
326 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2016-03-11 14:57:17 +01:00
/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. All rights reserved. */
2016-04-01 20:04:24 +02:00
#include "EngineGui/StdH.h"
2016-03-11 14:57:17 +01:00
#include <Engine/Templates/Stock_CTextureData.h>
// thumbnail window
static CWnd _wndThumbnail;
CDrawPort *_pDrawPort = NULL;
CViewPort *_pViewPort = NULL;
static INDEX gui_bEnableRequesterThumbnails=TRUE;
UINT APIENTRY FileOpenRequesterHook( HWND hdlg, UINT uiMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user INDEX gui_bEnableRequesterThumbnails;", &gui_bEnableRequesterThumbnails);
if( !gui_bEnableRequesterThumbnails)
return 0;
CTextureData *pTextureData = NULL;
if( uiMsg == WM_NOTIFY)
// obtain file open notification structure
OFNOTIFY *pONNotify = (OFNOTIFY *) lParam;
// obtain notification message header structure
NMHDR *pNMHeader = &pONNotify->hdr;
if(pNMHeader->code == CDN_INITDONE)
HWND hwnd = GetDlgItem( hdlg, IDC_THUMBNAIL_RECT);
RECT rect;
BOOL bSuccess = GetClientRect( hwnd, &rect);
POINT pointParent;
POINT pointThumbnail;
ClientToScreen(hdlg, &pointParent);
ClientToScreen(hwnd, &pointThumbnail);
POINT point;
point.x = pointThumbnail.x-pointParent.x;
point.y = pointThumbnail.y-pointParent.y;
OffsetRect(&rect, point.x, point.y);
if( !bSuccess)
return 0;
PIX pixLeft = 120;
PIX pixTop = 250;
// try to create thumbnail window
_wndThumbnail.Create( NULL, NULL, WS_BORDER|WS_VISIBLE, rect,
CWnd::FromHandle(hdlg), IDW_FILE_THUMBNAIL);
/*_wndThumbnail.Create( NULL, NULL, WS_BORDER|WS_VISIBLE,
CRect( pixLeft, pixTop, pixLeft+128, pixTop+128),
CWnd::FromHandle(hdlg), IDW_FILE_THUMBNAIL);
// initialize canvas for thumbnail window
_pGfx->CreateWindowCanvas( _wndThumbnail.m_hWnd, &_pViewPort, &_pDrawPort);
char strSelectedFullPath[ PATH_MAX];
CTFileName fnSelectedFileFullPath;
// obtain selected file's path
CommDlg_OpenSave_GetFilePath(GetParent(hdlg), &strSelectedFullPath, PATH_MAX);
// if multi select was turned on
fnSelectedFileFullPath = CTString(strSelectedFullPath);
// try to
// remove application path
CTFileName fnThumbnail = CTString("");
if( (fnSelectedFileFullPath.FileExt() == ".wld") ||
(fnSelectedFileFullPath.FileExt() == ".mdl") )
fnThumbnail = fnSelectedFileFullPath.FileDir()+fnSelectedFileFullPath.FileName()+".tbn";
else if( (fnSelectedFileFullPath.FileExt() == ".tex") ||
(fnSelectedFileFullPath.FileExt() == ".tbn") )
fnThumbnail = fnSelectedFileFullPath;
else if( (fnSelectedFileFullPath.FileExt() == ".pcx") ||
(fnSelectedFileFullPath.FileExt() == ".tga") )
CImageInfo iiImageInfo;
iiImageInfo.LoadAnyGfxFormat_t( fnSelectedFileFullPath);
// both dimension must be potentions of 2
if( (iiImageInfo.ii_Width == 1<<((int)Log2( iiImageInfo.ii_Width))) &&
(iiImageInfo.ii_Height == 1<<((int)Log2( iiImageInfo.ii_Height))) )
fnThumbnail = CTString( "Temp\\Temp.tex");
// creates new texture with one frame
CTextureData tdForPictureConverting;
tdForPictureConverting.Create_t( &iiImageInfo, iiImageInfo.ii_Width, 1, FALSE);
tdForPictureConverting.Save_t( fnThumbnail);
if( fnThumbnail != "")
// obtain thumbnail
pTextureData = _pTextureStock->Obtain_t( fnThumbnail);
catch( char* err_str)
pTextureData = NULL;
if( IsWindow( _wndThumbnail) )
// if there is a valid drawport, and the drawport can be locked
if( (_pDrawPort != NULL) && (_pDrawPort->Lock()) )
PIXaabbox2D rectPict;
rectPict = PIXaabbox2D( PIX2D(0, 0),
PIX2D(_pDrawPort->GetWidth(), _pDrawPort->GetHeight()));
// clear texture area to black
_pDrawPort->Fill( C_BLACK|CT_OPAQUE);
// erase z-buffer
// if there is valid active texture
if( pTextureData != NULL)
CTextureObject toPreview;
toPreview.SetData( pTextureData);
_pDrawPort->PutTexture( &toPreview, rectPict);
CWnd::FromHandle( GetDlgItem( hdlg, IDC_THUMBNAIL_DESCRIPTION))->SetWindowText(
// release the texture
_pTextureStock->Release( pTextureData);
// no thumbnail, draw crossed lines
PIX pixRad = Max( _pDrawPort->GetWidth(), _pDrawPort->GetWidth()) * 3/4/2;
PIX CX = _pDrawPort->GetWidth()/2;
PIX CY = _pDrawPort->GetWidth()/2;
for( INDEX iPix=-2;iPix<2;iPix++)
_pDrawPort->DrawLine( CX-pixRad+iPix, CY-pixRad, CX+pixRad+iPix, CY+pixRad, C_RED|CT_OPAQUE);
_pDrawPort->DrawLine( CX-pixRad+iPix, CY+pixRad, CX+pixRad+iPix, CY-pixRad, C_RED|CT_OPAQUE);
