
596 lines
23 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2016-03-12 01:20:51 +01:00
/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */
2016-03-11 14:57:17 +01:00
// WorldEditorView.h : interface of the CWorldEditorView class
extern BOOL MyChooseColor( COLORREF &clrNewColor, CWnd &wndOwner);
#define GRID_DISCRETE_VALUES (theApp.m_bDecadicGrid ? 10:8)
// mip modes (modes for setting or changing mip switch factors)
#define MM_NONE 0 // not active
#define MM_SETTING 1 // setting mip switch factor for current brush
#define MM_MANUAL 2 // setting manual mip factor
#define OVXF_CLOSEST (1L<<8)
#define OVXF_SELECTED (1L<<9)
enum InputAction {
IA_NONE = 0,
class CWorldEditorView : public CView
protected: // create from serialization only
// Attributes
InputAction m_iaInputAction;
InputAction m_iaLastInputAction;
BOOL m_bTestGameOn;
CBrushMip *m_pbmToSetMipSwitch;
COleDataSource m_DataSource; // to enable drag and drop
CTimerValue m_tvLastTime; // last time view was refreshed
CViewPrefs m_vpViewPrefs; // current rendering preferences
CTextureObject m_toBcgPicture;// used for background texture
CTString m_strMeasuring;
CChangeableRT m_chViewChanged;// when view has been rendered
BOOL m_bCutMode; // if we are in cut mode
// type of view
enum CSlaveViewer::ProjectionType m_ptProjectionType;
BOOL m_bWeDeselectedFirstPolygon;
BOOL m_bWeDeselectedFirstSector;
CPoint m_ptMouseDown; // mouse position at mouse down time
CStaticStackArray<PIX2D> m_avpixLaso; // coordinates for laso
BOOL m_bRequestVtxClickSelect; // if vertex select test requested from renderer
BOOL m_bRequestVtxLassoSelect; // if vertex laso select test requested from renderer
BOOL m_bRequestEntityLassoSelect; // if vertex laso select test requested from renderer
BOOL m_bOnSelectVertexAltDown; // if alt was down during vertex select start
BOOL m_bOnSelectVertexShiftDown; // if shift was down during vertex select start
BOOL m_bOnSelectEntityAltDown; // if alt was down during entity lasso select start
BOOL m_bOnSelectEntityShiftDown; // if shift was down during entity lasso select start
FLOAT3D m_vHitOnMouseDown;
CPoint m_ptMouse; // current mouse position
FLOAT m_fpixGridSteep; // steep in float pixels f of grid line
FLOAT3D m_f3dRotationOrigin; // used as rotation origin while changing mapping coordinates
FLOATplane3D m_plTranslationPlane; // plane used for polgon mapping translation
CPlacement3D m_plMouseMove; // used for continous mouse editting
CPlacement3D m_plMouseOffset; // used for offseted mouse editting
CBrushPolygon *m_pbpoTranslationPlane;
// current grid in meters
FLOAT m_fGridInMeters;
FLOAT m_fGridX;
FLOAT m_fGridY;
CTString m_strTest;
BOOL m_bEntityHitedOnContext;
CPlacement3D m_plEntityHitOnContext;
CEntity *m_penEntityHitOnContext;
CBrushPolygon *m_pbpoRightClickedPolygon;
CTString m_strTerrainDataPaneText;
// index of vertice on primitive base that user is currently dragging
INDEX m_iDragVertice;
INDEX m_iDragEdge;
// index of size control vertice
INDEX m_iSizeControlVertice;
FLOAT3D m_vMouseDownSecondLayer;
// position of vertice on primitive base before drag started
DOUBLE3D m_vStartDragVertice;
// position of edge center on primitive base before drag started
DOUBLE3D m_vStartDragEdge;
// position of vertice of object 3D before drag started
DOUBLE3D m_vStartDragO3DVertice;
// values for primitive are remembered here when LMB is pressed (for latere continous moving)
CValuesForPrimitive m_VFPMouseDown;
CDrawPort *m_pdpDrawPort;
CViewPort *m_pvpViewPort;
COleDropTarget m_DropTarget;
CTFileName m_fnWinBcgTexture;
COLORREF m_SelectionColor;
COLORREF m_PaperColor;
COLORREF m_InkColor;
