
125 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2016-03-11 14:57:17 +01:00
/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. All rights reserved. */
#pragma once
#include "gl_types.h"
/* rcg10042001 wraped for platform. */
#if (defined _MSC_VER)
#define DLLFUNCTION(dll, output, name, inputs, params, required) \
extern output (__stdcall *p##name) inputs
#elif (defined PLATFORM_UNIX)
#define DLLFUNCTION(dll, output, name, inputs, params, required) \
extern output (*p##name) inputs
#define __stdcall
#error please define your platform here.
#include "gl_functions.h"
// extensions
extern void (__stdcall *pglLockArraysEXT)(GLint first, GLsizei count);
extern void (__stdcall *pglUnlockArraysEXT)(void);
extern GLboolean (__stdcall *pwglSwapIntervalEXT)(GLint interval);
extern GLint (__stdcall *pwglGetSwapIntervalEXT)(void);
extern void (__stdcall *pglActiveTextureARB)(GLenum texunit);
extern void (__stdcall *pglClientActiveTextureARB)(GLenum texunit);
#ifdef PLATFORM_WIN32 /* !!! FIXME: Move to abstraction layer. --rcg. */
// t-buffer support
extern char *(__stdcall *pwglGetExtensionsStringARB)(HDC hdc);
extern BOOL (__stdcall *pwglChoosePixelFormatARB)(HDC hdc, const int *piAttribIList, const FLOAT *pfAttribFList, UINT nMaxFormats, int *piFormats, UINT *nNumFormats);
extern BOOL (__stdcall *pwglGetPixelFormatAttribivARB)(HDC hdc, int iPixelFormat, int iLayerPlane, UINT nAttributes, int *piAttributes, int *piValues);
extern void (__stdcall *pglTBufferMask3DFX)(GLuint mask);
// GL_NV_vertex_array_range & GL_NV_fence
#ifdef PLATFORM_WIN32 /* !!! FIXME: Move to abstraction layer. --rcg. */
extern void *(__stdcall *pwglAllocateMemoryNV)(GLint size, GLfloat readfreq, GLfloat writefreq, GLfloat priority);
extern void (__stdcall *pwglFreeMemoryNV)(void *pointer);
extern void (__stdcall *pglVertexArrayRangeNV)(GLsizei length, void *pointer);
extern void (__stdcall *pglFlushVertexArrayRangeNV)(void);
extern GLboolean (__stdcall *pglTestFenceNV)(GLuint fence);
extern GLboolean (__stdcall *pglIsFenceNV)(GLuint fence);
extern void (__stdcall *pglGenFencesNV)(GLsizei n, GLuint *fences);
extern void (__stdcall *pglDeleteFencesNV)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *fences);
extern void (__stdcall *pglSetFenceNV)(GLuint fence, GLenum condition);
extern void (__stdcall *pglFinishFenceNV)(GLuint fence);
extern void (__stdcall *pglGetFenceivNV)(GLuint fence, GLenum pname, GLint *params);
// ATI GL_ATI[X]_pn_triangles
extern void (__stdcall *pglPNTrianglesiATI)( GLenum pname, GLint param);
extern void (__stdcall *pglPNTrianglesfATI)( GLenum pname, GLfloat param);
// additional tools -----------------------------------------------------
// set color from croteam format
inline void glCOLOR( COLOR col)
/* rcg10052001 Platform-wrappers. */
#if (defined USE_PORTABLE_C)
col = ( ((col << 24) ) |
((col << 8) & 0x00FF0000) |
((col >> 8) & 0x0000FF00) |
((col >> 24) ) );
#elif (defined _MSC_VER)
__asm {
mov eax,dword ptr [col]
bswap eax
mov dword ptr [col],eax
#elif (defined __GNUC__)
__asm__ __volatile__ (
"bswapl %%eax \n\t"
: "=a" (col)
: "a" (col)
#error please define for your platform.
// check windows errors always
extern void WIN_CheckError(BOOL bRes, const char *strDescription);
#define WIN_CHECKERROR(result, string) WIN_CheckError(result, string);
extern BOOL glbUsingVARs; // vertex_array_range
// common textures
extern GLuint _uiFillTextureNo; // binding for flat fill emulator texture
extern GLuint _uiFogTextureNo; // binding for fog texture
extern GLuint _uiHazeTextureNo; // binding for haze texture
extern GLuint _uiPatternTextureNo; // binding for pattern texture
// internal!
inline void pglActiveTexture(INDEX texunit)
ASSERT( texunit>=0 && texunit<4);
ASSERT( pglActiveTextureARB!=NULL);
ASSERT( pglClientActiveTextureARB!=NULL);
pglActiveTextureARB( GLenum(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB+texunit));
#endif /* include-once check. */