENGINE_API extern INDEX FindZero( UBYTE *pubMemory, INDEX iBytes);
#ifdef _MSC_VER /* rcg10042001 */
#ifndef NDEBUG
// use debug version of operator new
#include <crtdbg.h>
/*void * __cdecl operator new(
unsigned int,
const char *,
#define DEBUG_NEW_CT new(_NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define new DEBUG_NEW_CT
#define DEBUG_ALLOC(size) _debug_AllocMemory(size, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define AllocMemory(size) DEBUG_ALLOC(size)
#define ReportLostMemory _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks
#define ReportLostMemory() ((void)0)
#endif // NDEBUG
#endif // _MSC_VER
#endif /* include-once check. */