BOOL m_IsWinBcgTexture;
// Operations
// obtain draw port
inline CDrawPort *GetDrawPort( void) {
if( theApp.m_bChangeDisplayModeInProgress)
return NULL;
return m_pdpDrawPort;
// obtain view port
inline CViewPort *GetViewPort( void)
if( theApp.m_bChangeDisplayModeInProgress)
return NULL;
return m_pvpViewPort;
void GetToolTipText( char *pToolTipText);
// renders one picture
void RenderView( CDrawPort *pDP);
// obtain information about what was hit with mouse
CCastRay GetMouseHitInformation( CPoint point, BOOL bHitPortals = FALSE,
BOOL bHitModels = TRUE, BOOL bHitFields = TRUE, CEntity *penSourceEntity = NULL, BOOL bHitBrushes=TRUE);
FLOAT3D GetMouseHitOnPlane( CPoint point, const FLOATplane3D &plPlane);
// Start and stop functions that are called for start moving/rotating
void ToggleHittedPolygon( CCastRay &crRayHit);
void ToggleHittedSector( CCastRay &crRayHit);
void StartMouseInput( CPoint point);
void StopMouseInput( void);
void MarkClosestVtxOnPrimitive( BOOL bToggleSelection);
void MarkClosestVtxAndEdgeOnPrimitiveBase(CPoint point);
void DragVerticesOnPrimitive(FLOAT fDX,FLOAT fDY,FLOAT fDZ, BOOL bAbsolute, BOOL bSnap=TRUE);
void DragBrushVertex(FLOAT fDX,FLOAT fDY,FLOAT fDZ);
void RotateOrStretchBrushVertex(FLOAT fDX, FLOAT fDY, BOOL bRotate);
// Fills status line's editing data info pane
void SetEditingDataPaneInfo(BOOL bImidiateRepainting);
CWorldEditorDoc* GetDocument(void);
/* gets pointer to MDIFrameWnd main frame of application */
CMainFrame *GetMainFrame(void);
/* set parameters for projection depending on current rendering preferences. */
void SetProjection(CDrawPort *pDP);
/* called by document at the beginning of CSG */
void AtStartCSG(void);
/* called by document at the end of CSG */
void AtStopCSG(void);
/* get pointer to the child frame of this view */
CChildFrame *GetChildFrame(void);
/* if delete entity operation is allowed returns true */
BOOL IsDeleteEntityEnabled(void);
// remove given entity from linked chain
void RemoveFromLinkedChain(CEntity *pen);
/* Returns curently active mip factor (auto or manual one) */
FLOAT GetCurrentlyActiveMipFactor(void);
/* obtain point in the world where mouse pointed last time it was moved */
CPlacement3D GetMouseInWorldPlacement(void);
void CreatePrimitiveCalledFromPopup();
void RenderBackdropTexture(CDrawPort *pDP,FLOAT3D v0, FLOAT3D v1, FLOAT3D v2, FLOAT3D v3,
CTextureObject &to);
void OnAlignPrimitive(void);
void CenterSelected(void);
void AllignBox( FLOATaabbox3D bbox);
void AllignPolygon( CBrushPolygon *pbpo);
void EditCopy( BOOL bAlternative);
void CopyMapping(CBrushPolygon *pbpo);
void PasteMappingOnOnePolygon(CBrushPolygon *pbpo, BOOL bAsProjected);
void PasteMapping(CBrushPolygon *pbpo, BOOL bAsProjected);
void PasteOneLayerMapping(INDEX iLayer, CMappingDefinition &md,
FLOATplane3D &pl, CBrushPolygon *pbpo, BOOL bAsProjected);
void PasteTexture( CBrushPolygon *pbpoPolygon);
void CopySectorAmbient( CBrushSector *pbscSector);
void PasteSectorAmbient( CBrushSector *pbscSector);
void StorePolygonSelection(CBrushPolygonSelection &selPolygons,
CDynamicContainer<CBrushPolygon> &dcPolygons);
void RestorePolygonSelection(CBrushPolygonSelection &selPolygons,
CDynamicContainer<CBrushPolygon> &dcPolygons);
void DiscardShadows( CEntity *penEntity);
void DiscardShadows( CBrushSector *pbscSector);
void DiscardShadows( CBrushPolygon *pbpoPolygon);
void ApplyDefaultMapping(CBrushPolygon *pbpo, BOOL bRotation, BOOL bOffset, BOOL bStretch);
// get current brush mip of current csg target brush
CBrushMip *GetCurrentBrushMip(void);
void SetMipBrushFactor(void);
void OnAddMorePreciseMip(BOOL bClone);