CWnd::FromHandle( GetDlgItem( hdlg, IDC_THUMBNAIL_DESCRIPTION))->SetWindowText( L"No thumbnail");
// unlock the drawport
// if there is a valid viewport
if (_pViewPort!=NULL)
// swap it
return 0;
CTFileName CEngineGUI::FileRequester(
char *pchrTitle/*="Choose file"*/,
char *pchrFilters/*=FILTER_ALL FILTER_END*/,
char *pchrRegistry/*="KEY_NAME_REQUEST_FILE_DIR"*/,
CTString strDefaultDir/*=""*/,
CTString strFileSelectedByDefault/*=""*/,
CDynamicArray<CTFileName> *pafnSelectedFiles/*=NULL*/,
BOOL bIfOpen/*=TRUE*/)
_pDrawPort = NULL;
_pViewPort = NULL;
// stupid way to change resources, but it must be done
HANDLE hOldResource = AfxGetResourceHandle();
// activate CTGfx resources
AfxSetResourceHandle( GetModuleHandleA(ENGINEGUI_DLL_NAME) );
// call multiple file requester
char chrFiles[ 2048];
OPENFILENAMEA ofnRequestFiles;
memset( &ofnRequestFiles, 0, sizeof( OPENFILENAME));
ofnRequestFiles.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME);
ofnRequestFiles.hwndOwner = AfxGetMainWnd()->m_hWnd;
ofnRequestFiles.lpstrFilter = pchrFilters;
ofnRequestFiles.lpstrFile = chrFiles;
sprintf( chrFiles, "%s", strFileSelectedByDefault);
ofnRequestFiles.nMaxFile = 2048;
CString strRequestInDirectory = _fnmApplicationPath+strDefaultDir;
if( pchrRegistry != NULL)
strRequestInDirectory = AfxGetApp()->GetProfileString(L"Scape", CString(pchrRegistry),
// if directory is not inside engine dir
CTString strTest = CStringA(strRequestInDirectory);
if (!strTest.RemovePrefix(_fnmApplicationPath)) {
// force it there
strRequestInDirectory = _fnmApplicationPath;
ofnRequestFiles.lpstrInitialDir = CStringA(strRequestInDirectory);
ofnRequestFiles.lpstrTitle = pchrTitle;
// setup preview dialog
ofnRequestFiles.lpfnHook = &::FileOpenRequesterHook;
ofnRequestFiles.hInstance = GetModuleHandleA(ENGINEGUI_DLL_NAME);
// allow multi select
if( pafnSelectedFiles != NULL) ofnRequestFiles.Flags |= OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT;
ofnRequestFiles.lpstrDefExt = "";
BOOL bResult;
if( bIfOpen)
bResult = GetOpenFileNameA( &ofnRequestFiles);
bResult = GetSaveFileNameA( &ofnRequestFiles);
if( bResult)
// if multiple file requester is called
if( pafnSelectedFiles != NULL)
chrFiles[ ofnRequestFiles.nFileOffset-1] = 0;
if( pchrRegistry != NULL)
AfxGetApp()->WriteProfileString(L"Scape", CString(pchrRegistry), CString(chrFiles));
CTFileName fnDirectory = CTString( chrFiles) + "\\";
INDEX iOffset = ofnRequestFiles.nFileOffset;
if( CTString( chrFiles + iOffset) == "")
// restore resources
AfxSetResourceHandle( (HINSTANCE) hOldResource);
return( CTString( "Multiple files selected"));
CTFileName fnSource = fnDirectory + CTString( chrFiles + iOffset);
// remove application path
CTFileName *pfnSelectedFile = pafnSelectedFiles->New();
*pfnSelectedFile = fnSource;
catch( char *strError)
WarningMessage( strError);
// restore resources
AfxSetResourceHandle( (HINSTANCE) hOldResource);
// return error
return( CTString( ""));
iOffset += strlen( chrFiles + iOffset) + 1;
CString strChooseFilePath = chrFiles;
strChooseFilePath.SetAt( ofnRequestFiles.nFileOffset, 0);
if( pchrRegistry != NULL)
AfxGetApp()->WriteProfileString(L"Scape", CString(pchrRegistry), strChooseFilePath);
CTFileName fnResult = CTString( chrFiles);
catch( char *strError)
WarningMessage( strError);
// restore resources
AfxSetResourceHandle( (HINSTANCE) hOldResource);
// return error
return( CTString( ""));
// restore resources
AfxSetResourceHandle( (HINSTANCE) hOldResource);
return fnResult;
if( _pViewPort != NULL)
_pGfx->DestroyWindowCanvas( _pViewPort);
_pViewPort = NULL;
// restore resources
AfxSetResourceHandle( (HINSTANCE) hOldResource);
// return error
return CTString( "");
ENGINEGUI_API CTFileName FileRequester(
char *pchrTitle,
char *pchrFilters,
char *pchrRegistry,
char *pchrFileSelectedByDefault)
return _EngineGUI.FileRequester(pchrTitle, pchrFilters, pchrRegistry, "", pchrFileSelectedByDefault);
CTFileName CEngineGUI::BrowseTexture(CTFileName fnDefaultSelected/*=""*/,
char *pchrIniKeyName/*=KEY_NAME_REQUEST_FILE_DIR*/,
char *pchrWindowTitle/*="Choose texture"*/,
BOOL bIfOpen/*=TRUE*/)
return FileRequester( pchrWindowTitle, FILTER_TEX FILTER_END, pchrIniKeyName,
"Textures\\", fnDefaultSelected, NULL, bIfOpen);