void OnAddRougherMipLevel(BOOL bClone);
void OnNextPolygon(void);
void OnPreviousPolygon(void);
void Rotate( FLOAT fAngleLR, FLOAT fAngleUD, BOOL bSmooth=FALSE);
void MultiplyMappingOnPolygon( FLOAT fFactor);
void CallPopupMenu(CPoint point);
void DrawArrowAndTypeText( CProjection3D &prProjection,
const FLOAT3D &v0, const FLOAT3D &v1, COLOR colColor, CTString strText);
void DrawAxis( const PIX2D &pixC, PIX len, COLOR colColor, COLOR colTextColor, CTString strU, CTString strV);
void SnapVector(FLOAT3D &vToSnap);
void SnapVector(DOUBLE3D &vToSnap);
FLOAT3D ProjectVectorToWorldSpace(FLOAT fDX,FLOAT fDY,FLOAT fDZ);
FLOAT3D Get3DCoordinateFrom2D( POINT &pt);
POINT Get2DCoordinateFrom3D( FLOAT3D vPoint);
BOOL IsCutEnabled(CTString &strError);
void SelectAllTargetsOfEntity(CEntity *pen);
void SelectAllTargetsOfSelectedEntities(void);
BOOL IsSelectClonesOnContextEnabled( void);
BOOL IsSelectOfSameClassOnContextEnabled( void);
void ApplyFreeModeControls( CPlacement3D &pl, ANGLE3D &a, FLOAT &fSpeedMultiplier, BOOL bPrescan);
void PumpWindowsMessagesInFreeMode(BOOL &bRunning, FLOAT &fSpeedMultiplier);
void SelectWhoTargets( CDynamicContainer<CEntity> &dcTargetedEntities);
void OnRemainSelectedByOrientation(BOOL bBothSides);
void OnDropMarker(CPlacement3D plMarker);
// functions for mapping fitting
void AutoFitMapping(CBrushPolygon *pbpo, BOOL bInvert=FALSE, BOOL bFitBoth=FALSE);
void AutoFitMappingOnPolygon(CBrushPolygon &bpo, BOOL bInvert=FALSE, BOOL bFitBoth=FALSE);
void SetAsCsgTarget(CEntity *pen);
void ShowLinkTree(CEntity *pen, BOOL bWhoTargets=FALSE, BOOL bPropertyNames=FALSE);
BOOL SaveAutoTexture(FLOATaabbox3D boxBrush, CTFileName &fnTex);
void AutoApplyTexture(FLOATaabbox3D boxBrush, CTFileName &fnTex);
void AutoApplyTextureOntoPolygon(CBrushPolygon &bpo, FLOATaabbox3D boxBrush, CTFileName &fnTex);
BOOL SetAutoTextureBoxParams(FLOATaabbox3D boxBrush, CTFileName &fnTex);
void PolygonsToBrush(CBrushPolygonSelection &selPolygons, BOOL bDeleteSectors, BOOL bZoning);
void SnapSelectedVerticesToPlane(void);
void RenderAndApplyTerrainEditBrush(FLOAT3D vHit);
void InvokeSelectLayerCombo(void);
void OnIdle(void);
void UpdateCursor(void);
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pDC); // overridden to draw this view
virtual BOOL PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs);
virtual void OnInitialUpdate();
virtual BOOL PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg);
virtual void OnActivateView(BOOL bActivate, CView* pActivateView, CView* pDeactiveView);
virtual void OnUpdate(CView* pSender, LPARAM lHint, CObject* pHint);
virtual LRESULT WindowProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
// Implementation
virtual ~CWorldEditorView();
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void AssertValid() const;
virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;
// Generated message map functions
afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);
afx_msg void OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy);
afx_msg void OnKillFocus(CWnd* pNewWnd);
afx_msg void OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
afx_msg void OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
afx_msg void OnKeyUp(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
afx_msg void OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
afx_msg void OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
afx_msg void OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
afx_msg void OnRButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
afx_msg void OnDropFiles(HDROP hDropInfo);
afx_msg void OnIsometricFront();
afx_msg void OnIsometricBack();
afx_msg void OnIsometricBottom();
afx_msg void OnIsometricLeft();
afx_msg void OnIsometricRight();
afx_msg void OnIsometricTop();
afx_msg void OnPerspective();
afx_msg void OnZoomLess();
afx_msg void OnZoomMore();
afx_msg void OnMoveDown();
afx_msg void OnMoveUp();
afx_msg void OnLButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
afx_msg void OnMeasurementTape();
afx_msg void OnUpdateMeasurementTape(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnCircleModes();
afx_msg void OnUpdateCircleModes(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnDeselectAll();
afx_msg void OnDeleteEntities();
afx_msg void OnUpdateDeleteEntities(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg BOOL OnSetCursor(CWnd* pWnd, UINT nHitTest, UINT message);
afx_msg void OnTakeSs();
afx_msg void OnUpdateEntityMode(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnSectorMode();
afx_msg void OnUpdateSectorMode(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnPolygonMode();
afx_msg void OnUpdatePolygonMode(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnEditPaste();
afx_msg void OnEditCopy();
afx_msg void OnCloneCSG();
afx_msg void OnUpdateCloneCsg(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnMeasureOn();
afx_msg void OnUpdateMeasureOn(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnResetViewer();
afx_msg void OnCopyTexture();
afx_msg void OnPasteTexture();
afx_msg void OnCenterEntity();
afx_msg void OnFunction();
afx_msg void OnUpdateCenterEntity(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnDropMarker();
afx_msg void OnUpdateDropMarker(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnTestConnections();
afx_msg void OnUpdateTestConnections(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnAlignVolume();
afx_msg void OnUpdateAlignVolume(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnCurrentViewProperties();
afx_msg void OnDeleteMip();
afx_msg void OnUpdateDeleteMip(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnPreviousMipBrush();
afx_msg void OnUpdatePreviousMipBrush(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnNextMipBrush();
afx_msg void OnUpdateNextMipBrush(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnCrossroadForC();
afx_msg void OnChooseColor();
afx_msg void OnUpdateChooseColor(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnMenuCopyMapping();
afx_msg void OnMenuPasteMapping();
afx_msg void OnSetAsCsgTarget();
afx_msg void OnKeyPaste();
afx_msg void OnRButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
afx_msg void OnSelectByTextureAdjacent();
afx_msg void OnSelectByTextureInSector();
afx_msg void OnSelectByColorInSector();
afx_msg void OnConusPrimitive();
afx_msg void OnTorusPrimitive();
afx_msg void OnTerrainPrimitive();
afx_msg void OnSpherePrimitive();
afx_msg void OnStaircasePrimitive();
afx_msg void OnUpdateConusPrimitive(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnUpdateSpherePrimitive(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnUpdateTerrainPrimitive(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnUpdateTorusPrimitive(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnUpdateStaircasePrimitive(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnPopupConus();
afx_msg void OnPopupSphere();
afx_msg void OnPopupStairs();
afx_msg void OnPopupTerrain();
afx_msg void OnPopupTorus();
afx_msg void OnUpdateMoveDown(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnUpdateMoveUp(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnSelectLights();
afx_msg void OnDiscardShadows();
afx_msg void OnCopySectorAmbient();
afx_msg void OnPasteSectorAmbient();
afx_msg void OnSelectAllPolygons();
afx_msg void OnCopySectors();
afx_msg void OnDeleteSectors();
afx_msg void OnPasteSectors();
afx_msg void OnCenterBcgViewer();
afx_msg void OnMenuPasteAsProjectedMapping();
afx_msg void OnKeyPasteAsProjected();
afx_msg void OnSelectAllEntitiesInSectors();
afx_msg void OnSelectAllSectors();
afx_msg void OnLastPrimitive();
afx_msg void OnUpdateLastPrimitive(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnCloneToMorePreciseMip();
afx_msg void OnCloneToRougherMipLevel();
afx_msg void OnCreateEmptyMorePreciseMip();
afx_msg void OnCreateEmptyRougherMip();
afx_msg void OnUpdateCloneToMorePreciseMip(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnUpdateCloneToRougherMipLevel(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnUpdateCreateEmptyMorePreciseMip(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnUpdateCreateEmptyRougherMip(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnEditPasteAlternative();
afx_msg void OnSelectAllEntitiesInWorld();
afx_msg void OnUpdateEditPasteAlternative(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnEntityMode();
afx_msg void OnFindTexture();
afx_msg void OnSelectSectorsWithSameName();
afx_msg void OnSelectSectorsArroundEntity();
afx_msg void OnSelectSectorsArroundEntityOnContext();
afx_msg void OnInsertVertex();
afx_msg void OnDeleteVertex();
afx_msg void OnSavePicturesForEnvironment();
afx_msg void OnUpdateSavePicturesForEnvironment(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg BOOL OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC);
afx_msg void OnCsgSelectSector();
afx_msg void OnMenuAlignMappingU();
afx_msg void OnMenuAlignMappingV();
afx_msg void OnDestroy();
afx_msg void OnFallDown();
afx_msg void OnPrevious();
afx_msg void OnNext();
afx_msg void OnUpdatePrevious(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnUpdateNext(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnRemoveUnusedTextures();
afx_msg void OnRotate();
afx_msg void OnRotateBack();
afx_msg void OnSelectVisibleSectors();
afx_msg void OnEditCopyAlternative();
afx_msg void OnRotateLeft();
afx_msg void OnRotateRight();
afx_msg void OnRotateUp();
afx_msg void OnRotateDown();
afx_msg void OnSelectWhoTargets();
afx_msg void OnSelectInvalidTris();
afx_msg void OnTestConnectionsBack();
afx_msg void OnUpdateTestConnectionsBack(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg BOOL OnMouseWheel(UINT nFlags, short zDelta, CPoint pt);
afx_msg void OnSelectSectorsOtherSide();
afx_msg void OnSelectLinksToSector();
afx_msg void OnRemainSelectedByOrientation();
afx_msg void OnDeselectByOrientation();
afx_msg void OnVertexMode();
afx_msg void OnReoptimizeBrushes();
afx_msg void OnMergeVertices();
afx_msg void OnExportDisplaceMap();
afx_msg void OnCutMode();
afx_msg void OnUpdateCutMode(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnSelectAllTargets();
afx_msg void OnSelectAllTargetsOnContext();
afx_msg void OnSelectClones();
afx_msg void OnSelectClonesOnContext();
afx_msg void OnUpdateSelectClones(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnSelectAllVertices();
afx_msg void OnSelectOfSameClass();
afx_msg void OnSelectOfSameClassOnContext();
afx_msg void OnAlternativeMovingMode();
afx_msg void OnReTriple();
afx_msg void OnSelectWhoTargetsOnContext();
afx_msg void OnClearAllTargets();
afx_msg void OnSelectCsgTarget();
afx_msg void OnUpdateSelectCsgTarget(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnRemainSelectedbyOrientationSingle();
afx_msg void OnUpdateReTriple(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnTriangularizePolygon();
afx_msg void OnEntityContextHelp();
afx_msg void OnPopupAutoFitMapping();
afx_msg void OnTriangularizeSelection();
afx_msg void OnUpdateTriangularizeSelection(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnPopupAutoFitMappingSmall();
afx_msg void OnPopupAutoFitMappingBoth();
afx_msg void OnResetMappingOffset();
afx_msg void OnResetMappingRotation();
afx_msg void OnResetMappingStretch();
afx_msg void OnCrossroadForL();
afx_msg void OnSelectUsingTargetTree();
afx_msg void OnTargetTree();
afx_msg void OnUpdateTargetTree(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnSwapLayers12();
afx_msg void OnSwapLayers23();
afx_msg void OnSelectDescendants();
afx_msg void OnCrossroadForCtrlF();
afx_msg void OnRotateToTargetCenter();
afx_msg void OnRotateToTargetOrigin();
afx_msg void OnCopyOrientation();
afx_msg void OnCopyPlacement();
afx_msg void OnCopyPosition();
afx_msg void OnPasteOrientation();
afx_msg void OnPastePlacement();
afx_msg void OnPastePosition();
afx_msg void OnAlignB();
afx_msg void OnAlignH();
afx_msg void OnAlignP();
afx_msg void OnAlignX();
afx_msg void OnAlignY();
afx_msg void OnAlignZ();
afx_msg void OnAutotexturizeMips();
afx_msg void OnUpdateAutotexturizeMips(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnRandomOffsetU();
afx_msg void OnRandomOffsetV();
afx_msg void OnStretchRelativeOffset();
afx_msg void OnDeselectHidden();
afx_msg void OnSelectHidden();
afx_msg void OnSectorsToBrush();
afx_msg void OnPolygonsToBrush();
afx_msg void OnClonePolygons();
afx_msg void OnDeletePolygons();
afx_msg void OnKeyU();
afx_msg void OnKeyD();
afx_msg void OnFlipPolygon();
afx_msg void OnTerrainMode();
afx_msg void OnUpdateTerrainMode(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnKeyM();
afx_msg void OnKeyBackslash();
afx_msg void OnSelectBrush();
afx_msg void OnSelectTerrain();
afx_msg void OnAltitudeEditMode();
afx_msg void OnLayerTextureEditMode();
afx_msg void OnTbrushAltitude();
afx_msg void OnTbrushEquilaze();
afx_msg void OnTbrushErase();
afx_msg void OnTbrushNoise();
afx_msg void OnTbrushSmooth();
afx_msg void OnOptimizeTerrain();
afx_msg void OnRecalculateTerrainShadows();
afx_msg void OnViewHeightmap();
afx_msg void OnImportHeightmap();
afx_msg void OnExportHeightmap();
afx_msg void OnImportHeightmap16();
afx_msg void OnExportHeightmap16();
afx_msg void OnSelectLayer();
afx_msg void OnPickLayer();
afx_msg void OnKeyO();
afx_msg void OnUpdateKeyO(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnPosterize();
afx_msg void OnFlatten();
afx_msg void OnApplyFilter();
afx_msg void OnTeSmooth();
afx_msg void OnEditTerrainPrefs();
afx_msg void OnUpdateEditTerrainPrefs(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnKeyCtrlShiftE();
afx_msg void OnKeyCtrlShiftG();
afx_msg void OnUpdateKeyCtrlShiftG(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnTerrainLayerOptions();
afx_msg void OnUpdateTerrainLayerOptions(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnKeyCtrlShiftK();
afx_msg void OnApplyContinousNoise();
afx_msg void OnApplyMinimum();
afx_msg void OnApplyMaximum();
afx_msg void OnApplyFlatten();
afx_msg void OnApplyPosterize();
afx_msg void OnOptimizeLayers();
afx_msg void OnTbrushContinousNoise();
afx_msg void OnTbrushFilter();
afx_msg void OnTbrushFlatten();
afx_msg void OnTbrushMaximum();
afx_msg void OnTbrushMinimum();
afx_msg void OnTbrushPosterize();
afx_msg void OnTerrainProperties();
afx_msg void OnKeyBuffer(UINT nID);
afx_msg void OnKeyEditBuffer(UINT nID);
#ifndef _DEBUG // debug version in WorldEditorView.cpp
inline CWorldEditorDoc* CWorldEditorView::GetDocument()
{ return (CWorldEditorDoc*)m_pDocument; }